Which wave has the lowest amplitude?

Which Wave Has The Lowest Amplitude?


Answer 1

Wave D has the lowest amplitude. The highest point of a wave is called amplitude.

What is amplitude?

The distance between from the crest of a wave to the next crest is known as the amplitude. It is denoted by a.

The standard equation for the SHM is found as;

[tex]\rm y = asin \omega t[/tex]

Where, a represent the amplitude of the wave.

In the wave D it is observed that the distance from center axis to the highest point of the wave is smallest. Hence, wave D has the lowest amplitude.

To learn more about the amplitude, refer to the link;



Answer 2


To summarize what the expert answer said, it's the last box.


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The range of a projectile is the vertical height reached; True or False?





The range of a projectile is the horizontal height reached

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the use of physics in our life is to be a science student.

Fluorine and chlorine are members of which family?



The halogens are the family of chemical elements that includes fluorine (atomic symbol F), chlorine (Cl), bromine (Br), iodine (I), and astatine (At). The halogens make up Group VIIA of the Periodic Table of the elements. Elemental halogens are diatomic molecules.

Elements: Fluorine; Iodine; Bromine; Astatine


b) Find the value of xº from the following figure.
500 x



the value of the question is 1 because of the indicies rule.







i think they remain the same, i’m sorry bro i tried

During which radioactive decay process does the mass number of a nucleus change?
A. Beta Decay (Electron)
B. Beta Decay (Positron)
C. Alpha Decay
D. Gamma Decay



Alpha decay





Alpha Decay

In a motor, electrical current enters through the brushes.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Answer: ITS T


In a motor, electrical current enters through the brushes. TRUE.

Fundamentally, pressure is defined as force per unit area. What is the source of the force in a gas sample? A) The force is from gravity acting on the particles. B) The force is composed of the sum of the collisions only between gas molecules. C) The force is composed of the sum of the collisions only between the gas molecules and the container. D) The force is composed of the sum of all collisions--between the gas molecules, each other and the container. E) The force was imparted to the container in its initial filling, a transfer of momentum.



Option C



Pressure = Force /Area

For any gas sample, force is defined as basically the force exerted by the gas molecules when they strike the surface (with in which they are contained) and bounce back.

Hence, Option C is the correct

which type of star cluster forms from tightly packed groups or older stars ?


the answer is globular :)

Globular star clusters form from tightly packed groups and/or older ancient stars.

What are globular star clusters?

Globular star clusters can be defined as ancient stars packed in a spherical and/or symmetrical shape.

Globular star clusters represent the most common types of groups (i.e., clusters) of ancient stars.

These groups of stars (globular) are characterized to be densest in the center of the cluster.

In conclusion, globular star clusters form from tightly packed groups and/or older ancient stars.

Learn more about globular star clusters here:


Fermi energy of conduction electrons in silver is 0.548 J. Calculate the number of such electrons in unit cm3





From the question we are told that:

Fermi energy of conduction electrons [tex]E_f=0.548J[/tex]

Generally the equation for Fermi energy is mathematically given by





h= Planck's constant





A father is homo….zygou dominant for green eyes, the mother is heterozygous. How many of the offspring will have green eyes?





Father - EE

Mother - Ee

How does a recessive allele “show up” to be seen?



Recessive alleles only show their effect if the individual has two copies of the allele.  


Dominant and Recessive Alleles If your allele pair is FF or Ff, you will have freckles. The only way you can escape a freckled face is to inherit the recessive gene from each parent, giving you the ff allele pair. In general, recessive alleles show up in your phenotype only if you have two of them.

what is matter explain​


Matter is the Stuff Around You
Matter is everything around you. Atoms and compounds are all made of very small parts of matter. Those atoms go on to build the things you see and touch every day. Matter is defined as anything that has mass and takes up space (it has volume).

Help help help help help


I am not sure on the rest but the answer to question 4 is volts. sorry i couldn’t be of more help!

A 19 kg ball has an initial velocity of 10 m/s. How much energy will be transformed into gravitational force?



E = 950 J


The total amount of energy that can be transformed into gravitational energy will be equal to the kinetic energy of the ball at initial state:

[tex]E = K.E = \frac{1}{2} mv^2[/tex]

where, E = Energy = ?

m = mass of the ball = 19 kg

v = initial speed of the ball = 10 m/s


[tex]E = \frac{1}{2} (19\ kg)(10\ m/s)^2[/tex]

E = 950 J

You should set a reward for yourself for achieving a goal. A. True B. False









Please help I have no idea





bbbbbbbbbbbbbbvgh c tyvftj xf

What is the amount of work done when JoAnne throws a baseball 2 meters at a force of 40



Amount of work done by Joanne = 80 joule



Displacement of ball = 2 meters

Force applied = 40 newtons


Amount of work done by Joanne


Work done = Force applied x Displacement

Amount of work done by Joanne = Force applied x Displacement of ball

Amount of work done by Joanne = 40 x 2

Amount of work done by Joanne = 80 joule

a light ray reflects with an angle of 65 degrees what is the angle of refraction?
A. 65 degrees
B. 90 degrees
C. 32.5 degrees
D. 25 degrees
brainliest if correct





A because the reflection and refraction should always be the same angle

No links !!!!
Newton's First Law state
For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
An object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.
Gravity acts on all objects that have mass.
Force= mass x acceleration


Answer: an object in motion stays in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force

Explanation: this is Newton’s first law of motion, which states that an object, whether in a moving or resting state, will continue to stay in that state unless there is an unbalanced force that changes that state. For a moving object, an example would be friction worth the ground. For a resting object, an example would be the force of a push.

