1 point
The Sun is a massive star at the center of our Solar System. The planets
closest to the Sun are terrestrial planets, and those farther away are gas
giants. Which force maintains this arrangement of the Solar System? *


Answer 1




It is gravity because the sun's gravity pulls all the planets towards itself and keeps the planets in the sun's orbit

Related Questions

When we sit on a chair and study for 2-3 hours, we are not doing work from a physicists point of view. Why?


In the context of physics, work is defined to be the movement of an object when you apply a (pushing or pulling) force.

If you lifted a box to move it upward, then you are doing work. If you slide that box along the floor, then you are also doing work. However, if you try to lift something very heavy, but cannot move it at all, then 0 work is being applied. This is because the object hasn't moved. You need displacement to have work happen.

So that's why a physicist would not consider studying doing "work" (in the context of physics), though I'm sure they would be able to agree that studying does exercise the mind.

A 90-meter train travels at a constant speed of 10 meters per second. How long will it take to cross a 0.06 bridge?



The time taken for the train to cross the bridge is 9.01 s



length of the train, L₁ = 90 m

length of the bridge, L₂ = 0.06 m

speed of the train, v = 10 m/s

Total distance to be traveled, = L₁ + L₂

                                                  = 90 m + 0.06 m

                                                   = 90.06 m

Time of motion = Distance / speed

Time of motion = 90.06 / 10

Time of motion = 9.006 s ≅ 9.01 s

Therefore, the time taken for the train to cross the bridge is 9.01 s

An 16 m tall vase is located 50 m in front of a lens. An image is produced
20 m away from the lens. What is the focal length?



f = 14.28 m


Given that,

Object distance, u = -50 m

The image distance from the lens, v = +20 m

We need to find the focal length of the lens. Let the focal length is f. Using the lens formula,


Put all the values,

[tex]\dfrac{1}{20}-\dfrac{1}{(-50)}=\dfrac{1}{f}\\\\f=14.28\ m[/tex]

So, the focal length of the lens is equal to 14.28 m.

An electric pencil sharpener is powered by 6 volts. The current through the pencil sharpener is 0.5 amps. What's is the resistance?



Resistance in pencil sharpener = 12 ohms



Voltage in pencil sharpener = 6 volts

Current in pencil sharpener = 0.5 amps


Resistance in pencil sharpener


Resistance = Voltage / Current

Resistance in pencil sharpener = Voltage in pencil sharpener / Current in pencil sharpener

Resistance in pencil sharpener = 6 / 0.5

Resistance in pencil sharpener = 12 ohms

An nfl wide reciver can reach a top speed of 10 m/s in only 2.4 seconds. What is the nfl players acceleration



The acceleration of the nfl players is 4.167 m/s²



velocity of the  nfl players, v = 10 m/s

time of motion of the nfl players = 2.4 s

Acceleration is the change in velocity with time.

The acceleration of the nfl players is calculated as follows;

a = v/t


a is the acceleration of the nfl players

a = 10 / 2.4

a = 4.167 m/s²

Therefore, the acceleration of the nfl players is 4.167 m/s²

An object is dropped without initial speed
from a height of 20 m above ground and falls
with a constant acceleration of 10 m.s-2.
a. How long does it take the object to
reach the ground?
b. What is its speed upon reaching



a. t = 2 s

b. vf = 20 m/s



We can the second equation of motion to find out the time to reach the ground:

[tex]h = v_it + \frac{1}{2}at^2[/tex]


h = height = 20 m

vi = initial velocity = 0 m/s

t = time taken to reach the ground = ?

a = acceleration = 10 m/s²


[tex]20\ m = (0\ m/s)t+\frac{1}{2} (10\ m/s^2)t^2\\\\t^2 = \frac{20\ m}{5\ m/s^2}\\\\t = \sqrt{4\ s^2}[/tex]

t = 2 s


Here, we will use the first equation of motion to find the final speed:

[tex]v_f = v_i + at\\v_f = 0\ m/s + (10\ m/s^2)(2\ s)[/tex]

vf = 20 m/s

NEED HELP A 400 Ω resistor is connected across 200 V. What current will flow?Single choice.
(2 Points)

0.25 A

0.5 A

2.0 A

4.0 A


Answer: 0.5A


According to Ohm's law, the Voltage(V) when a current flows through a resistor can be calculated by using the formula:

V = IR


V = Voltage = 200V

I = current in amps (A)

R = resistance in ohms (Ω) = 400Ω

Current = Voltage / Resistance

I = V/R

I = 200/400

I = 0.5A

Therefore, the current is 0.5 Ampere

An element in a similar period to carbon would be
A chlorine
B. hydrogen
C. fluorine
D. magnesium


Answer: C: Fluorine


Carbon is in period two on the periodic table of elements. The only other elements in this period are lithium, borilliym, boron, nitrogen, oxygen, flourine, and neon. Therefore, the answer must be C.

