if we began with 32.0 grams of oxygen and all of the hydrogen that you need, how many grams of water can be made?


Answer 1

After using the Balanced equation the answer is The 36 gram of water can be made.

What is Balanced equation?

A balanced equation is a chemical equation in which the total number of atoms of each element on the left side of the equation is equal to the total number of atoms of that element on the right side of the equation. This means that the equation is balanced in terms of mass and charge, and all atoms are accounted for. A balanced equation is essential to ensure that the chemical reaction is accurate and that the correct amount of products are produced. Additionally, a balanced equation can help in the calculation of reaction rates and equilibrium concentrations.

The molar mass of O is 16g and Hydrogen is 1g in H2O there is one oxygen only but in question is given 32g of oxygen so, 2 moles of oxygen should be there so it will become 32g that means 2H2O so overall 2[2*1+16] = 36g.

To learn more about, Balanced equation, visit:

Related Questions

Does phosphorus or chlorine have a higher electronegativity?


According to a periodic table with electronegativity values, phosphorus (P) and chlorine (Cl) have electronegativity values of 2.2 and 3.2, respectively. As a result, the electrons with negative charges will be drawn toward the Cl atom.

Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract shared electrons to itself. Electronegativity on the periodic table typically rises from left to right across a period and falls as you move down a group. As a result, on the periodic table, the most electronegative elements are located on the top right and the least electronegative ones are located on the bottom left.

To know more about Electronegativity, visit;



2. The melting point of tin is about 232°C. Germanium is an element in the same group as tin on the periodic table, but its melting point is about 938°C. What could you infer about the metallic bonding in Germanium from this information?


Since the melting point of Germanium is higher than Tin, the metallic bonding in Germanium is stronger than that of Tin.

What is metallic bonding?

Metallic bonding is the bonding that exists between the atoms of the elements in a metal.

Metallic bonding occurs as a result of the electrostatic attraction between an electron cloud of delocalized electrons and the positively charged metal ions.

The stronger the electrostatic forces of attraction between the electron cloud of delocalized electrons and the positively charged metal ions, the stronger will be the metal and the higher will be the melting point of the metallic atom.

The melting point of a solid is the temperature at which the solid is converted to heat on the addition of heat without an increase in the temperature of the solid.

Learn more about metallic bonding at: https://brainly.com/question/11490390


determination of the mass of magnesium what errors may have occurred during the experiment and how would these have altered your results?


Students who at least have a basic knowledge of the mole idea and can utilise chemical equations to do calculations should be able to complete this class experiment.

What is Atomic Mass?

No matter how little or huge, every particle of matter carries some mass. Atoms make up everything. Atomic mass is the term used to describe a particle's mass. According to the international agreement, this is often stated in terms of a single atomic mass unit (amu).

It is best described as having a mass that is 1/12 of that of a carbon-12 atom in its ground state. The mass of protons and neutrons added together, which is almost equal to the atomic mass, can be used to explain the mass of an atom. The loss of mass from the binding energy is what caused this little alteration.

In this experiment, students create hydrogen gas by reacting magnesium ribbon with diluted hydrochloric acid. The quantity of magnesium needed to make one mole of hydrogen molecules may then be calculated using the observed volume of hydrogen gas produced and the mass of magnesium. Students can determine the relative atomic mass of magnesium from this.

Learn more about Atomic Mass from given link



how are molecules, compounds, and pure substances related?




The reason they are all related is because the ionic bond between them is very strong.

A compound is formed when at least two different elements combine to form a pure substance.

The molecular mass of methyl ethanoate is 75. 1 amu. Calculate the molecular mass of propanoic acid, an isomer of methyl ethanoate.


Molecular mass of propanoic acid  an isomer of methyl ethanoate. is 74.1 amu or 74.1 g/mol.

What does isomer mean?

Isomers can be defined as molecules with the same number of atoms of the same element but with different structural arrangements and properties.

