Martha has 9 feet of red ribbon and 6 feet of green ribbon. How many yards of ribbon does she have altogether?Martha has _____ yards of ribbon.The solution is ______


Answer 1

Since we want the total amount, we first can add the red and green ribbon:


Martha has 15 feet of ribbon.

To converto to yards, we can just divide the amount in feet by 3. So, in yards:



Martha has 5 yards of ribbon.

Related Questions

can you please help me with the work sheet and get all the answers and thank you





7) Given;


Using factors of 2 and -4;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \lparen x^2+2x-4x-8) \\ \left(x^2+2x\right)+\left(-4x-8\right) \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} x\left(x+2\right)-4\left(x+2\right) \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Factor out the common term;

[tex]\begin{gathered} x(x+2)-4(x+2) \\ (x+2)(x-4) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The graphical solution is attached.

I need to know which point is the solution and I need a check for it to make sure it’s correct and the line on the graph


The system of equations are given as

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-2x=-4 \\ y=-x-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The graph of the system of equations is

The point which is the solution is


Solve this problem, please and thank you. Picture included. Algebra 2.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{effi}ciency=(\frac{\frac{C}{A}-0.3}{0.2}+\frac{\frac{Y}{A}-3}{4}+\frac{\frac{T}{A}}{0.05}+\frac{0.095-\frac{I}{A}}{0.04})x\frac{100}{6} \\ A=565 \\ C=302 \\ T=20 \\ I=12 \\ Y=3759 \\ \text{effi}ciency=(\frac{\frac{302}{565}-0.3}{0.2}+\frac{\frac{3759}{565}-3}{4}+\frac{\frac{20}{565}}{0.05}+\frac{0.095-\frac{12}{565}}{0.04})x\frac{100}{6} \\ \text{efficiency =77.3} \\ \text{The efficiency is 77.3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I need help just a understanding. And show how to get the answer.


An angle is formed when two lines meet. The angle is named with the lines that forms it. Looking at the diagram, the angle 2 is formed at B by lines CB and DB. The correct name for angle 2 is angle CBD

The last option is correct

Which expression represents the distance between point (0, a) and point (a,0) on a coordinate grid?




To determine the distance between two points on a coordinate grid, use the formula below:


given the parent function f(x)=ab^x how could changing from a 2 to -2 cause f(x) to change? use words like "increasing" "decreasing" "positive" "negative" "domain" and "range" to describe the similarities and differences in the graph


Here, we want to get the response of the given function with respect to the change in the value of the leading coefficient

As we can see from the question, what we have is an example of an exponential function

Generally, with exponential function with a positive value for a, as the value of x moves closer to negative infinity, we have that the value of f(x) moves closer to 0. What this mean is that with a decrease in the value of x, the value of f(x) moves closer to 0

Hence, as the domain value moves closer to negative infinity, the value of the range moves closer to 0. Furthermore, as the value of the domain moves closer to positive infinity, the value of the range also close in on positive infinity

The above situation is for a being positive (given as 2)

Now, when a becomes negative, we have an opposite direction for the plot

Although, as the domain value moves closer to negative infinity, we have the value of f(x) being closer to zero. This is directly as above

However, as the domain moves towards positive infinity, the value of the range moves closer to negative infinity

In summary;

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{for a = 2} \\ x\Rightarrow\text{ +}\infty\text{ , f(x)}\Rightarrow+\infty \\ x\Rightarrow-\infty,\text{ f(x) }\Rightarrow0 \\ \text{for a = -2} \\ x\Rightarrow+\infty,\text{ f(x)}\Rightarrow-\infty \\ x\Rightarrow-\infty,\text{ f(x)}\Rightarrow0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Dilate the figure by the scale factor. Then enterthe new coordinates.A(-1,1)B(4,0)K=5A'( [?],[])B'( 1 )C'([ ],[]).C(1,-3)EnterAnswer


A dilation is a proportional stretch or shrink of an image based on a scale factor. It is represented by:

[tex](x,y)\rightarrow(K\cdot x,\text{ K}\cdot y)[/tex]

