Describe rainforests. Include how much rain they get, general location and temperature.


Answer 1


The average temperature in tropical rainforests ranges from 70 to 85°F (21 to 30°C). The environment is pretty wet in tropical rainforests, maintaining a high humidity of 77% to 88% year-round. The yearly rainfall ranges from 80 to 400 inches (200 to 1000 cm), and it can rain hard


Related Questions

Can plants produce oxygen in the dark?



There are certain plants that can produce oxygen at night like Aloe Vera. Peepul, Snake plant, and Areca Palm.


Answer and Explanation:

Some plants can some plants cant..

Need help figuring this out! Am having a bit of trouble with it



BB=Brown as both are big B's

Bb=Brown as there is a big B

bb=Blue as both are little b's

similarities between fungi and protists . WILL MARK U BRAINLIEST !! ( just need 2 )



Since plants and fungi are both derived from protists, they share similar cell structures. Unlike animal cells, both plant and fungal cells are enclosed by a cell wall. As eukaryotes, both fungi and plants have membrane-bound nuclei, which contain DNA condensed with the help of histone proteins.


hope this helps

Is motocross Kinetic energy or Potential energy



The more you pull the throttle back the more gas you will use powering the engine to make kinetic energy which will make the dirt bike move faster.


Match the causes with their effects.
Cause: Convection currents cycle through magma.
Cause: Unstable isotopes inside Earth release energy.
Cause: Iron in Earth’s outer core swirls due to convection currents.
Effect: Radiogenic heat is released.
Effect: Earth has a powerful magnetic field.
Effect: Tectonic plates move.


1. Effect:  Radiogenic heat released- Cause: convection currents cycle through magma.

2. Effect: Earth has a powerful magnetic field- Cause: Iron in earths outer core swirls due to convection currents.

3. Effect: Tectonic plates move- Cause: unstable isotopes in earth release energy.

What is Convection current?

Convection currents are defined as the result of differential heating where lighter, less dense, warmer materials rise while heavier, more dense, cooler materials sink. This is the movement that creates circulation patterns known as convection currents in the atmosphere, in water, and in the Earth's mantle.

Convection currents arise from differences in fluid density that arise due to a temperature gradient, resulting from the continuous replacement of the hot fluid in the region of the heat source with the nearby cold fluid which is known as the natural convection currents.

Thus, Radiogenic heat released- Cause: convection currents cycle through magma.

Learn more about Convection current, here:



Radiogenic heat is released


Unstable isotopes inside Earth release energy



Earth has a powerful magnetic field


Iron in Earths outer core swirls due to convection currents


Tectonic plates move.


Convection currents cycle through magma.



Got it right on Edmentum.

True or False: Mass changes when gravitational force changes.



the answer is B false. mass does not change with gravity.

It is true because more massive objects will attract eachother with a greater gravitational force

What type of energy makes heat
transfer by conduction possible?
A. chemical
B. mechanical
C. kinetic


C. kinetic energy

On a microscopic scale, conduction occurs as rapidly moving or vibrating atoms and molecules interact with neighboring particles, transferring some of their kinetic energy.

Answer: C. kinetic

Explanation: On a microscopic scale, conduction occurs as rapidly moving or vibrating atoms and molecules interact with neighboring particles, transferring some of their kinetic energy. Heat is transferred by conduction when adjacent atoms vibrate against one another, or as electrons move from one atom to another.

How does natural selection lead to the evolution of a species?



One of these is natural selection, which is a process that increases the frequency of advantageous gene variants, called alleles, in a population. Natural selection can result in organisms that are more likely to survive and reproduce and may eventually lead to speciation.


When a species evolves, it can get more repellent and tougher to what kills them off. For exp, if a animal can’t survive due to a carried disease, it will eventually evolve to be stronger against it.

Which is an abiotic factor in Florida's environment?





Hurricanes take place in the Florida Keys about 13-16 percent. These violent storms can damage coral reefs because of high winds and large waves.



answer b: EVOLUTION

Which part of the neuron below is indicated by the arrow, and what is its function?

A. The axon carries information through electrical impulses away from the cell body to the axon terminals and then to other neurons, muscles, or glands.

B. The axon contains the nucleus that controls all the activities of the cell.

C. The dendrites regulate the substances that go in and out of the cell.

D. The dendrites carry the electrical impulses from the signal receivers to the cell body.




[tex]\red{\bigstar}[/tex] Which part of the neuron below is indicated by the arrow, and what is its function?


[tex]\pink{\bigstar}[/tex] [tex]\large\underline{\underline{\bold\green{Option. D}}}[/tex]


The dendrites carry the electrical impulses from the signal receivers to the cell body.

