Hurryyy Pleaseee!! :)

Which are benefits of injury prevention? Select all that apply.

increase in paid benefits from OSHA
decrease in injuries to employees
decrease in cost to employer
decrease in absenteeism
increase in productivity


Answer 1


increased productivity

Related Questions

To help meet their financial responsibilities to their child/children, noncustodial parents may be required to pay

child support.
support to husband or wife.
support to extended family members.
support to grandparents.


Answer is Child support.

Hope this helps!!


A.) Child Support


Have a great day, and make sure to take mental health breaks! :D

Which statements accurately describe how to assist an adult who is choking? Check all that apply.
* Deliver five blows to the chest.
✓ Wrap your arms around the person's waist.
* Lean the person slightly backward.
Position your fist just above the belly button.
* Press in a hard, downward motion.
✓ Repeat as necessary until the object is dislodged.
Call 9-1-1 if a person loses consciousness while choking.



2nd, 4th.8th and 9th



2. Wrap your arms around the person’s waist.

4. Position your fist just above the belly button.

6. Repeat as necessary until the object is dislodged.

7. Call 9-1-1 if a person loses consciousness while choking.

The intensity of a resistance program can be measured by which component(s)?
A:Number of repetitions
B:Number of sets
C:Weight lifted with each exercise
D: All the above


I believe is B- Number of Sets

The intensity of a resistance program is measured by ; ( B ) Number of sets

A resistance program is designed to build and strengthen the muscles found in the body through resistance and muscular contractions. to achieve the intensity required the exercise routines are broken down into sets.

And The sets used during a resistance program involves several anaerobic, endurance and weightlifting exercises. which make up the intensity of the resistance program.

Hence we can conclude that the intensity of a resistance program is measured by The number of sets

Learn more :

Tobacco advertising companies use which of the following strategies to lure people into using the product?

Glittering generalities



All the above


D). All of the above
The answer Is All of the above!

All of the following are true except:

A.There must be at least one person on site with valid course completion in CPR

B.CPR must include infant, child, and adult components

C.There must be a person with valid CPR on all field trips or transportation activities away from the center

D.The person with valid CPR does not have to be the same person that has valid FirstAid


I believe D is the correct answer


What’s the answer I can’t c


As a teen in a nuclear family, what would you expect to be on your daily chore list each day when you get home from school



take out the trash sweep do the dishes feed the dogs take out food for dinner

What food has the most useful nutrients?



I would say salmon because not all fish are created the same way


Salmon, kale, seaweed, garlic, Shellfish, potatoes, liver, sardines..

What’s your favorite book for branliest I’ll go first mine secret garden!!


Mine is Winter girl

Why is it important to have micronutrients like antioxidants, vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid?



important benefits on reducing the risk of stroke and improving the post-stroke-associated functional declines in patients who ate foods rich in micronutrients, including B vitamins. Folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12 are all cofactors in homocysteine metabolism.


B vitamins are also important for energy levels. The vitamins also provide a host of other benefits. Among other things, vitamin B6 helps keep blood sugar within a normal range, vitamin B12 protects against anemia, and folate (folic acid) helps prevent changes to your DNA that could lead to cancer

3 joint association of circulatory system​?
What are the causes of Malnutrition?
Heart is located between What?
Weight of the heart in males and females body?



3 joint association system circulatory system are platelets, pulmonary, systemic system because males & females have a 4 chambered heart system

malnutrition stems from 3rd world countries that can not produce sustainable foods such as corn, beans, rice, which all require rain & moisture. In africa, rain is scarce. In turn, crops dont grow or thrive under these conditions.

The heart is located in the upper pulmonary system between the lungs where it can gather the necessary O2 to continue life of patient. in turn, the associated cells can transport O2 throughout all the cells in the body of all mammals.

weight of the heart in male; is 289.6

weight for females is 285.1.

reason being size difference in the 2 sexes...

Why do parents tell us to wear what they what and not except what we want to wear?



honestly all I want to wear for the rest of my life is pajamas

omg ikr like wearing what i want can solve many of my problems

the scenery is eye catching what is adjective and their kind​


Answer: Eye catching is the adjective


Mary and John are choosing fish for dinner for their children. What should they choose?


Answer - talapia

What component of your blood carries oxygen?
Red blood cells
White blood cells


Red Blood Cells!!!!!!!

Find a kitchen safety video online. You can choose from such topics as knife safety, handling hot objects, or other topics. Share the video with the class, and explain why you think it is a good video. What does the video demonstrate about kitchen safety?



Video on yt ( search on the internet Ddn1W3Rp-Fk for the video source).


Food poisoning and food borne diseases are way too common and good way to keep yourself and others safe is to keep your kitchen clean and sanitizes. Keeping good personal hygiene and cleaning your kitchen prevent any diseases to be spread and overall makes your kitchen experience better. The video demonstrates the effects of not keeping clean in the kitchen and shows what you need to do in the kitchen to keep yourself and the kitchen clean.

More on sanitation and personal hygiene in the attached pdf.

An inactive student wants to become more physically active but does not think he has the time. What is the most effective thing he can do to start making physical fitness a priority?


If he needs to go to an after school club or activity he is in he can ride a bike or walk, if possible he can walk to school.