Since the molecular formulas are the same for isomers, they have the same mass. Methyl ethanoate is an isomer of propionic acid so it has the same mass.

there's two type of isomer, geometric isomers and structural isomers

Geometric isomers are molecules that have the same chemical formula but different atomic arrangements. Geometric isomers have different physical and chemical properties.

An interesting property of geometric isomers is that their groups cannot switch positions independently.

Structural isomers are substances with the same chemical formula but different atomic bonds. Examples of structural isomers are the already mentioned chemicals n-butane and isobutane.

Since the molecular formulas are the same for isomers, they have the same mass.

Methyl ethanoate is an isomer of propionic acid so it has the same mass.

learn more about isomer at https://brainly.com/question/28188244


what is the major difference between plaster and stone powders? group of answer choices a. color b. crystal structure c. powder particle packing d. sterilization techniques e. hydration state


Option A: Color

More measuring water (measured water) is needed for plaster in order to wet the powder surfaces, fill the pores, and float the irregularly shaped porous particles. Stone particles are dense, requiring less water to float them, and can roll over one another more readily due to their regular shape.

Plaster is less durable and less expensive than stone. It is mostly used to create casts for diagnostic purposes and casts for the production of full and partial dentures, which require more strength and surface hardness than plaster can provide. Although it can be found in numerous colors, the stone is often a light tan color.

It's crucial to understand the special qualities of both plaster and stone before making your decision. Plaster is a less polished substance that can be identified by its irregularly formed crystals under the microscope. Plasters often include 40–50 milliliters of water per 100 grams of powder, which is a greater water to powder ratio.

To learn more about Plaster Please click on the given link:



What is the composition of the sigma bonds in methane i.e. what atomic orbits comprise the molecular orbit? Hint: they are all the same, so there is only one kind sigma bond here.


Covalent bonds of sigma type are  present in methane where in the hybridization of each bond is σ sp³-σ sp³.

What are covalent bonds?

Covalent bond is defined as a type of bond which is formed by the mutual sharing of electrons to form electron pairs between the two atoms.These electron pairs are called as bonding pairs or shared pair of electrons.

Due to the sharing of valence electrons , the atoms are able to achieve a stable electronic configuration . Covalent bonding involves many types of interactions like σ bonding,π bonding ,metal-to-metal bonding ,etc.

Sigma bonds are the strongest covalent bonds while the pi bonds are weaker covalent bonds .Covalent bonds are affected by electronegativities of the atoms present in the molecules.Compounds having covalent bonds have lower melting points as compared to those with ionic bonds.

Learn more about covalent bond,here:



which is the smallest of the subatomic particles? group of answer choices isotope neutron electron proton


The electrons are both smaller and lighter than protons and neutrons.

What is sub atomic particles ?

Anything that is smaller than an atom is referred to as a subatomic particle. Typically, protons, electrons, and neutrons can be used to break down an atom into its three subatomic components.

What is electron?

It is possible for an electron to be free or bound to an atom,There are three main types of particles in an atom: protons, neutrons, and an electron that is bonded to an atom. The nucleus of an atom is composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons.

One electron, proton, and neutron are each made of several quarks. However, when it comes to chemistry, electrons are both smaller and lighter than protons and neutrons.

Therefore, the electrons are both smaller and lighter than protons and neutrons.

Learn more about sub atomic particles from the given link.



Which rays are mutagens?


The rays that are mutagens are ultraviolet (UV) light and X-rays. Mutagens are substances or types of radiation, such as ultraviolet (UV) light or X-rays.

That result in permanent and inherited alterations (mutations). Deoxyribonucleic acid is found in the genetic material of cells (DNA). What makes UV light mutagens. DNA alterations aren't always caused directly by UV exposure. Longer than X-rays but shorter than visible light, ultraviolet (UV) radiation has a wavelength ranging from 10 nanometers (with a corresponding frequency of about 30 PHz) to 400 nanometers (750 THz). mutagens classified as physical, chemical, and biological agents. The first mutagenic agent discovered in 1920 was radiation. Other ionizing and non-ionizing radiations, including neutrons, alpha rays, X-rays, and UV rays, are also mutagenic.

