List three ways that Henry Ford’s assembly line changed America forever?


Answer 1



It employed people with no special training. All they had to do was one thing which they could easily be taught.

It made the automobile relatively inexpensive. Workers could afford it within a limited period of time.

It employed a great many people and still made money for investors.

Related Questions

The $24 myth can be said to fit into all of the European goals EXCEPT…..

A) God
B) Gold
C) Glory





I am pretty sure it’s Gold

Which word means peace and calm in the Jamaican culture? A Chill out b Boom Chica Boom c Irie d Cool


The correct answer is C) Irie.

The word that means peace and calm in the Jamaican culture is "Irie."

When Jamaican people use the term "Irie," what they try to say is that "everything is all right," "no problem, we are good," or "it is all right, we are in peace."

So next time you visit Jamaica in your vacations and you greet someone saying "Hello, how are you doing?" It is probably that they are going to answer "Mi irie" and they could add "Gaw Ghwaan" that could be translated as "How are you?.

These words, or course, are part of Jamaican slang.

pls answer asap plsss



elimination of the un american activities committee


the red scare mostly likely cause the committee to be started, but it was not eliminated until the 1970's

The geographic location of Texas helped the
Confederacy because were brought through Mexico
B.the Union could easily block the Gulf provided less soldiers than the North
D.the numerous railroads helped deliver supplies


Answer:supplies were brought through Mexico


Trades with Mexico and very few battles fought there

What happened in the Archives War?



The Texas Archive War was an 1842 dispute over an attempted move of the Republic of Texas national archives from Austin to Houston and, more broadly, over President Sam Houston's efforts to make Houston the capital of Texas.


Answer: Imma say The Texas Archive War was an 1842 dispute over an attempted move of the Republic of Texas national archives from Austin to Houston and, more broadly, over President Sam Houston's efforts to make Houston the capital of!) – the Republic was deeply in debt because of the Revolution and the fact that the money they had previously used was Mexican money – they literally had no money, not even printed currency! that had fought in the Revolution wanted and needed to be paid.Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


What happened to the Texas settlers when Santa Anna gained power?
Santa Anna forced all American settlers to return to the United States.
Santa Anna rejected the state constitution drafted by the American settlers.
Settlers who brought enslaved people into Texas were not allowed to enter.
Settlers were stripped of their Mexican citizenship and faced heavy fines.


Answer: b. Santa Anna rejected the state constitution....


Settlers conflicted with the Mexican government as they brought slaves and Mexico had abolished slavery before and refused this practice. The Texas settlers wanted to overthrow Santa Anna so that they can restore the power of the Mexican states.

Santa Anna rejected the state constitution drafted by the American settlers when Santa Anna gained power. Therefore option B is correct.

What is Constitution?

A state's constitution serves as its rulebook. It lays out the guiding ideals that the state is controlled by. It delivers an overview of the state's primary organizations and outlines their interrelationships (for example, between the executive, legislature, and judiciary).

Constitutions apply to several organizational levels, including corporations and unincorporated associations as well as sovereign nations. Insofar as it outlines the organization's organizational structure, a treaty that creates an international organization also serves as that organization's constitution.

Hence, Santa Anna rejected the state constitution drafted by the American settlers when Santa Anna gained power.

To know more about Constitution follow the link.


How was the feudal system used in the Middle Ages? How did it affect the people?



Feudalism had two enormous effects on medieval society.


(1) First, feudalism discouraged unified government. Individual lords would divide their lands into smaller and smaller sections to give to lesser rulers and knights. ... (2) Second, feudalism discouraged trade and economic growth.

What is jefferson's attitude towards native americans? What conflicting thoughts does he have about them?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

What is Jefferson's attitude towards native Americans?

The attitude of US President Thomas Jefferson towards Native American Indian tribes was ambivalent. Sometimes he publicly expressed his respect for Native American Indians and felt sorry about their situation, but on the other hand, he knew that he had to move them away to allow white settlers to occupy their territories to work the land.

That was exactly his conflicting thoughts about them. How to move them west the Mississippi to allow white people to settle in those lands and make them productive.

After the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1806, Jefferson was convinced that those territories had to be given to white settlers to make profits.  

Southern states seceded after Abraham Lincoln was elected president because Lincoln:

O A. publicly supported John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry.

B. declared that all slaves must be immediately freed.

O C. refused to support the spread of slavery into new states.

O D. promised that he would not use the military to stop secession.

please help​





This is the correct answer.


C. refused to support the spread of slavery into new states


1.) What event helped promote the New South and occured three times in Atlanta during the late 1800s?

