In biology, what is something you believe is true even though you cannot prove it?


Answer 1

Sometimes even if you cannot prove something you can have a carefully thought-out explanation regardin the matter, based on scientific observations and experiments, bringing together facts and hypotheses, using the scientific method. Then, you can believe somethinf is true scientifically even if you there is no final proof, only evidences. This is the definition of a THEORY.

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Cystic fibrosis is caused by an autosomal recessive allele (n). The allele for the normal condition is dominant (N). Two parents appear normal, but the mate has a brother withcystic fibrosis. Which of the following tools will BEST help this family predid their chances of carrying and passing this disease to their offspring?a test Crossa pedigreeO hydrolysisOPunnet SquareBackNexdAll PreviousType here to searchti


The Punnett square is a square diagram that is used to predict the genotypes of a particular cross or breeding experiment. It is named after Reginald C. Punnett, who devised the approach in 1905. The diagram is used by biologists to determine the probability of an offspring having a particular genotype.

Answer: Punnet Square

Mammals that feed on ants and termites evolved independently five times. Although each species is unique, each has evolved powerful front claws, a long hairless snout, and a tongue covered with sticky saliva. These adaptations are useful for hunting and eating insects. This is an example ofA) Puntuacted equilibriumB) GradualismC) Convergent evolutionD) Adaptive radiation


Mammals that feed on ants and termites have similar characteristics because they allow for a greater rate of success in getting this kind of food.

Even when they are not closely related, they share these characteristics because they share the same ecological conditions.

This is an example of convergent evolution, where similar characteristics evolve in distantly related organisms. (C is the right answer)

Though DNA is responsible for the instructions for the assembly process, it is __?__ that synthesizes (assembles) the process.


Though DNA is responsible for the instructions for the assembly process, it is RNA that synthesizes (assemles) the proteins.

FILL IN THE EQUATION BELOW placing the reactants and products accordingly.


The photosynthesis equation is:

Sunlight (light energy) + 6CO2 + 6H2O -----> C6H12O6 + 6O2

Reactants Products

Question: What is the mRNA sequence of the Albino Cat? What mutation gave the albino appearance?




To change DNA sequence to mRNA sequence, remember uracil replaces thymine in mRNA. A=U; G=C



The mutation changed the structure of the genes, which changed the structure of the proteins. This changed the function of the genes, which caused the cat to have albino traits.

A net force of 10 N accelerates a box at 5 m/s2^? What is the mass of the box?


The mass of the box is 2 kg.

According to Newton's second law, the force acting on a body is the product of its mass of the body and acceleration produced due to the force. i.e.,


where,  [tex]F[/tex] is the force acting on the body, [tex]m[/tex] is the mass of the body and [tex]a[/tex] is the acceleration.

Now, as per the question:

Force, [tex]F=10 N[/tex]

Acceleration, [tex]a=5m/s^{2}[/tex]

Thus, the mass of box ,



    [tex]= 2 kg[/tex]

Therefore, the mass of box is [tex]2 kg.[/tex]

To read about Newton's second law visit:


Sister chromatids separate from each other during:a. Meiosis Ib. Meiosis IIc. Mitosis and Meiosis Id. Mitosis and Meiosis II


Letter d. Mitosis and Meiosis II.

In mitosis, sister chromatids separate during anaphase, and in meiosis, it happens during anaphase II.


Homologue pairs separate during a first round of cell division, called meiosis I. Sister chromatids separate during a second round, called meiosis II


Which of Mendel’s genes was first identified at a biochemical level 125 years after he first published his findings? which genes which he discovered are still today uncharacterized


The first of Mendel's genes that was identified at the biochemical level in 1990 125 years after he first published his findings is the round or wrinkled genes. The genes which he discovered that are still uncharacterized are the genes for inflated/constricted pod, axial/terminal flowers, and green/yellow pod where green is dominant to yellow. The gene that is incompletely understood is the gene for purple/white flower.

Explain why giraffes have long necks.In your explanation include the role of the environment, selective pressure, 3 ingredients to Natural Selection, The effect on the population, and allele frequency


Giraffes are believed to have short necks but there was a chance in neck length variations. Some giraffes have a little longer compared to the average length. The main source of nutrition for giraffes is tree leaves. Maybe there was an environmental change that occurred that there was a limited source of leaves and as a result, there were more giraffes than trees; therefore, there is a struggle for existence.