Learn more about wavelength here



Pressure has little effect on the solubility of liquids and solids because they are almost incompressible.
a. True
b. False


The statement is true. Pressure has very little effect when it comes to solubility of liquids and solids because they are incompressible.

The solubility of liquids and solids is mostly  remain unaffected by external pressure. On the other hand, as the partial pressure of the gas above the solution rises, so does  solubility of gases.

Most substances' solubility is highly influenced by temperature and, in the case of gases, by pressure. Most solid or liquid solutes become more soluble with the rising temperature. In many cases, the fractional crystallization, which divides the compounds according to their solubility's, can separate constituents of a mixture. A gas becomes less soluble as the temperature rises. The link between pressure and a gas's solubility is described by Henry's law.

Solids and liquids show almost no change in the solubility with changes in the pressure.

To know more about solubility, please refer:



a reaction vessel contains equal masses of solid magnesium metal and oxygen gas. the mixture is ignited and burns with a burst of light and heat, producing solid mgo. the mass of the mgo is less than the initial mass of the magnesium and oxygen. what is your explanation for this apparent loss of mass?


Because not all of the oxygen was reacted, there appears to be a mass loss.

Solid MgO is produced from the simultaneous combustion of solid magnesium metal and oxygen gas, which burns with a flash of light and heat. The initial masses of magnesium and oxygen added together are less than MgO.

Magnesium oxide is created when oxygen and magnesium interact. After burning, it transforms into a white magnesium oxide powder. Magnesium and oxygen react to produce a light powerful enough to momentarily impair your vision. Magnesium burns so brilliantly because it produces a lot of heat while doing so. This powder is produced by magnesium transferring two electrons to oxygen atoms. It is an exothermic process.

2Mg + O2 → 2MgO is a prime illustration of an oxidation and combination process.

To learn more about magnesium click here https://brainly.com/question/1533548


The structural formula of an ester is CH 3 CH 2 COOC 2 H 5 . Write the name and structural formula of
products obtained when it is hydrolysed with dil. HCl.



The structural formula of the ester is CH3CH2COOC2H5. When this ester is hydrolyzed with dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl), it will produce two products: ethanol (CH3CH2OH) and acetic acid (CH3COOH). The structural formulas of these products are shown below:

Ethanol: CH3CH2OH

Acetic acid: CH3COOH

Note that in a hydrolysis reaction, an ester is typically broken down into a carboxylic acid and an alcohol by the addition of water. In this case, the hydrolysis of the ester with dilute HCl results in the production of ethanol and acetic acid.

ethyl chloride, c2h5cl, is used as a local anesthetic. it works by cooling tissue as it vaporizes. the heat of vaporization is 26.4 kj/mol. how much heat could be removed by 60.0 g of ethyl chloride?


24.5 KJ of heat could be removed.

(30.0g / 64.45 g) =0.93

0.93g x 26.4 Kj/mol = 24.5

Vaporization of detail or compound is a segment transition from the liquid section to vapor. There are forms of vaporization: evaporation and boiling. Evaporation is a floor phenomenon, whereas boiling is a bulk phenomenon.

The quantity of warmth energy utilized inside the formation of vapor from a liquid without an alternate in temperature is described as latent warmth of vapourization. more unstable liquid vapourises quicker and cools faster.

As the water evaporates, electricity is taken up by way of the procedure, cooling the surroundings where the evaporation is taking area.

Learn more about Vapourisation here:-https://brainly.com/question/24258


is 2h2(g)+o2(g)—->2h2o(l)+571.8kJ endothermic exothermic


The chemical reaction 2 H₂(g)+O₂(g)—->2 H₂O(l)+571.8 kJ is an exothermic reaction as heat is released during the reaction.

