In contrast to the congressional reconstruction plan, what was the focus of president andrew johnson’s plan?


Answer 1

The 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery, would have to be upheld by the Confederate states, along with a pledge of allegiance to the Union and the repayment of their war debt.

The rights to freedom following the end of the Civil War represented the primary distinction between Lincoln's and Johnson's reconstruction strategies. Johnson's plan did not satisfy these standards, despite the fact that Lincoln wished to guarantee rights, including as voting rights, for those who had previously been slaves.

Reconstruction had two main objectives for Tennessee-born President Andrew Johnson, a native of the South. First, new governments that were devoted to the Union and deferred to the federal government had to be established in the Southern states. Second, slavery needed to be formally outlawed.

To know more about Andrew Johnson’s visit :


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This lesson makes use of written accounts of interactions between Virginia's Native Americans and early English immigrants. While binge drinking and alcohol use disorders are rather common among native communities, Indians and Alaskan Natives do not drink at all.

To learn more about native American from given link


While probation officer perform many important tak, one primary importance include:

a. Rik aement and claification

b. Search warrant

c. Aiting with bail

d. Referral to prion


The best choice is B. While probation officers carry out many critical tasks, a search warrant is one of the most crucial.

What qualification should a probation officer have?

A four-year bachelor of science in criminology, care justice, psychology, or a similar field is required to work as a probation officer. A master's in criminal justice is often required of parole and probation officers. Federal officers are required to have have two years of working experience in add to their schooling.

Why is it difficult to be a probation officer?

According to research, a significant portion of probationary and parole officers endure high levels of work-related stress as a result of their heavy caseloads, copious amounts of paperwork, and strict deadlines. These circumstances lead to insufficient workload supervision, which increases officer stress.

To know more about probation officer visit:


If a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.



If a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner.


What were the principles of the open door policy issued by the united states? check all that apply.


Correct Options are (1, 2, 3). The Open Door Policy's guiding premise stipulates that:

Trade in China can only be taxed by China.Each region had to have a port available for trade, and all countries had to pay taxes to China for trade.

China is required to be open with other countries that trade with them under the United States' Open Door policy. China imposes a value-added tax (VAT) of either 13 percent or 17 percent on all imported goods. Certain products, mostly in the agricultural and utility categories, are subject to a 13 percent tax; however, other products that are subject to the VAT tax are subject to a 17 percent tax.

Because of the United States' power as an imperialist nation, the policy was created. The US wants to make sure that its enterprises can operate in China, which is why it has implemented the Open Door policy. The US wants to establish a cooperative, group structure. in order to safeguard Chinese markets. TAIPEI — According to a study released on Wednesday by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Rhodium Group, if the White House pursues a severe break with China, the U.S. economy might lose more than $1 trillion in production and long-term global competitiveness.

Learn more about Open Door policy visit:


Correct Question:

What were the principles of the Open Door policy issued by the United States? Check all that apply.

1. Only China could tax trade in China.

2. All nations had to pay taxes to China.

3. Each sphere had to have a port open for trade.

4. All spheres of influence had to immediately end.

5. Trade between spheres of influence was mandatory.

What are the 4 NGO classifications?


An international NGO is referred to as an INGO, a government-organized NGO is referred to as a GONGO, and an environmental NGO is referred to as an ENGO.

NGO—what exactly do you mean?

NGOs were originally referred to as such by Article 71 of the 1945 Charter of both the newly established United Nations. While NGOs do not have a set or official definition, they are typically thought of as nonprofit organizations that are free from state control.

What is an NGO's purpose?

The role of an NGO is to engage on all advocacy, social, environmental, and human rights issues. They actively work to advance and enhance the societal and political climate of the society. An NGO might provide a tax-free framework for activities you carry out on behalf of the recognized NGO.

To know more about NGO visit:


When was the Supremacy Clause used?


The Supremacy Clause was used by the U.S. Supreme Court for the first time in the 1796 case, Ware v. Hylton.

