Larry answered 8 out of every 10 questions correctly. The test had 70 questions. How many correct answers did Larry give?---What represents the "x" or unknown in this problem?


Answer 1

Representation of fractional numbers

Larry's rate of succesful questions is 8/10.

Then must find how many times is divided 70 in 10 questions

70/10 = 7

if there were a 100% succesful then 70 rresulted

but the rate is 8/10 , then multiply 8x 7 = 56 succesful questions for Larry.

Related Questions

how to solve this problem



x -----> number of students that preferred vanilla cupcakes

y ----> number of students that preferred chocolate

we know that

x+y=750 -----> equation A



x=(2/5)y ------> equation B

substitute equation B in equation A


solve for y




find the value of x




the answer is 214 students preferred vanilla cupcakes

A random sample of n= 100 observations is selected from a population with u = 30 and 6 = 21. Approximate the probabilities shown below.a. P(x228) b. P(22.1sxs 26.8)c. P(xs 28.2) d. P(x 2 27.0)Click the icon to view the table of normal curve areas.a. P(x228)(Round to three decimal places as needed.)


Problem Statement

We have been given random sample of 100 observations and we have been asked to find the probabilities of getting certain observed values given the population mean of 30 and a standard deviation of 21.


To solve this question, we need to:

1. Find the z-score of the observations. The formula for calculating the z-score is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} z=\frac{X-\mu}{\sigma} \\ \text{where,} \\ X=\text{ The observed value} \\ \mu=\text{population mean} \\ \sigma=\text{ standard deviation} \end{gathered}[/tex]

2. Convert the z-score to probability using the z-score table.


Question A

1. Find the z-score of the observations.:

[tex]\begin{gathered} X\ge28 \\ \mu=30,\sigma=21 \\ z\ge\frac{28-30}{21} \\ z\ge-\frac{2}{21} \\ \\ \therefore z\ge-0.0952 \end{gathered}[/tex]

2. Convert the z-score to probability using the z-score table.:

Using a z-score calculator, we have the probability to be:


This probability is depicted in the drawing below:

If the mean is represented by 0 and the right-hand side of 0 has a probability of 0.5, then the probability of getting greater than or equal to 28, is the addition of the probability 0.037938 gotten above with the 0.5 on the right-hand side of zero.

Thus, the answer to Question A is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P(X\ge28)=0.037938+0.5=0.537938 \\ \\ \therefore P(X\ge28)\approx0.538\text{ (To 3 decimal places)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Question B:


how to solve 7.-4y=48



solve for y

[tex]\begin{gathered} 7-4y-7=48-7 \\ -4y=41 \\ -\frac{4y}{-4}=\frac{41}{-4} \\ y=-\frac{41}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]


y = -41/4 or 10.25

Step-by-step explanation:

7 - 4y = 48

Move 7 across the equals sign to make y stand alone

-4y = 48 - 7

= 41

Divide both sides by the coefficient of y, which is -4

-4y/4 = 41/4

y = -41/4 or 10.25

Weights of 2-year-old girls are normally distributed with a mean of 253 lbs, and a standarddeviation of 1.12 lbs. According to this information, what weight would be the 33rd percentile? You must


We have here a case of a normally distributed variable. We can solve this kind of problem using the standard normal distribution, and the cumulative standard normal table (available in any Statistic Book, or on the internet).

We have that we can find z-scores to normalized the situation, and then, using the cumulative standard normal table, we can find the percentile. Then, we have:


In this case, we need to find the raw value, x. We need to find a z-score that represents that before it there are 33% of the cases for this distribution: in this case, the value for z is approximately equal to z = -0.44.

Now, we have the mean (253 lbs), and the standard deviation (1.12 lbs):


And now, we can determine the value, x, which is, approximately, the 33% percentile of this normal distribution:

1. Multiply by 1.12 to both sides of the equation:


2. Add 253 to both sides of the equation:

[tex]-0.4928+253=x-253+253\Rightarrow252.5072=x\Rightarrow x=252.5072[/tex]

Therefore, the weight that would be the 33rd percentile, is, approximately, x= 252.5072 or 252.51lbs (rounding to the nearest hundredth).

