in a binary-star system that produces a nova, the white dwarf pulls matter from the companion star. the matter forms an accretion disk that orbits the white dwarf. then a specific sequence of events must take place for a nova event to occur.


Answer 1

The chronological steps that lead to the observed nova event are as follows:

Material accumulates onto the white dwarf star's surface, making its temperature and density increase.Accumulated surface hydrogen begins nuclear fusion at 10 million Kelvin.The reactions from nuclear fusion cause a temporary yet significant increase in luminosity.As nuclear fuel is either burned up or blown into space, nuclear fusion ceases and the star dims down.

A nova event is an astronomical event that causes the occurrence of a bright star that slowly fades over time (usually in weeks or months). It's mainly caused by white dwarf stars that are involved in a close binary system.

Attached below is an image of the Nova Eridani in 2009 taken by Kevin Heider.

Your question seems incomplete, but the completed version is most likely as follows:

In a binary-star system that produces a nova, the white dwarf pulls matter from the companion star. The matter forms an accretion disk that orbits the white dwarf. Then a specific sequence of events must take place for a nova event to occur.

Rank the steps leading up to the observed nova event in chronological order from first to last.

Learn more about white dwarf star at


In A Binary-star System That Produces A Nova, The White Dwarf Pulls Matter From The Companion Star. The

Related Questions

at the moment that the hammer thrower shown above is spinning at an angular rate of 3.57 revolutions per second, with the ball located 1.19 m from the center axis of the spin, what is the tangential velocity of ball?


The tangential velocity of the ball is 4.25 m/s.

The information given to us is the hammer thrower shown above is spinning at an angular rate of 3.57 revolutions per second, with the ball located 1.19 m from the center axis of the spin. The tangential velocity of the ball can be calculated by multiplying the angular rate (3.57 revolutions per second) with the radius of the ball (1.19 m) from the center axis of the spin. the formula for calculating it: Tangential velocity = angular rate * radius = 3.57 * 1.19 = 4.25 m/s . This results in a tangential velocity of 4.25 m/s.

To know more about Tangential velocity refer to the link


the pulley is initially at rest. at 4.9 s what are (a) its angular acceleration and (b) its angular speed?


The pulley is initially at rest are:

a) The angular acceleration is 0 rad/s^2.

b) The angular speed is 0 rad/s.

Initially, the acceleration of the pulley is zero. As the pulley starts to move, the acceleration increases until it reaches its maximum value, which is determined by the magnitude of the force applied to it. As the pulley continues to move, the acceleration gradually decreases until it reaches zero again as the pulley comes to rest.

Angular acceleration is the rate at which the angular velocity of an object changes over time. It is usually expressed in terms of radians per second squared (rad/s2). Angular acceleration is caused by a torque being applied to an object and can be used to predict the angular velocity of a spinning object. Angular acceleration is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction.

Angular speed is the rate at which an object rotates or revolves around an axis. It is measured in terms of angle per unit of time and is usually expressed in radians per second (rad/s) or revolutions per second (rpm). Angular speed is related to linear speed, which is the distance traveled per unit of time. The angular speed can be calculated by taking the ratio of the linear speed and the radius of the circular path.

To learn more about angular acceleration:


If you throw a ball straight up into the air, when is the potential energy the greatest?.



A ball thrown into the air has the most potential energy when it has reached the highest point above the ground before it begins descending.


a uniform beam is suspended horizontally by two identical vertical springs that are attached between the ceiling and each end of the beam. the beam has mass 225 kg, and a 175-kg sack of gravel sits on the middle of it. the beam is oscillating in shm, with an amplitude of 40.0 cm and a frequency of 0.60 cycles/s.What is the frequency of the subsequent SHM of the beam?
1. What is the amplitude of the subsequent SHM of the beam?
2. If the gravel instead falls off when the beam has its maximum speed, what is the frequency of the subsequent SHM of the beam?
3. What is the amplitude of the subsequent SHM of the beam?


The frequency and amplitude of the SHM beam is 0.8 Hz and 0.098 m. The frequency of the SHM wave when gravel falls is 0.8 Hz and the amplitude of subsequent SHM beam is 0.4m.

