__________ is the deliberate and systemic extermination of a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group.


Answer 1


The answer is B genocide.

Related Questions

the eye of a hurricane is .the portion with the highest wind speedswarmer than the rest of the stormalong the leading edge of the stormthe area of most intense rainfall


The eye of a hurricane is warmer than the rest of the storm. When compared to the stronger winds throughout the rest of the storm, the eye of a storm has relatively weak winds of up to 15 miles per hour.

Three components make up hurricanes:

Rain bands are spiraling bands of clouds and thunderstorms that are curved and spiral outward from the center.The strongest winds are found in the eyewall, which is a ring of cumulonimbus clouds.The hurricane's center, or the eye

The eyewall, which is a ring of cumulonimbus clouds, is either completely or partially encircling it, according to the National Hurricane Center. According to Dennis Feltgen, a center meteorologist, an eye can be up to 120 miles across, but the majority are 20 to 40 miles wide.

When winds reach 74 miles per hour, or Category 1 status, the eyewall of a hurricane typically begins to form. Mr. Feltgen claims that the eyewall is a ring of deep convection, or the vertical movement of heat and moisture in the atmosphere, that surrounds the storm's eye. In a tropical cyclone, this region has the strongest surface winds, according to Mr. Feltgen. The updraft in the eyewall is caused by the air in the eye slowly sinking. The eye is the area with the lowest pressure at the surface and the highest temperatures, he continued.

Learn more about Hurricane, here



Write a paragraph on why physical geography matter?



Physical Geography matters because we use it to define countries.


Physical Geography, like rivers or mountains, matter because they can form the borders between countries. Mountains can be used by a country to protect themselves from an invader, like Switzerland, or rivers could be used to protect themselves from an invader too, so you could see them crossing the river and prevent them from doing so, like Croatia, Serbia, or even Russia! Physical Geography also matters for situations like building a canal or something. Before the Panama canal was built, the US government wanted to build it in Nicaragua because there was a bigger lake there. What they didn't know, was that there was a giant active volcano near their proposed location, and also Nicaragua was alot larger than Panama, and thicker. So, after more consideration from the Physical Geography, they changed the build location.

Hope this helps!

suppose you were standing on a solid surface when s body waves from a nearby earthquake arrives and you could feel them. what ground sensation would you feel


While standing on a solid surface when s body waves from a nearby earthquake arrives then the ground would move in horizontal direction moving the person side by side.

How do earthquakes occur?

The earth crust is made up of tectonic plates which have many faults in them.

When these tectonic plates collide with earth other then the movements along the fault lines causes shaking of earth which results in earthquake.

Normally, earthquakes release stored energy in the form of seismic waves which travel through the entire earth and cause great amount of shaking.

If you need to learn more about earthquakes click here:



the outcrop below is labeled with four events. these events are responsible for the present appearance of the outcrop. the events in the outcrop are not ordered chronologically. the events are labeled by the geologic laws that lead to the event. order the events by the geologic law that are used to determine the relative order of the four events that are labeled in the drawing of the outcrop below.


The correct order is :

Law of superposition

Principle of Inclusions

Principle of Cross Cutting Relationship

Law of Original Horizontality.

A key stratigraphic principle known as the law of superposition states that the oldest layer in a series of sedimentary rock layers is at the bottom and that the layers get younger as they move up the sequence. But occasionally, deformation might have led to the tilting or even overturning of the crustal rocks. Furthermore, it might not be at all obvious which edge of a given layer is the initial top and which is the originally bottom if erosion has muddled the record by removing significant amounts of the deformed sedimentary rock.

Learn more about superposition here:



How are islands formed?




As volcanoes erupt, they build up layers of lava that may eventually break the water's surface. When the tops of the volcanoes appear above the water, an island is formed. While the volcano is still beneath the ocean surface, it is called a seamount. Oceanic islands can form from different types of volcanoes.

Answer: they can be formed in many ways.


The main way though is by tectonic plates. When they move, they can create cracks in the earth which causes magma to flow out of, which in turn slowly builds up over time eventually breaking the surface of an ocean or sea and finally becoming lush with greenery.

Then your tragedge Now, use your right angle template and straightedge to construct a line parallel to the first line you drew.


