if the selling price of the good rises, what happens to supply of a product? group of answer choices it increases. it decreases. it does not change, but the quantity supplied increases. uncertain--economic theory has no answer to this question.


Answer 1

if the selling price of the good rises, the supply of a product does not change, but the quantity supplied increases.

Two fundamental economic principles combine to form the law of supply and demand, which explains how changes in the price of a resource, commodity, or product affect its supply and demand.

Supply rises while demand decreases as the price rises. On the other hand, as the cost drops supply tightens while request develops.

Curves can be used to show the levels of supply and demand for various prices. The equilibrium, or market-clearing price, at which demand equals supply, is marked by the intersection of these curves, which also represent the process of price discovery in the market. When demand remains constant, there is an inverse relationship between supply and price of goods and services. Prices typically fall to a lower equilibrium price and a higher equilibrium quantity of goods and services when there is an increase in the supply of those goods and services while there is no change in demand for them. Prices are more likely to rise to a higher equilibrium price and a smaller quantity of goods and services when there is a decrease in the supply of those goods and services while demand remains constant.

To know more about selling price visit



Related Questions

The process through which new employees learn the attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviors required to function effectively within an organization is?


Employee onboarding is the procedure new hires go through to acquire the attitudes, information, abilities, and behaviors necessary to perform well inside a business.

What is implied by the onboarding procedure?

The stages of integrating new hires into the company are referred to as "onboarding." In addition to learning about the organization's structure, culture, vision, mission, and values, it contains exercises that help new hires complete a basic newly added team member orientation procedure.

Which cycle entails strengthening the execution of the existing and future administration through the communication of knowledge that modifies perspectives or enhances capabilities?

Through the development of skills, the dissemination of knowledge, and a change in the perspectives of the association representatives, the board improvement is a mechanism that helps to improve administrative execution. Using human resource executives is a tactic for the association's recruitment, hiring, and management of HR.

What is another name for the process of training and developing employees so they can sharpen and refresh their knowledge and skills to perform their roles?

A program called "representative preparation and advancement" helps participants learn a certain skill or body of knowledge in order to improve their execution and efficiency in their current association or line of work.

Learn more about onboarding: https://brainly.com/question/29833756


In The Iowa Car Crop, Steven Landsburg argues that importing cars from Japan and exporting wheat from Iowa is
analogous to...
a) importing wheat.
b) exporting cars.
c) growing cars in Iowa.
d) growing wheat in Japan


In The Iowa Car Crop, Steven Landsburg argues that importing cars from Japan and exporting wheat from Iowa is analogous to c) growing cars in Iowa.

What product does Iowa sell most of?

According to the value of cash receipts, the top 5 agricultural commodities in Iowa are maize, hogs, soybeans, cattle and calf, and dairy products. Iowa is well known for holding the top spot in the agricultural industry, particularly in the production of corn, soybeans, pork, and eggs. The state is well recognized for its commodity and food processing industries as a result. In 2018, Iowa exported $4.3 billion worth of commodities to Canada, accounting for 30% of the state's overall exports. Mexico ($2.3 billion), Japan ($975 million), China ($627 million), and Germany ($458 million) were the countries that came in behind Canada.

To know more about agricultural industry, visit:



peter owns 30% of bear company, an electing s corporation. peter's adjusted basis in the stock is $44,000 at the beginning of the current year. during the current year, bear distributes a $60,000 dividend. bear company reports a $200,000 operating loss for the current year. if peter is a material participant in bear company, how much of the loss can he deduct on his income tax return?


If Peter is a significant shareholder in Bear Company, he can claim a $-0 loss on his income tax return.

Do all people file tax returns?

It's not necessary for everyone to file an income tax return every year. You often don't need to submit a federal tax return if your annual income is below a specific threshold.

Who doesn't pay taxes?

