Name the type of light interaction sing the snow falling through a window

1. Absorbed
2. Reflected
3. Transmittied ​


Answer 1

Answer: 2


it’s reflected

Answer 2




Because this is when its granted safe passage through the medum

Absorbed: energy goes through and disappears

Reflected: is when light bounces off a surface (mirrors)

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How much sugar can be dissolved of the 0.3 ml of water is heated to 1000C?


1 cup I believe is the right answer sorry if it’s not

The correct name for P2O5 is
phosphorus(ll) oxide
phosphorus(five) oxide
diphosphorus oxide
diphosphorus pentoxide



p2O5 is diphosphorus pentoxide.

What temperature does neon condensate?


Answer and Explanation:

I believe −246.048 C or −411 F

A rectangular poster is /4 yard wide and / yard tall. What is its area? Solve this problem any way you choose



Area of rectangular poster = [tex]\frac{3}{16}[/tex] yard²


P.S - The exact question is -

Given - A rectangular poster is [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] yard wide and [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] yard tall.

To find - What is its area ?

Proof -

We know that ,

The area of rectangle = Length × Breadth


Given that,

Length of rectangle = [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] yard

Breadth of rectangle = [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex] yard

∴ we get

Area of rectangular poster = [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] × [tex]\frac{1}{4}[/tex]  yard²

                                          = [tex]\frac{3}{16}[/tex] yard²

⇒Area of rectangular poster = [tex]\frac{3}{16}[/tex] yard²

What term is used by scientists to describe the gradual increase in surface temperature of the earth?


global warming, the gradual increase of the temperature of the earth's lower atmosphere as a result of the increase in greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution. Global warming and its effects, such as more intense summer and winter storms, are also referred to as climate change.

Where are the volcano located



In the ring of fire

Hope this acc helps

Which system controls organs in times of stress?



The autonomic nervous system has a direct role in physical response to stress and is divided into the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). When the body is stressed, the SNS contributes to what is known as the “fight or flight” response.


Which of the greenhouse gases are carbon compounds?



Methane (CH4),Carbondioxide green house gases are carbon compounds

Carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) are two powerful greenhouse gases produced by the carbon cycle.

need help to solve it



Divide by the molar mass to get moles


a 2.7 L of N2 is collected at 121kpa and 288 K . if the pressure increases to 202 kpa and the temperature rises to 303 K , what volume will the gas occupy?



The gas will occupy a volume of 1.702 liters.


Let suppose that the gas behaves ideally. The equation of state for ideal gas is:

[tex]P\cdot V = n\cdot R_{u}\cdot T[/tex] (1)


[tex]P[/tex] - Pressure, measured in kilopascals.

[tex]V[/tex] - Volume, measured in liters.

[tex]n[/tex] - Molar quantity, measured in moles.

[tex]T[/tex] - Temperature, measured in Kelvin.

[tex]R_{u}[/tex] - Ideal gas constant, measured in kilopascal-liters per mole-Kelvin.

We can simplify the equation by constructing the following relationship:

[tex]\frac{P_{1}\cdot V_{1}}{T_{1}} = \frac{P_{2}\cdot V_{2}}{T_{2}}[/tex] (2)


[tex]P_{1}[/tex], [tex]P_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final pressure, measured in kilopascals.

[tex]V_{1}[/tex], [tex]V_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final volume, measured in liters.

[tex]T_{1}[/tex], [tex]T_{2}[/tex] - Initial and final temperature, measured in Kelvin.

If we know that [tex]P_{1} = 121\,kPa[/tex], [tex]P_{2} = 202\,kPa[/tex], [tex]V_{1} = 2.7\,L[/tex], [tex]T_{1} = 288\,K[/tex] and [tex]T_{2} = 303\,K[/tex], the final volume of the gas is:

[tex]V_{2} = \left(\frac{T_{2}}{T_{1}} \right)\cdot \left(\frac{P_{1}}{P_{2}} \right)\cdot V_{1}[/tex]

[tex]V_{2} = 1.702\,L[/tex]

The gas will occupy a volume of 1.702 liters.

The gametes are identical to each other and combine to make an identical organism.





true! hope this helped!

Help please I will give brainliest with 1


Kitchen Math: Measuring

1. By understanding how to measure ingredients, time and temperature,

you take the guesswork out of cooking.