Then, for the figure on the question tab and scale factor of 5:

[tex]A(-1,1)\rightarrow A^{\prime}(-1\cdot5,1\cdot5)=A^{\prime}(-5,\text{ 5)}[/tex][tex]B(4,0)\rightarrow B^{\prime}(4\cdot5,0\cdot5)=B^{\prime}(20,0)[/tex][tex]C(1,-3)\rightarrow C^{\prime}(1\cdot5,-3\cdot5)=C^{\prime}(5,-15)[/tex]

Use the Distributive Property
solve the equation.
- 6(x + 3) = 30


Answer: X = -2

Step-by-step explanation:

-6 time x is -6x and -6 times 3 is -18

Now you have -6x + -18 = 30

Add the now add 18 to both the -18 and 30 now your left with -6x = 12

And at last divide both -6 and 12 to -6

And you have X = -2

Answer: -8

Step-by-step explanation:

-6(x + 3) =30

-Distribute -6 and x = -6x

-Distribute -6 and 3 = -18

-6x -18 = 30

+18 +18. Take away 18 on both sides of the equation


-6 / -6x = 48/-6 Divide -6 on both sides to get x by itself

X = -8

Final Answer : -8

Cual es el resultado de (5)⁶




Step-by-step explanation:


5 times itself 6 times

Josslyn placed $4400 in a savings account which earns 3.2% interest, compounded continuously. How much will she have in the account after 8 years? Round your answer to the nearest dollar. Do NOT round until you have calculated the final answer.


The initial amoud on her savings is $4400, so now we can calculate the interest that she generate in one year:


so in 8 year is going to be:


So the total amoud will be the initial amound plus the interest she earn so:


and rounded would be like:

[tex]5526\text{ dollars}[/tex]


Step-by-step explanation:


An open box is made from a 30cm by 40cm piece of tin by cutting


[tex]\begin{gathered} (30-2s)\cdot(40-2s)=1064 \\ 1200-60s-80s+4s^2=1064 \\ 4s^2-140s+1200=1064 \\ 4s^2-140s+136=0 \\ s^2-35s+34=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

s represents the square

[tex]\begin{gathered} s_{1,\: 2}=\frac{-\left(-35\right)\pm\sqrt{\left(-35\right)^2-4\cdot\:1\cdot\:34}}{2\cdot\:1} \\ s_{1,\: 2}=\frac{-\left(-35\right)\pm\:33}{2\cdot\:1} \\ s_1=\frac{-\left(-35\right)+33}{2\cdot\:1}=\frac{35+33}{2}=\frac{68}{2}=34 \\ s_2=\frac{-\left(-35\right)-33}{2\cdot\:1}=\frac{35-33}{2}=\frac{2}{2}=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The length of the sides of the square is 1 cm

the sophomores are planning a homecoming dance they want to hire a band band a charges $600 to play for the night Band B charges $375 plus $10 for each ticket sold at the sophomore sold 30 tickets which band Chargers higher


Band A.

• Charges $600 to play for the night.

Notice that this cost is to play the whole night, it's a fixed cost.


Band B.

• Charges $375 plus $10 for each ticket sold.


• The sophomore sold 30 tickets.

This band has a fixed cost plus a fee of $10, which is $300 more because they sold 30 tickets.

So, the cost of this band would be


Therefore, Band B will charge more than Band A.

Please answer and explain the problem. This is due soon, please help!!


In all cases use the following formula for the are of a rectangular shape:

A = lw

Plot A:

The area and height are known, then, solve the formula for the length l:

l = A/w

repace the given values

l = (204 ft²)/(10.2 ft)

I = 20 ft

For the perimeter you have:

P = 2l + 2w = 2(20 ft) + 2(10.2 ft) = 60.4ft

Plot B:

The length and the perimeter are known. For the expression for the perimeter solve for w:

P = 2l + 2w

w = (P - 2l)/2

replace the values of P and l:

w = (57.56 ft - 2(12.78 ft))/2 = 16 ft

Then, replace in the formula for the area:

A = lw = (12.78 ft)(16 ft) = 204.48 ft²

Plot C:

The area and the height are known. Use the formula for A to obtain the length:

l = A/w = 204.49 ft/14.3 ft = 14.3 ft

and for the perimeter:

P = 2w + 2l = 2(14.3 ft) + 2(14.3 ft) = 57.2 ft

Hence, you can conclude:

- The plost with the least amount of fencing is the plot with the lowest perimeter, hence, Plot C requires the least amount of fencing.

