John proctor the crucible
What ideas does he push away?


Answer 1

John rejects the widespread witch hunts that took place in Salem at the time. He therefore rejected these concepts.

What held true for John Proctor?

Being a devout man, John Proctor was tormented by his illicit relationship with Abigail. John Proctor suffers from mental suffering. He feels that his relationship with Abigail has permanently harmed his reputation with God, his wife Elizabeth, and with himself. It is true that Proctor did cave in to sin and commit adultery, but he is unable to forgive himself. John Proctor is a firm believer in telling the truth, but he feared hurting his reputation as a respectable member of society if he made a public admission of guilt.

John Proctor attempted to protect his wife Elizabeth as she was suspected of being a witch since he did not support the Salem witch trials and hunt.

John rejects the widespread witch hunts that took place in Salem at the time. He therefore rejected these concepts.

To know more about John Proctor, visit;


Related Questions

Write a letter to convince a production company like Netflix or Disney to turn one of your favorite books or video games into a TV show. Why would this book or game make an enjoyable series? Who should play the main characters? Which part of the book or game would you be most excited to watch?
Chase wakes up in a hospital bed with amnesia, having fallen from the roof of his house. He cannot remember anything about his life.

When he returns to school, Chase realizes that many of his classmates fear or dislike him. He makes different choices, hanging out with the video club instead of the football team.

Chase commits to becoming a better person, especially when he learns about a crime he committed just before his amnesia took hold
75 Word min.


Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this letter to you to convince to turn one of your favorite books or video games into a TV show.

Dear Disney, I'm writing to you today to provide a suggestion. I think a TV program based on the book "that was then, this is today" should air. Because the book discusses transformation and trials in life, I wholeheartedly support this notion. Bryon was trying to accept the fact that he was growing up and becoming further apart from his closest buddy. He was torn between doing what was right and what would make others happy. developing new friendships and romantic relationships, facing financial hardship, battling for morality, etc. Teenagers, adults, and some kids have all gone through such things.

Reading this book helped me see things differently and helped me manage the difficult situations. I think anyone going through a situation like Bryon or Mark did might benefit from seeing this television program. People will fall in love with the characters right away since they are so wonderful and distinctive in their own right. They could alter how others view themselves and other individuals by becoming an icon. This story could reach millions of people not only as a book, but also as a television program. Everyone who wanders onto the event would become enthralled, not just book aficionados.

Any drawbacks you may think of would be outweighed by the money you would make and the book's popularity. Moving away from the "morals" of the movie, the plot is action-packed and undoubtedly captivating. It will keep both readers and viewers interested in what will happen next and is likely to become their favorite TV program. You should really consider this and reply to me as soon as you can.



To learn more about letter checkout the link below :


Am I right on these two questions or not?



Regarding the second example, always look at the main clause -- never the subordinate clause -- to find the main verb, which immediately follows the main subject. ( Martha settled )

Regarding the first example, although you DID look at the main clause, you looked past the main verb. ( Fatima decided )

2. Like a boil that can never be cured as long as it is covered up but must be opened with all its pus-flowing ugliness to the natural medicines of air and light, injustice must likewise be exposed, with all of the tension its exposing creates, to the light of human conscience and the air of national opinion before it can be cured.
•type of figurative language:
•meaning of figurative language:
•effect on tone and mood:
•effect on audience:


The figurative language used in this sentence is a metaphor, specifically a medical metaphor. The metaphor compares the situation of injustice to a boil that must be exposed to air and light in order to be cured.

The meaning of this figurative language is that in order for injustice to be addressed and resolved, it must be brought out into the open and discussed openly, rather than being hidden or ignored.

The effect on tone and mood is to create a sense of urgency and gravity. The use of the medical metaphor suggests that injustice is a serious and potentially dangerous problem that must be dealt with in order for society to heal and thrive.

The effect on the audience may be to inspire them to take action against injustice and to speak out against it. The metaphor may also create a sense of solidarity among readers who share the belief that injustice must be exposed and addressed.

In order to highlight how disgusting and dreadful injustice is, the simile figure of speech is used throughout the book. People feel as though something needs to be done to address the problems with injustice since the message is both furious and resolute. A simile is a rhetorical device used to create a new meaning by comparing two unrelated but potentially connected things.