Write a similarity relating the two triangles in each diagram.


We know by the figure that angles

Simple Interest Practice P5(A)-2135-7-MATH / Simple Interest 2. What was the original amount deposited on an account with a total amount of $80 in the account after 8 years with a 2% interest rate?


The formula to use for solving simple interest rate problems is:



i is interest accumulated

P is the initial, or principal, amount

r is the rate of interest [in decimal]

t is the time


Total amount in account is 80 [principal plus interest]

rate is 2%

time is 8 years

Let's write:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 80=P+\text{Prt} \\ 80=P(1+rt) \\ 80=P(1+(0.02)(8)) \\ 80=P(1+0.16) \\ 80=P(1.16) \\ P=\frac{80}{1.16} \\ P=68.9655 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The amount in the account was around $68.97

Suppose 225 trout are seeded into a lake. Absent constraint, their population will grow by 25% a year. If the lake can sustain a maximum of 3500 trout, use a logistic growth model to estimate the number of trout after 5 years. trout


It is known that the population growth model is given by:


Initial population is 225 so P0=225 so it follows:


Each year the population will increase by 25% so it follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P_0+0.25P_0=225e^k \\ e^k=\frac{5}{4} \\ k\ln e=\ln (\frac{5}{4}) \\ k\approx0.2231 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the population function is:


The population in 5 years is given by:


Hence the population of trout will be 686.4960025 after 5 years which can be rounded to 687.

1 pointQuestion 5: Which one is NOT a correct description of these angles? *119BThey create a right angle.They are adjacent angles.UΟ Ο Ο ΟO They are complementary angles.O They are supplementary angles.



The one that is not a correct description of these anles is tption D. (They are supplementary angles)


Two angles are said to be supplementary if they add up to be 180 and considering the sum of these angles which is 90 (right angle)

A coordinate map of the local grocery store is shown below. ice cream is located at the point (-8,0) sprinkles. are located at the point (-8,6)


The points (-8,0) & (-8,6)

To find the distance between then

Apply the distance formulae for coordinates:

[tex]\text{ Distance=}\sqrt[]{(y_2-y_1)^2+(x_2-x_1)^2}[/tex]

Substitute the coordinates:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ Distance=}\sqrt[]{(y_2-y_1)^2+(x_2-x_1)^2} \\ \text{ Distance=}\sqrt[]{(6-0)^2+(-8-(-8))^2} \\ \text{ Distance=}\sqrt[]{6^2+0} \\ \text{Distance =6 units} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So, Icecream is 6 units away from the sprinkles

Answer : 6 unit

801/4 is 5% of what number


5% could be express as 0.05

a number coul be express as x



solving for a number (x)



Student Beyonce You decide to buy a Super Size Hamburger Combo at the Burger Princess for 5.95. much change would you receive from 10.00. division Subtraction multiplication addition


Answer: 4.05

Just subtract 10.00 by 5.95 to get 4.05

hope this helps :)

Directions: Solve the problems below on a separate sheet of paper. You will use a variety of strategies (drawingpictures, building multiple towers, area models, algorithms, and partial products method for division) to solvethe problems. Please submit your answer by writing a complete sentence that expresses the final answer.1. Books are on sale for $8. Peter has $25 in his wallet. How many books can he buy?


books are on sale for $8

Peter has $25 dollar in his wallet

let the numbers of book be x


if a book cost $8

x number of books cost $25

lets put it into mathematical statement

1 = $8

x = $25

lets cross multiply

1 X 25 = 8 X x

25 = 8x

8x = 25

divide both sides by 8

8x/8 = 25/8

x = 25/8

x = 3.125

x = 3 (approximately)

recall, we say x is the numer of books


the number of books peter can by with is $25 in his wallet is 3atement


Interior angle sum of a polygon: Find all the variables


We can see that angle d is the supplement of 97°. So d = 180°-97°= 83°

We can see that angle c and 97° are corresponding. So c=97°

If we see the triangle we can deduce that it is isosceles. So, the angles of the triangle would be (26°, 77°, 77°)( Since the sum of all angles must be equal to 180° and two angles must be equal)

The angle a is the supplement of angle 77°, so a= 180°- 77° = 103°.

