List what the different religion do as
worship ​


Answer 1


·Christianity : To say that you are a Christian, means you are a follower of Christ as He has revealed Himself in the Holy Bible. Christianity is a monotheistic religion comprised of numerous different denominations. These different denominations are separated based on stances taken on interpretation of the Bible. Many of these denominations will disagree on secondary issues. Christians worship one God who is a Trinity. Three individual Persons but one in essence. God the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit are all unique individuals but are joined together as one. All three have always existed.

·Judaism: Sabbath for Jews is known as Shabbat and runs between Friday and Saturday evenings. Depending on the Jew, services might start at sundown or later in the evening. Shabbat begins with a meal that includes braided bread and grape juice or wine. A kiddush — or special prayer and blessing — is said Friday evening. Some observe a special service Friday night, Torah reading Saturday morning and Havdalah ceremony Saturday evening to formally end Shabbat observance.  Jews who observe Shabbat view as a time of renewal and peace. It reminds many to take time to live. Some Jews may avoid shopping, others might avoid gardening and other forms of work.

·Islams: Muslims are required to offer five prayers daily. Every part of their life is supposed to remind them to worship Allah (the Arabic word for God). They have a special day for congregational prayer on Fridays at noon. These noontime prayers are called Jumah. Muslims are encouraged to come to the mosque for Friday prayers or with other Muslims, while on every other day of the week they have the option of praying at home. Men and women pray separately. Other than having a set day of prayer, Muslims do not observe a Sabbath.

·Buddhism: Buddhists do not observe a weekly holy day. Some Buddhists, however, observe Uposatha, or a day of resting, listening to and discussing Buddhist teachings and meditation. The timing and frequency of Uposatha are based loosely off the lunar calendar, and may vary by sect. Depending on the tradition and person, Buddhists attend a temple or worship in their homes. They will also worship during different festivals and observances throughout the year.Buddhists do not worship a deity in the same way as Christians, Jews and Muslims. They venerate and respect the Buddha, but do not see him as a God.


Sorry if it is a bit long, but I hope I helped :)

Related Questions

34. A study of global average temperature from 1550 to 1850 was conducted and showed that some regions were affected by a mini ice age. Europe experienced large glacial sheets of ice during this time. How would this have affected agriculture in the region?
1. Crops could not withstand the cold temperatures and died
2. Growing season would decrease
3. Famine would occur
a. I only

b. II only

c. I and III only

d. I, II, and III


The mini ice age in Europe during the 1550-1850 period would have affected agriculture by causing crop failure, a shorter growing season, and potential famine. So, the correct option is D.

The mini-ice age that occurred in Europe between 1550 and 1850, as indicated by the study of global average temperatures, would have had a significant impact on agriculture in the region.

Firstly, the cold temperatures associated with the glacial sheets of ice would have been detrimental to crops.

Many crops require specific temperature ranges to grow successfully, and extreme cold can damage or kill them. Therefore, option I is valid as crops could not withstand the cold temperatures and would have died, leading to reduced agricultural yields.

Secondly, the mini ice age would have shortened the growing season. With colder temperatures and the presence of ice, the overall period suitable for cultivating crops would have been reduced.

This would have limited the time available for planting, growing, and harvesting crops, affecting agricultural productivity. Hence, option II is also correct as the growing season would have decreased.

Lastly, the combination of crop failures and a shorter growing season would have had severe implications for food production.

Insufficient crop yields and reduced availability of staple foods could lead to widespread famine in the region. Therefore, option III is valid as famine would likely occur due to the adverse effects on agriculture.

Considering the above explanations, the correct answer is d. I, II, and III, as all three statements accurately reflect the potential consequences of the mini ice age on agriculture in Europe during the mentioned time period.