What is an exothermic reaction?

An exothermic reaction is defined as a chemical reaction which involves release of energy in the form of light,heat .In these reactions, energy is transferred from system to surroundings rather than taking energy from surroundings into system as in endothermic reactions.

In an exothermic reaction,change in enthalpy is negative.Therefore, it can be inferred that net amount of energy which is required to start the exothermic reaction is less than the net amount which is released by the reaction.

Examples of exothermic reactions are combustion reactions, detonation of nitroglycerin , neutralization reactions and nuclear fission.

Learn more about exothermic reactions,here:



please help i do not know how to do ​





The correct option is 4) Zero

The correct answer is Zero :)

using postulates of kinetic molecular theory, select the statement(s) that correctly describe(s) the assumptions used to define an ideal gas as distinct from a real gas. multiple select question. the actual volume of the gas particles is negligible compared to the container volume. gas particles are separated by relatively large distances. gas particles do not exert attractive or repulsive forces on one another.


Following are the KMT's five central tenets: The particles in a gas are constantly moving at random speeds, their total volume is tiny, they do not interact with one another physically, and their collisions are entirely elastic.

The kinetic molecular theory has how many postulates?

Gases will depart from the ideal gas law when the Kinetic Molecular Theory's five postulates fail, and there are five postulates in total.

What are the eight tenets of the gas kinetic theory?

The relationship between a gas particle's average kinetic energy and temperature is direct. The speed at which the gas molecules move rises with temperature.

To know more about kinetic theory visit:-



What type of bond is formed between two atoms of chlorine?


This is a covalent bond

Explanation: A covalent bond is formed between two Nonmetals

Please give brainliest

two reactions and their equilibrium constants are given. calculate the value of the equilibrium constant for the reaction


The value of the equilibrium constant for the reaction is 12.0.

Reaction 1: A + B ⇌ C + D

Equilibrium Constant (K1): 4.0

Reaction 2: C + D ⇌ E + F

Equilibrium Constant (K2): 3.0

Equilibrium Constant for the overall reaction (A + B ⇌ E + F): K1 x K2 = 4.0 x 3.0 = 12.0

The equilibrium constant is a measure of the strength of an equilibrium reaction. It is a ratio of the concentrations of the products to the concentrations of the reactants at equilibrium. The value of the equilibrium constant can be used to determine the direction of the reaction and the magnitude of the shift in equilibrium. Additionally, the equilibrium constant can be used to calculate the equilibrium concentrations of the reactants and products.


Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and oxygen (O2) gas reacting to form nitrogen monoxide (NO) and oxygen (O2)

The reaction for this is 2NO2 + O2 → 2NO + O2 and the equilibrium constant for this reaction is Kc = [NO]2[O2]/[NO2]2. This reaction is an example of a redox reaction, where the oxidation state of nitrogen is reduced from +4 to +2 by the oxygen molecules. The equilibrium constant indicates the amount of product (NO) that will be formed at equilibrium. If the concentration of NO2 is increased, then more NO will be formed until the equilibrium is reached.

To know more about  equilibrium constant:



228 88ra 88228ra then decays through a series of beta-minus decays; eventually, another isotope of thorium, 228 90th 90228th , is formed. how many beta-minus decays will occur during this chain process?


2 beta-minus decays during this chain process.

In electron emission, also known as terrible beta decay, an unstable nucleus emits an energetic electron and an antineutrino with little or in all likelihood no relaxation mass, and a neutron in the nucleus will become a proton that stays inside the product nucleus.

Beta minus particle emission happens while the ratio of neutrons to protons inside the nucleus is simply too high. An extra neutron transforms into a proton and an electron. The proton remains in the nucleus and the electron is ejected energetically.

Beta-minus radiation, the emission of an electron and an anti-neutrino, occurs whilst a neutron transforms right into a proton. The opposite method, whereby a proton becomes a neutron thru the emission of a positron and a neutrino, is the supply of beta-high-quality radiation.

