Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronté
Which theme do they support?

Jane Eyre By Charlotte BrontWhich Theme Do They Support?


Answer 1
Jane Eyre is very much the story of a quest to be loved. Jane searches, not just for romantic love, but also for a sense of being valued, or the feeling of being accepted. She wants all this so she can establish herself and her identity :)

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This is an essay I had to write for an exam, I tried to make it as long as I could using one of those generators to fit the standards, it was difficult. can someone revise it for me and tell me if there's anything wrong with it?

It was a breezy yet warm midsummer day on July twenty-fifth 2012, and I essentially was more than yare to relish my summer with my friends. Ash, my (now non binary) friend, was going to be having a birthday beach party at the shores approximately 3 hours away that day. I particularly was genuinely exhilarated in a pretty big way.

I had to get ready within two hours, take a shower, fine-tune my hair, brush my teeth, get one of my bathing suits, and ascertain I had a good amount of sunscreen on. I'm jumbling attempting to get things done as quickly as possible afore we depart from our house, apparel on the floor scattered like broken glass, which is quite significant to what was about to happen.

I'm running like lightning, then, I tripped on some shoes laying around Flat on my face, hard enough to cause the ground to crack. My mother rushes in to visually perceive if I'm okay, and what all the noise was about. She optically canvassed my face, and her ocular perceivers widened, horrified as if she visually perceived a ghost.

I particularly asked her what was erroneous, and she optically canvassed me shocked, I conscientiously brushed the sort of blonde hair out of my face as she still for all intents and purposes had the horrified look on hers. I kind of abstracted my hand from my mouth to later optically actually discern blood on my fingers. I licked around my mouth to for all intents and purposes feel an immensely colossal gap where my fairly canine teeth used to be a minute ago and particularly felt a sharp pain in my gums in a subtle, yet excruciating way.


My mom verbalizes, "Oh honey, you lost your baby teeth!" she exclaimed, but I wasn't as happy as she was, I had a party to generally go to in twenty minutes in a fairly major way, and my gums were gushing blood! I didn't want my friends to visually perceive my missing teeth and laugh at me, which is fairly significant. So, I obnubilated in my room and told my mom I didn't wish to go at all anymore. She reassured me, kindly telling me that's BS, and verbally expressed they'd celebrate I'm delicately comely, particularly contrary to my personal belief.

I didn't believe her at first, but, after a couple of minutes of optically canvassing my reflection as my mother ran to find her car keys, I mostly commenced to celebrate. Maybe it wasn't so deplorable, sort of contrary to my past belief. We then went to the dentists, to then get the leftover broken teeth removed from my gums. After a couple of hours, we decided to go despite my missing teeth, and the fact we were super late.


mum for the most part was right, contrary to my personal belief. Most everyone didn't care. The next day, I got ridiculed intensely, but marginally. It wasn't proximately as deplorable as I mentally conceived it would be, or so they thought. I now actually like my teeth.



It's all correct.....I think...After i read that Looooooong passage i feel it's all corect.

What's the Literal and Deeper meaning.
Abuelito who throws coins like rain
and asks who loves him
who is dough and feathers
who is a watch and glass of water



Abuelito, who is kind and generous. who is kind and gentle


Why is Sawicki an important character?



George Sawicki is Steve's film class teacher and film club mentor. As a respectable middle-class person, he makes a creditable and sympathetic witness for Steve.


Select all the correct answers.
Read this passage about junk food and advertising. Which two sentences together give the best description of the passage?

Experts in children’s health say that junk food companies spend billions of dollars on ads for kids. These experts say that the only way to prevent kids from eating large amounts of unhealthy food is to strengthen laws that control advertisers. Some countries have already taken steps to protect children from such advertisements. For example, Sweden does not allow fast-food companies to make ads for children under 12.

A)Experts say that stricter laws are needed to stop junk food ads aimed at kids and prevent kids from eating too much junk food.
B)Many governments find it hard to control advertising and are writing stricter laws to control such advertisements.
C)Some countries, such as Sweden, have now made laws to control ads aimed at children.
D)The advertisements aimed at kids have always been strictly controlled by governments.


Answer: A D


What effect does the structure of events have on the reader? How would the effect change if the negative outcomes had been avoided?



It effects the reader because the tone in the story can effect their emotions and certain words can have a different effect. The reader becomes more upset and negative when reading about negative things. The reader would feel more positive if the book talked about more positive things because of the same reasons it would effect someone in a negative way; certain tones and words

Anyone know where I can find the answers for these type of selection tests?


well, since it says personal essay, I supposed you are not gonna find an accurate answer.

it's like your opinion on the article, if you agree or disagree, what's your stance, etc... on whatever it is that you're reading

Using a non restrictive element rewrite the sentence. George Washington was America's first president.



