if you were given a wish .what would you wish for . (you know iam boring)​


Answer 1
to read minds so I can see what peoples true thoughts are
Answer 2
i would wish for happiness. to be able to enjoy my life.

Related Questions

Read the excerpt from “A Flag with 50 Stars.” Now that Alaska and Hawaii had been admitted as states, Congressman Moeller had succeeded in having Bob's design chosen as the new U.S. flag. How do these sentences contribute to the text? They show it takes several years for the U.S. government to approve a new flag design. They develop the idea that, without Congressman Moeller, there would not be a new U.S flag. They develop the idea that Bob's design is exceptional, despite what his teacher thought. They imply that the people of Alaska and Hawaii prefer Bob's design over other options.



They develop the idea that, without Congressman Moeller, there would not be a new U.S flag.


i just took the k12 test


They develop the idea that, without Congressman Moeller, there would not be a new U.S flag.



A Flag with 50 Stars.


What is the effect of the use of the word belief in this statement from the selection: "There's a belief that graduated licensing has led to a delay"?



well if you put t like that it could mean like the people have belief that the graduated licensing has led to a delay

so its like more then one person

for example a rumor is going around about this and people believe it and there talking about it and they all believe it its like that

hope i helped


I need to do a video project for school but don’t know what to say. It’s asking me for my most memorable event/occurrence at school. For example, “Every time I got a perfect score for a test, I got money to buy games”. Does anyone have couple of ideas? Anything random is fine. Thank you. (Will mark brainliest and report random answers)



Down below:


When you got an award and not just your friends would clap for you, but the whole assembly hall. And when you went on school trips, you would always have fun and just mess around with them.

what makes up a conditional sentence​



A conditional sentence is a sentence that expresses a condition. A condition is something that can only happen IF something else occurs. A conditional sentence contains an independent clause and a dependent clause that almost always begins with “if.” A conditional sentence is only a conditional sentence if it has both of these parts.


What is Cassie's relationship with the trees? How does Taylor's use of personification
throughout the story help the reader to understand how important the trees are to Cassie?
Use evidence from the story in your answer.



She believes that trees can sing and that they are her friends.


personification is the trees singing

Match each type of persuasive message to its example.



1 proposal
2 request
3 claim

Answer: 1. Claim, 2. Request, 3. Proposal


Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. The job was difficult nevertheless; Roger decided to stay at the company for the next year.
B. The job was difficult, nevertheless Roger decided to stay at the company for the next year.
C. The job was difficult nevertheless Roger decided to stay at the company for the next year.
D. The job was difficult, nevertheless, Roger decided to stay at the company for the next year.



The answer is B


Hope this helps!

The answer would be B

Which sentence uses commas correctly?

A. My mother asked me to fold laundry, but, I did not want to.

B. The boys, although, they were not aloud to be left the house by themselves

C. The audience, however, continue to speak over the actors on stage.

D. I want to go out for dinner, even though, I’m trying to save money


Answer: The answer is (A) because the comma is right before and after but


the answer to your question is C

Read the following passage from The Pickwick Papers by Charles Dickens:
"On either side, the banks of the Medway, covered with
corn-fields and pastures, with here and there a windmill, or
a distant church, stretched away as far as the eye could
see, presenting a rich and varied landscape, rendered more
beautiful by the changing shadows which passed swiftly
across it as the thin and half-formed clouds skimmed
away in the light of the morning sun. The river, reflecting
the clear blue of the sky, glistened and sparkled as it
flowed noiselessly on; and the oars of the fishermen
dipped into the water with a clear and liquid sound."
Which of the following phrases from the passage contribute to the peaceful
mood of the text?
O A. light of the morning sun
O B. oars of the fishermen
O c. half-formed clouds
O D. swiftly across



d. swiftly across


The reason why this phrase contributes to a peaceful mood is because the word swiftly suggests something quiet and quick, and quiet is always associated with peacefulness.

Swiftly across: the passage contributes to the peaceful mood of the text. Thus, option D is the correct option.

What is the mood in literature?

The mood is anything that is written with intention and calls for the synthesis of several creative writing craft abilities. The writer must perfect their word choice, grammar, and writing style while conveying certain subjects and concepts. As a result, the mood in literature is the product of painstaking—and rewarding—work rather than something that just happens.

The reader's feelings that a text elicits from them are referred to as mood. The writer may evoke a variety of emotions in the audience when several craft components come together perfectly. There is a distinction between evoking the reader's emotions (mood) and forcing them upon the reader (atmosphere). Works of literature frequently arouse a range of diverse emotions, especially long-form prose and poetry.

