J.T. wants to use a more appropriate transition in sentence 11. Which of the following can best replace
Furthermore in this sentence?

a. for example
b. in conclusion
c. overall
d. instead


Answer 1




Answer 2

The one that will most adequately replace 'furthermore' would be:

a). For example.

What are transition words?

"Transition words" are described as words that function to act in the form of a bridge to ensure a smooth shift from one idea to another.

These words help prevent the breaking of ideas and enhance the clarity and comprehension of the content.

In the given sentence, the most adequate replacement of 'furthermore' would be 'for example' to display an illustration to elaborate the idea more effectively.

Thus, option a is the correct answer.

Learn more about "Transition" here:


Related Questions

Read this claim.

Middle schools should ban the sport of football.

Which evidence best supports this claim?

a newspaper article about head injuries in football
details from a book about how football is played
a biography of a famous football player
a personal story of trying out for the football team



a news paper article about head injuries


it makes the most sense




This looks alright.... we sit here? ( could/shall/will/would)​


its shall, its a asking question


It really depends on what they were saying before and after but if I had to choose I would say Shall or Could.


Hope this helps :)

Write your own definition for those words.

- plaintiff :
-perjury :
- “ the bar” :




A plaintiff is the party who initiates a lawsuit before a court.

Perjury is the intentional act of swearing a false oath or falsifying an affirmation to tell the truth.

And for "the bar" I don't know if you meant it as a noun, verb, preposition, etc.

No one ever ——— me by my right name





Which tone should a reader use when reading the passage aloud? No doubt I now grew very pale; --but I talked more fluently, and with a heightened voice. Yet the sound increased-and what could I do? It was a low, dull, quick sound-much such a sound as a watch makes when enveloped in cotton. I gasped for breath-and yet the officers heard it not. I talked more quickly-more vehemently; but the noise steadily increased. -"The Tell-Tale Heart," Edgar Allan Poe

Which tone should a reader use when reading aloud?
O calm
O anxious
O thankful​



(C). anxious


In the passage, the narrator is describing a situation in which they are becoming increasingly anxious and agitated due to a sound that only they can hear.

What tone a reader should use ?

The tone that a reader should use when reading the passage aloud is therefore "anxious." The narrator's increasing panic and desperation are evident in their actions, such as talking more fluently and with a heightened voice, gasping for breath, and talking more quickly and vehemently as the noise steadily increases.

The story follows an unnamed narrator who is obsessed with an old man's eye and ultimately murders him. The passage in question is part of the climax of the story when the narrator is confessing to the police officers and hears the sound of the old man's heart beating, which he believes is still audible even after he has killed him and buried him under the floorboards.

The tone of the passage is anxious because the narrator is becoming increasingly distressed as he hears the sound of the old man's heart beating louder and louder. He tries to hide his anxiety and continues to talk to the officers in a "heightened voice" and "more fluently," but the sound of the beating heart is steadily increasing and causing him to gasp for breath.

The narrator's anxiety is further conveyed through the use of phrases such as "what could I do?" and "I talked more quickly-more vehemently," which suggest that he is becoming increasingly panicked and desperate.

Overall, the passage is a crucial moment in the story that highlights the narrator's mental instability and his inability to hide the guilt and anxiety that he feels.

Learn more about tones in reading at :



in order to make his argument against belief that the "new tools of technology"


Hello. Your question is incomplete. Which makes it impossible for it to be answered accurately. However, I will try to help you in the best possible way.

I imagine you want an argument against the new tools of technology. In this case, you can build an argument pointing out the losses that the new technological tools can cause in our society, among these problems, you can mention the number of professionals that will be replaced by the new technological tools, which can cause an increase in unemployment in a country.

what is the main idea from the excerpt from baby mammoth mummy Frozen in Time​



the passage is right

grayson perry years of career ​



Grayson Perry: Biography and Artistic Career. Grayson Perry (Born March 24, 1960 in Chelmsford, England) is an English artist specializing in pottery, winner of the Turner Prize in 2003, an award given to the best visual artist in Britain of the year. His art uses his childhood as inspiration, which led him to develop a taste for transvestite in his teens (Vogue, 2014).


i got this from life persona . com

How is this case literally about black and white? How is this case black and white, figuratively speaking? please help



It is easy to tell the difference between the colors black and white, just like it is easy to tell that Tom Robinson is not guilty

Atticus simply means that the case is pretty straightforward.


Answer. When Atticus says, “This case is as simple as black and white,” he is referring to the racial aspect of the case, as well as Tom’s obvious innocence (Lee 124). Throughout the trail, there was no evidence presented that would have proved that Tom Robinson was guilty of assaulting and raping Mayella Ewell.