Answer: Two lines are said to be parallel in a plane if they do not intersect each other even if extended till infinite in both the directions.

Steps to construct a parallel line using ruler and compass are:

Draw a line segment AB and mark any point P above the line AB

Draw a line that intersects the first line using a straightedge and mark it as Point X.

Now we get a line AB and a transverse PX.

Open a compass more than half of the distance between PX. Using this, place the compass on Point X and scribe an arc MN on the transverse PX.

Similarly, using the same distance, scribe an arc by keeping the compass on Point P and mark it as EF. The point where EF cuts PX is Q.

Using this Q as a center, draw an arc marked R on EF.

Join this R and P and extend the line segment and mark is as C and D.

The resultant image is given below.


which of the following statements about global climate patterns are true? select one: a. temperatures increase as you move closer to the equator b. air rises and precipitation occurs at the equator c. air falls at 30 degrees north and south latitude (the tropics of cancer and capricorn), resulting in dry conditions d. all of the above statements are true e. all of the above statements are false


All the statements about Global Climate Patterns are True.

What is Global Climate Patterns?

Global climate patterns are dynamic; as a result of solar radiation, atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations, and other climate forcing variables, they are always changing. Cycles in the amount of solar radiation reaching the poles are among the more predictable of these shifts. The long-term pattern of the weather in a place is called the climate. Hour by hour, day by day, month by month, or even year by year, the weather might change. A region's climate is determined by its weather patterns, which are typically monitored for at least 30 years. The northern hemisphere is very chilly in January, but the southern hemisphere is very warm. Next, July's average temperature is significantly higher than January's. The hemispheres are yellow to represent temperatures between 10 and 21 degrees Celsius in both the northern and southern hemispheres.

To learn more about Climate Patterns click,



where did the indian civilization begin?



it was first discovered in 1921 near the Indus River


to survive, beaches need a constant supply of what? view available hint(s)for part d to survive, beaches need a constant supply of what? dredging erosion


Beaches require a consistent supply of sand to survive. This entails putting more sediment on a beach or along the shore. Usually, water and wind help with this.

Sand and other nutrients are replenished along with erosion control through beach nourishment. A beach is a stretch of land that is located along the shores of a body of water, typically an ocean or sea. Because water moves away from the shorelines and into the depths of the oceans, most beaches always have a lot of sand. while A nice beach is recognized for having stones, seaweed, and specific sea shell fragments that support hoppers and seabirds. nor the quantity of sand grains.

learn more about Sand here:



Which Middle Eastern country is considered underdeveloped, with some of the poorest living conditions in the world?

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A. Afghanistan


Complete the sentences about earth’s early biosphere. after earth formed, the emerging biosphere had several effects on earth’s lithosphere. for example, rocks and minerals showed evidence of caused by the presence of oxygen in air. in a second example, actually created new rock after being dissolved in water or buried underground.


After earth formed, the emerging biosphere had several effects on earth's lithosphere. For example, rocks and minerals showed evidence oxidation caused by the presence of oxygen in air.

In a natural process known as oxidation, molecules have their electrons taken away during a specific chemical reaction. Rocks undergo oxidation when they interact chemically with oxygen, changing the makeup of the rock. On a geological scale, fossilisation causes deceased species (such as plants and animals) to transform into rocks. In conclusion, oxidation was visible in rocks and minerals. Additionally, after being dissolved in water or buried underground, ORGANISMS really produced new rock.

Learn more about oxidation here:




I believe the first blank is oxidation; and the second blank being minerals.


sorry if I'm wrong.

A family group in which many generations live together in one home is known as a(n) __________.
A.extended family
B.mixed family
C.nuclear family
D.secondary family

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A. extended family


what is the answer to thing thingamagigga


The answer is Babylonian trade

HELPP Which of the following describes the primary type of boundary imposed in Africa as a result of the Berlin Conference?

Question 1 options:







The type of boundary that the Europeans imposed on Africa as a result of the Berlin Conference was a Superimposed boundary.

What boundary did the Europeans impose on Africa?

When the European powers met in the Berlin Conference to divide Africa up between them, they created boundaries based on their interest. These boundaries did not care for the cultural and ethnic divisions in the area.

