If a sentence begins with the word while, what can you say about the sentence?
A. It will describe two things that are happening at the same time.
B. It will present two ideas that have nothing to do with each other.
C. It will contain a list of things that belong in the same category.
D. It will explain how one thing caused another thing to happen.


Answer 1
While John was lying on his bed, Jack was outside playing soccer.
Answer 2




Related Questions

What are the prepositions in the following sentence?-
The boys might have cooperated if they had not been chosen last.





Can someone help me please





exclusive means like a one time place/offer

How do you do this? I don’t understand it




You are supposed to drag and drop the answer that you think belongs in that sentence. Drag the answer to where it says "drag and drop answer here".

List and describe the 7 most common kinds of organizational patterns


Chronological Patterns.
Sequential Patterns.
Spatial Patterns.
Compare-Contrast Patterns.
Advantages- Disadvantages Patterns.
Cause-Effect Patterns.
Problem-Solution Patterns.
Topical Patterns.


1) A compare and contrast pattern arranges information according to how two or more things are similar to or different from one another (or both). 

2) A spatial pattern of organization arranges information according to how things fit together in physical space; i.e., where one thing exists in relation to another. 

3) A sequential pattern of organization is similar to a chronological pattern, but arranges information according to a step-by-step sequence that describes a particular process. 

4)A chronological pattern of organization arranges information according to a progression of time, either forward or backward

5) A cause and effect pattern is used to show the different causes and effects of various conditions

6) A problem-solution pattern divides information into two main sections, one that describes a problem and one that describes a solution. 

7) This pattern is the most commonly used format, and will typically work when the other patterns do not. 


Is this what you are looking for?

What is the denotation of the word darkness?
A) Being somewhere haunted
B) Being without light
C) Being without fear
D) Being somewhere mysterious



B) being without light



Help me atlest :) cause



Its "the suite girl was always being complimented for her manners"

and the correct way is:

"The suite girl was always getting complimented about her manners"

And for the second one:

I'm not even gonna lie i have no idea

But i know the third one


The teacher took a poll to decide whether they would discuss currant events or have reading time.

The correct way is:

"The teacher took a poll to decide whether they would discuss current events or have reading time."


Sorry about the second one... It do be hard tho

In Malcolm's slow, _________ handwriting, he copied everything from the dictionary into his tablet down to the last punctuation mark.





k. Bill refuses to eat peas, _ _____ will he touch carrots. ​


What are you saying that doesn’t make sense

who is the speaker of "give me life or give me death"


I think that the question you are asking is who said "Give me liberty, or give me death", and the answer to that is Patrick Henry.


patrick henry


because i said so lol

the danger of volcanoes ........ not to be taken lightly. a)must b)might c) has d) have​



I believe it's A it's also most accurate

hope it helps:))

7 ways to deal with stress​









Think about your own personal experiences. Write a short essay of at least 300 words about a meaningful experience. You may describe a moment of happiness, sadness, inspiration, or change.



This year has been very rewarded to me. Two months ago I started a new experience in life; I met a person from my church, she invited to me to go with  her to preach god's word to a bunch of homeless. At the beginning, I was a little scared because homeless people do not have the best reputation in town but at the end I accepted.

That morning my friend picked me up really early, we had to organize the place, take the chairs, set the table, prepare the snacks, test the equipments I mean the microphone and the speakers. When we have all ready, the homeless people started to arrive. I felt a little bit weird. I never thought to be there but it happened.

They started to pray and something happened, I could see God's mercy on the face of those people. They were there enjoying that moment and accepting those beautiful words. After that, I helped to serve food and beverage and I could discover how lucky I am to have a family, food, a place called home and a lot of things.

This experience helped me to understand that I needed a change in my life;  I had to be more helpful and avoid worrying for things that they are not worth them. I could see everyone with the same eyes and try to make a difference in people's life.

Life is really hard most of the time and this group from my chuch helped to see my life from different point of view.

