mary identifies as a member of her school's intramural wrestling team, which is an example of what kind of identity?


Answer 1

Mary self-identifies as a player on her school's intramural basketball team, which is an illustration of how sports shape our identities.

Mary is a member of the school's intramural basketball team. Basketball is a team sport in which two teams, typically with five players each, battle against one another on a rectangular court.

Mary plays basketball for her school's intramural squad. Thus, Mary participates in intramural sports, which are organized recreational sports within a certain institution, typically an educational institution.

Intramural activities are defined as school-sponsored athletic pursuits that take place outside of the classroom and are not contests with other outside teams or organizations. Mary describes herself as a basketball player because she plays on her school's intramural basketball team.

To learn more about basketball and sports here:


Related Questions

diego studied whether a certain form of psychotherapy is effective for people who have been diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (ptsd). he used control groups, random assignment, and matched participants in his study. he found that psychotherapy was effective. now the clinicians at his clinic use this type of therapy with individuals with ptsd. this treatment is an example of:


These days, PTSD patients receive this kind of therapy from the doctors at his clinic. An illustration of an evidence-based treatment is this one.

What is the broad consensus on psychotherapy's efficacy?

In general, psychotherapy has a mediocre impact on psychiatric symptomatology reduction and disease remission. A 2017 multilevel meta-analysis of almost 500 randomized trials conducted over a period of five decades found that there was a 63% chance that young people receiving psychotherapy would perform better than those in a control condition.

What traits define a successful psychotherapy?

Effective treatment depends on the therapist's capacity to understand what their patients are thinking and feeling and to relate to them by expressing warmth, acceptance, and empathy. Downloading our Emotional Intelligence App will teach you more about and help you develop your interpersonal and empathy abilities.

To learn more about psychotherapy here:


Does negative advertising have an effect on voter turnout ?


According to researchers, negative advertisements turn people off and cause them not to vote.

The literature on negative campaigns has not reached a consensus on the effects of negative advertisements on turnout, and researchers have thus far concentrated their efforts on elections in the United States. Some researchers contend that negative advertising reduces turnout, while others have found no evidence to support those claims.

Even if negative advertisements do discourage voter participation, as empirical evidence suggests, the global trend among constitutional tribunals is that free speech should be protected.

When two rights, such as the right to honor and freedom of speech, conflict, constitutional courts have ruled that the second has precedence over the first, especially in the case of a public figure.

To learn more about negative advertisements, please refer:


neuroticism select one: a. is simply another term for anxiety. b. is a tendency to experience negative mood states. c. is a tendency to feel anxious.


Neuroticism is a tendency to experience negative mood states. The correct option is B.

What is neuroticism?

The propensity to consistently experience negative or anxious emotions is known as neuroticism. It is a personality feature rather than a disease. This is frequently misunderstood as neurosis.

The five-factor model of personality, which also includes extraversion, agreeability, conscientiousness, and openness, includes neuroticism as one of its five components. In many different cultures, this approach is applied in personality assessments and examinations.

People with neuroticism regularly and severely experience feelings of guilt, envy, rage, and anxiety compared to other people. They also tend to have more low moods overall.

They may be sensitive to environmental stress. People with neuroticism could interpret commonplace events as grave threats. Even minor irritations that other people may dismiss as unimportant might become troublesome and cause despair.

Know more about neuroticism click:


according to the dual-process view of reasoning, judgment and decision making, which mode of thinking operates relatively slowly, deliberately, and in a controlled manner?


Analytical thinking operates relatively slowly, deliberately, and in a controlled manner according to the dual-process view of reasoning, judgment and decision making.

Analytical thinking is the ability to solve complex problems by evaluating information that has been gathered and organized. Analytical thinkers can spot patterns in datasets, which often leads to novel solutions. They have the ability to convert noisy information and data into action. Analytical thinkers can recognize and define problems, extract important information from data, and create workable solutions to these issues. They are extremely logical and can recognize patterns or causation connections in complex situations.

