if you cross a true-breeding purple flower with a true-breeding white flower, how many of the offspring will have purple flowers? (purple is dominant to white)


Answer 1

Mendel observed that the F1 generation produced by hybridizing true-breeding (P generation) plants only exhibited one trait of a characteristic. For instance, hybrid plants with purple flowers are always produced when a true-breeding purple flower is crossed with a true-breeding white flower.

Although some interspecific hybrids are fertile and true breeding, some are not. The process of hybridization, sometimes referred to as line- or strain-crossing, is the mating of genetically distinct individuals or groups. It can also involve hybridizing individuals from other species. organisms that reproduce exclusively through self-fertilization, called true-breeding variants. He discovered a purple-flower variety, for instance, that, when self-fertilized, invariably produced offspring plants with all purple flowers. Hybrids: the progeny of two distinct true-breeding species. Two parental lines that are homozygous yet as genetically distinct as feasible are crossed to produce hybrid seeds. Higher yields occur as a result of the heterosis effect, which makes the ensuing heterozygous offspring ("hybrids") significantly more productive than both parents.

To learn more about hybridizing true-breeding here



Related Questions

using the structural classification, what type of joint is the epiphyseal plate?


The type of joint the epiphyseal plate is temporary synchondrosis.

Chondrosis, or primary cartilage joints, affects only the hyaline cartilage and may be temporary or permanent. The bone grows longer inside. In children, the epiphyseal plate connects the diaphysis (the trunk of the bone) to the epiphysis (the end of the bone). Over time, the cartilage plates expand and replace bone, expanding the diaphysis.

Eventually, when all the hyaline cartilage is ossified, the bone lengthens and the diaphysis and epiphysis fuse to form a fusion. Other temporary arthropathies lead to the ilium, ischium, and pubis of the hip joint. Over time, these too will fuse into one hip bone.

Permanent synchondrosis does not ossify with age. It retains the hyaline cartilage. Permanent arthrosis serves to connect bones without movement as joints. An example is the rib cage, such as the first sternocostal joint. The first rib is connected to the manubrium by its costal cartilage. Another example is the relationship between the anterior ends of her other 11 ribs and the costal cartilage.

Learn more about epiphyseal plate here : https://brainly.com/question/21798769


Which of the following occurs in meiosis but not
in mitosis?
A. Chromosomes coil and condense.
B. Spindle
bers form across the cell.
C. The nuclear membrane breaks down.
D. Pairs of homologous chromosomes are


The circumstance that occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis is the coining and condensation of Chromosomes. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

What is Meiosis?

Meiosis may be characterized as a type of cell division in which each parent cell is divided into four daughter cells. These daughter cells are genetically unique to their parental cell and are haploid in nature. Gamete cells (germ cells) are usually divided by this method of cell division.

The events that happen in the process of meiosis may include the pairing of homologous chromosomes, crossing over, and lining up along the metaphase plate in tetrads.

Therefore, the condensation and coiling of chromosomes is the circumstance that occurs in meiosis but not in mitosis. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about Mitosis and meiosis, refer to the link:



In which situations should you yield right of way?


When making a left turn across oncoming lanes of traffic, you must stop and let incoming traffic pass.

While relocating from a driveway, parking lot, or exclusive road. From a private road, alley, parking garage, driveway, etc., you must stop and give way to all oncoming traffic before entering or crossing a public road.

A first-time offender faces a punishment ranging from $500 to $1,250 for failing to yield to a school bus. A Class A misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $4,000 and/or one year in prison is causing serious bodily harm by failing to cede right of way to school bus passengers.

Learn more the penalties of not yielding the right of way here:



what membranes of the maculae sacculi and utriculi are important in sensing gravity and motion?



The otolithic

would a cross between a homozygous purple-smooth parent (ppss) and a parent that is heterozygous for both traits (ppss) result in offspring that produced either yellow or wrinkled seeds? explain your answer by listing the genotypes and phenotypes produced by the cross.


The given statement "A cross between a homozygous purple-smooth parent (PPSS) and heterozygous for both traits (PpSs) would produce offspring that is either yellow or wrinkled seeds." is true.

Crossing over is the exchange of DNA between homologous and non-homologous chromosome.

