I need help with the table

I Need Help With The Table


Answer 1

Here ya go! Sorry this took so long, editing is hard

I Need Help With The Table

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Marisol finds the total mass of a sample of baking soda, a balloon, and a glass container with vinegar in it.
She adds the baking soda to the vinegar and immediately places the balloon over the mouth of the container. After the reaction is complete, she again finds the total mass of the system. Which statement is true about this investigation?


Answer:yes but yes


what is a polysaccharide? select the correct answer below: a polymer of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds is known as a polysaccharide. a polysaccharide is formed by the hydrolyzation of glycosidic bonds with acid. polysaccharides are simple sugars, the most common of which is glucose. a polysaccharide is the sugar formed when two monosaccharides (simple sugars) are joined by glycosidic linkage.


A  polymer of monosaccharides linked by glycosidic bonds is known as a polysaccharide.

What is a polysaccharide?

We know that there are different kinds of sugars that we have. This would depend on the way that the atoms of the sugar are joined together. The various kinds of sugars are found to be;

Monosaccharides: These are composed of simple sugar units

Disaccharides: These are composed of two sugar units that are joined together.

Polysaccharides : These are composed of more than two sugar units that are joined together.

Now we have to note that in talking about poly saccharides the idea that they are sugars that are composed of many units have to be at the back of our minds in the discussion. The many units have to be joined by a kind of bond that is called the  glycosidic bonds

Learn more about polysaccharide:https://brainly.com/question/780562


What type of radiation is emitted when an electron in a hydrogen atom drops from energy level 6 to 2?.


When the electron falls from energy level 6 to energy level 2, it will irradiate Balmer  series that lies in the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum.

A hydrogen atom has six spectral lines. Spectral emissions occurs when an electron transitions jumps from a higher energy state to a lower energy state. The spectral lines are grouped into series according to the lower energy level of atomic hydrogen is divided into a number of spectral series, with wavelengths.

Wavelength of these spectral lines can be calculated by the Rydberg formula and these spectral lines are formed due to the electron that undergoes transitions between two energy levels in an atom.

Spectral emissions occurs when an electron transitions jumps from a higher energy level to a lower energy level.

The spectral lines are generally grouped into series according to the lower energy level.

To know more about Hydrogen Spectral:



pls answer question will mark brainliset tyty



A b/c aluminum


don't forget to follow rate like

5.26 kg of nitrogen monoxide and 7.64 mg of oxygen are combined, what mass of nitrogen dioxide is formed?2NO+O2=2NO2



0.0220 g (22 mg) of NO2.


To solve this type of problem, it is best to work with grams. Remember that 1 kg equals 1000 g and 1 g equals 1000 mg. The conversion for 5.26 kg of nitrogen monoxide (NO) would be:

[tex]5.26\text{ kg NO}\cdot\frac{1000\text{ g}}{1\text{ kg }}=5260\text{ g NO.}[/tex]

And for 7.64 mg of oxygen (O2) is:

[tex]7.64\text{ mg O}_2\cdot\frac{1\text{ g}}{1000\text{ mg}}=0.00764\text{ g O}_2.[/tex]

The next step is to find the number of moles of each reactant using its molar mass. The molar mass of NO is 30 g/mol (you can calculate the molar mass of a compound using the periodic table):

[tex]5260\text{ g NO}\cdot\frac{1\text{ mol NO}}{30\text{ g NO}}=175.33\text{ moles NO.}[/tex]

And the moles of oxygen (O2) is 32 g/mol:

[tex]0.00764\text{ g O}_2\cdot\frac{1\text{ mol O}_2}{32\text{ g O}_2}=2.388\cdot10^{-4}mole\text{s O}_2.[/tex]

The next step is to see how many moles of NO" can be produced for each reactant.

You can see in the chemical equation that 2 moles of NO produce 2 moles of NO2, so the molar ratio between them is 1:1. This means that 175.33 moles of NO reacted produce 175.33 moles of NO2.