- The plot with the greatest area is Plot A.

Given the functions:Evaluate the function for . Write your answer in exact simplified form. Select "Undefined" if applicable.



[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)\text{ = x}^3\text{ + 6x} \\ g(x)\text{ = }\sqrt{2x} \end{gathered}[/tex]


The required function is given as,


This is non graded algebra 1 I need help on question 10


An exponential decay function can be generically written as:

[tex]y=a\cdot b^x[/tex]

The conditions for this function are:

1) The y-intercept is 4.

2) The values of y decrease by a factor of one half as x increases by 1.

The y-intercept corresponds to the value of y when x = 0, so we can express it as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=a\cdot b^x \\ 4=a\cdot b^0 \\ 4=a\cdot1 \\ a=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

This condition let us find the value of a.

The next condition will be used to find the value of b.

As x increases by 1, y decreases by one half.

We can write this as a quotient between consecutive values of y:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{y(x+1)}{y(x)}=\frac{1}{2} \\ \frac{4\cdot b^{x+1}}{4\cdot b^x}=\frac{1}{2} \\ b^{x+1-x}=\frac{1}{2} \\ b^1=\frac{1}{2} \\ b=\frac{1}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, we can write the function as:


Answer: y = 4*(1/2)^x

For her phone service, Lucy pays a monthly fee of $15, and she pays an additional $0.05 per minute of use. The least she has been charged in a month is$84.75What are the possible numbers of minutes she has used her phone in a month?Use m for the number of minutes, and solve your inequality for m.


m ≥ 1395 minutes


Monthly fee = $15

fee paid per minute of use = $0.05

let the number of minutes she used = m

The least amount she has been charged = $84.75

least is written as ≥ $84.75

The equation:

Monthly fee + fee per minute(number of minutes) = The total charge

The equal sign changed below since the question mentioned the least amount

$15 + 0.05(m) ≥ $84.75

15 + 0.05m ≥ 84.75

To get the possible number of minutes, we will solve for m:

15 + 0.05m ≥ 84.75

subtract 15 from both sides:

0.05m ≥ 84.75 - 15

0.05m ≥ 69.75

divide both sides by 0.05:

m ≥ 69.75/0.05

m ≥ 1395 minutes

The possible number of minutes she has used her phone in a month is at least 1395 minutes

A card is chosen at random from a deck of 28 cards. The deck contains red, 12 black 7 blue, and 2 green cards. Thend the card is returned to the deck and New card is cosen. the table below shows the results of choosing 14 cards. for which color of card is the experimental probability the same as the theoretical probabicaras.Results red= 10 black=2 blue=1green=1


From the question, we can find that we have 7 red cards

so, the probability of chosen at random a card is

p(red)= 7/28

p(black)= 12/28

p(blue) = 7/28


As after picking a card we return the card to the deck, and given that we chose 14 cards, our theoretical number of chosen cards should be around

p(red) = (7/28)x14 = 3.5

p(black) = (12/28)x14 = 6

p(blue) = (7/28)x14 = 3.5

p(green)= (2/28)x14=1

so the color that the experimental probability is the same as the theoretical probability is green

Fibonacci, Pythagoras and Descartes went out for breakfast. The total bill was $38.50. The tax rate was 7% and they left a 20% tip. Determine the total bill. Round to the nearest how much will each person pay if the bill was equally divided?



• Total bill = $38.50


• Tax rate = 7% = 0.07


• Tip = 20% = 0.20

Let's find the total bill after tax and tip.

