lymphocytes that can get rid of cells of the body that have been invaded by foreign organisms are called


Answer 1

lymphocytes that can get rid of cells of the body that have been invaded by foreign organisms are called killer t cells.

an immune cell variety that has the ability to eradicate particular cells, such as virus-infected cells, cancerous cells, and alien cells. To destroy cancer cells, it is possible to isolate killer T cells from other blood cells, develop them in a lab, and then provide them to a patient. T-cells can be divided into two categories: Helper T-cells promote the production of antibodies by B-cells and aid in the growth of killer cells. Cells that have already been invaded by an alien invader are directly destroyed by killer T-cells. A CD8 receptor is present on the surface of cytotoxic T cells. Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) Class I molecules interact with cells through the CD8 receptor to detect infection in healthy cells. The CD8 receptor triggers the cytotoxic T-cells when it detects an infected cell.

learn more about lymphocytes here;


Related Questions

97. In the European population albinim frequency of occurrence (genotype
аа) comprie 7 х 10-5. To how many people i there one albino? One carrier?


The frequency of occurrence of albinism in the European population (genotype aa) comprises 7 х 10⁻⁵. The albino frequency is 0.982 and the albino carrier frequency is 0.015.

Referring to the Hardy-Weinberg equation (p² + 2pq + q² = 1), the frequency of homozygous recessive individuals (aa) in the population is q². Therefore, for albinism in Europe, it is:

q² = 7 х 10⁻⁵ = 0.00007

If we take the square root of these two sides of the sale, we get:

q = 0.008 (Note: The numbers in this example have been rounded for simplicity)

In other words, the frequency of the recessive albinism allele (a) is 0.008 or about 1:160. After knowing one of the Hardy-Weinberg agreements in two variables (q), solving the other agreement (p) becomes easy.

p = 1 - q

p = 1 - 0.008


Therefore, the dominant normal allele (A) has a frequency of 0.992, or about 99/100.

The next step is to plug the p and q frequencies into the Hardy-Weinberg equation:

p² + 2pq + q² = 1

(0.992 )² + 2(0.992)(0.008) + (0.008)² = 1

0.984 + 0.015 + 0.00007 = 1

This gives us the population frequency of each of the three genotypes for that trait:

p² = prediction of individual dominant frequency homozygous = 0.982 = 98.2 %2pq = individual frequency prediction heterozygous = 0.015 = 1.5%q² = predicted frequency of recessive individuals homozygous (albino) = 0.00007 = 0.007%

Learn more about the Hardy-Weinberg equation at


Which of these animal taxa has the highest population of species threatened with extinction?a) Birdsb) Mammalsc) Amphibians


Correct option is C. Amphibians

Any organism that is capable of live both on land and in water. particularly : any of a category of bloodless-blooded vertebrate animals (as frogs and salamanders) that in many respects are between fishes and reptiles. : an plane designed to take off from and land on both land or water.

Crocodiles can't be categorized as amphibians for the following reasons: Amphibians have the capability to breathe over land thru lungs and underwater through their pores and skin. Crocodiles breathe best the usage of lungs and whilst underwater, they need to often floor to respire.

Reptiles have scales, and their pores and skin is dry. Amphibians do not, and their pores and skin is regularly moist with mucus, which keeps them from drying up.

Learn more about amphibians here:-


An animal taxa has the highest population of species threatened with extinction The option c) Amphibians is the animal taxa has the highest population of species threatened with extinction.

Amphibians are 4-limbed and ectothermic vertebrates of the class Amphibia. They inhabit a huge sort of habitats, with maximum species living within terrestrial, fossorial, arboreal, or freshwater aquatic ecosystems.

This animal's elegance consists of toads and frogs, salamanders and newts, and caecilians. Almost all amphibians have thin, wet skin that enables them to breathe. No other institution of animals has this special skin. Most amphibians go through a completely unique alternate from larvae to adults, known as metamorphosis.