(a) Mass of the spring = 225 Kg

Mass of the sack = 175 Kg

Amplitude of the beam = 40 cm = 0.40 m

Frequency of the beam = F = 0.60 cycles/s

The formula for frequency of oscillation =

= f = (1/2π) X √(k/m)

where, k = 2π²F²m

= k = 2 X (3.14)² X 0.6² X (225 + 175)

= k = 5685.37 N/m

Strength of the spring before gravels fall = x =

= x = mg / k

= x = [ (225 + 175 ) X 9.8 ] / 5685.37

= x = 0.689 m

But, the spring is stretched by the distance of x' which is expressed as,

= X = x - x'

= X = 0.689 - 0.40

= X = 0.289 m

Now, since we know that the gravel falls, thus frequency = f =

= f = (1/2π) X √(k/m)

= f= (1/ 2 X 3.14) X √ 5685.37 / 225

= f = 0.8 Hz

(b) Assuming that the spring is stretched, x = mg/k =

= x = (225 X 9.8) / 5685.37

= x = 0.3878 m

Thus, the amplitude of the sack = A = 0.3878 - 0.289

= A = 0.098 m

(c) If the gravel falls, the speed is maximum hence speed = s =

= s = A X √(k/m)

= s = 0.4 X √(5685.37/400)

= s = 1.508 m/s

The frequency = f' =

= f' = (1/2π) X √(k/m)

= f' = (1/2 X 2.14) X √(5685.37/225)

= f' = 0.8 Hz

(d) New amplitude = A' =

= A' = 0.38 + 0.038   (after calculating the new distance)

= A' = 0.4 m

To know more about Spring:


What is internal energy change when 62 J of work is done on the system and 128 J of heat is transferred to surrounding?


The internal energy of 66J is generated for work done on system.

This energy can be changed by doing work or by transferring energy. Energy in a system can be changed by transferring heat or work (or both) between the system and its surroundings. The system gains energy when positive work is done.

The first law of thermodynamics states that the increase in internal energy is equal to the total heat input plus the work done by the environment. For isolated systems, it remains constant.

Internal energy is a function of state. Its value depends only on the current state of the system. It is also a well-equipped property.




To learn about positive work -


Electricity seems like a fundamental element in the construction of any home. However, to have electricity run into and out of a home, there must be a complete circuit. Write a brief essay describing the minimum requirements for any electric circuit. Within your essay, describe the task for each of these elements using your lessons and experience within this virtual lab.


Energy in the form of electricity runs computers, appliances, and radios.

Electricity lights our homes, schools, and office buildings. Without it, our world would be a much different place. In fact, before electricity was discovered, people mainly used fire to cook and to provide light and heat.

Conductors make up the majority of circuitry components. Electricity easily travels through conductors like metal or water, but not through insulators like wood or rubber. When using a battery to power a circuit, the current in the circuit must move from one pole of the battery to the other battery. Resisotors display the electricity flowing across a circuit, preventing circuit components from "burning out." Resistors are depicted by bending lines in a circuit diagram.

An image of a circuit is also attached.

If you want to know more about electrical circuits visit the following link;


What is a type of kinetic energy?


Kinetic energy is a type of mechanical energy.

Kinetic energy is defined as the energy produced by a body in motion. When an object is accelerated it is imperative that a certain force is applied. Applying a force requires work, and after the work is done, the energy is transferred to the object, causing it to move at a constant speed.

The energy transferred is called kinetic energy and depends on the velocity and mass of the body in motion.

Considering the kinetic energy equation above, let us consider some practical examples.

Airplanes have a lot of kinetic energy in flight because of their high speed and mass.Despite its small size and mass, a baseball has a large amount of kinetic energy after being thrown at high speed.Skiers coming down from above exhibit enormous kinetic energy due to their high speed and mass.Before hitting a golf ball, it has zero velocity and therefore no kinetic energy.When an asteroid falls at incredible speed, it has a huge amount of kinetic energy.Cars have less mass than trucks, so they have less kinetic energy on the road than trailer trucks.

To understand more about mechanical energy -


When a car of mass 1200 kg is moving with a velocity of 15m s?


The car will move to distance 225 m.