The homozygous purple-smooth parent will only produce gametes PP and SS, while the heterozygous parent (Pp,Ss) will produce gametes with P_S_, P_s_, p_S_, and p_s_ . Thus the offspring will have a [tex]\dfrac {1} {4}[/tex] chance of being homozygous recessive (ppss), that will have yellow and wrinkled seeds while the other [tex]\dfrac {3}{4}[/tex] of the offspring will be heterozygous (PpSs), that will have purple and smooth seeds.


1/4 ppss - Yellow and wrinkled

3/4 PpSs - Purple and smooth


1/4 Yellow and wrinkled

3/4 Purple and smooth

Therefore, the given statement is true.

Learn more about homozygous here;



Your question is incomplete but most probably your full question was,

Would a cross between a homozygous purple-smooth parent (PPSS) and a parent that is heterozygous for both traits (PpSs) result in offspring that produced either yellow or wrinkled seeds? explain your answer by listing the genotypes and phenotypes produced by the cross.

a tumor-suppressor gene has been identified. however, dna sequencing in one patient shows that one copy of the gene has been deleted, but the other copy has a normal dna sequence (including the regulatory sequence). how can this result be best explained?


A DNA repair protein is encoded for by the tumor suppressor gene. The function of the gene is impacted by a base-pair alteration in the copy of the gene that is not deleted. There is an epigenetic alteration that lowers the expression of the copy of the gene that is not eliminated.

A change in cell proliferation and tumor development need mutations in both copies of a particular tumor suppressor gene pair. Tumor suppressor genes are therefore referred to as recessive at the cellular level. Tumor suppressor gene mutations are often acquired. Uncontrolled cell division may take place when a tumor suppressor gene is rendered inactive by a mutation, which prevents the production of the protein it encodes or impairs its correct function. These mutations could aid in the growth of a malignancy. A tumor suppressor gene's function is lost or diminished as a result of mutation. This could enable the cell to develop abnormally when coupled with other genetic abnormalities.

To learn more about DNA repair click the link below:



Which mammals were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves, nearly twice that of humans?


Bats were found to have a vocal range of 7 octaves.

Mammals are a set of vertebrate animals constituting the magnificence Mammalia, characterized by way of the presence of mammary glands which in females produce milk for feeding their young, a neocortex, fur or hair, and three center ear bones.

Mammals consist of humans and all other animals which can be heat-blooded vertebrates (vertebrates have backbones) with hair. They feed their young with milk and feature a greater properly-developed mind than different styles of animals.

Mammals are a set of vertebrate animals. Examples of mammals consist of rats, cats, dogs, deer, monkeys, apes, bats, whales, dolphins, and people.

Learn more about Mammals here:-https://brainly.com/question/1309369


The ans stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and glands, whereas the somatic nervous system innervates skeletal muscles only.


It is true that the ANS stimulates smooth muscles, skeletal muscles and glands, whereas the somatic nervous system innervates skeletal muscles only.

The brain and spinal cord ar to blame for process and group action the assorted sources of data to permit us to develop a response. So the most perform of the somatic nervous system is to attach the central nervous system with organs and skeletal muscle to perform our daily functions.

The  (ANS) automatic nervous system is an element of the peripheral systema nervosum that regulates involuntary physiological processes as well as vital sign, vital sign, respiration, digestion, and arousal. It contains 3 anatomically distinct divisions: sympathetic, parasympathetic, and enteric.

To learn more about somatic nervous system here



What is the difference between reproductive and therapeutic cloning?


Therapeutic cloning refers to the development of tissues or organs for medical treatment, whereas reproductive cloning refers to the creation of a whole organism for reproduction.

The deliberate generation of genetically identical people is known as reproductive cloning. The prior invention is a perfect clone of every new one. Identical twins are monozygotic clones, often known as natural clones. In reproductive cloning, somatic cell nuclear transfer is utilized to produce an animal that is genetically identical to a donor animal. During reproductive cloning, the freshly generated embryo is returned to the uterus so that it can implant and develop. Probably the most well-known example is Dolly the sheep.

Therapeutic cloning seeks to create embryonic cell lines with the same genome as the nuclear donor by introducing nuclear material from a somatic cell into an enucleated egg. The process of creating a cloned embryo only for the goal of creating embryonic stem cells with the same DNA as the donor cell is referred to as "therapeutic cloning." These stem cells can be used in research to better understand sickness and develop new treatments.

