I’ll give extra points for who ever does this


Answer 1
You see this is correct because

Related Questions

8. Which of the following is a true statement
A Doing marketing strategies cannot help in selling preserved food
B. Labels provide important information about preserved food
C. Vacuum packaging is not used for frozen food products
D. Marketing is recording profits from sold products
9. Which of the following is not true about packaging
A. Packaging adds beauty and appeal to the preserved food
B. Packaged preserved food should be protected from contamination
of dirt
c. The packaging of preserved food contributes to the marketing of the
D. Packaging materials for food preserve should not be creative and
10. Which of the choices below is necessary and crucial to start a business?
A Capital
B. Cost of the material
C. Marketing
D. Online Marketing​


Answer: 10. A. capital. 9.  B.    8. C.


Purple flowers are a dominant trait while white flowers are a recessive trait.
Explain what this difference means in terms of the alleles for flower colour.



the dominant trait will always over role

Please answer all statements with true or false.

Electronic wastes pose a problem for human health and the

Recycling can help conserve natural resources.

To get more energy. We use a lot of energy.

Turning off lights when not in a room is an easy wave to conserve energy.

Replacing old appliances with newer models doesn't save energy.


I’m not 100% sure but I think it’s true

Which is true about the tundra biome?
a. It receives less direct sunlight than any other biome on earth.
b. It has more trees than any other biome on earth.
c. It can be found at low elevations all over the earth.
d. It has more types of plants and animals than any other biome on earth.



It receives less direct sunlight than any other biome on earth.


The tundra biome is a cold, frozen landscape. This biome has a short growing season, followed by harsh conditions that the plants and animals in the region need special adaptations to survive. Tundra form in two distinct cold and dry regions.

The Tundra biome is a frozen landscape that has a dark and cold environment. It receives less sunlight compared to other biomes. Thus, option a is correct.

What are the characteristics of the Tundra biome?

The Tundra biome is the biogeographical region that has the coldest atmosphere of all the other biomes and is marked by little precipitation, low temperatures, long winters, and short seasons for agricultural growth.

They are present in the Arctic circle as the temperature reaches below zero degrees celsius which can last up to ten months. It is mostly barren land and is majorly covered with willow trees, and birch trees. They receive very less amount of sunlight as they have a long winter season.

Therefore, Tundra receives less sunlight.

Learn more about the Tundra biome here:



Auxins cause cells to grow ___. A. Longer on the sunny side of the stem. B. Shorter on the sunny side of the stem . C.shorter on the shaded side of the stem .d. Longer on the shades side of the stem



D. Longer on the shaded side of the stem


Auxin is a plant hormone that promotes cell growth and elongation in plant stems.

It causes the cells to grow longer on the shaded side of the stem.

This growth allows for the plant to grow in the direction of the light source it has.

So, the correct answer is D. Longer on the shaded side of the stem

In the United States, there has been an increase in the number of people infected by mosquito spread diseases that were previously found only in countries
south of the United States. Scientists want to investigate the cause of the increase in mosquito-bome diseases. Scientists have predicted that the mosquitos
carrying disease have moved further north as global temperatures have increased. Which information would be most useful to their investigation?
O A. Meteorologists' annual temperatures of all the major cities in the US for the last ten years.
O B. Population data from the CDC that ranges over several years for mosquitoes that spread disease.
C. A report from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) of mosquito spread diseases and their symptoms.
OD. A collection of test results for different vaccines used to prevent mosquito carriab diseases.


the answer would be c




Please transcribe the following strand of DNA: TACATTCGAGGCATT*




DNA strand:


I hope this makes sense on how to transcribe a DNA strand. At first, it may seem hard on how to do this but if you practice transcribing a strand you will fully understand it. To remember what goes with what it is that adenine is pair with thymine while guanine is pair with cytosine. I hope this makes sense and I wish you the best in your science class.

Hard corals have a symbiotic relationship with species of microalgae that give the corals their color and provide up to 95% of the corals' energy needs by photosynthesis. Corals get the rest of their food by consuming plankton. The microalgae are damaged by changes in water temperature 2-3C lasting five weeks or more, causing a phenomenon called coral bleaching. What will most likely be the result of increased global temperature on the diversity of hard coral species?
Question 1 options:

The hard corals will make all of their own food.

The rate of photosynthesis in hard corals will increase.

The number of different hard coral species will decrease.

The hard corals will migrate to warmer waters.



The hard corals will make all of their own food


your welcome...