Amphibians have adapted to live in lots of different sorts of habitats. They may be observed in forests, woodlots, meadows, springs, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, bogs, and marshes.

Learn more about Amphibians here:-


vital capacity is defined as the: group of answer choices maximum volume of air that can be moved into and out of the lungs during forced respiration. volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled after a normal inspiration. volume of air that can be forcibly exhaled at the end of a normal expiration. total volume of air contained in the respiratory passages.


Vital capacity is defined as the maximum volume of air that can be moved into and out of the lungs during forced respiration.

At various stages of the respiratory cycle, the amount of air in the lungs is divided into four volumes and four capabilities. The four lung capacities are total lung capacity, vital capacity, expiratory capacity, and functional residual capacity. The four lung volumes are inspiratory reserve volume, expiratory reserve volume, tidal volume, and residual volume.

The maximum amount of air that can be expelled after a maximum inspiration is referred to as vital capacity. Tidal volume, inspiratory reserve volume, and expiratory reserve volume are added together to form this volume. Inspiratory, slow, and forceful vital capacities can all be used to measure vital capacity. Similar to the VC, the FVC is determined as the patient exhales with the most force and speed.

To learn more about  respiratory cycle visit;


When Mt. St. Helen erupted in 1980 , all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. What type of succession occurred in his area following this catastrophic disturbance? a. primary succession b. secondary succession


First Succession For instance, a volcanic eruption at Mount Saint Helens, Washington, wiped out all local life. (Choice A).

What makes it an organism?

An entity with life is referred to as an organism. A living entity, however, may be distinguished from an inanimate object by its distinguishing traits. For instance, a cell or several cells make form an organism.

In biology, what are organisms?

Biotic Organisms: Living entities have the ability to reproduce, develop, and maintain homeostasis. Creatures are categorized by taxonomy into specific classes, such as multicellular organisms like animals, plants, and fungi, or single-celled organisms like bacteria, archaea, and protists.

To know more about Organisms visit:


some rna viruses have a gene encoding reverse transcriptase, some others have a gene encoding rna dependent rna polymerase. what can you conclude about these viruses?


Some RNA viruses have a gene encoding reverse transcriptase, some others have a gene encoding RNA dependent RNA polymerase. what can genomic RNA dependent viruses.

A polymeric molecule called ribonucleic acid (RNA) is crucial for many biological processes, including the coding, decoding, control, and expression of genes. Nucleic acids include RNA and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Nucleic acids are one of the four primary macromolecules required for all known forms of life, along with lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates. Contrary to DNA, RNA is found in nature as a single strand folded over itself rather than a paired double strand. RNA is constructed as a chain of nucleotides, just like DNA. Using the nitrogenous bases guanine, uracil, adenine, and cytosine, represented by the letters G, U, A, and C, messenger RNA (mRNA) is used by cellular organisms to transmit genetic information that instructs the creation of particular proteins. Many viruses employ RNA to encrypt their genetic information. By regulating gene expression, catalyzing biological processes, or monitoring and relaying responses to cellular inputs, some RNA molecules actively participate in cellular processes. Protein synthesis, an ubiquitous function in which RNA molecules control the production of proteins on ribosomes, is one of these ongoing processes. Transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules are used in this process to transport amino acids to the ribosome, where ribosomal RNA (rRNA) joins amino acids to generate coded proteins.

To know more about RNA please refer:


Species whose roles have a large effect on the types and abundance of other species in an ecosystem are called ________ species?


Answer:Keystone Species


A keystone species is an organism that helps define an entire ecosystem. Without its keystone species, the ecosystem would be dramatically different or cease to exist altogether.


scientists look at thousands of mutagenized flies, one at a time, under a microscope. they are looking for flies that don't look like they have developed normally. they find a remarkable fly with an extra thorax and a complete extra set of wings. this is an example of:


That's an example of forward genetic screen. Forward genetics is used to analyze the genetic basis of a disease.