The top 20% of earners, or those making $190,000 or more, will make up only about 0.6% of individuals who will not be subject to federal income taxes this year. One-third of non-payers, or about 24 million people, are 65 years of age or older and rely heavily on Social Security.

To learn more about Income Tax Return here:



why is cash rather than petty cash credited when a petty cash fund is replenished?


The check that is written to restock the petty cash is a credit to cash and has no bearing on the petty cash account.

When a reporting month ends, why is a petty cash fund replenished?

The petty cash fund is replenished by businesses at the conclusion of the accounting period or earlier if necessary. Because no record of fund spending is recorded in the accounts until the check is written and a journal entry is made, the fund must be replenished at the conclusion of the accounting period.

Does petty cash get credited or debited?

A debit is made to the petty cash account and a credit is made to the cash account in the petty cash journal entry. The custodian of the petty cash restocks the petty cash drawer or box, which now ought to be filled with the initial sum of money intended for the fund. The cashier enters the petty cash receipts in a journal entry.

To know more about petty cash, visit:



Amazonians shone bright during another record-breaking turkey 5. once again,, customers around the world turned to amazon to deliver holiday cheer. what was one of the best-selling items?


Amazon facilities are very busy toward the end of the year. This is referred to as the peak season on Amazon.

What is the peak season ?

Around significant occasions like Thanksgiving and Christmas, peak season occurs.

For associates working at Amazon facilities as well as those in warehouse-related positions like Amazon Flex and DSP drivers, peak can be extremely stressful.

Colleagues should anticipate working 50 to 60 hour weeks with 12-hour workdays throughout peak season.

This happens when employees are required to work overtime during consecutive weeks of mandatory overtime pay (MET) (usually an extra hour every work day with an additional 10 to 12-hour day each week).

Learn more about peak season here


# SPJ 1

which of the following provides the clearest statement of the ricardian equivalence theorem? group of answer choices both an increase in government expenditures and a reduction in taxes will provide a substantial stimulus for aggregate demand. when additional debt is used to finance a tax cut, the lower taxes and higher interest rates will exert an equivalent impact on aggregate demand. the finance of government spending with additional debt is essentially the same thing as finance with higher taxes because the larger debt implies higher taxes in the future. a 10 percent reduction in tax rates will reduce tax revenues by 10 percent.


As larger debt implies a higher tax burden in the future under the Ricardian Equivalent theorem, financing government spending with additional debt is effectively the same as financing it with higher taxation.

According to Ricardian equivalence, spending from current taxes is comparable to government deficit spending.

The macroeconomic effects of increased government spending will mostly be countered by the savings made by taxpayers to pay anticipated future taxes.

According to many, this theory refutes the Keynesian idea that deficit spending can improve economic performance, even in the near term.

On the basis of the lifelong income hypothesis and the contemporary economic theory of rational expectations, economist Robert Barro formally modeled and generalized Ricardian equivalence. It has been widely assumed that Barro's interpretation of Ricardian equivalence undermines the effectiveness of Keynesian fiscal policy as a tool for enhancing economic performance.

To know more about taxation click here,



royal company receives a dividend of $4.88 per share. today, the closing price of the stock is $59.95. the current stock yield to the nearest tenth of a percent is:


Royal company. receives a dividend f $4.88 and the closing price of the stock is $59.95: 8.1%

A company is a prison entity shaped by using a group of individuals to interact in and perform an enterprise—business or commercial—organization. An enterprise can be organized in diverse approaches for tax and financial liability purposes relying on the corporate law of its jurisdiction.

There are 3 commonplace kinds of corporations—sole proprietorship, partnership, and organization—and each comes with its very own set of benefits and downsides. In easy terms, the reason for an enterprise is to have a significant imagination and prescient after which to be worthwhile in accomplishing it. And we should qualify “profitable”: profitability means long-time period sustainable returns, and each word in that phrase is vital.

Learn more about the company here:



the __________ method is a framework for operationalizing a firm’s strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on dimensions of a firm’s performance.