Learn more on Analytical thinking


why might preparing taxes be different for people living in different states everfi


Everyone must submit state taxes, but depending on where they live, they may not be required to file federal taxes, therefore the tax preparation process may differ for residents of different states.

The correct option is b.

A tax is a mandatory levy that must be paid to the government by an economic actor. The government receives income from this.

Although not everyone must pay federal taxes, each state has its own set of tax regulations. Regardless of where you live, you must submit state taxes; but, you may not be required to file federal taxes.

States have a wide range of state income tax rates. States that levy an income tax on citizens tax all inhabitants' taxable income, as determined by the state. For taxes paid to other states, such citizens are entitled to a credit. Most states impose taxes on nonresidents' state-sourced income.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is:

Why might preparing taxes be different for people living in different states?

a. Everyone must file federal taxes, but each state has different tax laws.

b. Everyone must file state taxes but depending on where you live, you may not need to file federal taxes.

c. It's not different. All states have the same tax laws.

d. State taxes are due January 1st but federal taxes are due April 15th.

To learn more about tax, refer


1. What was the initial purpose of the Constitution Convention?​




The Constitutional Convention took place from May 14 to September 17, 1787, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The point of the event was to decide how America was going to be governed. Although the Convention had been officially called to revise the existing Articles of Confederation, many delegates had much bigger plans.

What is the kigo in this haiku?


In traditional styles of Japanese poetry, the term "kigo" refers to a word or phrase that is connected to a specific season. Kigo are used to denote the season in the stanza in the collaborative linked-verse forms renga and renku as well as in haiku.

Despite the fact that the word "kigo" wasn't actually coined until 1908,[citation needed] the seasons have long played a significant role in Japanese culture and poetry. The Man'ysh, a Japanese poetry collection from the middle of the eighth century, has various passages devoted to the seasons. The seasonal portions had grown to comprise a significant portion of the anthology by the time the Kokinsh, the first imperial Japanese anthology, was published a century and a half later (AD 905). Both of these anthologies included sections for different types of poetry, including sections for love poems and other (z) poems.

learn more about kigo here:


Which of the following factors may be most responsible for a high voter turnout in an election?


Voter turnout is the percentage of voters who participated in an election commonly referred to as those who cast ballots according to political science.

This can be the proportion of voters who are registered, eligible, or of voting age. Political scientists Adam Bonich and Michael McFaul of Stanford University claim that there is general agreement that "democracies perform better when more people vote. Voter turnout is most significantly impacted by institutional factors. Making voting mandatory has a direct and significant impact on turnout, but putting up barriers—like requiring a separate registration process or holding too many elections—suppresses turnout. Additionally, the more "one person, one vote"-compliant a democracy is, the higher the turnout is because voters feel that their participation matters. The higher voter turnout in parliamentary democracies with proportional representation demonstrates this.

learn more about voter turnout here:


solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


Solomon is experiencing informational social influence.

What precisely is informational social influence?

When someone complies under the influence of informational social pressure or because they think that someone else is "correct," they are gaining knowledge. The subject of informational influence has frequently been investigated in relation to group decision-making. For instance, a jury may not agree on a defendant's guilt or innocence. The majority of the group will try to persuade the minority to amend their vote to coincide with the majority's decision. Real, long-lasting changes in beliefs are the result of informational social influence. Usually, conformity brought on by informational social influence results in private acceptance: a genuine shift in the individual's ideas.

To know more about informational social pressure, visit:


how many guests received a mysterious invite to the inn in time for us to come home for christmas?


Five guests are mysteriously invited to an inn to celebrate Christmas.