In this event, variation, fitness differences, and inheritance (3 ingredients of natural selection) must occur for the species to survive. Longer necked giraffes are more likely to reach the leaves of the trees and have a higher chance of survival and reproduction; thus, they have greater fitness. This trait (long necks) was passed on to the offspring and eventually, all giraffes have long necks.

The allele frequency of the population of giraffes eventually changes to favor the trait that will give the species a higher chance of survival in their environment.

8. What will happen if a base sequence of a strand of DNA is changed from A-T-G to A-T-C?The mRNA will be changed from U-A-C to T-A-C.The mRNA will be changed from T-U-C to T-U-G.The mRNA will be changed from C-A-U to C-A-C.The mRNA will be changed from U-A-C to U-A-G.


If a base sequence of a strand of DNA is changed from A-T-G to A-T-C, the mRNA will be changed from U-A-C to U-A-G.

How are the local economics affected by coal operations?


Coal is one of the most abundant energy resource in America's, making 90% the fossil energy used in the US. The operations linked to coal can create high-paying jobs, since the mining helps stimulate economic growth, being profitable from the point of view of the local economy. However, the enviromental benefits of this raw material are a point that make it economically and ecologically interesting (good and bad), since coal power plants can reduce CO2 emissions by capturing the gas and injecting it into deep geological formations. But, there is still the production of methane and other gases associated with greenhouse effect, and also the fact that is a non-renewable source and the extraction can lead to deforestation.

does the jellyfish renews its cells? and can it be tested on humans? explain how and why.


Jellyfish have a surprising capacity of regenerating and renewing parts of their bodies. This unique ability can reach unbelieaveble stages, as we can see in a jellyfish species called Turritopsis dohrnii. That animal can reverse their development process and turn back into a polyp (initial development stage). Human cells can also regenerate, achieving even an anti-aging effects. Some researchers have studied, for example, how that mechanism can be used to fight cancer. And considering the ability of regeneration, many events that happen in our bodies are led by that, as the regeneration of a full bone. The studies that analyze it normally perform cell cultures to observe its behavior and the mechanisms that make regeneration possible. Understanding those processes, we will be able to learn things like and effective way of fighting cancer, slowing the aging process and many other benefits for human life.


If you looked at the range of height in humans, would you this is a polygenic trait or a simple mendelian genetic trait? Why?504030Number of people201002606570Height fin75


Looking at the continuous variations of the range of height in the graph, it can be determined that the trait is a polygenic trait.  

Continuous variation is the factor where the human height can differ to a variety of ranges. There are no clear cut distinctions of height between short, medium and tall. Also there are no fixed amount of heights in the graph. The height can vary even from a fractions of inches and that defines continuous variation.

Polygenic trait is the one which is influenced by two or more than two genes. These traits do not follow the Mendelian genetic pattern and they may also be influenced by genetic factors.

To know more about polygenic trait, here


_________ are groups of organisms with the same genetic code that breed and produce offspring that can breed. AdaptationSpeciesSelectionCommunity


The correct option is species. Species are individuals linked by their reproductive characteristics and often by their evolutionary mechanisms and history.

What happens to the body system in the body as a whole of homeostasis is not maintained 


Many systems of the body work together to maintain estable the inner conditions of the organism such us temperature and pH. It is carefully regulated, but in case a mechanism of controll fails and homeostasis can't be maintained, cells may not receive all they need, or toxic waste may accumulate in the body. If homeostasis is not restored, the imbalance could lead to illness or even death.

During electrophoresis, protons_______?
A. move in the same direction as DNA
B. do not move at all
C. move in the opposite direction of DNA
D. Move randomly


Answer: During electrophoresis, protons (H+) do not move at all.

Electrophoresis is a technique used to separate charged molecules, such as DNA, based on their size and charge. It involves applying an electric field to a gel or other supporting medium. The charged molecules, in this case, DNA fragments, migrate through the gel in response to the electric field.

However, protons (H+) are not directly involved in the electrophoresis process. The movement of DNA fragments is driven by the applied electric field, and the protons do not move independently in the gel during electrophoresis.

