- Part A What is the value of x? (1 point)
Part B Find JM in the previous item. (1 point)

J9x-18,MB- Part A What Is The Value Of X? (1 Point)Ox=3Ox=18Ox=30Ox=93xPart B Find JM In The Previous


Answer 1


[tex]x=3, JM=9[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

The triangles are congruent by SAS. Using CPCTC,

[tex]9x-18=3x \\ \\ -18=-6x \\ \\ x=3 \\ \\ \\ \\ JM=9(3)-18=9[/tex]

Related Questions

A baseball is thrown straight upward. Describe the direction and magnitude of the velocity, force of gravity, and the varying air resistance force as the ball rises. Explain whether the net force increases, decreases, or is unaffected by the air resistance force. Repeat for the part of the motion when the ball is at maximum height and the part of the motion when the ball is moving downward.


The characteristics of the vertical throw and Newton's second law allows finding the results for the questions about the motion of the ball with air resistance are:

For the upward movement.  The speed of the ball decreases with height of the ball.  The forces of gravity and friction go in the same direction.

For the point of maximum height, the velocity is zero and the net force is only the force of gravity.

The ball is in a downward movement. The speed increases as the height decreases. The friction force and gravity have the opposite direction, therefore the net force decreases until reaching zero, from this point the speed remains constant.

Kinematics analyzes the movement of bodies looking for relationships between the position, velocity, and acceleration of bodies.

Newton's second law relates the net force to the mass and the acceleration of the body.

In this case, there is a vertical launch where the ball is launched with an initial velocity and is subjected to an acceleration given by the acceleration of gravity with a vertically downward direction, therefore the speed of the ball must decrease with increasing height.

       v² = v₀² - 2g y

Where v and v₀ are the current and initial velocities, respectively, g is the acceleration of gravity, and y is the height of the body.

In the attached, we can see a free-body diagram of the ball, the interaction with the earth is constant and is directed towards the center of the earth, in a vertical direction. The friction force of the air is the opposition of the air to the movement of the ball and is directed opposite the direction of movement of the ball. In the case of the ascending ball, the friction force is directed downwards.

Write Newton's second law for upward motion

          -W- fr = m a

          -m g - fr = ma

Therefore, we see that the two forces go in the same direction, and therefore the net force increases and the acceleration in the opposite direction of the speed also increases.

At the point of maximum height, the speed of the ball is zero, therefore the friction forces of the air are also zero, at this point the acceleration is equal to the acceleration of gravity.

In the case of the ball lower.  Speed ​​increases as the ball descend.

Newton's second law is.

        -W + fr = ma

       - m g + fr = ma

In this case, we see that the forces go in the opposite direction, therefore the net force on the body decreases.

If the friction force with the air increases with the speed, the point where it is equal to the forces of gravity and the acceleration is zero, from this point the ball goes down with constant speed.

In conclusion with the characteristics of the vertical launch and Newton's second law, we can find the results for the questions about the motion of the ball with air resistance are:

The ball is in a downward movement. The speed increases as the height decreases. The friction force and gravity have the opposite direction, therefore the net force decreases until reaching zero, from this point the speed remains constant.

For the upward movement.  The speed of the ball decreases with height of the ball.  The forces of gravity and friction go in the same direction.

For the point of maximum height, the velocity is zero and the net force is only the force of gravity.

Please help me solve for X, I am including a picture



x = 14


To get the value of x, we wll be using the SOH CAH TOA identity

Using sin theta = opposite/hypotenuse

[tex]\begin{gathered} sin45\text{ = }\frac{h}{7\sqrt[]{6}} \\ h\text{ =7}\sqrt[]{6}\text{ sin45} \\ h\text{ = 7}\sqrt[]{6}\times\frac{1}{\sqrt[]{2}} \\ h\text{ = 7}\sqrt[]{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

h is the vertical height of the triangles.

Next is to get the value of x;


[tex]\begin{gathered} \sin \text{ 60 = }\frac{h}{x} \\ \text{ sin60 = }\frac{7\sqrt[]{3}}{x} \\ x\text{ = }\frac{7\sqrt[]{3}}{\sin 60} \\ x\text{ = }\frac{7\sqrt[]{3}}{\frac{\sqrt[]{3}}{2}} \\ x\text{ = 7}\sqrt[]{3}\times\frac{2}{\sqrt[]{3}} \\ x\text{ = 7}\cdot2 \\ x\text{ =14} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the value of x required is 14

how do you divide a number into a number with an exponent?


