Joe has a mass of 110 kg. If Joe has to climb a 10 m ladder to get to the top of a chimney, how much work did do?


Answer 1
Answer - 1100 J

Work = Force x Distance

W = 110kg x 10 m

W = 1100 J

Related Questions

In a transverse wave, the distance from any two consecutive crest or any two consecutive troughs is called the






Wavelength if it's the horizontal distance. Wave Height if it's vertical distance.


A storage tank has the shape of an inverted circular cone with height 15 m and base radius of 5 m. It is filled with water to a height of 11 m. Find the work required to empty the tank by pumping all of the water to the top of the tank. (The density of water is 1000 kg/m3. Assume g = 9.8 m/s2 is the acceleration due to gravity. Round your answer to the nearest integer.) g






If a cart is released with some initial
velocity, it will slowly come to a stop.
What happens to the energy of the cart's
If the cart is pulled along at a constant velocity, no acceleration, the energy of the carts motion is constant but the force pulling it adds energy continuously. Where does the extra energy go?



A) Energy is dissipated into heat and sound energy due to Friction

B) The energy goes into heat and sound energy due to friction again, otherwise the cart would accelerate due to an unbalanced force. Therefore, we know there's friction, and the friction causes energy loss.

How many
are in the
9 p*
10 nº



9 electrons


The structure has 9 protons and hence the number of electrons equals the number of protons that's why it is said to be electrical neutral

Two automobiles, each of mass 1000 kg, are moving at the same speed, 20 m/s, when they collide and stick together. In what direction and at what speed does the wreckage move (a) if one car was driving north and one south (b) if one car was driving north and one east?
A. The wreckage after collision is moving at the speed 18 m/s to the south.
B. The wreckage after collision is moving at the speed 9.0 m/s to the north.
C. The wreckage after collision is moving at the speed 9.0 m/s to the south.
D. The wreckage after collision is moving at the speed 18 m/s to the north.
E. The wreckage after collision is motionless.



The reckage after collision is motionless (E)


The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is neither created nor destroyed but is converted from one form to another.

The kind of collision described in the question above is known as a perfectly inelastic collision, and in this type of collision, the maximum kinetic energy is lost because the objects moving in opposite directions have a resultant momentum that is equal, but in opposite directions hence they cancel each other out.

The calculation is as follows:

m₁v₁ + m₂v₂


m₁ = m₂ = 1000kg

v₁ = 20 m/s

v₂ = -20 m/s ( in the opposite vector direction)

∴ resultant momentum = (1000 × 20) + (1000 × -20)

= 20000 - 20000 = 0

∴ The reckage after collision is motionless


The wreckage after collision is moving at the speed 18 m/s to the south.


A transverse wave is represented below. 1.5 m 0.20 m What is the approximate amplitude and wavelength of the wave? amplitude = 0.20 m, wavelength = 0.60 m B. amplitude = 0.20 m, wavelength = 0.30 m C. amplitude = 0.10 m, wavelength = 0.60 m OO amplitude = 0.10 m, wavelength = 0.30 m​



C. amplitude = 0.10 m, wavelength = 0.60 m


The diagram shows an oscillating progressive wave, with its amplitude and wavelength.

Amplitude of a wave is the maximum distance covered either upward or downward.

So that,

amplitude of the wave, A = [tex]\frac{0.2}{2}[/tex]

                                          = 0.1

Amplitude of the wave = 0.1 m

Wavelength in this case is the distance from crest to crest, or trough to trough of the wave.

So that,

wavelength = [tex]\frac{1.5}{2.5}[/tex]

                   = 0.6

wavelength of the wave = 0.6 m

Therefore, the amplitude of the wave is 0.10 m, while the wavelength is 0.60 m.

how many electrons can occupy each sublevel?


S sublevel can hold 2
P sublevel can hold 6
D sublevel can hold 10
F sublevel can hold 14

What did you learn about from the NASA's perseverance Rover land on Mars project?


NASA's Mars Pathfinder mission, launched in 1996, put the first free-moving rover—called Sojourner—on the planet. ... Together, these missions have shown scientists that Mars is an active planet that is rich in the ingredients needed for life as we know it—water, organic carbon, and an energy source

Which of these statements is true about the effect of a force exerted upon an object?
A. A large force always produces a large change in the object’s momentum.
B. A small force always produces a large change in the object’s momentum.
C. A small force applied over a long time interval can produce a large change in the object’s momentum.
D. A large force produces a large change in the object’s momentum only if the force is applied over a very short time interval.



