Is Starbucks a MNC or TNC?


Answer 1

Starbucks is a multinational corporation MNC as the organization is working around the globe and not only to a single nation.

Bussiness without Borders is a multinational corporation i.e. a business that operates in two or more countries. MNCs are as big as 100 largest economies in the world, 51 corporations in 49 countries, top 200 multinational corporation combined sales are bigger than the combined economies of 182 countries

Multinational corporations choose to do business in order to increase profits, offer their products to new markets, and cut production costs.Due to jobs, tax money, and modernity, nations compete to entice MNCs: Infrastructure, investment, and technology

To learn more about MNC refer here:


Related Questions

marketing efforts meant to improve society by influencing stakeholders to change their behavior are known as


Marketing efforts meant to improve society by influencing stakeholders to change their behavior are known as corporate activism.

What is the significance of corporate activism?

Organizations risk losing business by failing to communicate their points of view in today's more divisive environment if they don't take a position on important societal issues. Improvements in staff morale and the potential to recruit new personnel were the next two most often mentioned benefits of corporate activism, according to survey respondents.

Corporate activism, which differs from corporate social responsibility, is when companies push for the government to modify laws or regulations about social or moral issues. It has never been more crucial to do corporate activism properly. Senior leaders speaking out on social concerns that are not immediately tied to the financial performance of their organization.

To learn more about corporate social responsibility, visit:


in terms of revenues, the largest segment of ecommerce is ecommerce. question 5 options: a) g2c b) b2c c) b2b d) c2c


The right response is business-to-business (B2B) option (c).for the given question .

Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) transactions occur when a individual uses eBay to buy it from this customer.

A regulatory body is involved in government-to-business (G2B) e-commerce when it employs e-procurement to get the supplies it needs from vendors.

Virtual corporations are firms that exist exclusively online and don't have any local shops.

Brick-and-click businesses, like Barnes & Noble, run actual storefronts in addition to their worldwide businesses.

Because the overhead of preserving service centers are eliminated, one benefit of the press and hold e-commerce method is that rock-bottom fee structure can be provided.

To know more about Consumer-to-consumer (C2C) click here


sean would like to work as an accountant full time. a full-time position is not available, however, so he must accept a part-time job working 15 hours per week. the bureau of labor statistics would categorize sean as


The bureau of labor statistics would categorize Sean as employed.

Employment is a partnership between two people that governs the delivery of compensated labor services. One party, the employer, who may be a company, a not-for-profit organization, a co-operative, or any other entity, pays the other, the employee, in accordance with the terms of a contract in exchange for doing the job that has been allocated to them.

Employees perform work in exchange for pay, which may be made in the form of an hourly wage, piecework compensation, or an annual salary, depending on the nature of the work performed, the industry conditions in effect, and the bargaining power of the parties.

In some industries, employees could get stock options, bonuses, or gratuities. In various types of employment, employees may receive benefits in addition to remuneration. A person who works part time is also considered as employed.

To know more about employment:


Companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investment to make.a. Trueb. False


It is true that companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investments to make.

This is because different methods can provide different perspectives on potential investments, allowing businesses to make more informed decisions.

Capital budgeting is a crucial part of any business’s decision-making process. It involves the analysis and evaluation of potential investments and projects to determine their profitability and viability. Capital budgeting helps businesses determine which investments are likely to have the highest return and which ones should be avoided.

Different capital budgeting methods can provide different perspectives on potential investments. For example, the traditional Net Present Value (NPV) method evaluates a project based on its expected cash flows, while the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method considers a project’s expected rate of return. Both of these methods can be used to evaluate potential investments, but they may yield different results.

Overall, it is true that companies often use more than one capital budgeting method to determine which capital investments to make. By using multiple methods, businesses can gain a more comprehensive understanding of potential investments and make more well-informed decisions.

Learn more about capital budgeting methods:


according to the world health organization, nearly six million people around the world die each year from tobacco-related causes. aside from toxic poisons, tobacco is probably the single most lethal substance we can consume. yet it remains legal, with only age restrictions on its purchase and usage. this is because


Smoking causes 20% of all cancer cases and 30% of all cancer deaths in the US.