Forward genetics refers to a molecular genetics that is use to determine the genetic basis responsible for a phenotype. Forward genetics gives an unbiased approach because it relies heavily on identifying the genes or genetic factors that make a single phenotype or trait of interest.  Forward genetics analyzes the genetic basis of a disease. Forward genetics offers a method to obtain objective information regarding a mutation's connection to a disease. Forward genetics is used to requires no prior knowledge about the gene being studied.

Learn more about forward genetic, here


given that caffeine blocks the activity of camp phosphodiesterase, propose a mechanism by which caffeine ingestion leads to heightened alertness and sleeplessness.


Caffeine inhibits the phosphodiesterase enzyme, which typically metabolizes or degrades cAMP in cells. A second messenger is cAMP.

The cell membrane is impermeable to many hormones. They attach to the receptors on the cell membrane and work by turning on second messengers.Epinephrine and norepinephrine are released as a result of cAMP breakdown, which triggers the fight-or-flight response. Caffeine prevents cAMP from being degraded or decylated, which causes the signal from this secondary messenger to continuously be transmitted and cause the catecholamine receptors to become sensitive to epinephrine and norepinephrine. Caffeine inhibits the breakdown of cyclicAMP, which the messenger that activates epinephrine release.Because cAMP builds up, it causes increased alertness and insomnia.

To know more about caffeine check the below link:


Which of the following requires treatment with both antibiotics and antitoxins?
A) diphtheria
B) tuberculosis
C) whooping cough
D) scarlet fever
E) psittacosis


Diphtheria requires the treatment of both antibiotics and antitoxins.

Diphtheria is the bacterial infection caused due to Corynebacterium diphtheriae that makes harmful toxins in the body. The nose and throat are the primary sites of infection. The general symptoms are: difficulty in breathing and heart rhythm problems. If the problem increases it may even lead to death.

Antibiotics are the chemical compounds that prevent the growth of bacteria in the body. They do so by either slowing the growth of bacteria or completely eradicating them. The example of antibiotics are: amoxicillin, doxycycline, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin, etc. The antibiotic used for diphtheria are: erythromycin or penicillin.

To know more about antibiotics, here


The citric acid cycle is a stage of catabolism that oxidizes acetate into carbon dioxide and generates energy. There are eight enzymes involved in the citric acid cycle.
Which enzymes produce NADH as a product? Select all that apply.


The enzymes that produce NADH as a product are alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, and isocitrate dehydrogenase.

Catabolism is that the set of metabolic pathways that breaks down molecules into smaller units that are either alter to unleash energy or employed in alternative anabolic reactions. biological process breaks down giant molecules into smaller units.

Enzymes are proteins that act as biological catalysts by fast chemical reactions. The molecules upon that enzymes might act are known as substrates, and also the accelerator converts the substrates into totally different molecules called product. Enzymes perform the crucial task of lowering a reaction's activation energy—that is, the number of energy that has to be place certain the reaction to start.

To learn more about enzymes here


When mt. st. helen erupted in 1980, all living organisms within the immediate blast zone were killed by the explosion and debris. what type of succession occurred in this area following this catastrophic disturbance?a. primary succession b. secondary succession


The type of succession that occurred after the volcano Mt. st. helen erupts is a. Primary Success

Primary succession is the emergence of a new community in an area where there was no community before. on mt. st. Helen, then the area will be hit by a lava flow so many organisms will be killed. The community in the area is lost.

After the passage of time the area will be overgrown with pioneer plants such as lichens. Then the rocks will experience weathering because they grow moss so that they become simple soil. Pioneer plants that die will invite decomposing bacteria so that the soil becomes fertile and seeds brought in from outside can grow. This is the beginning of the succession process.

Learn more about primary succession at:


in which part of the body are there the most hair-like protrusions that sweep out foreign substances?


In the human body, the bronchus in the lungs are lined with hair-like projections called cilia that move microbes and debris up and out of the airways.

