In your own words, give a general description of the species, *wolf spiderIn your description make sure to include the scientific name and identification, it’s trophic level, it’s role in the food chain/web, and what biomes it may reside in.


Answer 1
Wolf Spider

• Scientific name and identification: ,Lycosa erythrognatha,.

This spider is distributed in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay.

It can be active during the day or night and is often found in cities, especially in gardens.

The spider is at the 3rd trophic level and is a secondary consumer (the spider feeds on beetles, butterflies, and flies and does not use its web to capture, but uses it to trap its prey).

The wolf spider can be present in much of South America and so it can be found in Biomes such as Temperate Forest and Tropical Forest.

Related Questions

Describe how an operon regulates the gene expression of genes.



The Operon is a regulated transcription unit, present in bacteria. An operon contains regulatory DNA sequences, which act as binding sites for regulatory proteins that promote or inhibit gene transcription. In this way, they regulate the expression of genes to proteins.

It is made up of the following components:

A regulatory gene:

The regulatory gene encodes a regulatory protein, the repressor. The lac repressor, encoded by the lacI gene, is the regulatory protein of the lac operon.

An operator:

The operator is the region of DNA in the operon to which the regulatory protein binds.

A promoter:

The promoter is the DNA sequence in the operon recognized by DNA-dependent RNA polymerase. The initiation site for RNA synthesis is located immediately after the promoter.

Structural genes:

The operon contains one or more genes encoding inducible enzymes.

When conducting an experiment, which of the following may be useful when collecting and recording scientific data?I.drawingII.tape recorderIII.lab notebook or tableA. I, III, and IV only B. III only C. IV only D. I, II, III, and IV


All the choices may be useful when collecting and recording scientific data. Drawing was used by scientist to record and communicate their efforts in an experiment for centuries. A tape recorder is being used to record the data collected through interviews. Lab notebook is used by researchers to document their hypothesis, experiments, as well as their analysis. A data table are used for organization of all the data collected to be used for experimentation.

Answer - Option D - I,II, II, and IV

A frog population lives in a pond covered with a species of aquatic plant that attracts insects due to its color. The small frogs depend on the insects for food. This represents a ________________ relationship between the frog and the plant species. predation mutualistic competitive commensalism


The answer is commensalism


-Commensalism is a symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits while the other species is not affected.

-One species typically uses the other for a purpose other than food.

-In this case frog population benefits (uses the aquatic plant to attract it´s own food) while the plant is not affected.

It is commensalism. I’m not really sure if this helped but try to put this answer in. Thank you. I also really hope this helps

Which of the following, is associated with the complicated muscle tremors seen in the condition of Parkinson's disease?Select one:a.cerebellumb.apneustic centerc.medulla oblongatad.basal nucleie.thalamus


The correct asnwer is d, basal nuclei.

Parkinson's disease occurs due to the lower level of dopamine in brain. It causes unnecessary tremors that originate especially from the region called thalamus. Therefore, thalamus is the correct answer.

In Parkinson's disease the tremors are different from any other kind of tremors, they are especially known as essential tremors. It is the disorder that causes the rhythmic contraction of muscles in an uncontrolled way, causing difficulty to the person in performing simple tasks.

There are some possibilities that can cause Parkinson's disease such as - Mercury poisoning, anxiety disorder, any kind of brain disease. Even though, there are evidence that 60 - 80% of cases are due to sudden reduction in the dopamine producing cells.

Parkinson's can be diagnosed by observing the person's symptoms. A neurologist can give the most correct diagnosis for Parkinson's. It has tremors in many places of the body, but most commonly affected areas are- hand and fingers, mouth or tongue, legs.

Learn more about Parkinson's and dopamine at,

Do capillaries do both Oxygen blood and reabsord nutrients ? And what does it mean it takes it from ICF and turns that into lymph (what’s lymph and what’s its purpose?) And where is the pancreas releasing the enzymes .


