Jose went to another store that has a sale of 25% off everything. He wants to buy jeans that cost $40. How much money will he save on the jeans?


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

25% of $40 = $10

$10 is the discount price, i.e., $10 is 25% of $40

selling price - discount

= 40 - 10

= $30

Related Questions

Need help with this graphing and W X and Y



W'(1,0), X'(2,2), and Y'(4,-3)


In the graph, the coordinates of the vertex of triangle WXY are:

• W(-5, 2)


• X(-4, 4)


• Y(-2, -1)

After a translation by the rule below:


The coordinates of the image W'X'Y' are calculated below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} W(-5,2)\to(-5+6,2-2)=W^{\prime}(1,0) \\ X(-4,4)\to(-4+6,4-2)=X^{\prime}(2,2) \\ Y(-2,-1)\to(-2+6,-1-2)=Y^{\prime}(4,-3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

The coordinates of the image are W'(1,0), X'(2,2), and Y'(4,-3).

The area of a square is 100 square centimetres. Calculate the perimeter of the square




Step-by-step explanation:


that's what the answer is if you don't believe me than look it up


40 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

1. If its a square all sides are the same

2. Area is a side multiplied by the other side, l * w - so if we square root 100 we get 10.

10 is one side - and since each side of 4 is 10 - we can do 10*4 and get 40.

40 centimeters.

Determine if the problem is done correctly AND explain your reasoning. If the problem is correct then explain the steps that were taken. If the problem is incorrect then explain what the mistake made was and what the correct solution should be. 1) Divide using the reverse tabular method: x - x? - 8x + 12 x + 3 x 4x 4 34 x² - 4x²/4x -X² 4341-12x 12 -12 - 8x Х 3 2. x?-4x+4


the answer is correct

we have to check that if we operate the numbers that are inside the box we get the numerator


Explain IN WORDS how to determine the equation of a line when you are given two points...



Step 1:

In this question, we are given the following:

Explain IN WORDS how to determine the equation of a line when you are given two points.

Step 2:

The answers are as follows:

How to Find the Equation of a Line from Two Points:

1. Find the slope using the slope formula.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ m = }\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}, \\ \\ \text{where ( x}_1,y_1) \\ and \\ \text{( x}_2,y_2)\text{ are the two pairs of points} \end{gathered}[/tex]

2. Use the slope and one of the points to solve for the y-intercept (b).

3. Once you know the value for gradient, m, and the value for b, you can plug these into the slope-intercept form of a line:

[tex]\text{y = mx + b}[/tex]

to get the equation for the line.

I need help on this assignment question


An expression is a way of writing a statement with more than two variables or numbers with operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

The value of x is 0.0036

What is an expression?

An expression is a way of writing a statement with more than two variables or numbers with operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: 2 + 3x + 4y = 7 is an expression.

We have,

1.7 x [tex]10^{8}[/tex] / 12 = 5.1 x [tex]10^{4}[/tex] / x

Multiply x on both sides.

(1.7 x [tex]10^{8}[/tex])x / 12 = 5.1 x [tex]10^{4}[/tex]

Multiply 12 on both sides.

(1.7 x [tex]10^{8}[/tex])x = 12 x 5.1 x [tex]10^{4}[/tex]

Divide 1.7 x [tex]10^{8}[/tex] on both sides.

x = (12 x 5.1 x [tex]10^{4}[/tex]) / (1.7 x [tex]10^{8}[/tex])

x = 36 x [tex]10^{4 - 8}[/tex]

x = 36 x [tex]10^{- 4}[/tex]

x = 36/10000

x = 0.0036


The value of x is 0.0036

Learn more about expressions here:


Solve log^6 (x + 1) + log^6 (x – 1) = 2.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \log_6(x+1)\text{ + }\log_6(x\text{ -1\rparen = 2} \\ \\ \log_6((x+1)(x\text{ -1\rparen = 2} \\ \\ \log_6(x^2\text{ -1\rparen= 2} \\ \\ x^2\text{ - 1 =6}^2 \\ \\ x^2\text{ - 1 = 36} \\ \\ x^2=\text{ 36+1} \\ \\ x^2=\text{ 37} \\ \\ x=\text{ }\sqrt[\placeholder{⬚}]{37} \end{gathered}[/tex]

find the sector area for the angle of 7pi/6 on a circle with a radius of 6cm


In order to calculate the sector area, we can use the following rule of three, knowing that an angle of 2pi (complete circle) has an area of pi*r² (area of the circle).