Now, to find the total bill we have:

Total bill = bill + tax amount + tip amount


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ tax amount = 0.07}\times38.50=2.695 \\ \\ Tip\text{ amount = 0.20 }\times38.50=7.7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The tax amount is $2.695

The tip amount is $7.70

Now, to find the total bill, we have:

Total bill = $38.50 + $2.695 + $7.7 = $48.895 ≈ $48.90

Therefore, the total bill rounded to the nearest hundredth is $48.90

Part B.

To find the amount each person will pay if the bill was equally divided, let's divide the total bill by the number of people.


Number of people = 3

Hence, we have:

[tex]\frac{48.90}{3}=\text{ 16.30}[/tex]

Therefore, the amount each person will pay is $16.30


(a). $48.90

(b). $16.30

Please help me quickly I don’t need the explanation I just need the answer I’m sorry I just need a fast


Notice that the area is equivalent to the area of the complete rectangle minus the area of the 3km x 4km rectangle.


Now, the area of a rectangle is given by the following formula:




Simplifying the above result, we get:




Find the exact value of the expression:4^log16^(7)A) ✓7B) 2✓3C) 8D) 49



A) ✓7


Given the expression:

[tex]4^{\log _{16}7}[/tex]

First, we can rewrite 4 as a root of 16.

[tex]=16^{\frac{1}{2}\log _{16}7}[/tex]

Next, by the power law of logarithm:

[tex]a\log x=\log x^a\implies\frac{1}{2}\log _{16}7=\log _{16}7^{\frac{1}{2}}[/tex]

Thus, our given expression becomes:

[tex]=16^{\log _{16}\sqrt{7}}[/tex]

Using the logarithm property below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^{\log _xa}=a \\ \implies16^{\log _{16}\sqrt[]{7}}=\sqrt[]{7} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The exact value of the expression is ✓7.

Option A is correct.

solve the value of the variable7(3x-4)=6x-4+3x+12


7(3x-4) = 6x -4 +3x +12​


7(3x) -7(4) = 6x -4 +3x +12​

21x - 28 = 6x -4 +3x +12​

Combining similar terms:

21x - 28 = (6x + 3x) + (-4 +12​)

21x - 28 = 9x + 8

9x is adding on the right, then it will subtract on the left

28 is subtracting on the left, then it will add on the right

21x - 9x = 8 + 28

12x = 36

12 is multiplying on the left, then it will divide on the right

x = 36/12

x = 3

Persuade Mr. Zion whether the numbers 12,16,and 20 make a right triangle or not. Make sure to state reasons for and against your belief


we can corrobarate this using pythagorean theorem:

[tex]\begin{gathered} c^2=a^2+b^2 \\ \text{where:} \\ c>a,c>b \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} a=12 \\ b=16 \\ c=20 \\ 20^2=12^2+16^2? \\ 400=144+256 \\ 400=400 \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

since the equality is satisfied, we can conclude that it is possible to make a right triangle using those numbers

use the functions f (×) and g (×) to complete the comparison statements using <,>,or =.F(x)= -×-5


First Question:

f(3) = (-3)-5 (Replacing x in the equation)

f(3) = -8 (Operating integers)

From the table we see that g(3) = 8, therefore, f(3)< g(3)

Second Question:

The slope of f is the coefficient of x in the equation, so, the slope of f is -1.

Using the slope formula for g(x) with points (0,2) and (3,8) we find that:


The slope of g is 2.

Therefore, the slope of f is less (<) than the slope of g

Third Question:

The y-intercept of f is the value next to the term -x, so, it is equal to -5

The y-intercept of g can be found with the point (0,2), when x=0, y is equal to 2, then the y-intercept is 2.

Therefore, the y-intercept of f is less(<) than the y-intercept of g.

How much interest is earned on an initial investment of $700 with a 5% annual rate for 2 years? A $700B $350C $70D $35


Let's calculate the 5% of $700 using a rule of three:

This way,

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{700\cdot5}{100} \\ \Rightarrow x=35 \end{gathered}[/tex]

$35 is earned each year, For two years, the earnings would be $70

Answer: C. $70

Convert 57•F to degrees Celsius. If necessary, round your answer to the nearest tenth of a degree. Here are the formulas.C=5/9 (F-32)F= 9/5 C+32





We want to convert 57°F to degrees Celsius.

