It is acceptable to allow up to eight hours for cooling food from 135 to 70 degrees F.




Answer 1
False is has to be 145 Degrees F.
Answer 2

The statement about cooling food is FALSE.

If TCS food is reheated for hot holding, the internal temperature must reach 155 degrees F for fifteen seconds within two hours.

What is temperature control in food?Temperature control ensures that foods that are meant to be served hot are kept at the required temperature.Foods meant to be served cold are not left out at dangerous temperatures. One of the best ways to kill bacteria is by heat. Rapid changes in temperature also prevent bacteria from surviving.

What is nutritional value of food?Nutritional value or nutritive value as part of food quality is the measure of a well-balanced ratio of the essential nutrients.The essential nutrients are carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals, and vitamins in items of food or diet concerning the nutrient requirements of their consumer.

To know more about food here


Related Questions

analyse the teen mothers that increasing number of social grants


POSITIVE IMPACT: Social grants would give a certain amount of money to teen mothers each month in order to cover their basic expense. This would help teen mothers who are trying to find a more stable form of income and job.

NEGATIVE IMPACT: Social grants could make teen mothers become too dependent on government assistance. When being used incorrectly, this would prevent them from seeking a stable job.

Adolescent pregnancy is pointed out by health, education and social professionals as a problem that increases with age. Early pregnancy induces a vicious cycle of poverty and low schooling.

Teen mothers

According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), of the 7.3 million pregnant girls and young women in the world, 2 million are under the age of 14.

These young women have several consequences on health, education, employment, their rights and autonomy in adulthood by having children so early.

Teenage mothers tend to drop out of school to raise their children, and have three times fewer opportunities to earn a university degree.

With this information, we can conclude that teenage pregnancy is pointed out by health, education and social professionals as a problem that increases with age. Early pregnancy induces a vicious cycle of poverty and low schooling.

Learn more about Teen mothers in

How should you use a heart rate monitor? (3 points)


Heart rate monitors can be a useful tool during exercise for new and experienced runners and other athletes. Monitors can be worn as a strap across the chest, on the wrist and even on the head, and by measuring your heart rate can help you exercise at the right intensity.

I hope this helps

List the guidelines that distinguish a healthy weight-loss program from a fad/diet program



Typically, a fad diet shares some, or all, of the following characteristics:

1.Promises a quick fix.

2.Promotes 'magic' foods or combinations of foods.

3.Implies that food can change body chemistry.

4.Excludes or severely restricts food groups or nutrients, such as carbohydrates.

5.Has rigid rules that focus on weight loss

the size of the rectangle and the number of subdivision can be adjusted based on the number of player​



The size of the rectangle and the number of subdivisions can be adjusted based on the number of players. The individual squares in the grid must be large enough that someone can stay in the middle out of reach of someone standing on the lines. Two teams are needed, each with around two to six players.

Which system helps give the body structure and the ability to move


The human musculoskeletal system (also known as the human locomotor system, and previously the activity system) is an organ system that gives humans the ability to move.


Make a list of environmental factors that make change in stress of health difficulties


the people and energy around you can make a change in stress

The modern version of Golf was originated in
United States of America



Low carbohydrate diets claim that carbohydrates create human fat. What may contribute to this belief?



yes,low carbohydrate diets claim that carbohydrate create human fat.

they store energy from fat

Low carbohydrate diets claim that carbohydrates create human fat because they store energy from fat.

What are carbohydrate diets?

Following a meal, carbohydrates are converted to glucose, a quick source of energy. Ketosis is brought on by low-carbohydrate diets. Ketosis can result in weariness, headaches, weakness, etc.

Glucose that is in excess is either stored as glycogen in the liver or, with the aid of insulin, is converted to fatty acids, circulated throughout the body, and then stored as fat in adipose tissue.

The majority of carbohydrates the body consumes are converted into glucose for quick energy and glycogen or fat for long-term energy storage. A long-term high-protein diet may also result in osteoporosis and renal failure.

Therefore, storing energy from fat carbohydrates creates human fat.

Learn more about carbohydrates, here:


True of false (all I need is a true or false) Do both sides of the heart receive blood at the same time





Blood flows to both sides of the heart at the same time, with heart valves on both sides opening and closing at the same time


Veins transport oxygen poor blood to the right side of the heart which sends it to the lungs.

