i am having trouble with a question on my geometry homework. on how to do it

I Am Having Trouble With A Question On My Geometry Homework. On How To Do It


Answer 1

a) Given the triangle ABC, you have to do a counterclockwise 90º rotation of the figure.

To make said rotation you have to invert the coordinates of each point of the figure and invert the sign of the x-coordinate of the image point.

In general:

Preimage point; Image point

P(x,y) → P'(-y,x)

The y-coordinate turns into the x-coordinate and the x-coordinate turns into the y-coordinate.

The x-coordinate of the image point must have the opposite sing as the original one.

So for triangle ABC:

A to A'

(3,-2) → (-(-2),3)= (2,3)

B to B'

(3,-6) → (-(-6),3)= (6,3)

C to C'

(9,-2) → (-(-2),9)= (2,9)

The coordinates for the 90º counterclockwise rotation are A'(2,3), B'(6,3) and C(2,9)

b) Triange A'B'C' was translated a certain number of units, its new position is given as triangle A''B''C'':




To determine what kind of translation was done, first step is to draw triangle A''B''C'' and compare it to triangle A'B'C':

As you can see in the graphic, triangle A'B'C' was translated horizontally to the left a k number of units and vertically downwards a m number of units.

Horizontal translation

These translations are made over the x-axis, the translation factor k is added (movement to the rigth) or subtracted (movement to the left) from the x-coordinate of each point:

In this case the translation was made to the left, so:

Preimage point; Image point

P(x,y) → P'(x-k,y)

Vertical translation

These translations are made over the y-axis, this means that the translation factor m will be added (↑up) or subtracted (↓down) from the y-coordinates of each point.

For the example, the movement was downwards so we can express it as:

Preimage point; Image point

P(x,y) → P'(x,y-m)

You can unite both movements in the same expression as:

Preimage point; Image point

P(x,y) → P'(x-k,y-m)

Going a little further you can determine the amount of units the figure was translated by comparing a set of points from the preimage and image:

Given A'(2,3) and A''(-3,-4)

For the horizontal movement compare the x-coordinates. We know that to determine the x-coordinate of A'', k units were subtacted from the x-coordinate of A', so:





For the vertical movement, compare the y-coordinates of both point. We know that m units were subtracted from the y-coordinate of A' to determine the y-coordinate of A'', so:





This means that the translation rule for A'B'C' → A''B''C'' is (x-5,y-7)

I Am Having Trouble With A Question On My Geometry Homework. On How To Do It
I Am Having Trouble With A Question On My Geometry Homework. On How To Do It

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suppose that there are two types of tickets: advanced and same day. advance tickets cost $25 and same day tickets are $30.for one performance there were 65 tickets sold in all. and the total amount paid for them was $1800.how many tickect of each were sold


The number of advance and same day tickets sold are 25 and 35 respectively.

How many tickect of each were sold?


number of advance tickets sold = xNumber of same day tickets sold = y

x + y = 65

25x + 30y = 1800

From (1)

x = 65 - y

Substitute x = 65 - y into (2)

25x + 30y = 1800

25(65 - y) + 30y = 1800

1625 - 25y + 30y = 1800

5y = 1800 - 1625

5y = 175

y = 175/5

y = 35

Substitute y = 35 into (1)

x + y = 65

x + 35 = 65

x = 65 - 35

x = 25

Therefore, Simultaneous equation is used to determine the number of advance and same day tickets sold.

25 advance tickets and 35 same day tickets were sold.

Read more on simultaneous equation:



What number will complete the point-slope equation that models this scenario?




A Point-Slope equation of a straight line models this scenario: y -50,000 = -3,000(x -10).

What is the Point-slope form?

The equation of the straight line has its slope and given point.

If we have a non-vertical line that passes through any point(x1, y1) has gradient m. then general point (x, y) must satisfy the equation

y-y₁ = m(x-x₁)

We can recognize any points of the graph.

(0,80000) ; (10,50000)

Given that;

y -50,000 =______(x -10)

We need to find the slope.

