hurry please and thank you !

What caused the power struggle between Pope Gregory VII and Henry IV?

conflict over who could choose the bishops

disagreement over who should construct monasteries

conflict over who should be crowned the next monarch

disagreement over the required amount of church donations


Answer 1


Conflict over who should choose the bishops


Answer 2
The conflict between Henry IV and Gregory VII concerned the question of who got to appoint local church officials. Henry believed that, as king, he had the right to appoint the bishops of the German church. This was known as lay investiture.

Related Questions

How did the mountains in Hawaii affect the radar at Pearl Harbor?


Okay so I’m guessing your talking about the attack on the Pearl Harbor that took place in ww11 by Japan I believe it was.
Background info:
Japan was mad at the lack of oil and new deal that they were promised but never received. So they attacked Hawaii (Pearl Harbor) And at the time, the U.S didn’t have time to worry about that because they were already dealing with Hitler and his army.

The mountains however, were blocking the radio waves from the radar. Therefore, preventing any signals of any attacks that were to come. The mountains also work heavily with gravity. (Because The higher the mountain the stronger the gravity is in that area) Meaning that since the force of gravity was messing with the radio signal waves, preventing any signals that the radar could detect

Hope this helped <3 Yw!

Which of the following was a key
impact on France due to the Hundred
Years War?
A. Nationalism surged in French society.
B. Communism gained strength in the French
C. Democracy became the system of the French
D. The monarchy system gained strength and control
in France


i would think the answer would be D

Cross-examination is the greatest legal engine for the discovery of the truth, and is commonly known as the:

a. Right to a Fair Trial

b. Right to Confront witnesses against a criminal defendant

c. Right to Due Process

d. Right to Remain Silent​





Why were Northerners opposed to the idea of popular sovereignty?


The law violated Northerners' notions of states' rights, it infringed on civil liberties in the North

Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X. What do you think are the possible benefits and shortcomings of each leader’s approach and strategy to bringing about social change during the civil rights movement? Explain your reasoning



Malcolm X challenged advocates of nonviolence and declared that blacks could not be expected to respond nonviolently when attacked.Throughout the South, whites and blacks were not equal.


In your own words briefly describe why did Rome fall.



The most straightforward theory for Western Rome's collapse pins the fall on a string of military losses sustained against outside forces. Rome had tangled with Germanic tribes for centuries, but by the 300s “barbarian” groups like the Goths had encroached beyond the Empire's borders.


In conclusion, the Roman empire fell for many reasons, but the 5 main ones were invasions by Barbarian tribes, Economic troubles, and overreliance on slave labor, Overexpansion and Military Spending, and Government corruption and political instability.


The Empire was broken in two halves by Diocletian. This split made the empire easier to control in the short run but the two halves went apart over time. Eastern and western cooperation to address external threats was not sufficient. Barbaric invasions of the West were driven by the influence of the Eastern Empire.Explanation:

How did Cesar Chavez inspire, and what was the Chicano Movement?


How did Hispanic Americans fight for civil rights?




He dedicated his life to improving the treatment, pay, and working conditions of farm workers. He also became more and more involved in the fight against racial and economic discrimination, Chavez, co-founded the National Farm Workers Association in 1962.

The Chicano Movement was a Mexican-American civil rights movement with the goal of achieving Mexican American Empowerment.

The Hispanic Americans: In Philadelphia, Chicago, and New York, Puerto Ricans held marches to protest unequal treatment.

Hope this helps! :)

In what way were President Abraham Lincoln’s and President Andrew Johnson’s Reconstruction plans similar?

A. Both reserved seats in the Congress for former Confederate war leaders.

B. Both granted voting rights to the newly freed Black people.

C. Both refused to grant amnesty to rich plantation owners from the South.

D. Both required Southerners to support the Thirteenth Amendment to abolish


It’s D hope it helped tell me if I’m wrong or right please




Discuss three causes which led to the start of World War I . Which cause was the strongest
reason the war started? Why?



The immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play (alliances, imperialism, militarism, nationalism) was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary


1. Why was the United States unable to oppose Japan in the early 1930s with a
significant military force?



They though League of Nations would compete against Japanese and racism would take power away from Japan.



will give brainiest if correct! Please no links.

Use the following definitions to answer questions 9 & 10
Similarity- tells how something is alike or the same as something else.
Difference- tells how something is not alike or not the same as something else.
9. Identify a similarity or a difference between the ideas presented in documents 1 and 2.
10. Explain a similarity or a difference in the ideas presented in these documents. Be sure to use evidence
from both documents 1 and 2 in your response.


Plz help me with mine I’m sorry

The Artides of Confederation established a strong national government. The states last most of their power.

A. True
B. False​


Answer: True.


6. Explain the purpose of the League of Nations


League of Nation helped in promoting and protecting rights of workers. It promotes the general purpose of fostering the international cooperation and maintenance of International peace and security, members of league are of sovereign states, accepted certain obligations. Thus, League of nation promotes and protects human rights.

The President of the United States lacks the power to do which of the following?
A. Appoint heads of executive agencies, federal court judges, and ambassadors
B. Pardon individuals convicted of federal crimes
C. Call Congress into special session
D. Veto specific provisions of a bill

(Confused because I thought the president could do all of these?)