What are the words used in the aforementioned question?

In order to compare injustice to an infectious, revolting, and filthy boil, the author uses analogy. The sentence employs a simile, a type of literary device, to highlight how dreadful and awful injustice is. But the author shows that injustice, like a boil, may be treated.

This method produces amazing results, but it is painful because it makes all the dirt and discomfort visible. The reader finds the unfairness abhorrent and disgusting, but they must put up with it, which results in a tone of discontent. Even if it is unpleasant, this fosters a spirit of resolution since the reader believes he will be able to get rid of the unfairness in his life.

Thus, the simile figure of speech is used throughout the book.

For more information about aforementioned question, click here


Prosopagnosia, also called "face blindness," is a condition that makes it difficult for people to recognize
faces, even those of family members and close friends. Artist Chuck Close, who at first thought of his
condition as a reason to avoid creating portraits, came to believe that producing faces actually
strengthened his ability to recognize individuals. In fact, Close's body of work is largely portraits, which
might seem unexpected. His mediums range from ink and watercolor paintings to woodcuts to handmade
paper collages.

In the passage, what does the author suggest is "unexpected" about Close's artistic work?

O That Close is known for his portraits although he has "face blindness"
O That Close's portraits are large-scale paintings, not smaller, life-size depictions
O That Close's paintings are realistic, rather than abstract, representations of people
O That Close uses a range of mediums instead of focusing on a particular one


Author represents "face blindness," as Close, is well-known for his portraits.

What Chuck Close was affected?If you ever meet Chuck Close, he will never recognize you again. He suffers from prosopagnosia, also known as face blindness. He can see the individual parts of your face — your nose, eyes, forehead, and so on — but he can't put them together in a pattern that sticks in his mind.Prosopagnosia is a neurological condition that causes the inability to recognize faces. Face blindness or facial agnosia is other terms of prosopagnosia.Close has created iconic works of art while coping with serious physical and mental impairments: he had a spinal artery collapse and subsequent paralysis in 1988, and he has the disorder prosopagnosia, also known as "face blindness," in which the ability to recognize faces is impaired.

To learn more about Chuck Close refer to :


English reading
National dishes of the world


Any nation's culinary and, to a significant part, cultural identity is expressed in its national dish. There are certain nations, nonetheless, without a recognized national food. Some foods have become so popular in these nations that they are regarded as the de facto, if unofficial, national dish. In several instances, groups have chosen national meals based on public voting .

What are the national dishes of the world?

National dish can be seen as a symbol for the country. Made from local ingredients it may or may not be the country's favourite dish. The national dishes of France, Britain, USA, South Africa and Norway are mentioned.

Houses where money and meet were scarce refers to the people who are not doing well financially.

While smaller countries like Spain and Mexico have a common cuisine, countries like Italy or India have culinary traditions that are so rich and varied that choosing just one national dish seems challenging.

Any nation's culinary and, to a significant part, cultural identity is expressed in its national dish. There are certain nations, nonetheless, without a recognized national food. Some foods have become so popular in these nations that they are regarded as the de facto, if unofficial, national dish. In several instances, groups have chosen national meals based on public voting .

To read and know more about national dishes, click below:


National dishes of the world according to the given image can be concluded as

American hamburgersJamaican ackee and saltfish.Barbados' Coo-Coo and Flying Fish.Korea's BulgogiSyria and Lebanon's Kibbeh

How does this occur?

A nation's national cuisine might be viewed as a national symbol. It might or might not be the national dish of the country and is made with local ingredients. There includes mention of the cuisines of France, Britain, the United States, South Africa, and Norway.People who are struggling financially are referred to as living in houses where money and resources are scarce.While smaller nations like Spain and Mexico have a common cuisine, larger nations like Italy or India have a vast array of culinary traditions, making it difficult to pick just one national dish.Any country's national dish embodies its culinary identity and, to a large extent, its cultural identity. However, several countries do not have a recognized national dish.

To know more about National Dish here


Hester prune is publicly shamed for the crime of adultery. What does this punishment tell you about her community and it’s values


Hester Prynne is forced to wear a scarlet letter A on her frock as a statement of shame in Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel The Scarlet Letter. In addition, she was forced to endure three hours of public humiliation while standing on the scaffold.

