G-CO.A.3: Given a rectangle, perallegram, trapezoid, or regular polygon, describe the rotations and reflections that carry it into itself


Answer 1

At 180° and 360°, a rectangle has a rotational symmetry order of 2. This indicates that a rectangle can map onto itself twice during a 360° revolution, or at 180° and 360°. A parallelogram lacks line symmetry and has rotational symmetry of order 2. A regular pentagon has rotational symmetry with an order of 5.

Transformations include things like reflections, rotations, and translations. The initial shape is referred to as the preimage in a transformation, while the modified shape is referred to as the image. A reflection is when a point or figure is turned over a reflection line (the mirror line). The turning of a figure or object around a fixed point is referred to as a rotation.

To know more about Rotation and reflection visit :



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In Chile, the Escondida mine is the world’s largest copper mine based on capacity, at some 1.5 million metric tons.

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Meditation helps with anxiety.


Anxiety is a big problem today between students and even teachers today. It affects over 60 million total people each year. You are bound to feel anxiety at least once in your life. But people have always come to help you if you ever feel any stress, whether it be an adult or close relative. Right? But what if you don't have anyone to help you? What if I told you that you could use yoga. Yoga may seem like a weird strategy to use, yet there is scientific proof that yoga helps with healing anxiety and stress.

Yoga enables people to become aware of the connection between their thoughts and bodies in a way that can help them feel less nervous. For instance, shallow breathing may contribute to an increased stress reaction, and persistent patterns of behavior may exacerbate anxiety in general (for instance, relying on alcohol to calm down). Yoga is a method of relaxation that can take the place of harmful coping methods while also increasing mind-body awareness.

A team of three laborers in magnolia makes rugs by hand


Given: Three laborers produce 12 carpets per year using materials that cost $50 each. They work for 14 hours per day, six days per week.

Rugs retail for 2,000 apiece in the US, and each worker receives a day compensation of 1.10; the annual fixed cost is 10,000.

1.10 per day * # days per year * 3 laborers

50 weeks;/y * 6 days/week = 50 * 6 = 300 days a year

1.10 per day * 300 days a year * 3 laborers = 990 total labor cost

total material cost:

50 per rug * 12 rugs = 600

total revenue:

2,000 x 12 rugs = 24,000

total profit:

total revenue:          24,000


material cost                 600

labor cost                      990

fixed cost                 10,000

profit                        12,410

A laborer (or laborer) is a member of the construction sector workforce who does manual labor. Workers belong to a working class of wage earners whose only substantial material possession is their labor. Construction of infrastructure, such as roads, buildings, bridges, tunnels, and railroad track, employs laborers. Workers aid other trades such operators or cement masons while using blasting tools, hand tools, power tools, air tools, and small heavy equipment. According to the first-century BC engineer Vitruvius, a skilled labor force is just as important to a building project as any other component. Little has changed in laborer practices aside from the introduction of pneumatics.

To know more about laborers, visit:

in what central american region do most people live





Mexico is the most lived Central American country.

Which of the following statements concerning time zones and the international
date line is FALSE (only one)?

Which answer:
a. the dateline was chosen to be mostly through the ocean to impact the
fewest people
b. time zones are all exactly equally spaced every 15 degrees across the Earth
c. time zones solved the problem of every town having its own local time
d. China has a single time zone
e. when crossing the international dateline your date changes by one day


The dateline was chosen to be mostly through the ocean to impact the fewest people concerning time zones and the international dateline is FALSE. Thus, option D is correct.

What is an international date line?

The International Date Line, which runs through of South as well as North Poles and marks the transition from one chronological date into the next, is a globally recognized border on Earth's surface.

All the statement regarding the international time zone and the timeline is true but the statement that the line was chosen mostly that they should be passed towards the ocean is not a true statement as these are imaginary line and it would not affect the people who are living at that particular location.

Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about international date line, here:



576 161 PART B Explain the challenges that are likely to be faced when trying to conserve natural resources​


A fundamental problem for global agriculture is to manage lands without contradicting agricultural methods and natural resource management.

The Green Revolution paradigm is quite costly in terms of natural resources and biodiversity losses. Therefore, it does not apply to developing nations where family farming is the norm.