D. A large force produces a large change in the object’s momentum only if the force is applied over a very short time interval.


Momentum can be defined as the multiplication (product) of the mass possessed by an object and its velocity. Momentum is considered to be a vector quantity because it has both magnitude and direction.

Mathematically, momentum is given by the formula;

[tex] Momentum = mass * velocity [/tex]

Also, the impulse of an object is given by the formula;

[tex] Impulse = force * time [/tex]

In accordance with the impulse-momentum theorem, the statement which is true about the effect of a force exerted upon an object is that a large force produces a large change in the object’s momentum only if the force is applied over a very short time interval.

what factors affect potential energy


Mass ,gravity and height
Gravitational potential energy is determined by three factors : mass, gravity and height . All three factors are directly proportional to energy

Why are dominant alleles always shown as capital letters?​



When writing a genotype, the dominant allele is usually represented by a capital letter, while the recessive allele has a lowercase letter.


Please mark me brainlest.


Because in a punnett square, dominant alleles need to be differentiated from the recessive alleles, to do this, we write the dominant alleles as capital letters.


Please help me with this 29 points



)Give the definition of poverty line as defined by the World Bank.

Your teacher then challenges you to use the items in the envelope to create a model of a carbon-14 atom. Before you begin, you and your
group brainstorm ideas for creating your model. Your group suggests the following steps:
use 6 red circles for the nucleus of the atom
use 14 red circles for the nucleus of the atom
add 6 blue circles to the nucleus of the atom
add 8 blue circles to the nucleus of the atom
place 14 yellow circles around the nucleus of the atom
place 6 yellow circles around the nucleus of the atom
Which of the following steps should you follow to create a correct model of a Carbon-14 atom?
O A. steps 1,4,6
O B. steps 1, 3,5
o c. steps 2, 3, 6
O D. steps 2,4,5



Look it up


We need to use 6 red circles as well as 8 blue circles to represent the 6 protons and 8 neutrons in the nucleus, after which we need to place 6 yellow circles around the nucleus to represent the 6 electrons in the atom. is required. Thus, the correct option is A.

How to create a Carbon-14 atom?

To make an accurate model of a carbon-14 atom, we need to follow the steps that represent the correct number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in a carbon-14 atom.

Carbon-14 has 6 protons and 8 neutrons, so we will use a total of 6 red and 8 blue circles around the nucleus which also has 6 electrons, so we need to put 6 yellow circles around the nucleus.

The correct steps to follow to create a model of a Carbon-14 atom are:

Step 1:  Use 6 red circles for the nucleus of the atom

Step 4: Add 8 blue circles to the nucleus of the atom

Step 6:  Place 6 yellow circles around the nucleus of the atom

Thus, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Carbon-14 atom, here:


What is the relationship between CO2 levels and temperature?

What can you infer from this? (make a guess or assumption based on the data)

Approximately what year did the concentration of CO2 first exceed 300 ppm?



I can infer that higher levels of CO2 result in warmer temperatures. The CO2 first exceeded 300 ppm in 1950.

Let me know if this helps!

A scientist plans to release a weather balloon from ground level, to be used for high-altitude atmospheric measurements. The balloon is spherical, with a radius of 2.10 m, and filled with hydrogen. The total mass of the balloon (including the hydrogen within it) and the instruments it carries is 24.0 kg. The density of air at ground level is 1.29 kg/m3. (a) What is the magnitude of the buoyant force (in N) acting on the balloon, just after it is released from ground level



Fb = 490.4 N


According to Archimedes' principle, any object submerged in a fluid, receives a push upward (which we call buoyant force) equal to the weight of the volume of the fluid removed by the object.We can express this force (Fb), in terms of the density and the volume of the fluid, as follows:

       [tex]F_{b} = \rho * V * g (1)[/tex]

The volume removed from the fluid by the balloon is just the volume of  the balloon, assuming that it is a perfect sphere, as follows:

       [tex]V = \frac{4}{3}*\pi * R^{3} = \frac{4}{3} *\pi *(2.1m)^{3} = 38.8 m3 (2)[/tex]