Frenchie, the proprietor of the former inn, The Snowfall Inn in Bevington, New York, which serves as the setting for the main action of the story, welcomed the five strangers who appear in the film. In order to create the fantasy of the weekend in 1984, she invited them as a gift for Ben. Everyone praises Frenchie for the considerate but deceitful gifts. Sarah is informed by Frenchie that her mother merely desired for her to be content.This Sunday marks the release of the Virginia-based Time for You to Come Home for Christmas, the most recent Hallmark film from Blake Shelton. It turns out that Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, was where the movie was actually shot, well up north.

To know more about Christmas here


List three challenges that forensic anthropologists face when trying to estimate the biological profiles or contribute to the cause of death of skeletal remains.


The challenges faced by anthropologists in the gathering of all biological and related physical evidence for identification purposes.

Who is an anthropologists ?

A person who studies anthropology is known as an anthropologist. The study of human characteristics within existing and previous communities is known as anthropology. Societal norms and values are investigated by social, cultural, and philosophical anthropologists.

When the remains of many people are discovered at the same location together, the difficulties faced by anthropologists are less mixed.

• recognizing disturbed graves and identifying main from secondary burials

• minimal post-mortem deterioration to the remains.

To learn more about anthropologists


How did newspaper headlines like this help start the Spanish-American War?


When noisy media gained a voice, sensational headlines exploited tensions between Spain and the United States. While the Spanish-American War dominated the media, it also sparked the first media battles in the United States during the golden age of yellow journalism.

The first "media war" is frequently referred to as the Spanish-American War. Journalism that sensationalized—and occasionally even manufactured—dramatic occurrences in the 1890s was a significant factor in the United States' decision to go to war with Spain. American media stoked public interest in the conflict by creating horrors that served as justifications for action in other former Spanish colonies throughout the world. The United States was under pressure to go to war with Spain from several quarters. On February 15, 1898, the USS Maine catches fire and sinks in Havana Harbor, killing 266 American servicemen. On April 25, 1898, under pressure from the "yellow press," the United States declares war on Spain, leading to the deaths of thousands of people and the fall of the Spanish empire. Find out more by reading!

To learn more about  Spanish-American War click the link below:


racey's grandmother, at age 80, is engaged in the personal journey of connecting her life with the historical and cultural purpose of human society. the grandmother is in which of erik erikson's psychosocial stages?


Integrity versus Despair The eighth and last stage in Erik Erikson's psychological development stage theory is integrity versus despair stage.

It starts at roughly 65 years old and lasts till death. It is at this point that we begin to think about our successes. And if a person believes they are living a successful life, they might acquire integrity.

Conversely, depression arises in if one believes their successes were insufficient and that they aren't as successful as they would like to be. According to Erik Erikson,

Tracey's grandmother is in the Erikson stage of psychological development known as Integrity versus Despair.

Learn more about to Tracey's grandmother visit here;


evelyn presents with depressive symptoms that have not been absent for more than a month over the last 2 years. her symptoms are somewhat debilitating, yet she is still able to handle a few aspects of her life. her most likely diagnosis is:


'Evelyn presents with depressive symptoms that have not been absent for more than a month over the last 2 years. her symptoms are somewhat debilitating, yet she is still able to handle a few aspects of her life. her most likely diagnosis is dysthymia

The American Psychiatric Association defines dysthymia as depressed mood, most often lasting at least two years, and at least two of the following symptoms: insomnia or excessive sleep; low energy or fatigue; low self-esteem; lack of concentration or indecision;

Dysthymia is a mild but long-lasting depression. Also called a persistent depressive disorder.

It can present like any other depression, but it is not cyclical and can last for long periods of time, even years. If you have dysthymia and are unable to work, you may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits, but only if you can provide documentation.

Learn more about Dysthymia


With bipartisan support, the US Senate passed a bill to enshrine federal protection for…
Legalized marijuana
Same-sex marriages


With bipartisan support, the US Senate passed a bill to enshrine federal protection for Same-sex marriages.