Now, you can see that 1 mol of O2 reacted produces 2 moles of NO2, so let's see how many moles of NO2 are being produced:

[tex]2.388\cdot10^{-4}mole\text{s O}_2\cdot\frac{2\text{ moles NO}_2}{1\text{ mol O}_2}=4.776\cdot10^{-4}mole\text{s NO}_2.[/tex]

You can note that the limiting reactant, in this case, is oxygen (O2) because this reactant imposes the "limit" to produce the product.

The final step is to convert from 4.776 x 10^(-4) moles of NO2 to grams using its molar mass which is 46 g/mol. The conversion will look like this:

[tex]4.776\cdot10^{-4}mo\text{les NO}_2\cdot\frac{46\text{ g NO}_2}{1\text{ mol NO}_2}=0.0220\text{ g NO}_2.[/tex]

We obtain 0.0220 g (22 mg) of NO2 from 5.26 kg of NO and 7.64 mg of O2.

structurally, what makes the more substituted alkene product in this dehydration reaction more stable than the less substituted alkene?


Hyperconjugation makes the alkanes more stable than less substituted alkanes.

Hyperconjugation refers to the delocalization of electrons with the primary sigma bonds. Usually, hyperconjugation involves the interaction of the electrons in a sigma orbital for example C–H or C–C with an adjacent unpopulated non-bonding p or antibonding σ* or π* orbitals to give a pair of extended molecular orbitals.

  It suggests a key factor in shortening of sigma bonds (σ bonds). For example, the single C–C bonds in 1,3-butadiene and propyne are approximately 1.46 Å in length, much less than the value of around 1.54 Å found in saturated hydrocarbons. For butadiene, this can be explained as normal conjugation of the two alkenyl parts. But for propyne, it is generally accepted that this is due to hyperconjugation between the alkyl and alkynyl parts.

Learn more about hyperconjugation at,



equimolar samples of n2 and o2 are both at standard conditions (1 atm, 273k). a) which sample has more kinetic energy? why?


The gas that has more kinetic energy is nitrogen.

Which sample has a greater kinetic energy?

We know that from the ideal gas equation, the molecules that compose a gas are in constant random motion. The implication of this is that, the kinetic energy of the molecules of the gas would depend on the velocity of the molecules of the gas.

Since we can not measure the individual velocities of the molecules of a gas but we can be able to measure the root mean square speed of the molecules of the gas as we can see.

This root mean square velocity is going to depend on the molar mass of the gas as well as the temperature of the system. Where the system is at the same temperature, the greater the molar mass, the lesser the kinetic energy of the gas.

Nitrogen ([tex]N_{2}[/tex]) has a molar mass of 28 g/mol while oxygen ([tex]O_{2}[/tex]) has a molar mass of 32 g/mol.

Learn more about kinetic energy of a gas:https://brainly.com/question/4320273


Balance these equations : ) ……H 2 + …..O 2 —> …. H 2 O…..FeCl 2(s) + ….. H 2 O (1)….> ….FeO (s) + …. HCl(aq)…..C 4 H 8(g) + …..O2(g)……> ….CO 2(g) + ….H 2 O (l)…..NaHCO 3(s) ….> ……Na 2 CO 3 + ….. CO 2(g) +…..H 2 O (g)…..NaOH (aq) + …….NgCl (aq) ….> …..NaCl (aq) + ….Mg(OH) 2(s)


In order to properly balance an equation, we need to make sure that the same amount of elements on the reactants side matches the number of elements on the products side, we can do that by increasing the number in front of each molecule, the so called stoichiometric coefficient. In the reaction from the question we can properly balance by adding the following stoichiometric coefficients

1. 2 H2 + O2 -> 2 HO2

2. FeCl2 + H2O -> FeO + 2 HCl

3. C4H8 + 6 O2 -> 4 CO2 + 4 H2O

4. ?