To learn more about Reproductive and therapeutic cloning, here



what contribution do mendel's conclusions concerning inheritance make to the understanding of evolutionary processes?


They give organisms a method to distinguish themselves from one another.

Natural selection, genetic drift, non-random mating, gene flow, and limited population sizes.

The inherited phenotypes, according to his prediction, do not converge over generations. Instead, he proposed that the progeny receive distinct "particles." The dominant phenotype will manifest itself if one of these particles has the upper hand.

Gregor Mendel came to the conclusion that the qualities handed down to the next generation are determined by chemical causes. Genes are the name of this chemical component. The traits of an organism are produced by genes in two contrasting forms known as alleles.

Learn  more about "evolutionary processes " to visit here;



Which of these organisms convert atmospheric nitrogen gas to a form that can be utilized by plants? A) bacteria B) animals C) fungi D) protists


A Nitrogen fixing bacteria organism convert atmospheric nitrogen gas to a form that can be utilized by plants.

What is a Nitrogen fixing bacteria?

Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are microorganisms capable of transforming atmospheric nitrogen into fixed nitrogen (inorganic compounds usable by plants).

The symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria invade the root hairs of host plants, where they multiply and stimulate formation of root nodules, enlargements of plant cells and bacteria in intimate association. Within the nodules, the nitrogen-fixing bacteria convert free nitrogen to ammonia, which the host plant uses for its development.

Learn more about nitrogen-fixing bacteria: https://brainly.com/question/7049583


The energy released from the anaerobic respiration of a glucose molecule is less than that released from the aerobic respiration of a glucose molecule because

A. Fewer bonds of the glucose molecule are broken in anaerobic respiration than in aerobic respiration

B. More enzymes are required for anaerobic respiration than for aerobic respiration

C. Anaerobic respiration occurs 24 hours a day while aerobic respiration can only occur at night

D. Anaerobic respiration requires oxygen but aerobic respiration does not require oxygen


The energy released from the anaerobic respiration of a glucose molecule is less than that released from the aerobic respiration of a glucose molecule because --  Fewer bonds of the glucose molecule are broken in anaerobic respiration than in aerobic respiration.

option(A) is the correct answer.

Aerobic respiration is the type of respiration in which energy is generated from cells by breaking down sugars in the presence of oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration is the type of respiration in which energy is generated from cells by breaking down sugars in the absence of oxygen.

In the process of aerobic respiration carbon dioxide and water are produced by the complete breakage of glucose but in anaerobic respiration, glucose is not broken down completely. Instead of carbon dioxide and water, lactic acid is produced in anaerobic respiration.

The process of anaerobic respiration takes place in a deficit of oxygen. So, the amount of oxygen is not present to oxidize lactic acid to carbon dioxide and water. Anaerobic respiration produces only 2 ATP molecules in contrast to the production of 38 ATP molecules in the process of aerobic respiration.

Read more about Aerobic respiration:


which molecular orbital has zero nodes, contributes to bonding, and has nonzero electron density directly along the internuclear axis?


The lowest energy orbital, or LUMO, functions as an electron acceptor and indicates how vulnerable a molecule is to attack by nucleophiles since it has the potential to accept electrons.

What do nodes in molecule orbitals represent?

The node of orbit: an orbital point or plane with no electron density. Constantly surrounded by two or more orbital lobes.

What benzene has the highest electron density out of the following?

The highest number (3) of these H-C bonds are connected to the unsaturated system in compound A (toluene). Thus, it will have the greatest degree of hyperconjugation and the greatest amount of electron density on the aromatic nucleus.

To know more about Molecular orbitals visit;



rna polymerase adds ribonucleotides onto the _____ end of a growing rna by forming _____ bonds.


RNA polymerase adds ribonucleotides onto the 3' end of a growing RNA by forming phosphodiester bonds.

In the field of biology, RNA polymerase can be described as an enzyme that adds ribonucleotides to the RNA in order for the synthesis of RNA to occur. The direction of working for the RNA polymerase is only from the 5' to the 3' direction. This means that the RNA polymerase can add ribonucleotides only to the 3' end and not the 5' end.

The ribonucleotides join together for RNA synthesis using the phosphodiester bonds. By phosphodiester bond, the RNA polymerase forms a bond between the 3' carbon of one sugar to the 5; atom of the other sugar.