For more questions on ice age


Question 1
2 pts
Time Running:
Attempt due: May 27
39 Minutes, 14 S
All stars begin and end in..
O Red Giants
Black Holes
O Supernovas


Answer: Nebulae


Stars bare formed in Nebulae when the mass of dust and sand keep accumulating until the nebulae collapses from its own gravity. This leads to several processes which results in the creation of a hot core which is then the beginning of a star.

When a star is in its last stages of life and has turned into a Red giant, it begins to emit shells of ionized gas. This is called a planetary nebula and is how the star eventually dies which means that all stars begin and end in Nebulae.

___ 1. The transfer of energy from the Sun to producers and a chain of consumers.
___ 2. An animal that obtains nutrition only from plants.
___ 3. An organism that obtains nutrients from both plants and animals.
___ 4. An animal that obtains nutrients from eating other animals.

A. Food chain
B. Omnivores
C. Carnivores
D. Herbivores


1. A
2. D
3. B
4. C
hope this helps :)


I confirm the other answer. and he or she should get brainliest i guess :)

Which fraction can NOT be
replaced with
2 when estimating





What term refers to an assurance made to study participants that identifying information about them acquired through the study will not be released to anyone outside of the study?​



"Confidentiality" is the right answer.


This corresponds to something like a guarantee that perhaps the amount of knowledge gathered from the study would not be disseminated to anybody other than studying respondents.Though because its purpose is somehow to remain to stand and therefore any willing individual research or surveys to find out anyway knowledge is deliberately hidden or stored.

The major focus was discrimination in the American ____. a North b South c West


The answer is the west.

Which is an example of a natural monopoly?



A natural monopoly occurs when the most efficient number of firms in the industry is one. A natural monopoly will typically have very high fixed costs meaning that it is impractical to have more than one firm producing the good. An example of a natural monopoly is tap water.


Hope this Helps :D

please help this is very important i will give you brain thing if its correct and no links pwease <3





No links please help I'll give you brain thing if its correct <3


There lucky color is red because that is the color they use to celebrate in festivals and on their New Years

What effect do you think the recent 2018 elections will have on the EZLN and the situation in Chiapas specifically?

No links or I will report your account and comment.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

What effect do you think the recent 2018 elections will have on the EZLN and the situation in Chiapas specifically?

I think that the impact should be very positive because one of the main characteristics of the new Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador is to be very close to the Native Mexican people and tribes.

President López Obrador has visited every single town and city in México. He has shaken hands with most Mexicans, basically with the poorest ones. President López Obrador is a President from the left and has the utmost respect for poor Mexicans and Native people. He has started major social programs dedicated to helping the lowest social classes in México, including Native Indian populations in the 32 Mexican states.

Most of these tribes and indigenous had expressed their will to cooperate with the new Mexican administration.

The EZLN specifically, had not made any public pronunciation, although up until today, it is more a politized movement than a true indigenous movement in México.

However, the order of President López Obrador has been to reach all Indigenous people's hands and offer help, included the EZLN.

Name and explain Two Laws/Legislation that protects citizens against Gender-Based Violence..?​



The Domestic Violence Act, the Criminal Law Amendment (Sexual Offences and Related Matters) Act and the Protection from Harassment Act, all offer notable protection for women and children.

Two Laws/Legislation that protects citizens against Gender-Based Violence are:

Domestic Violence Act Violence Against Persons Prohibition  ActLegislation that protects citizens against Gender-Based Violence

Domestic Violence Act  and Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act  play an important role when it comes to protecting citizens against Gender-Based Violence.

This two laws/ legislation help to protect people from any form of violence and to help fight for the right of the domestic violence victims.

Therefore Two Laws/Legislation that protects citizens against Gender-Based Violence are: Domestic Violence Act  and Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act.

Learn more about Legislation that protects citizens against Gender-Based Violence here:


How did national competition promote imperialism? (4 points)

Countries needed to make their armies stronger.

Factories needed more workers from Africa.

It created a need for more natural resources.

Each nation wanted to prove it was better.