A bronchus is a passage or airway in the lower respiratory tract that conducts air into the lungs. The first or primary bronchi pronounced to branch from the trachea at the Carina are the right main bronchus and the left main bronchus. These are the widest bronchi, and enter the right lung, and the left lung at each hilum. The main bronchi branch into narrower secondary bronchi or lobar bronchi, and these branch into narrower tertiary bronchi or segmental bronchi. Further divisions of the segmental bronchi are known as 4th, 5th and 6th order segmental bronchi, or grouped together as subsegmental bronchi. The bronchi, when too narrow to be supported by cartilage, are known as bronchioles. No gas exchange takes place in the bronchi.

To learn more about lungs click on the given link:


sometimes an enzyme is activated by a receptor and brings about the cellular response by generating a second messenger. such an enzyme is called .


Sometimes an enzyme is activated by a receptor and brings about the cellular response by generating a second messenger. Such an enzyme is called a(n) effector.

An effector molecule in biochemistry is often a tiny molecule that binds specifically to a protein and controls its biological activity. In this way, effector molecules function as ligands that can alter the expression of genes, the activity of enzymes, or cell signalling. Some mRNA molecules' activity can also be directly regulated by effector molecules (riboswitches). Hormone signalling and immunological response are two further instances of effector actions in biochemistry. Some proteins play the same function as effector molecules (small molecules are chemical compounds that are comparable in size to amino acids or RNA strands). As a result, the majority of effector molecules are significantly smaller than individual proteins, which include many amino acids. Cellular signal transduction cascades provide as one illustration of this. Other branches of biology employ the term effector. For instance, the endpoint at which an axon contacts the muscle or organ that it stimulates or suppresses is known as the effector end of a neuron.

To learn more about effector here


choose all the cranial nerves that parasympathetic fibers leave the brainstem through.


The cranial nerves through which the parasympathetic fibers leave the brainstem are oculomotor, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves.

What is cranial nerves?

Cranial nerves (CN) are those nerves that are made up of 12 pairs of nerves that connect the brain to different parts of the head, neck, and trunk.

The cranial nerves include the following:

olfactory (CN I), optic (CN II), oculomotor (CN III), trochlear (CN IV), trigeminal (CN V), abducent (or abducens; CN VI), facial (CN VII), vestibulocochlear (CN VIII), glossopharyngeal (CN IX), vagus (CN X), accessory (CN XI), and hypoglossal (CN XII).

Of all the listed cranial nerves, the ones that leave the brainstem are

Oculomotor: This is the cranial nerve that helps to adjust and coordinate eye position during movement.

facial nerve: This is the cranial nerve that carries nerve fibers that control facial movement and expression.

Glossopharyngeal nerve: This is the cranial nerve that provides motor innervation to the stylopharyngeus muscle, which is responsible for elevating the pharynx and larynx.

Vagus nerves: This is the cranial nerve that controls specific body functions such as your digestion, heart rate and immune system.

Learn more about nerves here:


many fireflies have flash patterns unique to their species and use them to identify other members of their species. this is an example of


Many fireflies have distinctive flash patterns that they utilize to recognize other fireflies in their species. In this case, behavioral isolation is being used.

A behavior is considered isolated when it prevents reproduction from taking place. As one illustration, male fireflies use particular light patterns to entice females. The way that various species exhibit their lights vary; if a male of one species attempted to attract a female of another, she would not be able to recognize the male’s light pattern and would not mate with him.

When a species becomes reproductively separated from others due to behavioral differences, this is referred to as behavioral isolation. Natural selection uses behavioral isolation to stop species from reproducing with one another. Two different species developing to survive in different ecological niches or two species having various forms of mating rituals, such as dance and auditory signals, are only two examples of conditions that might result in behavioral isolation. These variations are what is referred to as prezygotic barriers or reproductive hurdles that help advance evolution.

To learn more about behavioral isolation, refer:-


In gene expression in eukaryotes, the primary transcript is transported unchanged directly to the cytoplasm and is ready for translation.
a. True
b. False


It is false that In gene expression in eukaryotes, the primary transcript is transported unchanged directly to the cytoplasm and is ready for translation.