2.) The New South movement redefined Georgia's economy and pushed it to rely heavily on...

A.) Industry

B.) Cotton

C.) Agriculture

D.) All of the Above






all of the above


Which of the following best states a similarity between Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry?
Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry were members of the Pennsylvania Assembly who represented the colonies when they were in London.
Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry were fiery speakers who also smuggled colonial goods.
Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry were leaders who aggressively spoke out against the British government.
Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry were former military leaders who were also skilled engravers.



Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry were leaders who aggressively spoke out against the British government.


Its C


your welcome

What Caused the Great Depression?



hello and bye


It began after the stock market crash of October 1929, which sent Wall Street into a panic and wiped out millions of investors. Over the next several years, consumer spending and investment dropped, causing steep declines in industrial output and employment as failing companies laid off workers.

How many gas chambers were running at Auschwitz?




At least 802 prisoners tried to escape, 144 successfully, and on 7 October 1944 two Sonderkommando units, consisting of prisoners who staffed the gas chambers, launched an unsuccessful uprising.

about 20

What happened during the battle of Tanneburg?



In the middle of August 1914, much sooner than had been anticipated, Russia sent two armies into East Prussia, while Germany, according to its war strategy, had the bulk of its forces concentrated to the west, against France. The Russian 1st Army, under General Pavel Rennenkampf, advanced to the northeastern corner of East Prussia, while Samsonov’s 2nd Army made headway into the southwest, planning to join with Rennenkampf’s men and pin the outnumbered German 8th Army between them. After a Russian victory in the Battle of Gumbinnen on August 20, however, Rennenkampf paused to regroup his forces.

Meanwhile, change was afoot behind the German lines: Helmuth von Moltke, chief of the German general staff, chose to replace the previous leader, Maximilian von Prittwitz, after the latter issued a misguided order for a German retreat to the River Vistula, against the advice of his corps commanders. Hindenburg, a retired general of great stature, and Ludendorff, who had just led the German capture of the Belgian fortress of Liege, arrived in East Prussia and immediately authorized an aggressive counter-action against the Russians, previously planned by a senior staff officer in the region, Colonel Max Hoffmann.

Separated by the great Masurian Lakes, the two Russian armies were unable to effectively communicate with each other as to their movements, a circumstance that would prove deadly. Though Ludendorff succumbed to nerves initially, delaying the start of the German attack by one day, Hindenburg was able to calm his subordinate—not for the last time in what would become a fabled partnership. On August 26, after intercepting uuencoded wireless messages from both Samsonov and Rennenkampf, the Germans were able to take Samsonov’s army by surprise with the force of their attack near the village of Tannenberg, to the southwest of the Masurian Lakes. The delay in starting the attack had given Samsonov’s forces more time to advance deeper into the sack formed by the German divisions enveloping them from both sides, the strength of which Samsonov consistently underestimated. After three days of battering by German artillery, Samsonov’s troops began their retreat; more German forces cut off their path and a massive slaughter ensued. In the first hours of August 30, confronting the reality of his army’s collapse, Samsonov went into the forest, away from his staff, and shot himself.

In total, over 50,000 Russian soldiers were killed and some 92,000 taken as prisoners in the Battle of Tannenberg—named thus by the Germans in vengeful remembrance of the village, where in 1410 the Poles had defeated the Teutonic Knights. By the end of August, Russia’s ambitious advance in East Prussia in August 1914 had achieved at least one of its goals, albeit at a tremendous cost: two German corps had been removed from the Western to the Eastern Front in order to confront the Russian menace. Though the two corps had not arrived in time to play a role in the Battle of Tannenberg—which would remain the greatest German triumph of the war against Russia on the Eastern Front—they would also be unable to aid their comrades at the Battle of the Marne in early September, when German forces advancing towards Paris were decisively defeated by British and French troops in a crucial victory for the Allies.


Where in modern-day Pennsylvania have a people preserved their culture? Emmitsburg Pittsburgh Philadelphia Lancaster





there is a high Amish population, where you can still see horse carriages and other Amish practices

In Lancaster, modern-day Pennsylvania people preserved their culture. Option (D) is correct.

What is Culture?

Culture can be defined as all of a population's ways of life, including arts, beliefs, and institutions that are passed down from generation to generation.

The Amish community in Pennsylvania has its roots in the 16th-century Reformation in Europe when the Anabaptist movement inspired the formation of three "plain" communities: the Amish, Mennonites, and Brethren. Despite their similarities, the Amish are the most conservative, emphasizing humility, family, community, and separation from the non-Amish world, including a reluctance to adopt modern conveniences such as electricity.

