maintain optimal temperatures for growth and development.


Answer 1


Most plants tolerate normal temperature fluctuations. In general, foliage plants grow best between 70 degrees and 80 degrees F. during the day and between 60 degrees to 68 degrees F. at night.


hoped this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Answer 2
Some plants can survive in normal temperatures but some can be sensitive to cold weather or temperatures

Related Questions

What two parties pay for your health insurance if you enroll in an employer-sponsored plan?


The two parties that pay for health insurance if you enroll in an employer-sponsored plan are the employer and the employee.

The employer typically pays a majority of the premium, often covering 50-90% of the cost. The employee pays the remaining portion of the premium through either payroll deductions or a lump sum. The employer may also contribute to a health savings account (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA) to cover eligible out-of-pocket expenses. The employee also typically pays a deductible before their insurance kicks in. Depending on the plan, the employee may also have copayments or coinsurance for certain services. By sharing the cost of health insurance, employers can help employees get access to quality healthcare while also providing them with financial security.

To know more about employer-sponsored plans refer to  the link


Manuel and Manfred are twins, and both treat psychological disorders. manuel received his m.d. and often prescribes medications while manfred received a ph.d. and practices therapy. it is most likely that ________________________.


Since they treat psychological disorders, It is most likely that Manuel is a psychiatrist and Manfred is a clinical psychologist.

Psychological disorders, also known as mental disorders or psychiatric disorders, are conditions that affect a person's mood, thinking, behavior, and overall functioning. A variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and life experiences can cause them. These can be anxiety or mood disorders, eating disorders etc.

A psychologist is someone who studies the mind and behavior. A specialist in psychology is a psychologist. The study of the human mind and its processes is known as psychology. A psychiatrist is a medical specialist who focuses on mental health. A psychiatrist will consider any linkages between physical and mental health issues because they know both. Since Manuel received his m.d. and often prescribes medications while Manfred received a ph.d. and practices therapy, thus It is most likely that Manuel is a psychiatrist and Manfred is a clinical psychologist.

Read more about  psychological disorders on:


The metaparadigm of nursing consists of environment, health, nursing and person.a. True
b. False


The metaparadigm of nursing consists of environment, health, nursing, and person.

The answer is True.

According to McEwen & Wills, 2011, Metaparadigm is a general view of a scientific discipline that is used as a reference for identifying phenomena in a unique way.

Metaparadigm offers a comprehensive approach to health services, for humans, the environment, health, and nursing.

People: empowering patients to manage their own health and well-being. Nurses can help by listening to patients' voices and what they feel.

Environment: understand the patient's environment both internally and externally because the environment plays an important role in human health.

Health: healthy conditions at each stage of a certain age are different. What is considered healthy for young people may not be healthy for old age. By knowing this, nurses can provide treatment as needed.

Nursing: a professional nurse, is expected to be able to advocate for patients and provide a safe and comfortable environment. Because of this role, nurses need to improve their professional quality by pursuing further education, conducting research, and participating in healthcare policy-making.

Learn more about Nursing here:


What should one do after the solution has been implemented?
a. monitor the solution’s progress and make corrective adjustments if needed.
b. analyze and evaluate the solution’s success by asking the five w questions.
c. create a plan of action, detailing how the solution should be followed.
d. use the brainstorming process to create new and innovative solutions. please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Once the solution has been implemented, one must monitor the solution’s progress and make corrective adjustments if needed, i.e. option a is correct.

There are 3 fundamental degrees involved: making plans and getting ready to put into effect the solution. imposing and tracking the action. reviewing and analyzing the achievement of the action. The steps such as defining a problem, studying the problem, figuring out feasible solutions, deciding on the satisfactory solution, making plans your direction of action, and subsequently enforcing the answer at the same time as tracking its effectiveness.

Therefore, option a is the correct choice.

To learn more about plan check the link below:



a. monitor the solution’s progress and make corrective adjustments if needed


Is midnight too late to sleep?


Midnight may or may not be considered too late to sleep for Gen Z population, however it is bad for health to go for sleep in midnight according to adults and learned people.