A bipartisan vote in the Senate to entrench federal protection for same-sex weddings indicates vividly the enormous societal shift in the US on this topic. Democratic concerns that the conservative-leaning Supreme Court may reverse a 2015 decision establishing the right to same-sex marriage were allayed by the 61-36 vote on Tuesday.

Bipartisan legislation to protect same-sex marriages was approved by the Senate on Tuesday, which is a remarkable sign of changing national politics on the subject and a source of relief for the hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples who have wed since the Supreme Court's 2015 ruling making gay marriage legal nationwide.

To learn more about US Senate visit:


What does Johnson say about lexicographers dictionary makers at the beginning of his preface?


Johnson say about lexicographers dictionary makers that they do not get the praise they deserve.

One of the most well known dictionaries throughout history is Samuel Johnson's Dictionary of the English Language. Johnson describes how he found the language to be "copious without order, and energe tick without norms" in the book's prologue.

Everywhere he glanced, he saw uncertainty and ambiguity that needed to be resolved, and he believed that English was in desperate need of some discipline.

Although language is continually evolving, Johnson realized during the process of assembling the dictionary that it is impossible to correct it and that his job was to record the language of the day rather than create it.

To know more about Dictionary of English language:


What is Woodrow Wilson's most famous quote?



“The history of liberty is a history of resistance.”


________________ was responsible for leading cornelius and a number of other gentiles to faith in jesus christ.


Peter  was responsible for leading Cornelius and a number of other gentiles to faith in Jesus Christ.

In contrast to religious interpretations, the phrase "historical Jesus" refers to the reconstruction of the life and teachings of Jesus using critical historical methodologies. It also takes into account the social and historical milieu in which Jesus existed.The New Testament of the Bible refers to Jesus as the Son of God, and in the majority of Christian churches, he is known as God the Son, the second Person of the Trinity. He is thought to be the Jewish messiah (the Christ) who was foretold in the Hebrew Bible, known in Christianity as the Old Testament.

To know more about Jesus Christ here



Explanation:The Gentile nation was to receive the eternal life that the Jews had through______.

Jesus Christ

obeying the Jewish laws.

98. the understanding stage in the listening process involves . a. evaluating messages you hear b. grasping thoughts expressed and the emotional tone accompanying them c. anticipating what the speaker will say next d. tuning out the emotional element of the message and focusing only on the content of what is being said


The understanding phase in the listening process involves B. 'grasping 'thoughts' expressed and the 'emotional tone' accompanying them'.

The understanding stage in the listening process is the stage during which the listener finds the context and meanings of the words that are heard through the process of decoding. Understanding occurs when the audience's determination of the context and meanings of the words matches the communicator's message.

The understanding stage in the listening process is vital because it not only enhances your ability to understand better and makes you a better communicator, but it also makes the experience of other people speaking to you more pleasant.

You can learn more about listening process at


solomon arrives at his first day of work at a nuclear power plant. when putting on safety gear for the first time, he notices that everyone else is tucking their gloves into their sleeves, and he decides to do the same because he assumes this is part of the safety protocol. what kind of influence is solomon experiencing in this scenario?


The kind of influence is Solomon experiencing in this scenario is Informational social influence.

One way to do this is to selectively engage with information that supports their claims. Additionally, they may actively seek information to support their claims. The company is under pressure from investors to make more films.

Fundamental attribution errors occur when analyzing human behavior. For the fundamental attribution error to occur, the analyst must underestimate the role of the situation and overestimate the nature of the person whose behavior is being analyzed.

Compared to other subfields of psychology, social psychology deals more with human behavior in social situations.

Learn more about Solomon's experiences here:-


what do panic control treatment (pct) and exposure and ritual prevention (erp) strategies have in common?


The cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder known as Panic Control Treatment (PCT) is widely used and has been empirically validated

The cognitive-behavioral treatment for panic disorder known as Panic Control Treatment (PCT) is widely used and has been empirically validated. PCT was initially developed for the treatment of panic disorder with limited agoraphobic avoidance, but more recently it has been discovered to have broader uses. It has been used to help panic disorder patients stop taking their medications; in the treatment of panic attacks brought on by schizophrenia or other disorders; and in the treatment of patients with moderate to severe agoraphobia, in conjunction with a situational exposure component. The evidence for PCT's clinical efficacy and recent research on improving treatment's long-term efficacy and cost-effectiveness are critically examined by the authors. One of the anxiety disorders that has received the most research attention is panic disorder, which was officially recognized as a distinct entity in DSM-III. Panic disorder, by definition, causes significant distress or disruption to a person's life and imposes significant personal costs. In addition, the disorder results in substantial direct and indirect costs for the nation in terms of reduced or lost productivity as well as medical resources used for treatment, rehabilitation, and care.

To know more about Panic Control Treatment (PCT) visit


nefti is currently undergoing treatment for schizophrenia. her therapist creates a climate that promotes self-respect and requires her to be responsible for her own behavior as well as maintain meaningful activity. nefti is most likely undergoing:


Nefti is currently undergoing treatment for schizophrenia. Nefti is most likely undergoing milieu therapy.

Milieu therapy is a secure, based, institutional treatment method for intellectual health problems. It includes using ordinary sports and conditioned surroundings to assist people with interaction in network settings. Milieu remedy is a flexible treatment intervention that may work together with different remedy methods.

The important thing factors of milieu remedy are discussed: maintenance of a secure and containing environment, a tremendously based program, physical and emotional support, collective involvement of the kid, circle of relatives and group of workers in the unit routine, and non-stop evaluation of all healing interventions.

Learn more about therapy here:


in late 2015 terrorists aligned with isis murdered over 100 persons in ______ and then nearly three dozen in ______ four months later.


In November 2015, ISIS pulls out a series of well-planned assaults in Paris that result in the murdered of 130 people. Then, four months later, more people were killed in Brussels.  

The November 2015 Paris attacks were a coordinated sequence of Islamist terrorist assaults that happened on November 13, 2015, in Paris, France, and Saint-Denis, the city's northern suburb. The Islamic State carried out two well-planned terrorist strikes in Brussels, Belgium, on March 22, 2016. Three synchronized self explosions took place: two at the Brussels Airport and one at the metro stop in Brussels.

Know more about the ISIS at:


test anxiety is an example of which stressor? a. personal circumstances b. college environment c. thoughts d. body


Test anxiety is an example of which stressor: performance anxiety, and personal circumstances.

Anxiety is what we feel when we are worried, anxious, or afraid – specifically approximately matters that are about to appear, or that we suppose ought to occur in our destiny. anxiety is a natural human response when we sense that we are under threat. it could be experienced thru our thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations.

Tension can be every day in stressful conditions consisting of public speaking or taking a take look at it. anxiety is most effectively a hallmark of underlying disease while emotions grow to be immoderate, and all-consuming, and intervene with daily dwelling.

Learn more about Anxiety here:


the demand that women should receive equal pay relative to men for work that is similarly demanding, involves similar responsibilities, and requires similar levels of education and training is the basis of the concept of


The idea of same value is rooted in the belief of women must be paid equally to men for job that is similarly difficult, entails similar roles, and needs comparable training and education levels.

What is the fundamental meaning of education?

Either imparting information to individuals and absorbing it from another person are acts of education. Education also covers every profession of education in general as well as the knowledge gained via formal education or teaching.

Why is education so crucial?

Nobody is able to completely remove from your life the foundation which education brings to your life. You boost your chances of finding good employment possibilities and widen your employment options because of being very well having an university degree.

To know more about education visit:


After receiving the results of a self-assessment, you learn that you have a very low
risk tolerance. With this knowledge, what would be a good idea for a business
approach for you?