Additionally, rural areas are being targeted by other productive industries, such as the extractive industries, and are becoming more and more residential. Thus, the struggle for access to water and plant resources poses a serious threat to family farming and, more broadly, to the future of global agriculture.

The third and final section of the book is concluded by this chapter, which explores the difficulties family farming models face in using and managing natural resources, both within the context of their production system and in comparison to other agricultural and non-agricultural forms of resource use.

To know more about Conserve Natural resources visit:



What is called season change?


A season is a time of year that can be identified by unique climatic features.

Spring, summer, fall, and winter all occur in regular succession.Each has recurring yearly cycles of light, temperature, and weather.

The tilt of the earth's axis causes the four seasons to occur.The sun's rays strike various regions of the planet more directly at various periods of the year.The northern hemisphere faces the sun more directly during the summer, whereas the southern hemisphere faces the sun less directly during the winter.

There wouldn't be seasons without the tilt of the planet.The areas south and north of the equator would be stuck in a gradual gradient of cold and hot, whereas the areas along the equator would always be warm and sunny.

Learn more about season change:


how did slavery affect music in the caribbean


Music is a way to express feelings, slavery in the Caribbean affected music greatly because the slaves used music to express their sorrows.

What is slavery?

Slavery is the act of keeping a person as a worker without any pay, the slave is captivated and ask to do works such as farming and other labor works. Slaves act according do the instructions of their master, the master or the owner of the slave provides them food, clothing and shelter.

Slavery in the Caribbean affected the music greatly mainly because the slaves during the early times used to express their sorrows and desires through music. The music were transferred from generation to generation as the generations were slaves and they all express their sorrows through music. Music is a great way to relive the stress and that is why this was common among the slaves.

Learn more about Slavery at https://brainly.com/question/27131332


which sedimentary rock was formed during the oldest period of the mesozoic


limestone I think was
Marl. (a former of clay, chalk, etc.)

Which sentence describes a cause of the decline of the Roman Republic?


The sentence describes a cause of the decline of the Roman Republic: There was a shortage of labor after a slave rebellion.

The Roman Republic started to deteriorate when?

A prolonged period of political turbulence and social discontent that lasted from from 134 BC to 44 BC and culminated in the fall of the Roman Republic and the establishment of the Roman Empire is known as the Roman Republic Crisis.

Why was the Roman Empire destroyed?

Rome's demise is frequently attributed to the year 476 CE.

On this day, the youthful emperor Romulus Augustulus was overthrown by the daring Germanic barbarian Odoacer, fearsome head of the mighty Torcilingi tribe, ending the western Roman Empire and the rule of ancient Rome.

To know more about decline of Roman Republic visit:



Which statement best summarizes the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire following World War I? A. The empire was integrated into the new German republic formed after the war. B. The victorious Allied powers used a mandate system to divide up the empire's territory. C. Different ethnic groups within the empire were allowed to form their own countries. D. Serbia took control of the empire's lands as compensation for its losses during the war.​


The statement best summarizes the fall of the Austro-Hungarian Empire following World War I

C. Different ethnic groups within the empire were allowed to form their own countries.

What led to dissolution of Austro-Hungarian Empire

The Austro-Hungarian Empire was dissolved at the end of World War I after being defeated. The empire was split up into different countries, some part of its territory was taken over by the victorious belligerents.

The dissolution of Austria-Hungary was a major geopolitical event that occurred as a result of the growth of internal social contradictions and the separation of different parts of Austria-Hungary.

The more immediate reasons for the collapse of the state were World War I, the 1918 crop failure, and the economic crisis .

Learn more about Austria-Hungary at



which of the following ecnomic activities is at heart of japans economy


The most notable and well-known aspect of Japan's economic expansion has been manufacturing.

Today, Japan is a global leader in the production of machinery, chemicals, vehicles, ships, optical and precision equipment, electrical appliances, and electronics. But in recent years, China, the Republic of Korea, and other manufacturing economies have gained some of the economic advantage that Japan once enjoyed. Japanese businesses have partially resisted this trend by moving manufacturing operations to low-cost nations. Japan's services sector, which includes financial services, now dominates the economy and accounts for about 75% of GDP. One of the major financial hubs in the globe is the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

To know more about Japan's Economy :


_ and _ combined form Hinduism


Hinduism is a combination of Vedism and native cultures.

