Individuals who have difficulty using a tool for anything other than its proper use may have difficulty solving a problem due to __________. a. experiencing mental set b. imposing unnecessary constraints c. experiencing functional fixedness d. focusing on irrelevant information please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Answer 1

People who have difficulty using a tool for anything other than its proper use may have difficulty solving a problem due to c: 'experiencing functional fixedness'.

Functional fixedness is a cognitive bias that has impact on an individual's ability to be creative. Functional fixedness is typically used to describe why an individual develops an inability to use an object in more ways than it is specified for intended use, as function fixedness impairs creativity. It means that functional fixedness is a kind of cognitive bias that comprise a tendency to see objects as only working in a specific way. For instance, you might view a 'thumbtack' as an object that can only be used to hold the paper to a corkboard.

You can learn more about functional fixedness at


Related Questions

the amount of time a client spends in psychotherapy is determined by the client’s needs as well as his or her ________.


The amount of time a client spends in psychotherapy is determined by the client’s needs as well as his or her personal goals.

What is a personal goal?

Basically, a personal goals means a short or long term goals that a person apply to their work, family life or lifestyle. These goals are meant to motivate you to achieve what you want in life.

The importance of setting goals can be found in  openness and awareness of trying new things, planning own success and taking action to improve an aspect of your life. Furthermore, setting of personal goals allows to accept accountability for what you do to ultimately grow and develop in your life, career and relationships.

Read more about personal goal


guys i need help pls this is due tomorrow​


Sunni and Shia schism is compared to Schism within the Christian Church.

One similarity is, both believe in heaven and hell and an eternal life.

One difference is Muslims believe Jesus is a prophet whereas Christians worship Jesus as God.

What is Schism?

Schism is the term used to describe a break or separation between two sectors or parties that are vehemently opposed to one another. The East-West Schism, which split Christendom into Western (Roman Catholic) and Eastern (Orthodox) branches, was the most important mediaeval schism.

The differences between the Schism in Islam and Christianity:-

Muslims believe Jesus ascended into heaven, but did not die on the cross. Christians believe in both the resurrection and ascension of Jesus.Muslims believe in the sin of Adam and Eve, but not the idea of inherited sins for all. Christians believe all humanity inherited the original sin of Adam and Eve.

The similarities between Schism in Islam and Christianity:-

Both believe in the same God. (he's portrayed the same in both religions)Both view Jerusalem as a holy city.

Therefore, the similarities and differences between the two schism is explained.

To learn more about schism, click here:


Once a policy is developed to address an issue, who implements and enforces it?government agencies and police forces citizens and specialized businesseslobbyists and interest groupslegislators and judicial officials.


Once a policy is formed the enforcement is the responsiblity of Government agencies and police forces. These are called the Law Enforcement Agencies.

The Law Enforcement Agencies an organization responsible for enforcing the law, such as a police or sheriff department.

Local law enforcement agencies include police and sheriff departments. State agencies include the state or highway patrol. Federal agencies include the FBI and the U.S. Secret Service.

Law enforcement describes the agencies and employees responsible for enforcing laws, maintaining public order, and managing public safety. The primary duties of law enforcement include the investigation, apprehension, and detention of individuals suspected of criminal offenses.

Learn more about Law Enforcement Agencies here:-


sigmund is the founding father of psychoanalytic theory of personality development. t or f


The psychodynamic method of psychology was developed by Sigmund Freud, who also founded psychoanalysis. It is accurate to say this.

What was the theory of Sigmund Freud?

Psychiatric theory In layman's words, Sigmund Freud's theory contends that unconscious drives, memories, and testimonies shape social actions. The id, go, and sense of self are considered to be the three aspects of the psyche, according to this theory. The ego functions in the conscious mind, but the id is completely unconscious.

Why does psychology value Freud so highly?

He is known as the founder of contemporary psychology, and his theories and viewpoints on the links here between aware and unconscious thoughts, the physicality, and so the world are still universally accepted today.

To know more about Freud visit :


An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying which type of delusion?


An individual who believes that someone is following them is likely displaying Persecutory delusion.

Persecutory delusions are persistent, disturbing, mistaken thoughts that one will be injured or mistreated in some way by others. These ideas are experienced by some persons suffering from delusional disorder, a rare mental condition, and cause severe misery, including worry, depression, and terror.

Most persons with delusional condition operate properly, but the dread of being hurt can be so strong that they become reclusive . A person suffering from a delusional condition may experience one or more forms of delusions.