The first president of America was George Washington in 1789.


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data size
a name


What can be entered in a search box to find data?

A name.


it should be a name I'm pretty sure

How do the girls' attitudes toward the world around them develop over the course of
the poem?
A The girls are intrigued by the sights and sounds they hear but unsure what it all means.
B The girls are amused by the people passing and feel glad to have nowhere important to be.
C The girls are aware of the people and sounds they observe but prefer each other's company.
D The girls are emboldened by the street noises and bustle of the city and feed off its energy.


Answer:The girls are amused by the people passing and feel glad to have nowhere important to be


The inference is that the girls attitudes toward the world around them develop over the course of the poem as B. The girls are amused by the people passing and feel glad to have nowhere important to be.

What is an inference?

An inference simply means the conclusion that can be deduced from the information given in a story.

Here, the inference is that the girls attitudes toward the world around them develop over the course of the poem as the girls are amused by the people passing and feel glad to have nowhere important to be.

Learn more about inference on:



The question is "In animal farm after they overthrow the manor farm _____ did not actually work, but directed and supervised others" (fill in the blank)


I haven’t read animal farm in a while but wasn’t the pigs the ones that kind of just told everybody what to do?

2 How many people will / are going to live on Earth
in 2100?
should i use will or be going to in this sentence?​


Going to


Which sentence from "Reduce Your Carbon
Footprint" suggests small changes can help the
Your carbon footprint is the amount of
carbon dioxide released into the air because
of your own energy needs.
For example, you can help by growing your
own vegetables and fruits, or by planting a
Your new plants and trees will help to
remove the greenhouse gas CO2 from the
An even quicker way to reduce your
footprint is to swap old incandescent light
bulbs for the new compact fluorescent lights





the answer is a.

hope it helps


"People can decrease their carbon footprints by reducing the amount of energy they use."


Got it right on edge.

Which sentence uses the word advocate correctly?

The team will advocate its presentation to the committee.

I believe I advocate a higher salary than what I am currently earning.

Advocate your children when they are young so they become responsible adults.

We strongly advocate equal pay for female athletes.



D.) We strongly advocate equal pay for female athletes



Advocate -

1: a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.

2: a person who pleads on someone else's behalf.

3. publicly recommend or support

After my "research" I have concluded that the answer is D but if not then it is possibly A


i think d


“If you can’t be there when things are bad, then I don’t need you around when things are good.”


This mean that the person isn’t available and isn’t down to stay when things will get tough which leaves you alone to deal with it so why would you want them when things are good

Your dog has puppies, and you need to find adoptive families for them. You invite a few friends over to meet the puppies, secretly hoping they'll fall in love with them. Even though you're not using words, you're using a strategy for argumentation. Which one are you using? Explain your answer in a sentence or two.



I would try and persuade them. the reason for this if I can tell them all the benefits and make it sound good then they are more likely to take the puppies home

What effect does the omniscient narration have on the meaning and structure of the story "Rip Van Winkle"?


Hello. This question is incomplete. The full question is:

What effect does the omniscient narration have on the meaning and structure of the story "Rip Van Winkle"? A. The narrator reveals the thoughts of some of the main characters of the story. B. The narrator discusses the actions of some of the main characters in the story. C. The narrator provides intimate details of the events in the main character’s life. D. The narrator is removed from the story and gives details about all the characters.


D. The narrator is removed from the story and gives details about all the characters.


The omniscient narrator is the one who has access to all the events in the story and to all the thoughts and emotions of the characters. This type of narrator does not participate in the story, but behaves like a stern observer who manages to know everything that is happening and will transmit the reader in an impersonal and comprehensive way.


D. The narrator is removed from the story and gives details about all the characters.

On plato and edmentum

What according to McWhirter, is the attitude of people towards unemployed people? (Refer to the story –What You Do is What You Are)



People consider unemployed people worthless.


According to McWhirter, people usually show different attitude towards unemployed people. He says that people of society consider unemployed people worthless and useless human beings who don't have the right to be respected by others in the society which is a bad perception because they are also humans and have a self-respect and in my opinion every human must be respected.

What were two reasons that many Americans began to fear the French during the 1790s?


The French had offered aid during the war

why volcanic eruption more predictable than earthquake. explain why ​



Volcanoes: Generally speaking, scientists can predict with a relatively good degree of certainty when a volcano will erupt. This is because most volcanoes follow a regular pattern of increasing seismic activity as the eruption approaches, usually in the form of small earthquakes.

please complete it....​


Answer: 1 is preheat 2 is recycle 3 misspelled 4 is untie 5 is disagree 6 is forecast 7 is submarine 8 is prepare 9 is return 10 is retake


Based on the energy pyramid seen here, which group of organisms is the primary consumer? ... A) predator fish. B) birds and mammals. C) insects and zooplankton. D) phytoplankton and bacteria. 2 ... Primary consumers are those organisms that consume producers ( autotrophs such as phytoplankton and ...





