I need help pleaseeee

I Need Help Pleaseeee


Answer 1

The words that fills the blank space on the method used to find the length of the diagonal AG, using Pythagorean Theorem are as follows;

Blank 1; The Pythagorean Theorem

Blank 2; Square root of 73

Blank 3; A leg

Blank 4; The hypotenuse

Blank 5; 9.4 cm

What is the Pythagorean Theorem?

Pythagoras Theorem indicates that the square of the longest side of a right triangle is equivalent to the sum of the square of the other two sides.

The diagonals from point A to point G in the cuboid can be found using Pythagoras Theorem as follows;

The diagonal of the base rectangle, ABCD, is found as follows;

AC = √(8² + 3²) = √(73)

Using the side CG as the leg of the right triangle ΔACG, with AG being the hypotenuse, we get;

CG = 4 indicated in the diagram in the question

(AG)² = (AC)² + (CG)²

(AG)² = 73 + 4² = 89

AG = √(89) ≈ 9.4

The completed statement is therefore;

To find the length of the diagonal from point A (front/bottom /left) to point G (back/top/right); You would first use the Pythagorean Theorem on the bottom of the box rectangle to find the diagonal AC = square root 73 cm. Then use CG as a leg of the triangle ACG, with AG being the hypotenuse. AG is approximately 9.4 cm.

Learn more about Pythagorean Theorem here:



Related Questions

if a 50-year flood occurs on the mississippi river in a given year, what is the probability that a flood of the same size will occur in the following year?


By using the concept of probability, it can be calculated that

Probability that a flood of the same size will occur in the following year = [tex]\frac{1}{50}[/tex]

What is probability?

Probability gives us the information about how likely an event is going to occur

Probability is calculated by Number of favourable outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes.

Probality of any event is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.

Probability of sure event is 1 and probability of unsure event is 0.

50-year flood occurs on the mississippi river in a given year

Probability that a flood of the same size will occur in the following year =  [tex]\frac{1}{50}[/tex]

To learn more about probability, refer to the link-



What is an example of a parallel equation?


A parallel equation is an equation that is composed of two or more equations that are related to each other.

An example of a parallel equation is:   x + y = 4  And x - y = 2  In this equation, x and y are related to each other by an addition and a subtraction. The two equations have the same value on each side, 4 and 2, so they are parallel equations. To solve this equation, we need to find the value of x and y. To do this, we add the two equations together, giving us:  2x = 6. Therefore, x = 3. To find y, we can plug 3 in for x in either equation and solve for y, giving us y = 1. Therefore, the solution for this parallel equation is x = 3 and y = 1.

To know more about parallel equation refer to the link brainly.com/question/402319


What needs to be known to determine the critical values for an independent-samples t test?


Total degree of freedom should be known to determine the critical values for an independent sample t test.

The largest number of logically independent values—that is, values with the freedom to change—in the data sample is referred to as the degree of freedom. When calculating degrees of freedom, one is subtracted from the number of items in the data sample.

An independent t-test must be performed, and the following is required: a single categorical variable with two levels and groups that is independent. a single ongoing dependent variable.

For instance, the number of degrees of freedom to be employed in computations would be n - 1 if the sample size on a chi-square test was 'n'. to figure out the degrees of freedom for an N=9 sample size. 9 less 1 equals 8 (df=9-1=8).

Hence we get the required answer.

Learn more about Sample t test here:



How can you determine the end behavior of a polynomial function without graphing it?


Check whether a polynomial function is an odd-degree or even-degree function, as well as whether the leading coefficient is positive or negative, before attempting to determine its end behavior.


The polynomial end behavior;-

The behavior of the function graph at the "ends" of the x-axis is known as the end behavior of a function, or f. In other words, if we look at the right end of the x-axis (as x approaches +) and the left end of the x-axis (as x approaches ), the end behavior of a function represents the trend of the graph.


Look at the polynomial function's leading term to identify its end behavior. The leading term will dominate the graph since it has the largest power and will thus increase much more quickly than the other terms as x gets very large or very small.

