In which kind of economy are prices determined by supply and demand and by government actions?
A) Command
B) Market Eliminate
C) Mixed
D) Traditional


Answer 1


market eliminate


Answer 2
Command because In the command the government does everything. The government sets the prices and how much supply is sent

Related Questions

1. What was the Mandate of Heaven?

2. What are the origins of the Mandate of Heaven?

3. How did the Mandate of Heaven evolve?


Was the Mandate of Heaven a political tool or a religious belief? Could it be both? Explain using a few sentences.


Is the Mandate of Heaven fair? Why or why not? Explain using a few sentences and evidence from the text.



1.the mandate of heaven is a Chinese political and religious that was used in a ancient imperial china to justify the rule of the king or emperor of China

Help please! I need it ASAPP (Yes its more social studies)



what are the options?  


The Challenger Deep:

is the deepest known ocean trench
was the bathyscaph manned by Walsh and Piccard
is a submersible ship for deep-sea exploration
is an experimental submarine home


The answer would be A) is the deepest known ocean trench!
The answer is A
I think

In order to reduce poverty, some governments in Latin America have increased investments in ________.
Capital Goods
Natural Resources
Human Capital


Answer: Human Capital

Explanation:investing in human capital and in human development.

The answer to your question is human capital which is the last one

anyone need help with the medieval times era ? i can help you if so


Answer: No but i might no someone who would like some help.


Why was the fall of Berlin Wall symbolic?

It symbolized the collapse of the Soviet Union that occurred soon after.

It symbolized the anger of the West Berlin citizens that they had live under communism.

It symbolized the end of the Berlin airlifts that stopped soon after.

It symbolized the destruction of the arms race that had led to too many missiles.



The wall, which stood between 1961 to 1989, came to symbolize the 'Iron Curtain' – the ideological split between East and West – that existed across Europe and between the two superpowers, the US and the Soviet Union, and their allies, during the Cold War.

it symbolizes the collapse of the Soviet union that occurred soon after

Pls help with all of this will give Brainliest.



May not be direct answers, but it may help?

1) For one, it's difficult to find out what can and cannot be recycled. There are so many different kinds of paper goods, plastics, and metals, and worst of all, so many things that are combinations of materials or exotic new inventions of material science, that no list could possibly include every possible case.

2) Disadvantages of Recycling

High upfront capital costs.

Recycling sites are always unhygienic, unsafe and unsightly.  

Products from recycled waste may not be durable.

Recycling might not be inexpensive.

Recycling is not widespread on large scale.

More energy consumption and pollution.

Result in pollutants.

Increased processing cost and low-quality jobs.

3) “Glass is 100% recyclable,” says Robert Weisenburger Lipetz, executive director of the Glass Manufacturing Industry Council (GMIC), a nonprofit trade association. “It has an unlimited life and can be melted and recycled endlessly to make new glass products with no loss in quality,” he adds

SO, The neighbor is right!


Hey robl.ox player, probably a 6th grader


For the First page:

The first one  (guaranteed)

(maybe) The 4th one

Second page (this isn't guaranteed, so don't take my word):

First one

Third one

Third page

3rd one

In 1954, the Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education
overturned Plessy v. Ferguson by ruling segregation unconstitutional.
stated that African American and white schools needed to be equal.
upheld the Separate Car Act by ruling that segregation was legal.
upheld Plessy v. Ferguson by ruling segregation constitutional.


Answer: What doctrine was established by the ruling in Plessy v Ferguson?

On May 18, 1896, the U.S. Supreme Court case Plessy v. Ferguson ruled that separate-but-equal facilities were constitutional. The Plessy v. Ferguson decision upheld the principle of racial segregation over the next half-century.


How did the confederacy’s strategy at the start of the civil war differ from the unions strategy
a) the confederacy spent most of its money building an enormous navy to control the mississippi river .

b) the confederacy focused on protecting its own territory instead of invading its opponents territory .

c) the confederacy worked to stop opposing forces from getting enough food and supplies .

d) the confederacy wanted to convince the border states to support its war efforts .


The answer is d, hope it helps u

At the start of the Civil War, the Confederate strategy was different from the Union's because b) the confederacy focused on protecting its own territory instead of invading its opponents territory.

What was the original Confederate strategy?

When the Civil War broke out, the Confederacy was more interested in protecting their territory from Union invasions.

The Union on the other hand, invaded the Confederacy because they wanted to reunite the U.S. by force.

Find out more on the Civil War at


How did Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease Act shift US foreign policy away from isolationism?
It lent arms to Allied forces and allowed them to pay later.
It allowed the US to sell arms to belligerent nations..
It put US bases on German territory.
It put US bases on British territory.


Answer: (A.) It lent arms to Allied forces and allowed them to pay later

Roosevelt’s Lend-Lease Act shifted US foreign policy away from isolationism by lending arms to Allied forces and allowed them to pay later.

What did the policy birth?