A force of 200N acts between two objects at a certain distance apart .the value of the force when the distance is halved is?



800N is the answer


hope it helps

The force between the objects is 200 N and when the distance between the objects is halved then the force between them will be equal to 800 N.

What is Force?

A force in physics is an input that has the power to change an object's motion. A mass-containing object's velocity can vary, or accelerate, as a result of a force. Intuitively, a push or a pull can also be used to describe forces.

Being such a vector quantity, a force does have magnitude and direction. The SI unit metric newton is used to measure it (N). The letter F stands for force.

According to Newton's second law's original formulation, an object's net force is equal to the speed that its momentum is changing over time.

As per the given information in the question,

Force, F = 200 N

F1 = G × m₁m₂/ r²

The final force F' = G × m₁m₂/ (r/2)²

= 4G × m₁m₂/ r²

= 4F

So, when the distance between objects is halved, then the force between them increases to 4 times.

So, the force will be,

4F = 4 × 200

= 800 N.

To know more about Force:



Which is NOT a way to stay safe from static electricity?
a lightning rod on a building
a metal spike in an airport runway
a run through an open field during a lightning storm
an anti-static chain on a large truck


A run though an open field during a thunderstorm is the answer

Answer: C is correct :)


After going through the hoop, a basketball falls to the floor 3 meters below the hoop. The ball
has a kinetic energy of 17.6 Joules as it strikes the ground. What is the potential energy at the hoop?



immma send you the link friend me on hereExplanation:

A ladybug crawls vertically on a leaf. Its motion is shown on the following graph of vertical position y vs. time t. What is the average speed of the ladybug between the times t=4s and t=7s?

0.67 m/s
0 m/s
-0.67 m/s
1.5 m/s


0 m/s hope it helps u

Question 2 (5 points)
What is the frequency of a sound wave travelling through air at a speed of 340m/s with a wavelength of



Frequency of sound wave = 198.83 hertz (Approx.)



Velocity of sound wave in air = 340 m/s

Wavelength = 1.71 meter


Frequency of sound wave


Frequency = Velocity / Wavelength

Frequency of sound wave = Velocity of sound wave in air / Wavelength

Frequency of sound wave = 340 / 1.71

Frequency of sound wave = 198.8304

Frequency of sound wave = 198.83 hertz (Approx.)

The Drake Equation The Drake Equation Provides an estimate of how many planets there are in the Solar System that may harbor technically communicative life-forms. Provides an estimate of how many planets there are in our galaxy that may harbor technically communicative life-forms. Provides an estimate of how many planets there are in our galaxy that may harbor life-forms of any kind, no matter how primitive they may be. Provides an estimate of how many planets there are in the Universe that may harbor technically communicative life-forms.



Provides an estimate of how many planets there are in our galaxy that may harbor technically communicative life-forms.


A planet can be defined as a large celestial body having sufficient mass to allow for self-gravity and make it assume a nearly circular shape (hydrostatic equilibrium), revolves in an orbit around the Sun in the solar system and has a cleared neighborhood.

Basically, the planets are divided into two (2) main categories and these includes;

I. Outer planets: these planets are beyond the asteroid belt and comprises of jupiter, saturn, uranus and neptune, from left to right of the solar system.

II. Inner planets: these planets are the closest to the sun and comprises of mercury, venus, earth and mars.

These outer planets are made mostly of gases (hydrogen and helium) causing them to be less dense than the solid inner planets. These gases are generally known to be less dense in terms of physical properties.

Some examples of the planet are Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, etc.

The Drake equation provides an estimate of how many planets there are in our galaxy that may harbor technically communicative life-forms. It is a probabilistic mathematical expression.


The correct answer would be:


the number of communicating civilizations in the cosmos


Have a nice day!