Review the major polnts covered by Descartes and Locke, noting how each philosopher explains the origin of Ideas and
human consciousness. Your answer should be at least 250 words.


Thoughts on the origin of ideas:

On the one hand, Descartes, a rationalist philosopher, identified ideas as those thoughts that “are as it were the images of things”. Moreover, he classifies ideas depending on their origin, pointing out that some appear to be innate, some to be adventitious, and others to have been invented by himself, but he highlights innateness as a faculty in mind, even the sensory ideas such as pains, colors and sounds.

On the other hand, Locke, who is an empirist thinker, argues that there are no innate ideas, as opposed to Descartes, but instead he believes all the materials of Reason and Knowledge are born from experience.

Thoughts on human consciousness:

Descartes believes consciousness as something “given”, as well as the ideas. He defines consciousness in terms of thoughts. He asserts that a thought is something "in us” that we are conscious of. In the cogito ergo sum (I think, therefore I am) argument, Descartes uses reason, once again, as a tool to doubt all features of his mind other than what is consciously available to him. As a consequence, his conscious thoughts don't give any further evidence that what they represent about things external to him either exist at all or exist as represented by the idea in his mind: consciousness becomes the mark of the mind.

Locke, like Descartes, also thinks consciousness in terms of thought: he believes one can't have a thought without being conscious of it. In addition, Locke further explains this idea exists only as far as experience will allow, since he does not believe that the soul always thinks, as other philosophers do, since people are not always conscious while asleep. Therefore, thinking is not the essence of the soul. The soul can persist through a state in which there is no thinking, but conscious depends on thinking so as to exist.  

What kind of school do Santha and Primela attend? *


They attend a school in India that is run by the British

Suppose jarrod wants to find out about Lonnie Johnson. He would find most of the information




because it is


He would find most of the information from Lonnie Johnson


Help Please!!!!! Which is the most fluid revision of the following paragraph?
Laura had had enough of Nelly's arrogance and bragging.
She pushed Nelly into the creek. She knew the creek was
filled with leeches.
A. Laura was tired of Nelly's arrogant bragging, so she pushed
Nelly into the creek, even though she knew it was full of leeches.
B. Laura pushed Nelly into the leech-filled creek. This action was
because Laura was sick of Nelly's bragging.
C. Although Laura knew the creek was full of leeches, she pushed
Nelly in anyway. Laura was tired of Nelly's arrogance and
D. None of the above


Explanation: None of the other answers logically follow the order of events and do not sound as fluid as B
Let me know if it is correct



just took it

The theme of short story is often?



The theme of a story is what the author is trying to convey — in other words, the central idea of the story. Short stories often have just one theme, whereas novels usually have multiple themes. ... That is, the events of the story illustrate the theme, and the lesson that you learn relates directly to the theme.

Answer:  the reason of the conflict and expressed in the beginning and solved throughout the story


What was happening an hour ago? Complete te sentences below. Use the Past Continuous.
1- I was...
2- My friends were...
3- The teacher was....
4- I wasn't....
5- My friends were..



1. I was paying attention to class an hour ago.

2. My friends were talking to each other.

3. The teacher was writing on the blackboard.

4. I wasn't using my phone.

5. My friends were discussing what to do after class.


The Past Continuous tense has the following structure:

subject + past form of "be" + main verb with -ing

The past form of the verb "be" is either "was" (I, he, she, and it) or "were" (you, we, and they).

The Past Continuous is used to talk about actions that happened for a period of time in the past, that is, actions that started and lasted for a while. The examples below help illustrate that:

- I was cooking pasta when my mother arrived.

- Nina wasn't answering her phone, so I called her sister.

- Were you watching TV instead of studying?

Years of living on the East Side teaches you how to _____. If you didn't, you would explode. You learn to cool it.



Years of living on the East Side teaches you how to shut off your emotions. If you didn't, you would explode. You learn to cool it

Answer: how to shut off your emotions

Explanation: i took the OLS test and read the book

Read the following passage and answer the question.

Championships were coming up and the underdog team had made the playoffs! Their first game was a surprise to everyone when the underdog team beat the other one by 20 points! Tonight was the semi-finals, and if the underdogs won, it would be the best their team had ever done.
Based on the previous passage, what is the most likely outcome of the game?

The underdogs will lose, but only by a couple of points.
The two teams will tie.
The underdogs will lose badly.
The underdogs will win.



The third option is the answer I believe


It's difficult for a team that usually loses to win against the second best team especially if they were surprised and have a history of losing.


The underdogs will win.


Hope this helps <3

What is the argument presented in this quotation?



