In the Supreme Court decision Marbury v. Madison?


Answer 1

Chief Justice John Marshall's ruling in Marbury v. Madison established the judicial review principle, a crucial addition to the "checks and balances" system designed to prevent any one branch of the federal government from becoming overly powerful.

What is the main point in Marbury v. Madison?

The concept of judicial review—the ability of the federal courts to declare legislative and executive acts unconstitutional—was established in the Marbury v. Madison case decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1803. John Marshall, the Chief Justice, penned the unanimous opinion.

By giving the federal courts the authority to declare legislation, as well as executive and administrative actions, to be incompatible with the U.S. Constitution and thus null and void, Marbury v. Madison strengthened the federal judiciary.

Learn more about Marbury v. Madison here:


Related Questions

is war always negative? Explain


Mass city destruction and long-lasting effects on a nation's economy are also consequences of war. On public health services, social order, and infrastructure, the armed conflict has significant indirect negative effects.

Why do we accept war?

War fosters social cohesion by bringing people together in the face of a common threat. It brings people together, not just the army fighting, but the entire neighborhood. It promotes what James described as a discipline—a sense of cohesion with shared objectives.

In addition to destroying communities and families, war frequently halts the growth of a country's social and economic structure. Children and adults can suffer long-term physical and psychological harm as a result of war, and both material and human capital are lost.

Learn more about War here:


22. As a result of the Supreme Court ruling in Miranda v. Arizona (1966), a person accused of a crime is
entitled to
a) a speedy trial
b) reasonable bail
c) a reading of his or her rights at the time of arrest
d) protection against cruel or unusual punishment


A person accused of a crime is entitled to a reading of his or her rights at the time of arrest.

What was one result of these economic developments during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries


One result of the economic developments during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was commercial capitalism.

What is economic development?

Economic development is an effort geared towards improving the economic well-being and quality of life of a country or a community by creating and/or retaining jobs, supporting the tax base and growing incomes.

It may be referred to as an increase in a country's wealth and standard of living. Examples of economic development include Improved productivity, higher literacy rates, higher income, etc.

Commercial capitalism was one of the results of the economic expansion of the period as merchants started to become entrepreneurs in order to meet market demands by employing wage laborers and by exploiting existing craft guilds.

Learn more about capitalism at


One way the government can use fiscal policy to fight a recession is to:

A reduce welfare subsidies.
B cut taxes.
C decrease Social Security
D payments.
spend less money.


One way the government can use fiscal policy to fight a recession is to cut taxes.

What is recession?

An economic downturn that is significant, pervasive, and long-lasting is called a recession. Though more sophisticated formulas are also used, a general rule of thumb is that two consecutive quarters of negative gross domestic product (GDP) growth indicate a recession.

In addition to other indicators, economists at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) look at nonfarm payrolls, industrial production, and retail sales to measure recessions, which is a far more comprehensive approach than the more straightforward (though less precise) two quarters of negative GDP measure.

The NBER does note, however, that "there is no fixed rule about what measures contribute information to the process or how they are weighted in our decisions."

Learn more about recessions


what did benjamin franklin's father did for a living



His father was a candle and soap maker


Select the correct answer.
In which time period did the Trail of Tears occur?
O A. 1830-1850
OB. 1800-1820
O C. 1790-1810
O D.1880-1900





The Trail of Tears occurred in the 1830s. It was a tragic event in which Native American tribes were forced to leave their ancestral lands in the southeastern United States and relocate to lands west of the Mississippi River. The forced relocation, which was carried out by the federal government, resulted in the deaths of thousands of Native Americans.

1831 to 1850 is when the Trail of Tears took place. The removal of the Indian policy by Andrew Jackson resulted in forced migration. Therefore, option A is correct.

What was the Trail of Tears?

The Trail of Tears was a series of forces over the American Indians of the "Five Civilized Tribes," in which some 60,000 American Indians were involved.

