an unambiguous description of each type of data that applies to all business circumstances and users is called a(n):


Answer 1

An unambiguous description of each type of data that applies to all business circumstances and users is called an definition.

What is data ?In the quest of knowledge, data is a collection of discrete values that communicate information, describing amount, quality, fact, statistics, other fundamental units of meaning, or just sequences of symbols that may be further understood. A datum is a unique value included within a group of data. Data in computing refers to information that has been transformed into a format that is effective for transmission or processing. Information that has been converted into binary digital form for usage with contemporary computers and communication devices is referred to as data. Data may be used as a solo or plural topic.Text, observations, figures, pictures, numbers, graphs, and symbols are all examples of data types.Data is a systematic record of a specific quantity.

To the complete question is;

An unambiguous description of each type of data that applies to all business circumstances

and users is called a(n):

A) name.

B) descriptor.

C) identifier.

D) definition.

To learn more about data refer to:


Related Questions

panel b is consistent with a firm in a monopolistically competitive market that is a. in long-run equilibrium. b. not in long-run equilibrium. c. producing its efficient scale of output. d. earning a positive economic profit.


The correct answer is c. producing its efficient scale of output.panel b is consistent with a firm in a monopolistically competitive market that.

One group's sole possession of the resources needed to produce or sell a good or a service: "Monopoly typically... results through government assistance or from collusive agreements among people" (Milton Friedman). 2. a. A business, organization, or person who has sole control over a commercial operation. Industries with monopolistic competition include those in restaurants, hair salons, home goods, and clothes. Numerous rival businesses compete to sell, advertise, and price goods like dish soap and hamburgers.A monopoly is a market arrangement where one seller dominates the whole market because he is providing a distinct good or service. Monopolistic competition, on the other hand, is a competitive market with a small number of customers and sellers who provide similar replacements.

To learn more about monopolistically click the link below:


one reason why banks are required to deposit a minimum amount of reserves at the federal reserve is so that:


The federal reserve uses reserve requirements as a tool to alter the amount of money in the economy and affect interest rates.

In order to match consumer deposits, banks are required to hold a certain quantity of cash in their safes or at the nearby Federal Reserve bank. One of the three basic instruments of monetary policy, together with open market operations and the discount rate, is the reserve requirement, which is determined by the board of governors of the Federal Reserve.

The Federal Reserve Board declared on March 15, 2020, that as of March 26, 2020, the reserve requirements ratios would be fixed at 0%. The reserve requirement ratios for net transactions accounts varied depending on the number of institutions' net transactions accounts before the change took effect on March 26, 2020.

There are certain nations without reserve requirements. Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Australia, Sweden, and Hong Kong are among these nations.

Money cannot be created indefinitely; instead, some of these nations must abide by capital requirements, which are the minimum amounts of capital that a bank or other financial institution must possess in order to meet the standards of its respective financial regulators.

To know more about federal reserve click here,


the authority of an agent to perform the duties that are specifically stated in the contract of agency is known as:


Only those actions that have been approved by the principal or a court may be carried out by an agent. Express authority is the power an agent has to carry out the obligations that are clearly outlined in the contract or agency.

The term "authority" in sociology and political science refers to a person or group's legitimate power over others. In a civil state, the government's executive or judicial branches are used to exert power. When it comes to governance, the phrases "authority" and "power" should not be used interchangeably. The terms "authority" and "power" refer to the capacity to carry out an approved task, either through compliance or obedience, and respectively the political legitimacy that confers and defends the ruler's right to exercise governmental power. As a result, "authority" refers to the capacity to make decisions as well as the legal authority to do so and to order their execution. Political authority has been a topic of contention for a long time. 

Learn more about authority from


The management of Kunkel Company is considering the purchase of a $27,000 machine that would reduce operating costs by $7,000 per year. At the end of the machine�s five-year useful life, it will have zero scrap value. The company�s required rate of return is 12%.
Click here to view Exhibit 13B-1 and Exhibit 13B-2, to determine the appropriate discount factor(s) using table.
1. Determine the net present value of the investment in the machine. (Any cash outflows should be indicated by a minus sign. Use the appropriate table to determine the discount factor(s).)
2. What is the difference between the total, undiscounted cash inflows and cash outflows over the entire life of the machine? (Any cash outflows should be indicated by a minus sign.)


