Need help hurry 20 Briefly describe an idea for a new product, while thinking mainly about its cost analysis. Depict what kinds of direct and indirect costs will be involved in its creation.


Answer 1

Answer: Contaminants can cause tremendous harm to a population; not only humans but entire local animal species can be devastated by poisonous drinking water. Crops and livestock can also be affected. Citizens can make prudent choices regarding natural resources and energy use. Scientists can research and create products that can reduce or eliminate unnecessary waste and pollution.


Related Questions

A key joint in a precision machining process has a lower specification limit of a width of 0.99 mm and an upper specification limit of 1.01 mm. The standard deviation is 0.005 mm and the mean is 1 mm. What is the process capability index for the precision machining process



the process capability index for the precision machining process is 0.667


Given the data in the question;

Lower Specification Limits LSL = 0.99 mm

Upper Specification Limits USL = 1.01 mm.

The standard deviation σ = 0.005 mm

mean μ = 1 mm

capability index Cpk = ?

Cpk = min( USL - μ / 3σ, μ - LSL / 3σ )

we substitute

Cpk = min( 1.01 mm - 1 mm / 3(0.005 mm ), 1 - 0.99 mm / 3(0.005 mm) )

Cpk = min( 0.01 mm / 0.015 mm, 0.01 mm / 0.015 mm )

Cpk = min( 0.6666, 0.6666 )

∴ Cpk = 0.6666 ≈ 0.667

Therefore, the process capability index for the precision machining process is 0.667

Polarization: Unpolarized light passes through three ideal polarizing filters. The first filter is oriented with a horizontal transmission axis, the second one has its transmission axis at 30° from the horizontal, and the third filter has a vertical transmission axis. What percent of the light gets through this combination?



the percentage of light that gets through this combination is 9.38


Given the data in the question;

Let us represent the incident unpolarized light with [tex]I_0[/tex].

So, the amount of light intensity passing through the first polarizer will be;

[tex]I_1[/tex] = [tex]I_0[/tex] / 2 ------ let this be equation 1

An the amount of light intensity passing through the second polarizer will be;

[tex]I_2[/tex] = [tex]I_1[/tex]cos²θ

given that; the second one has its transmission axis at 30°

so, we substitute;

[tex]I_2[/tex] = [tex]I_1[/tex] × cos²( 30° )

[tex]I_2[/tex] = [tex]I_1[/tex] × 0.75

[tex]I_2[/tex] = 0.75[tex]I_1[/tex]

from equation; [tex]I_1[/tex] = [tex]I_0[/tex] / 2

[tex]I_2[/tex] = 0.75( [tex]I_0[/tex] / 2 )

[tex]I_2[/tex] = 0.375[tex]I_0[/tex] .

Now, the amount of light intensity passing through the third polarizer will be;

[tex]I_3[/tex] = [tex]I_2[/tex]cos² ( 90° - 30° )

[tex]I_3[/tex] = [tex]I_2[/tex] × cos²( 60° )

[tex]I_3[/tex] = [tex]I_2[/tex]  × 0.25

we substitute

[tex]I_3[/tex] = 0.375[tex]I_0[/tex]  × 0.25

[tex]I_3[/tex] = 0.09375[tex]I_0[/tex]

∴ [tex]I_3[/tex]/[tex]I_0[/tex] × 100 = 0.09375 × 100


Therefore, the percentage of light that gets through this combination is 9.38

You are designing the access control policies for a Web-based retail store. Customers access the store via the Web, browse product information, input their address and payment information, and purchase products. Suppliers can add new products, update product information, and receive orders.The store owner sets the retail prices, makes tailored offers to customers based on their purchasing profiles, and provides marketing services. You have to deal with three actors: StoreAdministrator, Supplier, and Customer. Design an access control policy for all three actors. Customers can be created via the Web, whereas Suppliers are created by the StoreAdministrator.



Object-Oriented Software Engineering Using UML, Patterns, and Java, 3e, shows readers how to use both the principles of software engineering and the practices of various object-oriented tools, processes, and products.

On a TXV system, the temperature sensing bulb is located at the
A condenser outlet
B evaporator outlet
C condenser inlet
D evaporator inlet




B evaporator outlet: on the suction line between the evaporator and the compressor

a poorly tighten terminal is often the cause of a/an ? a) open circuit b) circuit breaker interrupt c)short circuit d) ground fault


Answer: b) circuit breaker interrupt


Wires connect to outlets through terminals and these terminals need to be tight to ensure that electricity flows with the minimum amount of resistance.