From this experience I learned that I could be a better person, and I could help other people, whose they do not have anything in life but they are so happy with a smile, a hug a sweet word or a handshake-


A personal narrative essay is based on personal experience that the person has in life. They must be written with care and specific details to catch the spectator's attention.


Riding a bicycle for the first time is a unique and unforgettable experience. I remember the first time I rode a bike, I felt a sense of freedom and independence that I had never experienced before. It was exhilarating to feel the wind rushing past me as I pedaled faster and faster. At first, I was a little nervous and wobbly, but with each passing moment, I gained more confidence and control. Before I knew it, I was gliding down the street with ease, feeling like I could go anywhere and do anything. It was a feeling of pure joy and excitement that I will never forget.


pick the odd man out
A. just
B. fair
C. equitable
D. biased
E. honest


D biased.
D is the “odd man out”

What is argument?
Can someone answer this question please if you know the answer





when two people don't share the same thought or idea.

Choose the most appropriate moral for the given short story.

The girl was weaving a basket of cane . She had just started learning the art of basket weaving . In a few months , the girl became an expert at weaving baskets of every size and shape.Soon , she started weaving intricately designed baskets, table mats and even vases of bamboo. So adept was she that she was able to hold an exhibition of her products and earn name , fame and money for herself.And it all started with one ordinary cane basket​


The moral of the story would be "with enough practice and motivation, you can accomplish anything you set out to do"

What is subjects and predicates in this sentence. Come over to my house.



The subject is "you" and the predicate is "come over."


In a command or suggestion, the subject is implied to be "you" even though the word "you" doesn't appear in the sentence.

"Come over" is a phrasal verb because without the word "over" it means something slightly different. The whole phrase means to come to a specific place, that is, to the speaker.

Subject is you and predicates is come over

Ned is writing a report about today’s Hispanic families for social studies class which of the following sources should he include in his report



The magazine.


C and D


Other sources may not be trustworthy. One on one interviews can be credited.

What can the reader infer about Mr. & Mrs. Mallard’s marriage?



sorry I need points for my questiknnm

10 POINTS!!!!
Read this line from Antigone.

CHORAGOS: Unyielding, tormented still by the same winds!

What is the figurative meaning of the phrase "tormented still by the same winds"?

Antigone is still upset that the laws of men are taking precedence over the laws of the gods.

Antigone still holds a grudge against Creon for the death of her brother.

Antigone is even more determined to see Creon fall from power.

Antigone tries to always be merciful and mindful of others.



Antigone is still upset that the laws of men are taking precedence over the laws of the gods


hope it helps


It is A.


Before you begin any writing assignment, look closely at the prompt and determine what information you have been asked to find. You may want to make a checklist that includes the subject, a list of requirements, and any open-ended questions the prompt expects you to answer.

Plan plenty of time for your research.

-When you start your investigation, relax and jot down all the sources you find along the way. You never know which source you may need more information from when you start writing.
-Write down interesting information and facts that support your answers to the prompt questions. Remember, every bit of evidence in your notes may not make it into your research paper. However, when writing your first draft, too much information is better than too little in your notes.
-Notes do not need to be perfect, but they need to withstand the test of time. Would you still be able to read and understand your notes if you had to stop researching for a few days? Could you relocate the original source if you needed extra information for your final draft? If not, slow down, write neatly, and add more details to your notes.
-Make sure your notes are in your own words. This will help you to avoid plagiarism when you begin writing. If you do like a quote, make sure you include quotation marks in your notes, or else you might accidentally use those words as your own.

Since you are writing a summary about an argument, you must gather information about both sides. Every argument has at least two sides. These sides are called claim and counter claim. Summaries of arguments require at least one paragraph summarizing the primary source's claim. For this essay, the summary paragraph about claim should not hold your personal opinion.

The summary of the counter claim will offer several details contesting the original claim. This paragraph should offer facts in the same straightforward fashion as in the summary of the claim. The counter claim paragraph will point out mistaken assumptions that the other side might hold or may have missed. By the end of your summary paragraphs, you should have an unbiased account of each side of the argument.