C. It created a need for more natural resources.


Imperialism was the practice of establishing overseas colonies. During the 1700s and 1800s, world powers would make colonies in areas rich with resources so they could out-produce their competitors and also have the resources to sustain their economy. The Scramble for Africa was a great example of this




I took the test and got it right

How can we compare the UK's natural resources to Russia's?



RUSSIA : wide natural resource base including major deposits of oil, natural gas, coal, and many strategic minerals, reserves of rare earth elements, timber.

UK's   :Coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, lead, zinc, gold, tin, limestone, salt, clay, chalk, gypsum, potash, silica sand, slate, arable land.


What are the ways Muslims worship?



Muslims love in a structure called a mosque. On Friday around early afternoon, the most significant of the week after week benefits is held. At the point when Muslims ask, they should consistently confront Makkah in Saudi Arabia.




What was the movie I can search and tell




HELP PLS HELP. THE BOOK IS Ceres and Proserpina


This question is incomplete because the book is not given, but it can be easily found on the internet.


The text deals with the kidnapping of Proserpina, perpetrated by Pluto who wanted her as his wife. This kidnapping was done with the approval of Jupiter (Proserpina's father and Pluto's brother). However, Ceres (Proserpina's mother) did not know anything about this plan, so when her daughter was kidnapped she had a time of depression and anguish, which had negative consequences on agriculture (because Ceres is the goddess of Agriculture). So, Other gods asked Ceres to allow the crops and the fertility of the soils to which she replied that she would if Pluto released her daughter. Once Pluto knew this, he decided to free Proserpina, but he tricked her, making her eat pomegranate seeds (the sacred food of the underworld).

When Proserpina came to her mother she told him that she had eaten these seeds, and her mother was alarmed because this would force Proserpina to be the queen of the underworld and to visit his husband Pluto for half a year, every year. Therefore, the seasons originated because when Proserpina must go to the underworld, her mother becomes sad causing the autumn and winter seasons, and when she returns with her mother they are the spring and summer seasons. So the correct answer is A. Jupiter.

The President is commander-in-Chief which means he can declare war whenever he wishes.
True of false


The answer is False

This is journalism please help 50 points!

Take a story from your local newspaper and write a blog post about it.
You can retell the news story, add information, and so on. Don't be afraid
to add your opinion to the story. Your blog post should be at least three
paragraphs in length



The homeless crisis on Southern California streets can be taxing for law enforcement. In one of the cities, they decided not to call the police and instead call an unarmed team of professionals. The people called include nurse practitioners and mental health clinicians.

Respect is the first key in building trust to create connections with the unsheltered. Social worker Jackie Tapia knows the process of doing that can take time.

She's been taking part in the city of Anaheim's latest efforts to address the needs of their homeless neighbors. It's a six-month pilot program called Community Care Response Teams, or CCRT. Instead of dispatching police to issues of homelessness, the unarmed CCRT teams respond with nurse practitioners, mental health clinicians, a social worker, and plainclothes security.



What would be the overall impact on
the Peloponnesian War for all Greeks in
terms of power / overall strength?


Answer: Greek states became weaker.


For almost 30 years, Sparta and Athens fought on various terrain and locations as they vied for control of the Greek world. In the end the Spartans prevailed and absorbed Athens into its dominion.

The war ravaged the Greek world and every Greek city-state that was involved grew weaker as a result regardless of the winner. This allowed the Greeks to then be conquered by the Macedonians who had avoided the war and so took the opportunity to take over most of Greece.

Your dog is funny like



my mum


I don't have a dog, but check out this weird crab I found:

4. Sleep is more important than most of us realize. Studies have shown that getting enough sleep
helps us pay attention, learn and remember things more easily, and generally feel better as we go
through our day. There is some debate over whether soft or firm pillows lead to the best sleep.
Consistent, high-quality sleep is crucial for our bodies to heal and repair from our daily activities.
Even though it might seem fun to stay up late, we usually pay for it the next day by feeling tired
and cranky. The better we sleep, the better prepared we are to take on each day!