The Pennsylvania Amish community in Lancaster County is the oldest and largest Amish community in the United States, with a population of approximately 30,000 people. In the last 20 years, the population has more than doubled.

Therefore, Option (D) is correct.

Learn more about Culture, here;


Match the US government office or entity to its responsibilities.

to resolve border disputes between Native American tribes

to help Native American tribes assimilate into the federal state

to facilitate trade between Native Americans and white settlers

Bureau of Indian Affairs

Office of Indian Trade

Stokes Commission




The answer is below


Bureau of Indian Affairs: this was established in the year 1824. The purpose is to help Native American tribes assimilate into the federal state

Office of Indian Trade: this was established in the year 1806. The purpose is to facilitate trade between Native Americans and white settlers

Stokes Commission: this was established in the year 1832. The purpose is to resolve border disputes between Native American tribes

How important do you think it was for the U.S and brittain toyo succeed in keeping supplies fowing to the west berlin?What might have happened thatthey let west berlin fallcompleteley under soviet control? Be sure to support your conclusion with information from the artical



2. What about plants in particular does Friar Laurence explain in Act 2, Scene 3 of Romeo and Juliet?

O A That all plants can be good or evil, depending on their usage

O B. That he knows nothing about them, but that he always wanted to learn

O C. That Romeo needs to be careful because there are poisonous plants growing beside harmless ones

O D. That plants are the reason he became a friar​



O A That all plants can be good or evil, depending on their usage

Of the following, what became a major goal of U.S. foreign policy in the 1930s? *​


Answer: The United States spent most of the 1930s attempting to isolate itself from Europe's problems. As tensions mounted in Europe, Congress passed a series of laws to keep the nation out of war. The goals of containment were to keep communism from spreading to other countries. The truman doctrine was the policy of the US to support free peoples who are resisting soviet pressures to become communist. The Eisenhower doctrine spread those goal by taking the truman doctrine to include the middle east.



The US could out lawed shipments of alcoholic beverages from outside the countries. However, I do not have the choices please excuse me if this is way off topic


Theres no of the following So I cannot answer this. However, if this is about Prohibition then I have an Idea.

"The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or
Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in
Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any state by reason of failure to
pay any poll tax or other tax"
24th Amendment to the United States Constitution
This excerpt from the 24th Amendment was created primarily to protect suffrage for..
O Immigrants
Poor People
Native Americans
O Women


Poor people

From that quote in short term it basically says “the right to vote shouldn’t be denied because someone isn’t able to pay for the poll tax or a different type of tax”

Compare and contrast the Olmec, Maya, and Aztec civilizations.​



The governmental structures of the three civilizations were different; the Olmecs had some sort of division of labor, the Mayas had city-states and kingdoms, linked by political ties, culture, and trade, which were not unified into a single empire, and the Aztecs had a huge empire whose people were organized into a hierarchy, with an emperor at the top

Was the bombing of Tokyo a war crime? Why/why not?



No, it wouldn't necessarily be considered a war crime, especially because the US and Japan were both in turmoil with each other at the time.


I need help with this assignment


Answer: 1: b

              2: d

              3: a

              4: c

              5: b

              6: a

              7: d

Explanation: sorry it took me so long :)

why were European explorers able to conquer entire Native Civilization with relatively few men?





because they are wise in conquering

In the video clip, President Obama says to Ruby Bridges, "If it hadn't been for you guys, I might not be here, and we wouldn't be looking at this together." Which statement best describes the significance of their meeting? O Both Bridges and Obama are important African American figures in US history. O Bridges is a civil rights pioneer whose actions paved the way for an African American like Obama to become president O Both Bridges and Obama had to overcome obstacles to become successful. O Bridges' role in desegregation was the most important reason President Obama was successfully elected.




YW lol





What movie or book do you think best mirrors the French Revolution and its ending? Provide at least 3 examples from the movie or book that are similar to the French Revolution.


Answer: - A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel.

- Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos

- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens


Movies or books that mirrors the French revolution are the following;

- The Duel by Joseph Conrad

- Scaramouche by Rafael Sabatini

- The Glass Blowers by Daphne du Maurier

- Napoleon Symphony by Anthony Burgess

- A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel.

- Les Liaisons Dangereuses by Pierre Choderlos de Laclos

- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

- The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emma Orczy

who was it all along?



Who was who?


In which modern day country did the United States practice imperialism?










The answer is C
I think it is Philippines

A method of restating the same thing differently a second time is known as
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Parallelism


the answer would be parallelism

Need help ASAP please!!



Easy. The answers is Christian Control because it was under Europe and the crusades was all about Europe trying to take Jerusalem or the Holy Land.

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