I need help starting this essay

Othello: Critical Perspective Essay
Othello Analysis Essay: Applying a Critical Perspective

Directions: In a five paragraph essay, analyze Othello from three of the perspectives: Historical, Feminist, Cultural.

You will provide two quotes in each body paragraph and an outside source for at least one paragraph. Outside sources can consist of “The Moor in English Renaissance Drama” (p.215 in Springboard) for the Historical Perspective; Legally Blonde for the Feminist Perspective; and/or an online source on Elizabethan marriage for Cultural Perspective.

You must conform spacing, font, margins, and parenthetical notation for outside sources to MLA standards (see "Pages").

You need to provide a Works Cited page. An A paper will have at least two outside sources in addition to Othello.

When you cite quotes, it is in the traditional format (I.ii.78 or 1.2.78 [Act, Scene, Line]).

Intro: Provide a hook and a synopsis of the play. The last sentence will be your thesis which will be something like….

Othello can be analyzed through the lenses of _____, _____, and _____ perspectives.

Body Paragraph 1

Introduce the first assertion with something like this:

Historical criticism, when analyzing the exotic nature of Othello, clearly reveals the audience’s ignorance of other cultures.

* This is where you introduce the topics of “The Moor in Renaissance Drama.” Find a quote which demonstrates the aspects of the historical perspective.

* You will then introduce textual evidence illustrating aspects of the historical perspective in the play. For example, you could show Brabantio’s ignorance and prejudice, lead in with a quote, and then comment on it. Think about his accusations of witchcraft. There are other possibilities as well, such as Iago's use of derogatory epithets.

Body Paragraph 2

Your second assertion could read something like this:

Feminist criticism lends insight to the reader as women struggle to live in a world dominated by men.

* How do the genders react to one another? What are the perceptions of the genders and who voices them?

* You can talk about Legally Blonde and comment about whether attitudes have changed and, if so, how much?

Body Paragraph 3

Your third assertion could read something like this:

Cultural criticism sharpens the understanding about the severity of Brabantio’s response to Desdemona marrying Othello without his clear permission.

You could use an outside source about Elizabethan marriage if you wish for an outside source.


The conclusion is an important part of the essay because it is the opportunity for the writer to leave the audience with final thoughts. Make a generality about the importance of analyzing literature through different lenses and leave us with a statement of theme. You could also come back to how you opened the essay, bringing unity to the paper.


Answer 1


**I know this is wordy but please read it because it gives a genuine outline and genuinely good advice later on in the post

Hi there! as you asked for in the title, I'll create an outline for you.

When writing your body paragraphs, it's best to start out with a sentence that relates to your thesis (to give a good flow and show relevancy. mentally prep the reader to lead into what ur about to say so it connects)

and then give evidence, commentary, evidence, commentary and then sum it up. You don't have to give two pieces of evidence. Just put as much evidence u need to support your claim that backs up the thesis and then summarize the last sentence.

keep ur thesis vague so you're able to make claims to back it up


(hook: 1-2 sentences) (background: 1-2 sentences) (THESIS: only one sentence)


(claim that supports your thesis) (evidence to support your claim) (commentary) (summarize your claim)


(RESTATE UR THESIS. maybe reword it) (summarize ur claims) (outro sentence. maybe reference your hook)

there are many different ways you can end your outro. as the end of your comment stated, you could even do something called a full circle. It references the hook and gets the reader to think about everything they just read. puts a nice bow on the top

another traditional method (make sure you don't overuse)

is to ask the reader a question. Like after you put your restated thesis and summarized points you'd ask a question to get your reader to continue thinking about the topic.

if you need inspo, you can always look up sample essays and see how people word things like intros and outros.

also for your thesis, I wouldn't use what the teacher put. if you're wanting to go all out, it looks much better (and is much more impressive) to use your own original thesis and not the teacher's example.

Write your thesis before you get your evidence and quotes. it's much easier.

Don't forget what you're writing about either:




From the first few chunks of text, it looks like this is an analytical essay. you're looking at this play from a few different perspectives.

In your intro you could even mention that this play is unique, introducing feministic elements which is pretty uncommon.

For your thesis you could say that Shakespeare's Othello contains unique and distinct elements that follow historical, feministic, and cultural perspectives

or something. I wouldn't use "othello can be analyzed" because "can" is kinda odd. you're doing it through the essay so of course it can be done. it's bland word choice and basic. purposely vague because it's the teacher's example.

when you're looking for your evidence, make sure you do so after forming your thesis. it's easier to do it that way than the other way around.

