jamal works for a chemical company that manufactures pesticides and insecticides. the department he oversees deals especially with flea bombs and other products designed to take care of flea infestations. if jamal were to look back over his record of sales during the year, in which season would his department show the most growth? a. early winter b. spring c. late summer d. fall


Answer 1


late summer


I just took the test and it was the correct answer.

Related Questions

you quit your job as a manager to start your own business. you gave up a salary of $40,000 per year, invested her savings of $30,000 (which was earning 5 percent interest) and borrowed $10,000, agreeing to pay 5 percent interest per year. in your first year, you spent $18,000 to rent an office, hired a part-time assistant for $12,000 and paid another $15,000 on equipment. based on this information, what is the amount of your explicit costs? a) $45,000 b) $45,500 c) $47,000 d) $87,000


The research indicates that your explicit costs total $45,000.

Explicit cost: What is it?

Explicit costs are typical operating expenses that are recorded in a company's general ledger and have a direct impact on its profitability. They flow through to the income statement as clearly defined dollar amounts. Explicit costs include things like salaries, rent, utilities, raw materials, and other direct expenses.

What distinguishes explicit costs from implicit costs in terms of importance?

Explicit costs, as opposed to implicit costs, relate to actual payments made to third parties in exchange for their services. Contrarily, the term "implicit cost" is used to describe the cost of self-supplied manufacturing factors.

To learn more about Explicit Costs here:



irawaddy company, a retailer, had cost of goods sold of $230,000 last year. the beginning inventory balance was $45,000 and the ending inventory balance was $47,000. the company's average sale period was closest to:


The company's average sale period was closest to Inventory velocity period by the help of cost of goods sold to average inventory i.e. 72 Days.

What is cost of goods sold?

The direct costs of producing the products that a business sells are referred to as its cost of goods sold (COGS). The cost of the labor and materials directly employed to make the good are also included in this sum. It doesn't include indirect expenditures like those associated with the sales staff and distribution.

Calculating Inventory Turnover ratio or Inventory velocity period, cost of goods sold play important role, this can be understand in the following manner (assuming 360 days operating days in a year):

a) Inventory Turnover ratio is a reciprocal of Velocity period, which is near to average sales period:

b) Velocity period = (Average Inventory ÷ Cost of Goods sold)× 360 Days

                              = [{($45000+$47000)÷2} ÷ $230,000]×360 days

                              = 72 Days

Cost of goods sold = $230,000the beginning inventory balance was $45,000the ending inventory balance was $47,000

Thus the company's average sale period was closest to inventory velocity period 72 days.

Learn more about Cost of goods sold refer:



when a shortage exists, customers sometimes artificially inflate their orders to protect themselves, only to cancel them later when the shortage is relieved is called


This phenomenon is known as order inflation.

It occurs when customers order more than they need in order to protect themselves from a potential future shortage.

This is because the customer fears that if they don't order enough, they won't be able to get the product when they need it.

When the shortage is relieved, the customer cancels the excess order, leaving the supplier with excess inventory and higher costs.

Price increases, or inflation, can be thought of as the gradual loss of purchasing power. The average price increase of a selection of products and services over time can serve as a proxy for the rate at which buying power declines.

A unit of currency effectively buys less as a result of the increase in pricing, which is sometimes stated as a percentage.

To know more about inflation here



a system in which a shareholder can accumulate all of his or her votes and vote them all for one candidate or split them among several candidates is known as


A voting technique known as cumulative voting aids in enhancing the power of minority shareholders to choose directors. When the company has numerous openings on its board, this method enables shareholders to cast all of their votes for a single candidate.