The primary consumers eat the producers. Since the flow of energy goes from phytoplankton and bacteria to insects and zooplankton, that means that the insects and zooplankton are the Primary consumers.


c) insects and zooplankton


just finished USA test prep

Help me pls:( the book”before the ever after”



umm....what do u need help with?


there no pic..

Which answer best fits what the acronym "HDEC" stands for?



High-Density Epidermal Cells


there's no options so this is what I know it as?

These are different choices: HDEC Hyundai Engineering and Construction (various locations)
HDEC Howard Dean Education Center (Springfield, VT)
HDEC Holocaust Documentation and Education Center Inc.
HDEC High-Density Epidermal Cells

The cytoplasm buzzes like a New York City street.

Why does the author use this sentence?

to demonstrate how much light is within a cell

to explain how sugars are made within the cytoplasm

to help the reader visualize that cytoplasm is constantly busy

to add language that appeals to the reader’s sense of hearing






It is C


I got it right

Which excerpt from "Mary Cassatt: Artist and Trailblazer" best supports the idea that Cassatt blazed a trail for future female artists?

"Though women in her time had little freedom and few choices, she achieved her ambition to become a professional artist."

"More than any other person, Mary Cassatt helped introduce Americans to the work of the Impressionists."

"In Paris, Cassatt studied with successful artists. She carefully copied paintings in the Louvre."

"Her teachers admired them so much that they encouraged her to try to get them displayed in the great annual art exhibition called the Salon."



Answer should be A.



"Though women in her time had little freedom and few choices, she achieved her ambition to become a professional artist."

hope this helps


You and your family were on a ship when you were hit by a storm. Fortunately, you were
able to return to the coast unhurt. Write an email to your cousin, describing what happened.
In your email you
explain what you were doing when the storm blew up
describe how people reacted
explain how you felt afterwards.
Write 150-200 words.​



Unfortunately while i was in a ship a huge storm hit.Lucky i made it out safe and unhurt but very traumatized.As i was gazing over the boat i realized there was some dark clouds forming.i told my mother and she said we should get back to the bottom of the ship as soon as we can.We ran back to our room that was at the bottom of the ship.20 minutes pass and i hear a huge thunder and the boat vibrating.lighting struck our caption.People started screaming and i heard my mom so tight.the storm passed and we made it back but i’m never sure i will be the same.Hearing the terrified screams or people still hunts me.

In a research report, the writer _____.

A) states opinions about current events

B) lists fictional books as sources

C) wants to entertain or persuade the reader

D) supplies supporting facts and details



Your answer is D) Supplies supporting facts and details.


Read the sentences.

I hid behind the porch railing and went unnoticed for the rest of the game. Even when my opponents came near, I was hidden by the shadows.

What is the meaning of the underlined word?

the state of being seen or observed
not able to be seen or observed
observed from a distance
observed too often



It depends on the word thats underlined but if its unnoticed, hidden, or hid it would be B


Answer: the answer is B


What is the definition of loquacity.



state of being very talkative

Match each line of poetry to its meter.
iambic tetrameter
iambic trimeter
excerpt 1:
Of waters in a land of change
(Louise Bogan, "A Tale")
excerpt 2:
This coyness, lady, were no crime.
(Andrew Marvell. "To His Coy Mistress")
excerpt 3:
In some melodious plot
(John Keats, "Ode to a Nightingale")
excerpt 4:
Of credit and renown
(William Cowper. "The Diverting History of John Gilpin")



Iambic tetrameter- excerpt 1: Of waters in a land of change  (Louise Bogan, "A Tale")

excerpt 2:  This coyness, lady, were no crime.  (Andrew Marvell. "To His Coy Mistress")

Iambic trimeter- excerpt 3:  In some melodious plot  (John Keats, "Ode to a Nightingale")

excerpt 4:  Of credit and renown  (William Cowper. "The Diverting History of John Gilpin")


The meter of poetry is the rhythmic structure of a line in poetry. This means the beats in the line of poetry follow a certain pattern, which becomes the meter.

Iambic tetrameter consists of four iambic feet in a line, with eight syllables. On the other hand, iambic trimeter is when the line has three units, meaning six syllables.

Thus, the given lines of poetry with their respective meter patterns are as follows-

Iambic tetrameter-

excerpt 1: Of waters in a land of change (Louise Bogan, "A Tale").

excerpt 2: This coyness, lady, were no crime. (Andrew Marvell. "To His Coy Mistress").

Iambic trimeter-

excerpt 3: In some melodious plot (John Keats, "Ode to a Nightingale").

excerpt 4: Of credit and renown (William Cowper. "The Diverting History of John Gilpin").

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