To divide a number into a number with an exponent

So, factor the number then put it to the power of (how many will appear)

for example :

8 = 2 * 2 * 2

so, there are 3 of the number 2


8 = 2^3

English 6: what is characteristics?


Characteristics: special quality or trait that distinguish a person, thing, or group from others.

help with this one to




Step-by-step explanation:


4(-x^3) = 4x^3

-4x^3 = 4x^3 (false)


-4x^3 = 4(-x^3)

-4x^3 = -4x^3

[tex]2x^{2} -3x+5=0[/tex]


The solution of the quadratic equation 2x² - 3x + 5 = 0 by completing the square is x = 3/4 ± 31i/4

What is completing the square?

Completing the square method is a way of solving quadratic equations by converting them into perfect square binomials.

How to solve the quadratic equation by completing the square?

Given the quadratic equation

2x² - 3x + 5 = 0, to solve by completing the square method, we first simplify by dividing through by 2.

So, 2x² - 3x + 5 = 0,

2x²/2 - 3x/2 + 5/2 = 0/2

x² - 3x/2 + 5/2 = 0

Next, we complete the square by adding half the square of the coefficient of x to both sides. That is [(-3/2)/2]² = (-3/4)²

So, x² - 3x/2 + 5/2 = 0

x² - 3x/2 + 5/2 + (-3/4)²= 0 + (-3/4)²

x² - 3x/2 + (-3/4)² + 5/2 = 0 + (-3/4)²

(x - 3/4)² + 5/2 = 0 + (-3/4)²  since [x² - 3x/2 + (-3/4)² = (x - 3/4)²]

(x - 3/4)² = 9/16 - 5/2

(x - 3/4)² = (9 - 40)/16

(x - 3/4)² = -31/16

Taking square root of both sides, we have

√(x - 3/4)² = ±√(-31/16)

x - 3/4 = ±31i/4

x = 3/4 ± 31i/4

So, the solution is x = 3/4 + 31i/4

Learn more about completing the square here:



Caleb wants to buy a pair of shoes that cost $49.95. He also wants to buy a T-shirt, but he cannot spend more than $60. He needs to calculate how much he can spend on a T-shirt. Which inequality models this situation?



C) x + 49.95 ≤ 60

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the cost of T-shirt is x.

The cost of pair of shoes is $49.95 and the total should be no more than $60.

This can be modeled as:

x + 49.95 ≤ 60

The matching choice is C.

Harris painted 3 times as many pictures as painted. painted 11 pictures. Select the equation that represents this situation. 3 x h = 11 0 ÷ h = 11 h = 11 x 3 h ÷ 11 = 30 its due by today




Step-by-step explanation:

just answered it for someone else 30 minutes ago

a naturalist relocated 12 wild bears in 6 months. the naturalist relocated the same number of wilde bears each month how many wild bears did the naturalist relocate per month HELP SUPER URGENT


The number of wild bears the naturalist can relocate per month is 2 wild bears.

Number of wild bears relocated by the naturalist = 12 wild bears

Time taken by the naturalist to relocate these wild bears = 6 months

Thus the number of bears the naturalist can relocate in 1 month can be found out by using unitary method

This implies that the number of bears relocated by the naturalist in 1 month or per month = 12 / 6 = 2 wild bears

Thus the number of wild bears the naturalist can relocate per month is 2 wild bears .

To know more about unitary method or related problems you may visit the link which is mentioned below:



Estimate the cost of putting up a decorative border in your family room if your room is 28 feet long and 16 feet wide and the border costs $8.95 for a package containing 10 feet.The estimated cost is $___


The cost of putting a border around the family room is $ 89.5 .

Dimensions of the room = 28 feet by 16 feet

Now we have to find the perimeter of the room to calculate the length of the border.

The room is a rectangle.

The perimeter of a rectangle is exactly given by  

2 × (length + width)

perimeter = 2 × ( 28 + 16 ) feet

Perimeter = 88 feet

Cost of 10 feet = $ 8.95

Boxes needed = 88 / 10 = 8.8 boxes.

Now boxes cannot be taken as a fraction.

Therefore number of boxes required = 10

Cost of 10 boxes =$8.95 × 10 = $ 89.5

Therefore the cost of putting a border around the family room is $ 89.5 .

to learn more about room visit:



Classify each figure as a line, ray, or line segment. Then, show how to write it. (a) (b) (c) Figure L K H G M Type O line O ray Oline segment O line O ray Oline segment O line Oray Oline segment How to write it 0 X Ś ?