Simply put, an investor's risk tolerance is the amount of risk they are willing to take. But it can be challenging to determine your level of risk appetite. Risk can also be an opportunity, thrill, or chance to make significant gains—a "you have to be in it to win it" mentality.

What is risk tolerance assessment?

An investor's level of loss tolerance is determined by the amount of risk they are willing to take on for their portfolio. An investor's risk tolerance is impacted by stock volatility, market swings, political or economic events, regulatory changes, and changes in interest rates.

An aggressive investor, or one who takes on a lot of risks, is prepared to take a chance on financial loss in exchange for potentially better outcomes. A conservative investor, or one who has a low tolerance for risk, prefers investments that preserve their initial investment.

Learn more about risk tolerance here:


Repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform are characteristic of
generalized anxiety disorder.
specific phobia.
post traumatic stress disorder.
obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform are characteristic of obsessive-compulsive disorder. Therefore, the option D holds true.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder can be referred to or considered as a type of disorder wherein the affected person experiences passing of unwanted and repetitive thoughts. Additionally, the individual also may face the situation wherein he or she gets anxious in the behavior with an intent of performing at the highest level. The anxiety is also repetitive.

Learn more about obsessive-compulsive disorder here:


Complete question

Repetitive, intrusive, and unwanted thoughts and repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform are characteristic of ________

A. generalized anxiety disorder.

B. specific phobia.

C. post-traumatic stress disorder.

D. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

criticisms of the dsm-5 include which of the following? multiple select question. it relies too much on social norms and subjective judgments. loosened standards for some existing diagnoses will add to already high rates of these. too many new categories of disorders have been added. it places less emphasis on the medical model. too much emphasis is placed on the strengths of individuals' personalities.


Relies too much on social norms and subjective judgments

Too many new categories of disorders

Loosened standards for some existing diagnoses.

What issues does the DSM-5 center on?

The most recent diagnostic criteria for mental disorders are included in the DSM-5-TR, which also includes a wealth of descriptive prose. This gives physicians a common vocabulary with which to discuss their patients.

How is validity maintained in the DSM-5?

The DSM-5's creators made a concerted effort to ensure the validity of this new edition by performing in-depth assessments of the literature and working with several clinical experts. Consequently, compared to earlier versions of the DSM, its criteria and classifications may have greater validity.

To know more about DSM visit:


what did entman and rojecki content after finding in their survey that crime stories tended to overrepresent both black perpetrators and white victims?


Blacks are frequently portrayed in ways that are less sympathetic and more threatening than Whites.

The concept of race has permeated every element of our culture, influencing how we behave, where we live, and how educated we are. The media now plays a crucial part in this, "perpetuating the impacts of past oppression and... contributing to African Americans' continued status as second-class citizens."

Robert Entman And Rojecki's The Black Image In The White Mind

Entman and Rojecki point out that in 1996, more than 70% of Black characters in the top-rated television programs occupied administrative or professional roles. This utopian inversion of roles enforced a formal boundary between and White actors, giving the audience a distorted impression of their interactions despite the fact that Black characters were receiving more important roles. The audience had no chance to relate to the Black characters because of the supervisory responsibilities that Blacks had and the fact that 92% of their encounters with Whites were limited to work-related activities.

Know more about blacks click:


students with adhd receive special education services under the individuals with disabilities education act (idea) in which category?


To qualify for the concept, an infant has to meet the standards in at least certainly one of thirteen incapacity categories often youngsters with ADHD will qualify beneath the other health Impairment (OHI) category.

But, ADHD falls beneath the category “other fitness Impaired” and now not beneath “precise studying Disabilities.” People with ADHD also can qualify for hotels under the ADA and phase 504 if their ADHD impacts a chief existence function together with gaining knowledge.

Most children with ADHD get hold of some faculty services, inclusive of unique education services and resorts. There are laws that govern unique offerings and accommodations for kids with disabilities: The individuals with Disabilities Training Act (idea) and phase 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

Learn more about ADHD here


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