If the disease is not addressed, the dread of being injured by someone can lead to disability. Many people can operate normally for a long time, but concentrating about illusions and the dread and anxiety they bring might eventually lead to isolation.

Learn more about Persecutory delusions at


when completing a threat/hazard analysis, you should do all of the following actions, except for: a. avoid recent history or official records since they may not always be the best indicator of the presence or severity of a threat or hazard. b. ask community organizations, critical infrastructure owners and operators, and other non traditional partners to assist with the process. c. use online data sources and local subject-matter experts to understand potential threats and hazards. d. use existing thiras, hazard analysis, threat assessments, and homeland security strategies to identify initial threats and hazards.


When completing a threat/hazard analysis, Avoid recent history or official records since they may not always be the best indicator of the presence or severity of a threat or hazard.

Hence, Option A is correct.

THIRA is a thorough procedure for locating risks, hazards, and the capabilities that go along with them.

By addressing the following questions, the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA), a three-step risk assessment method, helps communities understand their dangers and what they should do to manage those risks. What dangers and threats pose a risk to our community.

Catastrophe preparation, management, and recovery are the three stages of a disaster plan.

To know more about Disaster here


although each of the theories in this chapter differs, they all have one common feature. what is this?


They all differentiate between the phonetic level and the phonemic level.

This question is related to the chapter of Phonology.

The research of human sounds is known as phonetics, and the categorization of those sounds within the framework of a specific language or languages is known as phonology.

The field of linguistics known as phonology investigates how sounds or, in the case of sign languages, the component elements of signals, are systematically organised in various languages or dialects.

The phrase can also particularly refer to a particular linguistic variety's sound or sign system.

Phonology comes in three varieties:

The science of acoustic phonetics examines the physical characteristics of sound.

The analysis of how listeners interpret sounds is called auditory phonetics.

The analysis of how the vocal tracts make sounds is called articulatory phonetics.

To know more about phonetics, visit:


What are wolves known for personality?


Wolves have a fierce work ethic and are never afraid to put in the effort. Due to their strong social skills, they do well in positions demanding vision and character strength as well as management and leadership responsibilities.

Their innate ability to motivate others and intuitive grasp of group dynamics makes them valuable in goal-oriented jobs.

Wolves are complicated, intellectual creatures that value family above all else. They are playful, compassionate, and complex creatures. Only a few other species clearly display these characteristics. In the same way that elephants, gorillas, and dolphins raise their young, tend to the hurt, and live in family groups, wolves do the same. The wolf is the animal that people misunderstand the most. Wolves have benefited from a unique mystique that has fostered fear and reverence throughout their range. They are often depicted as a bloodthirsty villain in folklore and children's stories.

To know more about wolf and his shadow :


which disorder has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality?


In the five component model of personality, neuroticism is the personality attribute most closely associated with borderline personality disorder.

How does the Five Factor Model define neuroticism?

The Extraversion vs. Introversion, Openness vs. Unconventionality, Agreeableness vs. Antagonism, and Conscientiousness vs. Neuroticism, Openness vs. Openness, and Openness vs. Antagonism, are the five major domains that make up the Five Factor Model (FFM) of basic personality structure (or constraint vs. disinhibition).

With which condition does borderline personality disorder most frequently coexist?

Oftentimes, other mental diseases like post-traumatic stress disorder coexist with borderline personality disorder (PTSD). The diagnosis and treatment of borderline personality disorder may be more challenging due to these co-occurring disorders, particularly if the symptoms of the disorder and those of other illnesses coexist.

Learn more about borderline personality disorder:


How hot is too hot for humans?



People often point to a study published in 2010 that estimated that a wet-bulb temperature of 35 C – equal to 95 F at 100% humidity, or 115 F at 50% humidity – would be the upper limit of safety, beyond which the human body can no longer cool itself by evaporating sweat from the surface of the body


to study domestic violence from an intersectional perspective, solokoff argues that researchers must focus on a


To study domestic violence from an intersectional perspective, solokoff argues that researchers must focus on a both multicultural (race, class and gender) and structural perspective.

Race, religion, or social position are not factors in domestic violence. The premise that not all victims receive the same treatment is based on intersectionality. The concept of intersectionality is gaining popularity and can be used to examine privilege and injustice in our society. Intersectionality was first discussed in the context of the lives of African American women who battled what is known as a "double bind," which described their positionality as being discriminated against on the basis of both gender and race. The term was coined by the renowned scholar Kimberlé Crenshaw.