To learn more about RNA, click here:



(02.01 HC)
Fossil evidence has been used to understand the movement of continental plates. The figure below shows where fossils of several species have been
found. What can you predict about more modern organisms that lived 100 million years after these species? (3 points)
remains of
Trassic land reptile
I'm long
Lived approximately
250-240 million years ago
©2016, The Geological Society
Fouad remains of the
water reple
Lived approximately
299-250 million years ago
Lived approdnately
286-258 million years ago
Fossl evidence
of the Triassic
land reple
Fossh of the fern
Glossopteris found
in all of the southem
continents, show that
they were once joined.
Lived approximately
300-200 million years ago
O Most modern species would have ranges like Glossopteris because the continents are closer together today.
Most modern species would be in South America, because as the plates moved they would separate from other, uninhabited lands.
More modern species would have a smaller range because the plates are farther apart today.
O Modern species would be able to migrate in a pattern like Lystrosaurus because India and Antarctica are closer together today.


The range of modern organisms today compare to these species such that more modern species would have a smaller range because the plates are farther apart today which is therefore denoted as option C.

What is a Fossil?

This is referred to as the remain of plants and animals which have been preserved in the earth crust as a result of various factors such as high temperature and pressure which results in an impression being created.

Fossils vary according to the area where they are found and it helps us to understand various processes on earth. With time, there has been an increase in the movement of the plates which has been further apart and is the reason why there is a difference such that more modern species would have a smaller range than previous ones.

Read more about Fossil here https://brainly.com/question/11829803


how do goats reproduce?



by reproduction process

because male has male garments and female goat has a female garments which when combaing with the male garment may lead to form a zygot

The growth hormone axis contains at least one example of a negative feedback loop.


At least one instance of a negative feedback loop can be found in the growth hormone axis. So, this assertion is true.

Control of thyroid hormone secretion is a key instance of a negative feedback loop. Thyroxine and triiodothyronine, sometimes known as "T4 and T3," are thyroid hormones that are produced and secreted by the thyroid glands and have an impact on metabolism all over the body. The female menstrual cycle is controlled by a negative feedback loop involving brain regions. 2. The brain's hypothalamus has a gland that secretes gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

The pituitary gland in the brain receives instructions from the GnRH to create follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). The use of negative feedback loops in processes can be seen in homeostatic systems like: Thermoregulation (if body temperature varies, mechanisms are stimulated to restore normal levels) (if body temperature changes, mechanisms are induced to restore normal levels) blood sugar control (insulin lowers blood glucose when levels are high ; glucagon raises blood glucose when levels are low).

Learn more about negative feedback visit : brainly.com/question/4636540


What is Ozone Layer? When is World Ozone Day?


The phrase "ozone layer" refers to the thick layer of ozone that is present in the stratosphere, 15 to 30 kilometers above the surface of the earth. The UN General Assembly declared September 16 to be the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer on December 19, 1994.

Every year on September 16th, World Ozone Day is observed to remember the signing of the Montreal Protocol, which went into effect on this day in 1987. Every year, people around the world observe World Ozone Day to raise awareness of the ozone layer's deterioration and the steps being taken to protect it.

It has three oxygen atoms and is a light blue gas. It is toxic to life and is created in the stratospheric ozone layer. An oxygen allotrope is ozone, symbol O3. In both its solid and liquid forms, ozone is a blue-black substance with a strong odor. Life on Earth is protected by the ozone layer. A form of radiation known as ultraviolet radiation, or UV light, which can penetrate organisms' protective layers like the epidermis and harm DNA molecules in plants and animals, is well-trapped by ozone.

Learn more about Ozone Layer visit: brainly.com/question/28277597


how does the models support the idea that genetic mutations may arise from environmental factors?


The models support the idea that genetic mutations may arise from environmental factors by demonstrating that environmental exposure to certain agents, such as radiation and chemicals, can lead to the occurrence of mutations.

These mutations can lead to changes in gene sequences, which can then be passed down to future generations. Additionally, the models can also show how environmental changes, such as food availability or temperature, can lead to changes in the genetic makeup of a population over time. Some environmental elements can alter a gene's nucleotide sequence. UV radiation, for instance, can break apart DNA strands. Additionally, certain chemicals such as those found in plastic or cigarette smoke can change the chemical behavior of DNA bases, leading one base to take the place of another. These environmental factors can also adjust the epigenome - the chemical markers attached to DNA - which can then cause genes to become more or less activated and determine the amount of protein that's created from them.