Before being transferred to the cytoplasm, the primary transcript goes through a number of processing steps in the nucleus following transcription. These handling steps incorporate the expulsion of introns (non-coding groupings), the expansion of a poly-A tail to the 3' finish of the record, and the expansion of a 5' cap to the 5' finish of the record. The mRNA molecule cannot function properly or remain stable without these modifications.

The mRNA molecule is transported to the cytoplasm only after these processing steps are finished, where ribosomes can turn it into a protein. Therefore, the assertion that the primary transcript is ready for translation and is transported unchanged directly to the cytoplasm is false.

know more about translation here:


oxidative phosphorylation is responsible for approximately what percentage of atp production using the electron transport chain?


Using the electron transport chain, oxidative phosphorylation produces atp in an amount of 90% of cases.

During oxidative phosphorylation, NADH and FADH2 provide electrons to the electron transport chain.Oxidative phosphorylation would not take place without oxygen.The last stage of oxidative phosphorylation is chemiosmosis.The activity of oxidative phosphorylation is associated with electron transport. The reduced electron carriers NADH and FADH2 (obtained through glycolysis, the citric acid cycle, or fatty acid oxidation) send their electrons to oxygen through the electron transport system, which is housed in the inner mitochondrial membrane. As we'll see, the oxidative phosphorylation process, which is employed to produce ATP, "charges" a battery by moving electrons via complexes of the electron transport system.

To know more about oxidative phosphorylation please click on the link


it is now possible to have your personal dna sequenced and analyzed. in addition to ancestry research ,people often use this information to make decisions regarding their health.some say we can now predict which potential health concerns a person may face in their this an accurate prediction?


Some saying we can now predict the potential health concerns a person may face in their life is referred to as an accurate prediction.

What is DNA?

This is referred to as deoxyribonucleic acid and it is the genetic material of living organisms which is responsible for the passing of traits from the parent to the offspring. it also comprises of chromosomes which are involved in cell division during reproduction.

DNA sequencing and analysis has led to organisms or individuals predicting the potential health concerns they may face in their life because it is hereditary in some cases.

For example an individual whose parents or ancestors have a history of diabetes or high blood pressure then the offspring will most likely have iut too which is how it is an accurate prediction.

Read more about DNA sequencing here


what kinds of cells engulf whatever foreign cells and molecules they encounter and recognize?


Numerous cell-surface receptors on neutrophils and macrophages allow them to identify and absorb pathogens.

What is a pathogen ?

An organism that infects its host with disease is referred to as a pathogen, and the severity of the disease symptoms is referred to as virulence. Pathogens include viruses, bacteria, unicellular and multicellular eukaryotes, as well as other taxonomically diverse organisms.

Phagocytes, a type of living cell, devour or engulf other cells or particles through a process known as phagocytosis. An amoeba or other free-living single cell could make up the phagocyte, or it could be one of the body's cells like a white blood cell. The antigens, which are proteins on the surface of the pathogen, help the immune system identify invaders. Every substance or cell has a unique set of antigens, and every person's cells include "self-antigens" that are particular to that person.

To learn more about cell click here:


Which of the following taxonomic rank contain organisms most similar to one another? a. genius b. family c. species d. class


Species is the taxonomic rank contains organisms most similar to one another. The correct option to this question is C.

The least important group of options is species. Common characteristics of organisms increase as we move from a higher taxonomic rank of classification, like class, to a lower one, like species.

Different related species are included in each genus, family of related genus, order of related families, and class of related orders.

The species taxonomy classifies biological entities into groups based on the traits they share. These classifications, known as taxa (plural taxon), are placed according to taxonomic rank, where the more specific the grouping traits are the further down the tree you are.

For more information on species kindly visit to


true or false? achondroplasia, one of the most important genetically determined diseases of the skeletal system, is characterized by the formation of very thin and delicate bones that are easily broken under minimal stress.