The car is slowing in speed due to friction force and eventually stops. Friction force is force between road and tire of car. Friction force always opposes the motion of an object.

Coefficient of kinetic friction μk is the ratio of the friction force to the normal force experienced by a moving body.

Friction force is,

f = mu N

f =friction force

mu =coefficient of friction

N =normal force

So, f = 0.5×1200 N

acceleration, a = -0.5×1200/1200= 1200 m/[tex]s^{2}[/tex]

Using the formula,

[tex]v^{2} = u^{2} +2as[/tex]

0 = 15×15 - 2×0.5×s

So, s = 225 m

To know more about friction force here


mechanical energy is____one because the roller coaster____one energy due to friction and air resistance as it travels down the track.


Due to friction and air resistance encountered as the roller coaster moves down the track, mechanical energy is selected.

Kinetic and potential energy in an object that is utilized to perform work are combined to form mechanical energy. In other words, it refers to the energy that an object has as a result of either its position, motion, or both.The energy of a moving object or the energy stored in things due to their position is referred to as mechanical energy.

Renewable energy is also fueled by mechanical energy. For adequate power generation or energy conversion, several types of renewable energy depend on mechanical energy. As a result, the assertion is accurate.

To know more about mechanical energy


A bat flies toward a wall, emitting a steady sound of frequency 1. 70 khz. This bat hears its own sound plus the sound reflected by the wall. How fast should the bat fly in order to hear a beat frequency of 8. 00 hz?.


The bat should fly about 0.8065 m/s in order to hear a beat frequency of 8 Hz.

The shift in a wave's frequency caused by an observer moving away from the wave source is known as the Doppler effect or Doppler shift. The equation for this is given by,

[tex]f=\frac{v \pm v_0}{v\mp v_s}f_s[/tex]

where f is the observed frequency, v is the speed or velocity of the sound waves, v₀ is observer velocity ("+" if it's towards and "-" if it's away from the source), vs is source velocity("-" if it's towards and "+" if it's away from the observer), and fs is the actual frequency of the sound waves.

The velocity of sound waves in the air is 344 m/s, v₀ is zero for the incident, v is the source velocity towards the wall, and fs is 1700 Hz.

Then, the incident frequency is given by,

[tex]f_{incidence}=\frac{344-0}{344-v}\times f_s[/tex]

The wall is stationary, therefore, f(incidence)=f(reflected). Then, the new frequency the bat hears is,

[tex]\begin{aligned}f_{new}&=\frac{344+v}{344}\times f_{reflected}\\&=\frac{344+v}{344}\times \frac{344-0}{344-v}\times f_s\\&=\frac{344+v}{344-v} \times f_s\end{aligned}[/tex]

To hear a beat frequency of 8 Hz, the velocity of the bat should be,

[tex]\begin{aligned}f_{new}-f_s&=8\\\left(\frac{344+v}{344-v} \right)f_s-f_s&=8\\\frac{344+v}{344-v}-1&=\frac{8}{f_s}\\\frac{344+v-344+v}{344-v}&=\frac{8}{1700}\\2v&=0.0047(344-v)\\2v&=1.6168-0.0047v\\2.0047v&=1.6168\\v&=\mathrm{0.8065\;m/s}\end{aligned}[/tex]

The answer is 0.8065 m/s.

To know more about the Doppler effect:


2 containers are brought in thermal contact and allowed to reach thermal equilibrium. if container 1 initially held 57.9 kg of liquid at a temperature of 237 k, and container 2 initially held 26.7 kg of the same liquid at a temperature of 159 k, then what is their final temperature?


Their final temperature is 303.2K


Mass m1 = 57.9 kg

temperature = 237k

Container 2

Mass m2 = 26.7 kg

temperature = 159 k

Heat gained by container 1 to reach equilibrium = heat lost by container 2 to reach equilibrium.

m1sΔT = m2sΔT

57.9 × S × (T - 237) = 26.7 × S × (T - 159)

57.9 T - 57.9 ×237 = 26.7T - 26.7 ×159

T = 9477/31.2 = 303.2K

Temperature is still one of those scientific notions that is challenging to define despite our natural ability to sense it. It would seem appropriate to start with a brief definition of temperature on a lesson page devoted to the subject of temperature and thermometers. I am, however, at a loss at this point. As a result, I consult my go-to source,, where I discover definitions that range from the straightforward but not overly illuminating to the overly intricate but nonetheless illuminating. I'll mention a few of those definitions below, even though I might end up belly-flopping in the pool of wisdom: a body's or an environment's level of heat or cold.