So we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{angle}\to\text{sector area} \\ 2\pi\to\pi r^2 \\ \frac{7\pi}{6}\to x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Now, we can write the following proportion and solve the equation for x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{2\pi}{\frac{7\pi}{6}}=\frac{\pi r^2^{}}{x}^{} \\ x\cdot2\pi=\frac{7\pi}{6}\cdot\pi r^2 \\ x=\frac{\frac{7\pi}{6}\cdot\pi r^2}{2\pi} \\ x=\frac{7}{12}\pi r^2 \\ x=\frac{7}{12}\pi\cdot6^2 \\ x=\frac{7}{12}\pi\cdot36 \\ x=21\pi\text{ cm}^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the sector area is 21pi cm².

A bag of marbles comes with 3 blue marbles, 2 red marbles, and 5 yellow marbles.

What is the ratio of RED MARBLES to ALL THE MARBLES?

2 to 5

2 to 10

2 to 8

2 to 3


There are 2 red marbles
There are 10 marbles in total

2 red marbles to 10 in total
2 to 10

Answer: 2 to 10



Step-by-step explanation:

There are 2 red marbles so the ratio will start with 2, there are also 3 (blue marbles) + 5 (yellow marbles) = 8 marbles. But it says ALL the marbles so also add the red ones, 8 + 2 = 10. The answer is 2 to 10.

y varies directly with x. if y =75 when x =25, find x when y=25



x = 8.33


y varies directly with x if y can be calculated as a constant k times x. So:

y = k*x

If y is equal to 75 and x is equal to 25, we can calculate the value of k as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 75=k\cdot25 \\ \frac{75}{25}=\frac{k\cdot25}{25} \\ 3=k \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, y = 3*x

So, to find x when y = 25, we need to replace y by 25 and solve for x as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 25=3\cdot x \\ \frac{25}{3}=\frac{3\cdot x}{3} \\ 8.33=x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, x is equal to 8.33



Let the length of tape required be x centimeter

15centimeters to rap 5 present

x centimeters will rap 6 present

[tex]\begin{gathered} 15\operatorname{cm}=5 \\ x\text{ cm=6} \\ \text{hence} \\ 5x=15\times6 \\ 5x=90 \\ \text{divide both side by 5, we have} \\ x=\frac{90}{5} \\ x=18\operatorname{cm} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Triangle UVW, with vertices U(-6,2), V(-4,6), and W(-8,5), is drawn inside arectangle, as shown below.What is the area, in square units, of triangle UVW?


Okay, here we have this:

Considering the provided vertices, we are going to calculate the requested area, so we obtain the following:

Then we will first calculate the measure of each side and later with Heron's formula we will find the area, then we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} u=\sqrt{((-4-(-8))^2+(6-5)^2)} \\ u=\sqrt{4^2+1^2} \\ u=\sqrt{17} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} w=\sqrt{(-6-(-4))^2+(2-6)^2} \\ w=\sqrt{2^2+(-4)^2} \\ w=\sqrt{20} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} v=\sqrt{(-6-(-8))^2+(2-5)^2} \\ v=\sqrt{2^2+(-3)^2} \\ v=\sqrt{13} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, the area is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A=\sqrt{\frac{(\sqrt{13}+\sqrt{17}+\sqrt{20})}{2}(\frac{\sqrt{13}+\sqrt{17}+\sqrt{20}}{2}\sqrt{13})(\frac{\sqrt{13}+\sqrt{17}+\sqrt{20}}{2}\sqrt{17})(\frac{\sqrt{13}+\sqrt{17}+\sqrt{20}}{2}\sqrt{20})} \\ =\sqrt{49} \\ =7 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally we obtain that the triangle's area is equal to 7 square units.

For 1960, the national debt was…….% of GDPIn the same year, the national debt was $0.3 trillion use this information to determine the GDP for 1960 $ trillion


From the graph, the national debt in 1960 was 46%.

It was given that the national debt in 1960 is $0.3 trillion.

Let the GDP be represented by G. This means that 46% of this value is:

[tex]\Rightarrow\frac{46}{100}\times G[/tex]

Equating this to the debt amount, we have:

[tex]0.3=\frac{46}{100}\times G[/tex]

Solving for G, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 46G=0.3\times100 \\ 46G=30 \\ G=\frac{30}{46} \\ G=0.65 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the GDP in 1960 was $0.65 trillion.