Select all the correct answers.
Based on these images, what can you conclude about the organisms?
Organism 1 Organism 2
Organism 3
Organism 4


If I remember them correctly, the organisms are a fish, a reptile a bird and a human during embryonic development. B & D are the correct answers.


b d


please help it’s timed



light mice, because they blend in with their enviorment


adsorption definition



The definition of Adsorption is the process by which a solid holds molecules of a gas or liquid or solute as a thin film


d) Based on your above answers, do all substitutions cause a change in the amino acid sequence of a
protein? Explain



No, they do not all cause a change in amino acid sequence of a protein.


Substitution mutation is the type of mutation that results when the nucleotide base of a gene is replaced by another base in the sequence. A substitution mutation can result into three different types of mutation namely; silent mutation, missense mutation, and nonsense mutation.

- In silent mutation, the nucleotide base that gets replaced by another still forms a codon that encodes the same amino acid as in the original sequence. e.g if guanine replaces adenine in the sequence, TTA to form a mutated sequence, TTG. This mutated codon (TTG) still encodes LEUCINE amino acid just as TTA does. Hence, there is no effect on the resulting amino acid sequence. This portrays that NOT ALL SUBSTITUTIONS cause a change in amino acid sequence of a protein.

If a strand of DNA has the following base sequence, what would the base sequence of the mRNA that is transcribed be?
mRNA sequence: AUG GUA CAC




C. What is the word for an Enzyme that has fallen apart or no longer works


When enzymes are no longer active and can’t function they become denatured.

help me please, its biology i need help with the answer an why you chose that answer



I think G if I’m wrong try F OR J

Explanation: tell me if I’m wrong

6. Potential energy converts to Kinetic energy and Kinetic energy will convert to
Potential energy. Why does the total energy stay the same? *
The energy is not being created or destroyed: only transformed.
Total energy does not stay the same as some is always lost as heat.
Energy stays the same because the energy has no where to go but in a system.



The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another. ... Once the potential energy locked in carbohydrates is converted into kinetic energy (energy in use or motion), the organism will get no more until energy is input again.

If a diploid cell has 20 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will be in its haploid cell? If a germ cell has 10 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will be in its somatic cells? If a cell in G1 phase has 4 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will it have by the end of meiosis? If an unknown cell is going through mitosis, is it a germ cell or a somatic cell? By the time an unknown cell finishes meiosis, is it a haploid or somatic cell?​





I'm randomly guessed

Governments want to decrease the negative effects of climate change. Which of these measures would be most effective? Select the two correct answers.

A. Convert electric power plants from natural gas to coal.
B. Transition from power plants that burn natural gas to those that do not use fossil fuels.
C. Give tax incentives for energy conservation in homes and businesses.
D. Make the price of gasoline and diesel cheaper for consumers.


Answer: c and b i just did it like 2 minutes ago

Explanation:c and b i just did it like 2 minutes ago

B. Transition from power plants that burn natural gas to those that do it not use fossil fuels.

C. Give tax incentives for energy conservation in homes and businesses.

Sections of a chromosome that code for a trait are called what?



genes ( tell me if I am wrong thx! )


What kingdom does the snake belong to?



The snake belong in Animal


Snakes are members of the animal kingdom and belong to the reptile class.

What 6 elements make up all lifeforms on earth?



oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus.

What effect does burning fossil fuels during manufacturing and energy production have on outdoor air pollution?



It causes global warming as well as air pollution.


Burning of fossil fuels has adverse effect on outdoor air pollution because when the fossil fuels burns carbondioxide gas is released in the atmosphere. Carbondioxide gas is a greenhouse gas which is released in the atmosphere through burning of fossil fuels and is responsible for increasing air pollution. This increase in carbondioxide gas leads to global warming due to blockage of solar radiation that is reflected from the earth surface.

Is circulation an essential life process?



The circulatory system is extremely important in sustaining life.


Hope this helps, sorry if incorrect

why is this conversion of energy from one molecule to another necessary for all cells?



Actually Welcome to the Concept of the energy conversion

=> ATP can be used to store energy for future reactions or be withdrawn to pay for reactions when energy is required by the cell.

=> When one phosphate group is removed by breaking a phosphoanhydride bond in a process called hydrolysis, energy is released, and ATP is converted to adenosine diphosphate (ADP).

Question 13
What is condensation? Describe a way in which it can affect Earth systems.
12pt v
IB в I o Ауду т?у а



Condensation is a process in which water vapors changed into liquid state.


Condensation is a process in which water that is present in the vapors form changed into liquid state. Condensation greatly affect Earth systems because this process is responsible for the precipitation on the earth. Condensation occurs in the atmosphere when warm air rises in the atmosphere, cools and unable to hold water vapor. As a result, water vapors condenses to form cloud droplets that falls in the form of rainfall.

Flowes come in red, blue and purple colors. Cross 2 purple flowers what percent of the offspring will be blue


I would say 0% but it could be 25%

Question 4 (1 point)
Low-mass main sequence stars often exceed the Chandrasekhar Limit
O True
O False


I am going to take a guess based off of my earth science knowledge and say it is false. Sorry if I'm wrong.
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