2. The two scales for temperature are Fahrenheit and Celsuis.

3. The three times to wash when cooking are: A. before cooking

B. during cooking

C. after handling of food

4. The three kinds of measurement are

A. estimated

B. ratio

C. calibrated measurement

5. Estimated measurement is great for foods such as soup.

6. Ratio cooking compares the amount of one ingredient to another


7. The most common kind of kitchen measurement in America is the English system.

8. One quart is almost a liter.

9. The metric system is based on tens.

Kitchen Math 3

Learning ZoneXpress 888-455-7003 •

10. Measuring tools you find in almost every kitchen are timers, thermometers and measuring containers.

11. Water freezes at 32 Fahrenheit and 0° Celsius. Water boils at 212" Fahrenheit and 100° Celsius.

12. When measuring dry ingredients, you want to dip, scoop and scrape.

13. If your recipe calls for sifted flour, sift it before you measure.

14. Brown sugar, cooked rice and chopped parsley need to be packed down in measuring cups

15. When measuring liquids, get down at eye level.

16. Measuring spoons are used for both liquid and dry ingredients.

17. Use the back of a knife to scrape off dry ingredients when using a measuring spoon,

18. Taring is when you allow for the weight of a container or wrapper.

19. Dry ingredients do not weigh the same as wet ingredients.

20. A large egg weighs about 2 ounces.

21. Turn pancakes when you see bubbles on the top.

Can anybody do this?





Pls Help With these 2

#1 Which description most accurately describes what weather is?

The long term average of temperatures at a location
The condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and certain place

#2 When air reaches 100% relative humidity or the point of saturation, what does that mean? *

The rate of evaporation is GREATER THAN the rate of condensation
The rate of evaporation is EQUAL to the rate of condensation


#1: Weather is best described by the second option—“the condition of the atmosphere at a certain time and certain place.”

#2: When air is saturated (that is, the relative humidity is 100%), the rates of evaporation and condensation are equal. Thus, the second option would be correct here.

Why is chemistry important? i need 2 paragraph please


It is important because 1 plus one is 2 and 2 plus 2 is 4

if carbon dioxide is broken down. what element will it give?​


Carbon dioxide is CO2...if it’s broken down it will be C and O which are carbon and oxygen

An atom of an element always contains



An atom of an element always contain three fundamental particles called electrons(e-) , neutron ( n zero) and protons ( p+)

An atom of an element always contains a proton, electron and neutron.

What is an atom ?

Every atom is made up of a nucleus and one or more electrons that are attached to the nucleus. One or more protons and a number of neutrons make up the nucleus. Only the most common type of hydrogen is neutron-free. Every solid, liquid, gas, and plasma is made up of atoms that are either neutral or ionized.

But when it comes to the word atom, we must go back to 400 B.C. Greece. And Democritus, a brilliant philosopher, proposed the Greek word atomos, which means uncuttable.

Every atom is made up of a nucleus and one or more electrons that are attached to the nucleus. One or more protons and a number of neutrons make up the nucleus.

Thus, An atom of an element always contains a proton, electron and neutron.

To learn more about an atom, follow the link;



Use the element tile below to calculate the molar mass of He2 (helium gas).

2 g/mol

16.012 g/mol

8.006 g/mol

4.003 g/mol


Answer: 4.003 g/mol


So basically Molar mass is the atomic mass of an element and the atomic mass of Helium is 4.0026 or 4.003 g/mol

8.006 g/mol

multiply the molar mass of helium (4.003) by the subscript and you have your answer!

What is the percent composition of each element in the compound below:


Chromium phosphate pentahydrate

Which system is responsible for the production of red blood cells?


hormone erythropoietin (EPO) is responsible for the production of red blood cells.

the answer is the EPO system

how have vaccines impacted people's understanding of the world?



It has shone a light on our (I live in the u.s.) raciest past and now more then ever people are listening to science, even more so depending on it!

How can i solve this formula



K2 Cr2 O7 is the empirical formula


Assume we have 100 g of the compound, because it makes the number of grams equal to the percentage.

Then convert grams of each element into moles

Then divide the moles of each element by the smallest number of moles attained to get the whole number mole ratios of the empirical formula

However, if you don't get whole numbers when you divide by the smallest number of moles, then multiply all moles by one common factor that  makes them all whole numbers.



K2SO4 + H2

Reason :Potassium is highly reactive


K2SO4 + H2 this is the reaction.