The United States Constitution's Supremacy Clause declares that the federal laws adopted in accordance with the Constitution, and treaties signed in accordance with its authority are the "supreme Law of the Land" and supersede any conflicting state laws. According to its provisions, state constitutions are subservient to the supreme law and state courts are obligated by it. However, federal acts and treaties must be within the bounds of the Constitution; that is, they must be in accordance with the enumerated powers of the federal government and must not violate other constitutional restraints on federal power, such as the Bill of Rights. Of particular significance is the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which stipulates that the federal government has only those powers granted to it by the Constitution.

Learn more about Supremacy Clause here:


Why did the Supreme Court find their suspension unconstitutional?


Because the armbands were deemed "Pure Speech," the Supreme Court ruled that their suspension is unconstitutional. The armbands had no negative effects on academic performance.

When the Supreme Court rules on a constitutional matter, that decision is essentially definitive; only the constitutional amendment process or a subsequent judgment by the Court may overturn the Court's rulings. However, fresh legislative action may be done in response to the Court's interpretation of legislation.

Legislation, method, or action is unconstitutional if it directly contravenes the constitution. Unless the nation in issue has a system in place for challenging laws as being unconstitutional, all others are regarded as constitutional.

To learn more about Supreme Court


a sudden storm threatens the property of marina bay llc. ngoc, marina bay’s sales agent, is on site but lacks the express or implied authority to bind the firm to the cost of appropriate protective measures. unable to communicate with marina bay, ngocA sudden storm threatens the property of Marina Bay LLC. Ngoc, Marina Bay’s sales agent, is on site, but lacks the express or implied authority to bind the firm to the cost of appropriate protective measures. Unable to communicate with Marina Bay, Ngoc a. has emergency powers to deal with the situation. b. must await the principal’s express ratification to act. c. can imply a power of attorney to assume the needed authority.


According to question, Ngoc has emergency powers to deal with the situation .

A contract made by an agent working within the scope of their power is liable to a third party if the disclosed principle is known. Generally speaking, a principal who has an agent who commits a tort while acting in the course of their job is not accountable to harmed parties.

If an agent doesn't fulfill their obligations, they could be held accountable for contract breaches. Because there is no contract, a gratuitous agent cannot be held accountable for breach of it; instead, they are only held liable for torts. A principle may be prevented from disputing an agent's power to act if they have given a third party cause to believe they do.

To know more about emergency powers visit :


The correct question is :

A sudden storm threatens the property of Marina Bay LLC. Ngoc, Marina Bay's sales agent, is on site, but lacks the express or implied authority to bind the firm to the cost of appropriate protective measures. Unable to communicate with Marina Bay, Ngoc ...

What is the role of the Vice President ?


Vice President is the president of the Senate and serves as a personal advisor to the president.

Vice President of the United States is a crucial post in the federal government. If anything happens to the President and the post becomes vacant, the Vice President has to take over until a new President is elected. Constitution states that Vice President is the president of the Senate and has the power to break a tie vote. A Vice President acts as a presiding officer during the presidential elections.

Although Vice President also serves as the advisor to the President, it was not always the case. Until the 1950s, Vice President was supposed to preside as a Constitutional officer in Senate.

Learn more about Vice President here


if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner



if a principal’s instructions are not clearly stated, an agent can fulfill the duty of obedience by acting in good faith and in a reasonable manner


an agent must keep confidential any information acquired through an agency during the term of the relationship, but can disclose it after the agency ends. t or f


Any information obtained by an agent throughout the course of the connection must be kept confidential, but once the agency has ended, the agent is free to divulge it. Therefore, this statement is false.

Even after the agency relationship ends, this duty remains. When one person (the principal) authorizes another (the agent) to act on his behalf while under the P's supervision, and the A agrees to do so, an agency relationship is established. The term "agency" is most frequently used in connection with business-related issues. This connection was known as "master-servant" under common law.

When the agent receives authorization to act on behalf of the principle, a principal-agent relationship is established. As long as the agreement was made within the scope of the authority that was actually delegated to the agent, or as reasonably perceived by a third party, it is binding on the principal. Both the principal and the agent's agreement. Without an express statutory provision to the contrary, neither consideration nor a written agreement are required for the establishment of an agency relationship.

Learn more about confidential visit this link :


Who is excluded from citizenship with the Fourteenth Amendment is passed?


The Supreme Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment does not automatically grant citizenship to children born to members of Native American tribes subject to regional tribal governments.

