El racismo es la ideología que defiende la superioridad de una raza frente a los demás verdadero o falso


Answer 1


Verdadero, El racismo es la ideología que defiende la superioridad de una raza frente a los demás.

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Should schools be allowed to discipline students for what they post on social media? Why or why not?



No because it is a breach of the students privacy and it is unnecessary because what is done outside of school should be left outside of the school.


write a 5 paragraph essay on the similarities and differences of sparta and athens



             The Athens and Spartans were two civilizations with many differences and similarities. The Spartans were the ones that wanted a strong army, a civilization with no freedom and less education for men so they could fight in the army. The Athenians had a strong army but freedom was very important and the education to the people was a priority. The life as a Spartan was very difficult because the kids started to train at the age of 7 and finish at the age of 18, then they must go to fight on the army. The girls were also trained, but at the age of 15 they married, had kids and stayed at home. At the age of 30, they gained a full citizenship just like the men. In Athens, the baby boys were more important than girls and wealthy children were raised by a special tutor; from age 7 the boys started to go to school and received special training for different works. Girls remained at home and learned crafts and poetry from their mothers; they often marry at age 15. At age 18 men go to the army for two years and then they get back home to work. Women, however, stayed at home to raise and take care of children.  

These 2 civilizations were based in 3 ways of government (monarchy, oligarchy and democracy). The monarchy is based in a government ruled by a king or a queen. On the other hand, oligarchy was based in a government that was ruled by a small group of citizens that make decisions. However, the democracy is a system in which the citizens vote to make governmental decisions. The disadvantage of the monarchy is that the king does what he wants, the citizens can’t choose the king and that the people can´t choose the laws. The disadvantage of the oligarchy is that the people can´t decide anything in the government, just a small group of citizens have the right to vote and choose the laws. The disadvantages of the democracy are that anyone may be a candidate, also that some citizens were not decided and that the people may not agree so there may be fight. However these types of government have advantages like the monarchy, the king may control everything so he could make the right choices. In the oligarchy the group of citizens may make good laws that help the civilization. Finally the democracy was the best because the citizens may choose the government.

As the Athens Spartan`s military protect he government and the government gives education to the civilization “The two most powerful and best-known of those city-states were Athens and Sparta” (http://plaza.ufl.edu/tlombard/). As the Spartans the Athenians have a strong military, the two civilizations have a majority in land soldiers rather than sailors. As Athenians the Spartans had a good education but the Athenians were more interested on it, the two civilizations made that the children start education at the age of 7. As the Spartans the Athenians had different way of government but their government was good, they used 3 ways of government: monarchy, oligarchy and democracy.

As they had similarities they also had differences. The military of Sparta was huge and the best of all but the Athens military was a simple but strong military, the young boy started to train at the age of 7 but the Athenians went to the army at the age of 18, the Spartans kept on the army up until 60 years old but the Athenians just started to work when they get back from army. In the government The Athenians were the ones who started the democracy, it was called limited democracy that means that not everybody could vote only the ones with citizenship and the important people, and the one who started the democracy was Draco when he took the power. However the Spartans had a way to govern that they had an assembly named the council of elders, the made up the laws and the ones that choose instead of the people. The Spartans had less education than Athens because they need to go to the army “Sparta seemed to be content with themselves and provided their army whenever required” (http://www.diffen.com/difference/Athens_vs_Sparta); in school they had physical education that was very hard. The Athens had a good education and many subjects to study on, the women also study but they need to be at home and learning about crafts and poetry from their mothers and they marry at age 15.

The roles that Spartans men had in the civilization was very hard, when they are born the healthy kids were raised by the mothers but the unhealthy kids were taken to a cave so they die. When they had 7 years old they were trained and by physical education, they training were made up of punishments and hard training. When they get to age of 18 they serve the army for their whole life, when the women was born they were not so important as the men so they were raised, at the age of 7 they hay physical education but at the age of 15 they got marry and raised the kids.

