in what ways could walker's appeal reach the south? once there, how could it be distributed? who do you think distributed it? what consequences might a person in possession of walker's appeal face if caught?


Answer 1

His Appeal was published in September 1829. Walker relied on sailors and ship's commanders who were sympathetic to the cause to deliver the leaflet to southern ports in order to reach his target audience, the enslaved men and women of the South.

Walker's Appeal quickly changed the perspectives and behaviors of both blacks and whites. The Appeal served as a catalyst for tighter restrictions on both free and enslaved black people and heightened paranoia among southern whites on the possibility of a slave uprising.

Both slaves and slaveholders in the South were greatly affected by The Appeal.

The words inspired the slaves and gave them a sense of pride and optimism. On the other hand, horrified whites started passing laws that prohibited slaves from learning to read and restricted the spread of antislavery material.

To know more Slaves here


Related Questions

What are the sources of revenue for local government?


Sales tax, lottery and casinos, taxation, severance tax, and user fees are the primary revenue streams for municipal governments.

A sales tax is a levy levied by a government on the sale of specified products and services. Generally, laws allow the vendor to collect tax dollars from the consumer just at point of sale. A use tax is a levy on goods or services paid directly to a governing body by a customer. Food, education, and medications are frequently free from sales and use tax under state legislation. A value-added tax (VAT) levied on products and services is similar to a sales tax. Key distinctions can be found in the comparison with sales tax. A conventional or conventional sales tax is imposed on the sale of a good to its ultimate end.

Learn more about good  here


conflict is defined as: perceived incompatibility of actions or goals. dissatisfaction with relationship outcomes. hostility that results from frustrating interaction. competition for mutually exclusive goals.


Conflict is defined as: perceived incompatibility of actions or goals. Conflicts are struggles and clashes of ideas, beliefs, or even moral precepts.

Academic recognition may or may not be a key motivator in conflicts that are emotional, intellectual, or theoretical. Cultural conflict is a subtype of intellectual conflict, which tends to intensify through time as a result of various cultural norms and beliefs. Conflict in a group frequently takes a predetermined path. Regular group interactions are initially disturbed by an internal conflict, which is frequently brought on by conflicts among the group's members, internal issues, or a lack of resources. The group is no longer cohesive at this phase and may divide into coalitions.

learn more about Conflict here:


dr. garrett is a current research scientist in the field of child development. if she agrees with contemporary child development researchers, which view of the age-old nature vs. nurture debate is she most likely to support?


According to Dr. Garrett, actions are entirely influenced by biology and entirely by environment and also she supports it.

A person's intention serves as the driving force behind each action they take, which they carry out for a specific reason. Determining how actions vary from other types of behaviour, such as automatic responses, is the first task in the philosophy of action.   Finding "what is left behind if I subtract the fact that my arm goes up from the fact that I raise my arm," according to Ludwig Wittgenstein, is what this entails.  Most experts agree that the answer to this query has to do with the agent's motivations. Driving a car, then, constitutes an action since the agent intends to do so, whereas sneezing only constitutes a behaviour because the actor has no control over it.

learn more about actions here


what very large country has been experiencing unusual, violent protests, specifically about their leaders’ policies concerning covid?


Because due to vaccine shortage, the inoculation campaign is also facing administrative challenges and vaccine hesitancy in rural areas.

How do vaccinations function?

Immunity to a disease is conferred by vaccinations without the need for prior illness. They are created utilizing the disease-causing germ's parts or weaker, dead copies of the germ (called antigens). The antigen used in certain vaccinations are created through gene editing.

Who made the initial vaccine?

The first successful vaccination was developed by Dr. Edward Jenner. He discovered that those who had zoonotic disease were immune to smallpox. Expanding on this finding, English physician Edward Jenner immunizes 8-year-old James Phipps with information gleaned from a cowpox sore on a milkmaid's hand in May 1796.

To know more about vaccine visit:


What lesson have you learned from the story of the two wolves?


"Battle of the Two Wolves" is a story that teaches the negative or positive  traits that a person exhibits.

What the story, "Battle of the Two Wolves" is about?

The lesson of the two wolves serves as a personification for how human sentiments like false pride, greed, and rage may influence us, as well as how human sentiments like tenderness and bashfulness can do the same, and it helps us understand that all of these sentiments come into existence in our minds.

As a result, it helped us to realize that we will most likely exhibit the traits that we inspire, whether they are positive or negative.

To learn more about Battle of the Two Wolves visit here:


the qualities of freedom and self-governance seen in the internet and social media have led many to celebrate them as a technological solution to which key issues?