Next, the lungs pick up oxygen, remove carbon dioxide and transport oxygen rich blood to the left side of the heart which sends the blood to the rest of the body through the arteries.

what is the labotory nutritional assessment​



Laboratory Medicine Summary. Serum proteins (albumin, transferrin, prealbumin, retinol-binding protein) are perhaps the most widely used laboratory measures of nutritional status. They are hepatically produced negative acute-phase reactants with reduced levels during systemic inflammation.

What Is a corridor in relationship to a Universal Life insurance policy?


The gap between the total death benefit and the policy's cash value. The gap between when a claim is filed and when the death benefit is received. The amount of interest that has accumulated in the policy's cash value.

Fats are a healthy part of your diet? True or false





Fats provide amino acids, which are needed greatly for cell growth and other processes.

True Because our body needs fats

What is the meaning of life? Well its so simple but yet so complicated people around the world are haunted by this thought. I was haunted by it till now when I could finally put my finger on it the meaning of life is what you make of it now hear me out before you scroll thinking this is just another lie. The meaning of life is what you make it, you make your own decisions and choose your own path so we all have different meanings so not all can be answered with one solution except for this one. If your big goal is becoming the richest person in the world that's your meaning of life and only you can fore fill this meaning. So do anything and everything you can to make it a reality so you can die/life a happy life



Wow, I couldn't relate more.

Very deep.

I guess live is whatever you make of it.


A yoga studio offers memberships that cost $49 per month for unlimited classes. The studio
also accepts walk-ins, charging $7 per class. If someone attends enough classes in a month,
the two options cost the same total amount. How many classes is that? What is that total



The regular reflection takes place when the light rays are incident on a polished smooth surface like a plane mirror, a stainless steel sheet and a thin sheet of aluminum, so, the reflected rays of light move only in a fixed direction  ;P


It would take 7 classes without a membership to get to $49.


Trust me:)

I need help please anyone help me???!!!!


I would say Protein.
The human body isn’t capable of producing sufficient essential amino acids, therefore you have to make sure you are getting enough from this group in your diet. The macronutrient does a variety of jobs in the human body. Protein functions as a hormone, enzyme and an antibody in the immune system.

How long should a person cool down after physical activity?
0 1 to 2 minutes
5 to 10 minutes
0 10 to 15 minutes
O 15 to 20 minutes



5 to 10 I think it matters on what ur doing but 5 to 10 is pretty average

The perfect cool down would be 15-20 minutes

The hierarchy of traits is a structured progression of personality that begins with a few higher-order traits that result in
several lower-order traits, determining a person's response in a specific situation.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided





False (F). The statement is not entirely accurate.

What is the hierarchy of traits?

The hierarchy of traits is a theory in personality psychology that suggests that there are a few broad, high-level traits that underlie and influence many more specific and narrower traits.

These high-level traits are known as the "Big Five" personality traits and include openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Each of these traits is believed to be composed of lower-order traits that are more specific and observable in behavior.

However, the hierarchy of traits does not necessarily determine a person's response in a specific situation. It is more about understanding a person's overall tendencies and tendencies across various situations.

Additionally, there is some debate about the validity and usefulness of the hierarchy of traits, with some critics arguing that it oversimplifies the complexity of human personality.

Learn more about hierarchy of traits at:


Design a personal plan for successfully managing body weight


Eat healthy and exercise 6 days a week and have set times for meals and snacks.

Describe the effects of social schema on social perception.



Social Schema:

a cognitive structure of organized information, or representations, about social norms and collective patterns of behavior within society.

Schemata influence attention and the absorption of new knowledge: people are more likely to notice things that fit into their schema, while re-interpreting contradictions to the schema as exceptions or distorting them to fit. Schemata have a tendency to remain unchanged, even in the face of contradictory information.

In psychology terms, Bartlett's subjects were displaying what is known as a “schema.” A schema is a set of preconceived ideas that your brain uses to perceive and interpret new information. ... Once they are formed, however, schemas have a tendency to remain unchanged — even in the face of contradictory information.

The impact of the social schema on social perception should be that it impact the attention and the absorption of new knowledge.

What is Social Schema?

It is the cognitive structure for organizing the information related to the social norms and collective patterns.

In this, it impacts the attention and the absorption of new knowledge. ALso, Schemata should have the tendency for remaining unchanged.

learn more about social here:

Within a year of the first vape devices being released, the World Health Organization released a warning that __________.