1) The machine's investment's net present value is (-1,767).

2) There will be an $8000 difference between cash inflows and outflows over the machine's lifetime, which hasn't been discounted.

A strategy used by businesses to assess the value of a project is capital budgeting. The profitability of the potential project or investment is evaluated using this method. It assesses the risks and potential returns of the investment. In capital budgeting, there are several approaches to evaluating a project. Internal rate of return, payback time, and net present value are a few of the techniques.

1. Calculation of the net present value of the investment:

Year   Cash Flows       Present Value         Present Value

                                      Factor (12%)

(a)              (b)                     (c)                              (b * c)

0           (-$27000)                 1                        (-$27000)

1                 $7000                 0.8929                  $6250

2                $7000                 0.7972                   $5580

3                $7000                 0.7118                     $4982

4                $7000                 0.6355                   $4449

5                $7000                 0.5674                   $3972

        NET PRESENT VALUE                              (-$1767)  

The investment in the machine has a net present value of (-1,767).

The device would save operating costs by $7,000 per year, based on the information in the question; as a result, it generates an annual cash inflow. The cash flows are multiplied by the value in accordance with the designated discounting factor for each phase of the machine's life. The net present value of the machine is ($1,767), which is a negative amount. The machine investment plan ought to be rejected as a result.

2) Calculate the difference between undiscounted cash inflows and outflows over the machine's lifetime as follows:

Difference = Undiscounted Cash Inflows - Undiscounted Cash Outflows

Difference = $35000 - $27000

Therefore, the difference = $8,000

The undiscounted cash inflows are calculated as follows:

Undiscounted Cash Inflows =  Cash Inflow during each year * Number of periods (years) of cash inflow

Undiscounted Cash Inflows = 7000 * 5 = $35,000

As a result, there will be an $8 000 difference between undiscounted cash inflows and outflows over the period of the machine's lifetime.

The undiscounted cash inflow is calculated by multiplying the period of cash inflows by the cash inflow for each period. The machine's acquisition price, or the undiscounted cash outflow, has been fixed at $27,000. The difference between the two is calculated by taking the cash outflow and subtracting it from the undiscounted cash inflows.

To know more about Capital Budgeting, refer to this link:


how can firms that provide services, such as hair salons and financial services, improve delivery of their services?


Firms that provide services, such as hair salons and financial services, improve delivery of their services By choosing the right distribution channel.

What are distribution channel?The Internet, retailers, wholesalers, and distributors are examples of distribution channels. The producer sells to the customer directly through a direct distribution channel. Before the product reaches the customer, there are several middlemen involved in indirect channels.Four different types of distribution channels are available: direct selling, selling through intermediaries, dual distribution, and reverse logistics networks.When consumer brands use third-party outlets to sell their products, retail is the most typical distribution route. As middlemen and the customer's point of contact, supermarkets, big-box retailers, convenience stores, and department stores all play a role.

To learn more about distribution channel refer to:


geneva, a human resource professional in the united states, is reviewing the plans to send a u.s.-born production manager to brazil to oversee the opening of a new factory. what should geneva most likely do about the potential for language barriers with this assignment? multiple choice because the manager must be fluent in spanish and portuguese, geneva should assume there are no language barriers. geneva should provide enough training to eliminate all language barriers during the assignment. geneva should reassure the manager that english is the international language of business. geneva should provide a trainer to teach spanish and portuguese to the manager. geneva should select a manager who can learn spanish and portuguese and cope with language barriers.


Francesca, a human resource professional in the United States, should hire a manager who is fluent in Spanish and can work around language barriers.

Human resources (HR) is the department within a company that is in charge of all employee-related issues. Recruitment, vetting, selection, hiring, on-boarding, training, promotions, payment, and termination of employees and independent contractors are all required.

In its most basic form, the HR (Human Resources) department is a group in charge of managing the employee life cycle (i.e., recruiting, hiring, on-boarding, training, and firing employees) and administering employee benefits.

