I need help with this practice I believe the subject for this is complex numbers and vectors I will send you an additional picture that goes along with this, it is a graph, use the graph to answer

I Need Help With This Practice I Believe The Subject For This Is Complex Numbers And Vectors I Will Send


Answer 1


- In order to plot these vectors using Parallelogram law, we need to write them in rectangular form i.e. in terms of the x and y-components.

- This is done below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \vec{a}=-3i-5j \\ \vec{b}=i+4j \end{gathered}[/tex]

- We can then proceed to plot the vectors on a graph.

- For vector a, the line of magnitude extends from the origin (0, 0) to the point (-3, -5) while the line of the magnitude of vector b extends from the origin (0, 0) to the point (1, 4).

- This is shown below:

- The vector addition of both vectors is given below:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \vec{a}+\vec{b}=-3i-5j+(i+4j) \\ \text{ Add only magnitudes of the same component} \\ \vec{a}+\vec{b}=-3i+i-5j+4j \\ \\ \therefore\vec{a}+\vec{b}=-2i-j \end{gathered}[/tex]

- This implies that the vector addition of both vectors extends from the origin (0,0) to the point (-2, -1)

- This is depicted below:

I Need Help With This Practice I Believe The Subject For This Is Complex Numbers And Vectors I Will Send
I Need Help With This Practice I Believe The Subject For This Is Complex Numbers And Vectors I Will Send

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The inequalities that can be use to represent this scenario will be


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To get the mean absolute deviation, we first need the mean of the set. The mean is calculated by the sum of the values divided by the number of data:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \mu=\frac{2+5+6+12+15}{5} \\ \mu=\frac{40}{5} \\ \mu=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To get the means absolute deviation, we have to get the absolute difference between each data and the mean, sum them up and divide by the number of data:

[tex]\begin{gathered} d_1=|2-8|=|-6|=6 \\ d_2=|5-8|=|-3|=3 \\ d_3=|6-8|=|-2|=2 \\ d_4=|12-8|=|4|=4 \\ d_5=|15-8|=|7|=7 \\ MAD=\frac{6+3+2+4+7}{5}=\frac{22}{5}=4.4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

What is the future value of an ordinary annuity of ₱38,000 per year, for 7 years, at 8% interest compounded annually?



The future value (FV) of an annuity is given by:



A is the value of the annuity or the regular payment

i is the interest rate adjusted to the compounding period

n is the number of periods of the investment (or payment)

The given values are:

A = $38,000

n = 7 years

i = 8% = 0.08


[tex]\begin{gathered} FV=\$38,000\cdot\frac{(1+0.08)^7-1}{0.08} \\ FV=\$38,000\cdot\frac{(1.08)^7-1}{0.08} \\ \text{Calculate:} \\ FV=\$38,000\cdot\frac{0.7138243}{0.08} \\ FV=\$38,000\cdot8.9228 \\ FV=\$339,066.53 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The future value is $339,066.53

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There are 4 defects out of 10 total computers. This means that there are 6 computers without defects.

The probability that 1 computer selected will not be defective is the total number of non-defective computers divided by the total number of computers:


Therefore, if a sample of 4 computers is selected, the probability that the sample will not contain a defective computer is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} P=\frac{6}{10}\cdot\frac{6}{10}\cdot\frac{6}{10}\cdot\frac{6}{10}=(\frac{6}{10})^4 \\ P=\frac{81}{625} \end{gathered}[/tex]

xP(x)00.2510.0520.1530.55Find the standard deviation of this probability distribution. Give your answer to at least 2 decimal places


The Solution:



Find the standard deviation of the probability distribution.

Step 1:

Find the expected value of the probability distribution.

[tex]E(x)=\mu=\sum_{i\mathop{=}0}^3x_iP_(x_i)[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} \mu=(0\times0.25)+(1\times0.05)+(2\times0.15)+(3\times0.55) \\ \\ \mu=0+0.05+0.30+1.65=2.0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2:

Find the standard deviation.