The traits of freedom and self-governance seen inside the net and social media have led many to have fun with them as a technological technique to key issues and growing disenchantment with politics and loss of citizen participation inside the political method.

The arena-wide net is primarily based on numerous distinctive technologies: net browsers, Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), and Hypertext switch Protocol (HTTP). a web browser is used to access internet pages. net browsers may be described as programs that show text, data, photos, animation, and video on the internet.

On the internet, a single person can talk with as massive a target market as a multinational agency.

Learn more about technology here


which leadership approach is likely to backfire when group members lack the skills or training to work autonomously?


The Laissez-faire is the leadership approach likely to backfire when group members lack the skills or training to work autonomously.

What is the Laissez-faire leadership approach?

Leaders that practice laissez-faire have a trusting and dependent attitude toward their workforce. They don't micromanage, get overly involved, or provide excessive direction or instruction. Instead, laissez-faire executives encourage their staff to use their initiative, resources, and expertise to advance their objectives.

At work, managers and leaders take a back seat and let their staff members make decisions. They may even allow them to set their own deadlines. 2 They don't provide a lot of input. 3. In politics: A political leader who demonstrates laissez-faire leadership would give little direction and let subordinates make decisions.

However, the autocratic style is best if the group's top goal is getting its work done fast because just one person needs to make the decisions. The autocratic approach is likewise most successful

Read more on leadership here:


what is true about integrative bargaining? multiple choice it is an adversarial negotiation in which the parties in conflict compete to win the most resources. it focuses on the people and not the problem. it helps parties in conflict to keep focused on the source of conflict and avoid the temptation to discredit one another. it helps parties in conflict not to care if their interpersonal relationship is damaged or destroyed by their competitive negotiation. it helps parties in conflict to meet their demands rather than their interests.


Answer: it helps parties in conflict to keep focused on the source of conflict and avoid the temptation to discredit one another

Explanation: because integrative bargaining is a type of win -win situation.

Under this situation, the seller and consumer will agree on a solution which will be beneficial to both.

An agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends.a. Trueb .False


Any information obtained through an agency throughout the duration of the partnership must be kept confidential, but after the agency has ended, it may be disclosed is a False statement.

An agent is the legal term for a person who has been given the power to act on behalf of another person or organisation. An agent may be employed to represent a client in conversations and other contacts with third parties. The agent might be granted decision-making authority.

The opposing party's agents, such as an attorney, lender, or another representative, should not be given any confidential information pertaining to a buyer's or seller's client eventho after the agency ends.

To know more about agency:


specific references that illustrate ideas are a. analogies. b. connectives. c. testimony. d. examples.


Brief example are a specific case referred to in passing to illustrate a point.

Hence, Option D is correct.

A brief instance a specific instance that is briefly mentioned to highlight a point. expanded illustration a lengthy tale, narrative, or anecdote produced to make a point.Expert testimony and peer testimony are the two types of testifying.A writer will make a clear statement of their key concept in a paragraph. This major topic may be introduced at the start, middle, or end of the paragraph. The theme sentence of that paragraph is the one in which the primary concept is expressed.

To know more about Testimony here


What are the main sources of revenue for local governments in Uganda?


Allocation from of the National Exchequer: Local governments receive a set amount of money from the federation account.

A federation is a political organization characterized by a union of largely self-governing provinces, kingdoms, or other territories governed by a central federal authority. In a federation, the component states' self-governance, as well as the power distribution between them and the national government, is often constitutionally entrenched and cannot be changed by a unilateral decision made by either the component states or the federal political body. A federation, on the other hand, is a type of government in which sovereign authority is nominally shared between a central authority and just a number of constituent regions, with each region retaining some degree of independence over its internal affairs. It is frequently contended that u.s. states where the central authority has veto power are not truly federal.

Learn more about independence here


physical energy that produces a response in a sense organ is called multiple choice perception. sensation. adaptivity. a stimulus.


Physical energy that produces a response in a sense organ is called sensation.

Each sensory point represents a particular organ or anatomical structure. they may be all placed at the forehead underneath the anterior hairline. the attention, nostril, and Mouth factors are positioned at once beneath

The fundamental A point in a vertical line approximately cm from each different and 1.0 cm lateral to the midline.those sensory organs include eyes for sight, ears for sound, nostril for smell, tongue and nostril for flavor, and skin for touch. The feature of every feel is to help humans perceive the sector so that we may make selections approximately .

Vision is regularly concept of because the strongest of the senses. it's because human beings have a tendency to depend extra on sight, as opposed to hearing or odor, for facts approximately their surroundings. light at the seen spectrum is detected by way of your eyes while you go searching.