This meant that the type of boundary that the Europeans imposed was a superimposed boundary. This type of boundary is one that doesn't care for the culture or ethnicity of the people living in the area.

Find out more on the Berlin Conference at https://brainly.com/question/1913699


Which statement does NOT describe resources?
O The use of nonrenewable resources has decreased in recent history.
O The largest use of the world's resources is energy.
O One of the factors people use when deciding where they will live is the availability of resources.
O Resources are unevenly distributed throughout the world.





Which of the following is one effect of the globalization of markets?

A. Consumers have a wider variety of choice when deciding what to buy.

B. Consumers must pay a higher cost for goods and services.

C. Buying products from other countries has become more difficult.

D. Producers are only able to sell their products to a small subset of consumers.


A consequence of the globalization of markets is that consumers have a wide range of options when choosing what to buy.

The ability to create and/or sell goods and/or services in open competition with others on global markets is referred to as globalization. In a free-for-all, only the strongest will prevail. With regard to practically every commodity in the globe, there is an extensive foreign rivalry.

Globalization generally lowers the cost of manufacturing. This suggests that companies can set lower prices for their goods. The average cost of goods is a key element that increases the quality of living. Consumers also have access to a wider variety of items.

To learn more about globalization



Given a topographic map explain how you would determine the elevation of a mountain using key terms contour, contour line, contour interval, elevation and relief


True, topographic map explain how you would determine the elevation of a mountain using key terms contour, contour line, contour interval, elevation and relief.

What is topographic map ?

According to Suparno and Endy (2005) , the definition of topographic map is a map that depicts the shape of the Earth's surface through a number of elevation lines related to the slope of the land and the slope of the interior slopes of the planet Earth.

This map also describes about relief, hydrography, vegetation, transportation, and regional toponymy.

Elements contained in a topographic map include:

title, map coordinates, geographic coordinates, grid coordinates, map number, map scale, map year, map direction, declination, contour lines

In conclusion, topographic map is a map that give us an explanation of the elevation of a mountain using key terms contour, contour line, contour interval, elevation and relief.

Learn more about topographic map at :


Which of the following are characteristics of lower standard of living and quality of life? (choose all that apply)

low infant mortality

high death rate

high life expectancy

low median age


The following are characteristics of lower standard of living and quality of life:

low infant mortalityhigh death ratelow median age

What is a standard of living?

Standard of living is the grade of income, satistafaction and services available, generally attributed to a society or location, rather than to an individual. Standard of living is relevant because it is considered to apply to an individual's quality of life.

Therefore, the correct answer is as given above

learn more about Standard of living: https://brainly.com/question/930000


Why did nationalist desires for independence destabilize Austria-Hungary in the period leading up to World War I?
because the military lacked strong leadership
because the country lacked an efficient bureaucracy
because groups wanted to create multiple independent states
because people wanted to end Church rule and influence


The correct answer is C

Explain how ancient glacial deposits in Africa, India, Australia, and South America support the idea of continental drift .


The simple hypothesis and the findings also of the most important type of understanding is therefore by means the only thing which has been better to the core. There are examples of glacial tills and also stratification, which tend to prove that these land masses or the continents were once connected and later all of these just fell off leading to continental drift.

What is the Continental Drift?

Continental Drift is a very relative term that has helped to understand from time immemorial the presence of all the Continents together on one land mass.

Continental Drift in very simple terms is the breaking up of whole continents over a geological period and also tends to understand the various ways of the movement of the tectonic plates which has caused these land masses to break away and also move away from the land surfaces. All these lead to the result of the formation of land masses.

The Continental Drift also has been caused by the repeated upwards and downward movement of the same tectonic plates. Continental Drift can also happen due to an Earthquake from under the surface, which also results in the Continental Drift.

Learn more about the Continental Drift here:



assuming the impact hypothesis is correct, in what ways) was the impact important to our existence on earth today?


Assuming the impact hypothesis is correct, It seems unlike that we would have evolved by now without the extinctions caused by the impact.