Smoking causes about 80% of lung cancer cases and 80% of lung cancer deaths. Lung cancer is the most typical type of cancer that causes death in the US.. As a result of smoking, you have a higher risk of developing the following cancers: Lips Larynx. Pharynx (throat). Esophagus Kidney Cervix. Liver Bladder Pancreas Stomach Colon/rectum. Acute myeloid leukemia risk is also raised. Cigarettes, cigars, and pipes can all cause cancer. There is no safe way to smoke a cigarette. How smoking tobacco damages your lungs. Tiny air sacs and airways in your lungs are damaged by smoking. This injury starts the moment a person.

Learn more about Smoking from


suppose an investor earned a semiannual yield of 6.4 percent on a bond paying coupons twice a year. what is the effective annual yield (eay) on this investment? (round to two decimal places.)


The effective annual yield on this investment is 6.50%

What is the effective annual yield?

The effective annual yield is the actual rate of return that is earned on an investment after accounting for the number of compounding on the investment. The number of compounding is the number of times that the investment earns interest.

Effective annual yield = (1 + APR / m ) ^m - 1

Where, m = number of compounding

EAY Effective annual rate = (1 + APR / m ) ^m - 1

M = number of compounding

To learn more about the effective annual rate, please check:

EAY = (1 + 0.064/2)^2 - 1 = 0.06502 = 6.50%

To learn more about the effective annual rate, please check:


What are 2 ways to get money into a checking account?


You can use direct deposit, an electronic transfer, or an ATM to put money into your checking account. You can withdraw money from your accounts via banks and ATMs, checks, or electronic debit or credit cards linked to your accounts.

Your neighbourhood bank branch or an ATM that accepts deposits are two possibilities if you need to deposit money into your bank account. While most online banks do not allow direct deposit, there are frequently workarounds available, such as utilising a money order or an in-network ATM. Several approaches are effective, including: ACH transaction: The simplest method is to make a cash deposit into an account at a physical bank or credit union, then transfer the money to your online bank account. ATM deposits are also an option. A few online banks allow ATM deposits.

Learn more about account from


true or false. Jeff, Kirk, and Rina are partners in a law firm. The partnership is dissolved if Rina withdraws from the partnership and Jeff and Kirk continue to operate the business.


If Rina leaves the business and Jeff and Kirk remain in charge of the company, the partnership is dissolved. The assertion made is untrue.

What makes business so crucial?

Our lives rely greatly on business. . Then, they enlist homes as workers and compensate them with earnings, salaries, and perks. As a result, it will become a source of revenue for them, which they may utilize to maintain their way of life.

Why do we launch a company?

Comparing working for a pay or salary to starting one's own business, there are various financial advantages. First of all, you're creating a business with room for expansion, and as your organization expands, so does your bank account. 

To know more about business visit:


What are the 4 types of investments?


There are 4 essential funding types or asset instructions that traders can pick from: shares, property, cash, and stuck hobby.

Essential Types of Investments are -

Growth investments - These are more  suitable for long term investors that are willing and ready to endure market high points and low points.Shares - Shares are viewed as a development venture as they can assist with developing the worth of your unique speculation over the medium to long haul.Property - Property is likewise viewed as a development speculation on the grounds that the cost of houses and different properties can rise considerably over a medium to long haul period.Defensive investments - These are more centered around reliably creating pay, instead of development, and are viewed as lower risk than development speculations.Cash - Cash ventures incorporate regular ledgers, exorbitant premium bank accounts and term stores.Fixed interest - The most popular sort of fixed interest investments are securities, which are basically when legislatures or organizations get cash from financial backers and pay them a pace of revenue consequently.

Know  more on types of investments -


yvonne's employer offers a health plan that has a group of doctors and hospitals that agree to provide specified medical services to members at prearranged fees. this health plan offers some flexibility since members can either visit a physician from a list or go to their own doctors. what kind of plan does her employer offer?


The plan offered by Yvonne's employer regarding health plans is Preferred Provider Organization (PPO)

Health insurance is insurance that provides guarantees to the insured to reimburse for any medical expenses that include hospital costs and drug costs. Several companies often offer this type of health insurance to their employees because it is the responsibility of the company. One of the most common types of health insurance is the Preferred Provider Organization (PPO).

Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) contains the managed care aspects of a healthcare organization, In PPOs there is the added flexibility of being able to go outside the professional network and healthcare facilities to a healthcare provider of choice to take responsibility. PPOs organize medical care where medical professionals and facilities provide services to subscribing clients at reduced rates.

Learn more about health insurance at:


which of the following is true? group of answer choices modern forecasting methods make it relatively easy to time fiscal policy changes in a manner that will help stabilize the economy. legislative action is necessary if automatic stabilizers are going to smooth the ups and downs of the business cycle. proper timing of changes in discretionary fiscal policy is both crucially important and difficult to achieve. both the crowding-out and new classical theories indicate that expansionary fiscal policy will exert a powerful impact on aggregate demand.


The correct answer is (B). As It's critical and challenging to implement changes to discretionary fiscal policy at the proper time.

Government budget changes are made through fiscal policy to affect overall demand. i.e., altering spending and taxes.

Adjustments to the government's tax rates and/or spending levels are referred to as discretionary fiscal policy. To encourage spending, for instance, the VAT was reduced in 2009.

An expansionary fiscal plan reduces taxes while increasing spending on the government.

Discretionary fiscal policy differs from automatic fiscal stabilisers.

The government may decide to raise public work spending programs as well, though, if they consider that these automatic stabilisers are not enough.

To learn more about Discretionary fiscal policy, click here:


a company turns its inventory six times a year. what is its days-of-supply in months? (i.e., what is the number of months) inventory is going to last? group of answer choices 2 months 0.5 months 6 months 72 months


A corporation that turns its inventory six times a year will have a 2-month days-of-supply and a 34.8-time annual inventory turn.

The products and materials that a company keeps on hand with the intention of reselling, producing, or using them are referred to as inventory or stock. The main focus of the discipline of inventory management is determining the location and shape of stocked products.

a) Inventory turns = 6 times

Months per year = 12 months

Months of supply = Months per year / inventory turns

Months of supply = 12 months / 6 times

Therefore, Months of supply = 2 months

b) Number of days per year = 365 Days

Days of supply = 10.5 Days

Annual inventory turn = Number of days per year / days of supply

Annual inventory turn = 365/10.5

Therefore, Annual inventory turn = 34.8 times

To know more about Inventory, refer to this link:


Jamal’s company has decided to open a nonoperating subsidiary in a tax haven. what would be the main reason for establishing this subsidiary?


The  main reason for establishing this subsidiary is that it has low, or perhaps, no income tax. Therefore, first option is the correct answer.

In an economically and politically secure climate, a tax haven is a nation that gives foreign firms and individuals little to no tax liability for their bank accounts. They contain tax benefits for businesses and the extremely rich, as well as a clear potential for abuse in nefarious tax evasion schemes. Tax havens can be used legally by businesses and rich people to store money generated abroad while avoiding paying higher taxes in the US and other countries.

Tax havens may also be utilised unlawfully to conceal money from domestic tax authorities. By not cooperating with foreign tax authorities, the tax haven may make this work. Recent years have seen an increase in the political pressure on tax havens to assist with investigations into international tax evasion.

Learn more about Tax Haven here:


Complete Question:

Jamal’s company has decided to open a nonoperating subsidiary in a tax haven. what would be the main reason for establishing this subsidiary?

It has low, or perhaps no, income tax.The tax haven pays higher dividends.There is no waiting period to access funds.The tax haven handles all tax preparation.

Aaron bought a motor home for $50 000. If he later sold it for $10 000, find the loss as a perentage of the cost price.


At a loss of 80%, Aaron sold his motor, as of the given condition.

Given that,

Aaron bought a motor home for $50,000. He later sold it for $10,000, to find the loss as a percent of the cost price.

What is the cost price?

Cost price is the amount a buyer pays a seller for a good or service.


cost price = $50,000

Selling price = $10,000

Loss % = cost price - selling price/ cost price × 100

Loss % = 50,000 - 10,000 / 50,000 × 100

Loss% = 40,000 / 50,000 × 100

Loss% = 80%

Thus, the required loss percentage is given as 80%.