The World Health Organization released a warning that vaping clearly wasn’t any help and things like smoking got worse.

What are the guidelines of WHO?

The development of global guidelines ensuring the appropriate use of evidence represents one of the core functions of WHO.

A WHO policy is defined largely as any information product developed by WHO that contains submissions for clinical practice or public health policy.

Thus,  vaping clearly wasn’t any help and things like smoking got worse.

To learn more World Health Organization about click here:

The World Health Organization released a warning that vaping devices were not useful in supporting quitting smoking.

What do mean by Vape devices?

Vape devices may be defined as battery-operated devices that people use to inhale an aerosol, which typically contains nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals.

After the release of first vape devices, people usually adapt themselves according to conditions, but the introduction of such things can not lead to the stopping in smoking activities.

Therefore, the World Health Organization released a warning that vaping devices were not useful in supporting quitting smoking.

To learn more about Vape devices, refer to the link:

Select the correct answer.
Improving the way you communicate to others by your actions, is to improve which area of effective communication?
OA. Your speaking skills
B. Your listening skills
OC. Your body language
OD. None of the above, your actions do not matter when communicating

100 POINTS!! pls answerrr quickly


The correct answer is C. Your body language.


Body language is a form of communication through actions, gestures, postures and movements of the body and face to convey a message that contains information about the emotions and thoughts of the sender. This is usually unconscious and in some cases complements verbal communication. Body language is often influenced by the culture in which these messages are developed. Therefore, if a person improves the way they communicate through actions, they are improving body language. So the correct answer is C. Your body language.

When should a hunter begin to get in shape for a hunt? day before the hunt week before the hunt
C.well in advance of the hunt
D.during the hunt


Hunt is to chase or search for (game or other wild animals) for the purpose of catching or killing. Therefore, option (D) is correct. During the hunt.

How does an animal hunt?

Predators are adapted and often highly specialized for hunting, with acute senses such as vision, hearing, or smell. Many predatory animals, both vertebrate and invertebrate, have sharp claws or jaws to grip, kill, and cut up their prey.

Moreover, hunting (or hunt group) is the method of distributing phone calls from a single telephone number to a group of several phone lines. Specifically, it refers to the process or algorithm used to select which line will receive the call.

Therefore, hunting is a vital wildlife management tool. It keeps nature at a healthy balance of which the available habitat can support (carrying capacity). For many wildlife species, hunting also helps to maintain populations at levels compatible with human activity and land use.

Learn more about animal hunt:


An adult victim, suspected of an opioid overdose, has no pulse and is not breathing. What should be the rescuer's next step?

Administer naloxone.

Provide high-quality CPR.

Wait for a defibrillator.

Determine the type of opioid used.​


I would say if the person is not breathing/responsive, CPR would be the first option. Waiting on a defibrillator would prolong the problem. Naloxone will be used, but if the individual isn’t even responsive, keeping their heart pumping is the most important step.

The rescuer's next step will be to provide high-quality CPR. This is because

CPR will help to keep the heart beating and pump blood to other parts of the

body which makes the individual stay alive before other emergency services

are carried out.

Waiting for a defibrillator can lead to death of the individual as the arrival

time isn't certain. Administering drugs such as  naloxone can come after the

individual has been resuscitated.

Determination of the tyoe of opioid used isn't suitable in such a critical

emergency such as this.

Read more about Emergency response here

The heart is almost all muscle tissue. True False





Additionally, the heart is largely made up of a type of muscle tissue called cardiac muscle. This muscle contracts when your heart beats, allowing blood to pump through your body.

Who created weights?




the ancient greeks


ancient greeks


hope this helps!!

what are the different food groups?​



Whole grains



Fish, poultry, meat, eggs

Heart-healthy oils

Elective or Discretionary Calories.

Any more?

What fraction of each meal should be fruits and vegetables?





because If it's both fruits and vegetables then you only need room for protein and grain and dairy.

1/3 because it just is this is easy

Which of these are reasons an employee might be terminated?
Theft or insubordination
Drug and alcohol abuse
Complaining about a coworker
Both a and b


The answer is both a and b
The last one the third one isn’t a big deal much like drug and alcohol and a criminal record.

58. The following catalyzes oxidative deamunation if glutamate ​



answer at


The T-test is principally a test of __________.
all of the above

Please select the best answer from the choices provided.




B, Agility



The answer is b because if just makes sense
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