That is,

Check the function's odd- or even-degree status and the leading coefficient's positive or negative value before attempting to forecast the polynomial function's end behavior.

Learn more about polynomial end behavior here;



90 is 4.5% of what value?




Step-by-step explanation:

90 = 4.5% of x

90 = 0.045x

x = 90/0.045

x = 2000

Answer: 2000



A) they have to be the same letter pattern. VWX and ZYW go in the same pattern

What are the rational numbers that are not natural or real numbers?


Examples of numbers that are rational number but not natural

-4, -5, 4/5, 0.89, 0.

Rational Numbers:

A type of real number known as a rational number is represented by the formula p/q, where q is not equal to zero. A rational number is any fraction with a non-zero denominator. 1/2, 1/5, 3/4, and other such numbers are a few examples of rational numbers. The number "0" is also a rational number because there are many ways to represent it, including 0/1, 0/2, 0/3, etc. However, since they give us infinite values, 1/0, 2/0, 3/0, etc. are illogical. Check the irrational numbers here as well and contrast them with the rational ones.

Natural Number:

All positive integers from 1 to infinity are included in the number system, which also includes natural numbers, which are also used for counting. There is no zero included (0). In fact, counting numbers are 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, etc.

Real numbers, which only include the positive integers 1, 2, 3, 4,5, and 6, are made up of natural numbers. Negative numbers, fractions, decimals, and zero are not included.

Notably, zero and negative numbers are not considered to be natural numbers.

Few examples of numbers that are rational number but not natural

-4, -5, 4/5, 0.89, 0.

To know more about numbers here.



find the GCF of -10², 6x³


Answer: 2

Step-by-step explanation:

GCF is the most significant common factor of a group of numbers! In this case, 2 is the GCF!

A rectangular storage container without a lid is to have a volume of 10 m3. The length of its base is twice the width. Material for the base costs $5 per square meter. Material for the sides costs $3 per square meter. Let w denote the width of the base.Find a function in the variable w giving the cost C (in dollars) of constructing the box.


The cost of constructing the box will be = $81.77

Since the question gives us information about the rectangle,

so the area of the rectangle is shown by,

Area = 2 x (length + width)

So we have the area as,

Area = 2(lh + wh) +lw

(since the area per square meter is also given so we added l x w)

Since the cost of the base is = $5 per square meter and the cost of the sides is = $3 per square meter, so area in terms of the cost function,

⇒ C = 3 x 2(lh + wh) + 5 x l x w

⇒ C = 6(lh + wh) +5lw ---------equation 1

According to the question, the length of the rectangular container is twice that of the width of the container,

⇒ l = 2w

Substituting the new value of l in equation 1,

⇒ C = 6(2wh + wh) + 10 [tex]w^{2}[/tex]

⇒ C = 18wh + 10 [tex]w^{2}[/tex] ---------- equation 2

To calculate the volume of the rectangle,

V = length x width x height ( lwh )

substituting v = 10 and 2w = l,

2[tex]w^{2}[/tex]h = 10

h = [tex]\frac{5}{w^{2} }[/tex]

Substitute the value of h in equation 2,

⇒ C = 18w x [tex]\frac{5}{w^{2} }[/tex] + 10[tex]w^{2}[/tex]

⇒ C = [tex]\frac{90}{w}[/tex] + 10[tex]w^{2}[/tex] --------- equation 3

Differentiating the above equation we get,

⇒ C* = - [tex]\frac{90}{w^{2} }[/tex] + 20w

⇒ 20w = [tex]\frac{90}{w^{2} }[/tex]

Multiply both sides by [tex]w^{3}[/tex]

⇒ [tex]20w^{3}[/tex] = 90

⇒ [tex]w^{3}[/tex] = 4.5

w = 1.65

Put the value of w in equation 3,

⇒ C = [tex]\frac{90}{1.65}[/tex] + 10 x [tex]1.65^{2}[/tex]

⇒ C = 81.77

Therefore, The cost of constructing the box will be = $81.77

To know more about volumes,



Why is math so hard....... noone asked for this......



