Insert the greater than, less than, or equal sign (>, <, or =) to make each statement true.
a. 45⁄45 ____1
b. 1____ 6⁄3
c. 2⁄7 ____1
d. 64⁄23 ____1


Answer 1


a. 45/45 = 1

b. 1 < 6/3

c. 2/7 < 1

d. 64/23 > 1

Related Questions

I’m confused can someone help


9514 1404 393


Landon's purchase: p +5g = 17.55Lesley's purchase: 4p +2g = 13.50pretzel: $1.80granola bar: $3.15

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation representing either purchase will multiply the number of items by their cost, for each item, and show the total as the cost of the purchase. Here, p is defined as the cost of a pretzel; g is defined as the cost of a granola bar.

Landon's purchase

 1 pretzel + 5 bars will cost 1p +5g

 That cost is 17.55, so the equation is ...

     p +5g = 17.55

Lesley's purchase

  4 pretzels + 2 gars will cost 4p +2g

  That cost is 13.50, so the equation is ...

     4p +2g = 13.50


To solve, you can subtract the second equation from 4 times the first:

  4(p +5g) -(4p +2g) = 4(17.55) -(13.50)

  18g = 56.70 . . . . collect terms

  g = 3.15 . . . . . . . . divide by 18

Then the cost of a pretzel can be found using the first equation.

  p + 5(3.15) = 17.55

  p = 1.80

The cost of a pretzel is $1.80; the cost of a granola bar is $3.15.

classify the triangle by its sides and by measuring of its angles


4.Acute i believe because one side is bigger
5. Is a right triangle because of its right angle

5. Ten workers are fencing a 25 m by 28 m stadium. They had finished fencing 95 m.
How many more metres of fence co they need to build?
A. 11 m
C. 148 m
B. 106 m
D. 201 m​



A. 11 m

Step-by-step explanation:

Given that

the ten workers are fencing  25 m by 28 m

And, they finished the fencing 95 m

We need to find out the number of more meter of fence that could be developed


= (25+25) + (28+28)

= 106 - 95

= 11

Hence, 11 more meters should be build

Therefore the correct option is A.

You and a friend decided to open a photo print shop. The cost for printing a photo is $0.10 and sells for $0.25. The initial setup fee for equipment is $2,599. Determine how many photos you and your friend must sell to break even. Round your answer the ones place.



2599 / 0.15 = 17327 (rounded)

Step-by-step explanation:

Can I have brainliest? Hope this helped and have a nice day!

Given the following regression output, what is the expected value for the change in daily circulation (the dependent variable) if a newspaper had 35 winners and finalists between 2004 and 2014 and 14 winners and finalists between 1990 and 2003?
Model parameters (Change in Daily Circulation, 2004-2013):
Source Value Standard error t Pr > |t| Lower Upper
bound (95%) bound (95%)
Intercept -0.328 0.042 -7.890 <0.0001 -0.412 -0.244
Pulitzer Prize
Winners and
1990-2003 -0.015 0.008 -1.873 0.067 -0.030 0.001
Pulitzer Prize
Winners and
2004-2014 0.024 0.008 2.837 0.007 0.007 0.040
Pulitzer Prize
Winners and
1990-2014 0.000 0.000



0.512 ; - 0.538

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the standard linear regression relation :

y = bx + c

b slope ; c = intercept ; y = dependent ; x = independent variable.

For finalist between 2004 - 2014 ;

y = 0.024x - 0.328

x = 35

y = 0.024(35) - 0.328

y = 0.512

For finalist between 1990 - 2014 ; with 14 winners ; change in daily circulation :

y = -0.015x - 0.328

x = 14.

y = -0.015(14) - 0.328

y = - 0.538

Heather received a 90 gift card for a coffee store. She used it in buying some coffee that cost $8.49 per pound. After buying the coffee, she had $56.04 left on
her card. How many pounds of coffee did she buy?



Latoya bought 4 pounds of coffee.

Step-by-step explanation:

it sounds like you want to know how many pounds of coffee Latoya bought. First, let's figure out how much she spent. Subtract the amount she has left from the amount she started out with:

90 - 57.68 = 32.32

Latoya spent $32.32 on coffee. Since it cost $8.08 per pound, we can divide the total cost by 8.08 to figure out how many pounds she bought:

32.32/8.08 = 4

Latoya bought 4 pounds of coffee.

There are 10 bags of cereal in a pantry. Each serving of cereal is 1/8 of a bag.

How many servings of cereal are there in the bags in the pantry?