An individual or legal entity registered by a corporation as the legitimate owner of shares of the share capital of a public or private corporation is referred to as a shareholder. Members of a corporation are sometimes referred to as shareholders. When a person or legal entity's name and other information are entered in a corporation's register of shareholders or members, they are deemed to be shareholders in that corporation. Unless mandated by law, the corporation is not required or allowed to inquire as to who actually owns the shares in question. In most cases, a corporation cannot own its own stock. The percentage of shares a shareholder owns determines how much power they have over the company. Legally speaking, shareholders of a corporation are distinct from the corporation itself.

Learn more about shareholders from



wireless solutions reports operating expenses of $865,000. operating expenses include both rent expense and salaries expense. prepaid rent increases during the year by $18,000 and salaries payable increases by $14,000. what is the cash paid for operating expenses during the year? (list cash outflows and any decrease in cash as negative amounts.)


Wireless solutions records operating expenses in its cash flow during the year as $869,000.

From the case, we know that Wireless solution has:

Operating expene = $865,000

Increase in prepaid rent = $18,000

Increase in salaries payable = $14,000

In cash flow, every activities that produce money should be recorded as positive amounts and called as cash inflow. Meanwhile any activities that spend and use cash will be recorded in negative amounts and called as cash outflow.

Now let's define the relationship of each increase scenario with cash flow.

Prepaid rent is a form of prepairds expenses. Prepaid expenses are paid ahead of time and being amortized over the time period of benefit. Any increase in prepaid expense means that the current amortization should be greater than the previous expected expense. Any decrease in prepaid expense refers to the lower amortization for the prepaid account than the expected amount. Hence, the increase of prepaid rent will generate more cash outflow.  

Liabilities are cash that a company owes to a lender or any third parties to finance the assets or expenses. An increase in liability account means the more available cash to be allocated to another areas. A decrease in liabilities means that the liabilities are paid with cash by the company.

In this case, an increase in salaries payable means that the company holds some cash originally prepaid to pay its emlployees' salaries. It shows an cash inflow movement.

From the explanation above, we could calculate the total operating expense of Wireless solution.

Please note that any cash outflow will be recorded as negative amounts and we are using expenses' perspective.

Total operating expense = Operating expense + increase in prepaid rent - increase in salaries payable

Total operating expense = $(865,000) + $(18,000) - $14,000

Total operating expense = $(869,000) --> cash outflow

Learn more about Cash Flow here: http://brainly.com/question/23541956


using a simulation model allows one to ignore the common assumptions required to use analytical models. group of answer choices true false


It's true that while utilizing a simulation model, one can omit the typical premises needed to employ analytical models one to ignore the common assumptions.

When you assume that something is true or will occur, you accept that it is true or will occur, frequently without any actual evidence. Life's Typical Assumptions I've Never Assumed to be True .I can't wait for retirement. A fruitful life is a busy life. Mothers-in-law are terrible. Money doesn't alter you. Parenting teenagers is miserable. Extended time with extended relatives is to dreaded. Recognizing  Assumptions, Worldview assumptions that relate to how you perceive and organize the world are known as paradigmatic assumptions. Prescriptive assumptions are what you believe ought to occur in each circumstance. Causal assumptions have to do with how things operate and how you can influence them.

Learn more about common assumptions  from



Zion sun chairs manufactures 3,575 beach chairs each month. Determine the minimum sales price zion sun chairs must sell each chair for to earn a monthly profit of $65,000, if the total monthly fixed costs are $17,363. 50 and the variable cost per chair is $52. 17.


Zion sun chairs manufactures 3,575 beach chairs each month. To obtain monthly profit of $65,000,  the minimum sales price  is $75.21 per unit chair.