The city council is planning to construct a new wastewater treatment plant to regulate the amount of po city's lakes and streams. They plan to build the new treatment plant on the outskirts of the city by clearls Forested area. How will both of these steps Impact the city in the long run?



Follows are the solution to the given question:


In order to control the amount of pollution already sunk into the lakes and streams of the City Council intends to establish a new wastewater treatment plant. Those that are planning to build a new treatment facility in the suburbs of the city by removing a wide area on the forest owing to the heat island effect, mitigating the heat and slightly higher local temperatures.


the answer is A


Because of the urban heat island effect, less heat will be absorbed and regional temperatures will be slightly higher.

Outbreak of World War 1 .
What was the MAIN goal of the alliance among France, England and Russia?


I was formed as a form of defense against Germany.

situations where one must be courteous​



The definition of courtesy is polite behavior and the showing of proper manners or is a polite and socially proper act. An example of courtesy is when you shake hands politely when you meet someone and say please and thank you.


Hope this helps you out! :)

What is the name of a person from the North who came down to the South during Reconstruction?




The term “carpetbaggers” refers to Northerners who moved to the South after the Civil War, during Reconstruction. Many carpetbaggers were said to have moved South for their own financial and political gains. Scalawags were white Southerners who cooperated politically with black freedmen and Northern newcomers.

What needs to be done to help address hate crime?



make hate crimes and then see what happens

Posting propaganda against hate crime, and trying to look out bringing the level of crime out to the public so that people can see just how bad it is, resulting in a form of uprising

What is democracy? Write any five examples of democracy culture.​




A democracy means rule by the people. The name is used for different forms of government, where the people can take part in the decisions that affect the way their community is run. The people elect their leaders. These leaders take this decision about laws. This is commonly called representative democracy. A democracy is the government elected by the people, from among the people themselves. The Army is integral in protecting the country, but it is not elected by the people; hence, it cannot form a democratic government. A democracy is a form of government that empowers the people to exercise political control, limits the power of the head of state, provides for the separation of powers between governmental entities, and ensures the protection of natural rights and civil liberties. In practice, democracy takes many different forms.


1. If you are opposed to democracy, you do not believe every individual has a voice.

2.We use democracy as a method of selecting representatives.

3.In point of fact, bourgeois democracy is the political formula for free trade, nothing more.

4.The widespread belief in the robustness of the rule of law in Britain certainly reflects our reputation as a vibrant multicultural democracy.

5.A nobility of this kind often gave way to a democracy which either proved as turbulent as itself, or else grew into an oligarchy ruling under democratic forms. Thus at Florence the old nobles became the opposite to a privileged class.

please give me brainliest. thank you

✻ [tex] \underline{ \underline{ \large{ \tt{A\: N \: S \: W\: E\: R}}}} : [/tex]

⇝ Democracy is the system of governing the nation by the people's representatives by being responsible to the people. In the words of Abraham Lincoln , " Democracy is the rule by the people , to the people and of the people , " which means that the government in democracy is formed by the people which governs the people in accordance with the will of the people.

☯ Any five examples of democratic culture are briefly describe below :

Public participation : There is true democracy if there is participation of people in the governance. As stated earlier , democracy is the rule of the people for the people and by the people. In democracy , the country is governed by the people's representatives elected by the adult citizens of the country during the periodic elections.

Rights and duties : Rights and duties are the two factors of the democratic culture. In democracy , the fundamental rights of the citizens have been secured by the constitution and at the same time , the people should not forget their fundamental duties and responsibilities towards the nation. Equal and fair environment for all kinds of people to enjoy their fundamental rights and sense of responsibilities among them are important aspects of democratic culture. People should get fair and unbiased justice from the state if their fundamental rights are violated.

Inclusiveness : Good democracy is the system in which there is inclusive participation of all kinds of people in the government and decision making process. The backward , marginalized , disadvantaged , physically challenged people , women and all who are excluded from the nation mainstream should get opportunities for their proportionate inclusion in the government and various organs and institutions of the government.