The balanced scorecard method is a framework for operationalizing a firm’s strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on dimensions of a firm’s performance.

A balanced scorecard is defined as a management system that provides feedback on both internal business processes and external outcomes to continuously improve strategic performance and results.

Scorecards provide management with valuable insight into their firm's service and quality in addition to its financial track record. By measuring all of these metrics, executives are able to train employees and other stakeholders and provide them with guidance and support.

A Balanced Scorecard approach is particularly useful for leaders that want to create a broader radar of the building blocks of organizational success. The balance aspect  having multiple perspectives  helps determine how strong those building blocks are and whether some are getting more attention than others.

Learn more about balanced scorecard  here:- https://brainly.com/question/19259487


Is it good that inflation rate is low?


The risk of deflation, a phenomenon associated with exceptionally slow economic conditions and characterised by falling prices and possibly declining average earnings, increases if inflation is too low.

Nearly all economists advise reducing inflation. Low inflation promotes economic development, saving, and investment, all of which support global competitiveness. Economic growth is also supported by economic stability.Low inflation is preferable since high inflation could lead an economy to deflate. Reduced pricing results in lower production and wages, which in turn leads to further price declines and further salary reductions, and so on. Low inflation is advantageous since it guarantees that prices for necessities remain consistent. Low inflation helps the economy practically everywhere, including with the GDP, borrowing costs, and cost of basic goods and services.

Learn more about inflation from



hich of the following statements is true of a proposal structure? a. the format of a proposal is independent of the length of the proposal. b. proposals do not include preliminary report parts. c. proposals include the price to be charged or the costs to be incurred. d. long proposals use a memo format.


The format of a proposal is independent of the length of the proposal, Long proposals use a memo format and Proposals include the price to be charged or the costs to be incurred.

A proposal often includes: A succinct description of the issue, the proposed fix, its associated expenses, and advantages. Issue: The key definition of the issue, including its subject, aim, primary defense, context, and significance.

Solution: The key elements of the solution, such as your detailed plan, the advantages, and how any difficulties will be overcome. Overview of the needed individuals and experience are prerequisites. Wrap-up and conclusion on the costs and benefits: Reiterate your point one last time while weighing the reward versus the cost.

To learn more about proposal refer here:



suppose that bank of america has actual reserves of 150 million and checkable deposits equal 700 million. assume the federal reserve is requiring commercial banks to maintain a 15% required reserve ratio. how much excess reserves does bank of america have?


Bank of America has 45 million as excess reserves.

The term "excess reserves" refers to the sum held or deposited with the major or central regulatory authority (in India, the Reserve Bank of India). Positive reserves simply indicate that the bank has maintained more money in reserves than is required by law, and vice versa. There is no deficit or surplus reserves balance maintained in the event of zero value.

Required reserves = required reserved ratio * checkable deposits

= 15% * 700 million

= 15/100 * 700 million

= 15 * 7 million

= 105 million

Excess reserve = Actual reserve - required reserve

= 150 million - 105 million

= 45 million

To know more about excess reserves:



What is the third phase of elicitation?


Given that the terms "requirements collection" and "requirements elicitation" are frequently used interchangeably, you might be wondering how the two processes vary.

It is a valid query, and you are free to casually switch them. When addressing the mechanics of the requirements elicitation procedure, it is important to note that there is a small distinction between gathering requirements and requirements elicitation. The act of "eliciting" information from a source is known as "b," whereas the act of "gathering" is known as the act of gathering from dispersed sources. Both actions demand knowledge to carry out correctly and are crucial to the whole requirements elicitation process.

learn more about  elicitation  here:



in general, the end goal of all activities is to reduce the impact of price competition or eliminate it. question 7 options: 1) reciprocal pricing 2) administered pricing 3) free trade 4) export-oriented trade 5) price skimming


in general, the end goal of all administered pricing activities is to reduce the impact of price competition or eliminate it. The Option 2 is correct.