The formula to calculate the profit is:

Profit = revenue from sales - total cost

revenue = sales price per unit x number of units sold

total cost = fixed cost + variable cost

variable cost = variable cost per unit x number of units produced

Parameters given:

number of units produced (sold) = 3,575

Profit = $65,000,

Fixed cost =  $17,363.50

Variable cost per unit = $52.17


variable cost = 52.17 x 3,575 = 186,507.75

total cost = 17,363.50 + 186,507.75 = 203,871.25

Profit = revenue - total cost

65,000, = revenue -  203,871.25

revenue =  203,871.25 + 65,000 = 268,871.25

sales price =  268,871.25 / 3,575 = 75.21

Hence, the minimum sales price for the chair is $75.21

Learn more about product cost here:



the model of public relations that believes communication should be on-going so that both the client and the public can mutually adjust for the benefit of all involved is the:


The model of public relations that believes communication should be on-going so that both the client and the public can mutually adjust for the benefit of all involved is the Symmetrical Model.

What do you mean by the public relations?

"Public relations is a strategic communication process that creates relationships between organizations and their publics that are beneficial to both parties."

In order to build a stronger brand reputation, public relations entails distributing the appropriate messages to the appropriate audience and target audience. PR firms assist their clients in achieving this goal and promoting them within their respective industries.

An inclusive, non-exploitative celebration of the client's customers is what good PR does. The term "public relations" is used. It is crucial to develop messages and marketing strategies that accomplish more than simply sell. Additionally, effective public relations welcomes criticism, especially from "neutrals," and adjusts tactics accordingly.

Therefore, the model of public relations that believes communication should be on-going so that both the client and the public can mutually adjust for the benefit of all involved is the Symmetrical Model.

To know more about the public relations, visit:



which of the following scenarios best describes an oligopolistic industry? a a college has one bookstore selling textbooks to students. b coca-cola and pepsi sell most of the soft drinks consumed around the world. c thousands of soybean farmers sell their output in a global commodities market. d hundreds of firms produce similar, but differentiated, types of shoes. e a single cable company serves customers in a small town.


The scenario best describes an oligopolistic industry as Coca-Cola and Pepsi sell most of the soft drinks consumed around the world. Thus the correct option is B.

What is the oligopolistic industry?

Small numbers of suppliers control markets in an oligopoly. These markets are regarded as the opposition to other sectors or emerging industries. They stand particularly strongly behind their products and services in the marketplace.

The majority of soft drinks consumed on a regular basis around the world are sold by Coca-Cola and Pepsi, who fiercely compete in this oligopolistic market.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about the oligopolistic industry, here:



needs to raise $60 million and wants to issue 15-year zero-coupon bonds for this purpose. assume the required return on the bond issue will be 4.8% the tax rate is 21%. the par value of each bond is $1000. how many bonds would the company need to issue to raise the money it requires


In this case, the business needs to issue 121217 Bonds to raise $60 million.

Nike needs to raise $60 million

Par value = $1000 (FV)

Time = 15 years (n0

Return = 4.8% (r)

The bond value is calculated by using the present value formula i.e

P.V = F.V * 1 / (1+r)ⁿ

F.V = $1000

n = 15

r = 4.8%

Bond value = $1000 * [1/(1+4.8%)¹⁵]

Bond Value = $1000 * [1/2.0203]

Bond value = $ 494.98

Calculation on the number of bonds that need to be issued

Number of Bonds = Amount to be raised / Bond value

No. of bonds = 60,000,000/494.98

Number of Bonds = 121217.012 ≅ 121217

Here the company needs to issue 121217 Bonds to raise the amount of $60 million.

To know more about Present Value, refer to this link:



when the owner of cash or commercial paper, such as a check, makes it payable to bearer, who then gives it to a third person, the original owner cannot demand the return of the money from a third party to whom it was given in exchange for something of value. this is an example of:


This is an example of an unconditional order to pay, or an order to pay the bearer.

Commercial paper, inside the global economic marketplace, is an unsecured promissory observation with a fixed adulthood of rarely greater than 270 days. In layperson phrases, it's miles like an "IOU" but may be sold and sold because its customers and sellers have some diploma of self-belief that it may be correctly redeemed later for cash, based totally on their evaluation of the creditworthiness of the issuing employer.