Slope = Change in y / Change in x

Slope = 80,000 - 50,000 / 0 - 10 = 30,000 / -10

= -3,000

The slope is equal to -3000 that is Choice A; y -50,000 = -3,000(x -10)

Learn more about slope here:



The complete question is;

The newspaper in Haventown had a circulation of 80,000 papers in the year 2000. In 2010, the circulation was 50,000. With x = 0 representing the year 2000, the graph below models this scenario.

A regular pentagon is inscribed in a circle as shown. 1. Find the measure of minor arc cut off by one of the diagonals.2. Find the length of the same minor arc in problem 16a, given the radius of the circle is 10 cm. Leave the answer is terms of pi.



Step 1:

we are to find the measure of minor arc cut off by one of the diagonals;

The sum of interior angles in a pentagon is:

[tex]\begin{gathered} (n-2)\text{ x 180} \\ (5-2)\text{ x 180} \\ 3\text{ x 180} \\ 540 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Each interior angle of a regular pentagon is

[tex]\frac{540}{5}\text{ = 108}[/tex]

So the size of the major arc can be gotten by the circle theorem; the angle at the centre is twice the angle at the circumference.

[tex]\text{The major arc = 2 x 108 = 216}[/tex]

Then recall,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{The major arc + the minor arc = 360 (sum of angles at a point)} \\ 216\text{ + the minor arc = 360} \\ \text{The minor arc = 360 - 216} \\ \text{The minor arc =144} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 2:

We are to find the length of the same minor arc in problem;

[tex]\frac{\theta}{360}\text{ x 2 }\pi\text{ r}[/tex]

Where our angle (titan) is 144 and radius is 10

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{144}{360}\text{ x 2 x }\pi\text{ x 10} \\ \\ 8\pi \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the length of the minor arc, given that the radius is 10 cm is 8 pi

15. Which of the following relations defines y as a function of x?


Remember that

The data set is a function if every element of the domain corresponds to exactly one element of the range


Verify each option

I ------> is a function (every element of the domain corresponds to exactly one element of the range)

II -----> is not a function (every element of the domain does not correspond to exactly one element of the range)

III ---> is a function (every element of the domain corresponds to exactly one element of the range)

IV ----> is not a function (every element of the domain does not correspond to exactly one element of the range)


The answer is

Both I and III define a y as function of x

write the new coordinates after a glide reflection described by. (x,y) (x, y-2) reflection in x=0.


To find the new coordinates, we just have to use the given rule


Let's apply it to each vertex

[tex]\begin{gathered} A(2,10)\rightarrow A^{\prime}(2,10-2)\rightarrow A^{\prime}(2,8) \\ B(3,-4)\rightarrow B^{\prime}(3,-4-2)\rightarrow B^{\prime}(3,-6) \\ C(-3,1)\rightarrow C^{\prime}(-3,1-2)\rightarrow C^{\prime}(-3,-1) \end{gathered}[/tex]Therefore, the new coordinates are A'(2,8), B'(3,-6), and C'(-3,-1).

Write 280,000,000 in scientific notation.

0.28 × 109
28 × 108
2.8 × 108
2.8 × 109



= 4.875 × 105

(scientific notation)

= 4.875e5

(scientific e notation)

= 487.5 × 103

(engineering notation)

(thousand; prefix kilo- (k))

Which equation represents a proportional relationship?
OA. y = 4x
OB. y=3x2
OC. y = 5x+2
OD. y = 7


A is the equation representing proportional relationship .

What is proportional relationship ?

Relationships between two variables that are proportional occur when their ratios are equal. Another way to consider them is that in a proportionate relationship, one variable is consistently equal to the other's constant value. The "constant of proportionality" is the name of this constant.


If the y intercept is anything but 0, then the linear function is not proportional. So C is not proportional (2 is the y intercept)

B is a quadratic and it will not give proportional results. y/x is not a constant.

D has no x value and is not going to give a proportional result. y/x is undefined.

learn more about proportional relationship here :



You and your best friend have $10,000 each, which you would like to keep in a savings account. 5/3rd bank offers 4.23% continuous interest and bank of america will give 4.4% interest compounded quarterly. what would be the difference between the two investments after 35yrs? (round to the nearest dollar (whole number))


The difference between the two investments after 35yrs is $4700 and  Bank of America is offering higher interest than 5/3rd banks.

Explain compound interest and continuous interest.