Step-by-step explanation:


Math is hard because it can take alot of processes to solve problems.  Theres alot of unique stuff, so it takes alot more practice than other subjects.  To get better at math, you gotta practice.

How would I solve this?



it's just the multiple of it. first row is 21. second row is 8

Step-by-step explanation:

it's just 7, 7×2, 7×3


You can use ratios to solve the table

you know that for every 7 cups of sugar there are 4 cups of milk

The next column gives 14 cups of sugar but an unknown amount of milk

14 is 2 times 7, so the amount of milk would be 4 times 2, or 8 cups

The same logic can be applied for the rest

12 is 3 times 4, so the amount of sugar in column 3 would be 3 times 7

and so on and so forth

I set a model rocket on the ground and walk 50 feet away. I then fire the rocket, which rises straight up into the air at a rate of 100 feet per second. I stand at the same spot (50 feet horizontally away from the launch) and my eyes rise upwards to follow the rocket into the air. At the moment in time that is exactly two seconds after launch: A) how high is the rocket? And B) how quickly are my eyes scanning upwards? Your answer for b should be in the units or radians per second


The 100 feet per second rate at which rocket is rising vertically upwards and the 50 feet distance of the observation position from the launch, indicates;

A) The height of the rocket after exactly 2 seconds is 200 feet

B) The rate of the angular motion at which to scan upwards to keep track of the rocket is 2/17 radians per second

What is an angular motion?

Angular motion is a circular motion of an object about a fixed axis, described in radians per second.

The rate at which the rocket is rising up in the air = 100 feet per second

The horizontal distance from the point of launch to the observer = 50 feet

The time at which the height of the rocket is required = 2 seconds

A) The height of the rocket after 2 seconds, h = 2 s × 100 ft/s = 200 ft

B) The angle of elevation of the line of sight to the rocket = θ

tan(θ) = h/50

sec²(θ)·(dθ/dt) = (1/50)·(dh/dt)

(dθ/dt) = (1/50) × (dh/dt)/sec²(θ)  = (1/50)×(dh/dt)×(cos²(θ))

At time, t = 2 seconds, the height of the rocket = 200 feet


tan(θ) = 200/50 = 4

θ = arctan(4)

dh/dt = The vertical velocity of the rocket = 100 ft/s

(dθ/dt) = (1/50)× 100 ×(cos²(arctan(4))) = 2/17

The rate at which the eyes is scanning upwards is 2/17 radians per second

Learn more about the rate of change of a function here:



5. What would you use to graph the inequality y> -x + 10?
A. A number line
B. The coordinate plane
C. The origin
D. This inequality cannot be graphed



The coordinate plane

Step-by-step explanation:

Graph the line [tex]y=-x+10[/tex] with a dotted boundary and shade the region above the line.

i dont understand still whas 29 divided by 5123


Answer: 29 divided by 5123 is 0.005

I hope this helps :) (if not correct ask another person)

All changes saved
6. Portia is a designer working on creating plans for the city of Geocove's new waterpark. The graph shows her plan for a waterslide for young children. The equation that represents this line is y=-1/3x+4 The s-axis represents the ground, and the graxis represents
one of the poles that will support slide
Support Pole
Each unit on each axis represents 1 foot. Suppose that a rider coming down this side has a horizontal change of 6 feet. What is the value of their vertical thange? Explain your reasoning


The value of their vertical distance at a horizontal distance of 6 feet is 2 feet

How to determine the value of their vertical distance?

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

The equation of the function: y = -1/3x + 4

The above equation is a linear function

A linear function is represented as

y = mx + c


slope = m and y-intercept = c

From the question, we have

x-axis = ground distance

y-axis = one of the poles

When the horizontal change is 6 feet, it means that

x = 6

So, we have

y = -1/3 x 6 + 4

Evaluate the products

y = -2 + 4

Evaluate the sum

y = 2

Hence, the vertical distance is 2 feet

Read more about linear equation at



Which congruence theorem can be used to prove Abda Adbc?