Learn more about temperature here:


13 points just to answer this question.

just type it in like a normal sentence if you can.


The words that fill in the blanks are;

1) Force

2) direction

3) Energy

4) Conservation of energy

5) Simple machines

6) Work

7) Work output

What is the work?

We know that work is said to be done when the force that is applied is known to  move a distance in the direction of the force. Now we know that the application of force is what would make an object to male movement. It the follows that force is the reason for motion.

The whole essence of the simple machine is that the force that is applied at one end of the machine can be able to overcome a load that is found at another point of the machine.

The work out put of the simple machine would always exceed the work input of a simple machine and by so doing the machine would now be able to make our work much easier.

Learn more about work done:


what is the dvd's moment of inertia for rotation about a perpendicular axis through the edge of the disk?


The DVD's moment of inertia for rotation about a perpendicular axis through the edge of the disk is

[tex]I = \frac{3}{2}MR^{2}[/tex]

Where, M = the mass of the disk and

            R = the radius of the disk.

The parallel axis theorem connects a shape's moment of inertia about a parallel centroidal axis to its moment of inertia about any other axis.

This theorem is particularly helpful since it allows us to compute a shape's moment of inertia around any parallel axis by adding the appropriate correction factor to our knowledge of the shape's centroidal moment of inertia. Alternatively, by deducting the same factor from the moment of inertia about an axis, we can determine the related centroidal moment of inertia.

To know more about moment of inertia


an astronaut weighs 600 newtons at the earth's surface. if he doubles his distance from the earth's center, his weight will be


if the astronaut doubles his distance from the  earth's surface, his weight will Decrease

Newton (N) is the Unit of force. And 1 N is the force needed to accelerate 1 kilogram of mass at the rate of 1 meter/second..

In earth; 1 kg mass produce 9.81 N force in direction to the center of gravity of earth. In an other words, if mass produce 9.81 N force in  earth's surface that mass is must be 1 kg.

In your question; 600 N force is always 600N force.

When you measure the force of mass is 600 N on earth's surface, same mass is produce 600x(1.62/9.81) = 99.08 N on Moon, and 600x(3.71/9,81)= 226.91 N on Mars.

To learn more about earth's surface click here


40 j of work was done on 6 n object how far does it go





Work = force * distance

   40 J  = 6 N * d     shows d = 6 2/3 m

the threshold of hearing is defined as the minimum discernible intensity of the sound. it is approximately 10−12w/m2 . find the distance d from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned. assume that the windows are rolled down and that each speaker actually produces 0.06 w of sound, as suggested in the last follow-up comment.


Distance d from the car at which the sound from the stereo can still be discerned are= 97720.5 m


The link between sound intensity at a distance and distance is (power of sound at source)/ (surface area of the wall of an imaginary sphere at the distance in question)

I = P/4πd²

Assuming the car has 2 speakers,

P = 0.06 W × 2 = 0.12 W

d = ?

the intensity of the least discernible sound is

I = 10⁻¹² W/m²

10⁻¹² = 0.12/4πd²

d = 97720.5 m

What is the volume of the sound?

Sound intensity level is a unitless quantity that indicates how loud a sound is in comparison to a predetermined benchmark. The ratio of the pressure amplitude to a reference pressure is known as the sound pressure level.

To know more about sound intensity visit:-


When a nucleus of 235u undergoes fission, it breaks into two smaller, more tightly bound fragments.

a. Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for ^235U? (Express with appropriate units)
b. Calculate the binding energy per nucleon for the fission product ^137 Cs?


When a nucleus of 235u undergoes fission, it breaks into two smaller, more tightly bound fragments. The binding energy per nucleon for 235-U is 7.6 MeV and 137-Cs is 8.39 MeV

What is the 235-U and 137-Cs binding energy per nucleon?