Midnight sleeps tend to affect the body clock or the circadian rhythm of the body. The particular poor sleep pattern can affect the mood drastically as well as the physical health. It is said that the accumulated sleep over time tends to make body weak and many people face either reduced weight or abnormally increase in weight. The best bed time in todays fast evolving revolutionary world could be between 8 PM and 12 AM. The person must ensure that they get a daily sleep of approximately 6 to 7 hours so that the body remains healthy. Also, short nap period in a day can effectively boost the activity of mind of the person thereby increasing their productivity.

Learn more about short nap at:


What would happen if you didn't sleep?


lack of hand-eye coordination, decreased learning, poor mood, and impaired judgment will occur. As the lack of sleep continues, more physiological problems emerge, including hormone swings, immune system suppression, and increased blood pressure.

At one time, disordered people were simply warehoused in asylums. These have been replaced with psychiatric hospitals in which attempts were made to diagnose and cure those with psychological disorders. This best illustrates one of the beneficial consequences of:


In psychiatric hospitals attempts were made to diagnose and cure those with psychological disorders and this best illustrates one of the beneficial consequences of the medical model.

The medical model is a model of health that suggests that sickness is detected and known through a scientific method of observation, description, and differentiation, in accordance with customary accepted procedures, like medical examinations, tests, or a group of symptom descriptions.

A psychological disorder is, broadly, a condition characterised by distressing, impairing, and/or atypical thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Psychopathology is that the study of psychological disorders, together with their symptoms, etiology (i.e., their causes), and treatment.

To learn more about psychological disorders here


foods that have 35% of a daily intake of a nutrient are classified the same as those that have 20%. t or f


True. Foods with 35% of the recommended diurnal input of a nutrient are distributed also to those with 20.

What about nutrients?The body's consumption and use of food and other nutrients.One of three forms of heterotrophic aliment exists holozoic, saprophytic, or parasitic. utmost invertebrates and several unicellular brutes, including amoebas, parade holozoic feeding.Whereas in saprophytic nutrition, the organisms eat dead and putrefying accoutrements The process of consuming food and transubstantiation into energy and other essential rudiments is known as nutrition.The composites known as nutrients are what the body needs to produce the biomolecules and energy demanded to carry out its numerous conditioning.The process, through which an organism obtains the food, or the force of nutrients demanded by its body and cells to be alive, is known as nutrition.There are two different forms of nutrition: autotrophic and heterotrophic modes.The autotrophic medium of aliment is seen in shops.A nutritional diet supports normal growth, development, and aging, helps people maintain a healthy body weight, and lowers their chance of developing habitual conditions, all of which contribute to overall health and good.

Learn more about nutrients here:



The answer is true


What preparations do you think you need to do before you start to practice cheer dancing?



Make sure to stretch multiple times a day and focus on flexibility and muscular endurance. Easy at hope workouts once a day for thirty minutes will be amazingly helpful, as well as practicing cheers you find online to prepare. This will come in handy for when you are trying to memorize dances in the future.

How long can you go without sleep?


Answer: it's unclear exactly how long humans can survive without sleep but over 48 hours, 4 days is the limit before you mind cannot keep up.


What happens in an inelastic?


Answer -
In physics , an inelastic collision occurs when some amount of kinetic energy of a colliding object/system is lost. The colliding particles stick together, and the maximum amount of kinetic energy is lost in a perfectly inelastic collision. In such cases, kinetic energy lost is used in bonding the two bodies together.

How many hours does Elon Musk sleep?


Answer: 12 hours as everyone else he does not have to wake up early since he his a billionaire


major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize ________.


major disturbances in thought, emotion, perception, and behavior characterize Schizophrenia .

Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder in which individuals have an abnormal interpretation of reality. Schizophrenia can cause hallucinations, delusions, and exceptionally disordered behavior and thinking that interferes with daily functioning and can be disabling. Schizophrenia patients must be treated for the rest of their lives.

Schizophrenia is a disastrous psychological disorder marked by significant disruptions in thought, perception, emotion, and behavior. Approximately 1% of the population develops schizophrenia during their lifetime, and the disorder is typically diagnosed in early adulthood (early to mid-20s).

Schizophrenia is distinguished by considerable abnormalities in perception and behavioral changes. Persistent delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, highly disorganized behavior, or extreme agitation may be symptoms.

For more information on Schizophrenia , visit :


It is important to make your own decisions. At the same time, it is good to ask for help. Identify a situation where you absolutely need to be thinking for yourself and one in which turning to others is best when it comes to making decisions about your health.