The following formula d/t is used for calculation what?


The formula is used for calculating speed. D stands for distance, T stands for time. Full formula is S=D/T

Determine the final temperature of a mixture of 50 grams of water at 10 C added to 120 grams of water at 80 C. Show all work. Use the simulator to check your answer. (Hint: This is a weighted average.)


Answer: 59.41


The final temperature of the system has been 130[tex]\rm ^\circ C[/tex].

Specific heat can be defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of substance by 1-degree celsius.

The amount of heat lost and the heat gained have been equal.

Heat = mass × specific heat × change in temperature


mc[tex]\Delta[/tex]T = mc[tex]\Delta[/tex]T

50 g × (10 - x) = 120 × (x - 80)

500 - 50x = 120x - 9600

70x = 9100

x = 130

Thus, the final temperature of the system has been 130[tex]\rm ^\circ C[/tex].

For more information about the final temperature of the system, refer to the link:

When magnesium is added to hydrochloric acid, a gas is formed. Explain what happens in the reaction, how the gas is collected and how it could be tested to prove what it is.



Explained below.


Formula when magnesium reacts with hydrochloric acid is given by;

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) = MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)

So, from the equation, we can see that the gas formed is hydrogen.

This hydrogen gas is collected by a method known as water displacement.

This gas can be tested for by holding a burning splint near to the top of the test container. The resulting effect should be a high pitched pop sound because the hydrogen gas will react with the oxygen gas in the air to result in a small explosion.

9. Good insulator should be
(a) Fire proof
(b) Chemically inert
(c) Odourless in use
(d) All of the above



A fire proof


I hope this is help

Silver nitrate reacts with calcium chloride as
2 AgNO3 + CaCl2 → 2 AgCl + Ca(NO3)2

How many grams of CaCl2 would be required to completely react with 420 mL of
0.506 M AgNO3 solution?
Answer in units of grams.


Answer: 11.8 grams of [tex]CaCl_2[/tex] is required.


To calculate the number of moles for given molarity, we use the equation:

[tex]\text{Molarity of the solution}=\frac{\text{Moles of solute}\times 1000}{\text{Volume of solution (in L)}}[/tex]     .....(1)

Molarity of [tex]AgNO_3[/tex] solution = 0.506 M

Volume of solution = 420 mL

Putting values in equation 1, we get:

[tex]0.506M=\frac{\text{Moles of} AgNO_3\times 1000}{420ml}\\\\\text{Moles of }AgNO_3=\frac{0.506mol/L\times 420}{1000}=0.212mol[/tex]

The balanced chemical reaction is:

[tex]2AgNO_3+CaCl_2\rightarrow 2AgCl+Ca(NO_3)_2[/tex]

2 mole of [tex]AgNO_3[/tex] requires = 1 mole of [tex]CaCl_2[/tex]  

0.212 moles of [tex]AgNO_3[/tex] require = [tex]\frac{1}{2}\times 0.212=0.106[/tex] moles of [tex]CaCl_2[/tex]

Mass of  [tex]CaCl_2[/tex] =[tex]moles\times {\text {Molar Mass}}=0.106mol\times 111g/mol=11.8g[/tex]

The genetic information found in DNA, chromosomes, and determines
A. the traits of the organism
B. the organism as an animal
C. the safety of the nucleus
D. the type of cell





the traits of the organism

need correct answer..

Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the
statement is incorrect.

21. An ecosystem is where both biotic factor such as
plants, animals and other organisms and abiotic factor like weather
(temperature and humidity) and landscape (rocks, soil, etc.) work
22. Intertidal zone are areas where salt water and fresh
water meets (brackish water).
23. Water in estuaries is less salty.
24. Organisms does not require energy to perform life
25. Intertidal zones are area where the presence of water
depends on the tides.
26. Producer are organisms that produce food from
sunlight and inorganic substances.
27. Food chain is a series of transfer of energy as the
algae can be eaten by small fish and small fish may be eaten by a
carnivorous fish.
28. Decomposers are organisms that eat food scraps and
29. Consumers are organisms that eat other organisms.
30. A food web is composed of different food chains.

Answer my question pls!!

spam/unhelpful/incorrect/not sure = REPORT!! ​



21: True

22: False

23: True

24: False

25: False

26: True

27: True

28: False

30: True

Explanation: Hope this is helpful :)

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