“If you can’t be there when things are bad, then I don’t need you around when things are good.”


Answer 1
This mean that the person isn’t available and isn’t down to stay when things will get tough which leaves you alone to deal with it so why would you want them when things are good

Related Questions

Read the sentence. I cannot accept the terms of the contract as it is written. Which option is the correct meaning of the word accept in this context? regard as likely to occur suppose to be correct agree to receive, as in a gift



consent to receive (a thing offered).


Answer:  Agree to.


I took the test and this was the correct answer. Please trust me! This is 100% the correct answer... Have a good day! And good luck on ur quizzes for the day (:

-Homework helper

Helppppppp pleaseeee



Credit history is a record of your ability to repay debts and demonstrated responsibility in repaying them. You will reap rewards for having a good credit history, such as being offered lower interest rates on mortgage loans and car insurance.


David: I'm hungry! Ken: I ________ (make) you a sandwich. What do you want? will make am going to make




I think it would probably be will.

Hi, can u help me pls ?​



7. b) Amtrak

8. a) The Apprentice

9. c) California

10. b) White House

11. c) absentee

12. a) Mike Pence

13. b) Kamala Harris

14. c) 18

15. a) POTUS


what is an important passage in chapter 21 for "Killing a mockingbird"?





354272426 3698

Sana po maka tulong


Chapter 21 of Harper Lee's ''To Kill a Mockingbird'' reveals the jury's verdict in the case against Tom Robinson.


Judge Taylor was saying something. His gavel was in his fist, but he wasn’t using  it. Dimly, I saw Atticus pushing papers from the table into his briefcase. He  snapped it shut, went to the court reporter and said something, nodded to Mr.  Gilmer, and then went to Tom Robinson and whispered something to him. Atticus  put his hand on Tom’s shoulder as he whispered. Atticus took his coat off the  back of his chair and pulled it over his shoulder. Then he left the courtroom, but  not by his usual exit. He must have wanted to go home the short way, because he  walked quickly down the middle aisle toward the south exit. I followed the top of  his head as he made his way to the door. He did not look up.

what element of an original work can be changed in an adaptation?





the setting and work of the story can change but the theme should remain the same in order to be changed in an adaptation

What is the short form used to illustrate a rhyme scheme?

A. A list of line numbers

B. A series of capital letters

C. A brief description of how each line rhymes

D. A set of special punctuation marks that show a pattern​



I think it is c hope it helps

Imagine that you are an Elizabethan Londoner who regularly attends the theater. A friend who has never been to the theater wants to know what it's like to see one of Shakespeare's plays at the Globe. Write a letter describing your experience. Continue your description on the back of this page.

please help will give brainliest



Is this a academic question? Or a personal question if academic please do not put imagine that fools people


Which event IS part of the exposition in "Cinderella"?



D an invitation to the prince's ball arrives





1) That song, in my opinion, is unimaginative.

2) Mike would be much improved on the contrary, if he stayed in bed.

3) Mr. Barnes, my dance instructor, was a professional entertainer.

4) A Mazda, the car with the rotary engine, is expensive.

5) One of the car's safety features for example, is the braking system.

1) I was very embarrassed when my husband, who was only slightly drunk, crashed down the stairs.

2) Gene Fowler, who happens to be a poet, is my best friend.

3) My car, which I received as a gift, sits idle in the driveway.

4) My friend, who was hurt in the accident, is in the hospital.

5) Dr . Rodriguez, who was present at the scene, called for an ambulance.

What is a monologue? What do you expect from a monologue given by a person like Jimmy Kimmel?



a long speech by one actor in a play or movie, or as part of a theatrical or broadcast program.No parent should ever have to decide if they can afford to save their child's life. ... Jimmy Kimmel delivers a monologue about his son.


Which relative or friend do you admire most? Why?


My Grandma because she’s the light of my life and knows how to make me feel better in any situation. Sometimes you just need to talk to 80 year old to understand life again.
The person I admire most in my family is my mother. Why? She is always there for me and never turns her back on me. She brought to me in this world and because of her, I came to this world. She loves me even when I disagree with her or do something wrong! Her love for me is unconditional and I have countless reasons to admire and love her the most.

Easy Question : What are some problems for watching too much tv?
(*In Your Own Words**)


Answer: Hello! In my own words, I would say that the main problem is decreased activity. Another possibly is possible eye strain after staring at the screen for long enough! You can avoid these by limiting the amount of screen time! Hope this helps!


i agree with the answer above


List the 4 types of first-person narrators:


first, me, i, a name

What else could I say?????


you could say I like

2. What reasons would make it especially surprising for Cherry to be a spy
for the Greasers?




She wanted the fighting to stop because she hated fighting; secondly, she had a huge crush on Dally, so she would do whatever it took...