[tex]Standard\text{ Deviation}=\sqrt{\sum_{i\mathop{=}0}^3(x_i-\mu)^2P_(x_i)}[/tex][tex]=(0-2)^2(0.25)+(1-2)^2(0.05)+(2-2)^2(0.15)+(3-2)^2(0.55)[/tex][tex]=4(0.25)+1(0.05)+0(0.15)+1(0.55)[/tex][tex]=1+0.05+0+0.55=1.60[/tex]

Thus, the standard deviation is 1.60



Use the graph to write an equation for f(x).Oy=1(12)Oy=3(4)*Oy=12(4)*Oy=4(3)*


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=3(4)^x \\ f(1)=3(4)^1=3\cdot4=12 \\ f(2)=3(4)^2=3\cdot16=48 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]y=3(4)^x[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} g(x)=36x-24 \\ g(1)=36(1)-24=36-24=12 \\ g(2)=36(2)-24=72-24=48 \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]y=36x-24[/tex]

With cell phones being so common these days, the phone companies are all competing to earn business by offering various calling plans. One of them, Horizon, offers 700 minutes of calls per month for $45.99, and additional minutes are charged at 6 cents per minute. Another company, Stingular, offers 700 minutes for $29.99 per month, and additional minutes are 35 cents each. For how many total minutes of calls per month is Horizon’s plan a better deal?


For the Horizon offer

There is a cost of $45.99 for 700 minutes plus 6 cents for each additional minute

Since 1 dollar = 100 cents, then

6 cents = 6/100 = $0.06

If the total number of minutes is x, then

The total cost will be


For the Stingular offer

There is a cost of $29.99 for 700 minutes plus 35 cents for each additional minute

35 cents = 35/100 = $0.35

For the same number of minutes x

The total cost will be


For Horizon to be better that means, it cost less than the cost of Stingular

[tex]\begin{gathered} C_HSubstitute the expressions and solve for x[tex]\begin{gathered} 45.99+(x-700)0.06<29.99+(x-700)0.35 \\ 45.99+0.06x-42<29.99+0.35x-245 \\ (45.99-42)+0.06x<(29.99-245)+0.35x \\ 3.99+0.06x<-215.01+0.35x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Add 215.01 to both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} 3.99+215.01+0.06x<-215.01+215.01+0.35x \\ 219+0.06x<0.35x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Subtract 0.06x from both sides

[tex]\begin{gathered} 219+0.06x-0.06x<0.35x-0.06x \\ 219<0.29x \end{gathered}[/tex]

Divide both sides by 0.29 to find x

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{219}{0.29}<\frac{0.29x}{0.29} \\ 755.17Then x must be greater than 755.17

The first whole number greater than 755.17 is 756

The total minutes should be 756 minutes per month for Horizon's to be the better deal.

Solve the equation, give the exact solution then approximate the solution to the nearest hundredth


Given the expression:


We can find its solution by solving like a linear equation up until the exponent:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 10-3x^2=4 \\ \Rightarrow-3x^2=4-10 \\ \Rightarrow-3x^2=-6 \\ \Rightarrow x^2=\frac{-6}{-3}=2 \\ x^2=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

now, we can apply the square root on both sides to get the following:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{x^2}=\sqrt[]{2} \\ \Rightarrow x=\pm\sqrt[]{2=} \\ x=\pm1.41 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the solutions of the equation are x=1.41 and x=-1.41

Macy is hosting a party to celebrate her son's baptism. There will be 6 children at the
party. Each child will receive 1/3 of a regular size adult portion. How many full adult
portions will be made to feed the 6 children?




Step-by-step explanation:

three 1/3 makes a whole and there are 6 children so 3 and 3 is 6 so its 2

Suppose that the functions f and g are defined as follows.f(x) = x² +78g(x) =3x5x70Find the compositions ff and g9.Simplify your answers as much as possible.(Assume that your expressions are defined for all x in the domain of the composition. You do not have to indicate the domain.)



[tex]\begin{gathered} (f\cdot f)(x)=x^4+14x^2+49 \\ (g\cdot g)(x)=\frac{64}{9x^2} \end{gathered}[/tex]


We are given the two functions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=x^2+7 \\ g(x)=\frac{8}{3x} \end{gathered}[/tex]

To find (f * f)(x), we have to find the product of f(x) with itself.

That is:

[tex](f\cdot f)(x)=f(x)\cdot f(x)[/tex]

Therefore, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (f\cdot f)(x)=(x^2+7)(x^2+7) \\ (f\cdot f)(x)=(x^2)(x^2)+(7)(x^2)+(7)(x^2)+(7)(7) \\ (f\cdot f)(x)=x^4+7x^2+7x^2+49 \\ (f\cdot f)(x)=x^4+14x^2+49 \end{gathered}[/tex]

We apply the same procedure to (g * g)(x):

[tex]\begin{gathered} (g\cdot g)(x)=(\frac{8}{3x})(\frac{8}{3x}) \\ (g\cdot g)(x)=\frac{64}{9x^2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Those are the answers.

Find the measure of the numbered angles in the rhombus (m1, m2, and m3).


The diagonals of a rhombus intersect at right angles. So, the m<1 is 90 degrees.

The diagonals of a rhombus bisect each vertex angle.