Answer: Flase

Explanation: this is false because achondroplasia is not mined towards the disease of the skeleton disease.

What is a transposable element? What can happen if a transposable element is inserted into a gene?


Transposable element is jumping gene within genome result DNA alternation.

A DNA nucleic acid sequence called a transposable element, sometimes known as a jumping gene, can move positions within a genome, sometimes causing or correcting mutations and changing the genetic makeup and genome size of the cell.

Transposable elements account for a significant portion of the genome and most of the DNA mass in a eukaryotic cell. Although selfish genetic elements, transposon play a significant role in the evolution and function of the genome. Transposons are a highly helpful tool for scientists to modify DNA within a living organism.

Class II TEs use a cut-and-paste transposition method rather than an RNA intermediary. Several transposase enzymes catalyse the transpositions. While some transposases bind to any DNA target site, others only bind to specific target sequences. The DNA transposon is cut out and ligated into the target site by the transposase, which also creates sticky ends at the target site. The gaps left by the sticky ends are filled in by a DNA polymerase, and the sugar-phosphate backbone is sealed by a DNA ligase.

Hence, transposon move within gene to create mutation or reverse it.

To know more about DNA enzyme.


Does protein and polypeptide mean the same thing?





poly means many and peptide means a short chain of amino acids. Which amino acids are linked to proteins.

You work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant way to specifically control chromatin remodeling on a gene by gene basis. You work in a lab and you have discovered a brilliant method for targeted control of chromatin remodeling on a gene-by-gene basis. You are specifically interested in modifying the transcription of oncogenes, which are genes whose overexpression can lead to cancer. Select modifications you would make in cancer cells that are over expressing oncogenes. Check all that apply. Increase acetylation of histones
Decrease acetylation of histones Decrease phosphorylation of histones Increase phosphorylation of histones Increase methylation of histones Decrease methylation of histones


Statements 2, 3, and 5 are the correct modifications to control chromatin remodeling.

Any covalent addition of a chemical group to a histone through procedures like acetylation, methylation, ubiquitination, phosphorylation, etc. is referred to as a histone modification.

A histone protein's histone tail is modified by adding an acetyl group through the process of histone acetylation. Acetylation lessens the electrostatic interaction between DNA and histone proteins. As a result, the nucleosomal DNA is made visible by the opening up of the chromatin structure. The transcription machinery of the cell can access the DNA more easily as a result, which enhances gene transcription.

DNA methylation is the process of changing the cytosine bases in DNA into 5-methylcytosine by adding a methyl group. DNA methylation causes genes to become inactive and lowers gene expression.

A more open conformation of chromatin is produced as a result of histone phosphorylation, which gives the histone a negative charge. It plays a major role in transcription, DNA repair, chromosome condensation, and cell death.

Therefore, increasing DNA methylation and decreasing acetylation and phosphorylation of histones help to control the control chromatin remodeling.

To know more about histone modifications:


deep earth extraction inc. operates a facility near estuary bay. discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in


A facility run by Deep Earth Extraction Inc. is located close to Estuary Bay. Penalties and damages may occur from the facility's waste discharge into the water. The answer to this question is option A.

If harmful substances are released from a facility, potentially responsible parties can escape responsibility by shifting ownership. 35. By transferring ownership, potentially culpable parties can avoid responsibility in the event that dangerous substances spill from a facility. a damaging crime.

For misdemeanor-level offenses, the maximum penalty is a year in jail and/or fines of $100,000 for private parties and $200,000 for businesses (see alternative Fines Act 18 U.S.C. 3571). breaches of Sections 407, 408, 409, 414, and 415 must serve at least 30 days in jail.

For more information on waste disposal kindly visit to


Complete question: Deep Earth Extraction, Inc., operates a facility near Estuary Bay. Discharging waste from the facility into the bay can result in a. penalties and damages.b. penalties only.c. damages only.d. none of the choices.

What is one of the tools that is particularly useful in reducing system nervousness in an mrp​ system?