The policy adopted leads to the term of Arsenal of Democracy because U.S. provided its allies military aid

Hence, the Lend-Lease Act shifted US foreign policy away from isolationism by lending arms to Allied forces and allowed them to pay later.

Therefore, the Option A is correct

Read more about Lend-Lease Act

Why do we have a Bill of Rights?

What are the Bill of Rights


the bill of rights are the first 10 amendments and it gives us americans civil rights like for example freedom of speech, freedom to press, freedom of religion, etc.

Answer and Explanation:

We have a Bill of Rights to protect those rights against infringement from public officials and private citizens

The Bill of Rights are our amendments.

Amendment 1

- Freedom of Religion, Speech, and the Press

Amendment 2

- The Right to Bear Arms

Amendment 3

- The Housing of Soldiers

Amendment 5

- Protection of Rights to Life, Liberty, and Property

Amendment 6

- Rights of Accused Persons in Criminal Cases

Amendment 7

- Rights in Civil Cases

Amendment 8

- Excessive Bail, Fines, and Punishments Forbidden

Amendment 9

- Other Rights Kept by the People

Amendment 10

- Undelegated Powers Kept by the States and the People

Which country specialized in medical products and pharmaceuticals

1. Brazil


Mexico ..... ............
Mexico. Number 2 I believe

What is included in state constitutions to prevent any branch from being more powerful than the other?
Question 6 options:

Checks and balances

List of rights of citizens

Review process

Short descriptions


I’m not sure, but I believe it is checks and balances
Separation of power on the United States is associated with the Checks and Balances system.Tye checks and Balances systems provides each branch of government with individual power to check the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming too powerful.

How do people's agricultural practices affect the environment of sub-Saharan Africa?

A. Many farmers practice slash-and-burn agriculture, leading to deforestation and desertification.
B. Many farmers practice slash-and-burn agriculture, leading to long-term improvements in soil quality.
C. Many farmers are nomadic herders, leading to long-term improvements in soil quality.
D. Many farmers are nomadic herders, leading to deforestation and desertification.



i think its b


The people's agricultural practices affect the environment of sub-Saharan Africa, as Many farmers practice slash-and-burn agriculture, leading to long-term improvements in soil quality. Thus, option B is correct.

What is Agriculture?

Agriculture, sometimes known as farming, is the cultivation of plants and cattle. Agriculture was an important step in the growth of sedentary human civilization, since it produced food surpluses that allowed people to live in cities.

Crop waste, coal, and wood are among the most polluting biomass fuels, especially when used in inefficient and poorly vented stoves. Thousands of health-harming chemicals are found in biomass smoke.

The agricultural practices of the people have an impact on the environment of Sub-Saharan Africa, since many farmers use slash-and-burn agriculture, which leads to long-term improvements in soil quality. As a result, option B is correct.

Learn more about Agriculture here:


how will the rising price of cotton will impact the future of Georgia’s economy?



Cotton is Georgia's No. 1 row crop in farm-gate value and it comes in second or third each year in total agriculture value. Georgia's poultry and egg production, worth $4 billion, has securely kept the No. Cotton's farm gate value is about $1.5 billion each year.


Ddhfgtufjrcurtdexufgu......I’m sry fhdhdtxff

the prime minister believe that if his idea is followed


is this a question????????


yes idea is followed


Why was the Berlin Wall built?

The United States did not want to have another Berlin airlift.

The Soviet Union did not want people leaving East Berlin for West Berlin.

The Soviet Union wanted to be part of the Marshall Plan.

The United States wanted to build an iron curtain.



To divide East Berlin to West Berlin.


The Soviet Union did not want people leaving East Berlin for West Berlin

1. TRUE or FALSE?: America suffered it's heaviest losses when they launched a ground assault on the island of Japan in 1945.
2. TRUE or FALSE?: As they did during World War 1, Americans rationed foods and materials and purchased bonds during World War 2.
3. TRUE or FALSE?: When FDR died, it became Vice President Winston Churchill's responsibility to decide whether or not to use nuclear weapons against Japan.
4. TRUE or FALSE?: The code names for the bombs dropped on Japan were "Little Boy" and "Fat Man."



1. True

Reason: Battle of Okinawa Death Toll Both sides suffered enormous losses in the Battle of Okinawa. The Americans bore over 49,000 casualties including 12,520 killed. General Buckner was killed in action on June 18, just days before the battle ended.

2. True

Reason: During the Second World War, Americans were asked to make sacrifices in many ways. Rationing was not only one of those ways, but it was a way Americans contributed to the war effort.

3. True

reason: Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882 – 1945) was the 32nd President of the He had direct responsibility for establishing and funding the project and its forerunners. drop the atomic bombs on Japanese cities, as well as post-war nuclear policy. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, meeting a month later, rejected Bohr's plan.