Thank you for this


Do you blame Monica for breaking her "promise" to Isaac? Why or why not?



yes beacose promeses shouldever be broke



I don't blame Monica  because she may have had a emergency situation that couldn't wait. For example: Her mother could have gotten sick or hurt. That's more important than whatever plans or promise she had with Isaac. Family comes first.

Hope this Helps!!!!:D


What type of sentence is this: The teacher did not approve of the behavior from her students; she expected more. *




Compound sentence.


A compound sentence is a sentence that contains two or more independent clauses. Independent clauses are those words that can stand on their own as a full sentence and needs no dependent or other words to complete. Also, compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions to join the two independent clauses.

In the given sentence, there are two independent clauses separated by a semicolon.

Now, semicolons are used in place of conjunctions if the two sentences are related or close to each other. This means that we can replace conjunctions such as "like" or "and" in the sentence.

Likewise, the given sentence used the semicolon to connect the two independent clauses, making it a compound sentence.

The sentence cannot be a simple sentence as a simple sentence has only one subject and a verb.

And it cannot be a complex sentence as complex sentences contain an independent and dependent clause. And we have no dependent clause in the given sentence.

Thus, the correct answer is a compound sentence.

1: I.....(come)to John's when I...(meet) Marry last week.
2: The game...(start)at two o'clock.
3: Now we...(try) to do our homework.​



cange into which form??

help pls Select the three incorrect pronouns in the sentences.

Seaweed is herself favorite food.She keeps hers healthy by eating it and other nutritious foods. That soup is her.



Seaweed is herself favorite food. She keeps hers healthy by eating it and other nutritious foods. That soup is her.


Seaweed is herself favorite food. She keeps hers healthy by eating it and other nutritious foods. That soup is her.

he is the babiest boy in the whole world. it is my duty to protecc


I don’t know him but he looks fine

What do paragraphs 1–3 mainly reveal about Runt and his siblings?
A how safe they feel
B how rough they are
C how skillful they are
D how lonely they feel



Its how safe they feel.


B D is obvisouly not it which means its between A or C

Analyze the setting that Dante develops in Canto XXI. Examine how 1) the choices the author makes to describe the setting and 2) the characters he places in this setting affect the reader's understanding of the Eighth Circle of Hell. Be sure to use specific details from the text to support your ideas.



In Canto IV of Dante Alighieri's Inferno, Dante starts to explore the first circle of Hell, called Limbo. This circle is described as the false heaven for those who can not worship the Christian religion. This allows readers to understand that people suspended in this first circle of Hell were not sinners and were placed in a circle of hell so as to maintain order, giving people a place to live after death. Dante uses widely acknowledged figures, such as Aristotle and Socrates to portray Limbo to readers. He makes that to show the place where they live with human wisdom but without God's light, emphasizing that they lived on earth as intellectuals in the field of human wisdom.


Dante’s narrator of the tale in Canto I. It's the first tale about someone who feels lost in the world. He tells us that at a certain point in his life, he got lost in a dark wood, not understanding how to get there.

Its one is meant to depict the journey of life and the difficulties which we all face. It affects the reader's perception of the storyteller that lends the story ethical and existential importance.Dante's Inferno's Canto I serves as an introduction to both Hell and the entire Divine Comedy. Inferno is lost in a wood paneling as they meet his sees a light just at top of a hill, tries to run toward it, but is met with three beasts. Aeneas comes running downhill, where he finds Aeneas, a Roman poet who is his companion to the underworld.

Learn more:


Which word is an adjective? neither several quietly bought





it can describe a noun




Adjectives are descriptive words, and 'quietly' is used to describe an action that you are doing

what does NBT stand for​


Search it up on the internet

It should be noted that NBT stands for National Bank Trust .

What is National Bank Trust ?

The National Bank Trust  can be regarded as an financial organization which serves as a provider of financial solutions as well as retail banking, and other services.

The National Bank Trust provides investment banking as well as risk management to their clients across the country.

Learn more about National Bank Trust  at;


.......... animal is her house.

a) shy

b) wild

c) safe





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