Is the enzyme for lactose being made with the repressor not in place?


Answer 1

The lactase is an enzyme in the small intestine that breaks lactose into simpler sugar forms (galactose and glucose) that can be absorbed to generate energy. That sugar is important for gene regulation because it is linked to the Lac operon, the repressor for this structure prevents the DNA transcription, if the repressor is not in place the operon works and the enzyme is produced, being the lac repressor innately active in the absent of lactose.

Related Questions

Sodium ions are pumped from inside the cell across the membrane to outside the cell, where the concentration of sodium is higher. This describesQuestion 75 options:facilitated diffusionactive transportsimple diffusionosmosis


The types of transport can be classified into two groups: passive transport and active transport.

explain the difference between a natural fertilizer and a artificial fertilizer


Natural fertilizers get more nutrients from sources like manure, compost, and blood meal. On the other hand, artificial fertilizers are derived from man-made compounds like ammonium phosphate and potassium sulfate.

The deforestation of rainforest ecosystems for logging and farming has had what direct effect on those areas


The deforestation of rainforest ecosystems for logging and farming has had a direct effect that is desertification of the areas.

The deliberate clearance of forested terrain is known as deforestation. Forests have been cleared throughout history and into the present era to make room for agriculture and animal grazing as well as to obtain wood for fuel, manufacture, and construction. Around the world, deforestation has significantly changed the terrain.

A variety of issues for Indigenous people can result from the loss of trees and other vegetation, including climate change, desertification, soil erosion, less crops, flooding, and an increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Agriculture expansion, wood extraction (such as logging or harvesting wood for domestic fuel or charcoal), infrastructure growth such as road construction, and urbanization are the direct causes of deforestation.

to know more about deforestation visit


Some plants have specialized tube-like structures that transport nutrients, minerals, and water. Water and dissolved ions are transported by xylem tubes. Phloem tubes transport nutrients. The picture below is a cross-section of a celery stalk with the xylem showing in the red bundles . In which direction would the water be moving in this celery stalk?A) The water would be flowing upwards towards the leaves.B) The water would be flowing downwards towards through the stem and to the roots.


The movement of water in celery happens because of the capllary action in the xylem, the water moves up from the roots through the stem and into the branches and leaves. Therefore, the answer for the question is A (the water would be flowing upwards towards the leaves).

Which two major parts of the earth system does this photo most clearly show


The two major parts of the earth system that this photo most clearly shows are the lithosphere and hydrosphere.

What are the major earth systems?

Earth systems refer to the various systems of the earth that compose the earth.

The major earth systems are as follows:

Lithosphere - this is the hard layer of the earth which includes the earth's crust such as deserts, mountains, etc.

Hydrosphere - this is the earth system that is composed of water such as the oceans, rivers, streams, etc.

Atmosphere - this is the earth's system that is composed of the layers of gases above the earth's crust.

Learn more about lithosphere and hydrosphere at:


Answer: Geosphere and Hydrosphere


An ecosystem is a community of living organisms and their interactions with their abiotic environment. Group of answer choicesTrueFalse


The environment can either be biotic or abiotic. These make up an ecosystem. The community of living organisms in an ecosystem is making an interaction with their abiotic environment as well as with the other living organisms present in the ecosystem.

Answer - False

All living things on Earth are alike because they:OA. use energy from the Sun to make food.B. breathe air in order to obtain oxygen.C. contain the same five kinds of nucleotides.D. have the same sequence of nucleotide bases.


All living things on Earth are alike because, even though there are a lot of different adaptations which have result in different morphologies, structures and physiological mechanisms, they all contain the same five kinds of nucleotides, but the sequence of nucleotide bases that conform the genes is different.

Only photosynthetic organisms use energy from the sun to make food, and although most of the organisms are aerobic, there are also some anaerobic.

So the correct answer is option C: contain the same five kinds of nucleotides.

The Answer is C. Contains the same 5 kind of nucleotides.

Is Kudzu considered an autotroph ? Explain shortly (1-2 sentences)


Kudzu can be considered an autotroph because kudzu vine can cover forest plants and kill them by competing with them for sunlight. This vine has a significant impact on forest ecosystems.

Kudzu spreads swiftly and out of control by runners (stems that root at the tip when in contact with moist soil), rhizomes, and vines that generate new plants by rooting at the nodes.

Kudzu grows at a rate of one foot per day after it is established, and its mature vines can reach a length of 100 feet. Fast-growing invasive plants like kudzu outcompete anything from native grasses to fully developed trees by blocking the sunlight needed for photosynthetic activity.