What is an administered pricing?

An administered prices means the prices of goods set by the internal pricing structures of firms that take into account cost rather than through the market forces of supply and demand and predicted by classical economics.

An administered price, refers to one that is decreed by some authority for a good or service, rather than going through a process of price discovery in a free market. A planned governments tend to rely on administered pricing as they reject capitalism and free markets.

These administered pricing has appeared in communist regimes such as the Soviet Union and been discredited by many economists as being inefficient and unsustainable. In otherwise generally, in market-based economies, certain administered prices may be imposed such as in the form of price ceilings, rent controls, or minimum wages.

Read more about administered prices



When using the indirect method to calculate net cash flows from operating activities, we must remove all accruals from net income so that only the cash portion remains.
a. True
b. False


It is true that using the indirect technique, net income from an organization's income statement is first subtracted to determine cash flow from operating operations.

Revenue is only recorded when it is earned, not when it is received, because a company's income statement is constructed on an accrual basis.

While using the indirect technique, the differences from non-cash transactions are added to or subtracted from net income before calculating cash flow. Non-cash items can be seen in the shifts in a company's assets and liabilities from one period to the next one on its balance sheet.

In order to determine the amount of cash created by operating the operations, the indirect method for preparing the statement of cash flows entails adjusting net income with changes in balance sheet accounts.

To know more about 'cash flow' related questions

visit- https://brainly.com/question/28238360


adibas desires to establish the retail selling price for its new skateboard on the basis of perceived value. the average market price for this item is $10.50. consumers, when asked to allocate 100 points among adibas and four other competitors, gave adibas an average of 30 points. your recommended pv-based adibas retail price?


Based on Perceived Value Pricing, Adibas should sell its new skateboard on retail price of $15.75.

Perceived value represents the customers' perception of a product's merit and desirability to them compared to a competitor's product. Perceived value represents the customer's willingness to pay the price for a specific product.

Perceived value-based pricing is a pricing strategy based on a consumer's perceived value of a product. Perceived value-based pricing is customer focused and relayed on the consumers' believe on a product.

From the case, we know that Adibas expected retail price is $10.50. Adibas received 30 points on the customers' perpective research.

To decide whether this is a good result or not, we have to compare Adibas' points to the standard average perception, where the average perception point could be calculated by dividing the total points with the total competitors compete in the market. The average perception is:

Average perception = 100/5

Average perception = 20

Adibas' perception = 30

Adibas' perception > Average perception

Next, we have to find the perceived value-based multiplier by comparing Adibas' perception point and average perception point:

Perceived value-based multiplier = 30/20 = 1.5

The suggested price for Adibas' new skateboard is:

Suggested price = Perceived value-based multiplier x expected retail price

Suggested price = 1.5 x $10.50

Suggested price = $15.75

Learn more about Perceived Value-Based Pricing here: https://brainly.com/question/28429968


f the herfindahl-hirschman index (hhi) is the same in two industries, we can conclude that a. the number of firms in each industry is the same. b. the sum of the squared market shares of all firms is the same in the two industries. c. there must be an identical distribution of market shares among the firms in the two industries. d. there are only two firms in each industry.


the correct option is b-the sum of the squared market shares of all firms is the same in the two industries.

The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI): What Is It?

The Herfindahl-Hirschman Index (HHI), a popular indicator of market concentration, is frequently used before to and after acquisition and merger (M&A) transactions to assess market competitiveness.

The index gauges a company's size in proportion to the total of a industry it operates in as well as its level of competition. The share of the market of each company that competes in a market is squared, and the resulting numbers are then added to determine the HHI. Its values can range from nearly 0 to 10,000, the smaller populations denoting a less crowded market.

to know more about HHI, visit to: -



What is the basic rule within the intersection?