The angle b is the supplement of angle 77°, so b= 180°- 77° = 103°.

Finally, we can find the angle e formulating the following equation:

540° - a - b - c- d = e (Since the sum of the angles of a pentagon must be equal to 540°)

540° - 103° - 103° - 97° - 83° = e (Replacing)

154° = e (Subtracting)

Find the center and the radius of the circle whose equation is x^2+y^2+8x-10y-23=0


Finding the equation of the standard form:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2+y^2+8x-10y-23=0 \\ x^2+y^2+8x-10y=23 \\ x^2+8x+16+y^2-10y+25=23+16+25 \\ \\ \\ (x+4)^2+(y-5)^2=64 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Based on the image, h = -4, k = 5 and r = 8, then...


Center: ( -4, 5)

Radius: 8

Answer:the center would be (-4 -5)

Hope this helps

-2v + 9 = 25 what is it?


-2v + 9 = 25





A worker is getting a 3% raise. His current salary is $35,868. How much will his raise be?


Hello there. To solve this question, we'll simply have to multiply the percent and the salary to find how much will the raise of the worker.

Given his salary: $35,868 and knowing he'll get a 3% raise, we make:

3/100 * 35,868

107,604/100 = 1,07604

Rounding up the answer to the nearest tenth, we have that his raise will be $1,1.

please help! I don't need a huge explanation I was just wondering if my answer is right


In the expression, there are 3 terms so polynomial is trinomial.

In trinomial the highest degree of term


is 5. So degree of the polynomial is 5.



Degree is 5.

Which one of the following simplifications is incorrect?
Group of answer choices



sqrt(x^3)*sqrt(xy^4)= x^2y^2



After simplification, the option 2, [tex]\sqrt{4x}\times \sqrt{12x^8}=4x^4\sqrt{3x}[/tex] is correct option.

In the given question,

We have to find which simplifications is incorrect.

Option 1: [tex]\sqrt{48x^4}\times\sqrt[4]{16x^{10}}=8x^4\sqrt[4]{3x^2}[/tex]

To check whether the given expression is true or not simplifying the left hand side expression.

We simplifying the left hand side by writing it as

[tex]\sqrt{48x^4}*\sqrt[4]{16x^{10}}=\sqrt{16\times3\times (x^2)^2}\times\sqrt[4]{(2)^4\times x^{8}\times x^2}[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{48x^4}*\sqrt[4]{16x^{10}}=\sqrt{(4)^2\times3\times (x^2)^2}\times\sqrt[4]{(2)^4\times (x^{2})^4\times x^2}[/tex]

Now simplifying the roots

[tex]\sqrt{48x^4}*\sqrt[4]{16x^{10}}=4\times x^2\times\sqrt{3}\times2\times x^2\times\sqrt[4]{ x^2}[/tex]

Now writing it in a simplified form

[tex]\sqrt{48x^4}*\sqrt[4]{16x^{10}}=8\times x^{2+2}\times\sqrt{3}\sqrt[4]{ x^2}[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{48x^4}*\sqrt[4]{16x^{10}}=8x^{4}\sqrt{3}\sqrt[4]{ x^2}[/tex]

Hence, the simplified form of [tex]\sqrt{48x^4}*\sqrt[4]{16x^{10}}[/tex] is [tex]8x^{4}\sqrt{3}\sqrt[4]{ x^2}[/tex].

So the given statement is wrong.

Option 2. [tex]\sqrt{4x}\times \sqrt{12x^8}=4x^4\sqrt{3x}[/tex]

To check whether the given expression is true or not simplifying the left hand side expression.