The most likely result with increased global temperature would be ; ( A )

The hard corals will make their own food

Given that the relationship between the corals and the microalgae is symbiotic and not parasitic therefore when the microalgae are damaged the hard corals will most likely look for an alternative food source in order to continue surviving since they do not rely 100% on the plankton for their food. which is The hard corals will be able to make their own food by capturing preys like critters.

Hence we can conclude that the most likely result with increased global temperature would be  The hard corals will make their own food

Learn more : https://brainly.com/question/25044503

What are the 5 mechanisms of evolution?



1. Mutation

2. Gene flow

3. Non-random mating

4. Natural Selection

5. Genetic drift


They are: mutation, non-random mating, gene flow, finite population size (genetic drift), and natural selection.


a white chicken with black spots is a result of

A)incomplete dominance
C)simple dominant recessive pattern
D)getting bit by a cobra


Answer: A





you can already get rid of d and c because you know that it has something to do with combining the 2 alleles. Incomplete dominance is when the 2 colors blend together to make another color, like a red and white flowers offspring is pink. codominance is when both alleles are shown, just like the black spots on the chicken. your answer is b!!

have a good night!

25 points please help !!!!!


Plastic coal gasoline
Gasoline, plastic, and coal.

The arrows in the image define the equation as( )
A+B <----> C+D


The answer is decomposition hope I helped

1. Which of the following indicate the correct order of organization in multicellular organisms? (from smallest to largest)
a. Tissues, cells, organ systems, organs, organisms
b. Cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms
c. Organism, Organ systems, organs, tissues, cells
d. Cells, organs, tissues, organ systems, organism


the answer would be B.

Why are bacteria ubiquitous? Explain your answer.



Bacteria Ubiquitous is a bacteria that can thrive practically anywhere.


All forms of bacteria are considered ubiquitous and can be found in practically any environment. They can thrive in some of the hottest and coldest places and even the most acidic areas such as a human being's stomach.

The color of a mineral when it is powdered is called the streak of the mineral. Several minerals have a black streak and make it difficult to identify the mineral with the streak test alone. But a red-brown streak is not very common. We would expect ________ to produce a red-brown streak. A) graphite B) hematite EliminateC) magnitite D) pyrite





The iron content of the mineral gives it a red hue after it has spent a long time exposed to air and moisture

1. the north polar constellation can be seen in the southern hemisphere.

true or false

2. the south polar constellation can be seen in the northern hemisphere.

true or false​


I believe they are both false><

1. the north polar constellation can be seen in the southern hemisphere.

"As viewed from the North Pole, all fully visible constellations north of the celestial equator are circumpolar, and likewise for constellations south of the celestial equator as viewed from the South Pole."

2. the south polar constellation can be seen in the northern hemisphere.

"The southern constellations Carina, Centaurus, and Crux are found circling the south celestial pole and can be seen from southern latitudes at any time of year while remaining invisible for observers in most northern locations."

Hope it helps

The initial ingredients of a reaction.





I don't really know how to explain since it's a definition question. Just know that reactants are to the left of the arrow in a reaction, while products are to the right. The products are the end result.

que es la fricción help me​



La fricción, fuerza de roce o fuerza de rozamiento es una fuerza existente entre dos superficies que se encuentren en contacto, y que se opone al movimiento, o sea, tiene dirección contraria al movimiento.

what is the function of myonemes in the euglena​


A myoneme (or spasmoneme) is a contractile structure found in some eukaryotic single-celled organisms, particularly Vorticella. It consists of a series of protein filaments that shorten rapidly upon exposure to calcium.

Myoneme FUNCTION in Eugene viridis as the contractile vacuole in the organism. In order words, it helps in the excretion of substance out of the body of the organism


A myoneme is a contractile structure found in some eukaryotic organisms like euglena too.

The myoneme consists of a series of protein filaments that shorten rapidly upon exposure to calcium.

Learn more:


What are some ethical and philosophical questions that surround the issue of
genetic counseling? Might it sometimes be unwise to know ahead of time about
possible genetically linked disorders that might afflict your child or yourself?



Genetic counseling raises concerns associated with confidentiality and privacy of the information. I consider that genetic information always is beneficial for the individual because this information can be used to determine the genetic predisposition of developing a particular inherited disease (and therefore prevent it).  