Rule of law : Rule of Law is another key feature and important aspect of democratic culture. True democracy exists where there is the rule of law. In democracy , the country is governed not by the arbitrary rules of an individual or groups of people but according to the set of rules drafted by the legislature as per people's will. To respect law and to be governed by law is one of the major aspects of democratic culture.

Pluralism : Democracy is next to respect for the diverse thoughts , ideologies , principles and views of the people and their communities. In a state , there might be diversity in political opinions and ideologies , social structures , economic activities and conditions , cultural and religious backgrounds and beliefs and all such social , political , cultural , historical , economic diversity is to be accepted and respected.

✺ When you feel unmotivated , remind yourself why you want to reach your goal . ✔

♡ Hope I helped! ツ

♨ Have a wonderful day / evening ! ♪

# StayInAndExplore ! ☂


How were Roman emperors depicted to influence public opinion?



in art they were depicted as heroes portraying their great victories, etc


The probability that Sandra gets a ride to work on any morning is 0.7.
The probability that she gets a ride 3 times in a 5-day work week is
and the probability that she gets a ride at least 2 times in 5-day
workweek is


Answer: 0.309, 0.969

Explanation: plato answer

What are the types of sculptures found in nepal?Give one examples of each?​



1 Painting. The earliest examples of Nepalese art in painted form is that of manuscript illustrations found on palm leaves. 2 Sculpture. Sculpture has enjoyed a long and interesting history in Nepal and many carved artefacts have been found in the Terai region of the country.


What to regions border transition zone in africa



North Africa is separated from Subsaharan Africa by the African Transition Zone, a transitional area between Islamic-dominated North Africa and animist- and Christian-dominated Subsaharan Africa. It is also a transition between the Sahara Desert and the tropical type A climates of Africa's equatorial region.


What are the two groups of natural resource?​



the two groups of natural resources are biotic and abiotic

Why was it easier for the Church to admit Galileo was right in 1979, than it was in 1633?



because he was



how we feel about summer and what we do​



is this supposed to be qn essay or?


When summer comes around, people generally seem to be in a better mood. But the sun doesn't bring joy for everyone.


You might have heard of seasonal affective disorder as something that strikes people in the middle of winter when the days are short, dark, and gloomy. But according to David Brudö, the CEO and cofounder of the mental health platform  remente, on to in 10 people who report having SAD say it occurs in the summer, not the winter.

He listed five ways the warm weather can get people down, which may contribute to them experiencing Summer SAD. Here they are:

Summer comes after a few months of covering ourselves up with layers, so our bodies can feel a little unfamiliar when the shorts and t-shirts come out — leaving us feeling anxious and even depressed.

"As warmer temperatures approach, we tend to alter our wardrobe choices, and opt for lighter clothes instead of chunky jumpers and jeans," Brudö said. "This change of season can make a lot of people feel uncomfortable and more aware of one's body image."

The solution to this isn't easy, and it takes a long time to build up confidence. But Brudö said it's important to try and ensure that how you feel doesn't restrict you in any way or become an obsession.

"Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable — this will help you feel happier in your own body, and being relaxed will help to ease any negative thoughts you may be having," he said.

The solution to this isn't easy, and it takes a long time to build up confidence. But Brudö said it's important to try and ensure that how you feel doesn't restrict you in any way or become an obsession.

"Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable — this will help you feel happier in your own body, and being relaxed will help to ease any negative thoughts you may be having," he said.

One way to combat this fear of missing out is by exercising. You can even go to the gym and get on the treadmill, or book in exercise classes, as these don't require running around outside in the heat.

"A regular exercise routine can make you feel significantly better, as exercising produces endorphins, leaving us feeling happier, and improving things such as quality of sleep," said Brudö.

Things can get on top of us during any season. But if you are prone to feeling anxious without a regular routine, summer can be particularly stressful.

"Children are on summer holiday and need entertaining, colleagues are on holiday and their handovers are piling up, and your sought-after vacation is disrupting your sleep and eating habits," said Brudö. "All of this can lead to SSAD."Things can get on top of us during any season. But if you are prone to feeling anxious without a regular routine, summer can be particularly stressful.