The theory of evolution states that early life on Earth was simplistic at first but changed over time tobecome increasingly more complex. With this theory in mind, which cells were most likely the first cellsEarth?a. eukaryotic cellsb. prokaryotic cellsc. virusesd. all of the above


The first types of cells that appeared on Earth were the most simple cells that we know, these are prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells have most likely evolved from prokaryotic cells later. Viruses are not cell types, so they can not considered a posible answer to this question.

Answer: b.

Question 18 of 30
Which of the following provides the best summary of the process of natural
A. Individuals always change in response to their environment.
B. Genes are passed from parent to offspring.
C. Individuals that are well adapted to their environment survive.
D. Mutations always increase an individual's fitness.



I'm pretty sure the answer is c, since if they don't adapt they will die off.

What type of genetic interaction is seen between the three alleles in the ABO blood type system?A. Incomplete dominance onlyB. Codominance (A&B) and incomplete dominance (A&B compared to O)C. Complete dominance (A&B) and codominance (A&B compared to O)D. Codominance (A&B) and complete dominance (A&B compared to O)E. Codominance only


Incomplete dominance is a type of interaction in which both genes are expressed but in a mixed form, frequently creating a third phenotype. For example, when having a flower with a gene for red petals and another gene for white petals, the petals could be pink. When talking about the blood type system, there's no third phenotype expressed. Sometimes you'll find a combination of the two different types present in the genes, but never a third one. Therefore, A and B are incorrect, because they include incomplete dominance.

Codominance occurs when the two types that are present in the genes are expressed equally. This is the case when we talk about the A&B blood types. When a person has both A and B genotype for the blood type system, both of them will be expressed, and the blood type will be AB. So none of them will be dominant over the other. So, C is incorrect, as it states that between A&B you'll find a complete dominance relationship, but it is a codominance interaction.

At last, a complete dominance occurs when one of the genes is expressed above the other. This happens when you have one gene for A OR B type, and one gene for O type. In this case, the O gene will be suppressed because it is a recessive gene, and the other one will be expressed (being A or B). Therefore, E is incorrect too because there's not only codominance, there's also complete dominance.

We can say, than, that the correct answer is the one that presents a codominance interaction between A&B and a complete dominance interaction between A&B compared to O.

Therefore, the correct answer is D. Codominance (A&B) and complete dominance (A&B compared to O)

When a population is growing as fast as possible, it has reached its ___________.A. Carrying CapacityB. Competitive ExclusionC. Allele FrequencyD. Biotic Potential


General category: Biology.

Sub-category: Ecology

Topic: Population growth


The Biotic potential is described by the unrestricted growth of populations. This event causes the maximum growth of that population.


By definition, when a population reaches the biotic potential, then the species has its highest birthrate or a high number of births or accelerated population growth and lowest mortality rate.

we can conclude that the correct answer is:


D. Biotic Potential

complete the diagram of a section of a cell membrane. Then, on the line below the diagram, write the name of the model that describes the cell membrane's structure


The cell membrane structure is very important because everything alive has cell membranes. The model used to describe the cell membrane is called the fluid mosaic model.

What is fluid mosaic model?

Fluid Mosaic Model has been known as the fluid mosaic model, which has been proposed by S.J. Singer and Garth L. Nicolson in 1972,explains the structure and composition of the cell membrane.

The plasma membrane has the combination of phospoholipids, cholesterol, proteins and carbohydrates.The model shows that the plasma membrane has a lipid bilayer made of phospholipids.

Therefore, The cell membrane structure is very important because everything alive has cell membranes. The model used to describe the cell membrane is called the fluid mosaic model.

Learn more about fluid mosaic model on:


Someone please tell me if this answer is correct



yes your answer seems correct, there is something wrong with all the other options

a predator species has been introduced to the population above that is not native. the new predator enjoys eating rabbits just as the lynx do, and the lynx population starts to decline rapidly. how would you describe the relationship between the new predator and the lynx?


The relationship between the these predators is called competition, since they use

What state of matter has the lowest kinetic energy, and why?a) gases, because the motion of gas particles is slowb) solids, because the motion of solid particles is fastc) gases, because the motion of gas particles is fastd) solids, because the motion of solid particles is slow


Matters are composed of particles that are constantly moving. The kinetic energy defines the intensity of these movements. When particles are moving more, the kinetic energy is higher. If we heat a substance, the kinetic energy will be higher because we will be giving more thermal energy, which is going to be transformed in kinetic energy and make the particles move faster and further apart. A gas is a substance with particles that are distant to each other and moving fast, so it has a higher kinetic energy. When it cools down, it may precipitate as a liquid, because with less heat the particles will be moving less and getting closer to each other. So, liquids has a lower kinetic energy than gases. Once the substance is solid, it means that the particles are moving really slowly and are very close to each other, so solid is the state of matter with the lower kinetic energy of all states of matter. Therefore, the correct answer is d) solid, because the motion of solid particles is slow.