To know more about human resources, click here.


government, church, and military organizations are based on a (n) structure. they have many layers of managers and red tape. a. horizontal b. open c. boundaryless d. traditiona


Organizations like the government, religion, and military are built on a (n) traditiona structure. They have a lot of red tape and numerous layers of management.

A Latin or Eastern Catholic ecclesiastical jurisdiction known as a military ordinariate is in charge of offering pastoral care to Catholics serving in a nation's armed forces. They had a status similar to that of apostolic vicariates, which are led by bishops who are granted power by the Pope, and were referred to as "military vicariates" up until 1986. The apostolic constitution Spiritual militia curae of April 21, 1986, which declared that the bishop in charge of one of them is a "ordinary," exercising authority purely based on his position and not through delegation from another person in authority, improved their standing. Dioceses and the military vicariates were contrasted.

Learn more about military from


What are some things to consider when handling and managing a patient's dental records what would happen if a patient's dental records are not handled properly?


Dental records should only contain clinical information. Critical or humorous comments shouldn't be recorded in a patient's file.

It is impossible to exaggerate the significance of a dental office's patient records. The creation and upkeep of adequate patient records are mandated by law for dental practices. If this isn't done, the practice could face serious risks and liabilities. Additionally, a number of laws and regulations, including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), mandate the preservation of records for varied amounts of time.

To give patients the best care possible, dental records must be structured, clear, and thorough. Additionally, the documentation of a dental office may be used in a court of law in support of or in opposition to malpractice claims or other civil litigation.

learn more about clinical information here


the carrying value of bonds issued at a discount or at a premium will be different from their face amount at maturity.a. trueb. false


The carrying value of bonds issued at a discount or at a premium will be different from their face amount at maturity, this statement is false.

What is meant by the carrying value of bonds?

The amount that a bond's issuer really owes the bondholder at any particular moment is known as the carrying value or book value of the bond. This is the par value of the bond less any outstanding discounts or including any remaining premiums.

How Is the Carrying Value of a Bond Recorded?

On a company's balance sheet, numerous accounts show information about carrying value. In the Bonds Payable account, face value is shown as a credit balance. Unamortized premium is shown as a credit balance in the liabilities account for Premium on Bonds Payable. The Discount on Bonds Payable contra-liability account shows an unamortized discount as a debit balance. Long-term liability is documented for the present value.

To know more about Carrying Value visit


Is Massachusetts has a sales tax of 6 percent and New Hampshire?


If New Hampshire has no sales tax and Massachusetts has a 6% sales tax, purchasing a $1,000 television in New Hampshire will save you $60.

The current state sales tax rate in Massachusetts (MA) is 6.25%. Sales tax is a fee associated with the sale of specific goods and services that is paid to a governing body (local or state). Sales taxes have existed since ancient Egypt, when artwork show the taxation of goods, and were first implemented in the United States in 1921. In 1966, Massachusetts became the first state to enact a general transaction privilege tax. The rate has since increased to 6.25%. You represent the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as a business owner providing taxable goods or services by collecting transaction privilege tax from customers and remitting it to the Department of Revenue. This is a crucial aspect that needs to be emphasised.

learn more about Massachusetts here:


Suppose the government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit. the amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is?


The amount of revenue collected by the government from the tariff is $12000 if the government imposes a tariff of $20 per unit.

Tariff is the amount which is imposed on the products that gets imported from other countries. The main reason to impose the tariff is to protect the rights of the domestic manufacturers.

Data according to the attached graph

A rectangular area that represent the revenue collected by the government.

Domestic Demand = 1500 units

Supply = 900 units

Import = 1500 - 900 = 600 units

Tariff imposed = $20 per unit

Total revenue collected

= 600 × $20

= $12000

The given question is incomplete, to find the answer of the given question attached graph is required

To know more about revenue here


gregory bought 790 shares of stock at a price of $63 per share. he later sold his stock at a price of $60. what was his total return on his investment? multiple choice


Gregory bought 790 shares of stock at a price of $63 per share. he later sold his stock at a price of $60. The total holding period return on his investment is (-)$2370 in total and (-)$3 loss per share.

What is holding period return?