80 servings

Step-by-step explanation:

there is 8 serving per bag



Step-by-step explanation:

Let servings be s and the bag be b

s = 1/8 b

multiply both sides by 8

8s = b

For 10 bags, it will be 10*8s = 80s which is 80 servings.

Felipe buys candy that costs $7 per pound. He will spend at least $56 on candy. What are the possible numbers of pounds he will buy?



x ≥ 8

Step-by-step explanation:

Let x be the number of pounds he buys. As each pound costs 7 dollars and he must spend at least 56 dollars, we have:

7x ≥ 56

x ≥ 8 (divide each side by 7)

Thus, our answer is any number above 8.

A store sells posters. Each poster costs the same amount. Durning a sale, the store produces the price of each poster by $1.35. Malika spends $7.08 on 2 posters at the sale price

If you don’t mind can you put an explanation so I can understand if that’s alright!



its 18,2O596

Step-by-step explanation:

After finishing an online purchase, a popup invites you to participate in a customer satisfaction poll.

What type of bias is most likely to present?

a) Sampling bias
b) Voluntary response bias
c) Self interest study
d) Loaded questions


B is the correct answer

What is the answer for this question




Step-by-step explanation:

16^2= 2x16/16+16=32


can someone tell me the answer please


Part A: 65/90 because you take the given number of positive test and put it over the total number of test.
Part B: it’s dependent because it depends on the negative to get the probability/likely hood.

½ cup of sugar, and I only have a ¼ cup scoop and a ⅛ cup scoop. I need at least two different ways I can get ½ cup


2 ways to get to 1/2

Way 1:

Use the 1/4 scoop 2 times

1/4 + 1/4 =2/4

2/4 simplified is 1/2

Way 2:

Use the 1/8 scoop 4 titmes


4/8 simplified is 1/2

Hope this helps!

Annie buys some greeting cards. Each card costs $1.75. She pays with a twenty dollar bill. Let n represent the
number of greeting cards Annie buys. Write an expression that represents the amount of change Annie should



20÷1.75= 11

so Annie gets 11 cards 1.75×11=19.25


so Annie will get 75¢

Mrs. Silverstein bought 3 mini cakes for a birthday party. She cuts each cake into quarters and plans to serve each guest 1 quarter of a cake.

How many guests can she serve with all her cakes?


The anwser would be 12 cakes because you are going to multiply 3x4=12

A water desalination plant can produce ×2 x 10^6 gallons of water in one day. How many gallons can it produce in 77 days



nadbagzfs vcs vc vcs da vcs cxag faça fax scccw wccavsvcsvgv vcs ibiah usb ta ta teu Av

In certain regions of the country, elk can cause damage to agricultural crops by walking through the fields. One strategy designed to limit elk from crossing a field is to surround the field with a fence. Some elk, however, will still be able to bypass the fence. For a period of one month, the number of elk found crossing a sample of fields with a fence was recorded and used to construct the 95 percent confidence interval (2.9,4.4) for the mean number of elk. Assume that the conditions for inference were checked and verified.

The interval (2.9, 4.4) provides convincing statistical evidence which claims?



The mean number of elk to cross all fields protected by fence is equal to 3.65 per month.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the confidence interval : (2.9,4.4)

Confidence = xbar ± standard Error

To obtain the mean :

We first calculate the standard error :

Standard Error from confidence interval :

(Upper boundary - Lower boundary interval) / 2

(4.4 - 2.9) / 2

1.5 / 2

= 0.75

Hence, the mean can be obtained as :

(Lower boundary + 0.75) or (Upper boundary - 0.75)

Lower boundary + 0.75 = 2.9 + 0.75 = 3.65

Upper boundary - 0.75 = 4.4 - 0.75 = 3.65

What is the exponential regression equation to best fit the data? Round each value in your equation to two decimal places. Enter your answer in the box. yˆ =




Step-by-step explanation:MRK ME BRAINLIEST PLZZZZZZZZ

x       y

0      14  

1       23  

2      30  

3      58  

4     137  

5     310

To Find: What is the exponential regression equation to best fit the data?


General form of exponential regression equation : y=ab^x

So, using calculator

Regression Equation: y=11.5466(1.8484)

Hence  the exponential regression equation to best fit the data is  


Answer: 11.55 (1.85)^x

Thank you so much if you help me! Which equation can be used to find the area of a rectangle




Step-by-step explanation:

to find the area of the rectangle you have to multiply length x width.