When two vehicles approach an uncontrolled intersection at about the same time, the car that arrived at the intersection last is the one that needs to yield. If you both arrive at the intersection simultaneously, the driver on the left has the right of way.

The first car to arrive at the intersection and halt has the right-of-way at all times. Vehicles approaching from the right and moving straight should always yield to those turning left.

The right of way extends beyond who enters the intersection first at an intersection. The LTO advises drivers to "slow down and ready to stop at all junctions without'stop' or 'yield' signs. When approaching or already in the intersection, give way to traffic.

Read more about basic rule the intersection at



an organization uses a business intelligence system to predict products that tend to be purchased together. this is an example of . question 45 options: a) rfm analysis b) market basket analysis c) cluster analysis d) regression analysis


An organization uses a business intelligence system to predict products that tend to be purchased to be purchased together is an example of regression analysis (D).

Let's discuss every option we have.

Recency, frequency, monetary (RFM) analysis is used to analyze rank and group customers based on the recency, frequency, and monetary total of their recent transations quantitatively, to identify the best custoers and perform better targeted marketing campaigns. RFM metrics are important indicators to captures a customer's behavior because fruquency and monetary value affects a customer's lifetime value, and recency affects attention and engagement.

Market basket analysis is used by retailers to understand their customer purchasing patterns better. Market basket analysis use purchase history, product groupings and products data as the analyzed object. Market basket analysis result will be adopted to aid the advent of eletronic point-of-sale (POS) systems. Market basket anaylsis comes in 2 types; predictive and differential.

Cluster analysis explores the naturally occuring groups within a data set known as clusters. Cluster analysis does not group data points into any pre defined groups, means that cluster analysis is an unsupervised learning method. Cluster analysis' objective is to find similar groups of subjects, where "similarity" refers to some global measure over the whole set of characteristics.

Regression analysis estimates relationships between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Regression analysis could reprsent the strength of the relationship between variables and build a model of the future relationship between them. Regression analysis may come in several variations depending on the relationships between variables, such as linear, multiple linear and nonlinear regression.

On the case, to predicts products than tend to be purchased together, an organization should capture those products relationship first and model it out. Hence, the perfect method to use is regression analysis.

Learn more about Regression Analysis here: https://brainly.com/question/28178214


which is not a type of decision that can be made at the margin? whether to leave early in the morning or late in the day for a trip


whether to depart for a trip in the morning or in the afternoon A vacation decision cannot be one that is decided on the spur of the moment.

A length of time spent travelling or having fun away from home or work. had a relaxing trip to the beach. : an appointed time when activity is halted. There is no set limit on how many days there must be. It really depends on the individual if one week or a few days would be plenty to be regarded as decent. Additionally, it relies on whether the company would grant the requested amount of time. In a very real sense, the American vacation was born. The term "vacation" replaced the British "holiday" in everyday speech as the scions of New York City started saying they would "vacate" their city mansions for their lakeside summer vacations.

Learn more about vacation from



Select the correct text in the passage.
Which sentence describes a factor that Helen could use to differentiate her coffee shop from branded coffee houses?
Helen inherited some money from her grandmother. She decided to open: coffee shop. She explored the main market area near her house O
scope out the competition. The competitors were all famous branded coffee houses. They heavily advertised their coffee and had a lot of brand
awareness among the customers. They sold their coffee at a low price, because they could divide the cost of operations over a large number of
sales. There was an area near a business center that seemed distant from these "yanded coffee houses. She decided to rent this location for her
shopt. She realized that she would also need to serve coffee that at least equalled the standards of the branded coffee houses.


Based on the context of the passage, the sentence that describes a factor that Helen could use to differentiate her coffee shop from branded coffee houses is that She decided to open a coffee shop at a location near a business center that seemed distant from the branded coffee houses.

What is Helen's perception of the Coffee Market?

From the story, it was revealed that Hellen is aware of her market competition. And because of that, she chooses to find a way to overcome the competition that appears like a challenge.