We have to consider that capillaries are blood vessels where our blood can move throughout our whole bodies nourishing each tissue with oxygen, but also carrying other nutrients, such as glucose to perform metabolic processes, like cellular respiration, so we can say that capillaries both oxygen and reabsorb nutrients. This can be done because the cells after performing those processes, can send out those products present in the intracellular media outside the cells via vesicles done by the Golgi apparatus. Eventually, these materials will be conducted through specialized capillaries known as lymphatic vessels, suspended in a fluid known as lymph, which is a liquid our bodies produce to carry out these substances, such as proteins and fats, but also white blood cells. And in this metabolic process of nourishment, enzymes produced in the pancreas but also in the small intestine, such as lactase, and sucrase will be crucial to catabolize the aliments that will give start to these set of reactions. This can be graphically represented as the following picture does, especially focusing in the stomach, the pancreas, and the small digestive intestine:

An organism gets food, water, shelter, and other things it needs to live, grow, and reproduce from itsa. populationb. habitatc. abiotic factorsd. species


The answer to this question is letter b. habitat. It is where the organism lives and meets all the environmental factors that they need in order to survie.

What is DNAa nucleic acid molecule made of nucleotide monomersa protein molecule made of nucleic acid monomersa carbohydrate molecule made of nucleotide monomersa lipid molecule made of carbohydrate monomers


DNA is made up of monomers called nucleotides. The nucleotides combine to form a polynucleotide that result to the DNA. It is a nucleic acid responsible for the encoding of information needed by the cells to make a protein.

Why do sharks find an injured fish or person easily


Answer: they can smell blood easily



Sharks are able to smell blood and can smell a bleeding person or fish easier.

Which features are true of seacucumbers?A. use the water vascular system to move on the seafloor and suction to mollusks to feed onB. have leathery skin, least like the other organisms in the phyla, longlanky bodyC. feed on algae, no true arms, have 5 layers of tube feetD. thrash arms around to move, feed using the water vascularsystem



C. feed on algae, no true arms, have 5 layers of tube feet



What theory hypothesized
that microorganisms are
the causes of infection?
A. Theory of Evolution
B. Koch's Postulates
C. Germ Theory this
D. The Cell Theory


germ theory, in medicine, the theory that certain diseases are caused by the invasion of the body by microorganisms, organisms too small to be seen except through a microscope.

One primary function of the cell membrane is *(1) regulating (controlling) the flow of simple sugars (food) into or out of the cell(2) synthesizing (making) substances by breaking down cell organelles(3) storing carbohydrates, water, and starches for future use(4) digesting (breaking down) carbohydrates, fats, and protein


Since the cell membrane has a very important role in nutrient uptake from the environment, option (1) is the the correct option. Therefore cell membrane is very important in regulating (controlling) the flow of simple sugars into or out of the cell.

Definition: This is the study of the vital statistics of a population and how they change over time.Find the correct vocab word for this definition


The study of the vital statistics of a population and how they change over time is referred to as Demography. it is of tremendous importance to the economy.

Corinne wants to find out how people in the Midwest feel about the topic of gun control. How can Corinne to find a sample that BEST representsthis region?OA. Choose subjects who are in one specific age group.OB Choose subjects who identify with different racial groups.Ос.Choose a very small sample of people from the same state.ODChoose a large sample of people who all are gun owners.ResetNextINTLEdimentum. All rights reserved


For Corinne to carry out a research that is as comprehensive as possible on the topic of gun control in the midwest, she should choose subjects who identify with different racial groups, since between the alternatives is the option with more variety of opinions. That's because all the

Include the answers to these questions in your response:• What is the name for the compound CaCO3?• How is it related to coral reefs?


The compound CaCO3 is called calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate is of great importance for coral reefs since skeletons of corals are mainly made of this compound.

Which of the following strategies in plants help insure that flowers are cross pollinated?A. male and female flowers on different plantsB. Stamens and pistils mature at different times.C. The stigma rises above the stamens on the flower.D. All of these choices are correct


The correct answer is the letter D. All of these choices are correct

2. A woman has just given birth to a daughter with a birth defect; malformation of her outer wear. The mother’s labs also indicate mild liver damage. In questioning the mother about diet and medications, she reveals that she has been taking a very high dose vitamin supplement throughout her pregnancy. She since vitamins are necessary to our health than more is better. What vitamin could have caused these toxicity signs and symptoms? What upper limit (UL) dose was the mother taking? What sensory system does this vitamin support the function of (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste)? What are some good food sources of this vitamin?


Vitamin A toxicity can cause these effects , she might be taking overdose of vitamin A.

Vitamin A toxicity condition may be acute or chronic. Acute toxicity occurs after consuming large amounts of vitamin A over a short period of time this may effect fetus growth during pregnancy .