Time fences are one of the tools that is particularly useful in reducing system nervousness in an MRP system.

MRP, which is generally carried out through specialized software, aids in ensuring that the proper inventory is accessible for the manufacturing process precisely when it is required and at the lowest cost. MRP boosts the productivity, adaptability, and profitability of manufacturing operations in this way. It can increase worker productivity, enhance product quality, and lower material and labor costs in factories. Additionally, MRP enables businesses to adapt more swiftly to escalating demand for their goods, avoiding production snags and inventory stockouts that could cost them clients, ultimately resulting in revenue growth and stability.MRP is widely employed by manufacturers and has undeniably played a significant role in the expansion and widespread availability of consumer goods at reasonable prices, which has enhanced the standard of living in most nations. It is improbable that individual firms could have scaled up operations as quickly as they have in the 50 years since the introduction of MRP software without a mechanism to automate the intricate calculations and data management involved in MRP procedures.

To know more about reducing visit:

which mass extinction event occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammalian species?


The mass extinction event that occurred just before the rapid increase in speciation among mammal species was the cretaceous–tertiary extinction event.

What is mass extinction?

The late Cretaceous mass extinction 66 million years ago was marked by a worldwide ecological catastrophe and rapid turnover of species.

Several arboreal mammals, including primate and marsupial ancestors or marsupial mammals, survived or survived extinction and so were able to adapt to extinction and survive. It led to an increase in the numbers of various species of mammals. The surviving mammals diversified into all the new ecological niches that opened up when the dinosaurs and other species went extinct.

Learn more about mammals and other types of vertebrates here :


does cancer start in the messenger RNA of body cells


No, the mechanism of cancer does not start in the messenger RNA of the body cells.

What is a Cancer?

Cancer may be defined as a biological phenomenon in which there is uncontrolled rapid division and proliferation of cells may take place. Due to this uncontrolled rapid division and cell proliferation, there is a formation of tumor occurs. This tumor is known as an undifferentiated cell mass.

Cancer is a disease caused when cells divide uncontrollably and spread into surrounding tissues. Cancer is caused by changes in DNA, not in mRNA. Most cancer-causing DNA changes occur in sections of DNA called genes. These changes are also called genetic changes.

Therefore, the mechanism of cancer does not start in the messenger RNA of the body cells.

To learn more about Cancer, refer to the link:


which factors contributed to the great extinctions at the end of the permian, triassic, and cretaceous era? select 3 correct answers.


The Permian, Triassic, and cretaceous extinction events were caused by asteroid impacts, volcanic eruptions, and greenhouse gases.

Until recently, scientists have disagreed on what caused Earth's greenhouse gases waters to become so uninhabitable to life that 96% of marine species disappeared at the end of the Permian epoch. According to recent studies, global warming rendered ocean species unable to breathe, which led to the "Great Dying." Permian Major modifications to the greenhouse gases on Earth, extinctions such as those caused by enormous volcanoes that erupted in igneous Permian  provinces and covered hundreds of thousands of square miles in lava, appear to be the main cause of mass extinctions.

learn more about end of the Permian here:


sperm require seminal fluid in order to survive in the acidic environment of the vagina.t/f



This is false. Sperm do not require seminal fluid in order to survive in the acidic environment of the vagina. In fact, sperm are capable of surviving and moving independently in the vaginal environment, even without seminal fluid.

Seminal fluid, also known as semen, is a fluid produced by the male reproductive system that contains sperm and other substances. Its primary function is to provide nutrients and support to the sperm, and to facilitate their movement and survival in the female reproductive tract. However, sperm are able to survive and move on their own, even in the absence of seminal fluid.

The acidic environment of the vagina is created by the presence of bacteria that produce lactic acid. This acidic environment is hostile to many microorganisms, including sperm, but sperm are adapted to survive in this environment for a limited time. They have a protective coating that helps them resist the acidic environment, and they are able to swim using their flagella to move through the vaginal environment and reach the uterus and fallopian tubes.


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