Considering her underdog position compared to the branded coffee house, Helen decided to open a coffee shop at a location near a business center that seemed distant from the branded coffee houses.

It is believed that staying away from the branded and more popular coffee houses, will allow her to create her identity and market.

Also, another way for Helen to differentiate her coffee shop from branded coffee houses is to ensure that the coffee she serves the customer tastes better than the other branded standards.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that Helen decided to open a coffee shop at a location near a business center that seemed distant from the branded coffee houses.

To learn more about Passage comprehension here: https://brainly.com/question/12320825


suppose that adam and sam each invest $5,000 in the same stock this year. adam invests directly and earns 5% a year. sam uses a retirement fund that charges an administrative fee and earns 4.75%. after 30 years, how much more money will adam have than sam? a $2,883.12 b $3,044.62 c $2,526.78 d $3,167.45


a transactional savings account with limitless contributions and multiple withdrawals. a bank account that pays interest while keeping your funds secure.

S&P annualized returns have historically averaged 9.2%. Therefore, if you put $1,000,000 in the stock market, you will receive $96,352 in interest over the course of a year. Most people can survive on this amount. Of all, this is only a theory based on average S&P returns over the long run. $2 million will probably be plenty for someone retiring at age 55, provided you won't be subject to penalties and lead a reasonably average lifestyle. Yes, $2 million should be more than enough for some individuals to retire. $2 million might not even be enough for some people. There are many difficulties you'll have to overcome, and the solution depends on your particular circumstances.

To learn more about transactional click the link below:



a professional organization for project management specialists is the: select one: a. pmi b. ama c. mis d. ipm e. pmbok


A  professional organization for project management specialists is a.Pmi

Who is Project management specialists?Accountable for leading, organising, and managing one or, sporadically, more complex projects with project teams.Coordination, planning, and task assignment for projects; team formation; and upkeep of working ties with client functional areas outside of ITProject management professionals need to be able to comprehend a lot of data and information. talents in communication. Project management experts need to inform workers, solicit feedback from clients, and present findings to them. Time management abilities, great communication abilities, the capacity to multitask, and interpersonal abilities are all necessary for a project management specialist. To guarantee that projects are finished on schedule and within budget, project managers are in charge of their planning and supervision.

To learn more about Project management specialists refer to:



in year 1, the consumer price index was 120 and the average nominal income was $30,000. in year 2, the consumer price index was 130 and the average nominal level of income was $31,980. what happened to real income from year 1 to year 2?


If the consumer price index was 130 and the average nominal level of income was $31,980. The real income from year 1 to year 2 rose by $400.

How to find the Change in real income from year 1 to year 2?

Given data:

Consumer Price Index in year 1 = 120

Consumer Price Index in year 2 = 130

Average nominal income in year 1 = $30,000

Average nominal income in year 2 = $31,980


Real income = [ ( Nominal income ÷ CPI) ] × 100

Real income in year 1 =[ ( $30,000 ÷ 120) ] × 100

Real income in year 1 = $25,000

Real income in year 2 = [ ( $31,980 ÷ 130 ) ] × 100

Real income in year 2= $24,600

Change in real income from year 1 to year 2 = Real income in year 2 - Real income in year 1

Change in real income from year 1 to year 2= $24,600 - $25,000

Change in real income from year 1 to year 2= $400

Therefore the Change in real income from year 1 to year 2 rose by $400.

Learn more about Change in real income from year 1 to year 2 here:https://brainly.com/question/25877467


true or false: email messages are not consumers' preferred method of receiving commercial messages from companies.


The statement is false. Email is the is the preferred method of sending and receiving commercial, messages from companies, because is one of the advanced of  method of communicating which is easy, flexible and faster.

What is Email messages?

An electronic messages is a modern way of sending messages via an electronic devices like phones computers laptops etc. it can be used by individuals, companies to send messages to their client or costumers. It could be an informal Emails that is friendly and social mails and Formal mails that is official mails business mails and application mails.