The Cherokee were forcibly removed in 1838 under the direction of General Winfield Scott, who led 7,000 soldiers and members of numerous State militias in escorting the Cherokee and other Indians west.

For two decades, the ethnic cleansing—also known as the practice of expelling American Indians—was ongoing.

The moniker was given to the Cherokee and other indigenous North American peoples' arduous trip from Georgia to Oklahoma in 1838. Many of them perished while being transported to the Indian Territory by the US administration.

Learn more about Trail of Tears here:


4. In 1890, three kinds of people were deciding the future of our national natural resources. Describe each group.
-Preservationists: leave national natural resources alone
-Conservationists: use national natural resources responsibly


The future of our country's natural resources was decided in 1890 by three different groups of people: conservationists, preservationists, and others.

Why was the conservation movement launched in 1890?

Existing natural resources came under growing stress as a result of population increase, industrialization, urbanization, and a move to a market-driven economy. Eastern woodlands had mostly been destroyed by the middle of the 19th century.

Early conservation efforts were driven by the need to protect natural resources such as fisheries, wildlife habitats, water supplies, soil, and sustainable forestry.

The 230 million acres of public lands that Theodore Roosevelt helped construct when he was president represent his conservation legacy. 150 million acres of that land were designated as national forests.

Learn more about the conservation movement, from:


Ralph Waldo Emerson believed that people should rely on:

OA. others to find themselves.
OB. nature to find truth.
OC. God to find nature.
OD. themselves to find truth.


Emerson argues that the present is the only place where God and existence take place, and that the individual can only see the present in its "richness" in nature. However, the self-reliant individual is connected to the present and, as a result, to the unity of everything because they are attuned to nature and their inner self.

How does Ralph Waldo Emerson describe the natural world?

Nature, in Emerson's words, is the "mind precipitated" body of God's soul, not God. According to Emerson, it is to be in paradise to fully realize one's role in this regard. He says these words at the end of "Nature": Every experience and thing teaches; Because wisdom can be found in every form.

How did Ralph Waldo Emerson think about people?

Emerson wrote about a variety of topics, never adhering to any one set of philosophical principles. Instead, he developed concepts like individuality, freedom, the human capacity to achieve almost anything, and the connection between the soul and the world.

To learn more about Emerson's here


Compare and Contrast the Roman Empire and Han Dynasty
Compare and Contrast their:
Government structures,
Their roles of government in their economies and societies and culture,
and their effectiveness of their methods of rule.


The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty can be compared in terms of barbarian invasions and conflicts. The contrasts can be related to culture and philosophies.

What are the similarities and differences between the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty?

The similarities between both can be related to the great territorial conquests of both, in addition to civil conflicts, and invasions by other peoples, such as barbarians.

Regarding the differences between them, we can primarily mention philosophy and culture, since the Romans were more militarily aggressive than the Chinese empire, which, being based on Confucian philosophy, had diplomacy in interaction with other peoples as its primary aspects.

Therefore, the Han and Roman Empire came to an end through civil strife, excessive corruption and economic weakness. It is also important to note that diseases were transmitted between civilizations, which led to the decline of both.

Find out more about Roman Empire on:


Which of the following characterizes patterns of immigration into the United States during the 1840s and 1850s?
a. Most immigrants settled in the South to take advantage of jobs in industry and agriculture.
b. Most of the Irish who arrived in the United States were poverty-stricken peasants.
c. The largest group of immigrants arriving came from eastern and southern Europe.
d. The poorest immigrants arriving in the United States came from Wales and Scotland.


The poorest immigrants arriving in the United States came from Wales and Scotland.
Why did immigrants come to America in the early 1900s?

People from many different countries throughout the world made the decision to leave their homes and immigrate to the US. Many people fled agricultural failure, land and employment shortages, rising taxes, and starvation to the United States because they believed it to be the land of economic opportunity.