One way to prepare yourself is to run through what needs to get done by making a to-do list and mark down what's most important, according to Brudö.

"A clear to-do list will indicate the direction of the summer and will make the summer days run smoother," he said.

Practicing sleep hygiene will leave you feeling happier and make you more productive on a day-to-day basis, so try to go to bed and wake up at the same time that you normally would throughout the year."

Sleep science has shown time and time again that consistency is key for optimum sleep. But if the light is messing with your rhythm, you can try black out curtains or


before bed to wind down

Summertime, and the office starts to feel empty as colleagues go on holiday… every single person, it seems, except you," said Brudö. "All you are left with is a pile of handovers and a social media feed filled with smiling faces on the beach, which can start to feel very isolating and depressing."

It's not great for your motivation when it seems like everyone else gets a holiday, but there are some ways to drown out the noise.

Try to take a tech vacation, or a digital detox, to make you focus on what is around you, and to remove the constant negative feeling your social media feed is producing," said Brudö. "To make the transition from switched-on to off, you should always make plans to do the things that you enjoy, like going for a run, seeing friends or going for a meal."

If that's too much, you can always try cutting back first and turning off your notifications for a few hours. You may find you enjoy how it feels.

Which of the following was NOT a Greek influence on Roman religion? *
3 points
The spread of Christianity.
They were polytheists.
They offered prayers and sacrifices to thier gods.
The characteristics of their gods.


the spread of christianity i think. they were for sure polytheistic

why did Admiral leaky think the use of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was morally wrong



He thought the bombing was ethically wrong because he was thought that a war should not be won by killing women and children, he also considers this action very barbaric.

What are your daily experience that you consider as an emerging pattern that will become a trend?​


Answer: Using tasking video games to boast creativity


I have realized that one of the ways to boast creativity and being able to think better is by playing tasking video games. This is due to the tasking nature of those games, they make you want to think of ways to improve on what you are doing especially when you are faced with challenges. I see people adapting this method in the future, although some person's are already of it now

Emerging patterns are groups of items whose frequency varies dramatically from one dataset to the next.

The emerging patterns that make trends are using task-based video games to demonstrate creativity.

How do these emerging trends work?

Discovering that playing tasking video games is one of the best methods to show off your inventiveness and ability to think critically.

This is because the tasking nature of those games makes you want to think of methods to improve on what you're doing, especially when presented with hurdles.

Although some individuals are currently doing it, envision this strategy becoming more popular in the future.

For more information about emerging trends, refer below


Which best describes John C. Calhoun's attitude towards slavery?
Slavery was a necessary evil.
Slavery was a good for everyone involved.
Slavery was worse than work in textile mills.
Slavery should be abolished.



The answer is B. Slavery was a good for everyone involved.


John C. Calhoun, the South’s recognized intellectual and political leader from the 1820s until his death in 1850, devoted much of his remarkable intellectual energy to defending slavery. He developed a two-point defense. One was a political theory that the rights of a minority section—in particular, the South—needed special protecting in the federal union. The second was an argument that presented slavery as an institution that benefited all involved.

John C. Calhoun championed states’ rights and slavery and was a symbol of the Old South. He spent the last 20 years of his life in the U.S. Senate working to unite the South against the abolitionist attack on slavery.

The best describes John C. Calhoun's attitude towards slavery is option B: Slavery was a good for everyone involved.

Who is John C. Calhoun?

John C. Calhoun, the South’s recognized intellectual and political leader from the 1820s until his death in 1850, devoted much of his remarkable intellectual energy to defending slavery.

He developed a two-point defense. One was a political theory that the rights of a minority section—in particular, the South—needed special protecting in the federal union.

John C. Calhoun championed states’ rights and slavery and was a symbol of the Old South. He spent the last 20 years of his life in the U.S. Senate working to unite the South against the abolitionist attack on slavery.

Therefore, correct option is B.

Learn more about Slavery, refer to the link:


plz, help me with this!!!!