Make sure you also use what the teacher said as a guide. If she wants you to use certain points to support the prompt, you should.

I'd say the best way to go about this is to brainstorm. Take the prompts for the evidence examples and think about the whole story. What time in this story would best fit this point?

Our minds tend to remember the more important things or things we think we'll need for later. If something stood out to you, you'll be more inclined to remember it.

So take whatever comes to mind and try and track it down in the script.

"XYZ happened between ABC and DEF. ABC was in chapter 2 and DEF was in chapter 4 so XYZ is between there" if u need help locating that's a good way to figure it out. Guesstimating from major points in the plot.

So when you're trying to find something that'll suit the prompt, try narrowing it down to a good quote. And if you need a reference, talk to the teacher, look online or ask a friend.

I hope this helps. sorry I wrote a lot

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I think it’s my cat was not interested in the dangling string, sorry if it’s wrong


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Im doing the quiz right now byeeee

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Well the reason the sky appears blue is because of the ocean and the light and sun molucules Tranfering to the ocean which is why the sky can appear blue


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C, designed for a large audience.


mass media means the media has reached a large amount of people (a large audience)




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or modest

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thank you! I would say is the answer choice A) The name of the main character in the story id indicative of Inuit culture.


have a great week!

Inuits are the indigenous people that live in the Arctic and subarctic areas and are a part of the Eskimos. The main character's name indicates the Inuit culture.

What is Inuit culture?

Inuits or the Eskimos are the people who live in the Northern parts of Canada and have many ethnic tribes under them. The inuk people live in the igloos that are their permanent houses.

The people of the Inuit culture travels with the help of kayaks, and dog sledges also use animal bones and stones for making the hunting tools. They live in a place that is extreme like the regions of the arctic.

Therefore, option A) the main character's name is based on the Inuit culture.

Learn more about Inuit culture here:


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6 Video games also help hand-eye coordination. This coordination involves turning what
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The use of these pronouns creates a formal tone.
The use of these pronouns creates a fearful tone.
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The use of these pronouns creates an informal tone.



the correct option is A.

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Flatter the audience

Divide the Press

Divide the Opposition


Answer: C divde the press

Explanation: I took the test

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OC. distortion
OD. predicament


The correct answer is OD - predicament
The answer is OD . Predicament

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girbyou gotta know


because you do

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see below, hope this is good:)


The Deadly Disease that hit the world 30 years ago!


The most unforgettable virus in History!!

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Agree or disagree

No links and I will give you brainless



I Agree


I agree I it does connect rhyme I like it

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Water loss must be tracked to ensure water is sustainable


I got done taking the quiz on k12 and this one is right :)




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2). Explain what literature does. Why do we consume literature? Why should we? What is the point of literature?



its the first 1


Answer plz I is giving away points​



What's the question?-----------


whats the question ?


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do ur essay its not that hard plus you gave no info


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Whats the sentences


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See Explanation


                                                                                     Young Innovators Hub,

                                                                                     90 Aba Owerri Road,


                                                                                     May 29, 2021.

Mr. Samuel Wilson,

Universal Model School,



        Mr. Samuel Wilson,

                               A LETTER OF CONGRATULATIONS

       On behalf of the board of directors and all executives of Young Innovators Hub Aba, I congratulate you on your emergence as the winner of the Young Innovator Award 2021.

       You were chosen as the winner after a careful consideration of your ingenuity in producing an automated hand sanitizer dispenser amidst the Corona virus pandemic last year. We believe that your creativity helped to prevent the spread of the virus in our community.

      Once more, we congratulate you on this achievement.

                                                                                               Yours Faithfully,

                                                                                                Jude Njoku

                                                              Chairperson, Young Innovators Hub



Which word is a synonym for the word fallible



imperfect, flawed, frail and weak those are synonyms for fallible




a summary for this reading


I don’t see anything.

Exam Lesson Name: Main Ideas
Examnumber: 700105RR
Exam Guidelines
Exam Instructions
Question 14 of 20:
Select the best answer for the question
14. While broadcasting a football game, the announcer exclaimed, "I can't believe it Carl James just scored a touchdown. That's right, I said C
looks as it he can't believe it either." What can you infer from these statements?
O A. Carl doesn't score touchdowns very often
• B. The announcer is prejudiced against Cari.
OC.Cat is a player who is popular with the crowd.
OD. The announcer is happy for Cart
Mack for review (Will be highlighted on the revien page)
Non >>



OA. Carl doesn't score touchdowns very often.