Most interest is compounded semiannually, quarterly, or monthly. Continuous compounding assumes that interest is compounded indefinitely and reentered on the balance sheet. The continuous compounding formula takes into account four variables.

For the given question,

5/3rd bank offers continuous interest:

For continuous interest, A = P[tex]e^{rt}[/tex]


P = the initial amount

A = the final amount

r = the rate of interest

t = time

e is a mathematical constant where e ≈ 2.7183.

A = 10000 × [tex]2.71^{0.042*35}[/tex]

A =  10000 × 4.04

A = $40400 approximately

Interest = Amount - Principle

Interest = 40400 - 10,000

Interest = $30400

Bank of America offers compound interest:

For compound interest:

[tex]A = P(1 + \frac{r}{n})^{nt}[/tex]

A = 10000 × 4.51

A = $45100

Interest = Amount - Principle

Interest = 45100 - 10,000

Interest = $35100

The above calculation explains Bank of America is offering higher interest than 5/3rd bank by $35100 - $30400 = $4700

To know more about compound interest and continuous interest visit:



|x - 7| ≥ 1?

what is the solution?


Answer: Inequality form: x is less then or equal to 6 or xis greater then or equal to 8

Interval Notation: (-infinity,6] u [8,infinity)


x ≤ 6 ∨ x ≥ 8

Step-by-step explanation:

x-7 ≥ 0



if x≥7

x-7≥ 1

x ≥ 7 + 1

x ≥ 8

if x < 7

-x + 7 ≥ 1

-x ≥ -7 + 1

-x ≥ -6

x ≤ 6

Final solution

x≤ 6 ∨ x ≥ 8

What is the best approximation of the solution to the system to the nearest integer values?

A (3, 4)

B (2, 3)

C (1, 3)

D (3, 2)



B (2, 3)

The two lines intersect near that point.

What percent of 120 is 180%


What percent of 120 is 180

we know that

120 represent the 100%


Applying proportion


solve for x



the answer is 150%

What values of c and d would make
the following expression represent a real number?
i(2 + 3i)(c + di)

c = 2, d = 3

c = –2, d = 3

c = 3, d = –2

c = –3, d = –2


The values of c and d that would make that the given expression represent a real number are c = –3, d = –2.

What is meant by the term real number?In mathematics, a real number is a quantity that may be articulated as just an infinite decimal expansion. In comparison to the natural numbers 1, 2, 3,..., which are derived from counting, real numbers are employed in measurements of varying different quantities including such size and time.

For the given question;

The expression is given as;

= i(2 + 3i)(c + di)

Simplify the expression;

= i(2c + 2di + 3ci + 3di²)

= 2ci + 2di² + 2ci² + 3di³

= (2c - 3d)i - 2d - 3c

In order is for expression to yield a real number, the coefficient of must now be zero.

Check the values from option;

2c - 3d = 2 x 2 - 3x 3 = -5

2c - 3d = 2 x -2 - 3 x -3 = -13

2c - 3d = 2 x 3 + 3 x -2 = -1

2c - 3d = 2 x -3 -3 x - 2 = 0

Thus, the correct values for the expression to becomes real number is

c = –3, d = –2.

To know more about the real number, here



If point (x, y) is reflected over the line y = x, the resulting point is (y,x).TrueFalse


When we reflect a point over y = x, the x and y coordinates become swapped and switch places, that is why (x,y) results to (y,x).

Therefore, the answer is true.

Of a sample of 500 students surveyed, 300 students say they listen to music when they study. In a school with 1500 students, how many students would be likely to listen to music while studying? hi 300 students 500 students 900 students 1200 students



Surveyed Sample = 500 students

Number of students who listen to music = 300

The probability of students that listens to music is given by the formula:

[tex]pr\text{ =}\frac{number\text{ of students that listen to music}}{Total\text{ number of student}}\text{ =}\frac{300}{500}[/tex]

[tex]pr\text{ = }\frac{3}{5}[/tex]

In a sample of 1500 students, to find the probable number of students that will listen to music

we will multiply the probability we obtained initially by the sample space


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3}{5}\text{ x 1500} \\ \\ \frac{4500}{5} \\ \\ =900 \end{gathered}[/tex]

It is likely that 900 students will listen to music while studying

LaDawn needed wire for her Halloween wreath. How many 1/4 inch pieces can be cut from a piece of wire that is 5/8 inches long?​


The length of each piece of wire is 2.5 inches.