The overall return earned from owning an asset or portfolio of assets over time—referred to as the holding period—is known as the holding period return and is typically stated as a percentage. Based on overall returns from the asset or portfolio, holding period return is computed (income plus changes in value).

The Cost of acquisition of investment in shares = No. of shares × Per share value = 790 shares × $63 = $49770.

Sale proceeds realized on holding the shares = $60 (Sell value) × 790 Shares = $47400.

Holding period return (numeric value) = Sale Value - Cost Value

                                                                       = $47400 - $49770

                                                                       = - $2370 (negative return)

Holding period return (%) = (Return  ÷ Cost Value) × Holding period

                                          = (-2370 ÷ 49770) × 1 Year (assume)

                                          = - 4.76%

Thus the return on investment is not viable because it has negative outcome.

Learn more holding period return about refer:


The revenue function of a company that sells gaming consoles is r(x) = 6x2 + 100x + 300. The cost function is c(x) = 25x + 100. Which function describes the profit function of the company?.


6x^2+75x+200 is the correct answer and the function that describes the profit function of the company.

What exactly is profit?

Profit is the amount of money you have after covering business expenses. Gross, operational, and net profits are the three basic categories of profit. The largest is gross profit. It displays the amount of money that was left over after paying for the sold goods and services.

What does profit mean in terms of business?

In its most basic form, it is the sum that remains after deducting all of your expenses from all of your revenues. Your residual profits can either be reinvested in the company to fund future expansion or released as a draw or dividend to shareholders.

To know more about Profit visit:


one of the obstacles to cooperation between unions and international firms is the wide variation in the structure of unions around the world. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


The statement is True. One of the obstacles to cooperation between unions and international firms is the wide variation in the structure of unions around the world.

The definition of cooperation is human beings working collectively to attain effects or people helping every different out to obtain a common intention. An example of cooperation is when one person hands you a brick and also you lay the brick.

Additionally, they differ depending on the monetary activity, how contributors use the Cooperative and the kind of management. There are six styles of classification: Agricultural Co-op (acknowledged in Manitoba as “New era Co-op”), client Co-op, Credit Union, Housing Co, and insurance Co-op and worker co-op.

Learn more about cooperation here


roberta is single. she purchased a new main home in march of 2016 for $900,000. roberta will be itemizing her deductions. on what portion of the acquisition debt will interest be deductible on roberta's tax return for 2021?


The following are the 2022 standard deduction amounts: Married Couple Filing Jointly or Qualifying Widow/er - $25,900 ($800 increase) Head of Household: $19,400 ($600 more) Separately Filing as Single or Married - $12,950 (an increase of $400).

An individual may claim home mortgage interest (also known as qualifying residence interest) as an itemized deduction on Schedule A (Form 1040) if it is paid or incurred on purchase debt. A primary or secondary residence's construction, improvement, or purchase may result in acquisition debt, which is a financial commitment. Consequently, a mortgage loan for a home is an instance of purchase debt. If you are single and just have one job, it is normally a good idea to claim one allowance. If you are married and filing jointly, you should only claim one allowance. You would additionally claim one allowance if you filed as the household's head. Come tax season, you'll probably receive a refund.

To learn more about deduction amounts click the link below:


the noncash assets were sold for $134,000. which partner(s) would have had to contribute assets to the partnership to cover a deficit in his or her capital account?


Abrams and Creighton would have had to contribute assets to the partnership to cover a deficit in their capital account. Therefore, option (E) is the correct answer.

A partnership is a legally binding agreement between two or more individuals to run a business and split the profits. Partnership arrangements come in many different forms. Particularly in a partnership business, all partners equally share obligations and rewards, although in other businesses, partners may have limited accountability. The so-called "silent partner" is another option, in which one party does not participate in the day-to-day management of the company.

A partnership, broadly speaking, can be any project that several parties work on together. Governments, nonprofit organisations, for-profit companies, and private individuals could be the parties. A partnership's objectives can also differ greatly.

In the given question, the capital account of the given partners are given in the form of an image.