Iqbal has push a lighter box and seema has to push a similar heavier box on the same floor . Who will have to apply a larger force and why ?


Answer: Seema


When an object is on the floor, there is a force of friction acting on it. This force is higher if the object is heavier because the object would be pushing against the floor with more force.

To push such an object, one would have to apply enough force to break the friction holding the object to the floor and so with heavier objects, more force is needed to push the object because there is more friction acting on it.

When a +0.00235 C charge
moves from point A to point B, its
electric potential energy increases
by 0.418 J. What is the potential
difference between A and B?
Include the correct sign, + or - .
(Unit = V)




need asap!
if the voltage across a 12 ohm resistor is 4.0 volts. the current through the resistor is?
a. 0.33 A.
b. 3.0 A.
c. 48 A.
d. 4.0 A.



3.0 A Is the correct option


I = V / R

I = 12/ 4

= 3

A building is 512 m high. What must be the minimum water pressure in a pipe at ground level in order to get water up to a restaurant on the top floor? [3] (Density of water = 1000 kgm-3)



The minimum pressure required to get water up to a restaurant on the top floor is 5.0176 x 10⁶ N/m²



height of the building, h = 512 m

density of water, ρ = 1000 kg/m³

The minimum pressure required to get water up to a restaurant on the top floor is calculated as follows;

P = ρgh


P is the required minimum pressure

g is acceleration due to gravity = 9.8 m/s²

P = 1000 x 9.8 x 512

P = 5.0176 x 10⁶ N/m²

Therefore, the minimum pressure required to get water up to a restaurant on the top floor is 5.0176 x 10⁶ N/m²

Uranium-235 decays to thorium-231 with a half-life of 700 million years. When a rock was formed, it contained 6400 million uranium-235 nuclei and no thorium-231 nuclei. Show that after 2100 million years there are seven times more thorium nuclei than uranium nuclei in the rock.



proof in explanation


First, we will calculate the number of half-lives:

[tex]n = \frac{t}{t_{1/2}}[/tex]


n = no. of half-lives = ?

t = total time passed = 2100 million years

[tex]t_{1/2}[/tex] = half-life = 700 million years


[tex]n = \frac{2100\ million\ years}{700\ million\ years}\\\\n = 3[/tex]

Now, we will calculate the number of uranium nuclei left ([tex]n_u[/tex]):

[tex]n_u = \frac{1}{2^{n} }(total\ nuclei)\\\\n_u = \frac{1}{2^{3} }(6400\ million)\\\\n_u = \frac{1}{8}(6400\ million)\\\\n_u = 800\ million[/tex]

and the rest of the uranium nuclei will become thorium nuclei ([tex]u_{th}[/tex])

[tex]n_{th} = total\ nuclei - n_u\\n_{th} = 6400\ million-800\ million\\n_{th} = 5600\ million[/tex]

dividing both:

[tex]\frac{n_{th}}{n_u}=\frac{5600\ million}{800\ million} \\\\n_{th} = 7n_u[/tex]

Hence, it is proven that after 2100 million years there are seven times more thorium nuclei than uranium nuclei in the rock.

If the impulse applied to an object is 34 Ns when a force Facts on it
for 3 s, then the force acting on it is which of the following?



Force = 11.33 Newton


Given the following data;

Impulse = 34 Ns

Time = 3 seconds

To find the force acting on the object;

Impulse = force * time

Substituting into the formula, we have;

34 = force * 3

Force = 34/3

Force = 11.33 Newton

Note: the impulse of an object is equal to the change in momentum experienced by the object.

A vehicle is travelling with uniform velocity along a straight, level stretch of highway. The combined force due to the rolling friction and air resistance is - 5000 N. What is the applied force on the vehicle as it moves?



The applied force on the vehicle is 5,000 N


From the question, we have the following parameters of the motion of the vehicle;

The form of the velocity with which the vehicle is travelling = Uniform velocity

The direction of motion of the vehicle = Along a straight and level stretch of the highway

The combined force which acts as resistance to the vehicle's motion = 5,000 N from rolling friction and resistance of the air opposite to the direction of motion

A vehicle travelling with uniform velocity has zero acceleration, therefore;

The acceleration of the vehicle, a = 0 m/s²

According to Newton's Second Law of Motion, we have;

Force, F = Mass, m × Acceleration, a

∴ The net force of acting on the vehicle, F = m × a


m = The mass of the vehicle

a = The acceleration of the vehicle = 0 m/s²

∴ F = m × 0 = 0

The net force on the vehicle = 0, therefore;

The applied force + The force of rolling friction and air resistance = 0

We therefore have;

The applied force + 5,000 N = 0

∴ The applied force = 0 - 5,000 N = -5,000 N

The applied force, F = 5,000 N in the direction of motion.