The Supreme Court ruled that a kid who is born in America to Chinese parents who are not citizens is automatically a citizen of the United States. The Fourteenth Amendment contains a variety of significant ideas, most notably Section One's state action, privileges and immunities, citizenship, due process, and equal protection. There are four other provisions in the Fourteenth Amendment, though. The distribution of congressional representatives is covered in Section 2.

Learn more about Fourteenth Amendment here:


What is the central idea of Elizabeth Cady Stanton's speech?


She aimed to demonstrate that, despite the fact that American women are better off than women in other nations, the fight for women's rights will be a protracted and challenging one given how humiliating and demeaning so many women's jobs are in the world.

What is a central idea?

Frequently, the fundamental idea can be expressed in a single sentence. She was afraid she would get into trouble if she showed her parents her report card. Her parents reprimanded her for attempting to conceal her grades after finding out about them. The overarching impression or central fact that the story presents can also be described as the major concept.

How do you find the central idea of an essay?

Usually, the author makes their major argument in just one sentence. The topic sentence is the phrase that summarises the primary concept in a paragraph. The determined main concept of an essay is stated in the thesis statement. The thesis statement of an essay and the central concept of a speech are rather similar. In a simple, direct sentence, it informs the audience of the speech's purpose or intention. A primary notion, also referred to as the speech's fundamental idea, represents the speech's precise aim.

To know more about Central Idea visit:


What are some short term goals for budgeting?


Some short-term goals for budgeting: Assess your current money state.

Establish an emergency fund. Put the right insurance in place. Establish a monthly budget. Reduce expenses. Save for something you value.

Budgeting is the process of creating a plan for the day-to-day spending of your cash. This spending plan is daily finance. growing this spending plan allows you ever day determine earlier whether you may have sufficient money daily to do the things you need every day or would like day-to-day to do. Budgeting is simply balancing your fees together with your income.

A price range facilitates create financial balance. by way of monitoring prices and following a plan, a price range makes it easier daily pay bills on time, build an emergency fund, and keep for essential charges along with a car or home. Universal, a price range puts someone on a more potent monetary footing for both the and the long term.

Learn more about Budgeting here:


when the executive branch and its agencies translate laws into routine procedures and practices, this is called:_______.



when the executive branch and its agencies translate laws into routine procedures and practices, this is called Implementation

What type of rhetorical appeal does Jefferson rely on in this passage pathos How does he make this appeal?


logos type of rhetorical appeal does Jefferson rely on in this passage pathos How does he make this appeal.

Pathos taps into the audience's emotions and aspirations to evoke feelings that are already there. In rhetoric, pathos is one of the three modalities of persuasion together with ethos and logos. It is also frequently utilized in literature, film, and other narrative arts.

Pathos is the Greek term for "complaints of the soul" in Stoicism. Pathos is an interior experience that occurs in one's soul and is characterized by an incorrect reaction to sensations from the outside world. This understanding of pathos, together with the belief that all pathos must be eradicated (in order to reach the state of apatheia), is connected by Stoics to a particular conception of the nature of the soul, the working of the mind, and human behavior. That image's core idea is that giving prey to pathos is a fallacy of logic, or an intellectual blunder.

Learn more about Pathos here


What does autosomal mean?


The term "autosomal" denotes a gene's location on one of the numbered, or non-sex, chromosomes. A single copy of the mutant gene  is sufficient to develop the condition, which is referred to as being "dominant."

If a gene is found on a numbered chromosome rather than a sex chromosome, it is said to be autosomal. Humans have 46 chromosomes in all. Your parents each give you 23 chromosomes, for a total of 46, in the form of an egg or sperm. There are two sex chromosomes and 22 numbered chromosomes (X and Y). A technique of genetic condition or trait transfer from parent to child is called autosomal dominant inheritance. One copy of a mutant (changed) gene from one parent can cause the genetic illness. A parent that carries the mutant gene has a 50% probability of passing it down to their offspring.

Learn more about autosomal from


What is the effect of the diction used in a modest proposal ?


The effect of the diction used in a modest proposal is that  used a such type of  words that make people seem like animals. Jonathan Swift's a modest proposal is an example of  satire.