Please please help I need to do it for tomorrow




Step-by-step explanation:

first you solve the 10^5 and 10^4. Then you solve the multiplication. Last, you solve the addition:
(6.31 * 10^5 ) + (2.6 * 10^4) =
(6.31 * 100000 ) + (2.6 * 10000) =
631000 + 26000 =

help me determine the length of segments of this triangle


GE = 3.35, AG = 6.7, AE = 10.05

DG = 3.145, GC = 6.29, DC = 9.435

BG = 2.982, GF = 1.491, BF = 4.473


Given: distance of the centriod to the vertex is twice the distance from centroid to the midpoint on the opposite side:

centroid: (14/3, 4/3)

[tex]\begin{gathered} AG\text{ = 2GE} \\ BG\text{ = 2GF} \\ GC\text{ = 2DG} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Centriod = G = (14/3, 4/3) } \\ E\text{ = midpoint of BC} \\ B\text{ (}2,\text{ 0) and C (8, -4)} \\ \text{Midpoint = }\frac{1}{2}(x_1+x_2),\text{ }\frac{1}{2}(y_1+y_2) \\ \text{midpoint = }\frac{1}{2}\text{(2 + 8), }\frac{1}{2}(0-4) \\ \text{midpoint = 5, -2} \\ \\ GE\text{ = distance from G to E} \\ dis\tan ce\text{ = }\sqrt[]{(y_2-y_1)^2+(x_2-x_1)^2} \\ =\text{ }\sqrt[]{(5-\frac{14}{3})^2+(-2-\frac{4}{3})^2}\text{ = }\sqrt[]{0.1111+11.1111} \\ GE=\text{ }3.35 \\ AG\text{ = 2GE = 2(3.35)} \\ \text{AG = }6.7 \\ AE\text{ = GE + AG} \\ AE\text{ = 3.35 + 6.7 } \\ AE\text{ = 10.05} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} D\text{ = midpoint of AB} \\ A(4,\text{ 8), B(2, 0)} \\ \text{midpoint = }\frac{1}{2}(4\text{ + 2), }\frac{1}{2}(8+0) \\ \text{midpoint = 3, 4} \\ DG\text{ = distance from D to G} \\ dis\tan ce\text{ = }\sqrt[]{(3-\frac{14}{3})^2+(4-\frac{4}{3})^2} \\ \text{distance = }\sqrt[]{2.7778+7.1111}\text{ = }3.145 \\ \text{DG = 3}.145 \\ \\ GC\text{ = 2DG = 2(3.145)} \\ GC\text{ = }6.29 \\ DC\text{ = DG + GC} \\ DC\text{ = 3.145 + 6}.29 \\ DC\text{ = }9.435 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} F\text{ is the midpoint of AC:} \\ A(4,\text{ 8) , C(8, -4)} \\ \text{midpoint = }\frac{1}{2}(4+8),\text{ }\frac{1}{2}(8+(-4)) \\ \text{midpoint = 6, 2} \\ \text{Distance GF from G}(\frac{14}{3},\text{ }\frac{\text{4}}{3}\text{) to F(6, 2)} \\ \text{Distance = }\sqrt[]{(2-\frac{4}{3})^2+(6-\frac{14}{3})^2} \\ \text{Distance = }\sqrt[]{\text{0.4445+1.7777}}\text{ = 1.491} \\ G\text{F = 1.491} \\ \\ BG\text{ = 2GF = 2(1.491)} \\ BG\text{ = 2.982} \\ BF\text{ = BG + GF} \\ BF\text{ = 2.982 + 1.491} \\ BF\text{ = 4.473} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Determine which numbers are in the given interval.-00,last option 1/2.


A number x is in a given interval (a,b) if it satisfies the following inequalities:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x>a, \\ xNotice that:


[tex]\begin{gathered} -\frac{9}{2}>-\infty, \\ -\frac{9}{2}=3\cdot(-\frac{3}{2})<-\frac{3}{2}\text{.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore -9/2 is in the given interval.


[tex]\begin{gathered} -1>-\infty, \\ -1=-\frac{2}{2}>-\frac{2}{2}-\frac{1}{2}=-\frac{3}{2}\text{.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore -1 is not in the given interval.