In the broadcast, the announcer exclaimed his surprise at the fact that Carl "just scored a touchdown." This may be normal for an announcer, for touchdowns are the qualifiers for determining which team won.

But the next statement "C looks as if he can't believe it either" shows even Carl was surprised with his touchdown. This means that Carl couldn't believe he actually scored the point, suggesting he does not score touchdowns often.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

2. Look at the guide words.
Circle the word that you
would find on this page
napkin - notify
A. nugget
B. necklace
C. nab
D. notorious





B. Necklace
It’s done alphabetically like a dictionary page. Nugget would not be till next page, nab would be page before and notorious would also be next page.

Walter is writing a report on the world's tallest building. It has been difficult to determine which building is the world's tallest. One source states it is one building, and another source states it is a different building. 15 Which of these statements could Walter use to best clarify his report? A. According to Infoplease.com, the world's tallest building is Burj Dubai at 2,684 feet; however, it is not set to be officially opened until September 2009. B. Some people think that the world's tallest building is Tapei 101 located in Taiwan. Others would argue that Burj Dubai, in Dubai, is now the world's tallest building. C. Tapei 101 continues to hold the official title for the world's tallest building as cited by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2008, and Emporis Buildings. D. Wikipedia states that Burj Dubai is the world's tallest structure. Buildings are considered to be structures, so that must mean that Burj Dubai is the world's tallest building.


Answer: C. Tapei 101 continues to hold the official title for the world's tallest building as cited by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2008, and Emporis Buildings.


It would be best to go with the most credible source on this issue and that source would be the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH). The CTBUH is a Non-Governmental Organization that is the world's most popular authority on all things buildings.

If they say that the Tapei 101 is still the tallest building (as at the time), this is backed by experts in the field so Walter should go with their opinion.


C. Tapei 101 continues to hold the official title for the world's tallest building as cited by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 2008, and Emporis Buildings.


It would be best to go with the most credible source on this issue and that source would be the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH). The CTBUH is a Non-Governmental Organization that is the world's most popular authority on all things buildings. If they say that the Tapei 101 is still the tallest building (as at the time), this is backed by experts in the field so Walter should go with their opinion.

This question has two parts. First, answer Part A. Then, answer Part B.
Part A
Read this excerpt from Passage 1.
"Jason, a straight-A student from the University of Pennsylvania, uses the term
'pseudo-working' to describe this common approach to studying. The pseudo-worker
looks and feels like someone who is working hard-he or she spends a long time in the
library and is not afraid to push on late into the night-but, because of a lack of focus
and concentration, doesn't actually accomplish much.” (paragraph 2)
Why does the author use the word pseudo in describing a form of studying?
A to highlight how hard some students work
B to argue that studying is not enough
C to describe how students pretend to study
D to show that this type of studying is not real


Answer: D to show that this type of studying is not real


When something is said to be pseudo, it means that it is not a real thing. It is not genuine and it is full of falsities.

In describing this type of studying as pseudo therefore, the author is trying to say that it is not a real form of studying because it does not accomplish the goals that studying is meant to accomplish and if something does not do what it is meant to do, it is not genuine.

Pls help I’ll brainlest



A, is the character of the story





The narrator opens with a first person experience. This means that the narrator is a character in the selection.

Answer the following question according to formal grammatical rules.
Choose the sentence that has pronoun agreement.
O A person who does not brush their teeth may get cavities.
O B With training, every pet can learn new tricks to please his owner.
O C If everyone picked up the trash they see, you would make a difference.
When the family saw the storm coming, they decided to take their picnic inside.



OD.  When the family saw the storm coming, they decided to take their picnic inside.


Pronoun agreement refers to the rule of having or applying the same number for a pronoun and its antecedents. In other words, a singular antecedent will have a singular pronoun and a plural antecedent will have a plural pronoun.

In the given sentences, sentence D has the correct pronoun agreement. The subject "family" is a plural number, therefore the use of the pronoun "they" and "their" for the family is correct.

Thus, the correct answer is option D.

Answer: D

Explanation: Because they all agreeed to take it inside.