To learn more about Kuduz visit:


Where in the bone are redblood cells made?A. periosteumB. compact boneC. spongy boneD. joint capsule


The red blood cells are made in the red bone marrow which is in the spongy bone. Therefore, the answer is C.

Which term means pertaining to the spinal cord?
O myelonic
O cerebellar
O encephalic


Answer: Myelonic


The receptors for pain are called:оооbare dendrites of sensory cells.


The pain receptors are called as noniceptors that are known to exist in muscle, joints, ad skin. A noxious stimulus is known by receptors that are located on the cell membrane of the sonsory nerve ending.

Hair cells are the sonsory receptors of both the auditory system and vestibular system in the the ears of all vertebrates and lateral line organ of fishes.

During vision, rod and cone phoroceptors respond to light intensity and color.

Answer - Option 1 - bare dendrites of sensory neurons

What does the notation Rr mean to geneticists?
heterozygous alleles
homozygous alleles
dominant alleles
recessive alleles



Heterozygous alleles


The root "hetero" means "different". Any pairing of alleles that contain both a dominant allele (R) and a recessive allele (r) is considered to be heterozygous. (Rr)

Similarly, the root "homo" means "same", indicating that any pairing of alleles that contains either two dominant alleles (RR) or two recessive alleles (rr) is considered homozygous.

Hope this helps!

The notation Rr in geneticists refers to heterozygous alleles. Therefore, the correct statement is in option A.

What is the notation of Rr indicating?

The notation Rr indicates that an individual has two different alleles for a particular gene that is inherited from each parent. The uppercase R indicates a dominant allele, whereas lowercase r indicates a recessive allele.

The notation Rr represents the individual in a heterozygous state for that gene, where one allele is dominant and the other allele is recessive. The dominant allele (R) masks the expression of the recessive allele (r), resulting in the expression of the dominant phenotype.

Rr genotype helps in understanding the patterns of inheritance and the probability of traits appearing in offspring. In this case, the dominant allele will express the phenotype of the organism, while the recessive allele will not be expressed in the phenotype of an organism.

Therefore, the notation Rr in geneticists refers to heterozygous alleles.

Learn more about heterozygous alleles here:


Write a 4 to 5 sentence paragraph that Contrast the growth of a butterfly in a grasshopper from egg to an adult. Be sure to include the terms complete metamorphosis and incomplete metamorphosis in answer


The butterfly begins its life as a larva or a caterpillar. A caterpillar molts as it grows. When it reaches its full size, it forms into pupa and undergoes metamorphosis where the butterfly begins to form. A grasshopper however, is an insect that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis where it hatches from an egg and goes through the three nymphal stages. Each of the nymphal stage shows a smaller version of the insect and becomes larger as it grows. The third stage will show the adult form of the grasshopper.

all living things whether plants and animlas are made up of this basic unit of life





All living things, plants and animals are made up of cells.

A cell consists of three basic parts, 1. a nucleus - which is the center of the cell, and it contains chromosomes that carry genetic information. 2. a cytoplasm which is the medium for all the organelles, it consists of water and salts which makes up the solution that enclosing the cell. 3. the cell membrane, which is used by the cell to sepate the inner part of the cell from the outer part. So the cell consists of many other organelles like mitochondria.

These life processes require energy. Which process does not occur in plants?A)1B)2C)3D)4


All the processes in the question requires energy, but the only one that does not occur in plants is the 1. Locomotion, since a plant do not move on its own.

*in your own words, give a general description of the species“Wolf spider”In your description make sure to include the identification and scientific name of this species, it’s trophic level, what biomes it resides in, and its role in the ecosystem. What is it in the food web?


The scientific name of this species is Lycosidae.

Wolf spiders are hairy, range in size from around half an inch to two inches, and typically have different markings or strains of brown to gray hue. Mother wolf spiders carry their bulky egg sacs around with them. When the spiderlings hatch, they climb onto their mother's back and travel until they are about halfway grown.

Wolf spiders have developed the ability to survive in almost any place. While some species live in volcanic lava tubes, others are found on cold, stony mountaintops.

Ecosystems - Birds, reptiles, and rodents make up the prey of wolf spiders. Food web - Spiders are carnivorous creatures that eat a variety of creatures. They prey on specific types of top consumers. Spiders are therefore secondary buyers.

To learn more about Wolf spiders visit:


Which of the following can be labeled as abiotic factors?RocksPlantsAnimalsHumans


Abiotic factors are components of environment that are not living. Examples are water, soil, minerals, and nutrients.

ANSWER: Rocks.