Genetic counseling has historically been associated with concerns with confidentiality and privacy of genetic information. Genetic information about an individual such as carrier status (i.e., the presence of recessive deleterious alleles in the genome of the individual), his/her chance of developing a certain disease (e.g., cancer), or transmit this disease to his/her offspring is always stigmatizing, and therefore it must be kept confidential. In consequence, genetic information must be carefully handled by professionals because any filtration of this information may be harmful to the individual (for example, unscrupulous companies might use this information to select personal regarding the genetic predisposition to suffer inherited diseases). However, genetic information is very useful in order to determine the genetic predisposition of developing a particular inherited disease and thus take the necessary actions to prevent it (e.g., avoid high salt foods if there is a genetic predisposition of developing cardiovascular diseases).


Um, I'm guessing you don't need this answer anymore seeing that it was posted last year.... but I think that it is good to know if you child has genetically linked disorders that might afflict your child or yourself so that you can be prepared before hand.

~Hope this helps! :)

Consider this microscopic image of bacteria.

Rod-shaped bacteria is shown.

Based on its shape, what is most likely the form of this bacteria?


bacillus are rod shaped





Which level of organization involves an organism’s use of the mouth, saliva, teeth, stomach, intestines, liver, and pancreas to break down food?

Select one:



Organ system.



organ system. hope this helps
The answer is organ according to my test

5 importance of animal protein in ration​



Proteins are important building blocks of animal tissues. The majority of animal tissues and organs need proteins and other elements as their building blocks. Therefore, proteins in animal nutrition are needed for the growth and regeneration of tissues.


it is needed for proper growth.it is needed for regeneration of tissues.it help to boost and increase immunity power.it help to keep fight against the diseases.it keep our body fit and healthy.

what is the relation between chromatin ,dna,gene,chromosome?pls answer in simple words and don't send any links ​



Genes are a specific segment of DNA; DNA is a double helix with nucleotides, since DNA is very long chromatins packages up DNA using histones and form chromosomes.


Chromatin is what makes up a chromosome, it packages the dna up using proteins call histones

DNA is linear double helix with nucleotides ( A-T, C-G). It is the instructions that make apples different from humans.

genes are made up of DNA, it is a segment that codes for certain proteins

chromosome are made of packaged DNA

What is the pressure of a gas if the volume is 96.2 L, the temperature is 25⁰C and there are 1.24 moles?



P(96.2 L)= (1.24 mol)(8.314)(298 K)
P = 96.2/3072.18
P = 31.93 Pa or 0.031 kPa

If one parent has Type A blood and the other has type B, but all four types are represented among the offspring, what are the genotypes of the parents?

If both parents are blood type A but ¾ of their children are type A and ¼ of the children are type O, what are the parent's genotypes?

What genotypes must the parents be if one has type AB blood and the other has type B, but their children are ¼ A, ¼ AB and ½ type B?



heterozygous A father and heterozygous B mother


As the level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere increases, how will (is) primary productivity impacted? How does this impact populations of primary consumers?



Rising atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrogen (N) deposition increase directly the resource availability to plants, and can increase plant growth and net primary productivity (NPP; Norby et al., 2005).

Net primary productivity varies among ecosystems and depends on many factors. These include solar energy input, temperature and moisture levels, carbon dioxide levels, nutrient availability, and community interactions (e.g., grazing by herbivores) 2.


Primary producers capture light from the sun and carbon dioxide from the environment and finally transform it into energy.

What do you mean by Net primary productivity (NPP)?

Net primary productivity may be defined as the amount of matter accumulated by plants per unit area in a given time.

Primary productivity depends on photosynthesis, where carbon dioxide gets converted to energy. If the level of Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere increases, the photosynthesis rate increases, and finally the primary productivity increases.

Therefore, Primary producers capture light from the sun and carbon dioxide from the environment and finally transform it into energy.

To learn more about Primary productivity, refer to the link:


what ia arumen in ruminant animals​



Ruminants include cattle, sheep, goats, buffalo, deer, elk, giraffes and camels. These animals all have a digestive system that is uniquely different from our own. Instead of one compartment to the stomach they have four. Of the four compartments the rumen is the largest section and the main digestive centre

The rumen. The rumen (on the left side of the animal) is the largest stomach compartment and consists of several sacs. It can hold 25 gallons or more of material depending on the size of the cow. Because of its size, the rumen acts as a storage or holding vat for feed.

Why do males express certain sex-linked traits that females don't?


Answer: A male with a mutation in a gene on the X chromosome is typically affected with the condition. Because females have two copies of the X chromosome and males have only one X chromosome, X-linked recessive diseases are more common among males than females.


This is a gastropod fossil from Triassic period. This type of fossil can be on the east boundary of the state of Missouri. It looks a lot like ______ we find on Earth today.

A) ferns
B) fish
C) snails
D) starfish​



C . snails


This shell looks like a snail shell

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