To do this, apply the formula:


where F = temperature in Fahrenheit

Therefore, 57°F to degrees Celsius is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} C=\frac{5}{9}(57-32) \\ \\ C=\frac{5}{9}*25 \\ \\ C=13.9°C \end{gathered}[/tex]

That is the answer.

solve for C -3 (C + 5)- (c-3)=32


Given the equation:


To find the value of 'c', the first step to do is to get rid of the parenthesis. We can do this using the distributive property on both cases:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -3(c+5)-(c-3)=32 \\ \Rightarrow-3\cdot c+(-3)\cdot5-c-(-3)=32 \\ \Rightarrow-3c-15-c+3=32 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now that we don't have any parenthesis in our equation, we start moving similar terms: we leave on the left the terms with the variable 'c' and we move the rest of the terms to the right side with it's sign changed:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -3c-15-c+3=32 \\ \Rightarrow-3c-c=32+15-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We can make the operations on each side since now we have the similar terms apart:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -3c-c=32+15-3 \\ \Rightarrow-4c=47-3=44 \\ -4c=44 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, we move the -4 that is multiplying the 'c' to the other side doing its opposite operation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} -4c=44 \\ \Rightarrow c=\frac{44}{-4}=-11 \\ c=-11 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, c=-11

Assume that the random variable X is normally distributed , with mean = 80 and standard deviation = 15. Compute the probability P(X > 92) .


Assume that the random variable X is normally distributed , with mean = 80 and standard deviation = 15. Compute the probability P(X > 92) .​

step 1

Find z score



step 2

using the z-score table

For z=0.8



answer is


Number of Hours13.5Total Cost$2.00$6.50$7.00$9.00$12.507.59Identify the domain and range. Select the two correct answers.АDomain: {1, 2.00}BDomain: (1.3.5, 5, 7.5,9)CDomain: 2. 6.50, 7.9. 12.50)DRange: 19. 12.50)ERange: (1,3,5,5, 7.5.9}F.Range: (2,6 50, 7, 9, 12.50)


Domain is the set of x values, or the inputs.

Range is the set of y values, or the outputs.

They are unique.

Looking at the table,

the number of hours is the input on which we have the cost, the output.


We get domain from number of hours

We get range from total cost

1, 3.5, 5, 7.5, and 9 ---- hours (domain)

B is right.


Range would be the total costs, which are:

2, 6.5, 7, 9, 12.5

F is right.

Correct answers are B and F

List the sides of ABC from shortest to longest.CB AB ACАВ, СВ, АСАВ, АС, СВCB AC AB


First we need to calculated the missing angle

the intern angles of a triangle must be 180°

angle +63+60=180


the shortest side is AB

the next side is AC

and the longest side is CB


Eric needs to manufacture a turntable with a circumference of `140pi` centimeters. If the allowed error tolerance in the circumference is `+-5` centimeters, how close to the ideal radius must he control the radius of the turntable?

A. `10/pi`

B. `2/pi`

C. 5/(2pi)`

D. `5/(4pi)`

Answer: is C. `5/(2pi)`


The correct option is C  5/(2π) . The ideal radius must he control the radius of the turntable will be 5/(2π) .

What is meant by circumference?

circle's circumference 22 inches around make up the circle. Periphery from the center to the sphere's circumference: 2: an object or figure's external boundary or surface The circumference, which in geometry refers to a circle or ellipse's perimeter, is derived from the Latin circumferens, which means "carrying around." In other words, the circumference would be the length of the circle's arc if it were opened out and straightened out to a line segment. Any great circle's circumference, or the distance between any two planes that cross a sphere's center, is measured in meters. Any large circle that traverses a pole-designated point is known as a meridian. The shortest path between any two locations on a sphere is referred to as a geodesic.

To  know more about circumference ,visit:


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