In experimental physics, nuclear binding energy is the minimal amount of energy needed to separate an atom's nucleus into its component protons and neutrons, also known as nucleons.

The following equation provides the binding energy of a nucleus:

BE = Δmc² in which;

BE is Energy bound

Mass defect is m.

c is the speed of light or 931.49 MeV/u

For 235U:

A = 235

Δm = 1.9150664

BE is equal to 1.9150664 x 931.49 MeV/u.

BE = 1783.8648 MeV

The formula  of the nucleon's binding energy is BE/A

BE/A = 235 x 1738.648 MeV

BE/A = 7.6 MeV

The binding energy for 137-Cs will be:

Mass defect m = 1.23383 unit

BE=1.123383 u x 31.49 MeV/u = 1149.3003 MeV

Additionally, the binding energy per nucleon, BE/A, is as follows:

A = 137 in the case of 137-Cs;

BE/A = 137 x 1149.3003 MeV

BE/A = 8.39 MeV

Learn more about binding energy per nucleon at:


the acceleration due to gravity on mars is 3.8 m/s2. how much would an object with a mass of 16 kg weight on mars? a 16 n b 61 n c 96 n d 4.2 n


The weight of the object is equal to 60.8 N when its mass is 16 kg on mars.

What is the weight of the object?

The weight of a body can be described as the force exerted on the object due to gravity. Weight can be specified as a vector quantity if the gravitational force is acted on the object.

The measurement unit for weight is similar to that of force newton (N). A body with a mass of 1 Kg on the surface of the Earth has a weight of 9.8 N, and about one-sixth on the Moon.

The mathematical formula to evaluate the weight of an object is mentioned below:

W = mg

Given, the mass of an object, m = 16 Kg

The acceleration due to gravity on the object on mars, g = 3.8 m/s²

The weight of an object on mars will be equal to:

W = 16 Kg × 3.8 m/s²

W = 60.8 N

Therefore, the weight of the object is 60.8 N.

Learn more about weight, here:


Some populations have a distribution that is very limited because of the abiotic factors to which they are adapted. For example, some species of butterfly require a minimum amount of rainfall each year in order to survive and reproduce. If a prolonged drought, that is, one longer than 10 years, occurs across a portion of their range, how will their range change after three years into the drought?.


After a prolong drought, the population of the butterfly will decrease drastically and eventually a new species of butterfly will appear that will lead to the evolution of the species.

A certain species of butterfly require minimum amount of rainfall each year in order to survive and reproduce. This thing signifies that the butterflies have a very limited population distribution because of the abiotic factor to which they are adapted.

If the drought is prolonged. The population of the butterfly will decrease drastically because there will be no rainfall and that will affect the survival and reproduction of the butterflies.

Eventually some of the butterfly will adapt to the new abiotic conditions and evolve ultimately.

To know more about abiotic factors, visit,


Calculate the electronegativity differences and determine the polarity for the bonds formed by the following pairs of atoms: k and f atoms and n and o atoms.


The electronegativity difference between the two atoms in a bond is used to determine the polarity of the bond. The larger the difference, the more polar the bond.

The electronegativity difference between the K and F atoms is 0.99, which is very large, indicating a highly polar bond. The polarity of this bond would be polar covalent.

The electronegativity difference between the N and O atoms is 0.44, which is relatively large, indicating a moderately polar bond. The polarity of this bond would be polar covalent.

In both cases, the electron density of the bond will be skewed toward the atom with the higher electronegativity, causing a partial positive charge on the atom with the higher electronegativity and a partial negative charge on the atom with the lower electronegativity.

For more questions like Electronegativity click the link below:


A small rock bounces off the windshield of a moving car and experiences a large change in velocity. How does the car’s momentum change?


Car has a change in the  momentum equal to that of the rock but in the opposite to the direction.

What is momentum?

Momentum is ability to keep increasing or is type of force that makes moves faster to very Faster.

According to the same conservation of Linear momentum, If the net of the external force acting on another system of bodies is definitely zero, then it is the  momentum of the system of  remains constant. We have to the   remember that they momentum of the system is conserved and not that of  the individual particles.

the car has a change in the  momentum equal to that of to the rock but in the opposite direction.

