In your own words, describe the similarities and differences between the Federalist Party and the Democratic-Republicans. How were they similar? How were they different? How do these differences predict the future conflict between the North and South?


Answer 1


One difference is that the Federalist Party wanted to create stronger ties with the British while the Democratic-Republicans wanted to create stronger ties with the French. The Democratic-Republicans wanted to provide more economic support for the working class (South) and the Federalists wanted to provide more economic support for industry and manufacturing (North).

Answer 2

A similarity is that they both wanted some type of Republic, while they also believed they were doing the best for their nation. I predict that the future conflict between the North and South will have to do with with wanting to expand their land.


Related Questions


The chief executive of a state is called the Governor. What do we call the chief
executive of a city?


this is reallllllllly easy its a mayor

Describe a current myth, misperception, or stereotype about women's or men's bodies or minds. Why do
do you think this myth exists?


The myth that women are better at house work than men. This myth exists due to past misogyny and gender roles.

The Korean and Vietnam Wars took place half a world away from the U.S. and several decades ago. Many people often get the details of the two wars confused. Complete this chart to help you remember the similarities and differences between the conflicts. Korean War Vietnam War Dates and Locations Countries and/or Groups Involved Reasons for Fighting US Leaders (Government, Military, etc.) Foreign Leaders (include country represented) Major Battles (include reason for importance, outcome, effect on the war) US Public Opinion (How did Americans feel about the conflict



The Korean and Vietnam Wars took place half a world away from the U.S. and several decades ago. Many people

How has the cartoonist portrayed Botha's reforms?​




Study Source B

How has the cartoonist portrayed Botha's reforms?

(b) Why do you think that Botha hos enlarged the word reform?

(c) What does the reaction of the African person indicate regarding how

Botha's reforms were received in the townships?

(2/2) (4)

(2 x 2) (4)

(2 x 2) (4)


Consult Sources A and B. Explain how these sources give a similar message

regarding Botha's attempt to create a black middle class.

(2 x 2) (4)


Use Source C.



Using your own knowledge, explain what community councils (black

local authorities) were.

(1 x 2) (2)

How would the messages (words) on the banners persuade residents

not to vote for community councils? Discuss TWO of these messages (2 x 2) (4)

What do you think is meant by 'A vote for the community Councis is a

vote against the people'?

(2 x 2) (4)

Explain how this poster would be useful for a historian investigating

how township residents viewed black local authorities.

(223) (E)



Using the sources and your own knowledge, write a paragraph of about

10 lines (about 100 lines) explaining why residents of the townships rejected

the 1982 Bantu Local Authorities Act



Why is it important for the president to having some power over setting foreign policy


Answer: The president has the power to nominate ambassadors and appointments are made with the advice and consent of the Senate. The State Department formulates and implements the president's foreign policy. ... Country Reports on Human Rights Practices are submitted each year to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations.

Explanation: there of yah go dude :D UwU im da best!

What were the French using the horses for


Answer: for carrying messengers as well as for pulling artillery, ambulances, and supply wagons



this is the answer that i get

20 POINTS!!!!

The goal of Stalin's scorched earth policy was

1. Forcing the Finns to surrender quickly

2. destroying anything of use to the Germans

3. forcing the French to surrender

4. punishing his political opponents



A scorched-earth policy is a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy. Any assets that could be used by the enemy may be targeted, which usually includes obvious weapons, transport vehicles, communication sites, and industrial resources. However, anything useful to the advancing enemy may be targeted, including food stores and agricultural areas, water sources, and even the local people themselves, though the last has been banned under the 1977 Geneva Conventions.

Kuwaiti oil fires set by retreating Iraqi forces in 1991

The practice can be carried out by the military in enemy territory or in its own home territory while it is being invaded. It may overlap with, but is not the same as, punitive destruction of the enemy's resources, which is usually done as part of political strategy, rather than operational strategy.

Notable historic examples of scorched-earth tactics include William Tecumseh Sherman's March to the Sea in the American Civil War, Kit Carson's subjugation of the American Navajo Indians, Lord Kitchener's advance against the Boers, and the setting of fire of 605 to 732 oil wells by retreating Iraqi military forces in the Gulf War. Also notable were the Russian army's strategies during the failed Swedish invasion of Russia, the failed Napoleonic invasion of Russia, the initial Soviet retreat commanded by Joseph Stalin during the German Army's invasion during the Second World War, and Nazi Germany's retreat on the Eastern Front.

The concept of scorched earth is sometimes applied figuratively to the business world in which a firm facing a takeover attempts to make itself less valuable by selling off its assets.




The answer will be B(2) because a scorched-earth policy is a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy.