To know more about mutation refer to the  link  brainly.com/question/17130462


water and dissolved minerals are conducted from the roots to the stems and leaves via ___________, whereas sugar is conducted through specialized cells known as _____________


Water and dissolved minerals are conducted from the roots to the stems and leaves via  xylem, whereas sugar is conducted through specialized cells known as sieve tubes.

Water is drawn up from the roots to the top of the plant according to the cohesion-tension theory of sap ascent. Water and minerals travel upward from the roots through the xylem due to a negative water potential gradient created by the evaporation of mesophyll cells in the leaves.

Specialized cells known as sieve elements play a crucial role in the operation of phloem, a highly organized tissue that transfers organic chemicals produced during photosynthesis. In phloem, sieve elements are the main conducting cells. Conducting cells support molecular transport, particularly for long-distance signalling. There are two basic categories of sieve components in plant anatomy. Meristems, which are tissues that actively divide throughout a plant's lifecycle, are the source of companion cells and sieve cells. They resemble the growth of xylem, a plant tissue that conducts water and serves primarily as a means of transportation within the vascular system.

Hence, transport of water and food  is transported in two different pathway.

To know more about Meristem.



How does nitrogen based fertilizer affect the environment?



Nitrogen based fertilizers can provide an excess of nitrogen to the environment, leading to an increase in nitrogen levels in the soil, water, and air. This can lead to a range of environmental issues, including air and water pollution, eutrophication, algal blooms, and increased greenhouse gas emissions.


if the hypothalamus was not stimulated by estrogen, which pathways would be interrupted?


The thyroid-stimulating hormone will be stimulated if estrogen does not activate the hypothalamus.

What is the hypothalamus?

The hypothalamus is the part of the brain that secretes hormones to control the function of the body's organs and cells. The most important function of the hypothalamus is homeostasis, which ensures and maintains all body systems running stable.

The hypothalamus releases hormones to another part of the brain, namely the pituitary gland. This gland will then send these hormones to various other organs of the body.

Some of the hormones produced by the hypothalamus are:

Antidiuretic hormoneOxytocin hormoneSomatostatin hormoneGrowth hormone-releasing hormoneGonadotropin-releasing hormoneCorticotropin-releasing hormoneThyrotropin-releasing hormone

Learn more about the function of estrogen here :



HELP FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


RR (round peas) and rr (wrinkled peas), The heterozygous peas have genotype Rr which when crossed will have RR, Rr, Rr and rr. Therefore, 50% of the off springs will be heterozygous.

What is a punnett square?

The genotypes of a certain cross or breeding experiment are predicted using the Punnett square, a square diagram. It bears Reginald C. Punnett's name, who developed the method in 1905. Biologists use the figure to calculate the likelihood that a child will have a certain genotype.

When two heterozygotes are crossed, the anticipated genotype ratio is 1 (homozygous dominant): 2 (heterozygous): 1. (homozygous recessive) or 1:2:1.

     R      r

R   RR    Rr

r    Rr     rr

Learn more about punnett square, here:



The male grouse makes a drumming noise by using its wings to beat the air. What is the behavior communicating?


Answer:echolocation i think


archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in egypt with what unique feature?


Archaeologists discovered a new set of mummies in Egypt with Golden tongue or amulet placed in the deceased's mouth.

What is archeologist?An archaeologist is a scientist who studies human history by digging up human remains and artifacts.Archaeologists determine where an ancient temple was built by finding ancient records related to the specific area or region.Lucy, the oldest human known to man — nearly 3.2 million years old

What have we learned from discovered?

A mummy preserves information about lifestyle, diet, diseases, cause of death, and religious and funerary beliefs, giving us an insight into aspects of the civilisation that archaeology and ancient literature alone cannot provide.

What is so special about mummies?The Egyptians believed that the mummified body was the home for this soul or spirit.If the body was destroyed, the spirit might be lost.

Learn more about Evolution from brainly.com/question/928273.


Deforestation - amazon rain forest, brazil. On average, based on your answer to problem 4, how much deforestation occurred in this area per year (km2/yr)?