Answer: rocks is correct

Explanation: penn foster answer

Which of the following categorize for at-risk species is the closest to extinction?a) Extirpated are species that no longer exists in the wild iin a specific area but still live elsewhere such as paddlefish and Atlantic walrusb) Endangered are species facing imminent danger of going extinct or becoming extirpated such as swift fox and northern cricket frog.c) Vulnerable are species that meet a specific list of criteria and are facing a high risk for extinction in the wild such as black and white spitting cora and common spiny lobster.d) Threatened are species that is likely to become endangered if current trends, conditions and factors reducing its survival continue and are not changed such as humpback whale, wood bison and Kentucky coffee tree.e) Special concern are species that may become threatened or endangered because of a combination of factors such as polar bear, Atlantic cod and red-headed woodpecker.


Species that are extinct are species that no longer has any specimen alive anymore, which means that this living beings won't ever be present on Earth again. But it doesn't happen out of nowhere. The species goes through some of all of those definitions, as a warning that we must act to avoid extinction. As vulnerable are species that are facing a high-risk, but stil it isn't an imminent risk, so C it's not the closest. Threatened are species that are likely yo become endangered, not extinct, so D isn't the answer as well. Special concern are species that aren't even threatened or endangered yet, so E isn't the answer too. Endangered species are facing an imminent danger of becoming extinct, but still being extirpated may be even more concerning, because extirpation can be a consequence of overlooking a situation of endangered species and it is also a way in which a species can be extinct (they tend to disappear from specific areas until there are no more areas where they can be found anymore). So, the correct answer is a) Extirpated.

9. What is the process called when two varieties of plants are crossed in anattempt to create a new variety with traits from both parents?A. cloningB. hybridizationC. selective breeding


To answer this question we need to remember come concepts first, cloning implies that an identical genetic individual is created, meanwhile, selective breeding means that only the members of a population that exhibit the desired trait will be crossed, which left us hybridization, this involves a cross between species or varieties, therefore this is the correct answer (option B).

In 2019 a global pandemic devastated the world. 5AR * 5 - CoV - 2 a variation of the SARS virus, has been responsible for this devastation and has affected all of us one way or another. Knowing what you have learnt so far about genetics explain how this virus has persisted for so long by referring to your knowledge on mutations and give an explanation as to how this knowledge helps us fight the virus?


As we know the virus known as SARS-CoV 2 belongs to the family of coronavirus, this means that is a monocatenary RNA virus which confers it a high mutation rate, as was a new type of virus there was no antiviral known to be effective or vaccine which leads to catastrophic consequences, nonetheless, vaccines were developed in a quite short time, however, the virus keeps mutating and even when vaccines are effective preventing grave forms of Covid-19, the mutations have made the new virus strains more infectious that is to say they are transmitted easier in other cases also are more aggressive as was the case of delta variant, in some other, the symptoms are not grave even more the disease can go unnoticed like sile omicron or BA.2 which allows a greater rate of infection. In conclusion, the mutations have changed the time of incubation, the severity of the symptoms, vulnerable groups, and infection rate, a fact that has allowed the virus to continue active.

identify and explain if the feedback loop is positive or negativecirculatory system


Well, first we have to consider that when we talk about positive and negative feedback, usually we refer to homeostasis, which's a kind of balance our bodies do regarding physiological processes.

Having this in mind, we use the term negative feedback to signal the balance of nutrients (e.g. oxygen, minerals), pressure, and temperature, our blood does to achieve the normal equilibrium of this in our body.

In the same way, when we say positive feedback, we refer to those processes that our body carries out to keep or maintain the influence of a stimulus.

Briefly explain digestion


Digestion is the process by which the digestive system assimilates the necessary substances (energy, minerals and vitamins) from the food consumed, which then are transfered by the circulatory system to every cell of the body.

Select all of the limiting factors that are density-dependent. (There are 4 correct answers.)Question 14 options:FireDiseasePredationHurricaneCompetition for FoodCompetition for LightFlood


In the question the options that are density-dependent factors (biotic factors) are:

- Disease;

- Predation;

- Competition for food;

- Competition for light.

All the other options are abiotic factors that can happen by events related to the geography and climate of the habitat.

How does a change in the DNA sequence affect the amino acid produced during translation?

A) A change in the DNA sequence sometimes changes the RNA sequence, which could lead to a different amino acid during translation.
B) A change in the DNA sequence does not affect the RNA sequence, but may lead to a change in the amino acid sequence.
C) A change in the DNA sequence changes the RNA sequence, which sometimes leads to a change in the resulting amino acid
D) A change in the DNA sequence results in a change to the RNA sequence, but does not change the amino acid created.


When the DNA or RNA sequences are altered, the resultant amino acid can occasionally change as a result. A completely new sequence of amino acids may be produced as a result of how the ribosome interprets the mRNA sequence.