What is the tone created by the use of the words drastic and distressing in the following lines?

“For Ashima, migrating to the suburbs feels more drastic, more distressing than the move from Calcutta to Cambridge had been.”

A. Alarming
B. Unhappy
C. Apathetic
S. Worrisome





Keywords: Distressing, drastic

If we take into account the meaning of Distressing, it means to be quite stressed out about a situation. Ashima seems pretty nervous and worried to move!

. When the speaker of "War Is Kind" says, "Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind," what technique is he using to make his point? F Exaggeration G Situational irony H Rhythm and rhyme J Verbal irony



J. Verbal Irony


War is Kind is a poem by Steven Crane.

The poem begins with the speaker telling a maiden not to weep -

Do not weep, maiden, for war is kind

The technique used here is verbal irony.

Verbal Irony: This is a literary technique that occurs when a speaker says something that contrasts with what he means; his actions and emotions.

Verbal irony was used on the line above.

The speaker is very much aware of the brutality and unkind nature of war but still describes war as a kind phenomenon and tells the maiden not to weep.

Part B Question about "Washed-up Plastics Become Art With a Vital Message."

Which evidence from the text best supports the answer to Part A?

"She now has more than 70 pieces in three exhibitions currently traveling throughout the United States."

"She started making the pieces after seeing plastic heaped by the waves onto Oregon's southern coast."

"Robert and Lauryn Geosits from Mandeville, Louisiana, were visiting the aquarium with their three children."

"Huge sculptures of sea life are displayed around the aquarium and zoo in New Orleans."



Should be B


can you answer this please
1. from the letter, we know that
A. sheila was lost
B. cindy met sheila and her friends
C. Rose could meet sheila on her holidays
D. Sheila didn't want to meet Rose
E. Rose hated to meet Sheila with Cindy
2. Please, let me know when your plans are DEFINITE...
The DEFINITE word has similar in meaning to
A. right
B. fuzzy
c. sharp
d. insure
e. certain
3. The word "cheers" can be replaced with
A. regards
b. yours sincerely
c. dear
d. hopefully
e. lots of love​



1. B

2. E

3. This one is a bit confusing but it could be E as cheers means good wishes


I hope this is correct. Good luck

Which would qualify as a euphemism for the main topic of this passage, the spread of MDR-TB? A) the global pandemic B) the uncomfortable situation C) the potential health disaster Eliminate D) the dangerous global health threat





Euphemism is a statement that decreases the moral sadness so its B

What is Wollstonecraft’s purpose in writing this letter?

Question 1 options:

To attack Talleyrand and map out the reasons why his opinion is wrong

To convince Talleyrand to reconsider his views on women and education

To request that Talleyrand arrange a meeting for her with French politicians

To shame Talleyrand into retracting his earlier published views about women

Question 2 (Mandatory) (2 points)
How does paragraph 3 help to support the above purpose?

Question 2 options:

She is complimenting her audience and stroking his ego.

She is listing her own specific desires in a clear manner.

She is offending her audience and making him defensive.

She is offering irrefutable proof of his flawed logic.

Question 3 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Where is Wollstonecraft’s rhetoric (language) most effective in advancing her purpose?

Question 3 options:

Page 1 - paragraph 2 - “So it is my affection for the whole human race …”

Page 1 - paragraph 4 - “Manners and morals are so closely related …”

Page 2 - paragraph 7 - “Consider these remarks dispassionately …”

Page 3 - paragraph 15 - “The father of a family won’t weaken his constitution…”

Question 4 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which of the following statements is a fair summary of page 3?

When women are forced into a domestic role in society and are denied their rights, they will ___.

Question 4 options:

begin to act like tyrants in an effort to gain some control

fall into a depression that impacts their entire household

seek attention and power by immoral methods instead

upset the entire social order and cause widespread chaos

Question 5 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which quote from the text best supports the answer to the above question?

Question 5 options:

“... man must in some way act like a tyrant and that tyranny ...will always undermine morality.”

“... they try to make things more fair by retaliation”

“... they will seek illicit privileges in ways that make both men and themselves vicious”

“With fairer laws forming your citizens, marriage can become more sacred;”

Question 6 (Mandatory) (2 points)
We can infer that the author would agree that ______.

Question 6 options:

logic and reason is not an effective tactic to reach her target audience

men should never speak on behalf of women again

there is little hope for progressive changes in her lifetime

women should be included in decisions made about their education

Question 7 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which of the following sentences best reflects the author’s main claim and purpose for writing?

Question 7 options:

“If woman isn’t fitted by education to become man’s companion, she will stop the progress of knowledge, because truth must be common to all;”

“If you are going to exclude women, without consulting them, from sharing in the natural rights of mankind, then defend yourself against accusations of injustice and inconsistency by proving that women don’t have reason.”