Nearly 12 million immigrants entered the country between 1870 and 1900, many of them came in search of personal independence or protection from political and religious persecution. The bulk of these individuals arrived in the United States during the 1870s and 1880s from Germany, Ireland, and England—the top three countries for immigration prior to the Civil War. Nevertheless, during the commencement of the California gold rush in 1849 and 1882, a sizable number of Chinese immigrants came to the country.

to learn more about immigration click:


Modern-day Sudan was ruled by a long line of powerful rulers in the 1500s–1800s in what was known as?

A the Funj
B the Kingdom of Ethiopia
C Lunda and Luba
D Oromo


Answer: Modern-day Sudan was ruled by a long line of powerful rulers in the 1500s–1800s in what was known as?

A the Funj

Explanation: During the 1500s to 1800s, Sudan was ruled by a dynasty known as the Funj. The Funj Sultanate was established by the Funj people, who originated from the region of modern-day South Sudan.

Under the Funj rulers, the Sultanate of Sennar, located in present-day Sudan, became a powerful and prosperous state. The Funj Sultanate reached its peak in the 16th and 17th centuries and exerted influence over a significant portion of the eastern Sahel region of Africa.

The Funj Sultanate was known for its strong military, administrative organization, and cultural achievements. The rulers of the Funj dynasty adopted Islam and promoted Islamic education and architecture in the region.

Learn more about Sudan and the Funj here:

Answer: The Funj

Explanation: The Funj were located in modern day Sudan, ruled by kings from 16th to 19th century.

They relied on trade and converted to Islam in 1500s. Plagued by internal political conflict, taken by Egypt in the 19th century. 

I took the test, this is 100% correct.

About 30% of imports that arrive in Washington
O are transported elsewhere.
O involve raw materials for services.
O remain in the state.
O are sent to Europe.

thank you so so much!!



Are sent to Europe :)


Because I know :)

What was the main objective of the Bhandarkhal Incident?​



To establish the dictatorship of Jung Bahadur and the Rana autocracy


Analyze the following map. From your understanding, this map shows _____. Select all that apply.
Africa as it was in 2010
a snapshot of the changing landscape of African nations
the impending conflict in Sudan
Botswana is larger than South Africa
the threat Libya was to Egypt before 2010


The map represents Africa as it was in 2010. The correct response to the question is option (1).

Define a map.

The links between different elements of an environment, such as places, themes, or items, are highlighted by a map. While some maps are interactive or dynamic, others are static and adhered to paper or another durable medium.

The map in question solely depicts the boundaries of the states and other governmental and territorial entities found in the continent of Africa. It is not a map that depicts any kind of topographic or populated features, such the land, the network of settlements, the routes of roads and trains, etc.

As a result, it does not represent any kind of political struggle among African countries. Additionally, it doesn't depict how these nations' landscapes have changed. Finally, it is clear from a quick glance at the map that Botswana is not bigger than South Africa.

To know more about maps, visit:


Summarize the long lasting conflict between Israel and Palestine 


The 1967 War is particularly significant since it gave Israel authority over the West Bank and Gaza Strip, two areas with sizable Palestinian populations, which led to continuous conflicts in the region.

How long did the Israel-Palestine conflict last?

The region that the Israel claimed to be their original homeland and desired to establish as a Jewish state was also regarded as historically belonging to the Palestinians by the Arabs, resulting in conflicts. There have been conflicts in the region since Israel was founded in 1947, with several significant battles taking place during the past eighty years.

The 74th anniversary of Israel's declaration of independence from the British Empire will occur on May 14, 2022. Conflicting claims to the land were the cause of the disagreement. Jews in Israel are split along ideological lines, and many of them support keeping things as they are. As of 2022, the majority of Palestinians reject both the two-state and one-state solutions; many feel that the two-state solution is no longer feasible.

To learn more about Palestinians, visit:


Why did the Virginia General Assembly not allow free or enslaved Black
people to travel outside of the county in which they lived?