Question 1 of 10
When would a secondary source be considered unreliable?

A. When it offers a theory about the significance of an event

B. When it omits information that contradicts its conclusions

C. When it is written by an academic professional

D. When it is written by someone who did not experience an event directly



It is d because you cannot be sure as the person who has written has not been there so you don't know if they are telling the truth or exaggerating the event


it is b


trust breh d is wrong

how did the u.s practice the truman doctrine in korea?


In August of 1945, the Soviet Union occupied Korea, which had been under Japan's control since 1910. The United States quickly moved its own troops into southern Korea. Japanese troops surrendered to the Russians in the north and to the Americans in the south.

what was the compromise of 1877?​



an informal agreement arranged by US Congressmen that settled the dispute in the 1876 presidential election


Apollo 13 has been hailed as one of NASA’s greatest accomplishments, but even great accomplishments don’t go perfectly. Considering only Mission Control (which includes the Mission Operations Control Room, the Staff Support Rooms, and the Simulation Control Room) and the Mission Evaluation Room, what lessons can be learned about what could have been better prepared for, or done better at the time?



the 50th anniversary of the launch of the Apollo 13 mission that never made it to the moon, the one where Commander Jim Lovell uttered the phrase “Houston, we've had a problem.” NASA calls the mission a “successful failure,” because even though an explosion crippled the primary spacecraft two days in, Lovel

What effect did the plantation system and slavery have on early settlements?



The plantation system developed in the American South as the British colonists arrived in Virginia and divided the land into large areas suitable for farming. Because the economy of the South depended on the cultivation of crops, the need for agricultural labor led to the establishment of slavery.

Describe what Skylab was? How many crews did it have?



Skylab was the first experimental American space station made by NASA. Used between May 1973 and February 1974. It had 3 separate crews before it fell out of orbit.

From the look on her face, Brenna is
carrying an albatross around her neck.

The Bible
Or a poem



It's a poem ;) have a nice day

what was John Brown's goal at Harper's Ferry



To raid the federal armory that was there to supply a slave uprising.

Question 1:
Question 2:



Allied Powers - France, Britain, USA (Joined late), Soviet Union(switched sides)  The common purpose of the Allies was to defeat the Axis powers and create a peaceful post-war world.

Axis Powers - Germany, Italy, Japan, Soviet Union(until attacked by Germany)

The Axis goals were to "establish and maintain a new order of things, to promote the mutual prosperity and welfare of the peoples concerned." They all had common goals: total rule of the world, the Soviet Union wiped off the map and territorial expansion.

WWII ended when General MacArthur accepted Japan's surrender.


Which of the following reasons represents the BEST economic motive for imperialism in Africa?
O A To create new markets for manufactured goods
OB. The belief that it was the right of Europeans to dominate their inferiors
C Growth of cities lead to a mass migration of Europeans to Africa
O D To take natural resources for use in European factories


D to take natural resources is the answer

Was it possible for the US to definitively win the Vietnam war?



When talking about the Vietnam War, it is necessary to make a distinction between the military results and the social impact of the conflict. Thus, in 1973, when the Vietnam War came to an end with an American defeat, things were going relatively well for the United States in the military field. In other words, several victories had been obtained in specific battles, although the guerrilla war continued to cause several headaches for the American soldiers. Therefore, the war was ended rather by antiwar social pressure that saw the conflict as a meaningless conflict in which America had no genuine interest and in which the lives of young Americans had no reason to be risked. Therefore, if it had not given in to social pressure, most likely America would have ended up winning the war.

Crusades were military Expeditions undertaken by​



European Christians to regain the Holy Land from the Muslims


What is a Muslim house of prayer called?





A masjid is a place Muslims go to worship their god *Allah* And pray if there are occasions or just go there to pray their daily 5 prayers with their community. :))))) Hope I helped!


Muslims can pray anywhere, but often gather in a mosque to pray together. A mosque usually has a minaret tower, from which a muezzin (caller) chants a call to prayer five times a day

Who controlled East Berlin?


Soviet controlled East Berlin

For this assignment, you will create a brochure about the local resources available for people interested
in receiving education and training for jobs and careers in Louisiana.



answer is here


How did the Trireme expand the Greek?


they evolved! this should help

Explanation: The trireme was no run-of-the-mill ship. It was one of the most effective warships of the ancient world and the Greeks perfected this design 2,500 years ago. The design of the trireme was su superior and it made the Greeks the deadliest force on the seas. With a standard length of around 118 feet, standing 21 feet high and just 12 feet wide, it was a sleek, fast war machine. It was a ramming ship, equivalent to the modern-day torpedo as it had a copper ram that would punch holes in enemy ships and sink them. To be effective though, it needed speed and it accomplished this by having 170 rowers, 85 a side. These were split into three levels, one above the other. This is why it's called a trireme which means "triple rowed." The best example to show the effectiveness of the trireme can be found at the Battle of Salamis. The Greek ships were outnumbered by their Persian enemies up to three to one, and they would have surely lost if it wasn't for the power of the awesome trireme.The Greeks won the battle and the war and many people see this as the first victory of democracy over tyranny. It led to a period of Greek cultural growth and the principles of Western society were formed.