What is the punishment for adultery in the scarlet letter?

She will live the rest of her life as an outcast from Boston as a result of the letter "A," which stands for her adulterous behavior.

Hester's punishment was unfair because she was imprisoned for committing adultery. Hester was made to stand on the scaffold in order to be publicly humiliated for her wrongdoing, and she was sentenced to wear the scarlet letter "A" as a symbol of her lifetime punishment.

Thus, Hester Prynne is forced to wear a scarlet letter.

For more information about punishment for adultery in the scarlet letter, click here:


Write an original sentence that contains the idiom “give them the boot” and implies it’s meaning


Answer: "The Karen was acting out so badly, the store security had to give her the boot"

(Giving someone the boot means kicking them out/ removing someone)


Which sentence is written in the present tense?
O Steve might plan a camping trip for next summer.
O Steve will plan a camping trip for next summer.
O Steve is planning a camping trip for next summer.
O Steve has planned a camping trip for next summer.


Answer:your Answer is C. Steve is planning a camping trip for next summer.


(Is Planning) Is present tense.

Read the excerpt from The Declaration of the Rights of Women written by French activist Olympe de Gouges in 1791.

Women, wake up; the tocsin of reason sounds throughout the universe; recognize your rights. The powerful empire of nature is no longer surrounded by prejudice, fanaticism, superstition, and lies. The torch of truth has dispersed all the clouds of folly and usurpation. Enslaved man has multiplied his force and needs yours to break his chains. Having become free, he has become unjust toward his companion. Oh women! Women, when will you cease to be blind?

To understand the context, which elaborative technique would be the best way to explain the importance of the quote?

A Describe the background of the author, Olympe de Gouges, and her cause.
B Explain what was happening in 1791 around the world.
C Reveal that Olympe de Gouges was executed by guillotine during the French Revolution for writing the book.
D Summarize the purpose behind the writing of the book.


Summarize the purpose behind the writing of the book.

What is writing?
is the process of creating written works such as stories, articles, essays, and reports. It involves the use of language to convey ideas and information in a structured and organized manner. Writing involves the use of words, sentences, paragraphs, and other text elements to create a cohesive piece of work. Writing can also be used to create visuals such as graphs, pictures and diagrams. Writing can be used to convey emotions, opinions, and facts. In the modern world, writing is an essential skill for students, professionals, and everyday individuals alike. Writing can be used to express oneself, to create a narrative, to argue a point, and to communicate with others. Writing can also be used to inform, persuade, and entertain. Writing can be a powerful and rewarding experience.

To learn more about writing

Answer: Explain what was happening in 1791 around the world.


In The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, How does Equiano use rhetoric to bring forth his purpose?


Equiano use rhetoric to bring forth his purpose as he uses rhetorical strategies such as pathos, ethos, logos, word choice, and direct address to convey the idea of the text

What was the literary work about?

Equiano tells a story of the development of his self; the forging of his individual identity as he tells the story of his life and travels between Africa, England, and the British Empire, which proves vital to the broader political purpose of his story.

According to Equiano, the book's main goal is to "arouse in [the reader's] august assemblies a sense of compassion for the miseries which the Slave-Trade has entailed on my unfortunate countrymen."

Learn more about Equiano on:


public domain content is owned by the public but is not free use


Public domain content is owned by the public, meaning that anyone can use it without permission or payment. However, it is still subject to certain restrictions, such as copyright law, so it cannot be freely used without first getting permission or paying a fee.

What is Public domain?
Public domain
refers to works that are not subject to copyright. This can include works that have been created by the public, or works that have had their copyright term expire, such as works created before 1923 or works created by the US government. Public domain works are free to use, modify, and share without permission or payment of royalties. Examples of public domain works include literature, music, movies, and images that are free for anyone to use. Public domain works are an important part of culture and can be used to create new works and products.

To learn more about Public domain

Read the passage from act 2, scene 3 of The Tragedy of Macbeth.

Macduff. Confusion now hath made his masterpiece!

Most sacrilegious murder hath broke ope

The Lord’s anointed temple, and stole thence

The life o’ the building!

Why is the metonymy in the underlined text appropriate for this speech?