A. White people feared unknown Black people in their towns and

B. Black people were known to bring diseases and sickness
wherever they went.

C. White people wanted to keep Black people in their towns and
communities to work.

D. Politicians wanted to keep enslaved people within their voting


Answer:White people feared unknown Black people in their towns and communities.


how does colonialism, industrialism and the atlantic slave trade all relate to each other?


it was in cotton production that the industrial revolution began, particularly in and around Manchester. The cotton used was mostly imported from slave plantations. Slavery provided the raw material for industrial change and growth.

How did John Kennedy’s inaugural address strike a different tone?

It talked about reverence for the adults who lived through the Great Depression.

It urged Americans to move beyond the consumer culture of the 1950s.

It focused on communism in the Caribbean.

It explicitly focused on the topics of segregation and race.

It downplayed the Soviet Union as a threat.


John Kennedy’s inaugural address struck a different tone because It downplayed the Soviet Union as a threat.

What was the Soviet Union?

The Soviet Union which was officially referred to as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic was a country that existed in the twentieth century up until its dissolution into different smaller countries in 1991.

In history, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR) was the first country to practice communism. During the period of its existence (1922-1991) is was one of the most powerful countries in the world.

The USSR and the United states were engraved in the cold war and

Who was John Kennedy?

John F Kennedy, who was nicknamed  as jack was an American politician who served as the 35th president of the United States from 1961 until he was killed during the third year of his administration.

The USSR and the United states were engraved in the cold war and that was why his inaugural address struck a different tone because it downplayed the Soviet Union as a threat.

Learn more about John Kennedy at


Why should job analysis involve the person who is presently in the job being
A. Because "supporting job analysis" is part of every job description.
B. Because it offers an opportunity for HR to evaluate their
OC. Because managers rarely know what their team members do all
D. Because only that person can reveal exactly how the job is done.


Answer: Why should job analysis involve the person who is presently in the job being analyzed?

D. Because only that person can reveal exactly how the job is done.

Explanation: When conducting a job analysis, it is important to involve the person currently in the role being analyzed because they possess unique and firsthand knowledge of the job responsibilities, tasks, and requirements. They are the most qualified to provide accurate information about their daily activities, the skills and knowledge needed to perform the job, and any challenges or difficulties they encounter.

In addition, organizations can gain valuable insights into the specific requirements and expectations of the role by involving the person in the job analysis process. This information can help in various HR functions such as recruitment, training, performance management, and job design. It allows organizations to align job descriptions, performance standards, and training programs with the actual demands and responsibilities of the job that the manager. or other employees may not be aware of before the analysis.

with this knowledge, krogstad blackmails her into doing everything she can to stop her husband from firing him.


The specific event that leads Nora to this realization is when she is confronted by her former lover, Krogstad. Krogstad threatens to expose Nora's secret past.

Give a brief introduction about Krogstad.

Although Krogstad is the main adversary of A Doll's House, he is not always a bad guy. Krogstad is not without compassion for Nora despite how awful it is for him to permit her to continue to suffer. Even moneylenders and crooks, or at least a man like me, he claims, "may have a little of what you call feeling, you know." He pays Nora a visit to see how she's doing and talks her out of killing herself. Furthermore, Krogstad has good reasons for acting in this way: he wants to stay working at the bank to protect his kids from the problems associated with a bad reputation. Krogstad wants respect for his family, as opposed to Torvald, who seems to want it for his own self-interest.

To study more about Krogstad.


How does the Fourth Amendment protect the privacy of Americans?



The Constitution, through the Fourth Amendment, protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by the government.


The Fourth Amendment, however, is not a guarantee against all searches and seizures, but only those that are deemed unreasonable under the law.

hoped this helped:) brainliest for the brains............

Which historical event led to slavery being abolished in the United States? • A. The North defeating the South in the Civil War B. The colonial victory in the Revolutionary War c. The collapse of the Soviet Union during the Cold War • D. The purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France


Answer: A. North getting rid of confederacy

what were some of the terms included in the treaty of Versailles? check all that apply



The terms of the treaty required that Germany pay financial reparations, disarm, lose territory, and give up all of its overseas colonies.