4. True

Reason: "Fat Man" was the codename for the type of nuclear bomb that was detonated over the Japanese city of Nagasaki by the United States on 9 August 1945. It was the second of the only two nuclear weapons ever used in warfare, the first being Little Boy, and its detonation marked the third nuclear explosion in history


Hope this helps :D

All of the them are true

Identify all of the CORRECT statements about the Leo Frank case and its impact on society in the South.


What are the options ?
where are the options?

help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



send the video pls


Degrading of wildlife is due to.....
A) Environment Pollution
B) Loss of tiger, plants and micro organism
C) Loss of Ice cover region
D) None of the above (FAST IT'S MY TEST)


the answer is a, i think, im sorry if its not


I think it is environment pollution that causes the degrading of wildlife.

Based on Source 2, which statement shows a characteristic of the number of voters in 1828?

A. Included free black males for the first time

B. Decreased from the previous election

C. Included women voters for the first time

D. Increased from the previous election



There's no source but i think A


sorry if wrong but u never put the source

A I think is the answer

Historians describe the time immediately after the Han Dynasty collapsed as _____ ,
“the Civil War”
“the Years of Chaos”
“the Period of the Warring States”
“the Period of Disunion”



the years of chaos


C the year of chaos

Why was Ulysses S. Grant considered kind and generous?

a. He allowed all confederate soldiers to return to their homes
b. He ordered Union troops to share food with starving Confederate soldiers
c. He had compassion for the downfall of the Confederate soldiers
d. All of the above



Explanation:in 1865, as commanding general, Ulysses S. Grant led the Union Armies to victory over the Confederacy in the American Civil War. As an American hero, Grant was later elected the 18th President of the United States (1869–1877), working to implement Congressional Reconstruction and to remove the vestiges of slavery.

Because he was one of the people who everybody liked and thought he was kind and generous

Choose all the responses that illustrate how citizens elect leaders in Nigeria. A) representative democracy B) direct election of the president C) Parliament elects the President D) universal suffrage for citizens 21 or older E) universal suffrage for citizens 18 or older



igeria and Kenya both have which form of government? ... In a parliamentary democracy, how do citizens choose the prime minister? Citizens ... In a country, citizens elected the legislators who then elect the president. ... Nigerian citizens play a more direct role in electing their leaders. ... Option E. 14 terms. racheldoughty ...


Universal suffrage for citizens 18 or older are the citizens to elect leaders in Nigeria. Hence, option E is correct.

What is the concept of universal suffrage?

The "one person, one vote" tenet is reinforced by universal suffrage (or franchise), which guarantees the right to vote for as many individuals as possible who are subject to a government's rules.

All adult male citizens of a political system are given the right to vote under a kind of voting rights known as universal manhood suffrage, regardless of their income, wealth, religion, race, or any other criterion.

Male suffrage was first made possible by the fourth and final Reform Act in 1918. Early in the 19th century, the British election system was thought to be incredibly unfair and in need of revision. Of of the more than 2.6 million people living in the country at the time, just 4,500 men were eligible to vote in parliamentary elections.

Thus, option E is correct.

For more information about concept of universal suffrage, click here:


Which quotation do you agree with? Why? Explain your answer.


I can’t see the picture

Someone Help meeee I am in 2 years advanced classes and I need like a really good explanation of a feudal system. Of japan and Europe. Also is this picture a feudal system if not what is it.



I might be able to help


The feudal system was basically where the king owned everything. The king was the main head of power and he controlled all the land. There was also levels of the feudal system rankings.

Basically its:




- and the poor/peasants

Now to get land, you would have to serve the king.  Even then the land would still not be yours truly.  Basically the person you are pledged to is the rank higher than you.


so the other answer can get brainliest


Help please thanks!

Q #1 options are: 1928, 1932 or 1934
Q #2 options are: Should intervene or Should NOT intervene
Q # 3 options are: Create new programs, Refuse cash bonuses or end federal aid


Q #1 is 1932
Q #2 should not ?
Q #3 create new programs?

explain two ways democracy was redefined and expanded under Andrew Jackson’s administration




Expanded suffrage – The Jacksonians believed that voting rights should be extended to all white men. By the end of the 1820s, attitudes and state laws had shifted in favor of universal white male suffrage and by 1856 all requirements to own property and nearly all requirements to pay taxes had been dropped.

It built upon Jackson's equal political policy, subsequent to ending what he termed a "monopoly" of government by elites. ... Jackson's expansion of democracy was largely limited to European Americans, and voting rights were extended to adult white males only.

What was Brown v. Board of Education really about?

Ending slavery practices in schools
Making sure that black schools and white schools were segregated
Making sure that black schools and white schools were desegregated
Shortening the time students had to spend at school



Making sure that black schools and white schools were desegregated


Brown v. Board of Education set the precedent that segregation in schools was unconstitutional and overturned the idea that "separate but equal" access was okay.

Yes I agree I don’t understand what you do but I just want you orange orange yellow orange orange brown orange orange yellow
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