The image below shows the answer:

For a: The line in written as:


For b: The ray is written as:


For c: The segment is:


HELP ME PLEASE. i need this math project done and there's an hour left on the deadline!! find the volume of air in the lungs 4 seconds into the reparatory cycle



The volume of air that is coming in and going out is 500 ml. A single respiratory cycle takes 4 seconds to complete. The residual volume of air left in the lungs after the completion of the cycle is 2000 ml.

Drag each number to the correct location on the image.
Classify the real numbers below as rational or irrational numbers.




Step-by-step explanation:

1. Square root of 8 is not a rational number.

2. 1/4 is a rational number.

3. Square root of 90 is not a rational number.

4. 2/3 is a rational number.

5. Square root of 4 is not a rational number.

6. /2 is not a rational number.

7. is not a rational number.

I think these are right, please give me brainliest.

The Associative Property applies to which operations? Check all that apply.


Hello! First, let's remember what is Associative Property:

It is a mathematical rule who says that the order of the factors doesn't change the final result of a calculus.

We have the associative property in two mathematical operations, I'll show you some examples:

If we want to sum three numbers, 5, 10 and 15, how is the right way? We have some ways to do it:

(5+10)+15 = (15)+15 = 30

(5+15)+10 = (20)+10 = 30

5+(10+15) = 5+(25) = 30

So, no matter the order of the numbers, we will always get the same result.

An example with the other operation now:

If we want to multiply three numbers, 2, 3 and 5:

(2*3)*5 = (6)*5 = 30

(2*5)*3 = (10)*3 = 30

2*(3*5) = 2*(15) = 30

Also, no matter the order of the factors, we'll always obtain the same result.

However, in the subtraction and in the division we have to follow the right order, according to the precedence, so we can't use the Associative Property on these operations.

Right answer: C and D.

Why is it difficult to solve one verr two minus one over eight without using a common denominator


To substract two fractions, we have to have common denominators.

For example, if we want to substract 1/3 from 1/2, we have to convert the fractions so they have a common denominator of 6.

The denominators are the ones that give sense to the fraction. In fact, when we substract whole numbers, we can consider we are substracting "fractions of one".

Then, for example, 5 - 4 could have been written as 5/1 -4/1.

If the numbers have different denominators, we can not perform additions or substractions until we express the fractions with the same denominator.

Trying to substract two fractions with different denominators is like substracting two things that are not expressed in the same units and it will yield an incorrect result.

Use the line of best fit to make a
conjecture about the value of
Heather's portfolio at the end of
year 8.


Answer:   25

Step-by-step explanation:

Exercise #99) g(x) = x3 + x f(x) = 2x-3 - 3 Find (gof)(x)


Given two functions f(x) and g(x), its composition will be:

[tex](g\circ f)=g(f(x))[/tex]

It is read g compound f or simply said to g we are going to fill it with f. So, you have

[tex]\begin{gathered} (g\circ f)=g(f(x)) \\ (g\circ f)=(2x-3)^3+(2x-3) \end{gathered}[/tex]

To expand the binomial, apply the binomial formula to the cube, that is:


So, you have

[tex]\begin{gathered} (g\circ f)=(2x-3)^3+(2x-3) \\ (g\circ f)=(2x)^3-3(2x)^2(3)+3(2x)(3)^2-(3)^3+(2x-3) \\ (g\circ f)=2^3x^3-3(2^2x^2)(3)+3(2x)9-27+(2x-3) \\ (g\circ f)=8x^3-3(4x^2)(3)+54x-27+(2x-3) \\ (g\circ f)=8x^3-36x^2+54x-27+2x-3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally, operate similar terms

[tex](g\circ f)=8x^3-36x^2+56x-30[/tex]

Ava ,cole and Zane have a total of 175 stickers.the ratio of the number of stickers Ava has to the number of stickers cole has is 5:3. The ratio of the number of the number of stickers cole has to the number of stickers Zane has in 2:3. How many stickers do Ava have?


Ava has 70 stickers.