5. 2 NaOH + MgCl2 -> 2 NaCl + Mg(OH)2

Pyridine, c5h5n, is a polar, cyclic organic solvent. How many molecules are in 7. 05 moles of pyridine?.


2.12 × 10²⁵ number of molecules are present in 7. 05 moles of pyridine.

Pyridine- A nitrogen atom has been added in lieu of one of the -CH groups in the benzene core to create pyridine, an azaarene. It belongs to the family of compounds known as pyridines. It plays a part in contaminating the environment. It is an organic heteromonocyclic mancude parent, an azaarene, a monocyclic heteroarene, and a member of the pyridine family.

Avogadro's number, which is equal to 6.02214076 × 10²³, is the quantity of units in one mole of any material (defined as its molecular weight in grams). Depending on the substance and the nature of the reaction, the units may be electrons, atoms, ions, or molecules (if any)

Given that there are 7.05 moles of pyridine,

The C₅H₅N has a molar mass of 79 g/mol.

One pyridine molecule contains five carbon atoms.

The number of molecules in one mole of pyridine is 5×6.022 10²³.

The number of molecules in 7.05 moles of pyridine are therefore equal to 7.05 × 5 × 6.022 10²³.

⇒ 2.12 × 10²⁵ number of molecules.

Hence, 2.12 × 10²⁵ number of molecules are present in 7. 05 moles of pyridine.

To learn more about Number of molecules refer- https://brainly.com/question/15379971


explain why an ionic bond forms, how it forms, the two parts that make it up, and the overall charge of the resulting compound.


An ionic bond forms when any element transfers its valence electron permanently to the reactant one to form a mutual bond. the atom which transfer the electron becomes positively charged atom and the one which takes the electron becomes negatively charged.

What is  valence electron?

A negatively charged electron located in the outermost shell of the atom is termed as valence electron.

What is positively charged atom?

Positively charged atom means the atom having more no of protons then electron in  its nucleus and have symbol such as [tex]X^{+}[/tex].

An ionic bond forms when any element transfers its valence electron permanently to the reactant one to form a mutual bond. the atom which transfer the electron becomes positively charged atom and the one which takes the electron becomes negatively charged.

To know more about valence electron visit



will mark brainliest question in the picture



The correct answer is, D. growing in size

How does the presence of an impurity affect the melting point range of a compound?.


Answer: the presence of impurities in a compound lowers the melting point and broadens the range.

Explanation: this is because the impurities cause defects in the crystalline lattice of the compounds, it is easier to break down the intermolecular interactions between the compounds.

thus, when the compounds with impurities are given heat, it has less melting point than the purest form because of breakage of intermolecular interactions faster.

to know more about melting point,


In the reaction H₂ + I₂ --> 2HI, the hydrogen undergoes ______________________ (2 pts)
2 points
no change in oxidation number


In the reaction H₂ + I₂ --> 2HI, the hydrogen undergoes oxidation.

The balanced given chemical reaction is :

H₂ + I₂ --> 2HI

The oxidation state of Hydrogen is increased from 0 to +1 and the increase in oxidation number is called as oxidation. The loss of electrons is called as oxidation.

The oxidation state of iodine is decreased from 0 to -1 and the decrease in the oxidation state is called as the reduction. The gain of electrons is called as the reduction.

oxidation = Hydrogen , Reducing agent = hydrogen

reduction = Iodine , oxidizing agent = Iodine

Thus, In the reaction H₂ + I₂ --> 2HI, the Hydrogen undergoes oxidation.

To learn more about oxidation here



if 8.30 moles of propane (c3h8) is burned in air (so oxygen won't run out), how many moles of carbon dioxide are formed?


24.90 moles of carbon dioxide are formed if 8.30 moles of propane (c3h8) is burned in air (so oxygen won't run out).

What is propane?