Therefor the statement is same as above. Get more information on Electronic Mail here on brainlybrainly.com/question/938485


All of the following are key organizational data in the fulfillment process except? a. Purchasing organization b. Distribution Channel c. Storage location d. Sales organization


All of the following are key organizational data in the fulfillment process except Warehouse. Thus, option E is correct.

What is a Organizational data?

Organizational data describes an institution's key traits, internal structures and procedures and corporate players' actions in various socio-economic circumstances.

Data organization is the act of sorting relevant data into several categories and structuring them. The samples of the categories are part of this raw data. One example of data structuring is the arrangement of student grades across several disciplines.

Therefore, option E is the correct option.

Learn more about Organizational data, here:



The question is incomplete, the complete question is:

All of the following are key organizational elements in the fulfillment process except a.Client

b.Company code

c.Sales area



which accounting concept applies when expenses are reported in the same fiscal period that they are used to produce revenue?


According to the matching principle, an expense must be recorded at the same accounting period as the revenue it generated.

When a work sheet is created at the conclusion of each fiscal year, which accounting principle is relevant?

An implementation of the accounting concept known as the Accounting Period Cycle is the creation of a work sheet at the conclusion of each fiscal period that compiles the general ledger data required to create financial statements.

The income summary account has a net income when total revenue exceeds total costs.

The Income Summary account has a credit balance when revenue exceeds total expenses, producing a net profit, as indicated by the T account.

To Know more about Period Cycle



the department managers are gathering for a budget meeting. if the marketing manager gets the 10 percent increase he is requesting, the human resourcd manager cannot get any increase in her depeartment budget. this is an example of what kind of negotiating strategy


Negotiation is probably the most flexible dispute resolution method in terms of procedure because it only involves parties with an interest in the matter and their representatives, if any.

What are the three ways to negotiate?Integrative Discussion.Collective bargaining.Negotiation with Multiple Motives

You must come up with a concrete justification for your choices. When you explain the offer to your candidate, be clear. You need to be ready to explain yourself and respond to questions. Keep in mind that if one employee receives a higher pay increase, another employee will receive a lower one.

To learn more about Negotiation here



self- is a state of self-fulfillment in which people realize their highest potential.


Self-actualization, in Maslow's hierarchy of needs, is the highest level of psychological development, where the personal potential is fully realized after basic bodily and ego needs have been fulfilled.

What is Maslow's hierarchy?

Generally, The motivational theory known as Maslow's hierarchy of needs asserts that an individual's actions are determined by their level of satisfaction in one of five categories of human needs.

These needs include a person's physiological requirements, their need for protection, their need for love and belonging, their need for esteem, and their desire to actualize themselves.

Read more about Maslow's hierarchy



a factory worker organizes a protest against unsafe working conditions after realizing that the owners care more about profits than about the health and safety of the workers. in karl marx's terms, the factory worker can be said to have


A factory worker organizes a protest against unsafe working conditions after realizing that the owners care more about profits than about the health and safety of the workers. in Karl Marx's terms, the factory worker can be said to have class consciousness.

A person's opinions about their social class or economic status in society, the comprising elements of their class, and their class interests are referred to as their class awareness in Marxism.

German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist, political economics critic, and socialist revolutionary was Karl Heinrich Marx. His two most well-known works are the four-volume Das Kapital and the 1848 booklet The Communist Manifesto.

Learn more about Marxism here brainly.com/question/2095310


ch9: public opinion is one of the most powerful forces in society. what aspect of sport marketing is designed to formulate and shape favorable opinion through the mass media?


Public opinion is one of the maximum effective forces in society. what thing of game advertising is designed to formulate and form favorable opinion thru the mass media. Media Relations

The required details about Media Relations is mentioned in below paragraph.