Learn more about Partnership here:


Complete question:

The Abrams, Bartle, and Creighton partnership began the process of liquidation with the following balance sheet: Picture Abrams, Bartle, and Creighton share profits and losses in a ratio of 3:2:5. Liquidation expenses are expected to be $12,000. The noncash assets were sold for $134,000. Which partner(s) would have had to contribute assets to the partnership to cover a deficit in his or her capital account?

A. Creighton.

B. Bartle.

C. Abrams and Bartle.

D. Abrams and Creighton.

E. Abrams.

legislation that involves concentrated benefits but widespread costs is called a. traditional public-goods legislation. b. populist legislation. c. primary legislation. d. special-interest legislation. e. competing-interest legislation.


legislation that involves concentrated benefits but widespread costs is called Special interest legislation

Special interest legislation is yet uncharted territory in the eyes of European legal scholarship. Though widely acknowledged, Public Choice Theory and North American studies of law and economics have had very little influence on the theory of legislation. In this chapter, I will make the case for a fair evaluation of the input and output of legislation in terms of conflicting social and economic interests, and I'll work to provide the groundwork for limiting the role of special interests in legislation as well as its legal foundations. It's not always a populist slant that draws criticism to the Special interest legislation problem. To elaborate on the opposite, it is consistent with modern pluralism.Thus, neoliberal critics of the welfare state who stress the connection between state involvement and vested interests as well as networks of supporters of the state's impartial role are also sources of Special interest legislation opponents. In the second section of my essay, I'll offer constitutional law defenses of the expression of interests on the one hand and constitutional law standards that place restrictions on Special interest legislation on the other. Special interest legislation is not expressly forbidden, but it is subject to restrictions imposed on specific, tailored legislation and the prohibition of arbitrary action. Additionally, the criteria of proportionality and coherence support a rationality control of legislation that can aid in exposing the negative impacts of special interest involvement.The interrelationship between Special interest legislation and state aid law will be another area of focus. While additional procedural rules are in place to prevent legislative capture and allay concerns about post-democracy, substantive criteria are a way to deal with excess.

To know more about legislation:


what are the portfolio weights for a portfolio that has 144 shares of stock a that sell for $40 per share and 100 shares of stock b that sell for $20 per share? (do not round intermediate calculations and round your answers to 4 decimal places, e.g., .1616.)


The portfolio are weights for a portfolio=[tex]7760[/tex]

He  has 144 shares of stock a that sell for $40 per share


100 shares of stock b that sell for $20 per share


The portfolio are weights for a portfolio total share


The portfolio weight is the percentage of a holding or kind of holding that constitutes a portfolio of investments. The simplest way to determine an asset's weight is to divide its dollar value by the portfolio's total dollar value. According to the basic anticipated return methodology, each asset's weight in the portfolio is divided by its expected return, and the total of all those figures is then added. In other words, a portfolio's expected return is the weighted average of the returns of each of its individual components.

Learn more about portfolio from


For Local factors explain how Competitors and Supplies affect your business


When the market is competitive, businesses will have greater incentives to lower prices, to improve the quality of their products and services, and to provide buyers with more options.

The suppliers can influence the business by raising or lowering the prices of goods.

What is a business?

The business refers to an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial, or professional activities.

All of the businesses need to have a business plan to get successful. And a proper business plan and its execution which brings a business to massive heights in the first place.

Learn more about Business here:


which of the following statements are correct? multiple select question. managers generally maintain high debt-to-equity ratios in industries with little financial risk. stockholders generally prefer less debt and more equity. in practice, most debt-to-equity ratios are greater than 3. managers generally maintain high debt-to-equity ratios in industries with high financial risk. stockholders generally approve of high amounts of debt.


Stockholders generally prefer less debt and more equity.

What is meant by debt-to-equity ratio?

The debt-to-equity ratio is a financial metric that shows how much debt and shareholder equity were utilized to finance the assets of a company. The ratio, often known as risk, gearing, or leverage, is closely related to leveraging.

What is a healthy debt-to-equity ratio?

A debt-to-equity ratio of about 2 or 2.5 is typically seen as good, though it differs by industry. This ratio indicates that for every $1 invested in the company, around 66 cents come from debt, while the remaining 33 cents come from the company's equity.