[tex]\begin{gathered} -\frac{3}{2}>-\infty, \\ -\frac{3}{2}=-\frac{3}{2}\text{.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore -3/2 is not in the given interval.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{2}>-\infty, \\ \frac{1}{2}>0>-\frac{3}{2}\text{.} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore 1/2 is not in the given interval.



Principal = AED 900; rate = 3.1%; time = 6 years What is the simple interest?


The simple interest is AED 167.4


principle=AED 900


time=6 years

To calculate simple interest use formula,




t=time period(years)

r= interest rate

[tex]I=\frac{900*6*3.1}{100}\\\\I=\frac{16740}{100} \\\\I=167.4[/tex]

Thus, the simple interest is AED 167.4

To learn more about simple interest refer here


4. Find the value of x.*60°,150°3x°Ox= 20O х = 30Ox= 60


The sum of the angles of a quadilateral is 360 degree. So the equation for the sum of angles is,

[tex]\begin{gathered} 90^{\circ}+60^{\circ}+150^{\circ}+3x=360^{\circ} \\ 300^{\circ}+3x=360^{\circ} \\ 3x=360^{\circ}-300^{\circ} \\ x=\frac{60^{\circ}}{3} \\ =20^{\circ} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the value of x is 20.

a company has 14 employees with a salary of $20,800, 10 employees with a salary of $23,600, 16 employees with a salary of $25,300 , 3 employees with a salary of $30,700, 6 employees with a salary of $38,700 and 1 employee with a salary of $149,300 find the mean salary for the employees


We have the following:

In this case, what we must do is calculate the weighted average, as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m=\frac{14\cdot20800+10\cdot23600+16\cdot25300+3\cdot30700+6\cdot38700+1\cdot149300}{14+10+16+3+6+1} \\ m=\frac{1405600}{50} \\ m=28112 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The mean salary is $28112

Solve the division problem. Round answer to the nearest hundredth.9.2/52.063


In order to divide these numbers, first let's start with a 0 in the unit place, since 9.2 is smaller than 52.063.

Then, we multiply 9.2 by 10, this way we will calculate the tenths place.

Now, dividing 92 by 52.063, we have 1 as the result.

The remainder will be 92 - 52.063 = 39.937.

Again, let's multiply the remainder by 10, so now we will calculate the hundredths of the result.

Dividing 399.37 by 52.063 we have 7.

The remainder is 399.37 - 7*52.063 = 34.929.

Multiplying by 10, we have 349.29, and now we calculate the thousandths.

Dividing 349.29 by 52.063 we have 6.

Until now, the result of the division is 0.176.

Rounding to the nearest hundredth, we have 0.18 as the result of the division.

When solving the following system of equations, which variable would be the easiest to solve for? {x+6y=25{2x+2y=9 A) the x in the first equationB)the y in the second equationC) the y in the first equationD) the x in the second equation



From the first equation, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+6y=25 \\ we\text{ can easily solve for x by subtracting 6y from both sides, we have } \\ x+6y-6y=25-6y \\ x=25-6y \end{gathered}[/tex]

So we can easily solve for x in the first equation.

Hence the answer is option A

A rectangle has a diagonal of 12 feet and length of 9 feet. What is ghye width of the rectangle, in simplified form? (No decimal Answers (


The width of the rectangle is;

[tex]3\sqrt[]{7}\text{ ft}[/tex]

Here, we want to get the width of the rectangle

To do this, we need a pictorial representation

We have this as;

As we can see, the rectangle is divided into two equal right-triangles

We have represented the width by w

We can use Pythagoras' theorem to get the width

The square of the diagonal (the hypotenuse) is equal the sum of the squares of the two other sides

Thus, we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 12^2=9^2+w^2 \\ 144=81+w^2 \\ w^2\text{ = 144-81} \\ w^2\text{ = 63} \\ w\text{ = }\sqrt[]{63} \\ w\text{ = 3}\sqrt[]{7}\text{ ft} \end{gathered}[/tex]

help me pls 2mins left




Step-by-step explanation:

A function is a set of ordered pairs in which no two different ordered pairs have the same x -coordinate. An equation that produces such a set of ordered pairs defines a function.

brainliest pls

Serena Wilson paid a tax of 288 on a house assessed at $48,000 using the same tax rate find the tax on a house assessed at $59,000



Let's see the facts:

Cost = $48,000

Tax= $288

The proportionality for a $59,000 is as follows:


Simplifying the fractions:


Answer: the tax for a $59,000 dollars house is of $354.