If any one is pregnant they are advised to avoid vitamin A supplement has it effects babies growth inside the womb. Too much of vitamin A in the form of retinol may increase the risk of birth defects in your baby. I can have a adverse effect on growth of fetus and can cause cognitive defect in babies .

To learn more about Vitamin A toxicity , here


7. ________ diversity is the variety of genes or inheritable characteristics that arepresent in a population.A. SpeciesB. GeneticC. Ecosystem


The genetic (b) diversity is the variety of genes or inheritable characteristics that are present in a population.

2. Look at each diagram below and figure out if it is ACTIVE transport or PASSIVE transport or EQUILIBRIUM. Thearrow indicates (tells you) which way the molecules are moving.Diagram ADiagram BDiagram CDiagram DDiagram EDiagram F


Diagram A: Passive transport

Diagram B: Equilibrium

Diagram C: Active transport

Diagram D: Equilibrium

Diagram E: Active transport

Diagram F: Passive transport

Passive transport: The molecules go through the membrane from a place of higher concentration to a place of lower concentration according to the second law of thermodynamics, without the need to consume energy, until the system reaches the equilibrium.

Active transport: The molecules go through the membrane against the concentration gradient, with an energy cost to the cell.

Equilibrium: It is not static but dynamic, so some molecules may go through the membrane in both directions, but the result will be the same concentration in both sides of it.

How can plants cause weathering? (1 point)A. Plants need water, and water can weather rocks.B. Chemical reactions in plants change rocks and break them into smaller pieces. C. Sprouting seeds and growing roots can cause rocks to break.D. Plants attract animals, and animals can burrow into rocks.


The correct option is C. "Sprouting seeds and growing roots can cause rocks to break." When seeds sprout and their roots start to develop, they start a complex chemical process. This process along with their physical increase is capable of weathering, specially if we consider this in trees which have deep roots.

What is the genotype of individual B in generation I?


We have to consider that female individuals are represented by a circle, while males with a square. When these forms are shaded, what's indicated, is that they express a particular trait of consideration, which usually is genotypically represented by two recessive alleles in females, and only one in males (due to the corresponding inherited chromosomes: males have only one X chromosome, while women have two of them).

In this case, then, the genotype of the individual B in the first generation is XBXb, since only with this female genotype, the given offspring is reached.

In the Punnet square, we can see how with the mother's genotype being XBXb, there's an offspring like the exercise tell us, being green circles and squares. the healthy ones, and red circles and squares the one that has the disease.

A single average phenotype is favored. What form of natural selection does this describe?A. sexual selectionB. directional selectionC. disruptive selectionD. stabilizing selection


The type of natural selection that a single average phenotype is favored is the stabilizing slection (d), since an single average phenotype is favored being the individual trait the most present in the population.

The Integumentary system consists of the skin and its derivatives (hair and nails). The skin is the largest organ of the human body and consists of multiple layers. Describe the structure, function, and location of the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis of the skin. Make sure to identify the various types of cells that composes each and the role that they play in maintaining homeostasis. This is an essay response. To be eligible for full credit, you must have a minimum of 3 -5 paragraphs. You must also include a minimum of 2 sources used to research your response.


The integumentary system is made up different layers such as the epidermis, dermis and hypodermic which comprises of cells that differentiates them from each other.

What is the integumentary system?

The integumentary system is the largest viseral system that consists of the skin and its derivatives such as the hair and nails.

The integumentary system is made up of the following layers such as:

Epidermis : This is the topmost layer of the skin which is made up of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium as it is usually exposed to constant wear and tear. it is also made up of immune cells called the Langerhans cells.

Dermis: This is the layer of the skin that is directly below the epidermis.This layer is made up of fibroblasts, which generate connective tissues.

Hypodermis: This is the innermost part of the skin that is made up of adipose tissue cells, nerves and blood vessels.

The role that the skin plays in the maintenance of homeostasis is that is contains immune cells in its epidermis that helps to fight against infection.

Learn more about skin here:


What is the photosynthesis?



Photosynthesis is the process by which green plants trap light energy using chlorophyll (green pigment) in their chloroplast to make food.


All the material necessary for Photosynthesis to occur are acquired by: active transport to absorb water into the roots, this water later travels up the xylem into the leaves due to the transpirational pull.