We simplifying the left hand side by writing it as

[tex]\sqrt{4x}\times \sqrt{12x^8}=\sqrt{(2)^2\times x}\times \sqrt{3\times4\times (x^4)^2}[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{4x}\times \sqrt{12x^8}=\sqrt{(2)^2\times x}\times \sqrt{3\times(2)^2\times ({x^4})^2}[/tex]

Now simplifying the roots

[tex]\sqrt{4x}\times \sqrt{12x^8}=2\sqrt{x}\times 2\times x^4\times\sqrt{3}[/tex]

[tex]\sqrt{4x}\times \sqrt{12x^8}=4x^4\sqrt{3x}[/tex]

Hence, the simplified form of [tex]\sqrt{4x}\times \sqrt{12x^8}[/tex] is [tex]4x^4\sqrt{3x}[/tex].

Hence, the option 2 is correct.

Since we get the write answer so we haven't solve the next option.

The next 2 options also can be solved in the way that we use in previous option to solve.

So the option 2 [tex]\sqrt{4x}\times \sqrt{12x^8}=4x^4\sqrt{3x}[/tex] is correct option.

To learn more about the simplification of expression link is here


The points U, V, W and X all lie on the same line segment, in that order, such that the ratio of UV : VW:W X is equal to 1:3 : 4. If U X = 8, find VX.


The points U, V, W and X all lie on the same line segment, in that order, such that the ratio of UV : VW:W X is equal to 1:3 : 4. If U X = 8, find VX.​

In this problem we have that

UV+VW+WX=UX -----> by addition segment postulate

we have

UX=8 units


UV+VW+WX=8 -------> equation A

UV/VW=1/3 ------> equation B

UV/WX=1/4 -----> equation C

Solve the system of equations

In equation B isolate the variable VW



VW=3UV -------> equation D

In equation C isolate the variable WX


WX=4UV ------> equation E

Substitute equation D and equation E in equation A


solve for UV



Find VW


VW=3(1)=3 units



WX=4(1)=4 units

Find out the value of VX

we have that



VX=3+4=7 units



2(x+4)=150+ (-2) can u solve


Given equation:

[tex]2(x+4)\text{ = 150 + (-2) }[/tex]

Open the bracket:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x\text{ + 8 = 150 - 2} \\ 2x\text{ + 8 = 148} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Collect like terms:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x\text{ = 148 - 8} \\ 2x\text{ = 140} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide both sides by 2:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2x}{2}\text{ = }\frac{140}{2} \\ x\text{ = 70} \end{gathered}[/tex]


x = 70

Can you please help me out with a question


We have the following diagram

We are told that the arc NOL has an angle measure of 300°. Recall that the angle measure of the whole circle is 360°. Since the whole circle is the sum of the measures of arcs LMN and NOL we have that the measure of the arc LMN is


By subtracting 300 on both sides, we get


so arc LMN has a measure of 60°. However, note that measure of the arc LMN is the sum of the measures of arcs LM and MN. So


Now, note since lines MX and LM are perpendicular, we can do the following drawing

We can take a look at triangles LDX and NDX. Since the angles NDX and XDL are perpendicular, we can think of line MX as an axis of symmetry. That is, the left side of the circle with respect line MX is an exact copy of what is on the right. This means that the measure of the arc LM is the same as the measure of the arc MN. So we have that

[tex]LM\text{ + MN = MN+MN=2MN=60}[/tex]

So, dividing both sides by 2, we get

[tex]MN\text{ =}\frac{60}{2}=30[/tex]

So the measure of the arc MN is 30°.

Jamie is cutting for a craft project.she has a ribbon that is 2 1/4 inches long. How many pieces of ribbon can she cut that are 3/8inches long


Total Lenght = 2 1/4

Lenght of each piece = 3/8

Divide the total lenght by the lenght of each piece:

Total lenght = 2 1/4 = (2*4+1)/4 = 9/4

Total lenght / lenght of each piece = (9/4 ) / (3/8)

To divide 2 fractions we can multiply by the inverse of the second fraction:


Simplify by 12:


Answer: 6 pieces

In the coordinate plane the vertices of angle RST are R(6,-1) S(1,-4) and T(-5,6). Prove that angle RST is a right triangle. State the coordinates of point P such that quadrilateral RSTP is a rectangle. Prove that your quadrilateral RSTP is a rectangle.