Given that the ratio of the number of stickers Ava has to the number of stickers Cole has = 5:3 = 10:6

Also, the ratio of the number of stickers Cole has to the number of stickers Zane has = 2:3 = 6:9

Thus, the compounded ratio of the number of stickers Ava, Cole and Zane has is = 10:6:9

Let the numbers of stickers of Ava has be = 10x

The number of stickers of Cole has, is = 6x

The number of stickers of Zane has, is = 9x

According to question, the total number of stickers they have is 175. So,

10x+6x+9x = 175

25x = 175

x = 175/25

x = 7

Hence Ava has = 10x = 10*7 = 70 stickers.

To know more about Compounded Ratio refer to:



Evaluate the following expression. -7x7+9x -1/-1


The given expression:


Apply BODMAS Rule : Brackets, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, Subtraction

According to BODMAS rule, we first simplify division:


Simplify multiplication:


Simplify addition:


Answer: -40

1) The Ramirez family has a new puppy! When they got it, it weighed 10 pounds. Since then it has
gained 2 pounds per week for x weeks. The puppy now weighs 16 pounds. Model this situation here.
Which equation represents this?
A 10x + 2 = 16
C 10x - 2 = 16
B 2x+10=16
D 2x-10=16



the third one (I don’t know if you put it as b on purpose or not that’s why I’m calling it the third one)

Step-by-step explanation:

it’s says the puppy gained 2 pound for x weeks so you know that the variable (x) will be associated with the 2 and it already weighed 10 pounds so your adding from there.


B (2x + 10 = 16)

Step-by-step explanation:

initial weight = 10 pounds

2 pounds per week for x weeks, so

2 multiplied by the number of weeks

= 2x

It now weighs 16 pounds in total

so, 10 added to it's weight per week

= 10 + 2x

= 16


2x + 10 = 16

one step equations z/4=12


To solve;


Multiply both-side of the equation by 4

That is;

[tex]\frac{z}{4}\text{ }\times\text{ 4 = 12 }\times4[/tex]

At the left-hand side of the equation 4 will cancel-out 4 leaving us with just z

z = 48

Graph the polygon with the given vertices and its image after a reflection in the given line.
J(-3, 1), K(0, 3), L(4, -1), M(1, -3); y = -2


A polygon is a plane figure characterized by a finite number of straight-line segments joined to form a closed polygonal chain in geometry.

What is a polygon?

A polygon is a plane figure characterized by a finite number of straight-line segments joined to form a closed polygonal chain in geometry. A polygon is defined as a bounded plane region, a bounding circuit, or both. A polygonal circuit's segments are known as its edges or sides.

Given coordinates are,

J(-3, 1), K(0, 3), L(4, -1), M(1, -3); y = -2

Plot all the points on a coordinate geometry in a sequence we will get the polygon of four sides.

The image of the constructed polygon with all its coordinates is attached with the answer below.

To know more about polygons follow



Which of the following statements is true about the congruent triangles below?



[tex]\angle A \cong \angle D[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Let's check each statement:

1) [tex]\angle A \cong \angle D[/tex]

This is true, as both angle A and angle D are marked with double angle measure marks, signifying congruence.

2) [tex]\overline{AC} \cong \overline{EF}[/tex]

This is false, as [tex]\overline{AC}[/tex] is marked with two tick marks, while [tex]\overline{EF}[/tex] is marked with three tick marks.

3) [tex]\overline{BC} \cong \overline{ED}[/tex]

This is false, as [tex]\overline{BC}[/tex] is marked with two tick marks, while [tex]\overline{ED}[/tex] is marked with only one tick mark.

4) [tex]\angle C \cong \angle E[/tex]

This is false, as angle C is marked with three angle measure marks, while angle E is marked with only one mark.

- 6(x - 2) = 36 or 4 + x < 14 Step 3 of 4: Using your answers from the previous steps, solve the overall inequality problem and express your answer in interval notation. Use decimal form for numerical values.




Consider the following inequalities system :

Inequality 1:

[tex]-6(x-2)\text{ }\leq36[/tex]


Inequality 2:


Applying the distributive property in inequality 1, we obtain:

[tex]-6x+12\text{ }\leq36[/tex]

this is equivalent to:

[tex]-6x\text{ }\leq36-12\text{ = 24}[/tex]

that is:


this is equivalent to:


solving for x, we get:

[tex]x\text{ }\ge-\frac{24}{6}\text{ = -4}[/tex]

that is:

[tex]x\text{ }\ge\text{ -4}[/tex]

Then inequality 1 is equivalent to the following solution

[tex]x\text{ }\ge\text{ -4}[/tex]

On the other hand, for inequality 2 solving for x, we get:

[tex]x<14-4\text{ = 10}[/tex]

that is:


so that, the solution to the inequality system is

[tex]x\text{ }\ge\text{ -4}[/tex]



now, this is equivalent to say:

[tex]x\text{ }\ge\text{ -4 U x<10}[/tex]

or in interval notation:

[tex]\lbrack-4,+\infty)\text{ U (-}\infty\text{,10) }[/tex]

The sum of two numbers is 130 and their difference is 34. Let x be the first number and y be the second number. Set up a system of equations and use the elimination method to find the numbers


The numbers are 82 and 48

What is an equation?