“I know that you firmly believe you are acting in the manner most likely to promote women’s happiness; but who made man the exclusive judge of that if woman shares with him the gift of reason?”

“My opinion about the rights and duties of woman seems to flow so naturally from those simple principles that it seems almost inevitable that some of the enlarged minds who formed your admirable constitution will agree with me.”

Question 8 (Mandatory) (2 points)
The document that you read is titled a “Dedicatory Letter”. What does this mean?

Question 8 options:

It is a letter asking him to print a public recommendation for her book.

It is a letter professing her respect and admiration to him.

It is a letter that appears at the beginning of her larger book, a dedication to him.

It is a letter that she is mailing to him in advance of the book’s publication.

Question 9 (Mandatory) (2 points)
Which meaning of the word abject BEST fits how it is used in the sentence from page 2?

They may be convenient slaves, but slavery will have its constant effect, degrading the master and the abject dependent.

Question 9 options:





What does Wollstonecraft mean when she tells Talleyrand to “Consider these remarks dispassionately, Sir,” on page 2? What else could she have said and still mean the same thing?

A. Distance yourself from this subject.

B. Get fired up about this.

C. Let your mind wander for a bit.

D. Think about this logically.


Wollstonecraft’s letter written to convince Talleyrand on women education or literacy.

What is a letter?

A letter is a written or printed communication which is longer and more formal than a note.

Wollstonecraft’s purpose in writing this letter is "To convince Talleyrand to reconsider his views on women and education".

Paragraph 3 helps to support the above purpose by helping her" list her own specific desires in a clear manner".

Wollstonecraft’s rhetoric (language) is most effective in advancing her purpose in "Page 1 - paragraph 2 - “So it is my affection for the whole human race …”

The statement which is a fair summary of page 3 is "When women are forced into a domestic role in society and are denied their rights, they will begin to act like tyrants in an effort to gain some control".

The quote from the text best supports the answer to the above question is "they try to make things more fair by retaliation”.

We can infer that the author would agree that women should be included in decisions made about their education.

The sentence which best reflects the author’s main claim and purpose for writing is "I know that you firmly believe you are acting in the manner most likely to promote women’s happiness; but who made man the exclusive judge of that if woman shares with him the gift of reason?”

The document “Dedicatory Letter” meant "a letter that appears at the beginning of her larger book, a dedication to him".

The meaning of the word abject which BEST fits how it is used in the sentence from page 2 is despicable

What Wollstonecraft meant when she tells Talleyrand to “Consider these remarks dispassionately, Sir,” on page 2 is "Think about this logically".

Learn more about letter:


On the first day, Sarah_____________ some of her new teachers.








read them aloud, none would make sense but met


On the first day, Sarah met some of her new teachers.


Just try each of them and you see met fits.

What is the sentence in which all letters from A-Z come?


the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog :)

advantage and disadvantage of cellphones speech​



☁︎makes long-distance speaking faster but speech can come off in the wrong tones☁︎

Visual aids should compliment what the speaker is saying. Please select the best answer from the choices provided T F


Answer:Visual Aids should compliment what the speaker is saying this is True


The given statement is true, that the Visual aids should compliment what the speaker is saying.

What are visual aids?

Visual aids are defined as one of the option in communication. This includes the communication by the medium of photos, graphs, video clips, and other visual components.

In addition to the written communication, visual ads give help to the written communication and that Visual aids should support the speaker's message.

Therefore, the given statement is true.

Learn more about the visual ads, refer to:



can someone make me a short informative essay ASAP please:(( I'll mark you as the bbrainliest if can do that​



it is said the "Student life is golden life" because student life is the most important part of human life. It is the period of pure joy and happiness because the mind of a student is free from cares and worries of a grown up life. In this period, the character of man is built. So, it is called the formative period of human life. Ever student should try his best to make the best use of his student life the primary duty of a student is to learn and acquire knowledge. He must do all his work at the right moment and maintain punctuality and discipline, he must remember that if a student becomes successful in his career and his character. It is built on a sound basic he will be able to shine in any sphere of life and serve his society and countries  student should spend most of his time of this golden period in reading and learning a good student never waste his time fixed for reading uselessly but he must not be a bookworm being always engaged in his studies he should also be careful about his health and spend more time daily in some sports and games he should try to develop his body and mind at the same time as a student he must try to develop his intellect he should also try to Acquire some good qualities like Obediences, dutifulness, and respect elders and love and sympathy for fellow man is the society the duty of a student is to obey his parents and teachers and respect the elders of the society students are the future hope of the country so every student should try to be the best citizen in all respect so that he may serve his country as far as he can.


for your final project in history class you must write an expository essay. which of the following qualities should your essay have to meet the requirements for this assignment?