We are given coordinates of three points RST and are asked to prove that it forms a Right Triangle.

We kn

simplified (-4+2i)(3-9i)


6 + 42i

Expanding the expression, by using FOIL acronym



-12 +42i -18i² Remember i²= -1

-12 + 42i -18(-1)

-12 + 42i +18

6 + 42i

2) Now we have that complex number in the form a +bi


Suzy was reading Aniya's math notebook. Aniya wrote forty-six thousand three hundredfifteen > 46, 350. Suzy replied, "I think there is an errorExplain why Suzy said this using numbers, words, or another method to representyour thinking


it is an error because the number is


b. expanded form

[tex]\begin{gathered} 40,000+ \\ 6,000 \\ 300 \\ 50 \\ 0 \\ ------ \\ 46,350 \end{gathered}[/tex]

c. 46,350 to the nearest thousand


Help me question 20 please find the domain and range


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Domain: (-}\infty,\infty) \\ \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\text{Range: \lbrack}8,\infty)[/tex][tex]undefined[/tex]

Galina runs a bakery, where she sells packages of 4 dozen cookies for $24.96 per package. The amount of money she makes by selling x packages is represented by the function f(x)=24.96x, and her cost for making each package is g(x)=0.04x2+4x+71.If profit is equal to sales minus cost, which function represents her profit, p?



p(x) = f(x) - g(x) = -0.04x² + 20.96x - 71


The sales are given by f(x) = 24.96x and the cost are represented by g(x) = 0.04x² + 4x + 71.

Then, the profit is equal to

p(x) = f(x) - g(x)

p(x) = 24.96x - (0.04x² + 4x + 71)

p(x) = 24.96x - 0.04x² - 4x - 71

p(x) = -0.04x² + 20.96x - 71

Therefore, the answer is

p(x) = f(x) - g(x) = -0.04x² + 20.96x - 71

A line has a slope of 2/3 and contains point A(-6,-4) and point B (a, 2) what is the value of a?


From the point-slope formula, we have:


where m is the slope, (x_0,y_0) are known points.

In this case, we have the slope and two points, we can substitute in the formula to get:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{if:} \\ (x,y)=(-6,-4) \\ \text{and} \\ (x_0,y_0)=(a,2) \\ \Rightarrow-4-2=\frac{2}{3}(-6-a) \\ \Rightarrow-6=-\frac{2\cdot6}{3}-\frac{2}{3}a \\ \Rightarrow-6=-4-\frac{2}{3}a \\ \Rightarrow-6+4=-\frac{2}{3}a \\ \Rightarrow-2=-\frac{2}{3}a\Rightarrow a=-\frac{2}{-\frac{2}{3}}=\frac{3\cdot2}{2}=\frac{6}{2}=3 \\ a=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, a=3

Note: you can also find a if you use the slope formula.

write the number 9,700,000 in scientific notation




All numbers in scientific notation or standard form are written in the form


where a is a number between 1 and 10, and b is a integer positive or negative

Step 1

Move the decimal 6 times to left in the number so that the resulting number, a= 9.7, is greater than or equal to 1 but less than 10


Compare the ratios in Table 1 and Table 2. Table 1 5 6 10 9 15 12 20 Table 2 7 10 20 21 30 28 40 Which statements about the ratios are true? Check all that apply. The ratio 3:5 is less than the ratio 7:10. Save and Exit Nexd Mark this and return


Table 1

3:5 , 6 : 10 , 9 :15 , 12 : 20

Table 2

7 : 10 , 14 : 20 , 21 : 30 , 28 : 40

Notice that all ratios in each table are equal. Additionally, since:


And 6<7, then the ratio 3:5 is less than the ratio 7:10.

Therefore, all ratios in table 1 are less than all ratios in table 2.

Some specific comparisons between ratios may apply as well. For example:

The ratio 14:20 (table 2) is greater than the ratio 9:15 (table 1).

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