There is some advantages for people to take from a modest proposal like It would improve business, save their money, related to husbands to be less abusive of their wives. It used a precise grammar and an elevated vocabulary. It makes a part that is the piece satirical is the fact of Swift that uses formal diction, it makes sense to use formal diction.

Despite its used as power of  piece to rhetoric, A modest proposal did not lead to any lasting changes for Ireland's rural poor. Over a century later, thousands would perish in the Great Famine.

Learn more about modest proposal click the link here:


under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of


Under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of their Sex .

Employers are prohibited from paying differently for work done by men and women. Employers are prohibited from paying women and men different wages for jobs that demand a same level of ability, responsibility, and effort and are carried out in the same setting under comparable working conditions.

1963's Equal Pay Act. The Equal Pay Act for Equal Work for Men and Women in the Same Establishment forbids sex-based wage discrimination between men and women who work in positions that demand roughly equal ability, education, effort, and responsibility under comparable working conditions.

To know more about Equal Pay Act visit :


What is reported on Form 1116 that flows into schedule 3?
Select one:
a. Premium tax credit
b. Credit for Federal tax on fuels
c. Self-Employment Tax
d. Foreign Tax Credit


File Form 1116 to claim the foreign tax credit if you are an individual, estate, or trust, and you paid or accrued certain foreign taxes to a foreign country or U.S. possession.

What type of committee includes members from both houses of Congress Brainly?


On joint committees, there are representation from both chambers of Congress. Joint committees are typically created with limited authority and without the ability to report legislation.

- The four select or special committees were originally established by a Senate resolution for particular purposes and are now thought of as permanent. Throughout its history, the Senate has established several select inquiry committees that have terminated after delivering a final report.

- The four joint committees, made up of senators and representatives, manage administrative issues between the House and Senate while conducting research for the benefit of both chambers.

- Members of both houses of a legislature make up a joint committee, which is used for oversight or investigative reasons, Compared to a conference committee.

To know more joint committee, kindly click on the link below :


What is Frederick Douglass's purpose in writing learning to read and write?


In his opinion, reading comprehension will help him cope with the misery of "being a slave for life."

What gave Frederick Douglass his greatest notoriety?

His first book, The Chronicle of Life of Frédéric Douglass, The American Slave, Freed by Himself, made him well-known in 1845. He spent the most of his work life working alongside well-known suffragists like Pieter Smith , William Lloyd Garrison, dedicating it to the fight against slavery.

Frederick Douglass decided to abolish slavery for what reason?

Douglass believed that freedom was an universal right since the Declaration of Independence made it plain that it was a basic right. Douglass, who differed with Garrison, shared this viewpoint and thought that the U.S. The eventual elimination of slavery was a requirement of the US Constitution.

To know more about Frederick Douglass visit:


Do quotas help domestic consumers?


Quotas will reduce imports, and help domestic suppliers. However, they will lead to higher prices for consumers, a decline in economic welfare and could lead to retaliation with other countries placing tariffs on our exports.

Quotas restrict the market get admission to imported merchandise. The result is typically a growth in the domestic charge paid by means of consumers. This ends in a fall in purchaser surplus and decreases actual incomes. it may also reason for a discount in the quantity of preference that consumers have in a marketplace. The import quota reduces the supply of imports. This reduces the overall herbal delivery of goods within the home country and reasons costs to rise above what many different countries may additionally pay for an awesome in which there aren't any artificially imposed limits on goods.

An import quota will enhance the home charge and, in the case of a huge us of a, lower the foreign fee. The difference between the overseas and home prices after the quota is carried out is known as quota rent. An import quota will lessen the number of imports to the quota quantity.

Learn more about quotas here:


How does the majority party control lawmaking ?


The majority party leaders inside the house have essential powers and prerogatives to efficaciously set the coverage agenda and determine which proposals will get hold of ground attention.

The majority party determines who leads critical congressional committees. A president's potential to accomplish his agenda has the whole thing to do with whether or not his party controls the 2 houses of Congress, says Nordlinger.

most people party within the residence and Senate controls not simplest the pinnacle leadership posts but also the chairs and majorities on committees and subcommittees. With that equipment, most people party is usually capable of manage the legislative time table.