The Carbon Dioxide diffuses into the stoma (pores on the backside of the leaves) while oxygen diffuses out as a by-product.

There are two stages of Photosynthesis:

Light dependent stage:

In this stage, the water(H2O) that is present in the leaves are split apart by the light energy that is trapped by the chlorophyll and Oxygen leaves as by-product.

equation: 2H2O(l) --> 2H2(g) + O2(g)

Light independent stage:

In this stage the Hydrogen from the water combines with Carbon Dioxide from the atmosphere to produce glucose.

equation: 6CO2 + 6H2O --> C6H12O6 + 6O2

The plant can then use the glucose to repair its cells or for respiration and converts the rest into starch for storage.

examples chromosomal disorder in adolescence


Klinefelter’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome are examples of chromosomal disorders in adolescence.

What is Klinefelter’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome?

Klinefelter’s syndrome: a genetic condition that affects males. It isn’t usually diagnosed until adulthood. This syndrome affects testicle growth, which results in smaller testicles, leading to lower formation of testosterone.  Klinefelter’s syndrome puts men at higher risk of breast cancer/ other cancers, problems with blood vessels, type 2 diabetes and osteoporosis.

This syndrome occurs due to an extra X chromosome in cells.  

Turner’s syndrome:  this condition affects only females. This syndrome is caused due to the absence/ partial absence of one X chromosome. It can cause many medical and development issues that include heart defects, short height and failure in developing ovaries.

Therefore, Klinefelter’s syndrome and Turner’s syndrome are examples of chromosomal disorders.

Learn more about chromosomal disorders here:


Determine the type of evolution.Fossil evidence suggests that whales evolved from land mammals. This was a slowprocess over thousands of years that resulted from continual reduction of theto fins.


This example is a case of directional selection, a type of natural selection.

An example of prey animals workingtogether to avoid predators is...A. a lizard loosing its tail to distract a predator.B. prairie dogs sounding an alarm.C. a ground squirrel diving in a burrow.


The problem calls for an example in which two different organisms help each other to evade a predator.

Pedigree 2 from Part A is shown below. Recall that this pedigree shows the inheritance of a rare, autosomal dominant condition. Fill in the genotypes for the indicated individuals in the pedigree by dragging the best label to the appropriate location. Labels can be used once, more than once, or not at all.


The  genotypes that will fill up the pedigree chart are:

I - Dd

II- Dd, dd, Dd

III- dd, Dd, dd

What is a pedigree chart?

A pedigree chart is a chart that shows how traits or characters are inherited from parents to offspring.

The given pedigree chart shows the inheritance pattern of an inheritance of a rare, autosomal dominant condition.

The inheritance pattern is as follows;

F1 generation, Parents 1:

4.  Dd fills the gap because the condition is heterozygous

II- Dd, dd, Dd fill in the gap, because the conditions are heterozygous, h0mozygous and heterozygous.

III- dd, Dd, dd fill in the gap, because the conditions are h0mozygous, heterozygous, and h0mozygous.

Learn more about pedigree charts at:


Show that DNA Replication is semi-conservative. In your illustration include the following enzymes:helicase and DNA polymerase.


DNA replication is the process by which new copies of DNA are produced, and it normally occurs prior to cell division.

DNA is made of two complementary chains or strands, and during replication, each of these strands is used as a template for the synthesis of a new strand. This means that each molecule of DNA produced in replication has one "old" strand and one "new" strand, and is because of this that replication is considered a semi-conservative process.

Given that DNA has a double helix structure, this helix must be unwound to allow replication to occur. This unwinding is performed by an enzyme called helicase, and after that, the DNA polymerase proceeds to add the complementary nucleotides to each DNA strand.

What should be included in the fitness portfolio from a fitness assessment?


Cardiorespiritary assesment result

Select all the correct answers
Which two statements best describe the role of lymph in the human body?

A It transports nutrients in the body

B It produces hormones in the body.

C It synthesizes antigens in the body

D It circulates macrophages in the body.

E It produces keratin in the body



A and C


Lymph is a light yellow-coloured, mobile fluid connective tissue which drains into the lymphatic capillaries from the intracellular spaces. Functions: The lymph carries carbon dioxide and nitrogenous waste from tissues to the blood. Lymph protects the body by killing germs and fighting against infection.

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