Learn more about  sense organ  here


A type of foreign policy in which a country becomes heavily involved in the affairs of other countries is known as ______.


A type of foreign policy in which a country becomes heavily involved in the affairs of other countries is known as internationalism.

A kingdom's overseas policy or outside policy is its goals and sports in relation to its interactions with different states, unions, and different political entities, whether or not bilaterally or thru multilateral structures. overseas coverage is the mechanism country-wide governments use to guide their diplomatic interactions and relationships with different international locations. A kingdom's foreign policy displays its values and goals, and facilitates pressure its political and economic aims inside the worldwide area.

The 4 primary objectives of U.S. overseas coverage are the protection of America and its residents and allies, the guarantee of continuing to get right of entry to to international assets and markets, the maintenance of a stability of power in the global, and the safety of human rights and democracy.

Learn more about foreign policy here:


which disorder has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality?


Borderline personality disorder  has traits that are found primarily under neuroticism in the five-factor model of personality.

Neuroticism additionally plays an critical function within the development of melancholy. especially, scholars have discovered that neuroticism now not handiest is extensively related to depressive signs but additionally has huge predictive consequences on depressive signs and symptoms (4).

Neuroticism is a character trait characterized through disappointment, moodiness, and emotional instability.1 individuals who are excessive in neuroticism generally tend to revel in mood swings, anxiety, irritability, and sadness. those low on this character trait have a tendency to be extra stable and emotionally resilient.

Folks that are high in neuroticism can from time to time be seen as stressful. as an example, someone with neurotic behaviors might grate at the nerves of these round them by means of: Being vital of others. Being overly depending on others, or soliciting for help in place of figuring things out for themselves.

Learn more about Neuroticism  here


This type of bias occurs when survey participants are unwilling or unable to respond to a survey question or an entire survey.


When respondents to something like a survey or the overall poll are unable or reluctant to do so, nonresponse bias results. Everyone has a unique set of justifications for not responding.

What is the concept of nonresponse bias?

When semi from a sample deviate significantly from respondents, this is known as the non (or late-response) bias (or early responders). This bias is prevalent in descriptive, analytical, and experimental research, and survey studies have shown it to be a severe problem.

Why does nonresponse bias exist?

Nonresponse bias can result in a number of problems: Response bias bias increases random errors since the actual sample size collected doesn't match the intended sample size. As respondents consistently differ from nonrespondents, the results are not typical of the intended population.

To know more about Nonresponse bias visit:


average income for adults still varies widely across gender and racial groups in the united states, which tells us that:


Average income for adults still varies widely across gender and racial groups in the united states, which tells us that income is correlated with race and gender.

Over time and among nations of all income levels, gender inequality is closely linked to income disparity. In developed nations, where there are more equal economic opportunities for men and women, gender differences in economic engagement are the main cause of income inequality.

The average Black and Hispanic or Latino household in the United States earns almost half as much as the average White household and has just 15% to 20% as much net wealth.

Technology advancement, globalization, commodity price fluctuations, and domestic economic policies such redistributive fiscal policies, labor and product market policies are some of the major causes of the rise in intra-country income inequality documented in the literature.

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recent anthropological research has focused on the upper segments of society, such as financial institutions, aid and development agencies, medical laboratories, and doctors. what is this process called?


The whole process of identifying and studying Higher institutions is  called Studying up.

Anthropologists investigate every aspect of human existence. Their research focuses on our ancestry, contemporary societies, and prospects for human survival. Humans are social animals, and anthropology approaches this topic holistically.In anthropology, human communities are compared globally and historically. For instance, we contrast the legal and religious systems of today with those of the past. We research multinational firms while comparing social systems such as family dynamics.This identification, as well as the associated abilities of decoding, analysis, and anticipation, are displayed in The New Anthropology.

To know more about Anthropology here


What was the purpose of the abolition movement and the main goal of an abolitionist?


An abolitionist, as the name implies, was a person who advocated for the abolition of slavery in the 19th century. These folks particularly requested the immediate and total freedom of all slaves.

As abolitionists became increasingly outspoken in their demands, slave owners dug in, heightening local tensions that ultimately sparked the American Civil War. The American abolitionist movement aimed to abolish slavery in a country that valued individual liberty and held the notion that "all men are created equal."

Beginning in the 16th century, millions of Africans were kidnapped and sent over the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas, where they were used as laborers on the sugar and cotton plantations in South and North America as well as the Caribbean Sea islands.

To learn more about abolitionists


you believe were violated during pinochet's regime and explain how/why. also, what do you believe can be done, if anything, to ensure that atrocities like this never happen again?