An electric circuit consists of light bulb with resistance of 10.0 ohm is connected to a
voltage source. The source provides a current of 2.00 mA in the bulb. What is the power
of the light bulb?





P=2*10^-3 square times 10

4 times ten raise to power minus 5

Why does it take more force to move a heavy box up a ramp than to move the same box down the ramp?
A.There is more friction on the bottom of the box when going up a ramp.
B.Gravity is pushing the box up the ramp at the same time you are pushing the box up the ramp.
C.When you push an object up a ramp, you are working against atmospheric pressure, which is pushing down.
D.When you push an object up a ramp, you are working against gravity, which pulls the box downward.


D I think. Tell me if this helped

which instrument determine the purity of milk​



Milk Lactometer

Milk Lactometer: A lactometer is an instrument that is used to check for the purity of milk by measuring its density.

lactometer is used to determine the purity of milk

hope it is helpful to you

Two point charges of +20.0 μC and -8.00 μC are separated by a distance of 20.0 cm. What is the intensity of electric field E midway between these two charges?



The intensity of the net electric field will:

[tex]E_{net}=E_{1}+E_{2}=2.52*10^{7}\: N/C[/tex]


Here we need first find the electric field due to the first charge at the midway point.

The electric field equation is given by:



k is Coulomb's constantq(1) is 20.00 μC or 20*10⁻⁶ Cd is the distance from q1 to the midpoint (d=10.0 cm)

So, we will have:


[tex]|E_{1}|=1.8*10^{7}\: N/C[/tex]

The direction of E1 is to the right of the midpoint.

Now, the second electric field is:



[tex]|E_{2}|=7.2*10^{6}\: N/C[/tex]

The direction of E2 is to the right of the midpoint because the second charge is negative.

Finally, the intensity of the net electric field will:

[tex]E_{net}=E_{1}+E_{2}=2.52*10^{7}\: N/C[/tex]

I hope it helps you!

The net electric field midway between these two charges is 2.52 x 10⁷ N/C.

Electric field strength

The electric field strength between two point charges is the force per unit charge.

Electric field strength due to +20.0 μC charge

[tex]E _1 = \frac{kq_1}{r^2} \\\\E_ 1 = \frac{9 \times 10^9 \times 20 \times 10^{-6}}{(0.1)^2} \\\\E _1 = 18 \times 10^6 \ N/C[/tex]

Electric field strength due to -8μC charge

[tex]E _2 = \frac{kq_2}{r^2} \\\\E_ 2 = \frac{9 \times 10^9 \times 8 \times 10^{-6}}{(0.1)^2} \\\\E _2 = 7.2 \times 10^6 \ N/C[/tex]

The net electric field midway between these two charges is calculated as follows;

[tex]E_{net} = 18 \times 10^6 \ + \ 7.2 \times 10^6\\\\E_{net} = 25.2 \times 10^6 \ N/C\\\\E_{net} = 2.52 \times 10^7 \ N/C[/tex]

Learn more about electric field here: https://brainly.com/question/14372859

A mother has the genotype Bb for brother green eyes, the months did heterozygous hair, what is the genotype of the father ?


Assuming brown hair (B) color is completely dominant over blond hair (b), then the father's genotype must be bb.

3. Which of the following statements about a scientific theory is wrong?


hi there are no statements about scientific theory here

What are the following statements?

relative density of a solid is 2.5 if its volume is 7.5 m³and then find its mass​


hope it is helpful to you

LAST ONE NEED HELP.A car accelerates from rest to 20 m/s, in 5 seconds. The car exerts a force of 6000 N. What is the mass of the car?Single choice.
(2 Points)

1800 kg

1500 kg

1000 kg

900 kg





Initial velocity(u)=0m/s

Final velocity(v)=20m/s

Time taken=5s






= 6000/4


State four components of a circuit



» Battery or cell

» Switch

» Connecting wires

» Resistor or appliance

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