To know more about debt-to-equity ratio, visit:


the process of developing an approximate and best guess of the monetary value of resources needed to complete all project activities is known as:


The process of estimating the cost of the financial resources required to accomplish project operations is known as cost estimation. Cost estimation is a claim that quantifies the expense paid in producing finished goods.

The approximate cost of a project, program, or operation is known as a cost estimate. The end result of the cost estimating procedure is the cost estimate. The cost estimate has one total value and perhaps one or more separate component values. A competent, trustworthy, and precise cost estimate will help you prevent a problem with a cost overrun. The expert who creates cost estimates is known as a cost estimator. Cost estimators come in several varieties, and their titles may be followed by a modifier like "building estimator," "electrical estimator," or "chief estimator." Cost estimates may also be created by or with input from other experts, including as quantity surveyors and cost engineers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that there were 185,400 cost estimators in the US in 2010. In the UK, there are about 75,000 professional quantity surveyors at work.

Learn more about cost estimation here


an employer cannot discharge a worker who, in good faith, refuses to work in a high-risk area if bodily harm or death might result.


The statement that An employer cannot discharge a worker who, in good faith, refuses to work in a high-risk area if bodily harm or death might result is True.

Who is an employer?

An employer  can be described as a person, company, or organization that employs people and they pay this  people for their work however the people who are paid to work are called employees.

It should be noted that  employer cannot discharge a worker that possses good faith, that claim that he can not work in a high-risk area which could bring about bodily harm or death .

Learn more about employer at:


TRUE /FALSE an employer cannot discharge a worker who, in good faith, refuses to work in a high-risk area if bodily harm or death might result.

What do you mean by budgetary deficit?


The budget deficit is known as the economic deficiency that exists in a country, this deficiency is evidenced by the fact that the country's expenses are greater than its income.

What is a budget deficit?

It is an economic problem that arises within a country and brings with it a series of consequences that affect the financial system of each person.

The budget deficit mainly generates inflation that affects consumers, so that people's purchasing power is reduced to less money since it implies the increase of prices in goods or services which generates a loss in the value of money.

More information on the budget deficit at:


Ren's tent company has total fixed costs of $300,000 per year. The firm's average variable cost is $120 for 10,000 tents. At that level of output, the firm's average total costs equal.


The firm average total cost is $150

"Information available from the question"

In the question:

Ren's tent company has total fixed costs of $300,000 per year.

The firm's average variable cost is $120 for 10,000 tents.

At that level of output, the firm's average total costs equal.

Now, According to the question:

Total fixed costs = $300,000 per year

Average variable cost = $120

Tents = 10,000

To find out

We know that average total costs is sum of average fixed cost and average variable cost    ….1


Average fixed cost = total fixed cost ÷  number of unit output

Average fixed cost = 300,000/10,000

Average fixed cost = $30

Average total costs = Average fixed cost  + average variable cost

Average total costs = $30 + $120

Average total costs = $150

Learn more about Average Cost at:


item38 ebookitem 38 under an installment contract, when does the ucc provide that a buyer/lessee may reject an installment of a particular item?


The broad solution may be found in the UCC under Section 2-612, which allows the buyer to reject any nonconforming installment if the nonconformity cannot be remedied or if it materially reduces the value of that specific installment.


A revocation of acceptance indicates that even if the buyer has acknowledged and claimed ownership of the goods, he still has the option to send them back and receive a refund. If the nonconformity "significantly degrades its worth to him," the buyer may rescind his acceptance in one of two situations: 2-608 of the Uniform Commercial Code.

If the acceptance was caused by a latent fault that could not reasonably have been found prior to acceptance.


If the buyer reasonably believed the nonconformity would be corrected and it is not within a reasonable period.

In a sales contract, the buyer's obligations are to examine, accept, and pay. A waiver of the right to complain occurs when a flaw that an inspection would have found is not found. Normally, the buyer accepts the items as conforming and may reject the entire nonconforming delivery or a portion of it if a problem is discovered.

Learn more about Uniform Commercial Code (UCC):


Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors. therefore they take a/an ___________ of its competition.


Umpqua defines other financial institutions that perform banking services as their competitors, therefore they take an advantage of its competition.