A three-carbon alkane, propane has the chemical formula C3H8. At room temperature and pressure, it is a gas, but it can be compressed into a liquid for transportation.


8.30 moles of propane

Combustion reaction will be


Now from the above reaction it is clear that 1 mole of propane after combustion produces 3 moles of CO2

So 8.30moles of propane will produce

8.30*3molesof CO2/1Mole of C3H8=24.90 moles

Hence,24.90 moles of carbon dioxide are formed if 8.30 moles of propane (c3h8) is burned in air (so oxygen won't run out).

to know more about propane visit



orange juice can be considered as an aqueous solution in which one of the solutes is vitamin C. either any orange juice in which the concentration of vitamin C is 0.00214 mol/La) you drink 250 ml of this orange juice. how much vitamin C did you consume?b) adults are recommended to consume approximately 80mg of vitamin C per day. How much of this orange juice will you need to drink to consume this mass of vitamin C? note that the chemical formula of vitamin C is C6 H8 O6.



a) First, let's find out how many moles are there into 250 mL of orange juice:

0.00214 mol ---- 1000 mL (1L)

x mol ---- 250 mL

1000x = 250 * 0.00214

x = 0.535/1000

x = 5.35 x 10^-4 mol

Now let's transform it to grams. For this, we need to use the molar mass of vitamin C and the following formula: m = n*MM

MM of vitamin C = 176 g/mol

m = 5.35 x 10^-4 * 176

m = 0.09416 g

m = 94.16 mg

Answer a): 94.16 mg of vitamin C

b) Let's transform 80 mg of vitamin C into moles using the formula: n = m/MM

m of vitamin cC = 80 mg = 0.08 g

MM = 176 g/mol

n = 0.08/176

n = 4.54 x 10^-4 moles

Now let's calculate the quantity in mL:

0.00214 mol ---- 1000 mL (1L)

4.54 x 10^-4 moles ---- x mL

0.00214x = 4.54 x 10^-4 * 1000

x = 0.4545/0.00214

x = 212 mL

Answer b): 212 mL

Calculation of the molar mass of C6H8O6:

(6*12)+(8*1)+(6*16) = 176 g/mol



a) First, let's find out how many moles are there into 250 mL of orange juice:

0.00214 mol ---- 1000 mL (1L)

x mol ---- 250 mL

1000x = 250 * 0.00214

x = 0.535/1000

x = 5.35 x 10^-4 mol

Now let's transform it to grams. For this, we need to use the molar mass of vitamin C and the following formula: m = n*MM

MM of vitamin C = 176 g/mol

m = 5.35 x 10^-4 * 176

m = 0.09416 g

m = 94.16 mg

Answer a): 94.16 mg of vitamin C

b) Let's transform 80 mg of vitamin C into moles using the formula: n = m/MM

m of vitamin cC = 80 mg = 0.08 g

MM = 176 g/mol

n = 0.08/176

n = 4.54 x 10^-4 moles

Now let's calculate the quantity in mL:

0.00214 mol ---- 1000 mL (1L)

4.54 x 10^-4 moles ---- x mL

0.00214x = 4.54 x 10^-4 * 1000

x = 0.4545/0.00214

x = 212 mL

Answer b): 212 mL

Calculation of the molar mass of C6H8O6:

(6*12)+(8*1)+(6*16) = 176 g/mol


Engineers are evaluating a halogen bulb as a possible solution to lighting a
reading workspace. What criteria might they consider?



Light Distribution and Brightness.

Conservation of Energy.

The Appearance of the Space and Luminaires.


The Appearance of Color.

Lighting Control and Flexibility.

Lighting of Faces.

Cost of Implementation.


What volume of O2 at 988 mmHg and 31 °C is required to synthesize 18.5 mol of NO? Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units.


1) Balance the chemical equation.


2) Moles of oxygen needed to produce 18.5 mol NO.

The molar ratio between NO and O2 is 4 mol NO: 5 mol O2.