Answer:An increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide since the trees were taking in carbon dioxide from the environment


in cattle short horn is dominant to long horn and red and white produce roan. Show the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring that could be produced from a cross between an individual heterozygous for both characters and an individual that is long horned and roan


Assuming the gene for horn length expresses complete dominance and the gene for color expresses co-dominance, the expected genotypes and phenotypes are 2/16 SsRR - Short and Red. 4/16 SsRW - Short and Roan. 2/16 ssRR - Long and Red. 4/16 ssRW - Long and Roan. 2/16 SsWW       - Short and white. 2/16 ssWW - Long and White.


What are complete and co-dominance?

Complete dominance refers to the inheritance pattern in which the dominant allele can completly hide the expression of the recessive allele in heterozygous individuals. Two phenotypes are possible -the dominant and the recessive ones-.

Co-dominance refers to the inheritance pattern in which neither of the alleles completely blocks the expression of the other allele, so both of them are simultaneously expressed and create a third phentoype.  

In the exposed example,

Horn length expresses complete dominance

- SS and Ss expresses short

- ss expresses long

Coat color expresses co-dominance

- RR expresses red

- WW expresses white

- RW expresses roan


Parentals)  Ss RW  x ss RW

Gametes) SR, SW, sR, sW

                sR, sR, sW, sW  

Punnett square)    SR         SW          sR         sW

                  sR     SsRR      SsRW     ssRR     ssRW

                  sR     SsRR      SsRW     ssRR     ssRW

                  sW    SsRW    SsWW     ssRW    ssWW

                  sW    SsRW    SsWW     ssRW    ssWW              

F1)    Proportion of individuals      Genotype             Phenotype

2/16 individuals                     ⇒ SsRR          ⇒  Short and Red4/16 individuals                     ⇒ SsRW         ⇒  Short and Roan2/16 individuals                     ⇒ ssRR          ⇒  Long and Red4/16 individuals                     ⇒ ssRW         ⇒  Long and Roan2/16 individuals                     ⇒ SsWW       ⇒  Short and white2/16 individuals                     ⇒ ssWW        ⇒  Long and White


You can learn more about co-dominance and complete dominance at



proteins that are fully translated in the cytosol and lack a sorting signal will end up in the proteins that are fully translated in the cytosol and lack a sorting signal will end up in the cytosol. mitochondria. interior of the nucleus. nuclear membrane.


For the remainder of translation, proteins lacking a signal peptide remain in the cytosol. They will remain in the cytosol for all time if no additional "address labels" are present. However, following translation, they can be sent to the mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, or nucleus provided they carry the appropriate labels.

Proteins are directed into the nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts (in plants), peroxisomes, and ER by several sorting signals. Proteins devoid of these signals stay in the cytosol permanently. Proteins produced in the cytosol that lack a signal sequence stay there. A transmembrane signal peptidase always eliminates the signal sequence that instructs a developing polypeptide chain to reach the ER membrane. Signals found in the cytosolic domains of the proteins are what sort transmembrane proteins to endosomes and lysosomes. Short, linear sequences of amino acid residues make up the majority of signals.

To learn more about mitochondria click the link below:



how do variations affect the survival and reproduction of organisms as well as the characteristics of future generations?


A characteristic that is advantageous and helps the individual survive and reproduce enhances the likelihood that the variant will be passed down to the next generation.

What about reproduction of organisms?The generation of descendants is reduplication.Asexual reduplication and sexual reduplication are the two primary typesAn critter that reproduces sexually incorporates the inheritable material from both of its parents and is genetically distinct.By having one parent copy it, asexual reduplication produces children who are genetically similar.Reproduction is the natural process that results in the creation of brand-new individual brutes, or" seed," from pre-existing people, or" parents."Fission, budding, fragmentation, and parthenogenesis are exemplifications of asexual reduplication, whereas sexual reduplication is fulfilled by fusing the reproductive cells of two different peopleIt's a natural process by which living effects produce seeds that act on them.The durability of numerous species on Earth is assured via reduplication.The species will not be suitable to survive for veritably long without reduplication, and it could go defunct veritably soon.The durability of the species and forestallment of its extermination are guaranteed by reduplication.It contributes to elaboration by generating variants through inheritable recombination.The ecosystem's species diversity is backed by it.A new critter is created by the natural process of sexual reduplication by fusing the inheritable material of two different species.This process begins with meiosis, a particular kind of cell division.By producing haploid gametes, each of the two parent organisms contributes half of the inheritable composition of the child.