Learn more about beta-minus decays here:- https://brainly.com/question/15842303


What are the 3 major types of chemical bonds?


The three types of bonds are

1. Covalent- Nonmetal & Nonmetal

2. Ionic- Metal & Nonmetal

3. Metallic- Metal & Metal

Please give brainliest

The physical state of a reactant or product will affect the enthalpy of reaction in a thermochemical equation.a. Trueb. False


The physical state of a reactant or product will affect the enthalpy of reaction in a thermochemical equation. a) True

The enthalpy of the reaction can be defined as the for the chemical reaction the enthalpy is the difference in between the total molar enthalpies of the reactant and the total molar enthalpies of the product. the enthalpy is the state function. the enthalpy of the reaction is depends on the following factor :

masses of the reacting substancephysical states of the reactant and the product.

Thus, the enthalpy of the reaction is depends on the physical state of the reactant or the product of the reaction.

To learn more about enthalpy here



Endothermic and Exothermic Reactions estion 2 of 3 1 2 3 Summary A student observed that when sodium hydroxide was dissolved in water, the temperature of the water increased. What should the student conclude about the dissolving of sodium hydroxide? a. It is exothermic b. It produces a salt solution c. It is endothermic d. It produces an acid solution


According to the student's conclusion, sodium hydroxide dissolves exothermically. An inorganic substance having the formula NaOH is sodium hydroxide, sometimes referred to as lye and caustic soda.

sodium hydroxide  and hydroxide anions make up this white solid ionic combination. An extremely caustic base and alkali is sodium hydroxide. Chemical reactions that release energy in the form of heat or light are known as exothermic reactions. The distinction between endothermic and exothermic reactions. Simply put, endothermic reactions take up heat-based energy from their surroundings. While the exothermic process releases energy from the system into the environment. In a system that is adiabatic (i.e. a system that does not exchange heat with the surroundings).

Learn more about sodium hydroxide here



a pure substance which can only be separated into two or more simpler substances using chemical changes is called


Compound a pure substance which can only be separated into two or more simpler substances using chemical changes is called.

What is a chemical change ?

Chemical synthesis, or, alternatively, chemical breakdown into two or more separate molecules, occurs when one material reacts with another to create a new substance. These processes are referred to as chemical reactions, and they are typically irreversible barring additional chemical reactions. Exothermic processes are those that generate heat; endothermic reactions, on the other hand, are those that may need heat in order to proceed. The science of chemistry places a lot of emphasis on comprehending chemical changes.

Atoms are rearrange during chemical reactions, and as new products are produced, the reaction is accompanied by an energy change.

Read more about chemical reaction:



complete the overall reaction catalyzed by the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex. move the compounds and cofactors to the correct answer blanks. two terms will not be used.___ + ____ + ____ arrow _____ + _____ H+ + CO3a. CoAb. acetylcoAc. NADHd. NAD+e. ADPf. ATPg. Pyruvate


The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the overall process of pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ---> acetyl CoA + NADH.

Dehydrogenase is utilized where?

Dehydrogenases are a class of enzymes that operate as biological catalysts in oxido-reduction reactions by eliminating hydrogen atoms (H) rather than oxygen (O). It is a flexible enzyme in the electron transfer chain or the respiratory chain route.

The function of glucose dehydrogenase:

In the presence of cofactors such nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD), FAD, or pyrroloquinoline quinone, GDH catalyzes the oxidation of glucose (PQQ). NADH is a product of GDH that can be detected by chromogenic, coulometric, or amperometric techniques.

Therefore, the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex catalyzes the overall process of pyruvate + CoA + NAD+ ---> acetyl CoA + NADH.

To know more about dehydrogenase, refer: brainly.com/question/29312833


What is the standard cell potential of Cu?


The standard cell potential of copper is 1.10V. The voltage of the cell is created by the differential between the two electrodes, which is the typical cell potential. discover the difference between the two half cells.