To know more about momentum click-


Earth was born about 4.5 billion years ago. according to current estimates, approximately how long after earth’s formation did the moon form?


According to the current estimates, there was a giant impact which led to the formation of Moon within a short period of  tens of million of years after the formation of Earth.

It is known to us that -

Earth was born about 4.5 billion years ago

We have to determine an approximate time after earth's formation when the moon formed.

It is true that Earth was born about 4.5 billion years ago when the dust and gas particles rotating the Sun at that time were left behind forming a disc-shaped structure like our Earth.

The formation of Moon followed soon due to a gigantic impact created between the early Earth and another early planet that resembled the size of Mars.

According to the current estimates, this giant impact led to the formation of Moon within a short period of  tens of million of years after the formation of Earth.

To learn more about Earth formation visit


The wavelength of blue light is greater than red light and its energy is greater. (True or False)


Blue light has shorter wavelengths, 450–495 nanometers, on average. Blue light has a higher frequency and much more energy than red light.

Why is wavelength significant?

The wavelength of an electromagnetic wave provides details about its length. The distance here between "crests" (tops) of related waves is known as the wavelength. The same wavelength can also be determined by making observations from the "groove" (bottom) from one waveform to the "trough" of the next.

What types of wavelength are there?

Examples of electromagnetic fields with particular wavelengths & greater frequency include gamma rays, Cross, and ultraviolet light. Longer wavelengths & lower harmonics of electromagnetic fields include thermal light, microwaves, radio signals, and televisions waves.

To know more about wavelengths visit:


how are rotation curves of spiral galaxies determined beyond radii where starlight can be detected?


Rotation curves of spiral galaxies are a measure of the velocity of the stars and gas in the galaxy as a function of distance from the center. These curves are important for understanding the mass distribution of the galaxy, which in turn helps us understand the structure of the galaxy and its evolution.

In order to determine the rotation curves beyond the radii where starlight can be detected, we must use indirect methods. One of the most important indirect methods is the use of neutral hydrogen gas, which is typically found in the outer regions of galaxies. By measuring the Doppler shifts of the hydrogen gas using radio telescopes, we can determine the velocity of the gas as a function of distance. This allows us to trace the rotation curve out to much larger radii than just the starlight.

Another method for determining the rotation curves beyond the radii where starlight can be detected is to use gravitational lensing. This method relies on the fact that the gravity of a massive object, such as a spiral galaxy, can bend and focus the light from more distant objects. By measuring the distortions of the light from those distant objects, we can infer the mass distribution of the galaxy and thus its rotation curve.

Learn more about Doppler shift at :


a person pulls a rake with 152 n of force along the handle. the angle between the handle and the ground is 35.0o. determine the magnitudes of the horizontal and vertical components of this force.


To do this, multiply the vector's magnitude by the cosine of the angle of the vector to find the horizontal component and the vector's magnitude by the sine of the angle to discover the vertical component.

What horizontal and vertical components of this force?

The force's rightward and upward effects are described by the horizontal component, while the force's upward effect is described by the vertical component.

Therefore, We multiply the vector's magnitude by the cosine angle with respect to the horizontal in order to determine its horizontal component. We repeat the process, but this time we use the sine angle to get the vertical component.

Learn more about force here:


What is the formula of energy store?


The formula for stored energy in capacitor is  1/2 QV where Q = charge and V = voltage. This is the work done to transfer charge from one plate to other plate against the force of repulsion of already present charges.

Let charge is transferred from the plate B to A. the charge on the plates is Q’ and –Q’.  To transfer a charge of dQ’ from B to A, the work done will be

dW = V dQ = Q/C dQ

After doing integration on it

Energy stored in capacitor = [tex]Q{2}[/tex]/2C = 1/2 C[tex]V^{2}[/tex] = 1/2 QV

capacitor is a device for storing electrical energy. It consists of two conductors in close proximity which are insulated from each other. Example, the parallel-plate capacitor.

To know more about capacitor here


what is the frequency of an electromagnetic wave that has the same wavelength as a 3.5 khz sound wave in water?