The congruence theorem that will prove △BDA and △DBC is A. Hypotenuse-leg (HL) congruence.

Determining the right congruence theorem that will prove △BDA and △DBC after being provided a schematic of two right triangles.

Since we are aware that the hypotenuse-leg theorem stipulates that if the hypotenuse and one of the right triangles' legs are congruent with their equivalent hypotenuses in other right triangles, the triangles are said to be congruent.

We can see from our diagram that hypotenuse(AB) of △BDA equals to hypotenuse (CD) of △DBC.  

We can see that triangles BDA and DBC share a common side DB.

Using Pythagorean theorem we will get

CD² = DB²+BC²

AB = DB²+AD²

given that CD=AB, Upon using this information we will get,

DB²+BC² = DB²+AD²

subtracting DB² from both sides of our equation we will get,

BC² = AD²

Cutting squares on both sides


Hence, by HL congruence △BDA ≅ △DBC.

Note that the full question is:

Which congruence theorem can be used to prove △BDA ≅ △DBC?





To learn more about Hypotenuse-leg congruence: https://brainly.com/question/29615095


Fill in the missing Statement/Reason for the following proof:
4. Line LN is not congruent to line LN
5. Angle LMN is not congruent to Angle LON
3. Definition of angle bisector


A bisector is a line which is constructed in such a way as to divide a given line segment or a measure of angle into two equal parts/ degrees. Thus the required proof with an explanation are given below:

What is bisector?

A constructed line which divides a given line segment, or measure of angle into two equal parts is referred to as a bisector. It is majorly at a right angle to the line segment to be divided.

STATEMENT                                  REASON  

1. LN is a bisector of <MLO                       Given

2. LM ≅ LO                                                        Given

3. <MLN ≅ <NLO                                   Definition of angle bisector

4. LN ≅  LN                                            Reflexive property

5. <LMN  ≅ <LON                                  Symmetric property

6. ΔLMN  ≅ ΔLON                                 CPCTC

With this statements and reasons, it can thus be concluded that;              ΔLMN  ≅ ΔLON    

Learn more about properties of an angle bisector of a triangles at https://brainly.com/question/29617869


QRST is a parallelogram. Find the value of x.




Step-by-step explanation:

Diagonals of a parallelogram bisect each other.

Your friend multiplies two decimals by rewriting the product as $(8\times3)\times(0.1\times0.1)$(8×3)×(0.1×0.1)​ . What two decimals is she multiplying?


My friend is multiplied as [tex](8\times3)\times(0.1\times0.1)(8\times 3)(0.1\times0.1)[/tex] thus he was multiplying 0.1 with 0.1.

What is multiplication?

Multiplication is the general procedure in mathematics in which we multiply two or more numbers by each other to find a new multiplied number.

Multiplication gives us a resultant number that will be very big as compared to the number which is going to be multiplied.

As per the given,

(8 × 3) × (0.1 × 0.1) × (8 × 3) × (0.1 × 0.1)

Since the only decimals in the above expression are 0.1 and 0.1.

Thus, 0.1 x 0.1 = 0.01

So, he was multiplying 0.1 with 0.1.

Hence "My friend was multiplying 0.1 with 0.1 because his multiplicand is  (8 × 3) × (0.1 × 0.1) × (8 × 3) × (0.1 × 0.1)".

For more information about multiplication,



A shoe store uses a ​60% markup for all of the shoes it sells. What would be the selling price of a pair of shoes that has a wholesale cost of ​$​55? i need the answer RN!!!!!!!


Answer: $88

x/55 is the same as 60%/1005 so 55 x 60 / 100 = 33 which is the mark up then add 55 and 33 to get the total price


Price of shoes after markup is $88

Step-by-step explanation:

$55 + %60 markup or

55 x .60 = $33

55 + $33= $88

What is the solution set to the equation 4(x+3)(x-2)=0


To simplify, let’s distribute the 4 through the first binomial:


We now have the equivalent equation:


We can apply the zero product property which states that if a•b=0, then a=0 or b=0:


Solve for x:




(x-2) may also equal zero, so let’s find x that would equate to zero:


Solve for x:


Therefore the solution is: x = -3, 2

needed by midnight. will give brainliest to best answer


The solution set is n ≥ 4.