Industrial paper is a money-market protection issued by using big companies to attain finances to satisfy brief-term debt duties (for instance, payroll) and is subsidized only via an issuing financial institution or company promise to pay the face quantity on the maturity date specified on the observe. since it is not sponsored by way of collateral, the best companies with fantastic credit rankings from an identified credit score rating organization might be able to sell their industrial paper at a reasonable charge. industrial paper is usually sold at a discount from face value and generally includes lower hobby reimbursement quotes than bonds because of the shorter maturities of business paper. usually, the longer the maturity on notice, the higher the hobby charge the issuing group will pay. interest prices vary with market conditions but are commonly decreased than banks' quotes.

To learn more about commercial paper visit here:



zelo, inc. stock has a beta of 1.23. the risk-free rate of return is 4.5% and the market rate of return is 10%. what is the amount of the risk premium on zelo stock


The risk premium on the zelo stock is 6.765%.

According to the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), the risk premium on a stock is calculated as:

stock risk premium = stock beta * market risk premium

stock risk premium = 1.23 * (10% - 4.5%)

stock risk premium = 6.765%.

The needed return on an asset is calculated using the capital asset pricing model as the product of the risk free rate and the asset's risk premium. The beta parameter of an asset serves as a summary of its market risk, and the asset's risk premium is the product of its beta and market risk premium. The relationship between systemic risk, or the general dangers of investing, and expected return for assets, particularly equities, is described by the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM).

A linear link between the needed return on an investment and risk is established by this financial model. The relationship between an asset's beta, the risk-free rate (usually the interest rate on Treasury bills), and the equity risk premium, or the projected return on the market less the risk-free rate, serves as the foundation for the model.In order to quantify this systematic risk, CAPM was developed. It is frequently used in the financial industry to value hazardous securities and calculate projected returns for assets given their risk and cost of capital.

To know more about Zelo stock visit:



given your answer to question 13.04, what can you say about the social cost of production at that point, compared to the consumer’s marginal benefit? the social cost of production is ______________ than the consumer’s marginal benefit.


The social cost of production is Higher than the consumer’s marginal benefit.

When demand and supply are balanced, too much of the product is produced because marginal social cost outweighs marginal social gain.

A net social loss is produced because the marginal social cost is greater than the marginal social gain.

The maximum quantity of money a consumer will spend on an extra commodity or service is known as the marginal benefit.

As spending rises, customer contentment tends to decline. The difference in price caused by producing an extra unit of an item or service is known as the marginal cost.

Learn more about to consumer’s marginal  visit here;



which of the following is a reason to worry about government debt? future generations can help repay the debt. high and rising debt slows economic growth. the government never really needs to repay the debt. most of the debt is domestic debt.


The reason  to worry about government debt is: b. high and rising debt slows economic growth.

What is government debt?

Government debt can be defined as the loan amount or debt amount that a country  government borrowed from another nation or  country. Government debt tend to occur in a situation where the accumulated  budget deficits  is higher than the accumulated budget surpluses.

A nation should tend to worry about government debt because high and rising debt can slow down  economic growth or lead to decline in the economy growth of that nation.

Therefore the correct option is B.

Learn more about government debt here:https://brainly.com/question/24171577


which of the following shifts aggregate demand to the left? a. an increase in the price level b. a decrease in the money supply c. a decrease in the price level d. an increase in the money supply


An increase in the money supply shifts aggregate demand to the left. So, the correct answer is option d.

The correlation between price level and real GDP demand is known as aggregate demand, or AD. While variables affecting the components of GDP (consumption, investment, government expenditure, and net exports) will cause the AD curve to shift, a change in the price level will cause the AD curve to move. A move to the right denotes an increase, whereas a shift to the left denotes a reduction.

As the components of aggregate demand consumption spending, investment expenditure, government spending, and spending on exports minus imports increase, the aggregate demand curve, or AD curve, moves to the right. With the decline of these components, the AD curve will turn back to the left.