According to Erikson, which of the following is crucial to do during one’s adolescent years?

learn to love in a mature way
develop mastery in a life skill
explore interests
break away from one’s parents



Neurotic symptoms do not have the same meaning in the life of a child that they have in the ... o ego developing a mastery ... one's stage at any given


break away from one's parents


During this stage, adolescents explore their independence and develop a sense of self.

What are the benefits of practicing the Sun Salutation? *
Warms up the body
A good way to start your day
Increases flexibility and strength
All of the Above



all of the above


Cigarettes consist of 200 known poisons. true or false



it is false


The deadly chemicals in cigarettes, tobacco, the poisons in cigarettes, and the poisions in tobacco comprise over 4,000 cigarette chemicals, including many well known poisons. Cigarettes contain 43 known cancer-causing (carcinogenic) compounds and 400 other known toxins.

Cigarettes consist of 200 known poisons is a false statement. Cigarettes contain more than 7000 chemicals a more than 250 are harmful.

What are cigarettes?

Cigarettes are made from tobacco. Cigarettes are small cylindrical paper role containing tobacco used for smoking. They are harmful to health and cause cancer.

Thus, the claim that cigarettes contain 200 toxins is false.

Learn more about cigarettes


What is the difference between being addicted to drugs and alcohol? What are the similarities between the two?



When you are addicted to drugs, in most cases you are reffering to a wide range of other dealy toxicns such as crack, weed etc. Being addicted to alcohol is usally known as having a "drinking proublem " Some similarities are there both drugs which if abused can be very harmfull for you!

Similarities they are Drugs they can be harmful and getting addicted to them can be harmful. The differences are that drugs can come in many different forms. Like pills, weed, and heroin. And alcohol is a beverage

Describe, in a short paragraph, how bones and muscles work together in our bodies. (3-4 Sentences)



Muscles move body parts. Muscles can pull bones but can put them back together. Muscles stretch across our bones and are attached with tendons. Bones shape our bodies and help us to stand up straight. Muscles are attached to bones,  they help us walk and run and smile.


Muscles provide the tug on the bones needed to bend, straighten, and support joints. Muscles can pull on bones, but they can't push them back to their original position, so the muscles work in pairs of flexors and extensors. The extensor muscle relaxes and stretches as the flexor muscle contracts to bend the joint.

I hope this helps

-. Describe the process of gaseous exchange
4 points
ur answer


Gas exchange is the physical process by which gases move passively by diffusion across a surface. For example, this surface might be the air/water interface of a water body, the ... The amount of gas an organism produces (or requires) in a given time will be in ... COMEX · Helix Energy Solutions Group ... Outline · Portal ...


Gas exchange is the process of absorbing inhaled atmospheric oxygen molecules into the bloodstream and offloading carbon dioxide from the bloodstream into the atmosphere. This process is completed in the lungs through the diffusion of gases from areas of high concentration to areas of low concentration.

Hope it helps

Please mark me as the brainliest

Thank you

HELP!!! .....................



Beat Faster, And high bood pressure


Immediately after exposure to nicotine, there is a "kick" caused in part by the drug's stimulation of the adrenal glands and resulting discharge of epinephrine (adrenaline). The rush of adrenaline stimulates the body and causes an increase in blood pressure, respiration, and heart rate.

Answer: Number 3- Beat faster; High blood pressure


After testing the research that the water was full of ______ like petroleum byproducts. pollutants pollution particulates particles



B. pollutants


how should we manage biodegraphical wastes​



If you produce biodegradable waste you can send it for recycling into compost. You can treat biodegradable waste on an industrial scale by either composting or anaerobic digestion. Composting is more suitable for fibrous materials.


Anaerobic digestion is more suitable for wet wastes and sludges that degrade easily.

How do aggressive communicators usually express themselves?

They threaten others.

They keep emotions bottled inside.

They are courteous to others.

They prefer not to protest.


The correct answer is A.

It makes most sense than the others.

Hope this helps
A. They threaten others :)

If a guinea pig contains 64 chromosomes in each body cell, how many chromosomes would be produced in each cell as a result of meiosis? A. 23 B. 32 C. 46 D. 64 E. 128



B. 32


The correct answer is B.32

true or false you can physically see high chlorestoral?



The answer is true :) hope this helps




you usually have no signs or symptoms of high cholesterol.

What do nicotine replacement therapy, buproprion, and Chantix have in common?

a.They all contain small amounts of nicotine to ease cravings.

b.They all make you feel nauseated when you smoke after taking them.

c.They all require a doctor's prescription.

d.They all work to ease the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.



Wellbutrin is an antidepressant medication, which is prescribed off-label for smoking cessation. It is not clear how Wellbutrin works for smoking cessation, but we know that it helps reduce cravings and also reduces withdrawal symptoms. It is available in an immediate-release tablet (generic) as well as a sustained-release (SR) and extended-release (XL) tablet. The SR and XL formulations are both available in brand and generic. The SR is prescribed twice a day and the XL is prescribed once a day.

Why is being physically fit important to your health?


Benefits of regular physical activity
reduce your risk of a heart attack.
manage your weight better.
have a lower blood cholesterol level.
lower the risk of type 2 diabetes and some cancers.
have lower blood pressure.
have stronger bones, muscles and joints and lower risk of developing osteoporosis.
lower your risk of falls.

Here are some important things why being physical fits is important to your health
I hope this helps
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