To know more about loss percentage visit:-


what is a characteristic of delayering? multiple choice it increases an organization's flexibility. it increases the opportunities for promoting employees. it sets pay according to the employees' level of knowledge. it encourages a climate of learning. it decreases the flexibility of managers in making assignments.


Characteristic of delayering is that A. It increases an organizations' flexibility.

Delayering, a technique for increasing organizational effectiveness, involves reducing levels of administration. This can be accomplished by removing pointless management tiers, grouping similar tasks, or flattening the organizational structure.

Delayering can help with cost-savings, decision-making, and communication improvements. Additionally, it can aid in enhancing the organization's flexibility and responsiveness to environmental changes.

The current status of the economy is the most pressing reason. Companies must be careful who they hire because unemployment rates are now around 8%.

Delaying new hires will also offer you more time to thoroughly evaluate applicants. Before deciding whether to hire a candidate, it's critical to get to know them well.

To know more about delayering:


the evidence suggests that recent technological change group of answer choices permanently increased the natural rate of unemployment. is different from past technological change, in that it has no impact on productivity. has increased productivity in the service sector only. has increased productivity in the manufacturing sector only. has increased the wage gap between skilled and unskilled workers.


Growth in output is a function of productivity. is widening salary disparity between unskilled and skilled workers.

Examples of increased productivity?

An assembly line and equipment, for instance, are used by employees to create finished cars. Both labor and capital are represented by the workforce. Each employee needs to be able to provide more output if productivity is to rise. Labor productivity growth is the term used to describe this.

Why does productivity increase?

When the same quantity of product is produced with fewer inputs or with the same number of inputs, productivity increases.

to know more about productivity visit:


What is a "pump and dump" scam?

A scheme which pools investors’ money together but only a small percentage of the pool is actually invested
A scheme that attempts to boost the price of a stock through recommendations based on false or misleading statements
A scheme where an investor collects your money for investment but never actually makes a purchase and instead keeps the money for themselves
A scheme that attempts to beat the overall market's return by investing in high-cost index funds


"Pump and dump" schemes have two parts. In the first, promoters try to boost the price of a stock with false or misleading statements about the company. Once the stock price has been pumped up, fraudsters move on to the second part, where they seek to profit by selling their own holdings of the stock, dumping shares into the market.

These schemes often occur on the Internet where it is common to see messages urging readers to buy a stock quickly. Often, the promoters will claim to have "inside" information about a development that will be positive for the stock. After these fraudsters dump their shares and stop hyping the stock, the price typically falls, and investors lose their money.




What is saving account and current account?


While a current account is designed for daily transactions, a savings account is a deposit account that only permits a few transactions.

This is the most basic account you may open at any bank. A savings account, by definition, allows you to deposit your money safely with the bank, removing the need for you to carry it with you or hide it in that rusty old steel safe at home. Don't worry; you can withdraw these funds whenever you require them. Businessmen that transact with the bank more frequently open current bank accounts. Included are countertransactions, withdrawals, and deposits. Yet another name for it is a demand deposit account. Opening a current account is permitted by cooperative banks and commercial banks alike.

Learn more about account from


the term​ ________ is best described as​ a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals​.


The term​ annuity is best described as​ a stream of equal installments made at equal time intervals​.

What is annuity?

Annuity is a series of equal payments at equal intervals. Flat payments and even time intervals such as months, quarters, and years are two characteristics that make a series of payments annuities. Therefore, a series of payments can be an annuity, but not all series of payments are an annuity.

Moreover, the term 'annuity' refers to an insurance policy issued and distributed by a financial institution for the purpose of returning the money invested in the future in the form of a fixed income. An investor invests in or purchases an annuity with a monthly premium or lump sum payment. The holding institution issues future cash flows for a specified period or for the remaining life of the pensioner. Annuities are primarily used for retirement planning purposes and help individuals manage the risk of exceeding their savings.

Learn more about annuity


a firm has a stock price of $55 per share and a p/e ratio of 75. if you buy the stock at this p/e and earnings fail to grow at all, how long should you expect it to take to just recover the cost of your investment?


It will take 75 years just to recover the cost of your investment.