It can be mental health. Where you can feel fed up with people . You can turn them down so you can have time for yourself to relax and do things that make you happy, but also inform the people you hang with that you want some time to yourself, in which they should support.

Hope this helps, if not sorry.

The dietary manipulation that is related most significantly to longevity in animal studies is?


The dietary manipulation that is related most significantly to longevity in animal studies is Caloric Restriction.

The only experimental, non-genetic paradigm that has been shown to lengthen longevity is caloric restriction (CR). It has a wide range of applications and delays aging in most animals, extending their life spans. The usage of CR in humans is of great curiosity, and research on animals may provide insight into its effects.

Studies that restrict calorie intake by giving animals unrestricted access to diluted diets have less influence on longevity than those that have animals consume a smaller amount of food each day while fasting in between meals. This has sparked interest in the function that fasting plays in health and aging as well as the investigation of the health impacts of different fasting regimens.

Find more on animal studies at :


the ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self


The self-reference effect refers to the improvement in long-term memory that results from relating information to oneself.

What is self-reference effect?The self-reference effect (SRE) refers to memory that is better for self-relevant information than for other-relevant information. In general, the SRE is found in situations where links between stimuli and the self are formed during the encoding phase.According to the Self-Reference Effect, people remember information that is relevant to them more easily. Personalized information is encoded differently in our brains, resulting in improved recall, learning, and persuasion. Several studies have found that when the models look like the customers, they are more likely to respond to the ads.The self-reference effect describes how people encode information differently depending on whether they are involved in the information. When people are asked to remember information that is related to them in some way, their recall rate improves.

To learn more persuasion refer to :


What is mental and emotional health? what are the characteristics of a person who is mentally and emotionally healthy? identify whether the following characteristics indicate good mental and emotional health or not.


The capacity to deal with and control emotions is referred to as "emotional health". It also includes the ability to form positive relationships. The ability to think clearly and generate appropriate decisions is defined as "mental health". It also encompasses the capacity to deal with stress and emotions. 

There are five characteristics of a mentally and emotionally healthy person:

Sense of belongingSelf sufficiencyHealthy self-esteemSense of purposePositive outlook

The following are the characteristics that indicate good mental and emotional health that were chosen from the picture (see the attachment):

Is able to laugh.Is able to adapt to changes.Is self-confident.Has good, strong relationship with others.Is able to handle stressors.Has good self-esteem.Is able to overcome setbacks, disappointments, and losses.Is able to solve new problems in life.Is able to balance work or studies with fun.Has a sense of purpose in life.

The following are characteristics that do not necessarily indicate good mental and emotional health and were chosen from the picture (see the attachment):

Is always happy.Is never sad.Set a goal and never waver from fulfilling it.Has more friends than anyone else.Feels superior to others .Is always the most successful at work or school.Is a star athlete.Is everyone's favorite.Is always well-dressed.

Learn more about mental health here:


How many calories do you burn in 10 minutes of cycling?


100 calories can be burned during 10 minutes of intense cycling outside on a real bike while pedaling at 14 to 16 mph.

Cycling often burns less calories per hour than swimming does. Although swimming doesn't need you to bear your weight, it is a full-body workout. Additionally, as water better transfers heat, heat is lost faster. Your body is compelled to produce greater heat as a result, burning calories. The most calories seem to be burned while running, then cycling, and then swimming. In spite of this, the length and intensity of your activity have a significant impact on how many calories you burn. The METs rise to 9.8 if you swim freestyle laps rapidly and vigorously. A 150-pound person would burn about 410 calories an hour while swimming idly, but 682 calories an hour while swimming laps vigorously. A 150-lb person may burn 682 calories per hour while bicycling at a speed between 14 and 15.9 mph, and this number increases to 1,091 at 20 mph.

Learn more about Cycling here


Fetal circulation follows the same pathway as maternal circulation.
O False
O True



This statement if False.


The fetus obtains its oxygen and nutrients from the mother and also depends on maternal circulation to carry away the carbon dioxide and waste products. The umbilical cord contains two umbilical arteries to carry fetal blood to the placenta and one umbilical vein to carry oxygen-and- nutrient -rich blood from the placenta to the fetus.

How do you measure muscular strength?


Muscle strength can be measured by estimating a person's one repetition maximum (1RM) - a measurement of the greatest load (in kg) that can be fully moved (lifted, pushed, or pulled) once without failure or injury.