To know more about Aggregate demand visit:



based on the random walk theory, if a stock's price decreased last week, then this week the price: a. will continue last week's decline b. will stand still until new information is released c. has an equal chance of going either up or down d. will reverse last week's loss and go up


Based on the random walk theory, if a stock's price decreased last week, then this week the price of Option c. has an equal chance of going either up or down.

According to the random walk theory, a stock price or market's historical movement or trend cannot be utilized to forecast its future behavior. According to the random walk theory, taking on more risk would make it difficult to outperform the market.

According to the Random Walk Theory, the ideal course of action is to simply invest in a portfolio that mimics the entire universe of stocks because it is impossible for individuals to outperform market average performance over the long term.

Learn more about random walk theory here:



What is the importance of a dictionary in English language learning?


In learning English, a dictionary is a vitally important tool because it allows people to know the correct pronunciation and spelling of a word, as well as the meaning of the word.

What is a dictionary?

It is a book in which you can find a certain number of words organized alphabetically with their explanation and meaning. Dictionaries offer spelling, definition, etymology and meaning.

These books are an indispensable tool for the knowledge of words and much more for the knowledge of new languages, in this way people expand their vocabulary.

More information about dictionaries at: brainly.com/question/18523388


decisions that are in the best interest of a division of the company, but not in the best interest of the company as a whole lead to a condition called


Decisions that are in the best interest of a division of the company, but not in the best interest of the company as a whole lead to a condition called suboptimization.

Suboptimization is a discounted stage of output that consequences from an inefficient or useless technique or gadget. Suboptimization can also arise from a focal point on optimizing a unit of a commercial enterprise in place of the outcomes of the whole business. An example of sub-optimization is in which a manufacturing unit schedules manufacturing to gain its value shape without regard to client. necessities or the impact on different business devices.

Optimizing the final results for a subsystem will in general not optimize the final results for the gadget as a whole. This intrinsic trouble may degenerate into the "tragedy of the commons": the exhaustion of shared assets due to opposition among the subsystems.

Learn more about the company here: https://brainly.com/question/25818989


is the level of capacity utilization that managers expect for the current budget period, which is typically one year. question 10 options: theoretical capacity normal capacity utilization practical capacity master-budget capacity utilization


Master-budget capacity utilization is the level of capacity utilization that managers expect for the current budget period, which is typically one year.

Master finances potential usage means the anticipated quantity of manufacturing a supervisor predicts over the time period of a budgetary period, that's commonly one year. Theoretical potential is the extent of a manufacturer's manufacturing that might be attained if all of its device and operations carried out constantly at their premiere efficiency.

Theoretical potential is likewise known as perfect potential. When potential usage is 100% constant charges can be unfolded over as many devices as feasible, which means that constant charges in step with unit are at their lowest feasible level. Capacity usage price measures the share of an organization's capability output this is without a doubt being realized. The potential usage price of a organization or a country wide financial system can be measured so one can offer perception into how nicely it's far attaining its capability.

Learn more about capacity utilization here:



susan, a management major, is taking an overload of classes this term. on a team project in one of her classes, one of her teammates sees how busy she is and does the final proofreading of the team project for her. susan is most likely feeling:


Susan, a management major, is taking an overload of classes this term. on a team project in one of her classes, one of her teammates sees how busy she is and does the final proofreading of the team project for her. susan is most likely feeling: gratitude