Therefore, the angle of vertex of 24 degree angle angle is 24x2=48.

The opposite angle of 48 degree angle is also 48 degrees. Since the angle is bisected by diagonal,m<2=24 degree.

The sum of opposite angles, 48+48=96.

The sum of other two equal opposite angles, 360-96=264.

The half of 264 is one angle, So, 264/2=132. Again <3=132/2=66.

m<1=90, m<3=66, m<2=24

Can someone please help me do #6 and #8 please



As it's a rhombus, the diagonal is a bisector, so:

med 2 = 27

med 3 = 27


med 5 = 27

med 4 = med 1

Also, the sum of interior angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. Then:

27 + 27 + med 1 = 180

med 1 = 126

med 4 = 126

Which equation can be used to find the solution of (1/4)y+1=64 ? −y−1=3y−1=3−y+1=3y + 1 = 3



1/4 and 64 can be expressed as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{4}=4^{-1} \\ 64=4^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Substituting into the equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (4^{-1})^{y+1}=4^3 \\ 4^{(-1)(y+1)}=4^3 \\ 4^{-y-1}=4^3 \\ -y-1=3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

=Volume of a cylinderThe diameter of a cylindrical construction pipe is 6 ft. If the pipe is 25 ft long, what is its volume?Use the value 3.14 for it, and round your answer to the nearest whole number.Be sure to include the correct unit in your answer.


The volume of a cylinder is given by the following formula:

[tex]V=\frac{\pi\cdot h\cdot d^2}{4}[/tex]

Where h is the height and d is the diameter.

We can consider the length of the pipe as the height of the cylinder.

Then h=25 ft and d=6 ft. Replace these values in the formula and solve for V:

[tex]\begin{gathered} V=\frac{3.14\cdot25ft\cdot(6ft)^2}{4} \\ V=\frac{3.14\cdot25ft\cdot36ft^2}{4} \\ V=\frac{2826ft^3}{4} \\ V=706.5ft^3 \\ V\approx707ft^3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The volume is 707 ft^3

how do i solve for d ?3(2d-4) = 6(d-2)



Given the equation;




Since the two sides of the equation are equal, d has infinitely many solutions.

Use a proportion to find the missing side length, x.



The measure of angle ABC is;

[tex]m\measuredangle ABC=72^0[/tex]


Given the triangle ABC.

Recall that the sum of angles in a triangle is 180 degrees;


solving for x, we have;

[tex]\begin{gathered} 8x+6x+6x=180 \\ 20x=180 \\ x=\frac{180}{20} \\ x=9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

From the diagram,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \measuredangle ABC=8x \\ \measuredangle ABC=8(9) \\ \measuredangle ABC=72^0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the measure of angle ABC is;

[tex]m\measuredangle ABC=72^0[/tex]

Which function could represent the height in feet, h, of a soccer ball t seconds after being kicked from an initial height of 1 foot?


Let h is the height of the ball after t seconds

The acceleration upward = -32 feet/sec.^2

This situation must be represented by a quadratic function

The form of the function is:


u is the initial velocity

a is the acceleration of gravity

t is the time

h0 is the initial height

From the given, the initial height is 1 foot

The acceleration of gravity is a constant value -32 ft/s^2

The initial velocity is unknown

Let us substitute the values given in the function

[tex]\begin{gathered} h=ut+\frac{1}{2}(-32)t^2+1 \\ h=ut-16t^2+1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Let us arrange the terms from greatest power of t


We have only 1 function in the choices similar to our function


The answer is the second choice

How many real solutions does the equation \displaystyle -2x^2-6x+15=2x+5−2x 2 −6x+15=2x+5 have?


-2x² - 6x + 15 = 2x +5

Re-arrange the equation

-2x² - 6x -2x+ 15-5=0

-2x² -8x + 10 = 0

Multiply through by negative one

2x² + 8x - 10 =0


solve by factorization

Find two numbers such that its product give -20x² and its sum gives 8x and 8x by them

That is;

2x² + 10x - 2x - 10 = 0

2x(x+5) -2(x+5) = 0

(2x - 2) (x+5) = 0

Either 2x - 2 = 0

2x = 2

x= 1


x+5 = 0


Hence it has 2 real solutions

line AB and CD intersect at E. if the measurement of angle AEC = 12x+5 and the measurement of angle DEB = x+49, find the measurement of angle DEB


We will start by drawing the lines and angles:

By the properties of the angles that are opposed by the vertex, we know that the measure of the angle AEC and the measure of the angle DEB are the same.