Answer: The bench press and leg press are the most widely used exercises for upper and lower body muscular strength testing, respectively. Other dynamic strength tests include the arm curl, latissimus dorsi pull-down, knee extension, and knee curl.


Muscle strength can be measured by estimating a person's one repetition maximum  a measurement of the greatest load that can be fully moved (lifted, pushed, or pulled) once without failure or injury.

A patient’s skin culture came back with gram-positive cocci with superantigen toxins and m protein. what is the cause of the skin infection?



Streptococcus pyogenes.-S. pyogenes is a Gram-positive coccus with super antigen toxins and M proteins. S. aureus is a Gram-positive coccus with super antigen toxins but no M proteins. C. perfringens is a Gram-positive bacillus. C. albicans is a fungus.


Some clinicians are able to develop a clearer understanding of a future patient if the patient already has a prior diagnosis.
a. True
b. False


True, If a patient has a history of a previous diagnosis, some physicians may be able to gain a greater knowledge of that patient in the future.

The statement is true

What makes a diagnostic different from a diagnosis?

Diagnoses is the plural form; it is pronounced [dahy-uhg-noh-seez]. The verb for this is diagnose. To diagnose is really to give a prognosis of what precise problem is impacting the patient, whether it be an illness or a patient; the meaning is the same.

What various diagnoses are there?

clinical assessment. a diagnosis that is established based on symptoms and medical signals rather than diagnostic procedures. diagnostic testing. a medical diagnosis that heavily relies on test or laboratory results rather than a patient's physical examination.

To  know more about diagnosis visit:


What was the last thing that made you feel grateful?


The last thing that made me feel grateful was the gift I received from an old friend.

What things make an individual feel grateful?

There are many things in life that makes one feel grateful and they include the following:

The family circleClose friendsGood health.Your home.Your dram job.Eating Healthy food.Your education and educational backgroundYour pets.

Showing a feeling of gratitude for all these things makes us happy, gives us a sense of purpose and even makes the ones around us happy.

Gratitude or gratefulness is from the Latin word 'gratus', which means pleasing or thankful and is regarded as a feeling of appreciation by a recipient of another's kindness.

Learn more about gratitude at:


the_____is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us.


The collective unconscious is a universal version of the personal unconscious, holding mental patterns, or memory traces, which are common to all of us.

What is collective unconscious?

The term "collective unconscious" was coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung to describe a type of the unconscious that is shared by all of humanity and derives from the inherited brain structure. The unconscious is that part of the mind that contains memories and impulses that the individual is not aware of.

How can you use the collective unconscious as an example?

The mother-child bond is one illustration.

No one defines what a mother is, but regardless of where we were born or our culture, religion, or colour, we have a specific response when we encounter a mothering figure.

What is the role of the collective unconscious in behaviour?

Impact of the collective unconscious-

We may make swift decisions thanks to the collective unconscious, frequently without even realising where they came from. The collective unconscious controls response and intuition, among other crucial processes.

To know more about collective unconscious:


are patients with hypertension and diabetes mellitus at increased risk for covid-19 infection?


Patients with cardiac disorders, hypertension, or diabetes who take ACE2-increasing medications run an increased risk of developing a severe COVID-19 infection and should be watched for ACE2-modulating treatments such ACE inhibitors or ARBs.

Why are individuals with diabetes more susceptible to COVID-19?

The issue that diabetics face is not that they have a higher probability of contracting the virus, but rather that they are more likely to experience worse repercussions if they do. Furthermore, a person's likelihood of developing those dangerous COVID-19 problems increases the more health disorders they have (for instance, diabetes and heart disease).

In hypertension, it is believed that the initial tissue damage caused by high blood pressure causes cellular debris to be released, which alerts the local immune system to respond.

To know more about hypertension, visit:


an effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are:___.


An effective way to break the cycle of depression is to explain stressful events in terms that are specific and temporary.