What are fractions?

Fractions are used to depict the components of a whole or group of items. Two components make up a fraction. The numerator is the number that appears at the top of the line. It specifies how many identically sized pieces of the entire event or collection were collected. The denominator is the quantity listed below the line. The total number of identical objects in a collection or the total number of equal sections that the whole is divided into are both displayed. A fraction can be expressed in one of three different ways: as a fraction, a percentage, or a decimal. The first and most popular way to express a fraction is in the form of the letter ab. Here, a and b are referred to as the numerator and denominator, respectively.

Let the number of pieces = x

The length of the wire = 5/8 inches

The length of one piece of wire = 1/4 inch

According to the question,

1/4 x = 5/8

So, x = 5/8 × 4

x = 20/ 8

x = 5/2

x = 2.5 inch

To know more about fractions, visit:



Sketch the graph of y= sin x° for 0≤x≤360



Step-by-step explanation:

This is a sketch graph of y= sin x° for 0 ≤ x ≤360.

It is called as Sine curve. A mathematical curve described in terms of the sine trigonometric function, of which it is the graph, is known as a sine wave, sinusoidal wave, or simply sinusoid. It is a smooth periodic function and a particular kind of continuous wave.

To know more about Sine curve.


In 8 days, the temperature dropped 12 degrees. How many degrees per day did the temperature drop



x = 1.5°

Step-by-step explanation:

8 days = 12°

1 day = x


8x = 12

Divide both sides by the coefficient of x, which is 8

8x/8 = 12/8

x = 1.5°

Hence, 1 day = 1.5°


Libby wants to draw a scale diagram of the Sun and the Earth.
The diameter of the Sun is 1.4 million km to 2 s.f.
The diameter of the Earth is 13,000 km to 2 s.f.
k to task
Libby decides to draw the Earth with a diameter of 2 cm.
Work out the diameter of the Sun that she needs to draw.
Give your answer in metres to 2 significant figures.
Watch video


The diameter of the Sun that she needs to draw, considering the scale, is of:

2.15 m.

What is a scale?

The meaning of the scale of a drawing is how much each unit in the drawing represents in actual distance.

In this problem, the actual diameters are given as follows:

Sun: 1,400,000 km.Earth: 13,000 km.

The drawn diameters are given as follows:

Sun: x cm.Earth: 2 cm.

From the scale of the earth, the number of km represented with each cm is given as follows:

13000/2 = 6500 km represented by each cm.

(division of the actual distance by the scale).

Hence the number of cm that is needed to represent 1,400,000 km is of:

1400000/6500 = 215 cm.

(division of the total distance by the scale).

Each cm is composed by 100, the diameter of the Sun in meters is of:

215/100 = 2.15 m.

Learn more about scales at brainly.com/question/13036238


Set up a proportion and soive for
side TV (y):


As we Know that, ΔTUV[tex]\sim[/tex] ΔXWV

So, for the given proportion TV(y) = 21.

What is Proportion?

A proportion is an equation that sets two ratios at the same value. For instance, you could express the ratio as follows: 1: 3 if there is 1 boy and 3 girls (for every one boy there are 3 girls) There are 1 in 4 boys and 3 in 4 girls. 0.25 are male (by dividing 1 by 4)

What is Ratio?

The link between two or more things in terms of quantity, amount, or size.

Given that,

ΔTUV[tex]\sim[/tex] ΔXWV

∠T = ∠X

∠U = ∠W



10/10 = TV/21

1 = TV/21

TV = 21

So, for the given proportion the value for the side TV(y) = 21

Learn more about Proportion click on this:



1/3(x+18)= 7 sole for x


In this case, we'll have to carry out several steps to find the solution.

Step 01:


1/3(x+18)= 7

x = ?