Learn more about the mood in literature here:



100 POINTS Read the following passage:

On March 3, 1853, the handsome, soberly dressed Reverend Theodorus van Gogh entered the ancient town hall of Groot-Aundert, in the Brabant, a province of the Netherlands.
The word soberly has several different meanings. In this passage, it most closely means _____.

not intoxicated or drunk
quiet or sedate in manner
subdued in color and not showy


Quiet or sedate in manner? It makes the most sense



Subdued in color and not showy.


te tasks die
Which piece of evidence would BEST support the writer's central idea in the paragraph?
a ranking of the relative complexity of commonly paired tasks
further definition of what the writer considers to be "devastating consequences"
the results of a study on driving and cell-phone use
more complete explanation of the difference between "multi-tasking" and "toggling"


Answer:I think the answer is D


Question 19 of 25
Which of the following would be a good topic sentence for a cause-and-effect
A. Public transportation is better than personal transportation for the
following reasons.
B. Overuse of private transportation causes several significant
negative effects.
O C. No one should drive to work ever.
D. We have a great public transportation system.



B. Overuse of private transportation causes several significant negative effects.


Cause and effect can be defined as the relationship between two things or events in which an occurrence one (cause) leads to the occurrence of another (effect).

Also, an experiment can be defined as an investigation which typically involves the process of manipulating an independent variable (the cause) in order to be able to determine or measure the dependent variable (the effect).

This ultimately implies that, an experiment can be used by scientists to show or demonstrate how a condition causes or gives rise to another i.e cause and effect, influence, behavior, etc in a sample.

Hence, a good topic sentence for a cause-and-effect paragraph is overuse of private transportation causes several significant negative effects.

If an author talks about how much people love dogs and then gives examples
of dog types, what should you include in your summary?
A. What kind of dog people should get
B. How much people love dogs
C. All the dog types
D. How many dog types there are





I believe the answer is number two, B.

“This case is as simple as black and white.”
What do Atticus’s words mean without irony?



Atticus means exactly what he says, because this case is both about black and white people and the facts are clear and obvious.



Choose the relative clause in this sentence.

The woman whose pizza won the contest looked incredibly happy.

Choose 1 answer:

(Choice A) A looked incredibly happy

(Choice B) B whose pizza won the contest looked incredibly happy

(Choice C) C whose pizza won the contest



who won the pizza baking contest


I got it right on khan haha

Give the correct form of the verb to be for the tense in parentheses.
10. I _______ (past) late this morning.

11. The bus _______ (future) on time, so don’t miss it.

12. Possibly the weather _______ (future) clear at game time.

13. Often, many people _______ (present) late on a rainy day.

14. You _______ (present) never late, no matter what the weather _______ (present).



11.will be

12.will be




if it is wrong feel free to correct me

The word echantment is :
Adverbial clause
Noun phrase
Adverd ​





The word "enchantment" is a noun because it is a naming word that means to "hypnotise or draw the attention of someone to something".

It is derived from the word "enchant"


noun phrase .


the art, act, or an instance of enchanting. the state of being enchanted. something that enchants: Music is an enchantment that never fails.

Hope it is helpful.....

Romeo and Juliet in 2020


Answer: Bro


Why did the 15th amendment Movement put such emphasis on the voter registration campaign? By securing blacks the vote, what were activists hoping to achieve? Why was it so hard for them to achieve their goals?





Hope this helps :)

What does the interaction between Thetis and Achilles reveal about the relationship between Achilles and Patroclus in "How the Death of Patroclus Roused Achilles" from "Stories from the Iliad"?

Question 4 options:

Patroclus was more important to Achilles than Achilles' own life or his mother's concern for his life.

Patroclus was more important to Achilles than his mother is, and he hates how she interfered in their friendship.

Achilles' friendship with Patroclus was important, but Achilles values his mother's love for him above all else.

Achilles is unsure how he feels about Patroclus until discussing Patroclus's death with his mother.




Achilles is unsure how he feels about Patroclus until discussing Patroclus's death with his mother.

PLEASE HELP Refer to Stories from the Iliad: "Agamemnon's Appeal to Achilles."

What is a central idea in "Agamemnon's Appeal to Achilles"?

Question 2 options:

All people receive orders they must follow.

War is never noble, and no one should pursue it.

Safety and happiness are more valuable than fame and glory.

The gods become angry when humans defy them.


Answer: The gods become angry when humans defy them. I could be wrong.


Q1: Which choice correctly punctuates and capitalizes the words in the
following sentence? st patricks day comes once a year
St. Patricks day comes once a year.
St. Patrick's Day comes once a year.
St Patricks Day comes once a year.
st Patrick's day comes once a year!





St. Patrick's Day comes once a year.

what issues did some people have following the apollo 11 mission? Why did some at NASA continue to dream of even greater missions no matter the cost?