To know more about intersectional perspective:


in a very crowded department store during the christmas rush, a woman suddenly feels a stranger rubbing his geential area against her thigh. he continues until the crowd begins to break up and then moves away. the mosst likely diagnosis for this man is


The mosst likely diagnosis for this man is frotterurism.

Frotteurism is a form of paraphilia whereby an individual derives sexual satisfaction from a non-consenting person by means of rubbing their genital region in opposition to the non-consenting man or woman, most mainly in public, which ends up in sexual stimulation.

The man described inside the query who rubs his genital place towards a lady's thigh in public, with out her consenting, may be most probable diagnosed with Frotteurism.

Frotteurism is the act of touching or rubbing one's genitals up against some other individual in a sexual way with out their consent, to derive sexual satisfaction or attain orgasm. An crucial characteristic of this disease is this behavior is repetitive.

Learn more about frotterurism here :


Which best describes dramatic irony a character?


Answer: Romeo and Juliet

Explanation: An audience know more about what is going to happen in the movie or play than the characters. I hope it is helpful to you.

who first proposed that adolescence is an important and separate developmental stage marked by intense turmoil? a. anna freud b. erik erikson


The correct answer to this question would be Option A i.e. G. Stanley Hall.

Hall described adolescence as a time of “storm and stress” and, unlike later researchers, ascribed this life stage as lasting from ages 14-24

It is true enough that Hall asserted that adolescence is inherently a time of “storm and stress” when all young people go through some degree of emotional and behavioral upheaval before establishing a more stable equilibrium in adulthood.

Hall viewed adolescence as a time when depressed mood is more common than at other ages. He quoted a study reporting that “The curve of despondency starts at eleven, rises steadily and rapidly till fifteen, then falls steadily till twenty three.

The question is incomplete. The complete question is as follows:

Who first proposed that adolescence is an important and separate developmental stage marked by intense turmoil?

a. G. Stanley Hall

b. Erik Erikson

c. Sigmund Freud

d. Anna Freud

To know more about Stanley Hall's theories, click here:


each time you see your car, it projects a different image on the retinas of your eyes, yet you do not perceive it as changing. this is because of:


Each time you see your car, it projects a different image on the retinas of your eyes, yet you do not perceive it as changing. This is because of perceptual constancy.

The propensity to perceive an item as having a constant shape, size, and brightness despite changes in the external stimuli is known as perceptual constancy. If you are not very familiar with the thing or if there are less external cues to help you identify it, your perception of constancy may be compromised. However, the degree to which an object is recognized by the observer and the quantity of clues available to the observer both influence perception of constancy. In other words, perceptual constancy declines as familiarity with an object decreases and as the amount of information needed to identify the object decreases.

Learn more about perceptual constancy here:


What type of system is best used to observe conservation of mass because all of the mass stays in one place?


In any scientific reality, the law of conservation of mass can be particularly observed in any kind of chemical reaction that is a closed system.

In practice, the law can be observed in various types of systems. We can see how well the ecological system balances itself even when humans observe our own eco system. The total mass of the system doesn't really change because it is constant. However, the best example of the law is when we observe any type of chemical reaction.

Learn more on scientific reality


Craniofacial size has reduced over the course of human evolution, including during the transition from foraging to farming. Place the sequence of events following the dietary transition in chronological order to show how craniofacial growth became reduced. size has reduced over the course of human evolution, including during the transition from foraging to farming. Place the sequence of events following the dietary transition in chronological order to show how craniofacial growth became reduced.a. Eating foods that were reduced in toughnessb. chewing stressed changedc. less demand placed on chewing muscles and craniofacial bones


Place the sequence of events following the dietary transition in chronological order to show how craniofacial growth became reduced  chewing stress changed.

Chronology is the science of putting events in chronological order. For example, consider using a timeline or series of events. It is also a "determination of the actual timing of past events". Chronology is part of periodization.

If you put dates in chronological order, the same applies to dates. Dates are sorted from newest to oldest. Imagine walking down (or down) a flight of stairs. When you do this, you start high and end low.

Chronology is the enumeration, description, or discussion of events related to time. It's basically like looking at a timeline and seeing what happened first and what happened next.

Learn more about Chronology


which feature do scientists mainly consider when grouping organisms according to evolutionary classification?


Common ancestry is the characteristic that scientists primarily take into consideration when grouping organisms per evolutionary classification.