[tex]mol\text{ }O_2=18.5\text{ }mol\text{ }NO*\frac{5\text{ }mol\text{ }O_2}{4\text{ }mol\text{ }NO}=23.125\text{ }mol\text{ }O_2[/tex]

3) Volume of oxygen required.

3.1- List the known and the unknown quantities.

Sample: O2.

Temperature: 31 ºC.

Pressure: 988 mmHg.

Moles: 23.125 mol.

ideal gas constant: 0.082057 L * atm * K^(-1) * mol^(-1)

Volume: unknown

3.2- Set the equation.


3.3- Converting units.

Temperature: ºC to K.

[tex]K=ºC+273.15[/tex][tex]K=31\text{ }ºC+273.15=304.15\text{ }K[/tex]


760 mmHg = 1 atm.

[tex]atm=988\text{ }mmHg*\frac{1\text{ }atm}{760\text{ }mmHg}=1.3\text{ }atm[/tex]

3.4- Plug in the known quantities in the ideal gas equation and solve for V (liters).

[tex](1.3\text{ }atm)(V)=(23.125\text{ }mol\text{ }O_2)(0.082057\text{ }L*atm*K^{-1}*mol^{-1})(304.15\text{ }K)[/tex][tex]V=\frac{(23.125molO_2)(0.082057L*atm*K^{-1}*mol^{-1})(304.15K)}{1.3\text{ }atm}[/tex][tex]V=443.958\text{ }L[/tex]

The volume of O2 required is 444 L.

How many moles of the compound are in 16.0 g of CHCl3?Express your answer in moles.


To determine the moles of a compound from the mass in grams, we must use the molecular mass. The molecular mass is calculated by adding the atomic weights of the elements multiplied by the atoms of the element present in the molecule. To make it easier we can make the following table:

We have that the molar mass of CHCl3 is: 119.377g/mol.

The number of moles will be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Mol CHCl3}=GivengCHCl_3\times\frac{1molCHCl_3}{MolarMass,gCHCl_3} \\ \text{Mol CHCl3}=16.0gCHCl_3\times\frac{1molCHCl_3}{119.377gCHCl_3}=0.134molCHCl_3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

In 16.0g pf CHCl3 there are 0.134 moles

What determines how high-pitched or low-pitched sounds are? (Select all that apply.) Pitch is determined by the volume of the sound. Pitch is determined by the wavelength of the sound wave. Pitch is determined by the direction of the sound. Pitch is determined by the distance between points of compression.





Sounds are higher or lower in pitch according to the frequency of vibration of the sound waves producing them. A high frequency (e.g., 880 hertz [Hz; cycles per second]) is perceived as a high pitch and a low frequency (e.g., 55 Hz) as a low pitch.

Where does a solid start to dissolve?




A solid dissolves in a liquid when it mixes completely with the liquid. The solid has broken down into pieces so small that its particles spread all throughout the new mixture. The solid and liquid will stay mixed without shaking. Everything dissolves in water.

hope it helps!

will mark briuanliest answer pls tyty



I think C


don't forget to follow rate like

In the equation aCH4 + bO2 → cCO2 + dH2O, which of the following corresponds to a, b, c, and d, respectively, to make the equation balanced?.


[tex]CH_4+2O_2\rightarrow CO_2+2H_2O[/tex]

Answer: 1,2,1,2




See attached worksheet.  Balancing equations requires some organization and a pencil for making many changes in the process of finding the correct coefficients.  Add a litttle patience is required, but discovering the solution can be fun

What amino acid is associated with the trna that will bind to the mrna start codon aug?.


Enzymes known as transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetases are responsible for joining a particular amino acid to its associated tRNA in order to produce proteins at the ribosome.