What are the competitors in the financial services industry?

Basically, a competition means the situation in a market in which firms or sellers independently strive for the patronage of buyers in order to achieve a particular business objective, for example, for profits, sales and market share. In context, the competition is often equated with rivalry. It is also defined as a scenario where different economic firms are in contention to obtain goods that are limited by varying the elements of the market.

Most banks compete not only with each other, but with variety of other financial services providers including trust companies, life insurance companies, finance companies, federal and provincial credit unions and caisses populaires, federal and provincial financial agencies and financial technology companies.

Read more about competitors


samuel's company is in the following situation: what is the average cost at samuel's company? $20.00 $5.63 $34.37 $14.37


The average cost at samuel's company is the Q = 20. They are the  total revenue are the amount are the given.

What is company?

The term "company" refers to legal entities that are lawfully registered under the Company Act. The company's major goal is to increase profits while maintaining goodwill. With the assistance of management, the organization was flawlessly run. Employees are compensated by the company.

Because the price may be calculated using the total revenue and quantity. The overall sales is the combination of the quantity and the price. So, dividing total revenue by quantity yields the price level value.

Q = TR / P

Q = 142000 / 7100

Q = 20.

As a result, the average cost at samuel's company is the Q = 20. They are the  total revenue are the amount are the given.

Learn more about on company, here:


helmer's rockers manufactures two models, standard and premium. weekly demand is estimated to be 100 units of the standard model and 70 units of the premium model. the following per unit data apply: standard premium contribution margin per unit $18 $20 number of machine-hours required 3 4 if there are 600 machine-hours available per week, how many rockers of each model should jim helmer produce to maximize profits?


The demand for 100 units of the Standard model per week may be satisfied by Helmer's Rockers while using the remaining 196 hours to make 49 units of the Premium variant.

Data and Calculations:

                                                 Standard     Premium

Estimated weekly demand      100 units      70 units

Contribution margin per unit    $18              $20

Machine-hours required           3                    4

Total machine-hours required 300 hrs       280 hrs

Contribution per machine hour $6 ($18/3) $5 ($20/4)

Total Machine-hours available = 496

To maximize profit, produce   100 units      49 units

Machine-hours used                 300 hrs        196 hrs

By generating all 100 units of the Standard model's weekly demand and 49 units of the Premium model in the remaining 196 hours (496 - 300), Helmer's Rockers may optimize profitability.

Learn more about maximize profits Visit :  


Which of these is the process of estimating expected future cash flows of a project using only the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statements?​a. Pro forma analysis ​b. Substitutionary analysis ​c. Incremental cash flows ​d. Cash flow analysis


By using only the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statements to estimate expected future cash flows is the process of (A) pro forma analysis.

What Is Pro Forma Analysis?

Pro forma analysis is a form of budgeting method that can be used in a company. The main purpose of using pro forma analysis is to estimate the future cash flows that occur in the company. This analysis is carried out using assumptions from projects that have already occurred and also only uses data references from the relevant parts of the balance sheet and income statement. The usage of results of this analysis can be used as a basis for consideration for potential investors and also for top management to make business decisions.

Learn more about pro forma analysis


fx services granted 18.0 million of its $1 par common shares to executives, subject to forfeiture if employment is terminated within two years. the common shares have a market price of $7 per share on the grant date. ignoring taxes, what is the effect on earnings in the year after the shares are granted to executives?


The shares are granted to executives.From the aforementioned query, we can infer the following 17.5 million common shares were granted. Price per ordinary share is $1. Common share prices currently trade at $7.

We estimate the impact on revenue for the year.

following the issuance of shares to executives as

follows 7 times $17.5 million => 122,500,000 divide this by the number of years, do the following the common share is forfeitable in the event the end of employment.

=> 122,500,000/2

=> $61,250,000

Share refers to the percentage of the firm owned by the man who purchased the share. It's a method of raising money for the company when it is required.The whole cost of compensation for restricted shares is determined by dividing the fair value of each share by how many shares were distributed to executives, which $8 per share, or $15 million, is the equivalent. The $120 million in compensation will cost in total be divided equally throughout the three years of vesting.

To know more about executive visit:


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