The time it takes to recoup the cost of an investment is referred to as the payback period. It is simply the amount of time it takes an investment to break even.

The payback period is crucial since people and businesses invest money primarily to be reimbursed. In general, an investment is more appealing the faster its payoff is.

Everyone may benefit from knowing the payback period, which can be calculated by dividing the initial investment by the typical cash flows.

Earning per share = stock price / profit to earning ratio

= 55/75

= $.73333 per year

Now, we will calculate payback period

Payback period = stock price / earning per share

= $55/$.73333 per year

= 75 years

To know more about payback period:


What is a savings bond ?


Saving Bond is a sort of debt security offered by the American government.

A savings bond is a zero-coupon bond, which means that it pays interest only when it is redeemed by the owner, in contrast to normal bonds that pay interest on a regular basis.

The bond is also nontransferrable, thus it can't be sold to someone else, which distinguishes it from more ordinary bonds.

The bond is issued by a government entity to generate money from the general public to finance its capital projects and other operations required to manage the economy.

When the government sells bonds, it is essentially borrowing money from the general public that it promises to repay at a future date. The government pays interest to its bondholders as payment for supplying it with funds.

To know more about saving bond here


what was the most significant factor that contributed to the conflict between labor and managements over wages and wokring conditions


The primary cause of labor relations disputes is the inability of the employer and employee to come to an amicable compromise that takes into account their respective rights, interests, and feelings.

When a business declines to acknowledge a union as its employees' representation, controversy may initially ensue; in the US, these issues are typically resolved by an employee election overseen by a government agency.

Contractual disagreements and complaints are more typical. When a union contract covering a group of employees is due to expire and the parties cannot agree on the provisions of a new one, a contract dispute arises. Sometimes these disputes are about other concerns, such as seniority, hours, sick leave, overtime, etc., but typically they are about wages, health insurance, and other economic issues.

To know more about labor click here,


when formulating transportation lp problems, the objective function usually deals with the group of answer choices number of items to be transported. shipping cost or distances associated with transporting goods. number of origins and destinations. choice of transportation mode (e.g., truck, airplane, railroad, etc.).


Shipping cost or distances associated transporting goods. number of origins and Remember that the regular transportation There are as many variables in the situation as there origins and final locations There are two antecedents. and three locations in this issue, providing. The correct answer is Railroad.

6 choice variables in total, or 2 x 3 variables. because of LP formulation, transportation problem.It lowers the price of transportation. Definition decision-making variables first. The primary purpose and then write down the limits. lnstead of determining optimality, depict flows on arcs to provide any feasible option.a particular linear programming problem Moving objects is a difficulty with transportation. between a number of sources and a number of destinations while accounting for their comparative supply and maximising demand to reduce total cost transportation.If there is a simple transportation issue (with no limitations on arc capacity) has four roots. the lp formulation of the five destinations, and the .There are nine limitations on the problem.

To know more about Transportation visit:


a group of investors got together and purchased all of the outstanding shares of common stock of country road industries inc. what is the return that these individuals require on this investment called?


The return that these individuals require on this investment called cost of equity.

funding is the determination of cash to purchase of an asset to acquire an boom in fee over a time period. funding requires a sacrifice of some gift asset, along with time, money, or effort. In finance, the reason of making an investment is to generate a return from the invested asset. The go back may also include a benefit (profit) or a loss found out from the sale of a property or an investment, unrealized capital appreciation (or depreciation), or investment income along with dividends, interest, or apartment earnings, or a combination of capital benefit and earnings. The return may additionally encompass currency profits or losses because of changes within the foreign exchange prices.

Learn more about investment here


What is the main difference between command and market economies?


The main differences between command and market economies are as below,

Control of factors of productionControl of demand and supply of goods and servicesAuthorities of control

A command economy can be referred to or considered as an economy wherein the central government completely owns and control the economic operations.

A market economy, on the other hand, is an economy, wherein the scope of economic operations is based on the forces of prevailing demand and supply within the economy.