So we can express:

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\text{AEC}=m\text{DEB} \\ 12x+5=x+49 \\ 12x-x=49-5 \\ 11x=44 \\ x=\frac{44}{11} \\ x=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So we can calculate DEB as:


The angle DEB has a measure of 53 degrees.

Graph the line x= -3 on the axes shown below. Type of line: Choose one


due to the equation that represents the line is a line with no slope defined and is drawn up and down and are parallel to the y-axis.

in this case, since x=-3 it means that this value won't change along the y-axis

Solve the equation below 4X. If your answer is not a whole number enter it as a fraction in lowest terms, using the slash mark (/) as the fraction bar x-5=8x+9X=


Simplify the equation x - 5 = 8x + 9 to obtain the value of x.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x-5=8x+9 \\ x-8x=9+5 \\ -7x=14 \\ x=\frac{14}{-7} \\ =-2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So x = -2.

Simplify and then evaluate the equation when x=4 and y =2


We need to plug in

x = 4

y = 2

into the expression and simplify/evaluate.

Let's evaluate:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5x+2(9y-x)-y \\ x=4,y=2 \\ So, \\ 5(4)+2(9(2)-(4))-(2) \\ =20+2(18-4)-2 \\ =20+2(14)-2 \\ =20+28-2 \\ =46 \end{gathered}[/tex]Answer46

a vector w has initial point (0,0) and terminal point (-5,-2) write w in the form w=ai+bj


The initial point is (0,0) and the terminal point (-5,-2).

First, graph the points:

Lets say that A= (0,0) and B = (-5,-2)

So my vector w= line(AB)

Use the component form

Replace the values <-5-0, -2-0>

Then <-5,-2>

In the form w=ai+bj

w = -5i -2j

Looking at the graph we have -2 on the y-axis and -5 on the x-axis.

Which of the following numbers is irrational? (A)-1.325 (B)√8 (C)2 (D)4





Irrational numbers are numbers which when converted to decimal can be written indefinitely without repeating.

Irrational Numbers are numbers that cannot be written as a terminating or repeating decimal.

Examples of Irrational Numbers are:

[tex]\sqrt{2},\text{ }\pi,\text{ }\frac{22}{7},\text{ }\sqrt{5}\text{, etc.}[/tex]

From the given options, the number which is irrational is √8.

The sum of sixteen times a number and twelve is 172. Find the number.



Step-by-step explanation:

1. (16 · x) + 12 = 172

2. x= 172-12/16

3. x = 10

4. The number is 10.

Which of the following represents the LCM of 98 ab^ 3 and 231 a^ 3 ?


The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 98 and 231, notation LCM (98, 231), is 3234.

Solution by using the division method:

This method consists of grouping by separating the numbers that will be decomposed on the right side by commas while on the left side we put the prime numbers that divide any of the numbers on the right side. We starting with the lowest prime numbers, divide all the row of numbers by a prime number that is evenly divisible into 'at least one' of the numbers. We stop when it is no longer possible to divide (the the last row of results is all 1's). See below how it works step-by-step.

2 | 98, 231

3 | 49, 231

7 | 49, 77

7 | 7, 11

11 | 1, 11

1 | 1, 1

The LCM is the product of the prime numbers in the first column, so:

LCM = 2 . 3 . 7 . 7 . 11 = 3234

Solution by listing multiples:

This method consists of listing the multiples of all the numbers that we want to find the LCM. Multiples of a number are calculated by multiplying that number by the natural numbers 2, 3, 4, ..., etc. See below:

* The multiples of 98 are 98, 196, 294, 392, 490, 588, ..., 3234

* The multiples of 231 are 231, 462, 693, 924, 1155, ..., 3234

Because 3234 is the first number to appear on both lists of multiples, 3234 is the LCM of 98 and 231.

Hence the answer is The Least Common Multiple (LCM) for 98 and 231, notation LCM (98, 231), is 3234.

To learn more about LCM click here https://brainly.com/question/233244


Ben earned $400 dollars last month.He worked 3 days in the first week andalso worked 2 days in the secondweek. How much does he earn eachday?


Given Data:

Ben earned $400 last month.

Since in the academic calendar the last month was July consisting of 31 days.

Therefore the amount earned per day can be calculated as


Now, He worked 3 days in the first week and 2 days in the second week.

So the total number of working days is 5.

Therefore the amount earned for 5 days will be


Therefore the amount for 6 days is approximate $65.

And Hence for each day it is $13.

Simplify (3^z)^6 leave your answer in exponential notation



Help me please don’t use me for pointsthis answer well be 12×



9x + 3


Given the below expression;


The 1st to solving the above is to group like terms;


Let's go ahead and evaluate;


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