In this case that would be

(20) (9.2)

which is the graph of the equation



C (sorry if its incorrect)

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for x.
2x + 15
3x - 20
x = [?]



x= 7



you would add 3x+2x equals 5x and 20 +15= 35


35 divided by 5 is 7 and then on the 5x divide by 5 and leaves x=7



Step-by-step explanation:

Angles 2x + 15 and 3x - 20 are adjacent angles.

Adjacent angles are equal.

3x - 20 = 2x + 15

3x - 2x = 15 + 20

x = 35

please help! will report if it’s a link, I don’t fall for those



The answer is 14[tex]\pi[/tex] mm.

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step ex:



Sooo 14(3.14)mm

Help please! Ill give branliest :)



425 grams divided by 28.3 = 1 ounce is about 15 ounces

Step-by-step explanation:

Since there are 425 grams in total and 28.3 GRAMS = 1 OUNCE that means. Every 28.3 grams in the total of 425 grams are ounces so we divide it by the 28.3 in order to find the ounces since every 28.3 grams are ounces!


...............15 .................

Difference between a multiple choice and Multiple response



Multiple choice means you get the more than one option and one of those options are correct while the rest are incorrect Multiple response means that you have to add more then one response to answer the question

Answer: multiple choice is when you have to pick one or more answers and Multiple response is one or more sentences

Step-by-step explanation:

Brianna evaluated the expressions 42+4 (6-2). Which number shows the correct solution.




Step-by-step explanation:

42+4(6-2) =

42+4(4) =

42+16 = 58



Step-by-step explanation:

well first you have to do order of operations so do the stuff in the parentheses first so it would be 42+4(4) then you do multiplication and would get 42+16 and once you add that together you get 58

Which of the following three-dimensional solids cannot be generated by rotating a two-dimensional figure around an axis?






Step-by-step explanation:


A hammock holds a maximum of 360 lbs. Three kids want to go on the hammock. If each kid weighs the same, what is the greatest weight, in pounds, each kid could be to go on the hammock. Write and solve an inequality to represent this situation




Step-by-step explanation:

360lbs÷3 =120lbs

Walmart offers a shirt initially at $100. Then one week later, Walmart offers the shirt at 15% off. The
shirt still doesn't sell, so after another week, Walmart reduces its new price by 20%. How much does the
shirt cost now?
Choose one. 5 points




Step-by-step explanation:

Cost price of shirt after giving discounts is equals to [tex]\$68[/tex].

What is Cost price?

" Cost price is defined as the price to be paid at the time of purchase any product."

According to the question,

Initial cost price of shirt [tex]= \$100[/tex]

First discount [tex]= 15\%[/tex]

Discount amount [tex]= 15\%[/tex] of [tex]100[/tex]

                             [tex]= \frac{15}{100} \times 100\\\\= \$15[/tex]

Cost price after first discount [tex]= 100 - 15[/tex]

                                                 [tex]= \$85[/tex]

Second discount [tex]= 20\%[/tex]

Discount amount [tex]= 20\%[/tex] of [tex]85[/tex]

                             [tex]= \frac{20}{100} \times 85\\\\= \$17[/tex]

Cost price after first discount [tex]= 85 - 17[/tex]

                                                 [tex]= \$68[/tex]

Hence, cost price of shirt after giving discounts is equals to [tex]\$68[/tex].

Learn more about cost price here


Line m is mapped onto line n by a dilation centered at the origin with a scale factor of 2. The equation of line m is 3x−2y=63x-2y=63x−2y=6 . Find the equation for line n showing all work for full credit.


9514 1404 393


  3x -2y = 12

Step-by-step explanation:

The constant in the standard form equation for a line is proportional to the distance of the line from the origin. Dilation by a factor of 2 moves the line to twice its original distance from the origin. The equation of the new line will have the constant 2×6 = 12:

  3x -2y = 12


Additional comment

The actual distance of line ax+by=c from the origin is ...

  d = |c|/√(a²+b²)

The distance from any point in the plane to the line is ...

  d = |ax +by -c|/√(a²+b²)

The previous equation is for the special case of (x, y) = (0, 0), the distance from the origin.

3. Mr. Yardi will buy pens for all 19
employees at his store. He wants to give
each employee 3 pens. If he buys pens
in packages of 12, what is the minimum
number of packages of pens Mr. Yardi
needs to buy to have enough pens?



Mr. Yardi  needs to buy 5 packages of pens

Step-by-step explanation:

He needs to buy 57 pens  (19X3 = 57)

57/12 =  4.75

He neesd more than 4 packages So he needs to buy 5 packages and it will be 3 pens left so Mr Yardi can also have 3 pens if he wants

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