Understanding the Common Ancestry of Evolution

Despite the fact that Charles Darwin's theory is very often referred to as the theory of natural selection, the majority of scientists concurred that "common ancestry", idea that all organism on Earth today and all fossils from the present day can be traced back to one or a few "original progenitors", is the most critical component of Darwin's theory.

More closely related organisms have more traits in common, and corroborating sources of evidence concerning similar ancestry include anatomy, DNA sequences, fossils, and embryos. Phylogenetic classification is the method of categorizing organisms according to their common ancestry.

Learn more about common ancestor here:


How did the inventions and accomplishments of this civilization contribute to human progress


The wide variety of technologies and science discoveries produced by humanity has led to the building and development of the civilizations of each age, stimulated economic growth, raised people's standards of living, encouraged cultural development, and had a tremendous impact on religion, thought, and many other human ...

How Long Will Social Security be around?


Social security will be around for another 50 years.

After the trust fund's reserves run out in 2034, current employees will still receive Social Security payments, but unless Congress takes action, it's probable that future retirees may only receive 78% of their full benefits.

Congress must enact legislation to address the long-term budget crisis facing the Social Security administration in order to guarantee that workers receive what they were promised.

A 12.4% tax on the majority of American employees' earnings, which the government collects through FICA payroll taxes (and employer matching) or the SECA taxes paid by self-employed people through their IRS reports, accounts for 90.1% of Social Security revenue.

To know more about Social security:


Trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time.
Group of answer choices


Trade secrets have an unlimited duration, i.e. do not expire after a fixed period of time. TRUE .

In standard, Trade secret safety confers proprietors the proper to prevent the records lawfully inside their manipulate from being disclosed, obtained or utilized by others with out their consent in a manner contrary to sincere industrial exercise.

Exchange secrets and techniques defend exclusive business records that usually offers a aggressive part to its owner. A patent is a 20-12 months different monopoly on the right to make, use and promote a qualifying invention. This legal monopoly is taken into consideration a praise for the time and effort expended in creating the discovery.

The leaking of a change mystery may want to potentially result in the facts becoming public or not being included. depending on how crucial the secret is to a company's operations, the disclosure of a change secret may want to threaten the viability or life of a company.

Learn more about Trade secret  here:


how does the text suggest that research into the impact of education on income might be changed to improve its impact while remaining committed to value neutrality?


Without quality education, children face considerable barriers to employment and earning potential later in life.

They are much more likely to suffer unfavorable health effects and less probably to take part in selections that affect them – threatening their capability to form a higher future for themselves and their societies.

Poverty and training are a part of the vicious cycle. If human beings are poor, they fail to present their youngsters with an education.

Children are not even enrolled in number one schooling. Due to a loss of education, youngsters are incapable of improving themselves and incomes on their personal.

Learn more about education here:


in research using surveillance camera footage of public places, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties


In the given research, researchers observed actual fighting behavior and found that third parties were less likely to intervene as the number of bystanders grew larger.

The provided researchers studied the phenomenon of bystander intervention. Bystander intervention refers to the recognizing or acknowledging a potentially harmful situation or interaction by the observers or bystanders which are unrelated to the situation and choosing to respond in a manner that could positively influence the problematic situation. It is the phenomenon by which an active bystander or third party intervenes and helps a stranger in a difficult situation. It has been observed as the researchers did through surveillance camera footage, that the likelihood of intervening and helping strangers decreases as the number of bystanders increases.

Learn more about Bystander intervention:


which sociological perspective suggests that religion serves as an integrative power that binds people together, much like the social forces of nationalism or patriotism?


Social scientists are aware that religion is an organized and integrated collection of norms, beliefs, and behaviors centered on fundamental social needs and values. In addition, religion is a cultural trait that is shared by all social groups.

What are the three religious perspectives?

When attempting to identify religious change, there are three perspectives: giving individuals, social systems, and religion itself priority. Understanding religion's role in social and personal life can be gained from a variety of perspectives.

How does the symbolic interactionist viewpoint approach religion?

Religion and Symbolic Interactionism This study looks at how religion affects our day-to-day lives and how we interpret religious experiences. It emphasizes, for instance, that practices and beliefs are not sacred unless they are regarded as such.

To learn more about religious change here


Which best explains the main idea of the third paragraph?


The claim that explains the main point of the third paragraph in How We Entered World War I is that Americans were proud of themselves for disregarding the problems happening in Europe.