She is arguing that women can do the work that men can do and sometimes do it better than men can.

Answer: mens need to accept equal rights with womens


What is the name of the inn where the pilgrims stay, according to Lines 1 - 42 of the Prologue of
Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales?
A) The manor
B) the Palmer
C) the Tabard
D) the Shire


the answer for this is d

Why do you think “sameness” is so important to the community?



The community enforces Sameness through its rules and technology in order to protect its citizens from discomfort and danger.

What type of characterization would include another character’s reaction to the main character or person in a story?




Terms in this set (4)



Characters thoughts/feelings.

How the character reacts to others and how others react to the character.


use the following nouns into a paragraph or story. use all nouns.
this is are the words
internet <
chest <
politics <
chocolate <
depression <​


one day i woke up to attend online school.
i logged onto my computer and checked to make sure the internet is working. i remembered i had a test today, and i felt a heavy weight settle on my chest. the test was for history, and when my history class came around, i checked to see what the test was about. it contained some multiple choice questions about politics, and some long answer questions. i didn’t know how to answer most of them, so i guessed. after the test, i went to go get some chocolate to cure my momentary depression about the test.

Outside, the
night seemed
poised on
tiptoe, waiting,
holding its
breath for the

Is this personification hyperbole onomatopoeia or simile??








Personification is a literary or linguistic device. It is when we assign human characteristics or traits to a non-human thing. "The night" is an abstract thing -- a period of time -- not a person. It cannot "tiptoe," "wait," or "hold its breath." These are things a person could do! Therefore, this is personification.

from “How It Feels to Be Colored Me”
by Zora Neale Hurston

the number of cars passing through Eatonville
a description of Florida’s weather
an exchange of dialogue between the speaker and the visitors
the name of the speaker’s favorite actor
the type of horse most commonly used by visitors


Answer: C.  an exchange of dialogue between the speaker and the visitors.


In the second paragraph of this essay by Zora Hurston, we learn how the residents of Zora's Black American town of Eaton, Florida, treated Southern whites who passed through with indifference but treated the Northerners with awe and excitement.

A development to this paragraph would be an exchange between the speaker and the visitors so that we may better understand the awe and excitement that the Northern whites were greeted with.

Many of the _______ students voiced their displeasure with the new school rules.​





sorry if this does not help.....

Conflict is avoided in social media because you can see what you really think
True or false





social media created a lot of conflicts...and I think its because you can see what you really think.

I hope this helps




This is not necessarily true. Even if you only follow and search for things that fit your views, you will still see content in some form or fashion that you do not agree with. This could be in the form of a comment, user account, ad, etc. It's unavoidable. The internet has millions of users and it is impossible to never see anything that you disagree with.

How did now President Johnson handle Jefferson Davis differently
than Lincoln?


Answer:Hence, the basic difference is that Abraham Lincoln stands for the Union while Jefferson Davis is for the Confederacy. The former is known as a leader that had a very hard time controlling his people and subordinates, specifically his Cabinet members.



Hence, the basic difference is that Abraham Lincoln stands for the Union while Jefferson Davis is for the Confederacy. The former is known as a leader that had a very hard time controlling his people and subordinates, specifically his Cabinet members. In February 1861 he was elected president of the Confederacy. Davis faced difficulties throughout the war as he struggled to manage the Southern war effort, maintain control the Confederate economy and keep a new nation united.

What’s the answer guys pls help me





The meanings of them both just seem quite sad.

Look deeply into the poem how sad the tone is. Sympathetic is used to feel and express.

Rewrite the phrase using the possessive apostrophe: ‘the book of John



The book is John's


John owns the book

PLEASE HELPS ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Liar! Liar!

You need to write a story about something that happened to you, whether real or not. Write out the story (no more than 3 minutes) and then videotape yourself telling the story. You need to use delivery marks when writing the story and your gestures should be used during your videotape. Post both the video and the written story to this assignment. (This was adapted from the Liar! Liar! Workshop in your packet if you'd like to see the original assignment.) The key thing is that the video must be believable even if the story isn't true!! Your delivery must make it appea



"Liar! Liar!" I shouted to my brother as he was running out the door. He took the last cookie and I knew it. He said he did not but I know he did. "Oh my god! I did not take it (insert name here)." He yelled back as he was driving away. He quickly pulled out of the driveway and down the street. I followed him but it was no use.



"Liar! Liar!" i said as Guchi pulleed me in. The boiling hot water burned my sin as i regreted following him. Guchi was my best freind that i truted but he betrad me. My last toughts before dying were, "i will take reveng for what you have done even if i turn into a gost".

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