The president nominates federal court judges who must be approved by congress so A is incorrect


Who appoints federal judges? Supreme Court justices, court of appeals judges, and district court judges are nominated by the President and confirmed by the United States Senate, as stated in the Constitution.

The President has the power, under Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution, to call a special session of the Congress during the current adjournment, in which the Congress now stands adjourned until January 2, 1948, unless in the meantime the President pro tempore of the Senate, the Speaker, and the majority leaders ...

To where did all the roads in the Incan empire lead?

a. the tombs
b. the capital
c. the seaside
d. the farmland



I believe it is b) the capital .


What did Otto Von Bismarck and the Meiji of Japan use to make their countries more powerful?


What movie was that can
Answer: Strong emperor

help me please its history


I believe that XIV amendment is the correct answer  hope this helps

What was Britain's goal in the Battle of Britain?



Germany wanted to invade Great Britain, but first they needed to destroy Great Britain's Royal Air Force. The Battle of Britain was when Germany bombed Great Britain in order to try and destroy their air force and prepare for invasion.

They needed to defend their land

The Treaty of Versailles after World War I resulted in independent, self-governed Middle Eastern nations, such as Syria. independent, self-governed Middle Eastern nations, such as Syria. large territorial gains for the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires. large territorial gains for the Russian and Austro-Hungarian Empires. a successful redrawing of borders around European ethnic groups. a successful redrawing of borders around European ethnic groups. the creation of new nations in eastern Europe and the Middle East.



d). the creation of new nations in eastern Europe and the middle east.


As per the question, the consequence of 'The Treaty of Versailles' post-WWI was the 'formation of new nations in the Middle East and Eastern Europe.' It is characterized as an extremely significant peace treaty because it concluded the World War. This peace agreement allowed the new alliances and the nations like Yugoslavia, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Finland, Estonia, etc. were formed on their independent lands and were allowed to have their own rule because the treaty removed the control over these nations from dominating nations. Thus, option d is the correct answer.

Who were the victims of the Shanghai massacre and who were their murders (help asap) will give Brainly if right



Chinese communists were killed by Chinese nationalists

Thenks and mark me brainliest :))0

The above answer is correct

Enslaved Africans were often used in the southern colonies of North
America to help farm crops of?



Mainly cotton but sometimes tobacco but mostly cotton

Which of these can move without being pushed or pulled?
road sign
bubble gum



kitten can't be moved or pushed

How did the crisis evoke the Monroe Doctrine?


During the Cold War era, President John F. Kennedy invoked the Monroe Doctrine. during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis, when he ordered a naval and air quarantine of Cuba after the Soviet Union began building missile-launching sites there.

The Monroe Doctrine was drafted because the U.S. government was worried that European powers would encroach on the U.S. sphere of influence by carving out colonial territories in the Americas.


the Monroe doctrine was caused by the emancipation of Spanish countries.


By the early 1820s, many Latin American countries had won their independence from Spain or Portugal, with the U.S. government recognizing the new republics of Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, and Mexico in 1822. Yet both Britain and the United States worried that the powers of continental Europe would make future attempts to restore colonial regimes in the region. Russia had also inspired concerns of imperialism, with Czar Alexander I claiming sovereignty over the territory in the Pacific Northwest and banning foreign ships from approaching that coast in 1821

What Soviet city did hitler want to capture


Stilangrad i dont know!!!!!!!

I believe the answer is Moscow

How did trade between Venice and ottoman empire helped to spark the renaissance in Italy?


Trade brought many new ideas and goods to Europe. ... During the Renaissance people began using coins to buy goods which created a money economy. Moneychangers were needed to covert one type of currency into another. Therefore, many craftspeople, merchants, and bankers became more important i society.

how did the Homestead act transform the West?​



The 1862 Homestead Act accelerated settlement of U.S. western territory by allowing any American, including freed slaves, to put in a claim for up to 160 free acres of federal land.

Monks lived and worked in ___ so that they could totally dedicate their lives to God.





Monks believe silence allows them to get closer to God.


I would say mosques im not too sure :3


Describe the Amistad



Plot. La Amistad is a slave ship transporting captured Africans from Spanish Cuba to the United States in 1839. Joseph Cinqué, a leader of the Africans, leads a mutiny and takes over the ship. The mutineers spare the lives of two Spanish navigators to help them sail the ship back to Africa.

What were the effects of the end of the Cold War on the World

•Asia: China, Korea and Vietnam

•United States
Middle East
Western Europe
Latin America



In Eastern Europe, the end of the Cold War has ushered in an era of economic growth and a large increase in the number of liberal democracies, while in other parts of the world, such as Afghanistan, independence was accompanied by state failure.


Describes he origins of the atomic bomb in the United States.


The atomic bomb was first started in the US after Albert einstein wrote a letter to our president of the time explaining that the nazis may be making an atomic bomb. the president issued a rush to the scientists studying with einstein to create the atomic bomb so they could have the upper hand against the nazis but it was instead used the first time after pearl harbor happened in the bombings of Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

I hope this helped ^^

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