A. It conveys the king’s importance to the country of Scotland.
B. It suggests that no one is worthy enough to succeed Duncan.
C. It describes the fragility of the king’s corpse.
D. It shows Macduff’s belief that he should be king.


The metonymy in the underlined text is appropriate for this speech as D. It shows Macduff’s belief that he should be king.

What is metonymy?

Macbeth synopsis: The Scottish general Macbeth is informed by three witches that he will become King of Scotland. Macbeth, encouraged by his wife, murders the king, ascends to the throne, and then proceeds to kill more people out of paranoia. There are more casualties as a civil war breaks out to remove Macbeth.

Metonymy is a figure of speech in which a thing or concept is referred to by the name of another thing or concept that is closely related to that thing or concept. A figure of speech in which a related term replaces the word itself.

Substitution is frequently based on a material, causal, or conceptual relationship between things. The British monarchy, for example, is frequently referred to as the Crown.

Based on the information illustrated, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Macbeth on:


the answer for y'all​


Your a goat appreciate this a lot
Thank you so much I appreciate this :D

4. On page 3, the narrator says, "I am one of those cogs." What does she mean? What does this reveal about her
5. What does the narrator's description of the incidents with the bird, shovel, and teacher's skirt tell us about her
Why does the author include these incidents?


He adds them so he can describe what was happening in those incidents and it gives a clear description about her

what sentence is a hyperbole and a personification i’ll give you brainlist!



Hyperbole: "A jet airliner could be parked in one of its caverns" (Sentence 2, Paragraph 4)

Personification: "There, the Hand of Dog rock paws at the sky - and the sky smiles down on it kindly, stroking the rock with its rays." (Sentence 6, Paragraph 3)


Hyperbole is exaggeration, and saying a jet airliner could be parked in the caverns is an exaggeration. Personification is giving non-human objects human qualities, and saying the sky smiled kindly and stroked the rocks is giving it human qualities.

Please help me out!!!!
Write a narrative statement of at least fifty words to explain what your goal accomplishment will mean to you why it is important. What is the relevance of achieving this goal


Answer: rate brainliest


Achieving my goal of completing my college degree will be a major accomplishment for me. It will mean that I have worked hard and persevered through many challenges to earn my degree. It will also mean that I have gained a valuable education and have developed the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in my chosen career. This accomplishment is important to me because it will open up new opportunities and enable me to achieve my long-term professional and personal goals. Additionally, achieving this goal will be a source of pride and personal satisfaction, as it will demonstrate my dedication and commitment to my own growth and development.

He likes playing the piano he likes playing the saxophone correct in


The correct form of the sentence will be that "He likes playing the piano and likes playing the saxophone"

What is a conjuction?

A conjunction is a word that connects two or more words, phrases, or clauses. There are numerous English conjunctions, but some of the most common are and, or, but, because, for, if, and when. Conjunctions are classified into three types: coordinating, subordinating, and correlative.

A conjunction is a word class or part of speech that connects words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. The common conjunctions (and, but, for, or, nor, so, and yet) are coordinating conjunctions because they connect the elements of a coordinate structure. They link words, phrases, and clauses of the same rank. Subordinating conjunctions, on the other hand, connect clauses of unequal rank.

In this case, it should be noted that "and" can be used to join the sentences together.

Learn more about conjuction on:


Complete question

He likes playing the piano

He likes playing the saxophone

Correct the sentence by using a part of speech

need to describe the picture please help​



Dark stormy cloud night in the distance coming up.

What is a scale? an interval between notes special notes in a musical piece the pitch level any set of musical notes ordered by pitch


A scale is a set of musical notes ordered by pitch. Scales can refer to any interval between notes, special notes in a musical piece, or the pitch level of a particular piece. Scales are used in music to create melodies, harmonies, and other musical structures.

what is this: Read the passage.
The Importance of Japan's Cherry Blossoms
In the northeastern United States, autumn is particularly colorful. Leaves change from green to red and orange, and many Americans take scenic fall foliage trips. In Japan, a similar phenomenon takes place in the spring. Cherry trees erupt in a shower of pink, and the entire country celebrates the arrival of sakura, or cherry blossoms. Though autumn leaves are admired in the United States, they are seen as just a pretty seasonal display. In Japan, on the other hand, cherry blossoms have much greater significance; the flowers are deeply rooted in Japan's culture and philosophy. Since as far back as the eighth century, sakura have symbolized change and beauty, new beginnings, and the circle of life. The blossoms have been celebrated in Japanese paintings, poems, and tea ceremonies for centuries.
What is the main idea of the passage?