What is an inequality?

In mathematics, "inequality" refers to a relationship between two expressions or values that is not equal to each other.

We have the inequality,

4n -1  ≥ 15

To solve the inequality, you may multiply or divide each side by the same positive number, add the same amount to each side, take the same amount away from each side, and more. You must flip the inequality sign if you multiply or divide either side by a negative number.

4n - 1 +1  ≥ 15 +1

4n ≥ 16

n ≥ 4.

And N = 3, inequality does not hold.

Therefore, The solution set is n ≥ 4.

To learn more about the inequality in mathematics;



infeasible problems can occur when the demand requirement is higher than the available capacity. True/False


True, When the demand is greater than the capacity, impossible situations can arise.

What is meant by demand?

Demand is outlined as the quantity of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase at a specific price. This is an if...then statement, thus if the price is $1,000, the quantity demanded is 60, and so on. Therefore, it is a function with the form y = f(x), where x now represents price and y represents quantity.

A linear demand equation is defined as Q = a - bP in standard form. In other words, pricing influences the quantity demanded. The price equation, often known as the inverse demand equation or price equation, treats the price as a function f of the amount demanded: P = f. (Q). Simply solve for P from the demand equation to obtain the inverse demand equation.

So, the answer is true that when the demand is greater than the capacity, impossible situations can arise.

To know more about demand, visit:



Find the breadth of a cuboid, if its volume is 5168 cm³ and its length and height are 19 cm and 16 cm respectively.


The volume of the cuboid is given as length x breadth x height thus, the breadth of the given cuboid will be 17 cm.

What is volume?

Volume is the scalar quantity of any object that specified occupied space in 3D.

For example, the space in our room is referred to as volume.

Volume has units of cube example meter³,cm³, etc.

The volume of the cuboid = length × breadth × width

19 x breadth x 16 = 5168

Breadth = 17 cm

Hence "The breadth of the cuboid will be 17 cm since the volume of the cuboid is given as length x breadth x height.".

To learn more about volume,



Help? please!!!

Result of problem 2 5/6 - 4/5 + 1.75 = .....?

Anyone want to answer???


Answer: 227/ 60 = 3 47/60 OR 3.783

Note: If you don't get the right answer because of the extra 3 in 3.783 then simply remove the extra 3 at the end.


Step 1: Multiply the whole number 2 by the denominator 6. Whole number 2 equally.

Step 2: Add the answer from the previous step 12 to the numerator 5. New numerator is 12 + 5 = 17

Step 3: Write a previous answer (new numerator 17) over the denominator 6

Message: If you found this helpful let me know by giving a thanks! :)




imaginary number

Step-by-step explanation:

i means imaginary in math

Bella measured a line to be 7.3 inches long. If the actual length of the line is 7.4 inches, then what was the percent error of the measurement, to the nearest tenth of a percent?


The percent error of the measurement, to the nearest tenth of a percent is: 1.4%.

What is Percent Error?

Percent error can be described as the disparity between the value of what was estimated and the actual value, which is compared to the actual value as expressed in percentage.

The formula for calculating the percent error is:

Percent error = |measured value - actual value| / actual value × 100%.

We have the following given:

Actual length = 7.4 inches

Measured length = 7.3 inches


Percent error = |7.3 - 7.4| / 7.4 × 100%.

= 0.1/7.4 × 100

= 1.4%

Learn more about percent error on:



Is Max () a method or function?


Max() is a method.

max() is a static method of Math , we always use it as Math.max() , rather than as a method of a Math object you created.

Static Method

A static method  is a method defined as a member of an object but is accessible directly from an API object's constructor, rather than from an object instance created via the constructor.

Sometimes a method performs a task that does not depend on the data of any object . Such a method applies to the class in which it's declared as a whole and is known as a static method.

Learn more about static method here :-



consider the result of a fictional stat 100 final exam taken by 120 students, as given in the following relative frequency distribution: how many students (frequency) received a result of less than 60?