By comparing and contrasting the events that led to World War I, the author uses comparison to explain the decision to go to combat. The author presents her analysis and opinions on the US and its reasons for joining World War I. The "War Message to Congress" from Wilson became Because it cannot allow freedom and peace to be in jeopardy, the United States must decline to participate. Therefore, the claim that most accurately captures the major idea in the third paragraph is that Americans were proud of themselves for ignoring the problems happening in Europe.

Which statement best describes the main idea of the third paragraph of "How We Entered World War I"?

Learn more about How We Entered World War I here:


after watching a recent news item about whether to keep individuals in a persistent vegetative state on life support or not, you feel strongly that you would like to specify what care you would want in a similar circumstance. a document that specifies this is called a(n):


You feel strongly that you should specify what care you would want in a similar situation after viewing a recent news story regarding whether to maintain people in a persistent vegetative state on life support or not. An advocate care directive is a document that makes this clear.

If you are extremely ill or wounded and are unable to make or communicate decisions about your care and treatment, you can use an advance care directive to specify the medical procedures you would prefer to accept or reject.

A durable power of attorney for health care and a living will are the two major components of an advance directive. In addition, there are additional documents that can be used in place of your advance directive. Depending on how you want choices to be made, you may decide which papers to produce.

To learn more about advocate directive


what are some potential benefits and drawbacks to having more citizen involvement in the amendment process?


Benefit : It ensures that checks and balances are respected.

Drawbacks :  the amendment becomes outdated because of its difficult amendment procedure.

The process of amending the US Constitution was deliberately difficult, and as a result the document was amended only 27 times. Article 5 of the US Constitution outlines various routes for proposed amendments. 1) 2/3 vote in the House and Senate. 2) His 2/3 vote of the members of the Capitol. 3) National Constitutional Convention by two-thirds of the legislature. Or 2/3 national conventions of the state legislature. Congress will then decide whether the amendment will be ratified by her 3/4 state endorsement or by the 3/4 state convention. So far, no amendments have been ratified under the state treaty method.

To know more about amendment  , visit:-


What is the main idea of the passage? crime is the result of poor living and working conditions. Providing people with clean, safe housing will help improve society. People will be more inclined to move to the city if it was clean. Providing people with better factory conditions will improve society.


Providing people with clean, safe housing will help improve society is the main idea of the passage.

A passage is a standalone section of writing that discusses a single subject or argument. Although they are not needed by the orthographic norms of any language with a writing system, paragraphs are a common way to structure lengthy prose passages.

There is a lot of stylistic dispute surrounding the creation of clear, logical passages. The structure changes depending on the style of writing. Newspapers, scholarly publications, and fictional pieces, for instance, all follow somewhat varied norms regarding where to insert passage breaks.

A widespread misunderstanding about how to use English is that a passage should have three to five sentences. In fact, some professional writing uses single-word passage, and journalists frequently use as well.

The complete question is, "What is the main idea of the passage?

By providing the laboring classes with better tenements, improved ventilation, and healthy and cleanly arrangements in respect to yards, sinks and sewerage, they will certainly suffer less from sickness and premature mortality, and a vast amount of pauperism, crime, and wretchedness be prevented.

–Dr. John Griscom, 1842

Crime is the result of poor living and working conditions.Providing people with clean, safe housing will help improve society.People will be more inclined to move to the city if it was clean.Providing people with better factory conditions will improve society.

Learn more about Paragraphs here:



Providing people with clean, safe housing will help improve society.



Of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?
establishment of gender constancy
peer pressure
differences in behavioral styles and interests
parent and teacher efforts



I believe the answer is C (it doesnt look like the answer would be d or b.)


Male and female both have different ways of seeing the world, different styles that they like to act on, different ways to approach something/someone, and overall different feelings. With that being said if you have 2 groups to choose from, one male, one female, and you are a male you're going to go on what you would be more comfortable with or like it says in the answer c different style and interests. Most females are not interested in football and most males aren't interested in dresses. Hope this helped you out.

Which two tatement from the Declaration peak of independence from England pecifically, a oppoed to independence a a general concept?


The current King of Great Britain's history is one of repeated insults and usurpations, all with the direct goal of establishing absolute Tyranny.