Pls Help and show work please


The values of x and y in the intersecting lines are as follows;

x = 12.7y = 6

How to find angles in intersecting lines?

When parallel lines are cut by a transversal line angle relationships are formed such as corresponding angles, alternate angles, linear angles, vertically opposite angles etc.

Therefore, the angle relationships can be used to find the value of x and y in the intersecting lines.

6y + 14 = 11y - 16 (vertically opposite angles)

Vertically opposite angles are congruent.

6y - 11y = - 16 - 14

-5y = -30

y = -30 / -5

y = 6


13x - 25 + 11y - 26 = 180 (sum of angles on a straight line)

13x - 25 + 66 - 26 = 180

13x = 180 + 25 - 66 + 26

13x = 165

x = 165 / 13

x = 12.6923076923

x = 12.7

learn more on angles here:


Find the value of a machine at the end of 4 years if the original cost was $1038 and r=0.28. Round to two decimal places.


We have a value function of a machine at the end of the year t that is:


We know that C = 1038 and r = 0.28.

We have to calcula the value of the machine after 4 years (t = 4).

Then, we replace the parameters with their values and calculate V as:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V(t)=C(1-r)^t \\ V(4)=1038\cdot(1-0.28)^4 \\ V(4)=1038\cdot0.72^4 \\ V(4)=1038\cdot0.26873856 \\ V(4)\approx278.95 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Answer: the value is $278.95.

Customer account "numbers" for a certain company consist of 4 letters followed by 4 numbers. How many different account numbers are possible if repetitions of letters and digits are allowed?


45697600 different account numbers are possible if repetitions of letters and digits are allowed.


The 4 letters can be chosen in 26 ways each and the two numbers in 10 ways each

Number of account numbers possible = 26^4 * 10^2 = 45697600

What is problem-solving?

Problem-solving is the act of defining a problem; figuring out the purpose of the trouble; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for an answer; and imposing an answer.

Problem-solving starts with identifying the issue. As an example, a trainer may need to parent out a way to improve a scholar's overall performance on a writing talent test. To do that, the instructor will overview the writing exams looking for regions for improvement.

Learn more about Problem-solving here:-


Find the sum of an infinite geometric series where a1 = 180, and the common ratio is r = 3∕4 ?A) 240B) 720C) 135D) 360



The sum to infinity of the geometric series is;



Given an infinite geometric series where;

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_1=180 \\ r=\frac{3}{4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Recall that the sum to infinity of a geometric series can be calculated using the formula;


substituting the given values;

[tex]\begin{gathered} S_{\infty}=\frac{a_1}{1-r}=\frac{180}{1-\frac{3}{4}}=\frac{180}{\frac{1}{4}}=180\times4 \\ S_{\infty}=720 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the sum to infinity of the geometric series is;


Ethan delivers newspapers during the week. The graph shows the number of newspapers he delivers. Choose any two points and draw a slope triangle. Dilate the slope triangle along the graph to determine whether or not the slope is constant. Explain what the slope means in this situation.



400/5 =40 after dilation is the same 200/5=40

This means the slope of the line are the same before and after dilation. The value of the sácale factor does not affect the slopes in the graph.

The slope of the graph is constant and it represents rate of change of papers delivered with rate respect to rate of change of days.

What are lines and their slopes?

We know lines have various types of equations, the general type is

Ax + By + c = 0, and the equation of a line in slope-intercept form is

y = mx + b.

Where slope = m and b = y-intercept.

the slope is the rate of change of the y-axis with respect to the x-axis and the y-intercept is the (0,b) where the line intersects the y-axis at x = 0.

By observing the graph we conclude that when days = 5,

papers delivered = 200 and when days = 10, paper delivered = 400.

Now, 400/10 = 40 and 200/5 = 40 so the slope of the graph is constant.

Slope in this situation represents rate of change of papers delivered with rate respect to rate of change of days.

learn more about lines and slopes here :


The price of a necklace was increased by 10% to £121.
What was the price before the increase?



the anwser is 110

Step-by-step explanation:

The price before was £108.9 because 10% of £121 is £12.1 so if you subtract that you would get £108.9





Step-by-step explanation:

tangent is opposite over adjacent... 24/10 reduces to 12/5

don't forget to give brainliest :)


Step-by-step explanation:

Tangent of an angle is dividing opposite side by adjacent side

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