The number of students which received a result of less than 60 is 42 if  the result of a fictional stat 100 final exam taken by 120 students, as given in the following relative frequency distribution.


we have grade and cumulative frequency table.

The acquired data are arranged in tables using the frequency distribution method. The information may include test scores, local weather information, volleyball match results, student grades, and so forth. To facilitate understanding, data must be presented meaningfully after collection. Set up the data so that a table contains a summary of all of its characteristics. Frequency distribution is what we call this.

we are asked to find the number of students which received a result of less than 60 = ?

The frequency for the grade less than 60 is:

60 : 15%+20%

= 35%

now calculate the percentage:

35% × 120

35/100 × 120

= 7×6

= 42

Hence 42 students received less than 60.

Learn more about frequency distribution here:



Solve for x
[tex]\bf 4\left(5x-2\right)=2\left(9x+3\right)[/tex]


4(5x-2) = 2(9x + 3)


20x-8 = 18x + 6

add 8 to both sides

20x = 18x + 14

subtract 18 x

2x = 14

divide by 2

x = 7

verify if true

4(5*7 - 2) = 2(9*7+3)

132 = 132

x does = 7

hope this helps



[tex] \sf \: x = 7[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Given equation,

→ 4(5x - 2) = 2(9x + 3)

Now the value of x will be,

→ 4(5x - 2) = 2(9x + 3)

→ 20x - 8 = 18x + 6

→ 20x - 18x = 6 + 8

→ 2x = 14

→ x = 14/2

→ [ x = 7 ]

Hence, the value of x is 7.

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The specific location where a substrate fits/connects to an enzyme is called the? A weighted moving average assigns higher weights to more recent periods. anything that an agent obtains by virtue of an agency relationship is theirs to keep. t or f A nurse is assessing a patient who is at 20 weeks of gestation She instructs the patient to be sure to report headaches, blurred vision, and swelling of her hands because these are indications of which of the following complications of pregnancy?A) gestational diabetesB) preeclampsiaC) hyperemesis gravidarumD) abruptio placentae What does this statement mean He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our constitution, and unacknowledged by our laws; giving his assent to their acts of pretended legislation:For quartering large bodies of armed troops among us:For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world:For imposing taxes on us without our consent: A. The fish population contains individuals with effective predation evasive traits and eventual changes to the dam prevent fish from moving downstream.B. The fish completely lack any effective predation evasive traits across the entire population, move infrequently from upstream to downstream locations, and reproduce with low frequency.C. The fish reproduce with high frequency, move with high frequency from upstream to downstream locations, and have a robust set of predation evasive traits across the entire population.D. The rate of upstream fish entering the downstream section decreases over time without being completely shut off, and many of these fish carry predation evasive traits. Under the equal pay act, an employer can legitimately pay different wages to male and female employees on the basis of? Zoe is starting her own snow plowing business. She will charge $11.00 per hour. If Zoe works 40.25 hours per week, how much money will she earn each week? rudolph always struggles to focus on his work. he is unreliable because he fails to complete any task assigned to him and he is very careless. in this case, rudolph scores low on the behavioral disposition of: a gaseous mixture of o2 and n2 contains 35.8 % nitrogen by mass. what is the partial pressure of oxygen in the mixture if the total pressure is 705 mmhg ? express your answer numerically in millimeters of mercury. what information should the nurse provide to a client who is requesting a prescription for an amphetamine to lose weight? What is the theme of the short story on the bridge? who was the president that put an end to the practice of preventive detention, which involves imprisoning detainees without access to lawyers, judicial review, or trial? 5. a nurse is working with a care manager for a client who participates in a healthmaintenance organization. the nurse should identify that a health maintenanceorganization provides which of the following payment structures.1. the client is participating in a fee for service health care insurance program2. the provider is paid a fixed sum for the client on a monthly or yearly basis3. the client pays the insurer a percentage of the total costs for each service rendered by theprovider4. the provider bills the client directly for a predetermined percentage of the cost of services