The amino acid sequence of the protein that the gene codes for can be altered by changes to the DNA sequence of that gene, a process known as mutation. A single DNA letter can change in a point mutation. They can be divided into three categories: Missense mutations alter a protein's single amino acid. DNA sequence modifications are known as mutations. Viral infection, mutagen exposure, or errors in DNA replication during cell division can all lead to mutations.

As a result, option C, which reads: "A change in the DNA sequence affects the RNA sequence, which occasionally results in a change in the resultant amino acid," is the right statement.



4.Why are some organisms modified with CRISPR technology not considered transgenic?


Some organisms modified with CRISPR technology are not considered transgenic because the CRISPR genes do not become part of the genome of the organism that is being modified, being only a vehicle of the information and not a new gene for the organism.

Below, determine if these are correct abiotic factors • the depth of a body of water (lake, river, pond) • the climate of an area (example: North Alabama is considered a temperate climate)• the width of a lake, river, pond, etc..• the season (example: July)


Abiotic factos are non-living chemical and physical parts of the environment that can affect the ecosystems and the living organims. The depth of a body of water, climate, width of a body of water and the seasons are all abiotic factors.

Summarize how scientists use evidence from rock strata to create a geologic time scale and organize Earth's 4.6 billion year history. In your response be sure to include the following:How do they divide the time periods/events of the 4.6 billion year history?Explain how they interpret rock age using relative dating principlesWhat are some examples of evidence they use from the rock strata?


The geologic time scale was developed after scientists observed changes in the fossils going from oldest to youngest sedimentary rocks. They used relative dating to divide Earth's past in several chunks of time when similar organisms were on Earth.

Scientists divide Earth's entire 4.6 billion years into four major time periods. The oldest — and by far the longest — is called the Precambrian. It is divided into Eons known as the Hadean (HAY-dee-un), Archean (Ar-KEY-un), and Proterozoic (Pro-tur-oh-ZOE-ik). After the Precambrian come to the Paleozoic Era and Mesozoic Era.

In interpreting rock age the use of relative dating puts the sequences of rocks layers into chronological order. Although the layers are no longer horizontal, geologists are able to determine their order.

Examples interpreted from rock strata provide a way to organize Earth's history. Analyses of rock strata and the fossil record provide only relative dates, not an absolute scale. phenomena can be observed at various scales using models to study systems that are too large or too small.

After seeing variations in the fossils as they moved from oldest to youngest sedimentary strata, geologists came up with the geologic time scale. Relative dating was used to split Earth's history into periods when comparable creatures were present.

What is a geologic time scale?

Relative dating is used to chronologically organize the strata of rocks in order to understand rock age. Geologists can still discern the sequence of the strata, despite the fact that they are no longer horizontal.

Earth's history may be organized using examples derived from rock layers. The fossil record and the analysis of rock layers only reveal relative dates an absolute scale is not provided.

Therefore, to examine systems that are too huge or too tiny, events can be seen at multiple sizes using models.

Learn more about geologic time, here:


Which of these is a sudden event that can change earths atmosphere?


To answer this question we need to remember a bit of the earth's history. In the first stages, Precambrian, on earth, there was no oxygen, nonetheless with the rise of photosynthesis by cyanobacteria the concentration increased, nonetheless it was a gradual process, now also there was an increase in carbon dioxide levels at the end of the Mesozoic due to intense volcanic activity along with other factors. So taking this into consideration we can say that the correct answer is the third option, as a volcano is a sudden event and if large enough maybe it won't change all the atmosphere, but can generate a local change.

Which of the following are true of transitional species? Select all that apply.- fossil between bird and reptile - Archaeopteryx- fossil between reptile and mammal - Tiktaalik- supports the theory of evolution- fossils in a stage between ancestral species and modern species- refutes the theory of evolution


Transitional species are the species that are considered as intermediate. They are the species in between two contrasting species.

Archaeopteryx is considered as a transitional species because their fossils are in between dinosaurs and modern birds. Tiktaalik are also considered as transitional species because they are in between fish and and early tetrapod.

Transitional species supports the theory of evolution. The fossils found are considered as evidence for evolution. Transitional fossils are debris of species that are present in between ancestral species and modern species.

Answer - Options 1, 2, 3, and 4.

The last option is not correct. Transitional species does not contradict the theory of evolution. It supports the theory of evolution. Transitional fossils are evidence for evolution. Transitional fossils are debris of species that are present in between ancestral species and modern species.

How are messages carried throughout the human body from the brain to the nervous system?A) Active transportB) Electrical signalsC)


The answer is the letter B. Electrical signals.

*Our brain and body communicates with each other by sending messages in the form of electrical signals.

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