Gratitude is a valuable emotion that has many useful effects. However, there is a lack of research on gratitude in organizations. A model of gratitude that encompasses episodic gratitude at the event level, persistent gratitude at the individual level, and collective gratitude at the organizational level is the subject of this article. The outcomes of employee gratitude's emergence at the individual and organizational levels of analysis are then taken into consideration, as are the kinds of human resource initiatives that businesses can implement to foster it. Finally, we discuss the advantages of showing gratitude to employers and employees. As a result, we have a better understanding of how organizations express gratitude and how organizations can influence workplace emotions on multiple levels. According to Mueller (2012), organizations are frequently criticized as environments that foster egocentrism and selfishness. Vogel, 2006). This criticism seems to be reinforced by media coverage of financial scandals and corporate greed, with many observers lamenting employees' growing sense of entitlement (Twenge & Campbell, 2010). As a result, organizations face a variety of issues, including increased conflict, rudeness, deviance, and employee turnover (Fisk, 2010; Martinko and Harvey, 2009). At the same time, there is a hint of a new scenario. According to Cameron & Spreitzer (2012), some organizations cultivate gratitude and appreciation, thereby encouraging positive social behavior and high-quality relationships. Gratitude may play a significant role in these organizations.

To know more about gratitude visit https://brainly.com/question/14365429?referrer=searchResults


your package is moving within the usps network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. it is currently in transit to the next facility.


True. The package that is still in transit is one that is still on its way to the place that it would be delivered to the consumer.

What does it mean for a package to be in transit?

Your package is "in transit" if it is traveling to its destination. Your cargo may not actually be in a moving vehicle like a truck or an airplane.

"In transit" can refer to a shipment that has just left the pickup facility, is halfway between two hubs, or is already traveling to your location. In conclusion, if your package or order is "in transit," it simply implies that everything is on track for delivery and that you should get it shortly.

Read more on USPS here; https://brainly.com/question/29847231


your package is moving within the usps network and is on track to be delivered to its final destination. it is currently in transit to the next facility. True / False

Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per u.s. dollar and the united states wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per u.s. dollar. if the demand for u.s. dollars ​, the fed​ ______.


If the demand for U.S. dollars decreases, the Fed would likely buy dollars to raise the exchange rate back to the target rate of 90 yen per dollar.

This would be the case because when demand for a currency decreases, its value also decreases, so in order to maintain the target exchange rate, the Fed would need to intervene by buying dollars to increase its value and bring the exchange rate back to the target rate. Therefore, the correct answer is option A: "buys dollars to raise the exchange rate."

Learn More about Exchange rates here:



Complete Question:

Suppose the exchange rate is 90 yen per U.S. dollar and the United States wants to keep the exchange rate at a target rate of 90 yen per U.S. dollar. If the demand for U.S. dollars decreases, the Fed ______

A. buys dollars to raise the exchange rate

B. sells dollars to raise the exchange rate

C. sells dollars to lower the exchange rate

D. buys dollars to lower the exchange rate

gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. in that same accounting period, they have a beginning balance of $392,000 and an ending balance of $439,000 in the accounts receivable account. how should the cash flows from operating activities be adjusted to account for these items? why? assume gilliam uses the indirect method.


If gilliam industries records revenue of $6.4 million for an accounting period. the cash flows from operating activities should be adjusted to account for these items by: Using the indirect method, Gilliam will  have have to adjust for the change in Accounts Receivable, leading to $47,000 decrease in cash flows from operating activities.

How to find the change in account receivable?

Using this formula to find the change in account receivable

Change in account receivable = Beginning balance - Ending balance

Change in account receivable = $392,000 − $439,000

Change in account receivable = -$47,000

When using the indirect method to calculate  cash flow from operating activities, the net income amount  have to be adjusted for operating items that tend to have effect on   net income only.

Based on the information given Gilliam will  have have to adjust for the change in Accounts Receivable, leading to $47,000 decrease in cash flows from operating activities.

Therefore the company will  have have to adjust for the change in Accounts Receivable.

Learn more about account receivable here:https://brainly.com/question/24848903


if the economy is currently in short-run equilibrium at point a, what type of monetary policy would be most effective to bring the economy back to long-run equilibrium?


Because producers are inflexible in the short term and unable to alter fast in response to market forces, they will gradually modify prices and wages.