An equation is a mathematical statement with an 'equal to' symbol between two expressions that have equal values.

Let x represent the first number and y represent the second number.

Equation 1, sum of the numbers:

x + y = 130

Equation 2, difference of the numbers:

x - y = 34

Using the elimination method system of equations to solve:

 x  +  y  =  130

 x  -   y  =  34


Add the two equations to eliminate the y term leaving:

2x = 164

Divide both sides by 2:

x = 82

Find y from first equation: x  +  y  =  130

substituting 82 for x in the equation

82 + y = 130

Subtract 82 from both sides:

y = 48

The two numbers in the system of equation are 82 and 48.

Learn more about equation on: https://brainly.com/question/14107099


The coordinates of the vertices of a rectangle are A (5, 3),
B (5,-9), C (-1,-9), and D (-1, 3).
Which measurement is closest to the distance between point B and
point D in units?


The distance between the points B (5 , -9) and D (-1 , 3) is 13.491 units.

Given, the coordinates of the vertices of a rectangle

A (5, 3), B (5,-9), C (-1,-9), and D (-1, 3)

Now we have to find the distance between B and D

On using the distance formula, we get

Distance = √((x1 - x2)² + (y1 - y2)²)

Distance = √(5 - (-1))² + (-9 - 3)²

Distance = √(6)² + (-12)²

Distance = √36 + 144

Distance = √180

Distance = 13.491 units

Hence, the distance between the points B (5 , -9) and D (-1 , 3) is 13.491 units.

Learn more about Coordinate Geometry here https://brainly.com/question/18269861


Simplify 6a + 5a - a - 5 + 2a712a-513a-512a


By arranging similar terms, we have

[tex]\begin{gathered} 6a+5a+2a-a-5 \\ \text{which gives} \\ 13a-a-5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

since 13a minus a is 12a, the answer is


which corresponds to option 2 from top to bottom

Statement: A fitness club advertises a special for new members. Each month, m, of membership is $19, with an initial enrollment fee of $75. Write an expression for the cost of membership. Then, find the cost of 8 months of membership



Monthly membersihp fee is, m = $19.

Initial enrollment fee is, i = $75.

The objective is to write a cost expression and to fnd the cost for 8 months of membership.

From the given data, the enrollment fee is an one time payment. But the monthly membership fee is a variable cost with respect to number of months x.

Then, the expression can be represented as,


Here, y stands for cost, x stands for number of months.

Thus, the required cost expression is obtained.

To find the cost for 8 months, substitute x = 8 in the cost expression.

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=19(8)+75 \\ y=152+75 \\ y=227 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence, the cost for 8 months is $227.

An element with a mass of 990 grams decays by 27.8% per minute. To the nearest minute, how long will it be until there are 50 grams of the element remaining?


It will take 9.21 minutes until 50 grams.

What is decay?

"Decay" means "decrease". If the rate of decrease of a quantity is proportional to its current value, then we say that it is subject to exponential decay.

Formula of decay,

f(t) = a(1-r)^t

f(t) is the value after decay.

r is rate

t is time and a is initial value


initial mass was 990.

rate = 0.278

after decay = 50 gram.

We get,

50 = 990(1-0.287)^t

50/990 = (0.723)^t

taking log on both side.

t = 9.21

To know more about decay, visit:



At midnight, the temperature was -8'F. At noon, the temperature was 23'F. Which expression represents the increase in temperature?


[tex]-8+x=23\text{ Expression}[/tex]

increase= 31° F


Step 1


let x represent the increase in temperature,then

[tex]-8+x=23\text{ Expression}[/tex]

now, to find the increase, solve for x

[tex]\begin{gathered} -8+x=23\text{ Expression} \\ \text{add 8 in both sides} \\ -8+x+8=23+8 \\ x=31 \end{gathered}[/tex]

so the increase is 31° F.

I hope this helps you

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