Learn more about command economy here:


allowance for doubtful accounts has a debit balance of $304 at the end of the year (before adjustment), and bad debt expense is estimated at 2% of credit sales. if credit sales are $959,100, the amount of the adjusting entry for uncollectible accounts is


Allowance for Doubtful Accounts is a contra asset (Accounts Receivable) account.  It is a way for prudently providing for credit losses.  The Bad Debt Expense account is the account where the expense for uncollectible for the period is charged. Uncollectible accounts is $18,878

Given the above information, the amount of the adjusting entry to record the estimated uncollectible account receivable is below

= Bad debt expense × Net credit sales

= 2% × $959,100

= $19,182


=Balance - Allowance for doubtful account (debit balance)

= $19,182 - $304

= $18,878

hence, the amount of the adjusting entry to record the estimated uncollectible account receivable is $18,878

Know more on calculation of Allowance for Doubtful Accounts -


Question 13 of 20
What would be the most likely consequence of making an
illegal turn while driving?
A. Collateral consequences
OB. Probation
C. Incarceration
D. A fine


Fine would be the most likely consequence of making an illegal turn while driving. The correct answer is option (D).

What is illegal turn while driving?

When a driver makes an unsafe turn, it is regarded to be unlawful. These manoeuvres may involve doing a U-turn at an intersection with a "No U-turn" sign when the light is red or turning on red when there is a "No Turn On Red" sign.a railroad crossing, or nearby.

By going through a separating part, curb, strip of land, or two sets of the double yellow lines on a divided highway. if a curve, slope, rain, fog, or other obstruction prevents you from seeing 200 feet for each direction clearly They are prohibited because of how deadly they are, claims Arias. On how to merge back onto the freeway, only emergency cars are taught.

To know more about Illegal turn, visit:


dana and mike decide to form their new motorcycle business as a llc. each will receive an equal profits (loss) interest by contributing cash, property, or both. in addition to the members' contributions, their llc will obtain a $75,000 loan nonrecourse loan from first bank at the time it is formed. mike contributes cash of $10,000 and a building he bought as a storefront for the motorcycles. the building has a fmv of $65,000, an adjusted basis of $35,000, and is secured by a $40,000 nonrecourse mortgage that the business llc will assume. what is mike's outside tax basis in his llc interest?


Mike's outside tax basis in his LLC interest is $65,000.

The outside basis of a contributing partner is initially the basis of contributed property less any debt relief plus any partnership debt allocated to the partner. Any nonrecourse debt that exceeds the basis of the contributed property must be allocated solely to the partner who contributed the property when allocating nonrecourse debt secured by the contributed property. Any remaining nonrecourse debt is allocated based on the profit sharing ratios of the partners.

$10,000 (cash) + $35,000 (basis of building) − $40,000 (debt on building) + $37,500 (50% profit sharing ratio × $75,000 nonrecourse bank loan) + $5,000 (nonrecourse mortgage less basis of contributed property) + $17,500 (50% × $35,000 remaining mortgage on building) = $65,000

To learn more about LLC interest, here


Each asset account has a normal credit balance.
a. True
b. False


Each asset account has a normal credit balance is true.

Do assets have a normal credit balance?

Expenses have a regular debit balance and income has a typical credit balance. As a result, the credit balance in each asset account is normal. There is a typical debit balance in each liabilities account. Liabilities and owner's equity typically have credit balances, while assets typically have a debit balance.

An account's balance rises on the same side as the side with the typical balance. On the credit side, asset accounts decline. To put it another way, positive numbers for assets and expenses are debited, and negative balances are credited. A revenue account typically has a credit balance; if the revenue account has a debit balance, the business has experienced a loss.

To learn more about credit balance, visit:


the coupon rate on the firm’s outstanding debt can be used as a substitute for the cost of debt. t or f


The statement 'the coupon rate on the firm’s outstanding debt can be used as a substitute for the cost of debt' is false.

In the field of business, coupon rate can be described as the revenue that an investor hopes to get when he files for a certain debt.

However, although a company is most likely to get the money according to the contract of the coupon rate, the coupon rate cannot be used as a substitute for the cost of debt. This is because revenue from the coupon rates can take years to be completed and there might be some kind of fraud involved in it.

Hence, the coupon rate is not a substitute for the cost of debt on the firm.

To learn more about debt, click here:


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