By the time the economy reaches its potential GDP, wages, prices, and resource costs will have fully adjusted, moving the short-run supply curve to its long-term level. When total output and total demand are equal, this is referred to as short-run equilibrium. When prices respond to market changes and the economy is operating at its maximum potential, long-run equilibrium has been reached.

When the total amount of output required and supplied equals one another, an economy is in short-run equilibrium.

Learn more about equilibrium here: https://brainly.com/question/26075805


Why do many food processing companies package their food products in tamper resistant containers?


Many food processing companies package their food products in tamper resistant containers, it assures customers of the integrity of the product especially for pharma companies.

The tamper resistant containers refers to the packaging having an indicator or barrier to entry that could reasonably be expected to provide visible evidence that tampering had occurred.

The tamper resistant containers is designed to resist opening and access to the product within the container. In the one way, that organizations in the food and beverage industry as well as pharma companies, cosmetics and other industries.

These companies are making their product packages resistant to tampering is by using shrink film.

To know more about tamper resistant containers here,



which of the following is true regarding a debenture bond?multiple choice question.it is secured by the issuer's long-term assets.it is secured by the faith and credit standing of the issuer.it is secured by an outside third party.


The correct statement for this question is: It is secured by the faith and credit standing of the issuer.

A debenture is a sort of debt instrument that isn't supported by any insurance and as a rule has a term more noteworthy than 10 years.

Debentures are supported exclusively by the creditworthiness and notoriety of the issuer.

The two companies and legislatures regularly issue debentures to raise capital or assets.

A few debentures can change over completely to equity shares while others can't.

Picture result for what is debenture bond

Organizations use debentures when they need to get the cash at a proper pace of revenue for its development. Secured and Unsecured, Enrolled and Carrier, Convertible and Non-Convertible, First and Second are four kinds of Debentures.

to know more about revenue click here:



double taxation is a disadvantage of a corporation because the corporation has to pay income taxes at twice the rate applied to partnerships. true false


Double taxation is a disadvantage of a corporation because the corporation has to pay income taxes at twice the rate applied to partnerships.

The given statement is False.

What do you mean by double taxation?

Due to the fact that corporations must pay income taxes at a rate that is double that of partnerships, double taxation is a disadvantage to corporations. A corporation may deduct the cost of cash dividends as an expense.The following are a corporation's drawbacks:Income is taxed twice. Shareholders pay taxes a second time on dividends.

To know more about Taxation here



when considering perfect competition, the absence of entry barriers implies that:_____.


Option d. Firms can enter and leave the industry without serious impediments is the correct answer. When considering perfect competition the absence of entry barriers implies that firms can enter and leave the industry without serious impediments.

The restrictions imposed on the firms to enter the market to sell their products are known as entry barriers. Entry barriers reduce the level of competition between the firms in the market.

Option d. Firms can enter and leave the industry without serious impediments is correct.

It is a correct option because when there are no entry barriers, the firms in that industry can enter the market anytime and they do not have to deal with any sort of impediments. Firms with no entry barriers are not restricted from entering the market.

Learn more about perfect competition:



What are the two biggest expenses in the federal budget?


Healthcare and Social Security are the two biggest expenses in the federal budget. And defense is also a major expense for federal budget.

The operational costs a business bears in order to make money are referred to as expenses. Simply put, it is the amount of money necessary to acquire anything. According to a proverb, "making money costs money."

Paying suppliers, paying employees, leasing facilities, and depreciating equipment are examples of frequent costs. To reduce their taxable income and therefore their tax liability, businesses are permitted to deduct tax-deductible expenses on their income tax returns; however, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) sets tight guidelines on which expenses firms are permitted to claim as a deduction. The major objective of management teams in businesses is to enhance profits. This is accomplished by increasing income while controlling costs.

learn more about expenses here



The __________ method is a framework for operationalizing a firm's strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on for dimensions of a firm's performance.


The Balanced scorecard method is a framework for operating a firm's strategic plan.