Step 02:

We must apply the algebraic rules to find the solution.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{1}{3}\cdot(x+18)=7 \\ x\text{ + 18 = 3}\cdot7 \\ x=21-18\text{ = 3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is:

x = 3

Jasper opened a savings account and deposited 200.00 the account earns 9%interest compounded annually if he wants to use the money to buy a new bicycle in 2 years how much will he able to spend on the bike


The formula for calculating the amount of money after compounding for a period of time is expressed as;

A = P(1+r/n)^nt

P is the principal (amount deposited)

r is the rate

t is the time

n is the time of compounding


P = 200.00

r = 9% = 0.09

t = 2 years

n = 1 year

Substitute the given parameters into the formula

A = 200(1+0.09/1)^1(2)

A = 200(1.09)^2

A = 200(1.1881)

A = 237.62

Hence he will be able to spend 237.62 on the bike

Which of the linear equations represents the graphed line?
A y = 32x + 1y = 3 2 x + 1
B y = −23x + 1y = − 2 3 x + 1
C y = −32x + 1y = − 3 2 x + 1
D y = 23x + 1


The linear equations of the graph are y = 2/3x + 1. Option D.


Let's find the slope of the graph using the coordinates (0, 1) (-3, -1)

m = y₂ - y₁ / x₂ - x₁

m = -1 - 1  / -3 - 0

m = -2/-3

m = 2/3

Using the slope-intercept form,

y = MX + c


m =  slope

c = y-intercept(This is when x = 0)


c = 1

Finally, the equation will be y = 2/3 x + 1.

An equation is a mathematical statement consisting of two expressions joined by an equal sign. The ID applies to all values ​​of the variable. Constraint expressions apply only to specific values ​​of variables. A mathematical expression that expresses the relationship between two terms on either side of a letter.

Learn more about The linear equations here:-https://brainly.com/question/2030026


Describe how a drywaller might use a formula to estimate the
number of sheets of drywall needed for a room.



Square footage

Step-by-step explanation:

Given 3 and one-tenth times negative 6 times seven-twelfths, determine the product.

eighteen and one sixtieth
negative eighteen and 7 over 120
ten and 17 over 20
negative 10 and 17 over 20


The given statement expression is equivalent to -2 [tex]\frac{1}{10}[/tex].

What is a expression? What is a mathematical equation? What is Equation Modelling? What are complex numbers?

A mathematical expression is made up of terms (constants and variables) separated by mathematical operators. A mathematical equation is used to equate two expressions. Equation modelling is the process of writing a mathematical verbal expression in the form of a mathematical expression for correct analysis, observations and results of the given problem. In mathematics, a complex number is an element of a number system that extends the real numbers with a specific element denoted [i], called the imaginary unit and satisfying the equation -

[tex]{\displaystyle i^{2}=-1}[/tex]

Every complex number can be expressed in the form a + bi, where [a] and [b] are real numbers

We have the following statement -

3 and one-tenth times negative 6 times seven-twelfths

We can write -

3 (1/10 x - 6) × 7/12

- 3 [tex]\frac{3}{5}[/tex] × 7/12

-18/5 × 7/12

-3/5 x 7/2

- 21/10

- 2 [tex]\frac{1}{10}[/tex]

Therefore, the given statement expression is equivalent to -2 [tex]\frac{1}{10}[/tex].

To solve more questions on Equations, Equation Modelling and Expressions visit the link below -



a line that passes through the point (2,1) and is parallel to the line y = -2x + 5


A line in slope-intercept form is represented by the following equation:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y=mx+b \\ \text{where,} \\ m=\text{slope} \\ b=y-\text{intercept} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Parallel lines have the same slope, then if the line is parallel to the line y=-2x+5, the slope of the parallel line would be -2 too.

Now, by the given point (2,1) and knowing the slope of the line, we can use the slope-point form of the line equation to get the slope-intercept form:

[tex]\begin{gathered} y-y_0=m(x-x_0) \\ \text{where,} \\ (x_0,y_0)\text{ is the given point} \\ m\text{ is the slope} \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} y-1=-2(x-2) \\ y=-2x+4+1 \\ y=-2x+5 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Notice that the parallel line would be the same original line, y=-2x+5.

Do 5 + 3 and 3 + 5 represent the same express? Explain.


5 + 3 = 8

3 + 5 = 8

The represent the same expression

true or false? The sun of an even whole number and an odd whole number is always odd.​



the sum of an even whole number and odd whole number is always odd ,


What is an equation of the line that passes through the points (6,0) and (3, 4)?