The frequency of the electromagnetic wave is equal to 7.09× 10⁸ m.

What are frequency and wavelength?

The frequency of an electromagnetic wave can be defined as the number of oscillations of a wave in one second. The frequency has S.I. units per second or hertz.

The relationship between wavelength (λ), frequency of the wave(ν), and speed of light (c) is:

c = νλ

Given, the frequency of the sound wave, ν = 3500 Hz

The speed of the sound wave in water, V = 1480 m/s

The wavelength of the sound waves can determine from the above-mentioned relationship:

λ = V/ν = 1480/3500 = 0.423 m

The wavelength of electromagnetic wave, λ = 0.423 m

The speed of the electromagnetic wave, c = 3 × 10⁸ m/s

The frequency of the electromagnetic wave will be equal to:

ν = c/λ = 3×10⁸/0.423 = 7.09 × 10⁸ m.

Learn more about wavelength and frequency, here:


What is the wavelength of the green light with a frequency of 5.71 x 1014 Hz?


The wavelength of green light is 5.39 x 10⁻⁷m.

Electric powered discipline lines originate on fantastic prices and terminate on terrible fees. the electric subject is defined because the force in keeping with unit price on a check charge, and moreover, the electricity of the pressure is related to the electrical regular, additionally known as the free area permittivity.

From Maxwell’s 1st equation we have a tendency to collect a special form of Coulomb’s regulation called Gauss’s regulation for strength.

Maxwell created fundamental contributions to the development of bodily technological know-how.

He turned into also the founder of the kinetic idea of gases.

This concept supplied the new difficulty of implemented arithmetic, and physics, linking thermodynamics and mechanics, and is still widely used as a model for rarefied gases and plasmas.

The equation, E=hf, is referred to as the Planck-Einstein relation. The letter h is named after Planck, as Planck’s consistent. energy (E) is associated with this constant h, and to the frequency (f) of the electromagnetic wave.



y=3 x10⁸/5.71 x 10¹⁴=5.39 x 10⁻⁷m

To study about electromagnetic wave -


How fast is a wave traveling that has a wavelength of 2 m and a frequency of 10 Hz?


The speed of the travelling wave is found to be 20m/s.

The relationship between the frequency of the wave, the wavelength of the wave and the speed of the wave is given by

V = fy


V is the speed of the travelling wave,

F is the frequency of the travelling wave,

y is the wavelength of the travelling wave.

The frequency of the travelling wave is given to be 10Hz and the wavelength of the travelling wave is 2m.

Now, putting all the values,

V = 10(2)

V = 20m/s

So, the speed of the travelling wave is 20m/s.

To know more about frequency of wave, visit,


Which test should the golf pro use to determine if titleist pro v1 golf balls travel a longer average distance than callaway chrome soft golf balls?.


Test which should the golf pro use is a)paired t-test for means. So, correct option is a.

A paired t-test is the test performed to check whether the mean of two unique arrangements of perceptions is equivalent or the distinction between them is zero. It is otherwise called a reliant or related t-test. A matched t-test is one of the two sorts of test t-tests which are utilized to look at the normal or mean of two populaces.

The distinction in two examples that might happen while ascertaining the mean is a direct result of the irregular opportunity or testing blunder. The two examples on which the matched t-test is tried is connected by some quality like similar number of individuals or things or conditions. The utilizations of this test are in the exploration areas of science, business and brain research.

Hence, correct option is a.

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(Complete question) is:

A golf pro wants to determine if Titleist Pro V1 golf balls  travel farther, on average, than Callaway Chrome Soft golf balls . A robot hits 9 of each ball, selected at random, and the distance traveled is measured. Assume the distances traveled are normally distributed. The average distance traveled by the 9 Titleist Pro V1 golf balls is 261.1 yards with standard deviation 10 yards, and the average distance traveled by the 9 Callaway Chrome Soft golf balls is 249.3 yards with standard deviation 12 yards.

Which test should the golf pro use to determine if Titleist Pro V1 golf balls travel a longer average distance than Callaway Chrome Soft golf balls?

a. paired-t test for means

b. paired-z test for means

c. Ottest for proportions

d. test for means

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