Answer: D


A new experiment in providing social services to slum dwellers featured centers where middle-class women lived among the poor, provided amenities, and taught American ways to immigrants. These were called


Formers because they were immigrants

Which of the following taxes are deducted from your paycheck?

all of these



all of these


I think it’s Federal, sorry if i’m wrong

Do you think humans can do anything about the climate change???

Stop sending link and if you don’t know the answer then Don’t answer it. Thanks



Humans have caused major climate changes to happen already, and we have set in motion more changes still. Even if we stopped emitting greenhouse gases today, global warming would continue to happen for at least several more decades, if not centuries.

Compare and contrast the role of political leaders in direct and representative democracies. A. Political leaders play a key role in representative democracies, and a minor role in direct democracies. B. Direct democracies require more political leaders to debate issues than representative democracies. C. Representative democracies minimize the power of political leaders while direct democracies increase their power. D. Direct democracies have no political leaders while representative democracies have many political leaders.



A. Political leaders play a crucial role in representative democracies and a minor role in direct democracies


By comparing and contrasting the role of political leaders in direct and representative democracies, it can be concluded that "Political leaders play a key role in representative democracies and a minor role in direct democracies."

This is because political leaders in representative democracies often represent their people in making decisions that concerned them. For example, the Representstives at the House and Senators at the Congress are political leaders in representative democracies. They make laws and decide on important issues such as when to go to war, constitutional amendment, national policy decisions, etc.

What was Sherman’s March to the Sea?



Sherman's March to the Sea, (November 15–December 21, 1864) American Civil War campaign that concluded Union operations in the Confederate state of Georgia. After seizing Atlanta, Union Maj. ... Sherman's army marched 285 miles (458 km) east from Atlanta to the coastal town of Savannah, which surrendered without a siege.


Sherman's March to the Sea, (November 15–December 21, 1864) American Civil War campaign that concluded Union operations in the Confederate state of Georgia. After seizing Atlanta, Union Maj. Sherman's army marched 285 miles (458 km) east from Atlanta to the coastal town of Savannah, which surrendered without a siege.


hope this helps you

درس الرقابة والمشاركة​


Answer: can you put that in English I don’t understand what you trying to say?



من درس الرقابة والمشاركة؟


why was the savannah harbor expansion project (SHEP) economically important to Georgia?
a. it helped bring more international tourists to savannah
b. it helped Savannah become a center of film production
c. it helped Georgia increase its role in international trade
d. it helped Georgia fishing industry grow and prosper​


I’m not 100% sure but I think it’s b

The Iroquois League was formed in order to A. bring unity and peace to several warring groups in the region. B. further develop trade routes. C. promote the development of farming. D. defend attacks by the Navajo.


Five American Indian tribes, sharing the Iroquois language, form a defensive league in the late 16th century against their enemies, the Huron.

Read this excerpt from A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole.

Acting on the hint, scientists search the X-rays for patterns that most likely signal black holes. One pattern is an X-ray ring that seems to surround nothing. The nothing part might be a black hole. If so, the ring is energy released by super-heated matter spiraling just outside the event horizon.

Which statement best identifies the type and use of description?



immma send you the link friend me on hereExplanation:

Why should the process of becoming a citizen require work?



Naturalization is the legal process through which a foreign citizen or national can become a U.S. citizen. In order to be naturalized, an applicant must first meet certain criteria to apply for citizenship. Then, the applicant must complete an application, attend an interview, and pass an English and a civics test. Upon successful completion of these steps, the applicant takes an oath of allegiance, and becomes a citizen.

These legal requirements help the immigration service ensure that only those people who are sincere in their desire to become U.S. citizens become naturalized. Below you'll find a more detailed look at the basics of naturalization, including eligibility for naturalization and the steps involved in the application process.


The process of becoming a citizen should require work because the person immigrating has to prove they want to be here and put in the effort it takes to be an upstanding citizen. The process is meant to show how devoted the applicant is to their new country.

Hope that helps!

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