Replacing by the givens and (2) in (1), we get:

       [tex]F_{b} = \rho * V * g = 1.29 kg/m3* 38.8m3*9.8m/s2 = 490.4 N (3)[/tex]

You wish to make a simple amusement park ride in which a steel-wheeled roller-coaster car travels down one long slope, where rolling friction is negligible, and later slows to a stop through kinetic friction between the roller coaster's locked wheels sliding along a horizontal plastic (polystyrene) track. Assume the roller-coaster car (filled with passengers) has a mass of 743.0 kg and starts 83.4 m above the ground. (a) Calculate how fast the car is going when it reaches the bottom of the hill. m/s (b) How much does the thermal energy of the system change during the stopping motion of the car



(a) The car is going approximately 40.43 m/s at the bottom of the hill

(b) The thermal energy will increase by 607,268.76 J


In the question, we have;

The height of the roller coaster above ground = 83.4 m

The mass of the roller coaster, m = 743.0 kg

(a) By the conservation of energy principle, we have;

The potential energy at the top of the hill, P.E., is equal to the kinetic energy at the bottom of the hill, K.E.

∴ P.E. = K.E.

P.E. = m·g·h


m = The mass of the roller coaster = 743.0 kg

g = The acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s²

h = The height of the roller coaster = 83.4 m

Therefore, we have;

P.E. = 743.0 kg × 9.8 m/s² × 83.4 m = 607,268.76 J

P.E. = 607,268.76 J

K.E. = 1/2·m·v²

∴ K.E. = 1/2 × 743.0 kg × v²

P.E. = K.E.

∴ P.E. = K.E. = 607,268.76 J

1/2 × 743.0 kg × v² = 607,268.76 J

v² = 607,268.76 J/(1/2 × 743.0 kg) = 1,634.64 m²/s²

v = √(1,634.64 m²/s²) ≈ 40.43 m/s

(b) Given that the material wheel moves along polystyrene track, the sound released will be minimal and almost all the kinetic energy will be converted to heat energy when the train stops, therefore, the thermal energy will increase by K.E. = 607,268.76 J

The thermal energy change of the system is 624,492 J.

We know that in the roller coaster, there is an energy transformation from gravitational potential energy to kinetic energy. As such we can write;

mgh = 1/2mv^2

Where we cancel out the mass from both sides, we are left with;


v= √gh/0.5

v = √10 × 83.4 m/0.5

v = 41 ms-1

Now the kinetic energy is converted also into heat energy hence;

Thermal energy change of the system = 1/2 mv^2 = 0.5 × 743.0 kg × ( 41 ms-1)^2 = 624,492 J

Learn more about energy:




Second option


"Uniform" pretty much means the same thing happens.

A spring has a spring constant of 65.5 N/m and it is
stretched with a force of 15.3 N. How far will it stretch?


0.234m !!!!!! hope this helps :)))

an austrain who lived in vienna who composed graetest music for waltz dance


Johann Strauss II

hope this helps

Select True or False for the following statements about electromagnetic waves. A vertical automobile antenna is sensitive to electric fields polarized horizontally. Ultraviolet radiation causes common sunburn. Radio waves travel in vacuum at a lower speed than the visible light. The sun's radiation is most intense in the visible region. Gamma rays can be produced in transitions of an atomic nucleus from one state to another. Radio waves have wavelengths longer than 1 m. X-rays travel in vacuum at a higher speed than the visible light.



a) False, b) True, c) true, d) true, e) True, g)  False


Se pide que analicemos cada expresión, f) true

a) False.   La  antena vertical tiene cargas eléctricas que se pueden mover en la direccion vertical, una onda electromagnética polarizada horizontal el campo eléctrico esta en la dirección horizontal por lo cual no puede mover los electrones que están en direccional vertical

be) True.  La radiación ultravioleta es absorvidad por la melanina del la piel y crea las quemaduras comunes de insolación.