Shaka was Select one: a. an Afrikaner who waged war on Dutch settlers. b. the British-appointed ruler of the Cape Colony. c. the leader of Ethiopia's successful resistance to Italian imperialism. d. a Zulu leader and organizer of a violent, militaristic empire. e. the leader of a protest against working the DeBeers' diamond mines.



d. a Zulu leader and organizer of a violent, militaristic empire.


Shaka kaSenzangakhona also referred to as Sigidi kaSenzangakhona and Shaka Zulu was born in July, 1787 in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Shaka became the king of the Zulu kingdom in 1816 and he ruled until the 22nd of September, 1828, when he was assassinated in KwaDukuza, South Africa by his two half-brothers named, Mhlangana and Dingane.

Shaka was a Zulu leader and organizer of a violent, militaristic empire that were armed with assegais, a form of long-bladed, short spear with an easy to wield handle. This weapon is considered to be very deadly and as such contributed to the success Shaka and his warriors had in their fight with other tribes.

Explain whether eugenics can be supported as a science .


First of all, if you don't know already, eugenics was Developed largely by Sir Francis Galton as a method of "improving" the human race. Now can it be classified as a type of science? The answer is no. According to Edwin Black, "Eugenics is often deemed a pseudoscience because what is defined as a genetic improvement of the desired trait is a cultural choice rather than a matter that can be determined through objective scientific inquiry." (War Against the Weak).

. Demands for the calling of a Constitutional Convention in 1787 reflected the growing belief that the
A. Small and large states should be political equals
B. Rights of businesses were not being proteeted
C. The Articles of Confederation were a weak form of government
D. State governments lacked power


[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{pink}{An}}{\red{sw}}{\orange{er}} {\color{yellow}{:}}}}}[/tex]

A. Small and large states should be political equals.

Thanks Hope its correct

why khmer people relocate from Angkor to chaktomok?​



Phnom Penh has been the national capital since the French Colony in Cambodia and has developed the  Phnom Penh's formula, in short, Krong Chaktomok


Name 1 reason why the United States could not immediately get involved
in stopping Hitler



they wanted to remain nuetral



Isolationists believed that World War II was ultimately a dispute between foreign nations and that the United States had no good reason to get involved. The best policy, they claimed, was for the United States to build up its own defenses and avoid antagonizing either side. Also, the US had just gotten out of the Great Depression, and after seeing the effects of it, and of World War I, the US was very skeptical about joining its allies of Britain and France. The US continued to however assist and aid there allies with war bonds, and supplies, and then eventually joining the war after the Japanese attacked Peral Harbor.

Hope I helped!

ASAP please I need help

Newsela article our system of checks and balances

Look at the chart titled "3 Branches of
de cultim
Based on the article, which option BEST explains
why the line from the Executive box goes
directly to the President symbol but not to the
Vice President and Cabinet symbols?
t judges
Amount per
because the vice president and Cabinet
function to support the president
because the president is the only key role of
the executive branch
Total Fat Grand
Saturated fat
Trans Fatite
Cholesterol Colen
Sodium I Sodio od
Total Carbohydrate ca
Dietary Fibeti Fiat
You Sugars 1
because the vice president and Cabinet have
a role only if the president is unable to serve
because the vice president is part of the
Activate Windows




Explanation: i think not totally sure

This is thus because the executive branch's only important position is that of the president. As a result, choice (B) is the proper approach.

What do you know about the President of the United States?

As the nation's head of state and government, the president of the United States (POTUS) is a powerful position. As commander-in-chief of the American armed forces, the president oversees the executive branch of the federal government.

Since George Washington, the first president, took office in 1789, the presidency has significantly increased in power. Although the scope of the presidency has fluctuated over time, it has become increasingly important to American politics since the turn of the 20th century, with Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration marking a significant increase.

Since he is the head of the last remaining superpower, the president is currently regarded as one of the most important political personalities in the world.

Hence, option (B) is accurate.

Learn more about the President, from:


Congratulations you have worked hard and now you are done with the year! I am so proud of you!






10th grade...



answer will be your done!!

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