What is meant by Vedism?

Vedism which is also called Vedic Religion is the religion of the ancient Indo-European-speaking people. They entered India about 1500 BCE from the region now known as Iran. Vedism comes from the collections of the sacred text known as Vedas. From the Vedas, the major tradition of Hinduism was shaped.

The knowledge of Vedic religion is derived from the surviving text and from certain rites that continue to be observed within modern Hinduism. The Vedic materials are known as the Vedas.

There are a total of four Vedas, the Rig Veda, the Yajur Veda, the Atharva Veda and the Sama Veda. The Rig Veda is composed of 1000 hymns, the Yajur Veda contains formulas applicable to various rites, the Atharva Veda is composed of magic spells and the Sama Veda consists of verses.

The oldest Veda is the Rig Veda.

Learn more about Hinduism here:



Why is rescue work so difficult immediately after a volcanic eruption?



They have to get around the pyroclastic flow. It traps the easiest way to get up the volcanic mountain side to rescue people or animals


For civil defense advice, listen to your local radio stations and follow the instructions. Remain inside and away from volcanic ashfall regions however much as could reasonably be expected.

Keep your roof and gutters clear of ash when it is safe to go outside, as heavy ash deposits can collapse your roof.

How would you prepare to endure a volcanic eruption in your neighborhood?

Lock and close all exterior doors and windows. Turn off all fans and heating and cooling systems. Put the damper on the fireplace. Make sure everyone in the house knows where your emergency supplies are and organize them.

What should we do prior to, during, and following the ashfall?

If you're outside, find a place to hide, like a car or a building. Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth, mask, or handkerchief. Go home from work if a warning is given before ashfall begins. Stay indoors until the ash has settled if you are at work when the ashfall begins.

Learn more about ashfall begins here:



(-8, 1) 90 degrees around the Origen


A rotation in geometry involves turning a figure around a point by a predetermined number of degrees.

We can use a set of rules to make certain degrees of rotation around the graph's origin. Rotations can be made relatively simple by these rules.

We use the shape's defining points, change the sign of the second coordinate, and then swap the coordinates to rotate a two-dimensional shape 90° counterclockwise around its origin. That is, we change the point from (x, y) to (-y, x) and rotate any two-dimensional object around its origin 90 degrees counterclockwise.

What are the three rotational axes?

Each of these three axes—lunar, lateral, and vertical—is perpendicular to the others and intersects at the center of gravity of the aircraft.

Learn more about Rotations here:



Full Question - How do you rotate a figure 90 degrees counterclockwise about the origin?

ask questions to compare and contrast the Earth's crust, mantle, inner and outer
core, including temperature, density, thickness, and composition
Directions: With a partner, generate THREE questions to ask the other group of two
students in your original group of four. The questions you develop must be linked to or
focus on components from the standard (2f) provided above.

Ask 3 questions.


How is the mantle different from the core?

What causes of earthquakes, volcanoes, and mountains on Earth?

How deep is the Earth's crust?

Explanation: Hope this helps!

Which of the following indicators would most likely use the statement above as a justification for its measurements?
Walt Rostow's Modernization Model
the Genuine Progress Indicator
the Gross Happiness Index
the Human Development Index


The Gross Happiness Index indicator is most likely used statement above as a justification for its measurements.

Gross National Happiness (GNH), sometimes known as Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH), is a theory that influences Bhutan's administration. It comprises an indicator that is used to assess a population's overall happiness and well-being. The four pillars of Gross National Happiness , according to the Bhutanese government, are: sustainable and equitable socioeconomic development; environmental protection; cultural preservation and promotion; and good governance.

Psychological well-being, health, time usage, education, cultural variety and resilience, good governance, community vitality, ecological diversity and resilience, and living standards are the nine areas of Gross National Happiness . Subjective and objective indicators are used in each domain. The domains are weighted equally, but the indicators within each domain are weighted differently.

Learn more about Happiness here:



Which statements are always true regarding the diagram? Select three options. m∠5 + m∠3 = m∠4 m∠3 + m∠4 + m∠5 = 180° m∠5 + m∠6 =180° m∠2 + m∠3 = m∠6 m∠2 + m∠3 + m∠5 = 180°



1: This is a math question.

2: You have to provide the diagram for people to be able to answer your question.


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