By varying the quantity of the electrolytes, it will be possible to measure how the cell potential in a Zn-Cu cell varies in this experiment. You will be given detailed explanations of each step of this experiment so that you can quickly determine when the Daniell cell's standard electrode potential is 1.1 V and when it varies. Following the interruption of the current, the cell voltage is monitored as a function of time, often over a few milliseconds. Constants include reactant concentrations, temperature, operating pressure, inlet humidification, and more.

Learn more about cell potential here



Who is responsible for making and updating a chemical inventory list?


Employers are responsible for making and updating a chemical inventory list. Every hazardous chemical in the workplace that exposes or might expose employees under normal usage settings or in anticipated emergencies requires an SDS from the employer.

This implies that they must likewise create and keep track of a list of all such compounds used at work. The employer must seek an SDS from the manufacturer or importer in writing within seven days of noticing that an SDS or all of its necessary information is missing from the manufacturer or importer. Employers are required to keep SDSs for any hazardous compounds in the workplace. If you do not immediately get an SDS from your provider, you must request one. You must also guarantee that SDSs are easily available to employees in their work locations throughout shifts.

To learn more about SDS click on the below link:



According to molecular orbital theory, the regions of the wave function with the highest probability of finding electrons are areas with _______.


According to molecular orbital theory, the regions of the wave function with highest probability of finding electrons are areas with constructive interface.

Molecular orbital theory describes the behavior of electrons in a molecule in terms of combinations of the atomic wavefunctions. The resulting molecular orbitals may extend over all the atoms in the molecule. Bonding molecular orbitals are formed by in-phase combinations of atomic wavefunctions, and electrons in these orbitals stabilize a molecule. Antibonding molecular orbitals result from out-of-phase combinations and electrons in these orbitals make a molecule less stable. Molecular orbital theory describes the distribution of electrons in molecules in much the same way that the distribution of electrons in atoms is described using atomic orbitals. Molecular orbitals are combinations of atomic orbital wave functions.

To learn more about Molecular Orbital Theory please visit:



he synthesis of water is described by the
quation 2H₂ + O2
2H₂O. How is the tr
of water related to this
action? Explain, using a chemical equation.




Explanation: E

Which substance in this redox reaction is the oxidizing agent? cu 2agno3 → 2ag cu(no3)2
a. n
b. agno3
c. cu
d. no3−
e. cu(no3)2


Cu serves as a reducing agent while Silver nitrate behaves as an oxidizing agent.

What is Oxidizing agent?

A substance or element that participates in a redox (oxidation-reduction) process and gets electrons from a separate species is referred to as an oxidising agent.

The oxidant is a chemical molecule that readily exchanges oxygen or other atoms for an electron. One agent in the reaction is regarded as an oxidizer if it releases oxygen, acquires electrons, or produces hydrogen. As the oxidizer absorbs electrons, it gets reduced. However, the reactant passes through oxidation by allowing the oxidizer to take its electrons. The name-brand example of an oxidising agent is oxygen.

When the majority or all of the atoms on a single metal surface are oxidised, corrosion takes place, harming the surface as a whole.

Learn more about Oxidizing agent from given link



draw the sulfur‑containing product of the oxidation reaction between two 2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol molecules.


The sulfur‑containing product of the oxidation reaction between two 2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol molecules is as follows :

H- C(CH₃)₂ - CH₂ - S - S - CH₂ - C(CH₃)₂ - H

The thiols are one of the important functional groups. The sulfur‑containing product of the oxidation reaction between two 2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol molecules, the reaction is given is as follows :

2 H - C(CH₃)₂ - CH₂ - SH  --> H- C(CH₃)₂ - CH₂ - S - S - CH₂ - C(CH₃)₂ - H

2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol                 di-isobutyl disulfide

The 2 molecules of the 2‑methyl‑1‑propanethiol will undergo the oxidation reaction and for the product named as  di-isobutyl disulfide.

To learn more about oxidation here



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