The slope-intercept form of the equation of a straight line is given to be:


where m is the slope and b is the intercept on the y-axis.

The slope is calculated using two points on the line by the formula:


Therefore, for this line, the slope will be:


Therefore, this value for the slope is substituted back into the equation for the line:


At the point (6, 0), we can calculate the value of b to be:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0=-\frac{4}{3}(6)+b \\ b=\frac{4}{3}(6) \\ b=8 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the equation is:


Graph each system and determine the number of solutions that it has. If there is no solution, type NS. Ifit has a solution, state it. When entering solutions, enter them as a coordinate pair. Do not includespaces in answers.3x +y = -33x +y = 3Number of Solutions:Solution:


we have the system

3x +y = -3

3x +y = 3

In this problem we have two different parallel lines

Remember that the solution of the system is the intersection point both lines

In this problem the lines don't intersect (are parallel)


the system has no solution NS

isolate the variable y in the first equation

y=-3x-3 -----> equation 1

isolate the variable y in the second equation

y=-3x+3 -----> equation 2

Solve the system of equations

equate equation 1 and equation 2


solve for x


0=6 ------> is not true

that means

the system has no solution (NS)

√20 - 2√5solve with using adding and subtracting radicals


the initial expression is:


so to rest them we want to have the same radical so we can rewrite the root of 20 so:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \sqrt[]{4\cdot5}-2\cdot\sqrt[]{5} \\ 2\cdot\sqrt[]{5}-2\cdot\sqrt[]{5}=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

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Review the following two paragraphs and separately add a topic sentence to help the readers understand what the paragraphs are about. Also, color-code your topic sentence in blue.1. In our society everything is used for personal attraction and social success andbreast-feeding is supposed to spoil these. What might be tempting on a Cosmopolitancover is looked down upon when the same part of the body is used for feeding (onemight remember another episode in Seinfeld in which a scantly-clad friend of Elainewalks on the road only to lead Kramer and Jerry to a car accident). Many women evenin this Feminist age still believe that breastfeeding does not have any health value for children and are worried thatbreastfeeding would only spoil their attractiveness.2. Some thinkers have argued that if men are mostly built to get financial security, womenare designed for the birth and welfare of children and thus breast-feeding is a biological necessity. Gillian Bentley, a Royal Society research fellow at the University College in London, England, argues thatwomen's breasts were meantfor feeding babies and not for any romantic purpose. Even the books on motherhood do notsuggest that breastfeeding is a personal right which has a social purpose and doing itin public is perfectly all right. In some states it is not legal to nurse a child in public, andlaw-makers fear that allowing this practice in public would allow women with exhibitionisttendency to misuse the activity (Tamaro 145). Make me a recipe using sequence words please help meee in the early 1980s the fed tightened monetary policy. over the next few years inflation a. remained high and unemployment rose. b. and unemployment rose. c. and unemployment fell. d. fell but unemployment rose temporarily. Translate the sentence into an equation Three times the sum of a number and 2 is equal to 9 Use the variable y for the unknown number Two Column Proof. If you could write it on a piece of paper and send a picture, that would be great. ratio of number of boys to girl is 5 to 4 there are 60 girls in choir how many boys are there Leah is buying titles for her bathroom. Each tile is 3/8 foot wide and covers an area that is 7/3 square feet. The bathroom floor is in the shape of a rectangle. She is putting 8 tiles along the longer wall of the bathroom and 5 tiles along the shorter wall of the bathroom. What is the perimeter of the bathroom? The bathroom and one tile are pictured below. Answer the statistical measures and create a box and whiskers plot for the following set of data.1, 1, 2, 2, 5, 6, 11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19 500 books were sold the first day it went on sale. 150 books were sold each day after that. Write an equation to represent the total number of books sold. How many books were sold after 50 days? what is 24 as a fraction or mixed number mond Baware Infinits Piscais Angles and Angle Measure Name 5.2 Cual es el resultado de efectuar (2x+5) + (x-2)(x-2)? The difference of a number and 6 is the same as 5 times the sum of the number and 2. What is the number?A 4B. -2C -1D. 1