Learn more about reproduction of organisms here:



if a developing insect embryo was mechanically agitated in order to evenly redistribute cytoplasmic determinants throughout the embryo, then the ________.


If a developing insect embryo was mechanically agitated in order to evenly redistribute cytoplasmic determinants throughout the embryo, then the resulting organism would have a symmetrical body plan.

Cytoplasmic determinants are molecules that play a key role in the development of an organism, as they help to determine the fate of cells and the overall body plan of the organism. In many cases, these determinants are not evenly distributed throughout the embryo, resulting in an asymmetrical body plan.

However, if the embryo is mechanically agitated, this can help to redistribute the determinants more evenly, resulting in a symmetrical body plan. This process, known as cytoplasmic redistribution, is important for the proper development of the organism.

Learn more about Cytoplasmic Determinants here:



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What do viruses need to live / survive? Sophia uses 334 cups of flour for each cake she makes. She has a 10-pound bag of flour that costs $8.79 and contains 152 quarter-cup servings.Question 1Part AHow many cakes can Sophia make with this flour? What is the peak phase of a business cycle? Question 8 a data analyst is working with spreadsheet data. The analyst imports the data from the spreadsheet into rstudio. Where in rstudio can the analyst find the imported data?. did you ever receive any type of military, paramilitary (a group of people who act like a military group but are not part of the official military), or weapons training? PROJECT: THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRITComplete the table. In your REPORT document, complete the table illustrated below. For each fruit of the Holy Spirit, think of someone you know or have read about who shows that fruit in a clear way. Write their name next to the fruit. Use at least five different people. Then write the reason that person shows that fruit of the Spirit to you. In other words, what it is about the person, or what is it that he or she does, to show that fruit of the Spirit so clearly to you? Write that in the "Reason" column. What is one of the tools that is particularly useful in reducing system nervousness in an MRP system?a.) time fencesb.) time phasingc.) closed loop systemd.) lot sizing Jake Nickells crowdsourcing approach to his business initially kept the business finances under control in all of the following ways excepta. it enabled bulk printing.b. it allowed Nickell to maintain a favorable working capital.c. it eliminated the need to hire employees.d. it allowed Nickell to accept prepaid orders.e. it eliminated the need for fixed costs. Two friends are sharing one half of a pizza that is divided into three pieces, as shown in the figure.Circle O has diameter A D and radii B O and C O. Angle A O B is adjacent to angle B O C. Angle B O C is adjacent to angle C O D.If mAOB = (3x 6) and mBOD = (5x + 14), what is the value of x? 10.0 21.5 58.5 121.5 how are rotation curves of spiral galaxies determined beyond radii where starlight can be detected? How long does it take to walk the Brooklyn Bridge? a therapist treating a person who is afraid of heights has the client go to the top of a skyscraper ten times a day for one month. this technique is calleda. generalizationb. habituationc. systematic desensitizationd. floodinge. discrimination a. explain the anisotropic and orthotropic behavior of some engineering material and compare it with the isotropic behavior. b. what is ductility and how it is measured? c. what is plastic-work and how it is calculated? d. explain true stress and true strain and find their relations with engineering stress and engineering strain. e. discuss different ways that you can manipulate the strength of metals. Net Income:a. Decreases equity.b. Represents the amount of assets owners put into a business.c. Equals assets minus liabilities.d. Is the excess of revenues over expenses. e. Represents owners' claims against assets. a rider and her bicycle weigh 60.24 kg. what is the kinetic energy in kj of the bike and rider while traveling at a speed of 25.1 km/h? Pigment molecules within the photosystems capture packets of light energy that are called _______. pf6 does not obey the octet rule. draw its lewis structure and state the type of octet-rule exception. indicate the values of nonzero formal charges. be sure to include lone pair electrons on all atoms. You are helping a friend change the battery in his car and some of the batteryfluid spills on your arm. You quickly begin to feel your skin burning where the fluidleaked onto you. What caused the burning and what can you do to stop theburning sensation? ac delco produces auto batteries, which it sells to an automobile parts wholesaler, such as auto parts warehouse. ac delco's price becomes auto parts warehouse's cost. auto parts warehouse's price becomes the cost for auto part retailer napa. napa then marks up from its cost to sell to consumers. this is an example of What are 3 examples of proprietary software?