People wanted to go to greater heights than the moon and potentially explore different planet

 advantages and disadvantages of the Propaganda Movement and the Katipunan.​



It is notable in contrast to the Katipunan or the "K.K.K.", whose aim is for the total independence of the Philippines from Spain, the Propaganda Movement's aim is for the total assimilation of the Philippines as a province of Spain, and not a mere colony.


The plane has just (take) off





just is past and took is past so they go together

Macbeth's emotional state changes over the course of the text. Drag the following quotes into the
correct order to show the evolution of Macbeth's character across Acts I-III.
"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,/ Without my stir."
"Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more! / Macbeth does murder sleep"
"O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife! / Thou know'st that Banquo, and his Fleance, lives."
"Avaunt! and quit my sight! let the earth hide thee! / Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is
= cold;"



"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,/ Without my stir."- Act I scene iii

"Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more! / Macbeth does murder sleep"- Act II scene ii

"O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife! / Thou know'st that Banquo, and his Fleance, lives."- Act III scene ii

"Avaunt! and quit my sight! let the earth hide thee! / Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold;"- Act III scene iv


William Shakespeare's "Macbeth" revolves around the character of a Scottish general Macbeth and his desire to be king. Through the prophecy of witches and his manipulative wife, Macbeth began a life of one goal- to be king no matter what, which also led to his downfall.

The emotional state of Macbeth began to change as the scenes go along. The quotes given in the question are arranged in the correct order according to his character's evolution from Act I through III.

"If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me,/ Without my stir."- Act I scene iii.

In this scene, he thought nothing much of being king. He admits he’ll just let fate do its work if he’s meant to be king.

"Methought I heard a voice cry 'Sleep no more! / Macbeth does murder sleep"- Act II scene ii.

After he had just “done the deed” which is murdering Duncan, Macbeth began ‘hearing’ things.  

"O, full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife! / Thou know'st that Banquo, and his Fleance, lives."- Act III scene ii.

In this scene, he is not happy with just the throne. He wanted to remove all obstacles, meaning Banquo and his son as the witches had prophesied that the son of Banquo will end Macbeth’s rule.

"Avaunt! and quit my sight! let the earth hide thee! / Thy bones are marrowless, thy blood is cold;"- Act III scene iv.

In this scene, Macbeth is seen ordering the ghost of Banquo to be gone. This scene led him to wonder why the dead man can appear in front of him and also reminds him of the guilt.

What is a theme in the poem "In Spite of War"?

A.Life is best when it is not complicated.

B.Natural beauty can be found everywhere.

C.One should focus on beauty rather than misery.

D.One should dwell on life's sorrows.


One should focus on beauty rather than misery (C)

Answer: C


What does irony add to the story "Lamb to the Slaughter?" i will give brainliest



dahl uses dramatic irony when Mrs. Maloney asks the police to eat the murder weapon.  Roald Dahl uses dramatic irony(a case when the reader knows something the characters don't) in “Lamb to the Slaughter” to develop a feeling of suspense in the reader, leaving them wanting more.


are u asking why do they add it?

how does reading expand our definition of humanity


Reading gives us a unique opportunity to journey along with other people as they navigate their way through their own particular vale of tears. It gives us an insight into humanity, a chance to understand what it means for others to be alive.


Reading gives us a unique opportunity to journey along with other people as they navigate their way through their own particular vale of tears. It gives us an insight into humanity, a chance to understand what it means for others to be alive.



Write a synthesis essay that takes a stand on the issue referenced in the sources of your text,
The Language of Composition. Synthesize at least three sources for support.

3rd edition students: Read pages 138-166 of The Language of Composition, and take notes in your eNotes.
Write a synthesis essay that takes a stand on the issue referenced in the sources on pp. 167–175.

2nd edition students: Read pages 145-166 of The Language of Composition, and take notes in your eNotes.
Use the issue referenced in the sources on pp. 166–74 to draft your synthesis essay.

1st edition students: Read pages 72-85 of The Language of Composition, and take notes in your eNotes.
Use the issue referenced in the sources on pp. 72-85 to draft your synthesis essay.

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As you write, remember that essays will be graded with a six-point rubric based on the AP* nine-point scale. High-scoring essays will demonstrate that the writer considered the prompt carefully and responded to it insightfully with strong supporting evidence. These essays will also exhibit stylistic sophistication, including purposeful organization, precise diction, and engaging syntax. Whether or not the essay is timed, conforming to the conventions of standard American English is expected. You may use any of the tools available to you, such the Checklist, Spellchecker, or Graphic Organizer.


Yes but whatever page you’re reading, we don’t have it
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