The Balanced scorecard is a management performance metric used to identify and improve the company's internal operations to help in managing their external outcomes.

It forms an important part of managing the internal factors which can be controlled and helps to measure past performance data as well as provides feedback to make better decisions. Used to measure and provide feedback to organizations.

It was developed for profit, non-profit, and government organizations. It helps companies to pool information in a single report.

To know more about the Balanced scorecard method,



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Which of the following are qualified moving expenses?Select one:a. Truck rentalb. Meals and lodgingc. Mileaged. All of thesee. None of these chapter 6 summary of ghost by jason reynolds HURRY!! Which isomer reacts more rapidly in an e2 reaction, cis-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane or trans-1-bromo-4-tert-butylcyclohexane? During a recent team meeting, Bradley tells his upper-level management that he would like to focus on and improve the culture, leadership, and code of conduct within the business. What is Bradley MOST likely trying to develop at his company?a. Lifelong friendships across departmentsb. Ethics across the entire businessc. Better stock options for employeesd. Financial stability What property of virtualization allows entire virtual machines to be saved as file that can moved or copied like any other file?Question 2 options:- Isolation- Hardware Independence- Partitioning- Encapsulation the digby company will sell 100 units (x1000) of capacity from their dino product line. each unit of capacity is worth $6 plus $4 per automation rating. the digby company will sell the capacity for 35% off. how much do they receive when the capacity is sold? what was the dilemma faced by the convention after randolph proposed the virginia plan? how did hamilton and madison respond to that dilemma? Lady Macbeth: "Come, thick night, and pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell, that my keen knife see not the wound it makes, nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark to cry "hold, hold"!(act 1, scene 5) This line graph shows the spread of railroads in four countries in the 1800s.Spread of Railways in Selected CountriesKilometers of Rail Lines(thousands)Which country built the most railroad lines during this period?Great BritainGermanyRussia-US Which concern resulted in the U.S. congress rejecting membership in the league of nations?a. Economic depression in other nations would threaten the U.S. economy.b. Conflicts in other countries would lead to U.S. involvement in another war.c. Dictatorial governments would have increased influence on U.S. politics. d. U.S. companies would hurt the economy by outsourcing labor. What are the security functional requirements in information security system? Write a function called check_inventory(inventory, low) that has as arguments a dictionary inventory containing the inventory of a fruit store, and low, an integer. The function returns a list of items that are below an inventory level that is given by the low integer parameter. Example: If the inventory is {'mango:22', 'banana':3,'apple':10}, check_inventory(inventory, 5) will return the list ['banana']. For the same inventory, check_inventory(inventory, 15) will return the list ['apple', 'banana']. Save & Run Load History Show CodeLens 1 # Write your code here Nm Felicia is sitting down to plan her speech about immigration legislation. What is the FIRST step she should take when planning?O A. Develop a list of questions.OB.Evaluate her research.O C.Gather materials to research.O D. Develop a theory. the epinephrine signaling pathway plays a role in regulating glucose homeostasis in muscle cells. the signaling pathway is activated by the binding of epinephrine to the beta-2 adrenergic receptor. a simplified model of the epinephrine signaling pathway is represented in figure 1. Could anyone help me for the last part pretty pls the cause and effect part at the bottom Find the values of x and y x=_____y=_____ an injury that occurs while an employee is commuting to or from work is usually not considered to have occurred on the job or in the course of employment and hence is not covered by workers compensation law. True/False ? in 1931, anthropologist audrey richards documented the chisungu ritual, performed by the bemba people in zambia. what is this women-only ritual that centers on menstruation and marriage an example of in anthropology? if a patient has a creatinine clearance of 90 ml/min, a urine flow rate of 1 ml/min, a plasma k concentration of 4 meq/l, and a urine k concentration of 60 meq/l, what is the approximate rate of k excretion? What 3 types of products are excluded from labeling and SDS requirements?