Learn more about leaders here:


anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep. t or f



anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep. t or f

belongs to principal

Alison and Brent are financing their house purchase of $232,500 with an FHA loan. Their credit score qualifies them for the minimum down payment. What do they need to put down?


Alison and Brent are financing their house purchase of $232,500 with an FHA loan. Their credit score qualifies them for the minimum down payment, they would have to pay in $8,137.50.

What is meant by minimum down payment?

The financial contribution that a borrower is required to make when they buy a property is known as the minimum down payment. The minimum down payment needed for a conventional loan is typically 20%, and the minimum down payment needed for an FHA loan is 3.5%.

However, many mortgage loans will require such a minimum, and the actual amount necessary varies by the lending type.

The calculation is  $232,500 * 3.5%

=  $232,500  * 0.035

=  $8,137.50.

Read more on loan here:


What are the main types of NGO?


The World Bank classifies NGOs into two major categories: Operational NGOs are those that concentrate on developing and carrying out development programs.

What are NGOs, for instance?

NGOs, often known as non-governmental organizations, are a broad category that includes numerous groups. Foreign charities like Charitable Organizations and Save the Children are included among them in in addition to educational institutions, organization, crowd organizations, lobbying groups, and trade associations.

What precisely do NGOs do, and what exactly are they?

Non-governmental organization is referred to as an NGO. Despite the fact that there isn't a single, widely acknowledged meaning of an NGO, it's usually a volunteer job or organization that operates outside of the government and has a social goal. NGOs and other organizations of a like nature operate on a global scale.

To know more about NGOs visit:


Why would the idea of poor farmers rebelling be scary to many of the people who called for a Constitutional Convention?


Agree with the founders were afraid that a mob would get out of control. the idea of poor farmers rebelling was scary to many of the people who called for a Constitutional Convention.

What infuriated the farmers so that they rebelled against the government?

Farmers in Western Pennsylvania revolted in 1794 over what they perceived as excessive taxes, creating a crisis that threatened the fledgling country and George Washington. A new federal tax on alcoholic beverages and the stills that manufactured them was enacted by Congress in 1791.

I believe that the founders feared an unruly mob would break out. Many of the proponents of a Constitutional Convention were terrified by the prospect of poor farmers rising in revolt.

Learn more about Constitutional Convention from the given link.


if a sonographer is involved in a lawsuit charging negligence, and is required to testify in court, the sonographer should not quizlt


The doctrine of legal responsibility states that a health center or healthcare facility, despite the fact that now no longer the employer, may be held responsible for a sonographer's negligence, if the sonographer is a contractor or impartial agent.Ostensible agency.

The required details about sonographer is mentioned in below paragraph.

A sonographer is an allied healthcare expert who specializes withinside the use of ultrasonic imaging gadgets to provide diagnostic images, scans, motion pictures or 3-dimensional volumes of anatomy and diagnostic data. The necessities for medical exercise range significantly via way of means of country. Sonography calls for specialised training and talents to acquire, examine and optimize records withinside the image. Due to the excessive ranges of decisional range and diagnostic input, sonographers have a excessive diploma of obligation withinside the diagnostic process. Many international locations require scientific sonographers to have expert certification. Sonographers have center expertise in ultrasound physics, cross-sectional anatomy, physiology, and pathology.

To learn about sonographer visit here.


What does the Fourth of July reveal about the narrator?


The narrator admits that she begins to like the wallpaper by the Fourth of July. This admission provides further evidence of her worsening mental health. John threatens to have her see a different doctor because of this.

What is the role of narrator?

A storyteller or narrator. The narrative is seen as being in the first person if the narrator actively participates in the events of the story. The third person is used when the narrator is not one of the characters. the person who provides background knowledge or a tale for a play, movie, etc. The storyteller is the person who tells the events as they happened. There are dependable and trustworthy narrators in stories. As in "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe, an unreliable narrator could be someone who was mad, lying, or misguided. The account is the story itself.

What makes a good narrator?

An audiobook publisher will hire a narrator again and again if they can trust them to deliver in the areas of energy, articulation, breath control, pitch control, and characterization. There's one in every piece of fiction! A character inside the story, such as the protagonist, who is narrating it from his own point of view, is one example of the narrator.

To know more about Narrator visit:


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