C) False.  Todas la ondas electromagnetismo viajan en la misma velocidad c

d) True.  La Temperatura del sol es 5800K por lo cual la radiación mas intensa esta en el rango visible

e) True.  Los rayos gamma son de muy alta energía, por lo cual se producen en ransicio0n de los núcleos atmicos.

f) True.  El rango de frecuencia para las onda de radio va desde 500 Kahoy hasta 110 MHz, por lo tanto el rango de longitudes de onda es

           c= lam f

           lam = c/f

           lam = 3 108/500 103

           lam = 6 102 m

           lam = 3 108 / 110 106  

           lam = 2,72 m

los lo ttnato en todo el rango de las frecuecias de radio la lambda> 1 m

g) False.  Todas las ondas electromagnéticas viajan a la misma velocidad c( 3 108m/s)

A piece of gold aluminum alloy weighs 49N. When suspended from a balance and submerged in water it weighs 39.2. What is the weight of gold in the alloy of relative density of gold if 19.3 and aluminum is 2.5





3. Let's say we have 3 kg of iron at 100 C, and it touches a 15kg iron at 20 C. Explain what is going to happen in detail in terms of internal energy, temperature, and heat. (you can explain it with just words)



one of the mjor effects of heat transfer is temperature change


simple answer

Which of the following is NOT a reason
why gravity is important?

A It holds the planets in
orbit around the sun
B. It causes the ocean tides
C. It guides the growth of plants
D. None of the above



I'm gonna say d


bc they all seem very important

hope this helped

A car can go from 0 m/s to 27 m/s in 4.5 seconds. If a net force of 6600 N acted on the car, what is its mass? (Hint: You must first calculate the acceleration then plug into Newton’s second law.)



1100 kg





Newton's second law:


[tex]6600=6m\\m=1100 kg[/tex]

it is possible that the acceleration and velocity are perpendicular to each other? explain with example​


Answer: Ok so We already know that velocity is on the x-axis.

Since acceleration = Force / Mass

Here the Force is downward due to the gravitational pull or we can say it is along y-axis.

Since acceleration is directly proportional to force, so acceleration is also along y-axis. This means that velocity & acceleration are perpendicular to each other.


Let us assume that an aeroplane is flying parallel to the horizontal plane. The aeroplane will experience the acceleration in several directions. One of them here is the gravitational pull which is perpendicular to the the apparent velocity. So the net velocity & its direction will depend upon the vector sum total of all the forces/acceleration acting on it. Also because of this gravitational pull the aeroplane rotates along with the earth, which is a proof that the force/g experienced by it does not go waste.

Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


A flat loop of wire consisting of a single turn of cross-sectional area 8.80 cm2 is perpendicular to a magnetic field that increases uniformly in magnitude from 0.500 T to 1.80 T in 1.10 s. What is the resulting induced current if the loop has a resistance of 2.20



The magnitude of the induced current is 4.73 x 10⁻³ A.



number of turns, N = 1

cross sectional area of the loop, A = 8.8  cm² = 8.8 x 10⁻⁴ m²

change in magnetic field strength, ΔB = 1.8 T -  0.5 T = 1.3 T

change in time, Δt = 1.10 s

resistance of the loop, R = 2.2 ohm

The magnitude of the induced emf is calculated as;

[tex]emf = \frac{NA \Delta B}{\Delta t} \\\\emf = \frac{1 \times 8.8\times 10^{-4} \times 1.3}{1.10} \\\\emf = 1.04 \times 10^{-3} \ V[/tex]

The induced current in the loop is calculated as;

[tex]I = \frac{emf}{R} \\\\I = \frac{1.04 \times 10^{-3}}{2.2} \\\\I= 4.73 \times 10^{-4} \ A[/tex]

Therefore, the magnitude of the induced current is 4.73 x 10⁻³ A

Why does a person feel cooler under a rotating fan?


What a fan does is create a wind chill effect. ... By blowing air around, the fan makes it easier for the air to evaporate sweat from your skin, which is how you eliminate body heat. The more evaporation, the cooler you feel.

Question 1 of 10
Which object has the most gravitational potential energy?

A. A 8 kg book at a height of 2 m
B. An 8 kg book at a height of 3 m
C. An 5 kg book at a height of 3 m
D. A5 kg book at a height of 2 m



B = An 8 kg book at a height of 3 m

I think the answer is B

Astronauts living on the International Space Station have zero gravitational acceleration.



True I think sorry if not correct, I only want to help :)


What are some compound machines that are used today?



Examples of compound machines include bicycles, cars, scissors, and fishing rods with reels. Compound machines generally have lower efficiency but greater mechanical advantage than simple machines



screws, inclined planes , etc


no explanation needed

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