The main idea of the passage is in works of Japanese art or literature, the cherry blossoms of springtime Japan are frequently used as images of transformation or fresh starts.

What is cherry blossom?

In works of Japanese art or literature, the cherry blossoms of springtime Japan are frequently used as images of transformation or fresh starts.

While Americans enjoy the autumn's vibrant foliage, the Japanese consider the cherry blossoms of spring to be an integral part of their cultures.

Therefore, the author of this text discusses the significance of cherry blossoms to Japanese culture. He explains that in Japanese culture, cherry blossoms are given a very special place.

To learn more about cherry blossom, refer to the below link:


Which of the following would be the best definition of plagiarism?

Putting in a quote from another author
Putting someone else's work or ideas into your paper without giving them credit
Reusing one of your old papers for a new class
Using a summary rather than a direct quote


The use of another person's thoughts or creative work without giving them credit is known as plagiarism. Thus, it is plagiarism when sources are not properly cited.

What are the top 5 plagiarism types?

Global plagiarism is the act of representing an entire text written by another person as your own.

Verbatim plagiarism refers to the act of directly using another person's words.

Plagiarism that is disguised as paraphrasing occurs when you offer someone else's thoughts as being your own.

Patchwork plagiarism is when you combine passages from other sources to produce your own work.

Self-plagiarism entails using your own prior work again.

To know more about plagiarism, click here


Answer:  Putting someone else's work or ideas into your paper without giving them credit


Text-Dependent Answer- RACEES Prompt: After watching the movie The Lorax and reading the “ Learning The Photosynthesis Formula” article that consists of scientific facts, explain how the events throughout the movie are not scientifically accurate when examining photosynthesis. Use evidence from the article to support your claim.


One of the facts that is not exactly true as stated in Lorax the movie is that Photosynthesis creates "Free Air".

What is the process of Photosynthesis?

Plants absorb carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water (H₂O) from the air and soil during photosynthesis. Water is oxidized within the plant cell, which means it loses electrons, but carbon dioxide is reduced, which means it receives electrons. This converts water to oxygen and carbon dioxide to glucose.

So what plants actually give out is Oxygen which is not exactly "air".

It should be mentioned that air is largely made up of gas. It's a concoction of several gases. The air in the Earth's atmosphere is composed of roughly 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. Other gases found in air include carbon dioxide, neon, and hydrogen in trace concentrations.

Hence, besides oxygen, air contains other gases. This is a more accurate explanation of what plants do during photosynthesis.

learn more about Photosynthesis:

a christmas carol,cause and effect essay (please help mee its due friday and i need it done soon as possible))


The theme of a Christmas Carol Scrooge and Marley include Greed, Generosity and Forgiveness

What is the book about?

In the story told in A Christmas Carol, an elderly miser named Ebenezer Scrooge receives visits from the ghost of his former business partner Jacob Marley as well as the spirits of Christmases past, present, and yet to come. After their visits, Scrooge changes into a more kind and considerate person.

Scrooge, who was also Marley's business partner, was the only friend or, more accurately, associate he had before his death seven years ago. Business was Marley's only priority in life, and only Scrooge participated in his funeral or other post-death activities.

A caricature of a miser, Scrooge is greedy and cruel in every way. He spends the entire day in his counting house managing his finances, but he is so frugal that he keeps his home dark, keeps his fire small, and forbids extravagance even on Christmas in his home.

Learn more about Christmas Carol on:


The following passage has several sentence-level errors. Explain what these are in your own words and then rewrite the passage correctly. (Note that failure to explain the errors will result in zero points for this question.)

Unable to locate his phone; the call from the doctor was missed telling him the test result’s.


We can rewrite the passage as "Because Jack was unable to locate his phone, the call from the doctor telling him the test's results was missed."

Error 1: The modifier "Unable to locate his phone" is a dangling modifier, as it does not refer to anyone in particular.Error 2: The use of the semicolon is inappropriate. It should be a comma.Error 3: The modifier "telling him the test's results" should be next to "call," since it is the word it modifies.