Media Relations entails running with media for the reason of informing the general public of an organisation's mission, regulations and practices in a fantastic, constant and credible manner. It also can entail growing symbiotic relationships with media outlets, journalists, bloggers, and influencers to garner exposure for an organisation. Typically, this indicates coordinating at once with the public liable for generating the news and functions withinside the mass media. The purpose of media members of the family is to maximise fantastic insurance withinside the mass media with out purchasing it at once thru advertising.

Many humans use the terms public members of the family and media members of the family interchangeably; however, as awesome concepts, "media relations" refers to the connection that a corporation or organisation develops with journalists, whereas "public members of the family" extends that dating past the media to the overall public.

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deadline for filing federal and state income returns that have received extensions Translational research/science will do which of the following? (Select all that apply.)a. Result in biomedical research becoming less flexible in response to the needs of societyb. Limit interdisciplinary research because this does not enhance patient carec. Take laboratory findings for development for use with patients at the bedsided. Use clinical research findings to ask new questions for research in the laboratorye. Discover practical applications for scientific theories and laws. Which equation has the solution x =9?Select each correct answer.O 4 + 5x = 18O 2x - 3 = 15O 24-2x= 13O x/3+7=8O81/x-3=6 O3x+2=25 what does shukhov wear to go to work? what does this say about the conditions under which he will be working? The word dedicate is repeated several times in the speech. What does dedicate mean? What idea does Lincoln emphasize with the repetition of this word? if is the point , (x, sin10pi/x) find the slope of the secant line (correct to four decimal places) for and . do the slopes appear to be approaching a limit? Selena signs a power of attorney appointing Kim only for the purpose of signing on her behalf relating to the sale of her house. The power of attorney will terminate based on: a. the purpose being achieved. b. a lapse of time. c. mutual agreement between Selena and Kim. d. termination by either Selena or Kim. Shaylas family room measures 20 ft by 17 ft. There is an area rug centered in the room, 3 ft away from each wall. Shayla wants to pay a company to steam clean just the area outside the rug. If they charge $10 per square foot, how much will Shayla have to pay? If we represent the sun as a Grapefruit of diameter 10 cm, how big would Jupiter be? How big would the Earth be? (Helpful information: Diameter of Sun = 1,392,000 km; Diameter of Jupiter = 139.800 km: Diameter of Earth = 12,740 km) combines the data from a list with the content of a document to provide customized letters certificates and other publications. The diameters of ball bearings are distributed normally . The mean diameter is 81 millimeters and the variance is 16. Find the probability that the diameter of a selected bearing is greater than 85 millimeters . Round your answer to four decimal places . Is peptide another word for amino acid? True or False : there are three types of project audits: pre-project audits, in-process project audits, and post-project audits. the yield to maturity on a bond is a. below the coupon rate when the bond sells at a discount and equal to the coupon rate when the bond sells at a premium b. the discount rate that will set the present value of the payments equal to the bond price c. based on the assumption that any payments received are reinvested at the coupon rate d. none of the options Question 7 pls help!!!!!!! Tahila is interested in exporting. She is accompanying representatives of the U.S. Department of Commerce to London where she will meet with qualified agents, distributors, and customers to help her make contacts and explore export opportunities in London. Tahlia is participating in a. Multiple Choice a "best prospects" search.b. the SCORE program. c. a matchmaker program. d. an import-export expo. a property owner has set up a contract in which he agrees to sell a warehouse 5 years from now to the tenant who currently leases the space. the tenant has agreed to continue to pay $20,000 in rent at the end of each year, including year five, at which time he will purchase the building for an additional $1,500,000. assuming the required rate of return on a similar investment is 10% (annual), how much is this deal presently worth to the original owner of the property? Graph the following function by moving the points to match two ordered pairs, including the x-intercept:f(x) = log 1/8(x) traditional v. post-modern family At what speed will an electromagnetic wave of frequency 3.75 1014 Hz travel in vacuum?