What about depression?Depression is a current internal illness.According to estimates, the condition affects 5% of individualities worldwide.harmonious anguish and a loss of interest in formerly fulfilling or joyous conditioning are its defining traits.Also, it may vitiate appetite and sleep.Attention problems and fatigue are frequent.Everybody is different in how they're affected by depression, which has a wide variety of symptoms.The signs include crying a lot, feeling depressed and hopeless, and losing interest in preliminarily loved conditioning.It's also typical for persons with depression to experience anxiety symptoms.People of different periods, colors, gender individualities, and fiscal position constantly witness depression.According to the 2017 National Institute of Mental Health study, depression affects 17.3 million individualities in the United States.Cortisol situations in the hippocampus rise as a result of depression, which inhibits neural growth in the brain.The decline in function of the damaged portion is nearly identified with the atrophy of brain circuits.The amygdala grows as a result of elevated cortisol situations, whereas other brain regions shrink.A severe internal complaint called major depressive complaint has an impact on how people feel, suppose, and carry out their diurnal conditioning.The illness may also affect a person's capacity to enjoy life, eating, and sleep patterns.

Learn more about depression here:


Melly just moved into her first apartment. She is excited to decorate the apartment and make it her own. Her first step is choosing paint colors for the walls. She has a hard time choosing between two different shades of blue, but her friend was able to point out that one was darker and therefore better for a bedroom. In the kitchen, she chose a lemon-yellow paint. Melly had little money for furnishings and ended up with a lumpy chair from her mother and a sofa that was covered in slightly itchy fabric. On her first evening in the apartment, she lit a vanilla-scented candle that reminded her of home. Based on the scenario described, how is Melly using each of the following concepts to help her settle into her new apartment?
-Olfactory bulb
-Sensory adaptation
-Difference threshold

Later that night, Melly gets up to get a drink of water from the kitchen. She does not turn on any lights as she makes her way past stacks of boxes in the living room. Briefly, she is frightened by what looks like a man standing in the corner of the room. But then she realizes that it is only a coat she has thrown on a hook. Based on the scenario described, how do each of the following concepts explain Melly's actions?
-Feature detection
-Dark adaptation
-Top-down processing


1-olfactory bulb - candle smell

-Sensory adaptation - familiar smellers

- Difference limit - old furniture from his mother's house

-Glow - colors that soothe

2- Resource detection - she already has the house mapped in her subconscious

-dark adaptation - mind mapping

- Top-down processing - something that wasn't familiar scared her

What is the mental process of adaptation?

Achieving balance, reaching a stable position after overcoming difficulties and upheavals. This is a basic process in the trajectory of the human being, a continuous action that allows, at the same time, its evolution and its survival. To meet basic needs (such as satisfying hunger), man had to face unprecedented situations (to use nutrition as an example: learning which fruits were edible, developing hunting tools and creating industrial processes for sterilizing food).

The work of Jean Piaget  argues that this process also occurs with intelligence. Influenced by the evolutionary theories of Biology, the Swiss scientist demonstrated that the ability to know is not innate or a direct result of experience. It is built by the individual as the interaction with the environment unbalances him - that is, challenges him -, demanding new adaptations that make it possible to rebalance himself, in an evolutionary journey. Human intelligence renews itself with each discovery.

Learn more about adaptation in


Is 8pm too early for bed?


No sleeping at 8pm is not early, most people sleep during that time.

Why is it important to stay hydrated and drink water while you are exercising How much water do you usually drink during the day?


You lose bodily fluid while also removing heat from the body when sweat evaporates from your skin. You must consume fluids when exercising to replace the fluids you lose through perspiration. We should consume 6 to 8 cups or glasses of liquids every day, according to the Eatwell Guide. Water, milk with less fat, and beverages without added sugar, such as tea and coffee, all count.

The primary component of Earth's hydrosphere and the fluids of all known living things is water (H2O), an inorganic chemical that is clear, tasteless, odourless, and almost colourless (in which it acts as a solvent). In spite of not providing food, energy, or organic micronutrients, it is essential for all known forms of life. Its molecules are made up of two hydrogen atoms joined by covalent bonds and have the chemical formula H2O. The angle at which the hydrogen atoms are joined to the oxygen atom is 104.45°. The liquid condition of H2O at standard pressure and temperature is also referred to as "water." Water exists in a variety of natural conditions. It produces fog-like aerosols and precipitation in the form of rain. Droplets of ice and water hanging in the air make up clouds. Crystalline ice has the potential to precipitate as snow when it is finely split. Steam or water vapor is the gaseous form of water.

To learn more about Water here


Is cycling 1hr a day good?


yes it good it helps lower body fat levels, which promotes healthy weight management.

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