If the terminal is poorly tightened, what happens is that resistance will build up as the appliance is being used and this resistance will make the terminal hotter.

The heat will continue to rise until the circuit breaker trips to interrupt the circuit and protect the appliance.

Argue why electrode therapy is NOT the most effective treatment for brain disorders, and recommend an alternative treatment.



Due to risk of damaging of brain.


The electrode therapy is not the most effective treatment for brain disorders because there are various other treatments which can treat the brain disorder without causing damage to the brain. electrode therapy greatly damaged the brain instead of treatment of brain disorder. Medication is the best way to treat brain disorder so that's why electrode therapy is not considered as the most effective treatment for brain disorders, and the doctors recommend an alternative treatment.

3. Measurement ofla dimension
written as a



Dimensions are expressed as width by length by height or depth in three-dimensional space.

hope it helps

Air entrainment is used in concrete to: __________.
1. Strengthen the concrete
2. Increase the resistance of the concrete to freeze thaw damage
3. Create a better surface appearance
4. Make the concrete easier to handle during placement
5. Help evaporate excess water from the curing concrete


The answer is number 2) Increase the resistance of the concrete to freeze-thaw damage.

Air entrainment is used in concrete to Increase the resistance of the concrete to freeze thaw damage.

What is air entrainment?

Microscopic air bubbles embedded in the concrete's surface reduce internal pressure by creating little spaces for water to expand into during freeze-thaw cycles.

Without these pockets, water has nowhere to escape, which causes concrete to crack and/or scale, severely reducing the lifespan of a structure. An air entraining additive, or AEA, is used to add air to the concrete mix.

To fit the requirements of the task at hand, a mix's air content can be changed. When pouring concrete in locations that experience freeze-thaw conditions, using air-entrained concrete is advantageous.

Therefore, Air entrainment is used in concrete to Increase the resistance of the concrete to freeze thaw damage.

To learn more about entrainment, refer to the link:


Please help, I don't understand how to put this in CM


The little lines are cm already, if you look at it you can see it! I hope this helps, Brainly answer thing please

Railroad tracks made of 1025 steel are to be laid during the time of year when the temperature averages 4C (40F). Of a joint space of 5.4 mm (0.210 in.) is allowed between standard rails of length 11.9 m (39 ft), what is the highest possible temperature that can be tolerated without the introduction of thermal stresses



41.5° C


Given data :

1025 steel

Temperature = 4°C

allowed joint space = 5.4 mm

length of rails = 11.9 m

Determine the highest possible temperature

coefficient of thermal expansion ( ∝ ) = 12.1 * 10^-6 /°C

Applying thermal strain ( Δl / l )  = ∝ * ΔT

                                    ( 5.4 * 10^-3 / 11.9 )  = 12.1 * 10^-6 * ( T2 - 4 )

∴  ( T2 - 4 ) =  ( 5.4 * 10^-3 / 11.9 ) / 12.1 * 10^-6

hence : T2 = 41.5°C

describe an engineering advance that has led to greater knowledge about the solar system


development of the space shuttle to allow humans to explore the moon


Space Rovers


The engineering advancement of the invention space rovers has changed space exploration tremendously. The first space rover ever to go out onto another planet was made by NASA and put on mars to learn more about the red planet and see if there where any plausible signs of past or maybe even present life. This mission was incredibly successful and for the first time in space exploration history, there was a spacecraft that you could move around that could with do the conditions of the planet for weeks, months, sometimes years at a time, moving around taking pictures and constantly collecting data. This was revolutionary for scientists, this way they could get copious amounts of information just on rover and not having to send multiple crafts only to die in the first few hours but sending back a relative amount of information. With rovers you can have them collect samples and bring the back to earth, not something  that could’ve been done without a human, until rovers. They have completely changed and improved collecting data from other planets and have been one of the most revolutionary inventions when it comes to space exploration.

This is what I put for the answer, hope it helps in some way.

A cell has an interesed resistance of 0.02 and an e.m.f mind of 2.0 V
Calculate its terminal p.d if it delivers 5A




(a) The terminal voltage of the cell is 1.9 V.