Under General Augusto Pinochet's military dictatorship in Chile, heinous acts of physical and sexual torture as well as psychological harm were among the systematic human rights abuses that were committed.

Following his ascent to power, Pinochet pursued communists, socialists, and political opponents. As a result, 1,200 to 3,200 individuals were put to death, 80,000 were imprisoned, and tens of thousands were subjected to torture.

They also slashed taxes, privatized state-run banks, industries, and industries, cut tariffs, and made the central bank independent among other measures. "Make Chile not a nation of proletarians, but a nation of entrepreneurs," was Pinochet's proclaimed goal.

During his administration, political division, hyperinflation, lockouts, economic sanctions, CIA-sponsored interventionism, and a botched coup attempt in June 1973 all contributed to a climate of civil unrest in Chilean politics.

To know more about 'pinochet' related questions



in your professor's description of a psychological disorder, they keep returning to its cardinal trait: the inability to remember important personal information and life events. what disorder are they describing?


The disorder described here is Dissociative Amnesia. The inability to remember important personal information and life events are its symptoms.

Dissociative amnesia occurs when a person blocks out certain events, often associated with stress or trauma, leaving the person unable to remember important personal information.

This forgetting may be limited to certain specific areas or may include much of the person's life history and/or identity. Dissociative amnesia is one of a group of conditions called dissociative disorders.

Learn more about dissociative amnesia here:


according to doctrine and covenants 21, what two words summarize how we are to follow modern prophets? group of answer choices


Meekness and humility are two words follow modern prophets

Revelation given to Joseph Smith the Prophet on April 6, 1830, in Fayette, New York. On the specified date, this revelation was given in Peter Whitmer Sr.'s home during the Church's formation. Six men who had been baptized before took part. According to God's command, these individuals expressed their desire and determination to organise by unanimous vote. They also voted to accept and keep Oliver Cowdery and Joseph Smith Jr. as the Church's leaders. Oliver was then ordained an elder of the Church by Joseph through the laying on of hands, and Joseph was ordained by Oliver in a similar manner. Joseph and Oliver laid hands on each participant individually after the sacrament was administered to bestow the Holy Ghost and confirm them as members of the Church.

To know more about Joseph Smith visit


An organization pursuing a differentiation strategy will pay some employees much more than others and compensation is used to encourage risk taking.
a) true
b) false


Differentiating your business from those in your industry or market segment by creating distinctive products, services, and business models is the goal of a differentiation strategy. The correct option is True.

A strategy for differentiation focuses on what sets your company apart from competitors in the same market or industry. A strong differentiation approach enhances steady brand loyalty, lowers price competition, boosts profit margins, and makes it harder for customers to switch to a competing product.The company, the price of the good or service, and the actual good or service are three sources of differentiation. Every company must learn to set itself out from its rivals in today's crowded business environment. Leaders cannot just enjoy the brand loyalty of their followers than others and compensation is used to encourage risk taking.

To know more about Strategy visit:


which statement best describes the role of the political party in modern electoral politics in the united states?


The United States has what is known as a two party system

Nominating people for public office is a political party's primary duty. Parties educate the populace, pique their curiosity, and encourage engagement in civic affairs. A political party serves as a "bonding agent" in politics to secure the success of its candidates and elected officials. In a two-party system, there are only two political parties that actually stand a chance of winning elections.A political party is made up of people who band together to run the government, win elections, and shape public policy.

To know more about Political Party here


The study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the ____.a. decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increasesb. fear of getting involvedc. increased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increasesd. desire to help but with concerns about potential liability


The study of bystander intervention is the study of situational variables related to helping a stranger, most notably the the decreased likelihood of helping as the number of bystanders increases.

What is bystander intervention?

Bystander intervention  can be desribed as the intervention that is used in the prevention and de-escalation of  potentially violent incidents however this can be seen as the the willingness to take action  as well as the help to someone in time of need.

It help to prevent the Domestic and Sexual Violence is preventable.

Therefore, option A is correct.

Learn more about variables at:


What was the relationship between the US and Cuba in 1898?


The Spanish-American War begins in 1898. The tragedy has fueled calls for America to militarily liberate Cuba and protect American business interests there.

The fighting begins in April. Spain had surrendered by December, ceding Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines to the United States in the Treaty of Paris. From 1898 to 1902, Cuba was a US protectorate under the Treaty of Paris; the US gained political and economic supremacy over the island, which remained after it gained formally independence in 1902. Bilateral relations deteriorated significantly following the 1959 Cuban Revolution.