What is impact hypothesis?In the mid-1970s, researchers put forward the giant impact hypothesis. A new collision hypothesis would have required the Earth to collide with another planet-sized object at the end of its extinctions . This created a large amount of debris in Earth orbit that coalesced to form the Moon.Scientists have proposed many ideas about the formation of the Moon. The leading contender, the giant impact hypothesis, speculates that when Earth was a young planet  just beginning to form, it was hit by another nearby emerging planet called Theia. The Giant Impact Hypothesis is one of the theories about the formation of the Moon. In this theory, a Mars-sized object collided with the Earth at an angle about 4.5 billion years ago, ejecting a large amount of material and forming a disk around the Earth. Out of this disk emerged a giant moon.

To learn more about impact hypothesis from the given link :



North and South Korea each possess qualities that could help the other nation. This is an example of the geographic concept of _______


Answer: regional complementarity


How did the economies of Cuba and Puerto Rico develop after independence from Spain?


The economies of Cuba and Puerto Rico developed after independence from Spain advancing industrial development and modern infrastructure.

With the end of the Spanish-American War, Americans liberalised Cuba and transformed it into a magnet for US and foreign capital. Puerto Rico became increasingly reliant as it was passed from coloniser to coloniser as a spoil of war.

Due to its dual importance as a maritime enclave and a Spanish colony, the Cuban economy was in a better position after independence to compete in the world market. Alternatively, the Puerto Rican economy faces enormous difficulties, such as severe unemployment and a lack of industry, as a result of the subservient role's ingrained dependency.

Know more about Cuban economy here



Which of the following are characteristics of higher standard of living and quality of life? (choose all that apply)

low life expectancy

low infant mortality

high literacy rates

high median age



low infant mortality

high literacy rates

high median age


uhhh meow

what development occurred in the 3rd millennium bce to improve cuneiform


Initially created circa 3200 B.C. Cuneiform writing was produced by Sumerian scribes in the ancient city-state of Uruk, in modern-day Iraq, as a method of recording transactions by making wedge-shaped indentations in clay tablets using a reed stylus.

The Sumerians, who lived in large towns with centralized economies in what is now southern Iraq, are said to have invented writing in approximately 3000 B.C.E. The first tablets with written inscriptions are the product of administrators, may be of significant temple organizations, who recorded the transit and storage of items as well as the distribution of rations.

It became hard for temple officials to rely on memory when they needed to keep track of the grain, sheep, and cattle entering or leaving their stocks and fields.

Learn more about Egyptian civilization here: https://brainly.com/question/1279939


What are the three main jobs of congress ?


Answer: Raising revenue, declaring war, and making all laws necessary for executing these powers.


As people began to settle into organized societies and created nations with boundaries, which of the following did they try to protect?


Their sense of national pride.
Their national languages.
Their natural resources.
Their common religious beliefs.


As people began to settle into organized societies and created nations with boundaries, they try to protect their natural resources.

Why did the people protect their natural resources?

The people protect their natural resources because they know that the natural resources wil be used in the development of the nations, and the nations of the woprld usually use their natural resources in the devlopment of the country.

It should be noted that the resources is been seen as the identity of the nation that she can exp[ort to another nations and the revenue that is been generated from there ca be used in the develoment of the nation.

Therefore, the third option  is correct.

Learn more about nations at:



According to the section "The first Silk Roads era (50 BCE to 250 CE)," why were Silk Roads important to global development?


This path became the starting point for the meeting of advanced civilizations that lived at that time. The existence of the Silk Road had glory in its time as a trade route, it also played a role in cultural, religious and scientific

Question 2
Use the chart to answer the following question:
In which of the following countries is industry a cause of water pollution?



India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan


That's what the graph suggests (:

what feature is not associated with karst regions? losing streams sinking creeks caverns subterranean drainage systems rock towers meandering floodplains


The feature that is not associated with karst regions is meandering floodplains. Thus last option is correct.

What is the significance of the Karst region?

As soluble rocks like limestone, dolomite, and gypsum dissolve, a terrain known as karst is created. In addition to sinkholes and caverns, it has subsurface drainage networks.

The features associated with the karst region include losing streams, sinking creeks, caverns, subterranean drainage systems, and rock towers. When the bottom rock is soluble, karst landscapes with particular hydrology and morphologies develop.

Therefore, the last option is appropriate.

Learn more about the Karst region, here:



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