Other Questions
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In December, the company held its annual sale and sold 22% more cell phones than it did in November. In January, the company experienced its slowest month, managing to sell only 50% of the number of cell phones sold during the month of December. What is the total number of cell phones sold by the company during the three months combined?Select one:A. 10,450B. 10,900C. 11,320D. 11,710 1Read the following paragraph and then choose the BEST topic sentence: Albatrosses are large, oceanic birds that are truly unique. They live at sea and return to land only to bear their young and feed the nesting babies. Albatrosses feed their babies by regurgitating food that they have caught and swallowed at sea and, in turn, stored in their stomachs during the typically long flight back to land. Albatrosses can fly such long distances using a method of flying called "dynamic soaring." A Albatrosses can fly long distances. B. Albatrosses are amazing birds with several unique characteristics. C. Albatrosses regurgitate food for their young. D. Albatrosses are oceanic birds. Reset Next tum. All rights reserved.plzzzz hellppp 20 points Q3. If a=b c, b= c a and c = a b then prove that abc=1.Q4. If a= 5x, b= 5y and ay bx = 25, then prove that xy = 1 please help...which of the following is an arithmetic sequence? Which statement best describes humanism?It encourages education in math and science.o It is a way of thinking that focuses on human needs.It is an artistic technique that shows realistic subjects.It requires people to practice specific religious beliefs. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to x 65? *A. (x 60) + (x 5)B. (x 6) + (x 5)C. x + (6 5)D. (x 6) + 5 Please solve and I will give brainliest! 1 pointThe Sun is a massive star at the center of our Solar System. The planetsclosest to the Sun are terrestrial planets, and those farther away are gasgiants. Which force maintains this arrangement of the Solar System? *ElectromagnetismFrictionGravityTorsion "The desire for fairness drives conflict and ultimately, change." In a clear, cohesive argumentative essay, state your thesis and support it with at least three pieces of specific evidence. Determine the slope of the line that passes through the points (-4,-2) and (3,1). El seor Calvo va a acompaar a algunos cientficos a estudiar la naturaleza de su regin. Completa lo que dice con la forma correcta del futuro del verbo apropiado.CompletarApuntesMaana (nosotros) (18) (llegar/salir) para el campo alas nueve. Primero el doctor Herrera(19) (devolver/recoger) unas muestras (samples) detierra. Ms tarde, en su laboratorio, los cientficos las(20) (poner/valer) bajo un microscopio para estudiarlasmejor. Mientras tanto, los asistentes del doctor Herrera(21) (morder/ir) al bosque para analizar la condicin delos rboles. Y yo? Yo no (22) (querer/hacer) mucho;slo (23) (observar/destruir) el trabajo de ellos. 7uu+2u+11u=10u=what does u equal The perimeter of a triangle is 64 in. The longest side is 14 in. Longer than the medium side, and the medium side is 7 in. more than the shortest side. Find the length of each side of the triangle I MARK BRAINLIEST PLEASE HURRY!!!Read this excerpt from Levitt and Dubners Freakonomics.The incentive scheme that rules sumo is intricate and extraordinarily powerful. Each wrestler maintains a ranking that affects every slice of life; how much money he makes, how large an entourage he carries, how much he gets to eat, sleep, and otherwise take advantage of his success. The sixty-six highest-ranked wrestlers in Japan, comprising the makuuchi and juryo divisions, make up the sumo elite. A wrestler near the top of this elite pyramid may earn millions and is treated like royalty. Any wrestler in the top forty earns at least $170,000 a year. The seventieth-ranked wrestler in Japan, meanwhile, earns only $15,000 a year. Life isnt very sweet outside the elite. Low-ranked wrestlers must tend to their superiors, preparing their meals and cleaning their quarters and even soaping up their hardest-to-reach body parts. So ranking is everything.A wrestlers ranking is based on his performance in the elite tournaments that are held six times a year. Each wrestler has fifteen bouts per tournament, one per day over fifteen consecutive days. If he finishes the tournament with a winning record (eight victories or better), his ranking will rise. If he has a losing record, his ranking falls. If it falls far enough, he is booted from the elite rank entirely. The eighth victory in any tournament is therefore critical, the difference between promotion and demotion; it is roughly four times as valuable in the rankings as the typical victory.Based on the excerpt, which of the following statements best summarizes the incentive system that ranks sumo wrestlers?The incentive system penalizes elite sumo wrestlers.The incentive system rewards elite sumo wrestlers.The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers equally.The incentive system treats all sumo wrestlers like royalty.