What is amino acid?Methionine is carried by the initiator tRNA molecule, which binds to the AUG start codon of the mRNA transcript at the ribosome's P site. Methionine will then be added as the first amino acid to the expanding polypeptide chain.Start codon is bound by initiator tRNA. The small ribosomal subunit, mRNA, initiator tRNA, and large ribosomal subunit come together to form the initiation complex. The P site of the completed ribosome is where the initiator tRNA is located.Because the anticodon of the initiator methionine transfer RNA recognizes the AUG translation initiation codon of mRNAs, it is thought that the amino acid methionine initiates protein synthesis.

To learn more about amino acid refer to:



4. How can you test to make sure your apparatus is working before you use it to test solutions?(1 pt)


Tools, testing equipment, and personal protective equipment need to be regularly inspected and are tested, and PCBU needs to have procedures in place to make sure of this.

Before each use, all the instruments, testing apparatus, and PPE should be visually inspected for signs of damage. To make sure that equipment, such as tools, PPE, rubber mats, and LV rescue kits, are in good working order before usage, PCBUs should have "pre-start" visual inspection processes in place. Before usage, testing equipment needs to be checked out for damage to the insulated leads and probes and verified to be functional. To make sure it offers the necessary level of protection, testing equipment should be examined on a regular basis. The following variables will affect testing intervals: the frequency of the use, the setting, and the manufacturer's recommendations

With this requirement, both workers performing work and the finished work are guaranteed to be electrically safe.

To know more about steps before testing, please refer:



Consider the complete combustion of octyne, C8H14. What is the coefficient in front of O2 when the equation is properly balanced?a.)44b.)23 c.)15d.)36


The complete combustion of octyne has the form of the following equation:

To balance the equation, we need to count the atoms of each element before and after the reaction occurs. If this number is the same for each type of atom, the reaction is balanced.

Let's start counting:

As you can see, the reaction is not balanced. To balance, we could change the coefficients of each compound in order to count again a lot of times. Doing this, the balanced reaction would be:

The coefficient in front of O2 when the reaction is properly balanced is 23.

Which actions are functions of the circulatory system? Select four options.
delivers nutrients to cells
brings carbon dioxide to cells for use
protects the body from pathogens
removes waste materials from cells
helps cuts and wounds to heal

just giving random points to people who answer this



carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like carbon dioxide.


energy in a system can be transformed from one state to another. which statement is true for all energy transformationsA. Total energy in a system either increased or decreases B. Total energy in a system remains constant C. There must be an input of chemical energy for a transformation to occur D. Electrical energy is always converted to mechanical energy


According to the laws of thermodynamics, energy will remain constant in a system, therefore energy will not be created or destroed but it will be transformed, remaining constant. Letter B

An organism’s environment includes two types of factors: Abiotic and biotic. Abiotic factors are those parts of the environment that are living such as humans, bacteria, fungi and protists. True or false





Biotic factors are those parts of the environment that are living such as humans, bacteria, fungi and protists.

Abiotic factors are those parts of the environment that are non-living.

N2O4 (g) 2 NO2 (g) what is happening?


N₂O₄(g)   ---->  2NO₂(g) is called as the decomposition reaction.

When one reactant in a chemical reaction is decompose to form one or more products then the chemical reaction is said to be decomposition reaction. The reaction is as follows :

N₂O₄(g)   ---->  2NO₂(g)

This equation is balanced equation. Dinitrogen tetroxide containing N - N single bond dissociates to form two molecules of nitrogen dioxide. the reaction is called as decomposition reaction . decomposition reaction are generally endothermic reaction because they require heat to decompose. as we know to break the bond energy is absorbed and formation of bond is the release of energy.

Thus, N₂O₄(g)   ---->  2NO₂(g) is called as the decomposition reaction.

To learn more Decomposition reaction here



solar and wind power are ____ and safe forms that are renewable and don't pollute


Clean energy are those types which do not release pollutants into the air, and renewable energy comes from sources that are constantly being replenished, such as hydropower, wind power or solar energy. Renewable energy is often seen as being the same, but there is still some debate around this.
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