The Establishment is a word used to denote a dominating group or elite that governs a state or an organization. It could be a restricted social club that chooses its own membership, or it could be entrenched elite hierarchies within certain institutions. Establishment can refer to any comparatively small class of group of persons who can exercise authority over it. In the vocabulary of sociology, anyone who doesn't belong to The Establishment is referred to as an outsider. Anti-authoritarian anti-establishment beliefs criticize the legitimacy of establishments, viewing their effect on society as undemocratic. In its current usage, the phrase was popularized by British writer Henry Fairlie, who identified the network of influential, well-connected individuals as "the Establishment" in the London journal The Spectator in September 1955.

Learn more about legitimacy here


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when mountains form, the order of rock layers can be disturbed. how could radiometric dating be used to sort out the relative ages of such rock layers account c has a 3.9 % apr compounded daily ( 365 times per year). determine the account value's growth factor and percent change per compounding period. How did the United States benefit socially from imperializing Hawaii? people have always been materialistic, even in the most primitive societies. group startstrue or false Isla sells baked good from her home kitchen. She offers decorated cookies for $15 per dozen and cupcakes for $13 per dozen. It takes her an hour to decorate a dozen cookies, but only 20 minutes to decorate a dozen cupcakes. She would like to make at least $300 per week and not put in more than 20 hours of work per week.A: Create a system of linear inequalities that fits the situation.B: Isla just discovered that she is running out of cake mix for the cupcakes and royal icing for the cookies. She can make a maximum of 40 dozen cupcakes and 12 dozen cookies. What are the new inequalities you need to add to your problem?C: What is the maximum amount of baked goods that she could make? (cupcakes, cookies)D: How much will she earn if she made the maximum amount of baked goods?E: How long will it take her to make the maximum amount of baked goods? (minutes and hours)F: What is the least amount of time she could work and still earn $300? What baked goods would she make? olive borrows from polo and quennell, using the same collateral for both loans. only quennell has a perfected security interest. olive defaults on both loans. the party with first rights to the collateral is are recurring thoughts of danger that create anxiety; are ritualistic behaviors or mental acts that aim to reduce anxiety. Cervantes recently offered 60,000 new shares of stock for sale. The underwriters sold a total of 73,400 shares to the public at a price of $18.20 per share. The additional 13,400 shares were purchased in accordance with which one of the following?a). Red herring provisionb). Post issue agreementc). Green shoe provisiond). Qulet provisione). Lockup agreement Identify the statements about the prevalence of psychopathology as either true or false.a. Nearly 1 in 2 Americans will develop a psychological disorder at some point in their lives.b. The most common disorders are depression, anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and substance abuse disorder.c. About 1 in 4 Americans over age 18 has a psychological disorder in any given year.d. Psychological disorders are the third most common cause of disability in developed countries, behind cancer and heart disease.e. Depression is more common in men, whereas antisocial personality disorder is more common in women. Are open-minded people curious? the moon grimaced as i walked back to my house; it had a snarl on its face.simile metaphor imagerypersonification a 900 kg car moving at 10 m/s takes a turn around a circle with a radius of 25.0 m. determine the centripetal force acting on the car. in the past 150 years, co2 emissions have risen by nearly 50%. what has dramatically increased during this time that has led to this increase in co2? explain how this has occurred. How do you find the center and scale factor of a dilation? There were 425 guests at a hotel. 170 guests ordered food. What percentage of the guests ordered food? what subject area should be on the checklist of criteria for evaluating middlemen servicing a market? question 18 options: 1) flexibility 2) sensitivity 3) cultural empathy 4) productivity 5) breadth of knowledge the republican party dominated the presidency from (a) 1932-1968. (b) 1860-1932. (c) 1800-1860. (d) 1783-1800. What does the wavelength of an EM wave tell about its energy?A. As the wavelength decreases, the energy increases.B. As the wavelength increases, the energy goes to zero.C. As the wavelength decreases, the energy becomes constant.D. As the wavelength increases, the energy increases. a teacher wants to estimate the mean time (in minutes) that students take to go from one classroom to the next. his research assistant uses the sample time of 33 students to report the confidence interval as [7.08, 8.92].a. Find the sample mean time used to compute the confidence interval. (Round intermediate calculations to 4 decimal places, "sample mean" to 2 decimal places.) Sample meanb. Determine the confidence level if the sample standard deviation used for the interval is 1.901. (Round intermediate calculations to 4 decimal places, "t" value to 3 decimal places, and final answer to the nearest whole number.) Confidence level % Only eight hours after physically receiving a message, most people remember only about what amount of the message?a 25 percentb 75 percentc 90 percentd 50 percente 35 percent