Is there a question in this?

Research coming out of the Developmental Labs, Inc., of Huntington,New York, established that reading skill was positively correlated with smooth movements of the eyes during reading (i.e., fewer pauses and fewer retracks). A friend suggests that the local school district invest money in equipment that teachers could useto help students develop smoother eye movements and improve their reading skill. What would be the response to this recommendation





What are 10 organisms that would be found in an ecosystem​



producers, scavengers, parasites, consumers, predators, carnivores, omnivores, herbivores and decomposers.


There are several different types of organisms.

Do you think only gifted students
should be supported so they we can
see what they become' or should all
students be given that chance?



all students should be given that chance


how will you know if a student is gifted without giving them fair opportunities to show what they know and with giving only gifted students support you are showing other students that they dont matter or they shouldn't try because they'll never receive the amount of help gifted students do

absolutely not if anything the kids who seem to be less gifted should be given more attention in educational setting because their skills are the ones that need to be developed more

Which is an example of a natural monopoly?



An example of a natural monopoly is tap water.


A natural monopoly occurs when the most efficient number of firms in the industry is one. A natural monopoly will typically have very high fixed costs meaning that it is impractical to have more than one firm producing the good.

The legal process for selling your property to help pay debts is called

2.grace period
3.foreclosure report


The answer is 3 foreclosure


forclosure it's the answer

Every good speaker adapts to the audience. When adapting presentations for intercultural audiences, most people understand that they must make the basic language adaptations; however, more fundamental sensitivity is sometimes needed in relation to organization, speaking conventions, values, and nonverbal communication. When addressing cross-cultural audiences, . What should you do when adjusting multimedia slides to intercultural audiences



When adjusting multimedia slides for intercultural groups, you must advance the slides more slowly, allowing all members of the audience to interpret it according to their own culture.


Different cultures promote different interpretations of the same concept or even a presentation. Thus, when it is necessary to create a slide show that will be viewed by an intercultural group, that is, that has several cultures, it is necessary that the presenter gives enough time for all members of the audience to interpret and reflect on the presentation based on the culture itself. Therefore, it is important for the presenter to advance the presentation more slowly, allowing each slide to be presented at least two minutes in length.

What is the best way to describe how mutations relate to the concept of survival of the fittest? Choose the best answer from the choices below. Only those mutations that are helpful will be passed on. B Mutations that allow organisms to survive are more likely to be passed on. C Only those mutations that are harmful will be passed on. D Mutations do not relate to survival of the fitt help plzz



The widespread use of a ntibiotics has resulted in some disease-causing bacteria to evolve into strains that are resistant to many of these compounds. The 'Survival of the Fittest' means the continued existence of organisms which are best adapted to their environment, with the extinction of others, as a concept in the Darwinian theory of evolution.






The maximin principle is about: a. maximizing the benefits to the most disadvantaged group in society. b. minimizing the income spread between the middle class and the rich. c. equalizing income across society. d. maximizing the income of the most productive group in society to encourage spillover benefits to theleast advantaged group.



Option a ( society) is the right alternative.


A philosophy to make decisions unless you're not confident about the consequences of your decision is considered as Maximin principle. This theory requires the organization to optimize the existence or the position of those individuals who would be worse off throughout the framework.This includes evaluating alternatives for the worst dependent measure of that kind of choice as well as selecting the alternative which gives probably the most disgusting results.

Other given three options aren't related to the given scenario. So the above solution is the correct one.


a. maximizing the benefits to the most disadvantaged group in society.


Maximin Principle was given by Rawls. It is based on idea of maximising welfare for the most disadvantaged group, those at the minimum level of society.

It states that any reallocation or redistribution of power, wealth, social goods is socially justified - if it improvises & uplifts the lower most worst off sections of society.

Which of the following is a power given to state governments?

Declaring war
Regulating trade
Coining money
Making marriage laws



Regulating trade





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