If this is incorrect I need more of the question

Southerners viewed expansion as:

A. an unwelcome way to enter into war with foreign powers.

B. an unwelcome way for the North to gain power in Congress.

C. a welcome way to sustain and grow their economy.

OD. a welcome way to impose new tariffs on the North.


C, the southerners wanted to grow their economy and saw expansion as an opportunity to build more plantations in hopes to maintain slavery s

Southerners viewed expansion as a welcome way to sustain and grow their economy. In order to expand their economy and keep slavery legal, the South built new plantations in an effort to do so. Thus, option 'C' is the correct option.

What was the focus of the Southern economy?

Southern cities' modest size was a result of their inability to create diverse economies. Contrary to the cities in the North, southern cities hardly ever developed into centers for processing or finishing, and southern ports hardly ever participated in international trade. Their main responsibilities were marketing and transporting cotton and other agricultural commodities, providing local planters and farmers with needs like agricultural equipment, and manufacturing the few manufactured items, like cotton gins, that farmers required.

By northern standards, the South's transportation system was rudimentary. In 1850, it took five separate railways, two stagecoaches, and two steamboats to travel the 1,460 overland miles from Baltimore to New Orleans. The majority of southern railways primarily moved cotton to southern ports so that it could be carried on northern ships to northern markets.

Learn more about the Southern economy, here:


List three examples of changes resulting from contact with Spanish.​


Some of the examples of changes that resulted from contact with the Spanish include :

Spread of diseases Destructive conflict New means of transportation How did the Americas change from contact with the Spanish ?

As a result of the Spanish arriving in the Americas and having contact with the Natives, diseases from the Spanish such as small pox, spread to the Natives and decimated their population as they had no prior immunity.

The Spanish also brought guns and other weapons, which the Native Americans adopted and engaged in destructive conflicts both with Europeans and with themselves. There was also the development of new means of transportation and horses came to the Americas for the first time.

Find out more on contact with the Spanish at


A society where women and men are treated equally would be an example of which of the following?
A. feminist ideal
B. empathy deficit
C. key question
D. intentional community





Because of the oil embargo of the
A. gasoline prices in the USA increased significantly
B. gasoline prices in the USA dropped
C. gasoline prices remained unaffected



The crisis led to stagnant economic growth in many countries as oil prices surged.

By 1854 what city did Chicago surpass in the grain trade??



As early as 1860 the grain trade of the United States was considered the "leading agency in the opening up of seven eighth of our settled territory.



As early as 1860 the grain trade of the United States was c sidered the "leading agency in the opening up of seven eigh of our settled territory.


the Bill
Veto the Bill
Choices of the President
Which phrase completes the diagram?
O Sign the bill
O Propose a new bill
O Amend the bill
O Refer the bill to a public referendum


The phrase that would best complete the diagram on the choices of the President is A. Sign the bill.

What can a president do with a bill ?

When a bill is prepared in its whole, official form and given to the President. The President has ten days, except Sundays, starting at the stroke of midnight on the last day of presentment, to sign or veto the law. The bill becomes a law if it is signed within those ten days. It becomes law without the president's signature if he chooses not to sign it or veto it, or if he takes no action at all (except when Congress has adjourned under certain circumstances).

The original congressional chamber may try to override the president's veto, albeit a successful override vote necessitates the backing of two-thirds of those voting. If the President vetoes the measure, it is returned to that chamber.

Find out more on the choices of the president at


Why are some nations more affected by wartime food shortages than others?



hope this helps.


Hunger stalked the civilian populations of all the combatant nations. Agriculture and food distribution suffered from strains imposed by the war and naval blockades reduced food imports. Some countries met this threat more successfully than others.

The war took men and horses away from farm work. Imports of nitrate fertilizers were hit. Reduced agricultural output forced up prices and encouraged hoarding. Governments responded by putting price controls on staple foodstuffs. Food queues formed of women and children became a common sight in cities across Europe.

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