Learn more on Spanish-American War -


shelly feels as though she has become separated from her body and is observing herself from the outside. her hands feel foreign to her, and they look smaller than usual. occasionally, her mind seems to be floating a few feet above her. based on this information, shelly might suffer from:


Shelly has the sensation that she has become cut off from her body and is looking in on herself. Her hands look smaller than usual, and they feel strange to her. Her thoughts sometimes seems to float a few feet above her. According to this information, Shelly may have a disorder associated to trauma and stressors.

A range of mental and behavioral issues called trauma and stressor-related disorders can arise from traumatic and stressful experiences in childhood. These traumatic and stressful events may have involved abuse, neglect, or other forms of family strife, as well as exposure to physical or emotional violence or pain.

The most well-known and frequently diagnosed trauma and stressor-related disorder is posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). A close family member or acquaintance must have directly experienced, witnessed, or learned about a violent occurrence in order to meet the diagnostic criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In the United States, the lifetime prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), one of the most common and severe types of trauma- and stress-related disorders, is around 7%. (although levels are often higher in areas heavily affected by violence or disaster).

Learn more about trauma visit:


1. larry has been diagnosed as suffering from: a. antisocial disorder. b. obsessive-compulsive disorder. c. bipolar disorder. d. paranoid schizophrenia.


Larry has been diagnosed as suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADHD is one of the most widely recognized neurodevelopmental problems of life as a youngster. It is generally first analyzed in adolescence and frequently endures into adulthood. Kids with ADHD might experience difficulty focusing, controlling incautious ways of behaving (may act without pondering what the outcome will be), or alternately be excessively dynamic.

A child with ADHD might:

daydream a lotless focussquirm or fidgettalk too muchmake careless mistakes or take unnecessary riskshave a hard time resisting temptationhave trouble taking turnshave difficulty getting along with others

Know more about ADHD -


Complete Question is -

Larry has difficulty organizing his daily schedule of work responsibilities. He often makes careless mistakes or fails

to complete his work because he is easily distracted. Larry's behavior is most characteristic of

A. hypochondriasis.

B. attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.

C. generalized anxiety disorder.

D. obsessive-compulsive disorder.

episodes of overwhelming anxiety that last for several minutes with physical symptoms such as shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat is most characteristic of:_________


Agoraphobia is most often characterized by prolonged, intense anxiety attacks that include physical manifestations like rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath.

Why does agoraphobia occur?

A tragic childhood event, such losing a parent or experiencing sexual assault. Suffering a stressful incident, such as a death in the family, a divorce, or a job loss. A history of mental diseases including depression, bulimia, or anorexia nervosa. Misuse of drugs or alcohol.

Is agoraphobia a PTSD subtype?

It connects to panic, a frequent symptom of anxiety. Agoraphobics may feel unable to leave their homes or other safe places because they fear having a panic attack. Anxiety is a frequent sign of trauma, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other disorders linked to trauma.

To know more about Agoraphobics , visit:


after his last drinking spree, nadeem fakim hid a half-empty liquor bottle. he couldn't remember where he hid it until he started drinking again. mr. fakim's pattern of recall best illustrates:


After his last drinking spree, nadeem fakim hid a half-empty liquor bottle. he couldn't remember where he hid it until he started drinking again. mr. fakim's pattern of recall best illustrates: state-dependent memory.

State-established memory or state-based studying is the phenomenon where human beings recollect greater statistics if their physical or intellectual nation is the identical at time of encoding and time of recollect

Context-structured forgetting can arise while the surroundings throughout do not forget isn't like the surroundings you have been in while you were gaining knowledge of. state-dependent forgetting takes place while your temper or physiological state during don't forget isn't the same as the temper you were in when you were mastering.

Learn more about state-dependent memory here:

what are the four characteristics of subsistence farming


Subsistence farming is a type of farming in which nearly all of the crops or livestock raised are used to support the farmer and his or her family, with little, if any, surplus available for sale or trade. Subsistence farming was practiced by preindustrial agricultural peoples all over the world.

Subsistence agriculture occurs when farmers grow food crops on smallholdings to meet the needs of themselves and their families.  Subsistence farmers maximize farm output for survival and mostly for local needs, with little or no surplus.

Planting decisions are made primarily with what the family will require in the coming year in mind, with market prices coming in second. Tony Waters, a sociology professor, defines "subsistence peasants" as "people who grow what they eat, build their own houses, and live without making regular market purchases."

What is subsistence farming advantages and disadvantages?

In the Pacific SIDS, traditional subsistence farming is practiced on more than half of all small farms. It has the advantage of being ecologically sound, with species and cultivars that are locally adapted and resilient. The disadvantage is that productivity is low.

Learn more about subsistence farming to visit this link


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