(b) The terminal voltage of the cell is 1.0 V.


If wrong sorry but if right please give brainliest

please solve part two



Wat part 2


List three types of concurrent engineering in manufacturing.
Give three examples of concurrent engineering in manufacturing industries.



A famous example of concurrent engineering is the development of the Boeing 777 commercial aircraft. The aircraft was designed and built by geographically distributed companies that worked entirely on a common product database of C A TIA without building physical mock-ups but with digital product definitions.

ogla has mistakenly created a connection between the black and white wire. What has she created? A) open circuit B) SHORT CIRCUIT C) GROUND CIRCUIT D) AC





Consider a homogeneous, bare, spherical, source-free, critical, uranium-fueled reactor operating at a power Po. Explain how and why the power increases, decreases, or remains unchanged as a result of each of the separate changes to the reactor.

a. The reactor is deformed into the shape of a football (ellipsoid).
b. A person stands next to the core.
c. The temperature of the core is raised.
d. A neutron source is brought close to the core.
e. An energetic electron beam impacts the core.
f. The reactor is run at high power for a long time.
g. The core is launched into outer space.
h. A sheet of cadmium is wrapped around the core.
i. The enrichment of the fuel is increased.



a) unchanged

b) unchanged

c) Increase

d) Increase

e) unchanged

f ) Increase

g)  unchanged

h) decrease

i) unchanged


Determine how and why  the power increases, decreases, or remains unchanged

a) The reactor been deformed will not cause an increase in power i.e. power remains unchanged and this is because power change/generated does not depend on dimension

b) No change will happen to the power ( Unchanged )

c) When the temperature of the core is raised the power increases and this is because of the increase in bombarding of particles causing an increase in charge particle

d) When a neutron source is brought close to the core the power will increase and this is because the presence of more neutron in the core results to an increase in energy released ( more power will be generated )

e) An energetic electron beam impacting the core will not cause an increase in power ( reason been that it is lighter than neutron ) power unchanged

f )  When the reactor is run at a high power there would be an increase in power generated

g) When the core is launched into outer space the power generated remains unchanged

h) when a sheet of Cadmium is wrapped around the core the power generated will be decreased ( reason : Cadmium can absorb neutrons thereby reducing reaction)

i) Increase in the enrichment of the fuel will not cause an increase in the power generated but it will sustain the reaction ( unchanged power )

Leticia radio is getting interference whenever she uses it in her dining room. What's the most likely reason/s.


Answer: D. There is a dimmer switch


Dimmer switches have been known to cause radio interference especially the solid state ones. To counter this, dimmer switches usually come with a component to suppress radio interference, this doesn't work for all dimmers and the cheaper dimmers are usually more prone to this problem.

If Leticia's dining room makes use of a dimmer switch, it is the most probable reason for radio interference.  

Con una tasa de interés de 8% por año, ¿a cuánto equivalen $10 000 de hoy, a) dentro de un año, y b) hace un año?



que hces en eeuua


Which starting circuit uses fuses, switches, and smaller wires to energize a relay and solenoid?

Starter Main Circuit
Starter Control Circuit
Starter Ground Path
Battery Positive Cable



Option B (Starter Control Circuit) is the right option.


This same switching is normally put upon this isolated side of something like the transmission Arduino microcontroller throughout the configuration that is using the ignition just to command the broadcast.It uses a secondary relay isolated to regulate electrical current throughout the solenoid starting system.

All other given options are not related to the given instance. So the above option is correct.

) Assuming different AM regulations; the receiver is using mixer with subtracting format. The frequency selectivity ratio is approximately 10 and the AM range is from 750 kHz to 2600 kHz. The intermediate frequeney is most nearly:





From the question we are told that:

Frequency selectivity ratio [tex]R=10[/tex]

AM range 750 kHz to 2600 kHz

Therefore Bandwidth is



Generally the equation for The intermediate frequency is mathematically given by

Intermediate frequency=\frac{Bandwidth}{2}




what is the solubility of salt at 60°c if 2gm of salt remains as a residue when 7gm of saturated solution prepared at 60°c is dired?​


The first thing that was a good app and it would have to come back and forth to me when it comes out of my account to get my own account to the app to be able to use my account to make my account and my tablet and my phone number is not working correctly


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