Genes consist portions of _____.



Chromosomes are structures within cells that contain a person's genes.

An air track car with a mass of 0.55 kg and velocity of 5.8 m/s to the right collides and couples with a 0.45 kg car moving to the left with a velocity of 3.9 m/s. What is the combined velocity of the cars just after the collision?




m1 = 0.55 kg

m2 = 0.45 kg

vi1 = +5.8 m/a

vi2 = -3.9 m/a

Solve for V

m1vi1 + m2vi2 = (m1 + m2)V

(0.55 kg)(+5.8 m/s) + (0.45 kg)(-3.9 m/s) = (0.55 + 0.45)V

V = +1.46 m/a

This means that the combined mass after the collision is moving to the right at 1.46 m/s

The equation below is used to calculate the mechanical advantage of an ideal wheel and axle.

mechanical advantage =
wheel radius
axle radius

A student compares two wheel-and-axle simple machines. Machine 1 has a wheel radius of 50 centimeters, and an axle radius of 10 centimeters. Machine 2 has a wheel radius of 100 centimeters, and an axle radius of 10 centimeters. What is true of these simple machines’ mechanical advantage?
Machine 1’s mechanical advantage is greater, which means that this machine can do more work with less force than Machine 2.

Machine 1’s mechanical advantage is greater, which means that this machine can move faster than Machine 2.

Machine 2’s mechanical advantage is greater, which means that this machine can do more work with less force than Machine 1.

Machine 2’s mechanical advantage is greater, which means that this machine can move faster than Machine 1.





Machine 2’s mechanical advantage is greater, which means that this machine can do more work with less force than Machine 1.

Mechanical advantage

The term mechanical advantage is the ratio of the radius of wheel to the radius of the axle for a wheel and axle system.

The true statement about the two machines that were compared; 1 and 2 is that, machine 2’s mechanical advantage is greater, which means that this machine can do more work with less force than Machine 1.

Learn more about mechanical advantage:https://brainly.com/question/16617083


Un cuerpo se mueve por una carretera que tiene rozamiento.¿Podríamos aplicar el principio de conservación de la energía mecánica? ¿Qué requisitos se han de cumplir para poder aplicarla?



Sí se puede aplicar el Principio de Conservación de la Energía Mécanica siempre y cuando se considere los efectos de pérdida de energía a causa del rozamiento, de lo contrario, no se cumpliría el requisito de conservación derivado del citado principio de conservación.  


Consideremos que el cuerpo representa nuestro sistema de estudio, el cual se desplaza por una carretera y experimenta rozamiento, significando cambios en la energía cinética y potencial gravitacional. La presencia de rozamiento indica una disipación de la energía del cuerpo, cuya energía mecánica total disminuye, significando un sistema no conservativo.

Sí se puede aplicar el Principio de Conservación de la Energía Mécanica siempre y cuando se considere los efectos de pérdida de energía a causa del rozamiento, de lo contrario, no se cumpliría el requisito de conservación derivado del citado principio de conservación.  

a car has a mass of 200kg. It is on a hill 1000m high. How much gravitational potential energy does the car have?




PE = m * g * h

m = 200 kg

h = 1000 m

g = 9.81

PE = 200 * 9.81 * 1000

PE = 1962000 Joules

in physics the word medium means

A. A type of paint
B. A size.
C. A material or substance.
D. A psychic.



the answer is C a material or substance



C- a material or substance

How does space exploration affect the economy of Florida?
A) Since rockets launched from Florida are paid for by the federal government, there is a positive effect on Florida's economy.
B) Since rockets launched from Florida pull tourists away from Disney World and local beaches, there is a negative effect on Florida's economy.
C) Since rockets launched from Florida must be purchased from companies located outside of Florida, there is a negative effect on Florida's economy.
D) Since rockets launched from Florida require hundreds of scientists and engineers to move to the area, there is a positive effect on Florida's economy.



How does space exploration affect the economy of Florida?

A) Since rockets launched from Florida are paid for by the federal government, there is a positive effect on Florida's economy.

A person is heterozygous for big ears, what is their genotype?



it's on the screenshot, apparently it was inappropitae so i couldnt submit it here

S. Explain the washing effects of detergents of soap and why detergents in warm water washes greasy
clothes even better



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How does a parallel circuit change when a branch is added?

The total resistance increases, so the current in the circuit decreases.
The total resistance decreases, so the current in the circuit increases.
The total resistance increases, so bulbs shine at a lower brightness.
The total resistance decreases, so bulbs shine at a higher brightne


Sorry I need points to answer questions
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