What is the problem with the sentence?

The sentence provided in the attached picture is incorrect due to faulty punctuation and use of modifiers. Let's break the explanation down:

Since the sentence begins with a modifier, we should use a comma after it. However, the writer used a semicolon.The first modifier, "unable to locate his phone," is unclear. When we rewrote the passage above, we changed it to "Because Jack was unable to locate his phone," thus making it clear the modifier refer to someone named Jack.The second modifier, "telling him the test's results," is too far from the word it modifies, which is "call". In the rewritten passage, we placed it in the right place.

Therefore, we can conclude that each error was properly explained and that the passage was correctly rewritten.

Learn more about dangling modifiers here:


Don't give me ___ more than of icecream


"Don't give me more than a scoop of ice cream" is grammatically correct for given blank place. If only ice cream is used then "an" article will be used before ice cream word.

Which article is used with ice cream?

If you are using a word with a silent 'h' such as 'honorable' or 'honest' then you have to use 'an'. Therefore it would be “an honorable man” and “an honest mistake”. With words such as 'umbrella', 'ice cream' and 'apple' you have to use “an umbrella”, “an ice cream” and “an apple”.

Could I have ___ of ice cream?

Could I have a scoop of ice cream?

A scoop of ice cream is correct word for the given blank place.

To know more about the grammar check of ice cream visit :-


How does this image support the claim that monarchs of the 1700s had wealth and influence? Select three options


As further explained, a monarchy is a political structure based on a single person having complete sovereignty or control.

What does monarchy imply ?

In the United Kingdom, monarchy is the oldest system of governance.

A king or queen is the head of state in a monarchy. Constitutional monarchies include the British Monarchy. This indicates that, although though The Sovereign is Head of State, it is up to an elected Parliament to draft and adopt laws.

The Sovereign continues to play a significant role in the life of the country even if they no longer have a political or governmental position.

The monarch's constitutional and representative responsibilities as head of state have evolved throughout a millennium of history. The Monarch also performs less official duties as the "Head of Nation" in addition to these State obligations.

To learn more about monarchy checkout the link below :


What type of noun is Susan B. Anthony?



Susan B. Anthony is a proper noun, which is the name of a specific person, place, or thing. Proper nouns are always capitalized in English, and they are often the names of people, places, organizations, or other specific things. For example, the name "Susan B. Anthony" is a proper noun because it is the specific name of a person, and "United States" is a proper noun because it is the name of a specific country. Proper nouns are different from common nouns, which are general words that refer to classes of things, such as "dog" or "city."


proper noun. it is because that’s a person and a noun is a person place or thing

The following passage has several sentence-level errors. Explain what these are in your own words and then rewrite the passage correctly. (Note that failure to explain the errors will result in zero points for this question.)
Unable to locate his phone; the call from the doctor was missed telling him the test result's.


The corrected sentence can be written as "Because Jack was unable to locate his phone, the call from the doctor telling him the test's results was missed."

Error 1: The modifier "Unable to locate his phone" is a dangling modifier because it does not refer to anyone in particular.

Error 2: The use of the semicolon in the sentence is inappropriate. It should be a comma.

Error 3: The modifier "telling him the test's results" should be next to "call," since it is the word that modifies.

The sentence provided in the attached picture is not correct due to faulty punctuation and use of wrong use of modifiers.

Learn more about corrected sentences from the link given below.


Explain what you learned about socialization




That it is a lot easier than it looks

Right now you are in the beginning stages of designing your video game, which seems like the perfect time for some reflection on the process thus far. How did you come up with the beginning ideas for your game? Where have you drawn inspiration from? How do you feel about the early stages of the process thus far and what are your feelings about the coming steps? Explain.


The most important position in game creation is that of the game designer. This individual makes all the concepts a reality. A person needs to be innovative, well-organized, and creative in order to accomplish that goal.

What are the different stages of video game?

Contributing to the storyline and overall game concept. Creating game storyboards and scripting. Converting design concepts into a game's usable code. Coding the game's main engine.

Therefore, Pre-production, production, quality control, launch, and post-production maintenance are the five key stages of the game development process.

Learn more about video game here:


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