I need help matching please this is different


GENOTYPE = It the letters that represent the traits or phenotype.

>> Dominant - A trait that is commonly observed in a population (R)

>> Recessive - A trait that is uncommon (r)

>> Heterozygous = Genotype with one big letter and one small letter (Rr)

>> Homozygous = Genotype with either both small letters (rr) and both big letters (RR)

Match the type of tropism with its effect on plants.


Gravitropism: occurs when the plant follows gravity as in the case of roots. Answer: Roots grow downward and the stem grows upwards, opposing gravity.

Phototropism: This is when the plant follows light. Answer: Plant grows towards the light source, while roots grow away from the light source.

Hydrotropism: Occurs when plants seek water, especially roots. Answer: The plant's response to water or moisture.

Thermotropism: Occurs when a plant seeks or moves away from a heat source. Answer: The plant's response to temperature.

Chemotropism: Occurs seeks or moves away from certain chemicals. Answer: The plant's response to chemicals.

Thigmotropism: Occurs when a plant makes contact with an object. Answer: The plant turns or bends to touch.

These are the steps that occur during transcription. They are not in the correct order. Write numbers in the blanks indicating the order in which these steps occur.

RNA polymerase reaches the termination signal.

The enzyme, RNA polymerase, binds to a site on the DNA molecule called the promoter.

Complimentary RNA nucleotides are added along the DNA template strand.

The RNA strand is released and travels to the cytoplasm.

RNA polymerase separates the DNA strands.



Step 1: Initiation

Initiation is the beginning of transcription. It occurs when the enzyme RNA polymerase binds to a region of a gene called the promoter. This signals the DNA to unwind so the enzyme can ‘‘read’’ the bases in one of the DNA strands. The enzyme is now ready to make a strand of mRNA with a complementary sequence of bases.

Step 2: Elongation

Elongation is the addition of nucleotides to the mRNA strand. RNA polymerase reads the unwound DNA strand and builds the mRNA molecule, using complementary base pairs. During this process, an adenine (A) in the DNA binds to an uracil (U) in the RNA.

Step 3: Termination

Termination is the ending of transcription, and occurs when RNA polymerase crosses a stop (termination) sequence in the gene. The mRNA strand is complete, and it detaches from DNA.

Part C
Summarize the third NASA spinoff technology in the answer space. Use the Insert Image button to add an image file.


The third NASA spinoff technology is one of the first interesting NASA Spinoff Technology which has been the Drill Bits that could be able to break off and retain rock samples. They are later collected on Perseverance and flown to earth for the use of geologists.

What is NASA Spinoff Technology?

The term NASA is a publication from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration that shows the technology used by NASA to the public and NASA has shown about fifty technologies each year since 1976 in this annual publication.

The third NASA spinoff technology is one of the first interesting NASA Spinoff Technology which has been the Drill Bits that could be able to break off and retain rock samples.

Therefore, They are later collected on Perseverance and flown to earth for the use of geologists.

Learn more about geologists on:


Which of the following is not a factor described by climate and weather?
Group of answer choices






Biodiversity is not a factor described by climate and weather.

Describe the process of Ozone Depletion. How does it happen, and why?Diagram below to help!


Ozone depletion occurs as a consequence of electron competition among Chloride and Oxygen. Both elements have strong affinity to electrons (that is, high electronegativy). Therefore, both atoms are capable of sequestring electrons from other molecules. The process of Ozone depletion depicts a loop, with potential exponential scalation (that is, capable of abrupt increasing, as long as there are enough CFC). As long as one Chloride atom is among Ozone, "it will pursuit" electrons which are rich in Ozone. The Ozone splits in a stable form molecular Oxygen, and an unstable one, the single Oxygen (that is, a radical). This radical, is as "electron thirsty" as the Chloride, so it goes after the Oxygen, Chloride sequestrate before. Imagine this with several thousands of atoms of Chloride in th atmosphere.

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