Answers should be in photo gallery

6 is 12 times as many as 2



yes?!?.... ....... . .....

Yes because if u multiply 6x2 it equals 12

According to Holling, why is being a Presbyterian now a disaster? *



Holling Hoodhood has to spend his Wednesday afternoons with Mrs. Baker, because he is not allowed to go to where the other students in his school have to go. Holling attends a school that is a mixture of Catholic and Jewish students. Holling is neither. On Wednesdays, the Jewish students go to Hebrew school and the Catholic students go to catechism.

"So being a Presbyterian was now a disaster. Especially on Wednesday afternoons when, at 1:45 sharp, half of my class went to Hebrew School at Temple Beth-El, and, at 1:55, the other half went to Catechism at Saint Adelbert's. This left behind just the Presbyterians. Of which there had been three, and now there was one.


Because Holling can't go with the Catholic students or the Jewish students, he has to spend the rest of the afternoon with Mrs. Baker. Holling and Mrs. Baker are not happy with the arrangement. For the first month or so Mrs. Baker makes Holling do menial tasks such as cleaning chalk erasers. Eventually she decides to teach Holling Shakespeare, and that begins a strong and long lasting bond between the two of them.

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Is this correct????? solve the inequality 10p- 8 12 help please help this is the last question i have for tonight and im struggling big time respost becuz i have one try left aagsggh What unique cultural practice is mentioned in this Russian short story excerpt? What is argumentation? (5 points)Group of answer choicesUsing opinions to support ideasThe art of speaking or writing effectivelyAn angry confrontation with anotherLogical reasoning or the process of debating What is the theme for the poem "Skateboard Why is it important for teachers to provide opportunities for cumulative practice on letters during the school year? Help me please please help me Five times a number decreased by nine is equal to twice the number increased by 23. Which equation could be used to solve the problem? Ten out of every 32 people surveyed play Among Us. What percent of people surveyed play Among Us? Please help Rewrite the expression using the fewest terms possible n ( 3 + 2) + 3n Use the Distance Formula to find the distance between each pair of points. Round to the nearest tenth if necessary. 5. P(1, 1), Q(1, 1)6. E(1/2,4 1/4),F(5,-1/2) Pina Corp. enters into a contract with a customer to build an apartment building for $921,300. The customer hopes to rent apartments at the beginning of the school year and provides a performance bonus of $156,000 to be paid if the building is ready for rental beginning August 1, 2021. The bonus is reduced by $52,000 each week that completion is delayed. Pina commonly includes these completion bonuses in its contracts and, based on prior experience, estimates the following completion outcomes: Determine the transaction price for the contract, assuming Pina has limited information with which to develop a reliable estimate of completion by the August 1, 2021, deadline. Fill in all the blanks with the correct form of ser/estar. If you can help me I will give you brainliest and 2 years of good luck! God bless you! For this project, you will read poems written by the same author, William Carlos Williams. The two poems are similar, but each comes from a different collection of poems. Once you have read the examples, you will compare and contrast the poems to determine how they represent different perspectives of the poet. You may need to look up some of the words in the poem in a dictionary, that is okay!BLIZZARD SPRING STORMSnow:years of anger followinghours that float idly downthe blizzarddrifts its weightdeeper and deeper for three daysor sixty years, eh? Thenthe sun! a clutter ofyellow and blue flakesHairy looking trees stand outin long alleysover a wild solitude.The man turns and therehis solitary track stretched outupon the world. The sky has given overits bitterness.Out of the dark changeall day longrain falls and fallsas if it would never end.Still the snow keepsits hold on the ground.But water, waterfrom a thousand runnels!It collects swiftly,dappled with blackcuts a way for itselfthrough green ice in the gutters.Drop after drop it fallsfrom the withered grass-stemsof the overhanging embankment. HELP!!! WILL MARK BRAINLIEST HELP!!!!read the sentence from the story iIt was quite by accident I discovered this incredible invasion of earth by life-forms from another planet.Which statement best descries the intended effect of the authour's word choice aIt instills terror in the reader bit provokes a feeling of amusement cIt hints at the narrator's madness dIt creates a sense of amazement Use the list to answer the question.Accomplishments of Mayor Maynard Jackson Provided more city contracts to African American businessowners Led efforts to promote African American police officers Expanded MARTA for Atlanta commuters. ???Which of the following would BEST complete the list?A. Brought major league sports teams to the cityB. Desegregated Georgia State University during his time as mayor. C. Signed off on highway construction to help with trafficD. Oversaw the expansion of Atlanta International Airport Help ASAP! Thanks Find the lateral area of this cone.Leave your answer in terms of pi15cm8cm Why does the author use the phrase under the withering gaze of two suns inthese sentences? Help! brainliest stars and hearts if correct! Please Area and perimeter! Please explain!